Adam Rogala-Lewicki - (original) (raw)
Papers by Adam Rogala-Lewicki
Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
Norway – a northern country with a huge territory and proportionately small population, with impr... more Norway – a northern country with a huge territory and proportionately small population, with impressive resources, is a graceful example of the use of new technologies in the process of building an open and transparent information society. In Scandinavia, doctrine of open government was born, and the very first legislative regulations of access to public information was implemented. It’s Norway, as one of three countries, alongside with the United Kingdom and the United States, where the first time in the history technological web – the Internet – linked international community. Norway was taken as a example to diagnose the transition of modern societies from the model of representative democracy to the model of information democracy, as well as a shift from the public attitude of access request – requiring the involvement of citizen, to an attitude of free publication. Finally, in this country one can observe one of the most advanced e-government and e-voting systems. Hence, countr...
Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
New types of threats confronts the authorities responsible for the safety with new tasks. The unp... more New types of threats confronts the authorities responsible for the safety with new tasks. The unpredictability of social processes, multiversity, differentiation of structures. The catalogue of challenges is wide. Various models of political and economic states where the secret services are affiliated affects their architecture (intelligence, counterintelligence, civil and military division). The factors determining their structure are mainly: political regime, administrative tradition, historical factors, political and legal culture. It is recognized that the agencies meet at least one of the following functions (usually by combining them): process (as the law enforcement agencies of major crimes for example: American FBI, Polish ABW, or Russian FSB), protective and control (counterintelligence in particular for the protection of confidential information resources), information (the process of gathering information, analyzing it and delivering the finished product to the decison-ma...
Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
Classified methods of obtaining information should be secured with a higher degree of caution and... more Classified methods of obtaining information should be secured with a higher degree of caution and civil supervision. The paradox of Western democracies is that officially human rights are at the epicenter of the legal system, but in reality, covert techniques for obtaining data about citizens are complex and used to such an extent that they clearly disregard the universal right to privacy. In order to recognize the secret activity of intelligence services as compliant with the requirements of a democratic rule of law, there must be an adequate legal protection tools that will allow effective counteracting information arbitrariness. Meanwhile, the cases of recent years indicate the dominant trend of extending the sphere of competences of state services in the field of obtaining data (most often under the guise of ensuring security) with interference to the private domain of citizens.
Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
The year 2022 is a good time to summarize Polish battles for a better life, a better country and ... more The year 2022 is a good time to summarize Polish battles for a better life, a better country and respect from others1. Certainly, few people remember that in 1989 Poland was one of the poorest countries in Europe at that time. The state – bankrupt in the period of the political transformation – could boast a GDP per capita of approx. 6 000 .OnlyRomaniawasinaworseposition.BulgariaatthattimehadaGDPpercapitaof. Only Romania was in a worse position. Bulgaria at that time had a GDP per capita of .OnlyRomaniawasinaworseposition.BulgariaatthattimehadaGDPpercapitaof 7,330. In Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia well over 8,000 .FromtheCzechs,withtheirGDPof11,000. From the Czechs, with their GDP of 11,000 .FromtheCzechs,withtheirGDPof11,000, there was a civilization gap. Needless to say, Poland’s GDP was dramatic compared to the average of the European Communities, accounting for only 38% of the average GDP of the European Community. The average Pole lived at a level slightly exceeding 1⁄3 of the average European on the west of the Elbe. In relation to the Dutch or the Swedes, this disproportion was even greater. Compared to the citizen of Luxembourg, the average Pole was at t...
Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna, 2018
The subject of special services, in spite of being one of the most tantalising and mysterious sph... more The subject of special services, in spite of being one of the most tantalising and mysterious spheres of human activity, remains a poorly implemented research challenge. This statement is particularly important in the light of the shortage of scientific studies. However, as shown by numerous examples from the political history of the world, special services have a significant position in modelling the socio-political reality. Regardless of the degree of their involvement in the processes of decision making, the model of organisation, and finally the controversy that accompanies their operations – special forces have been and will remain an important designatum of the fields of social activity and the space of the analysis of interested researchers. It should be noted, however, that the overwhelming majority of authors do not regard this form of activity as a separate field of science. An exception is Abram Shulsky’s position, who calls intelligence a universal social science, the ai...
Przegląd Geopolityczny, 2017
Od lat '90 ubiegłego wieku trwa w Europie proces intensywnej konsolidacji sektora zbrojeniowego, ... more Od lat '90 ubiegłego wieku trwa w Europie proces intensywnej konsolidacji sektora zbrojeniowego, początkowo na poziomie krajowym a później międzynarodowym, w celu ograniczenia fragmentacji rynku, biurokracji, zwiększenia potencjału, oraz zmniejszenia kosztów. Przejawem tego procesu jest powstawanie wielkich koncernów, takich jak Airbus Group, koncern MBDA, AgustaWestland, i spółka KNDS. Równolegle trwa proces integracji na poziomie międzynarodowo-prawnym. W 1996 roku podpisano porozumienie w sprawie utworzenia Organizacji Połączonej Współpracy w Dziedzinie Uzbrojenia (OCCAR). Przełomem było także utworzenie w 2004 roku Europejskiej Agencji Obrony, ustalającej jednolite standardy rynku wewnętrznego, zamówień publicznych i transferów. W 2016 roku Komisja Europejska opublikowała komunikat w sprawie przyjęcia Europejskiego Planu Działania na rzecz Obronności. Komisja zamierza budować Europejski Rynek Sprzętu Wojskowego oraz powołać Europejski Fundusz Obronny. Działania te wskazują na kształtowanie się zjawiska "dwóch prędkości", z czołówką państw zdecydowanych na większą integrację w dziedzinie obronności.
Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
Norway – a northern country with a huge territory and proportionately small population, with impr... more Norway – a northern country with a huge territory and proportionately small population, with impressive resources, is a graceful example of the use of new technologies in the process of building an open and transparent information society. In Scandinavia, doctrine of open government was born, and the very first legislative regulations of access to public information was implemented. It’s Norway, as one of three countries, alongside with the United Kingdom and the United States, where the first time in the history technological web – the Internet – linked international community. Norway was taken as a example to diagnose the transition of modern societies from the model of representative democracy to the model of information democracy, as well as a shift from the public attitude of access request – requiring the involvement of citizen, to an attitude of free publication. Finally, in this country one can observe one of the most advanced e-government and e-voting systems. Hence, countr...
Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
New types of threats confronts the authorities responsible for the safety with new tasks. The unp... more New types of threats confronts the authorities responsible for the safety with new tasks. The unpredictability of social processes, multiversity, differentiation of structures. The catalogue of challenges is wide. Various models of political and economic states where the secret services are affiliated affects their architecture (intelligence, counterintelligence, civil and military division). The factors determining their structure are mainly: political regime, administrative tradition, historical factors, political and legal culture. It is recognized that the agencies meet at least one of the following functions (usually by combining them): process (as the law enforcement agencies of major crimes for example: American FBI, Polish ABW, or Russian FSB), protective and control (counterintelligence in particular for the protection of confidential information resources), information (the process of gathering information, analyzing it and delivering the finished product to the decison-ma...
Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
Classified methods of obtaining information should be secured with a higher degree of caution and... more Classified methods of obtaining information should be secured with a higher degree of caution and civil supervision. The paradox of Western democracies is that officially human rights are at the epicenter of the legal system, but in reality, covert techniques for obtaining data about citizens are complex and used to such an extent that they clearly disregard the universal right to privacy. In order to recognize the secret activity of intelligence services as compliant with the requirements of a democratic rule of law, there must be an adequate legal protection tools that will allow effective counteracting information arbitrariness. Meanwhile, the cases of recent years indicate the dominant trend of extending the sphere of competences of state services in the field of obtaining data (most often under the guise of ensuring security) with interference to the private domain of citizens.
Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
The year 2022 is a good time to summarize Polish battles for a better life, a better country and ... more The year 2022 is a good time to summarize Polish battles for a better life, a better country and respect from others1. Certainly, few people remember that in 1989 Poland was one of the poorest countries in Europe at that time. The state – bankrupt in the period of the political transformation – could boast a GDP per capita of approx. 6 000 .OnlyRomaniawasinaworseposition.BulgariaatthattimehadaGDPpercapitaof. Only Romania was in a worse position. Bulgaria at that time had a GDP per capita of .OnlyRomaniawasinaworseposition.BulgariaatthattimehadaGDPpercapitaof 7,330. In Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia well over 8,000 .FromtheCzechs,withtheirGDPof11,000. From the Czechs, with their GDP of 11,000 .FromtheCzechs,withtheirGDPof11,000, there was a civilization gap. Needless to say, Poland’s GDP was dramatic compared to the average of the European Communities, accounting for only 38% of the average GDP of the European Community. The average Pole lived at a level slightly exceeding 1⁄3 of the average European on the west of the Elbe. In relation to the Dutch or the Swedes, this disproportion was even greater. Compared to the citizen of Luxembourg, the average Pole was at t...
Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna, 2018
The subject of special services, in spite of being one of the most tantalising and mysterious sph... more The subject of special services, in spite of being one of the most tantalising and mysterious spheres of human activity, remains a poorly implemented research challenge. This statement is particularly important in the light of the shortage of scientific studies. However, as shown by numerous examples from the political history of the world, special services have a significant position in modelling the socio-political reality. Regardless of the degree of their involvement in the processes of decision making, the model of organisation, and finally the controversy that accompanies their operations – special forces have been and will remain an important designatum of the fields of social activity and the space of the analysis of interested researchers. It should be noted, however, that the overwhelming majority of authors do not regard this form of activity as a separate field of science. An exception is Abram Shulsky’s position, who calls intelligence a universal social science, the ai...
Przegląd Geopolityczny, 2017
Od lat '90 ubiegłego wieku trwa w Europie proces intensywnej konsolidacji sektora zbrojeniowego, ... more Od lat '90 ubiegłego wieku trwa w Europie proces intensywnej konsolidacji sektora zbrojeniowego, początkowo na poziomie krajowym a później międzynarodowym, w celu ograniczenia fragmentacji rynku, biurokracji, zwiększenia potencjału, oraz zmniejszenia kosztów. Przejawem tego procesu jest powstawanie wielkich koncernów, takich jak Airbus Group, koncern MBDA, AgustaWestland, i spółka KNDS. Równolegle trwa proces integracji na poziomie międzynarodowo-prawnym. W 1996 roku podpisano porozumienie w sprawie utworzenia Organizacji Połączonej Współpracy w Dziedzinie Uzbrojenia (OCCAR). Przełomem było także utworzenie w 2004 roku Europejskiej Agencji Obrony, ustalającej jednolite standardy rynku wewnętrznego, zamówień publicznych i transferów. W 2016 roku Komisja Europejska opublikowała komunikat w sprawie przyjęcia Europejskiego Planu Działania na rzecz Obronności. Komisja zamierza budować Europejski Rynek Sprzętu Wojskowego oraz powołać Europejski Fundusz Obronny. Działania te wskazują na kształtowanie się zjawiska "dwóch prędkości", z czołówką państw zdecydowanych na większą integrację w dziedzinie obronności.