Acip Sutardi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Acip Sutardi
Saat ini di Indonesia masih banyak panti asuhan yang memiliki banyak keterbatasan finansial, fasi... more Saat ini di Indonesia masih banyak panti asuhan yang memiliki banyak keterbatasan finansial, fasilitas, dan afeksi mengingat panti asuhan merupakan tempat anak yang ditinggalkan satu bahkan kedua orang tuanya. Keluarga yang tidak mampu juga kadang menitipkan anaknya di panti asuhan. Oleh karena itu, donasi dari berbagai pihak sangat diperlukan untuk menghidupi anak asuh yang jumlahnya terus bertambah seperti makan, pendidikan anak asuh, iuran listrik/air asrama dan sebagainya. Tidak sedikit juga yang berusaha mandiri sekaligus mengajarkan anak asuh agar tidak selalu mengandalkan donasi, dengan kewirausahaan secara perorangan maupun bekerja sama. Salah satu sumber dana dan donasi panti asuhan di berbagai negara maju dan berkembang berasal dari situs donasi online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi panti asuhan berbasis web sebagai sarana penggalangan donasi. Sistem dikembangkan dengan metode waterfall yang dirancang menggunakan diagram arsitektur UML kemudian ...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 2021
The purpose of this research is to solve financial problems that exist in Adem Fresh. Adem fresh ... more The purpose of this research is to solve financial problems that exist in Adem Fresh. Adem fresh is a business that provides natural products in the form of perfume, by using fermentation Adem Fresh can process fruits and vegetables into perfume seeds. Based on the analysis problems that have been carried out, the main problems for Adem Fresh are limited funds and resources. Therefore the use of capital budgeting and risk analysis is used to solve existing problems. Risk analysis is used to determine risk priorities and to reduce losses if such risks occur, while capital budgeting is used to assess whether the business is financially feasible or not. This research is structured using descriptive quantitative method, where in this study it does not prove a hypothesis but the researcher focuses on solving problems by describing solution based on existing data. The data taken in this study include financial data from Adem Fresh in 2020 and 2021, journals and books, expert opinions and ...
Advanced Science Letters, 2017
This study comprehensively examines the Paper and Pencil-based National Examination (PPNE) model,... more This study comprehensively examines the Paper and Pencil-based National Examination (PPNE) model, which has recently morphed into the Computer-based National Examination (CNE) model, whether the new program is more efficient and more effective.The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of the CNE model was also measured in this study. This research uses secondary data in the form of PPNE and CNE budget realization reports. The data period spans from 2015 to2019. The study uses ratio analysis, differential analysis, and regression analysis. The results show that the CNE is more cost efficient than the PPNE. The research also discusses the result of cost effectiveness, in which the cost effectiveness of the CNE program is nearly 100%. Lastly, the benefit–cost ratio of the CNE, which exceeds 1 since it was first implemented in 2015has shown that the CNE is more benefits than costs.
A country can be considered developing if the total number of entrepreneurs reaches 4% of the tot... more A country can be considered developing if the total number of entrepreneurs reaches 4% of the total population. Up until now, total number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia only reaches 3.31% of the total population and more than 99% of them are Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises while the rests are big corporations. SMEs give a significant contribution to the country’s economies. They contributed 58.65% to the national gross domestic product and fashion industry is awarded as the second largest contribution to the national GDP. They contribute up to 166,135.30 million rupiah to the national gross domestic product. However, starting a new business is a difficult process, especially when it comes to financing constraints. Most SMEs have limited sources to run and scaling their business. This circumstance occurs because entrepreneurs do not really know what to be concerned in deciding the financing source for their business, while financial planning and management are the important thin...
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2019
The agribusiness sector is an important sector in maintaining food stability in a country. Theref... more The agribusiness sector is an important sector in maintaining food stability in a country. Therefore, the agribusiness activities that are mostly carried out in rural areas are very important to be considered. The decline in productivity in this sector will not only cause food scarcity, but it will also cause losses and even bankruptcy for farmers. Therefore, important agribusiness competencies are required by Agribusiness actors, both those in developing and developed countries. This research was conducted with the approach of literature review data through the method of Narrative Literature Review or NLR. The aim is to analyze the findings of agribusiness competencies that affect agribusiness activities in developing and developed countries. The researcher divides the competency category based on its factors, into four categories, i.e. existing competency resources, supports competency, managerial competency, and innovation and adaptation technology competency. The findings and di...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Ma Chung, 2021
Desa Sawarna, Kecamatan Bayah merupakan desa primadona wisata pantai di Kabupaten Lebak Propinsi ... more Desa Sawarna, Kecamatan Bayah merupakan desa primadona wisata pantai di Kabupaten Lebak Propinsi Banten karena memiliki keindahan alamnya yang sangat mempesona. Pelaku UMKM bermunculan melengkapi kesempurnaan sarana wisata pantai, seperti rumah makan, kafe, gerai oleh-oleh, jasa transportasi, jasa penginapan, jasa pemandu wisata, dan jasa persewaan kendaraan. Era new normal menjadi garis awal para pelaku UMKM untuk kembali menggerakkan roda bisnisnya, dengan menyiapkan diri masuk ke platform digital. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan menyiapkan UMKM wisata pantai untuk menerapkan model pemasaran dan pembukuan berbasis digital sehingga pemasaran meluas, jarak mendekat, transaksi cepat, dan pengambilan keputusan tepat. Tim LPPM ITB bekerja sama dengan POKDARWIS Desa Sawarna mengadakan pelatihan dan pembinaan digitalisasi bisnis dengan metode pendekatan individu dan kelompok. Survey awal sebelum pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa UMKM wisata pantai Desa Sawarna masih memiliki ...
Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset), 2017
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
Low access to credit in the agricultural sector is also caused by problems of agricultural sector... more Low access to credit in the agricultural sector is also caused by problems of agricultural sector actors (especially farmers) and financial institutions. Farmers are still having difficulty in accessing credit (accessibility and unbankable) and the limited financial institutions that channel credit to the agricultural sector. Therefore, the government must issue a policy in growing the agricultural sector, especially in anticipation of access credit constraints by farmers. The agricultural sector as a high-risk business, therefore formal institutions are less interested in financing the agricultural sector on the grounds of high transaction costs, asymmetric information, low profits, lack of collateral, education of farmers is relatively low. In addition, most banks do not want to finance agriculture due to fluctuating production and uncontrolled price risk. While the constraints of the farmers in obtaining formal credit is a complex procedure, there should be collateral as well as ...
European Journal of Business and Management Research, 2019
Plus Size is strongly associated with Obesity and it results special needs and specifications. Fo... more Plus Size is strongly associated with Obesity and it results special needs and specifications. For Plus Size fashion business, the plus-size clothing has been a very attractive. However, dissatisfaction was greatest related to the large-size group when studying size availability, then the problem is not just that but rather be like with the shopping environment. So that, cost and profitability of companies are big issues and the company needs to have effective cost from manufacturing without neglecting product quality but still gaining high profitability. This research is aimed to explore consumer’s concern in plus size fashion business, therefore to project cost and profitability focused in male plus size pants business according to consumer’s concern. This research only focuses on male plus size consumer aged more than equal 18 – 60 years old in Bandung City using direct deep interview for plus size user. Using five variables understanding of “Plus Size Fashion”, consumer’s buying...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
This study aims to measure the entrepreneurship capability and its influence on business growth i... more This study aims to measure the entrepreneurship capability and its influence on business growth in the fish processing industry which is a supporter of the culinary industry. There are three dimensions of entrepreneurship capability included in the model: entrepreneurial skills, management skills, and technical skills, with each factor. The research was conducted in fish production center in West Java Indonesia, in 2017. The research method used was survey method by Two-Stage Cluster Random sampling technique; and used primary and secondary data. Data analysis technique used Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) to measure business growth, and Structural Equation Model (SEM) to analyze the influence of entrepreneurship on business growth. The results showed that communication, ability to take risk, innovative, change-oriented, persistent, proactiveness, committed, planning and goal setting, decision making, motivating, marketing, inner control, design, environment observation, critical...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
This research aims to find out the potential of natural resources that have comparative advantage... more This research aims to find out the potential of natural resources that have comparative advantage, and determine the growth centres formulation to build and accelerate of agribusiness development. Furthermore, to compile the strategy of regional developmentoriented agribusiness. The research location was carried out in Cirebon Regency that potential for agribusiness development.The method used case study in cross sectional. The study focused on the physical aspects of the potential of the region, and socioeconomic aspects. Data were primary and secondary data. Data collection method performed throught interviews and study of literatures. The data collected were analyzed by analysis potential business activity, growth centres analysis, and SWOT analysis.. The results of research are that Cirebon Regency devided 4 regions of business activity. Region I is Kapetakan Subdistrict as growth centre, Region II is Plumbon and Cirebon Barat Sub-district as growth centre, Region III is Sumber Sub-district as growth centre, and Region IV is Ciledug Subdistrict as growth centre. Need to create innovation which ensure linkages inter the growth centres through the development of integrated business networks such as developing of market centres in the area of growth centres, and making more linkages inter regional by developing of commercial production centres.
Jurnal Teknologi, 2013
MSEs have a strategic role in the Indonesian economy. MSEs face some obstacles that do not provid... more MSEs have a strategic role in the Indonesian economy. MSEs face some obstacles that do not provide optimal role in the economic development. Internal problem, MSEs operate only with limited capital and external problem is the absence of financial institutions that can lend capital to all MSEs. This paper is a study of literature with a case study on MSEs in Indonesia by Indonesian standard industrial classification codes. Data were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Indonesian Islamic Banking Statistics. Data were analyzed with descriptive comparatif on frequency of five variables of MSE. Conclusions and implication, it is necessary MFIs are close physically and psychologically with MSEs, friendly, easy and fast in process of lending, growing from initiative of MSEs, by MSEs and for MSEs community, and operate in accordance with the traditional values of indigenous people of Indonesia. These MFIs are MFIs profit sharing pattern. MFIs profit sharing pattern which should be developed are MFIs that have a good track record. For the sustainability of MFIs activities, the government needs to help increase funding MFIs in the form of grant and loan.
The International Journal of Business & Management, 2020
This research focuses on the SINI Company. SINI Company is a device tracker technology-driven sta... more This research focuses on the SINI Company. SINI Company is a device tracker technology-driven startup company. SINI Device Tracker is proposed to customers that are travelers and entrepreneurs who are often losing their products. SINI came up with a market solution that is a device tracker linked by application to the smartphone. The app is connected to the device now already out for Android users, and SINI is currently developing the application for iOS users. Currently, SINI has invested a high amount of investment in research and development for products. According to the paper report, more than 36 percent of business companies use a quantitative risk assessment, only 4 percent do not measure risk, and the remaining 60 percent only analyze risk subjectively (Schall, Sundem, & Geijsbeek, Survey and Analysis of Capital Budgeting Methods, 1978). The paper also examines the findings of such surveys to determine whether the risk present in a company's environment contributes to the use of different methods of capital budgeting (Schall & Sundem, Capital Budgeting Methods and Risk: A Further Analysis, 1986). Analysis of capital budgeting is a method of refining the knowledge to generate the most relevant considerations for a financial planner in charge of selecting investment opportunities (Durand, 1986). Capital budgeting is a fundamental and used as a method for organizing, managing, and allocating scarce resources to competing demands everywhere. Capital budgeting is an integral part of financial planning and decision-making as capital budgeting resources contribute to a better decision and can support the selection of particular investments among competitive alternatives (Kengatharan, 2016) 1.1. Problem Statement Investment projects are subject to different types of risks that can affect the beneficiary's expected performance. The influences that come from the external environment, as well as the endogenous factors unique to the investment objective's organizational and functional structure, may have a different manifestation in time than initially anticipated, and thus the more significant the variations found, the higher the project's risk of failing to make sure that the intended outcomes are achieved (Burja & Burja, 2009) SINI Company is currently at the development stage. Given the fact, SINI is projecting a high amount of Investment Projection and those investments invested without risk analysis. There's a possibility that SINI has a high-risk value, and it can be a loss for the company. Therefore, SINI Company needs to analyze capital budgeting to measure and guide SINI Company's Investment Decisions to define the financial profitability of any investment project. SINI needs to have guidelines for considering further investment based on an analysis.
Saat ini di Indonesia masih banyak panti asuhan yang memiliki banyak keterbatasan finansial, fasi... more Saat ini di Indonesia masih banyak panti asuhan yang memiliki banyak keterbatasan finansial, fasilitas, dan afeksi mengingat panti asuhan merupakan tempat anak yang ditinggalkan satu bahkan kedua orang tuanya. Keluarga yang tidak mampu juga kadang menitipkan anaknya di panti asuhan. Oleh karena itu, donasi dari berbagai pihak sangat diperlukan untuk menghidupi anak asuh yang jumlahnya terus bertambah seperti makan, pendidikan anak asuh, iuran listrik/air asrama dan sebagainya. Tidak sedikit juga yang berusaha mandiri sekaligus mengajarkan anak asuh agar tidak selalu mengandalkan donasi, dengan kewirausahaan secara perorangan maupun bekerja sama. Salah satu sumber dana dan donasi panti asuhan di berbagai negara maju dan berkembang berasal dari situs donasi online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi panti asuhan berbasis web sebagai sarana penggalangan donasi. Sistem dikembangkan dengan metode waterfall yang dirancang menggunakan diagram arsitektur UML kemudian ...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 2021
The purpose of this research is to solve financial problems that exist in Adem Fresh. Adem fresh ... more The purpose of this research is to solve financial problems that exist in Adem Fresh. Adem fresh is a business that provides natural products in the form of perfume, by using fermentation Adem Fresh can process fruits and vegetables into perfume seeds. Based on the analysis problems that have been carried out, the main problems for Adem Fresh are limited funds and resources. Therefore the use of capital budgeting and risk analysis is used to solve existing problems. Risk analysis is used to determine risk priorities and to reduce losses if such risks occur, while capital budgeting is used to assess whether the business is financially feasible or not. This research is structured using descriptive quantitative method, where in this study it does not prove a hypothesis but the researcher focuses on solving problems by describing solution based on existing data. The data taken in this study include financial data from Adem Fresh in 2020 and 2021, journals and books, expert opinions and ...
Advanced Science Letters, 2017
This study comprehensively examines the Paper and Pencil-based National Examination (PPNE) model,... more This study comprehensively examines the Paper and Pencil-based National Examination (PPNE) model, which has recently morphed into the Computer-based National Examination (CNE) model, whether the new program is more efficient and more effective.The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of the CNE model was also measured in this study. This research uses secondary data in the form of PPNE and CNE budget realization reports. The data period spans from 2015 to2019. The study uses ratio analysis, differential analysis, and regression analysis. The results show that the CNE is more cost efficient than the PPNE. The research also discusses the result of cost effectiveness, in which the cost effectiveness of the CNE program is nearly 100%. Lastly, the benefit–cost ratio of the CNE, which exceeds 1 since it was first implemented in 2015has shown that the CNE is more benefits than costs.
A country can be considered developing if the total number of entrepreneurs reaches 4% of the tot... more A country can be considered developing if the total number of entrepreneurs reaches 4% of the total population. Up until now, total number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia only reaches 3.31% of the total population and more than 99% of them are Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises while the rests are big corporations. SMEs give a significant contribution to the country’s economies. They contributed 58.65% to the national gross domestic product and fashion industry is awarded as the second largest contribution to the national GDP. They contribute up to 166,135.30 million rupiah to the national gross domestic product. However, starting a new business is a difficult process, especially when it comes to financing constraints. Most SMEs have limited sources to run and scaling their business. This circumstance occurs because entrepreneurs do not really know what to be concerned in deciding the financing source for their business, while financial planning and management are the important thin...
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2019
The agribusiness sector is an important sector in maintaining food stability in a country. Theref... more The agribusiness sector is an important sector in maintaining food stability in a country. Therefore, the agribusiness activities that are mostly carried out in rural areas are very important to be considered. The decline in productivity in this sector will not only cause food scarcity, but it will also cause losses and even bankruptcy for farmers. Therefore, important agribusiness competencies are required by Agribusiness actors, both those in developing and developed countries. This research was conducted with the approach of literature review data through the method of Narrative Literature Review or NLR. The aim is to analyze the findings of agribusiness competencies that affect agribusiness activities in developing and developed countries. The researcher divides the competency category based on its factors, into four categories, i.e. existing competency resources, supports competency, managerial competency, and innovation and adaptation technology competency. The findings and di...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Ma Chung, 2021
Desa Sawarna, Kecamatan Bayah merupakan desa primadona wisata pantai di Kabupaten Lebak Propinsi ... more Desa Sawarna, Kecamatan Bayah merupakan desa primadona wisata pantai di Kabupaten Lebak Propinsi Banten karena memiliki keindahan alamnya yang sangat mempesona. Pelaku UMKM bermunculan melengkapi kesempurnaan sarana wisata pantai, seperti rumah makan, kafe, gerai oleh-oleh, jasa transportasi, jasa penginapan, jasa pemandu wisata, dan jasa persewaan kendaraan. Era new normal menjadi garis awal para pelaku UMKM untuk kembali menggerakkan roda bisnisnya, dengan menyiapkan diri masuk ke platform digital. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan menyiapkan UMKM wisata pantai untuk menerapkan model pemasaran dan pembukuan berbasis digital sehingga pemasaran meluas, jarak mendekat, transaksi cepat, dan pengambilan keputusan tepat. Tim LPPM ITB bekerja sama dengan POKDARWIS Desa Sawarna mengadakan pelatihan dan pembinaan digitalisasi bisnis dengan metode pendekatan individu dan kelompok. Survey awal sebelum pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa UMKM wisata pantai Desa Sawarna masih memiliki ...
Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset), 2017
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
Low access to credit in the agricultural sector is also caused by problems of agricultural sector... more Low access to credit in the agricultural sector is also caused by problems of agricultural sector actors (especially farmers) and financial institutions. Farmers are still having difficulty in accessing credit (accessibility and unbankable) and the limited financial institutions that channel credit to the agricultural sector. Therefore, the government must issue a policy in growing the agricultural sector, especially in anticipation of access credit constraints by farmers. The agricultural sector as a high-risk business, therefore formal institutions are less interested in financing the agricultural sector on the grounds of high transaction costs, asymmetric information, low profits, lack of collateral, education of farmers is relatively low. In addition, most banks do not want to finance agriculture due to fluctuating production and uncontrolled price risk. While the constraints of the farmers in obtaining formal credit is a complex procedure, there should be collateral as well as ...
European Journal of Business and Management Research, 2019
Plus Size is strongly associated with Obesity and it results special needs and specifications. Fo... more Plus Size is strongly associated with Obesity and it results special needs and specifications. For Plus Size fashion business, the plus-size clothing has been a very attractive. However, dissatisfaction was greatest related to the large-size group when studying size availability, then the problem is not just that but rather be like with the shopping environment. So that, cost and profitability of companies are big issues and the company needs to have effective cost from manufacturing without neglecting product quality but still gaining high profitability. This research is aimed to explore consumer’s concern in plus size fashion business, therefore to project cost and profitability focused in male plus size pants business according to consumer’s concern. This research only focuses on male plus size consumer aged more than equal 18 – 60 years old in Bandung City using direct deep interview for plus size user. Using five variables understanding of “Plus Size Fashion”, consumer’s buying...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
This study aims to measure the entrepreneurship capability and its influence on business growth i... more This study aims to measure the entrepreneurship capability and its influence on business growth in the fish processing industry which is a supporter of the culinary industry. There are three dimensions of entrepreneurship capability included in the model: entrepreneurial skills, management skills, and technical skills, with each factor. The research was conducted in fish production center in West Java Indonesia, in 2017. The research method used was survey method by Two-Stage Cluster Random sampling technique; and used primary and secondary data. Data analysis technique used Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) to measure business growth, and Structural Equation Model (SEM) to analyze the influence of entrepreneurship on business growth. The results showed that communication, ability to take risk, innovative, change-oriented, persistent, proactiveness, committed, planning and goal setting, decision making, motivating, marketing, inner control, design, environment observation, critical...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
This research aims to find out the potential of natural resources that have comparative advantage... more This research aims to find out the potential of natural resources that have comparative advantage, and determine the growth centres formulation to build and accelerate of agribusiness development. Furthermore, to compile the strategy of regional developmentoriented agribusiness. The research location was carried out in Cirebon Regency that potential for agribusiness development.The method used case study in cross sectional. The study focused on the physical aspects of the potential of the region, and socioeconomic aspects. Data were primary and secondary data. Data collection method performed throught interviews and study of literatures. The data collected were analyzed by analysis potential business activity, growth centres analysis, and SWOT analysis.. The results of research are that Cirebon Regency devided 4 regions of business activity. Region I is Kapetakan Subdistrict as growth centre, Region II is Plumbon and Cirebon Barat Sub-district as growth centre, Region III is Sumber Sub-district as growth centre, and Region IV is Ciledug Subdistrict as growth centre. Need to create innovation which ensure linkages inter the growth centres through the development of integrated business networks such as developing of market centres in the area of growth centres, and making more linkages inter regional by developing of commercial production centres.
Jurnal Teknologi, 2013
MSEs have a strategic role in the Indonesian economy. MSEs face some obstacles that do not provid... more MSEs have a strategic role in the Indonesian economy. MSEs face some obstacles that do not provide optimal role in the economic development. Internal problem, MSEs operate only with limited capital and external problem is the absence of financial institutions that can lend capital to all MSEs. This paper is a study of literature with a case study on MSEs in Indonesia by Indonesian standard industrial classification codes. Data were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Indonesian Islamic Banking Statistics. Data were analyzed with descriptive comparatif on frequency of five variables of MSE. Conclusions and implication, it is necessary MFIs are close physically and psychologically with MSEs, friendly, easy and fast in process of lending, growing from initiative of MSEs, by MSEs and for MSEs community, and operate in accordance with the traditional values of indigenous people of Indonesia. These MFIs are MFIs profit sharing pattern. MFIs profit sharing pattern which should be developed are MFIs that have a good track record. For the sustainability of MFIs activities, the government needs to help increase funding MFIs in the form of grant and loan.
The International Journal of Business & Management, 2020
This research focuses on the SINI Company. SINI Company is a device tracker technology-driven sta... more This research focuses on the SINI Company. SINI Company is a device tracker technology-driven startup company. SINI Device Tracker is proposed to customers that are travelers and entrepreneurs who are often losing their products. SINI came up with a market solution that is a device tracker linked by application to the smartphone. The app is connected to the device now already out for Android users, and SINI is currently developing the application for iOS users. Currently, SINI has invested a high amount of investment in research and development for products. According to the paper report, more than 36 percent of business companies use a quantitative risk assessment, only 4 percent do not measure risk, and the remaining 60 percent only analyze risk subjectively (Schall, Sundem, & Geijsbeek, Survey and Analysis of Capital Budgeting Methods, 1978). The paper also examines the findings of such surveys to determine whether the risk present in a company's environment contributes to the use of different methods of capital budgeting (Schall & Sundem, Capital Budgeting Methods and Risk: A Further Analysis, 1986). Analysis of capital budgeting is a method of refining the knowledge to generate the most relevant considerations for a financial planner in charge of selecting investment opportunities (Durand, 1986). Capital budgeting is a fundamental and used as a method for organizing, managing, and allocating scarce resources to competing demands everywhere. Capital budgeting is an integral part of financial planning and decision-making as capital budgeting resources contribute to a better decision and can support the selection of particular investments among competitive alternatives (Kengatharan, 2016) 1.1. Problem Statement Investment projects are subject to different types of risks that can affect the beneficiary's expected performance. The influences that come from the external environment, as well as the endogenous factors unique to the investment objective's organizational and functional structure, may have a different manifestation in time than initially anticipated, and thus the more significant the variations found, the higher the project's risk of failing to make sure that the intended outcomes are achieved (Burja & Burja, 2009) SINI Company is currently at the development stage. Given the fact, SINI is projecting a high amount of Investment Projection and those investments invested without risk analysis. There's a possibility that SINI has a high-risk value, and it can be a loss for the company. Therefore, SINI Company needs to analyze capital budgeting to measure and guide SINI Company's Investment Decisions to define the financial profitability of any investment project. SINI needs to have guidelines for considering further investment based on an analysis.