Ade Mulyanah - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ade Mulyanah

Research paper thumbnail of Centripetal and centrifugal interconnection on hotel and restaurant linguistic landscape of Bali, Indonesia

Cogent Arts & Humanities

The existence of foreign languages, Indonesian-the national language, and Balinese-the local lang... more The existence of foreign languages, Indonesian-the national language, and Balinese-the local language, on public signs of hotels and restaurants in Bali indexes the interconnection between the centrifugal and centripetal force of the multilingual situation. This study aims to map and analyze the language distribution and the interconnection between centripetal and centrifugal forces on the hotel and restaurant commercial signs in three Bali tourist sites: Candidasa, Ubud, and Lovina. Interview and observation methods with photograph-taking techniques were implemented to gather the data. Four hundred and twenty-six photographs of the hotel and restaurant public signs were captured for the study subjects. The data were presented using linguistic landscape design on language distribution (monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual) and then to be analyzed using Bakhtin’s theory on centripetal and centrifugal forces. The findings revealed that English dominated other languages in monolingual signs that indexes centrifugalism. The interconnection exists in bilingual and multilingual signs. Hotels and restaurants of various types put Indonesian and Balinese words on their signs, along with the massive use of English. The interconnection is scrutinized through three layers of analysis; multimodality, signage relation to social emplacement, and indexicality levels. The mixture of fixed centralizing and fluid decentralizing force on the signs seems unavoidable because of linguistic and semiotic commodification and political reasons. Further, it manifests glocalization, which combines international, national, and Balinese local identities. Subjects: Bilingualism & Multilingualism; Interdisciplinary Language Studies; Semiotics Keywords: Linguistic landscape; interconnection; centripetal; centrifugal; Balinese; Indonesian

Research paper thumbnail of Need Analysis of Indonesian Language Training Materials for Foreign Workers Using the Communicative Method

English Review: Journal of English Education

There is no standardization of Indonesian language education and training for foreign workers (TK... more There is no standardization of Indonesian language education and training for foreign workers (TKA), resulting in no training model that suits the needs of students. Therefore, this study aims to (1) describe the current condition of Indonesian language training for foreign workers by the Manpower Office; (2) identify Indonesian language training needs for foreign workers. The Ministry of Manpower has issued various regulations in this regard. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method through a communicative approach. The communicative approach forms the basis of the training model that will be developed because their main goal in learning Indonesian is to be able to communicate in their work environment. The data collection techniques used were interviews, surveys, and literature studies. The subject of this study is data on foreign workers in the Kepulauan Riau Province. The results of the study reveal two findings. Firstly, an overview of the current condition of Indonesi...

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Literature Review: Entrepreneurship Learning in Higher Education


This research aims to look at entrepreneurship learning in higher education. The author concludes... more This research aims to look at entrepreneurship learning in higher education. The author concludes that: 1) The parties involved and contributing to the success of entrepreneurship learning are students, educators, entrepreneur practitioners, and the community. 2) The involvement of the four parties is conceptualized in a combination of learning which includes field survey activities, literature studies, the involvement of practitioners, portfolio preparation, and field practice. The study contributed to the development of entrepreneurship education in higher education, to produce a proud outcome.

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Character: Evidence from Indonesia


Entrepreneurship education is to be a solution to the unemployment problem. Entrepreneurial chara... more Entrepreneurship education is to be a solution to the unemployment problem. Entrepreneurial character is for someone to act as an entrepreneur. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the instrument of entrepreneurship character among students from various universities in Indonesia who adopt entrepreneurship education in the curriculum. The research focused on the operational process of entrepreneurial characteristics of 23 dimensions. The subjects of this study were 357 undergraduate students attending entrepreneurship education. Psychometry is the research method, and SPSS and AMOS-assisted factor analysis to analyze the results. The results showed that there was one indicator (Kbtp 10) that dropped in the factor analysis because it did not meet the requirements (0.486 < 0.5). For EFA calculation, two (2) dimensions dropped because they were accommodated in other dimensions/indicators and did not meet the calculation requirements. In the end, five (5) new dimensions represent ...

Research paper thumbnail of Culture Value: Predictors of Preceptor Success for Quality Nursing Students


One of the essential facts about the not optimal performance of the preceptors is that cultural f... more One of the essential facts about the not optimal performance of the preceptors is that cultural factors are not in the process of preceptors because culture is a determinant of the nature of decisions that in life, and the value system of cultural elements directly influences individual behavior. Cultural values have a close relationship with performance. This study aims to analyze the influence of cultural values on preceptor performance. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study were all professional nursing students at the Health College of Lampung Province. Samples using a simple random sampling technique to meet the feasibility of SEM analysis. Based on the results of the calculation of Cultural Value (CV) has a direct effect on Preceptor Performance (PP) of 1.30. This study concludes that there is a positive influence of cultural values on preceptor performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Nama Tempat yang Berhubungan Dengan Air : Tinjauan Antropolinguistik

Balai Bahasa Bandung, 2008

Manusia merupakan makhluk budaya. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa kebudayaan merupakan ukuran... more Manusia merupakan makhluk budaya. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa kebudayaan merupakan ukuran dalam hidup dan tingkah laku manusia. Dalam kebudayaan tercakup hal-hal mengenai tanggapan manusia terhadap dunia, lingkungan, masyarakat, serta nilai-nilai yang menjadi landasan pokok hidup. Koentjaraningrat (1985:2) menyatakan bahwa isi yang sebenarnya dari budaya manusia terdiri atas tujuh unsur yang disebut sebagai unsur-unsur universal kebudayaan. Unsur-unsur universal kebudayaan tersebut ialah (I) sistem religi dan upacara keagamaan, (2) sistem dan organisasi kemasyarakatan, (3) sistem pengetahuan, (4) bahasa, (5) kesenian, (6) sistem mata pencaharian hid up, dan (7) sistem teknologi dan peralatan. Dunia ini penuh dengan nama yang diberikan oleh manusia, di antaranya ialah nama benda, nama diri, nama tempat, dan nama ukuran. Manusia tidak hanya memberikan nama, tetapi pada pemberian nama tersebut umumnya juga terkandung makna. Hal tersebut terlihat jelas pada pemberian nama diri dan pemberian nama tempat yang umumnya masih dapat diusut berdasarkan asal-usulnya (Djajasudarma, 1988:39-40). Nama merupakan kata yang menjadi label bagi setiap makhluk, benda, aktivitas, dan peristiwa di dunia ini. Nama-nama muncul dalam kehidupan manusia yang kompleks dan beragam. Nama begitu penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Begitu seorang anak man usia lahir, properti yang pcrtama dibcrikan ialah nama diri karcna dengan nama itu mulailah terbangun suatu jaringan komunikasi an tara orang tua dan anak. Properti yang kedua ialah tempat lahir. Kedua nama itu akan melekat terus pada individu sampai meninggal dan dipergunakan tents dalam identitas diri, seperti Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP), Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM), dan akta kelahiran. Lahirnya suatu kota biasanya berhubungan dengan asal-usul dan/atau arti nama daerah yang bersangkutan. Demikian pula dengan lahirnya Kota Bandung. Jauh sebelum Kota Bandung berdiri, kata Bandung sudah muncul dalam masyarakat setempat. Bandung digunakan sebagai nama daerah di bagian tengah Priangan setelah di daerah tersebut berdiri pemerintahan tradisional dengan status kabupaten, pada abad ke-17 (Kunto, 1984:48). Mengenai asal-usul nama Bandung terdapat berbagai pendapat. Pertama, ada yang mengatakan bahwa kata bandung dalam bahasa Sunda identik dengan kata Pendahuluan Pendahuluan 3 6 Pendahuluan BAB II KAJIAN TEORI Pada Bab 2 ini diuraikan hal-hal yang menjadi landasan untuk menguraikan namanama tempat di Kota Bandung yang berhubungan dengan air. Hal-hal yang menjadi landasan tersebut terbagi atas (I) Gambaran Umum Kota Bandung, (2) Sejarah Bandung, (3) Makna Leksikal dan Hubungan Referensial, (4) Nama, Istilah, dan Definisi, dan (5) Kajian Antropolinguistik. 2.1 Gambaran Umum Kota Bandung Pada subbab yang berjudul Gambaran Umum Kota Bandung diungkapkan beberapa hal yang berkenaan dengan Kota Ban dung, yang mencakup (1) Lokasi dan Keadaan Fisik, (2) Organisasi Pemerintahan, (3) Penduduk, dan (4) Kehidupan Sosial dan Ekonomi.

Research paper thumbnail of Metasastra : Jurnal Penelitian Sastra Vol. 11 (1) Juni 2018

Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Metasastra: Jurnal Penelitian Sastra, Volume 10, Nomor 1, Juni 2017

Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Exemplary Leadership Generates Trust: The Key to Success as a Preceptor for Nursing Students


Integrity, honesty, competence, loyalty, and openness generate trust. When all involved in a clin... more Integrity, honesty, competence, loyalty, and openness generate trust. When all involved in a clinical practice program trust each other, preceptors, medical personnel, and nursing practice students feel happy. However, students experience inappropriate guidance. Preceptors often guide less-than-optimal practitioners. This study aims to analyze the effect of exemplary leadership on trust. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study were all nursing professional students at the Health College of Lampung Province, using a simple random sampling technique to meet the feasibility of SEM analysis. Based on data processing Exemplary Leadership (EL) to Trust (T) with the standardized coefficient result of 0.32 (an increase in Exemplary Leadership (EL) 1 will increase Trust (T) positively by 0.32). The conclusion of this study is the positive and significant effect of exemplary leadership on trust.

Research paper thumbnail of Kumpulan soal dan pembahasan bahasa Inggris SPMB tahun 200-2006

Research paper thumbnail of BIPA tujuan khusus untuk TKA Korea di Bank Woori saudara : sebuah respons terhadap kebijakan menaker

Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan pengembangan bahan ajar BIPA Tujuan Khusus ... more Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan pengembangan bahan ajar BIPA Tujuan Khusus bagi TKA Korea di Bank Woori Saudara. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Fokus penelitian pada pengembangan bahan ajar BIPA khusus untuk TKA. Pengembangan bahan ajar menjadi penting terkait dengan penghapusan syarat berbahasa bahasa Indonesia bagi TKA dalam Permenaker No. 16 tahun 2015. Permenaker ini merupakan revisi Permenakertrans No. 12 Tahun 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Creative Industry in The Arkaiss Product As One of The Revitalization Efforts of Sundanese Archaic Words

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation, ICON-DEMOST 2021, September 15, 2021, Semarang, Indonesia, 2022

The Sundanese language as the local language with a large speaker has a significant influence on ... more The Sundanese language as the local language with a large speaker has a significant influence on society. However, several studies show that more Sundanese words are getting archaic. Therefore, it needs revitalization efforts to save them. This study aims to describe the creative industry in the Arkaiss product as one of the revitalization efforts of Sundanese archaic words. The method of the research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique is a survey using questioners and interviews. The result reveals that the Arkaiss consumers' profile is the age range 18-40 years old (75.9%), Sundanese ethnic group (87%), and university students as the profession (51,9%). The respondents' impressions of the archaic words are interesting (88.9%), culturally valuable (88.9%), and unique (77.88%). The findings show the revitalization effort in the creative industry gives good results in socializing the values of language and culture and in preserving the local language.

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan Kesantunan Berbahasa dalam Ijab dab Syair Sawer Pada Upacara Ngarot TINJAUAN KESANTUNAN BERBAHASA DALAM IJAB DAN SYAIR SAWER PADA UPACARA NGAROT

This paper is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The purpose of paper provides an ove... more This paper is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The purpose of paper provides an overview of civility and poetic language in the "Sawer" consent ngarot at the ceremony.The ceremony is a ceremony in the District of Ngarot, Sumedang. Sumedang is one of regencies in West Java. In this district, precisely in the Village Karedok, the District of Teak Gede, there are traditional ceremonies called "ngarot". "Ngarot" in Javanese word means banquet before working on the fields, whereas in Sundanese, ngarot is said to derived from "ngaruat", the word that means salvation for refusing reinforcements. There are several stages in the ceremony ngarot. However, the author discusses only part of the ceremony on the consent and "Sawer". The expression on the consent and "Sawer" is studied based on the form of politeness and speech act. The results showed (1) decency language as reflected in the second stage of the ceremony show...

Research paper thumbnail of A beneficial toxin: The response to hydrogen sulfide improves survival in a changing environment

A beneficial toxin: The response to hydrogen sulfide improves survival in a changing environment

Research paper thumbnail of Transitivitas Pada Slogan Iklan Berbahasa Inggris : Pendekatan Tata Bahasa Fungsional

Data of the research is the English car advertisement published by Kompas in period 2011-2012 for... more Data of the research is the English car advertisement published by Kompas in period 2011-2012 forming imperative and declarative. Both clauses are analyzed from types of process. The results show that (1) the types of process are in material, mental, as well as relational form and (2) the slogans in declarative form contain participant (subject). Therefore, the presence of participant leads to determine the type of process. The types of process are significantly influenced by understanding the definite and indefinite context. In imperative form, it should be well understood due to the absence of the participant. The type of participant in imperative form shows that the type is not always in ideational, textual, and interpersonal theme. The participant (subject) in the clause is implicit. The participant in the clause is mostly the slogans ofproduct and psychological subject, the reader/consumer Abstrak Data yang dianalisis adalah slogan iklan mobil berbahasa Inggris dari Kompas tahu...

Research paper thumbnail of dalam iklan merupakan sebuah bujukan yang dapat mempengaruhi pembaca/penonton. Bahasa yang diungkapkan dalam iklan dalam bentuk slogan yang mudah diingat oleh pembaca/ penonton. Oleh karena itu, bahasa dalam slogan merupakan bentuk tekstual yang memiliki kekuatan dalam mempengaruhi pikiran pembaca/

Data of the research is the English car advertisement published by Kompas in period 2011-2012 for... more Data of the research is the English car advertisement published by Kompas in period 2011-2012 forming imperative and declarative. Both clauses are analyzed from types of process. The results show that (1) the types of process are in material, mental, as well as relational form and (2) the slogans in declarative form contain participant (subject). Therefore, the presence of participant leads to determine the type of process. The types of process are significantly influenced by understanding the definite and indefinite context. In imperative form, it should be well understood due to the absence of the participant. The type of participant in imperative form shows that the type is not always in ideational, textual, and interpersonal theme. The participant (subject) in the clause is implicit. The participant in the clause is mostly the slogans ofproduct and psychological subject, the reader/consumer

Research paper thumbnail of Translation Approach of English Metaphors Into Indonesian (A Cross Cultural Understanding Study)

This descriptive qualitative research aims at classifying important aspects related to sociolingu... more This descriptive qualitative research aims at classifying important aspects related to sociolinguistics in rendering English metaphors into Indonesian. The study touches on several aspects dealing cross cultural understanding in translating metaphors taken from novel, TV serial, text bookin 2008. The cultural aspect in metaphors is related to important aspect of metaphors, namely, point of similarity, image, and figurative language. There are four types of metaphors in the paper: closed similes, open similes, live metaphors, and dead metaphors. The research reveals that: (1) Translation of closed similes can be rendered by applying literal translation meaning the focus of translation is on linguistics point of view. Translating direct metaphors (similes) is easier to transfer than indirect comparison (‘live’ and ‘dead’ metaphors). Transferring open similes needs the knowledge of the source and target language culture due to the absence of the point of similarity in the sentence. Whi...

Research paper thumbnail of Singkatan dan akronim dalam media massa cetak dan media elektronik

Buku ini memaparkan singkatan dan akronim dalam media massa cetak (tabloid, surat kabar, dan maja... more Buku ini memaparkan singkatan dan akronim dalam media massa cetak (tabloid, surat kabar, dan majalah) dan media elektronik (televisi). Untuk hyang tabloid, data yang berhasil dikumpulkan dari tabloid berjumlah 1.240 dengan perincian 443 berupa akronim dan 797 berupa singkatan. Adapun untuk surat kabar,dapat dinyatakan pola atau sistem pengkatoniman dalam bahasa Indonesia yang terdapat di dalam media massa cetak Jawa Barat belum memiliki keajekan atau konsistensi kaidah. Untuk majalah, pembentukan singkatan dan akronim lebih banyak dibentuk oleh faktor pragmatik daripada faktor fonologis.Terakhir untuk media elektronik teleivisi, dari 132 data yang dikumpulkan, terdapat 78 akronim dan 66 singkatan

Research paper thumbnail of The Newest Survey on Language Attitude of Sundanese Urban Community in West Java Province, Indonesia Against Sundanese, Indonesian, And Foreign Language: A Study on Multilingual Speaker

International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, Dec 15, 2017

eas where migration of Sundanese people. According to the 2000 census data Sundanese language spo... more eas where migration of Sundanese people. According to the 2000 census data Sundanese language spoken by 34 million inhabitants. Sundanese has several dialects, among them the western dialect (southern Banten), the northern dialect (Bogor, and its surroundings), the southern dialect/the Priangan dialect (Bandung and its surroundings, the middle east dialect (Majalengka and its surroundings), the northeastern dialect. The study on Sundanese language attititude toward in West Java related to Sundanese urban community in West Java has been conducted (Mulyanah, 2017). The study only focuses on Sundanese language attitude related to their educational background. The study reveals that there is no significant corelation between respondents' educational background and their language attitude. However, the study on language attititude in multicultural speakers in urban community in West Java is still limited. The research on Sundanese language attitude is signinificant

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Price and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Mutiara Hotel Bandung

American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016

Competition of hotel business in Singapore is now getting stricter. Every manager must be able to... more Competition of hotel business in Singapore is now getting stricter. Every manager must be able to understand the desires of the consumer. Customer satisfaction is a very important factor in the survival of the company. It also must be supported by price and good service quality. Giving good quality of service as well as offering low price can satisfy consumers. The primary mission for the company in deciding a strategy to win the competition is the main capital that can attract customer satisfaction to stay in the hotel. The aim of this study is to determine how consumers' assessment of price and service quality offered by Hotel Mutiara Bandung and to find how much the effect of the two variables on customer satisfaction either partly or entirely. The method in this research applies a descriptive analysis and verification and questionnaire given to 110 consumers of Mutiara hotel. Hypothesis testing is done through statistical tests. The result of the research indicates that the two variables have significant effects in the amount of 3.86 to the price variable; 3.54 for the variable service quality. While in the effect of price, the quality of service to customer satisfaction of 43.5%, and 56.5% is influenced by other variables that are not examined.

Research paper thumbnail of Centripetal and centrifugal interconnection on hotel and restaurant linguistic landscape of Bali, Indonesia

Cogent Arts & Humanities

The existence of foreign languages, Indonesian-the national language, and Balinese-the local lang... more The existence of foreign languages, Indonesian-the national language, and Balinese-the local language, on public signs of hotels and restaurants in Bali indexes the interconnection between the centrifugal and centripetal force of the multilingual situation. This study aims to map and analyze the language distribution and the interconnection between centripetal and centrifugal forces on the hotel and restaurant commercial signs in three Bali tourist sites: Candidasa, Ubud, and Lovina. Interview and observation methods with photograph-taking techniques were implemented to gather the data. Four hundred and twenty-six photographs of the hotel and restaurant public signs were captured for the study subjects. The data were presented using linguistic landscape design on language distribution (monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual) and then to be analyzed using Bakhtin’s theory on centripetal and centrifugal forces. The findings revealed that English dominated other languages in monolingual signs that indexes centrifugalism. The interconnection exists in bilingual and multilingual signs. Hotels and restaurants of various types put Indonesian and Balinese words on their signs, along with the massive use of English. The interconnection is scrutinized through three layers of analysis; multimodality, signage relation to social emplacement, and indexicality levels. The mixture of fixed centralizing and fluid decentralizing force on the signs seems unavoidable because of linguistic and semiotic commodification and political reasons. Further, it manifests glocalization, which combines international, national, and Balinese local identities. Subjects: Bilingualism &amp; Multilingualism; Interdisciplinary Language Studies; Semiotics Keywords: Linguistic landscape; interconnection; centripetal; centrifugal; Balinese; Indonesian

Research paper thumbnail of Need Analysis of Indonesian Language Training Materials for Foreign Workers Using the Communicative Method

English Review: Journal of English Education

There is no standardization of Indonesian language education and training for foreign workers (TK... more There is no standardization of Indonesian language education and training for foreign workers (TKA), resulting in no training model that suits the needs of students. Therefore, this study aims to (1) describe the current condition of Indonesian language training for foreign workers by the Manpower Office; (2) identify Indonesian language training needs for foreign workers. The Ministry of Manpower has issued various regulations in this regard. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method through a communicative approach. The communicative approach forms the basis of the training model that will be developed because their main goal in learning Indonesian is to be able to communicate in their work environment. The data collection techniques used were interviews, surveys, and literature studies. The subject of this study is data on foreign workers in the Kepulauan Riau Province. The results of the study reveal two findings. Firstly, an overview of the current condition of Indonesi...

Research paper thumbnail of A Systematic Literature Review: Entrepreneurship Learning in Higher Education


This research aims to look at entrepreneurship learning in higher education. The author concludes... more This research aims to look at entrepreneurship learning in higher education. The author concludes that: 1) The parties involved and contributing to the success of entrepreneurship learning are students, educators, entrepreneur practitioners, and the community. 2) The involvement of the four parties is conceptualized in a combination of learning which includes field survey activities, literature studies, the involvement of practitioners, portfolio preparation, and field practice. The study contributed to the development of entrepreneurship education in higher education, to produce a proud outcome.

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Character: Evidence from Indonesia


Entrepreneurship education is to be a solution to the unemployment problem. Entrepreneurial chara... more Entrepreneurship education is to be a solution to the unemployment problem. Entrepreneurial character is for someone to act as an entrepreneur. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the instrument of entrepreneurship character among students from various universities in Indonesia who adopt entrepreneurship education in the curriculum. The research focused on the operational process of entrepreneurial characteristics of 23 dimensions. The subjects of this study were 357 undergraduate students attending entrepreneurship education. Psychometry is the research method, and SPSS and AMOS-assisted factor analysis to analyze the results. The results showed that there was one indicator (Kbtp 10) that dropped in the factor analysis because it did not meet the requirements (0.486 < 0.5). For EFA calculation, two (2) dimensions dropped because they were accommodated in other dimensions/indicators and did not meet the calculation requirements. In the end, five (5) new dimensions represent ...

Research paper thumbnail of Culture Value: Predictors of Preceptor Success for Quality Nursing Students


One of the essential facts about the not optimal performance of the preceptors is that cultural f... more One of the essential facts about the not optimal performance of the preceptors is that cultural factors are not in the process of preceptors because culture is a determinant of the nature of decisions that in life, and the value system of cultural elements directly influences individual behavior. Cultural values have a close relationship with performance. This study aims to analyze the influence of cultural values on preceptor performance. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study were all professional nursing students at the Health College of Lampung Province. Samples using a simple random sampling technique to meet the feasibility of SEM analysis. Based on the results of the calculation of Cultural Value (CV) has a direct effect on Preceptor Performance (PP) of 1.30. This study concludes that there is a positive influence of cultural values on preceptor performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Nama Tempat yang Berhubungan Dengan Air : Tinjauan Antropolinguistik

Balai Bahasa Bandung, 2008

Manusia merupakan makhluk budaya. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa kebudayaan merupakan ukuran... more Manusia merupakan makhluk budaya. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa kebudayaan merupakan ukuran dalam hidup dan tingkah laku manusia. Dalam kebudayaan tercakup hal-hal mengenai tanggapan manusia terhadap dunia, lingkungan, masyarakat, serta nilai-nilai yang menjadi landasan pokok hidup. Koentjaraningrat (1985:2) menyatakan bahwa isi yang sebenarnya dari budaya manusia terdiri atas tujuh unsur yang disebut sebagai unsur-unsur universal kebudayaan. Unsur-unsur universal kebudayaan tersebut ialah (I) sistem religi dan upacara keagamaan, (2) sistem dan organisasi kemasyarakatan, (3) sistem pengetahuan, (4) bahasa, (5) kesenian, (6) sistem mata pencaharian hid up, dan (7) sistem teknologi dan peralatan. Dunia ini penuh dengan nama yang diberikan oleh manusia, di antaranya ialah nama benda, nama diri, nama tempat, dan nama ukuran. Manusia tidak hanya memberikan nama, tetapi pada pemberian nama tersebut umumnya juga terkandung makna. Hal tersebut terlihat jelas pada pemberian nama diri dan pemberian nama tempat yang umumnya masih dapat diusut berdasarkan asal-usulnya (Djajasudarma, 1988:39-40). Nama merupakan kata yang menjadi label bagi setiap makhluk, benda, aktivitas, dan peristiwa di dunia ini. Nama-nama muncul dalam kehidupan manusia yang kompleks dan beragam. Nama begitu penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Begitu seorang anak man usia lahir, properti yang pcrtama dibcrikan ialah nama diri karcna dengan nama itu mulailah terbangun suatu jaringan komunikasi an tara orang tua dan anak. Properti yang kedua ialah tempat lahir. Kedua nama itu akan melekat terus pada individu sampai meninggal dan dipergunakan tents dalam identitas diri, seperti Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP), Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM), dan akta kelahiran. Lahirnya suatu kota biasanya berhubungan dengan asal-usul dan/atau arti nama daerah yang bersangkutan. Demikian pula dengan lahirnya Kota Bandung. Jauh sebelum Kota Bandung berdiri, kata Bandung sudah muncul dalam masyarakat setempat. Bandung digunakan sebagai nama daerah di bagian tengah Priangan setelah di daerah tersebut berdiri pemerintahan tradisional dengan status kabupaten, pada abad ke-17 (Kunto, 1984:48). Mengenai asal-usul nama Bandung terdapat berbagai pendapat. Pertama, ada yang mengatakan bahwa kata bandung dalam bahasa Sunda identik dengan kata Pendahuluan Pendahuluan 3 6 Pendahuluan BAB II KAJIAN TEORI Pada Bab 2 ini diuraikan hal-hal yang menjadi landasan untuk menguraikan namanama tempat di Kota Bandung yang berhubungan dengan air. Hal-hal yang menjadi landasan tersebut terbagi atas (I) Gambaran Umum Kota Bandung, (2) Sejarah Bandung, (3) Makna Leksikal dan Hubungan Referensial, (4) Nama, Istilah, dan Definisi, dan (5) Kajian Antropolinguistik. 2.1 Gambaran Umum Kota Bandung Pada subbab yang berjudul Gambaran Umum Kota Bandung diungkapkan beberapa hal yang berkenaan dengan Kota Ban dung, yang mencakup (1) Lokasi dan Keadaan Fisik, (2) Organisasi Pemerintahan, (3) Penduduk, dan (4) Kehidupan Sosial dan Ekonomi.

Research paper thumbnail of Metasastra : Jurnal Penelitian Sastra Vol. 11 (1) Juni 2018

Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Metasastra: Jurnal Penelitian Sastra, Volume 10, Nomor 1, Juni 2017

Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Exemplary Leadership Generates Trust: The Key to Success as a Preceptor for Nursing Students


Integrity, honesty, competence, loyalty, and openness generate trust. When all involved in a clin... more Integrity, honesty, competence, loyalty, and openness generate trust. When all involved in a clinical practice program trust each other, preceptors, medical personnel, and nursing practice students feel happy. However, students experience inappropriate guidance. Preceptors often guide less-than-optimal practitioners. This study aims to analyze the effect of exemplary leadership on trust. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study were all nursing professional students at the Health College of Lampung Province, using a simple random sampling technique to meet the feasibility of SEM analysis. Based on data processing Exemplary Leadership (EL) to Trust (T) with the standardized coefficient result of 0.32 (an increase in Exemplary Leadership (EL) 1 will increase Trust (T) positively by 0.32). The conclusion of this study is the positive and significant effect of exemplary leadership on trust.

Research paper thumbnail of Kumpulan soal dan pembahasan bahasa Inggris SPMB tahun 200-2006

Research paper thumbnail of BIPA tujuan khusus untuk TKA Korea di Bank Woori saudara : sebuah respons terhadap kebijakan menaker

Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan pengembangan bahan ajar BIPA Tujuan Khusus ... more Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan pengembangan bahan ajar BIPA Tujuan Khusus bagi TKA Korea di Bank Woori Saudara. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Fokus penelitian pada pengembangan bahan ajar BIPA khusus untuk TKA. Pengembangan bahan ajar menjadi penting terkait dengan penghapusan syarat berbahasa bahasa Indonesia bagi TKA dalam Permenaker No. 16 tahun 2015. Permenaker ini merupakan revisi Permenakertrans No. 12 Tahun 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The Creative Industry in The Arkaiss Product As One of The Revitalization Efforts of Sundanese Archaic Words

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation, ICON-DEMOST 2021, September 15, 2021, Semarang, Indonesia, 2022

The Sundanese language as the local language with a large speaker has a significant influence on ... more The Sundanese language as the local language with a large speaker has a significant influence on society. However, several studies show that more Sundanese words are getting archaic. Therefore, it needs revitalization efforts to save them. This study aims to describe the creative industry in the Arkaiss product as one of the revitalization efforts of Sundanese archaic words. The method of the research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique is a survey using questioners and interviews. The result reveals that the Arkaiss consumers' profile is the age range 18-40 years old (75.9%), Sundanese ethnic group (87%), and university students as the profession (51,9%). The respondents' impressions of the archaic words are interesting (88.9%), culturally valuable (88.9%), and unique (77.88%). The findings show the revitalization effort in the creative industry gives good results in socializing the values of language and culture and in preserving the local language.

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan Kesantunan Berbahasa dalam Ijab dab Syair Sawer Pada Upacara Ngarot TINJAUAN KESANTUNAN BERBAHASA DALAM IJAB DAN SYAIR SAWER PADA UPACARA NGAROT

This paper is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The purpose of paper provides an ove... more This paper is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The purpose of paper provides an overview of civility and poetic language in the "Sawer" consent ngarot at the ceremony.The ceremony is a ceremony in the District of Ngarot, Sumedang. Sumedang is one of regencies in West Java. In this district, precisely in the Village Karedok, the District of Teak Gede, there are traditional ceremonies called "ngarot". "Ngarot" in Javanese word means banquet before working on the fields, whereas in Sundanese, ngarot is said to derived from "ngaruat", the word that means salvation for refusing reinforcements. There are several stages in the ceremony ngarot. However, the author discusses only part of the ceremony on the consent and "Sawer". The expression on the consent and "Sawer" is studied based on the form of politeness and speech act. The results showed (1) decency language as reflected in the second stage of the ceremony show...

Research paper thumbnail of A beneficial toxin: The response to hydrogen sulfide improves survival in a changing environment

A beneficial toxin: The response to hydrogen sulfide improves survival in a changing environment

Research paper thumbnail of Transitivitas Pada Slogan Iklan Berbahasa Inggris : Pendekatan Tata Bahasa Fungsional

Data of the research is the English car advertisement published by Kompas in period 2011-2012 for... more Data of the research is the English car advertisement published by Kompas in period 2011-2012 forming imperative and declarative. Both clauses are analyzed from types of process. The results show that (1) the types of process are in material, mental, as well as relational form and (2) the slogans in declarative form contain participant (subject). Therefore, the presence of participant leads to determine the type of process. The types of process are significantly influenced by understanding the definite and indefinite context. In imperative form, it should be well understood due to the absence of the participant. The type of participant in imperative form shows that the type is not always in ideational, textual, and interpersonal theme. The participant (subject) in the clause is implicit. The participant in the clause is mostly the slogans ofproduct and psychological subject, the reader/consumer Abstrak Data yang dianalisis adalah slogan iklan mobil berbahasa Inggris dari Kompas tahu...

Research paper thumbnail of dalam iklan merupakan sebuah bujukan yang dapat mempengaruhi pembaca/penonton. Bahasa yang diungkapkan dalam iklan dalam bentuk slogan yang mudah diingat oleh pembaca/ penonton. Oleh karena itu, bahasa dalam slogan merupakan bentuk tekstual yang memiliki kekuatan dalam mempengaruhi pikiran pembaca/

Data of the research is the English car advertisement published by Kompas in period 2011-2012 for... more Data of the research is the English car advertisement published by Kompas in period 2011-2012 forming imperative and declarative. Both clauses are analyzed from types of process. The results show that (1) the types of process are in material, mental, as well as relational form and (2) the slogans in declarative form contain participant (subject). Therefore, the presence of participant leads to determine the type of process. The types of process are significantly influenced by understanding the definite and indefinite context. In imperative form, it should be well understood due to the absence of the participant. The type of participant in imperative form shows that the type is not always in ideational, textual, and interpersonal theme. The participant (subject) in the clause is implicit. The participant in the clause is mostly the slogans ofproduct and psychological subject, the reader/consumer

Research paper thumbnail of Translation Approach of English Metaphors Into Indonesian (A Cross Cultural Understanding Study)

This descriptive qualitative research aims at classifying important aspects related to sociolingu... more This descriptive qualitative research aims at classifying important aspects related to sociolinguistics in rendering English metaphors into Indonesian. The study touches on several aspects dealing cross cultural understanding in translating metaphors taken from novel, TV serial, text bookin 2008. The cultural aspect in metaphors is related to important aspect of metaphors, namely, point of similarity, image, and figurative language. There are four types of metaphors in the paper: closed similes, open similes, live metaphors, and dead metaphors. The research reveals that: (1) Translation of closed similes can be rendered by applying literal translation meaning the focus of translation is on linguistics point of view. Translating direct metaphors (similes) is easier to transfer than indirect comparison (‘live’ and ‘dead’ metaphors). Transferring open similes needs the knowledge of the source and target language culture due to the absence of the point of similarity in the sentence. Whi...

Research paper thumbnail of Singkatan dan akronim dalam media massa cetak dan media elektronik

Buku ini memaparkan singkatan dan akronim dalam media massa cetak (tabloid, surat kabar, dan maja... more Buku ini memaparkan singkatan dan akronim dalam media massa cetak (tabloid, surat kabar, dan majalah) dan media elektronik (televisi). Untuk hyang tabloid, data yang berhasil dikumpulkan dari tabloid berjumlah 1.240 dengan perincian 443 berupa akronim dan 797 berupa singkatan. Adapun untuk surat kabar,dapat dinyatakan pola atau sistem pengkatoniman dalam bahasa Indonesia yang terdapat di dalam media massa cetak Jawa Barat belum memiliki keajekan atau konsistensi kaidah. Untuk majalah, pembentukan singkatan dan akronim lebih banyak dibentuk oleh faktor pragmatik daripada faktor fonologis.Terakhir untuk media elektronik teleivisi, dari 132 data yang dikumpulkan, terdapat 78 akronim dan 66 singkatan

Research paper thumbnail of The Newest Survey on Language Attitude of Sundanese Urban Community in West Java Province, Indonesia Against Sundanese, Indonesian, And Foreign Language: A Study on Multilingual Speaker

International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, Dec 15, 2017

eas where migration of Sundanese people. According to the 2000 census data Sundanese language spo... more eas where migration of Sundanese people. According to the 2000 census data Sundanese language spoken by 34 million inhabitants. Sundanese has several dialects, among them the western dialect (southern Banten), the northern dialect (Bogor, and its surroundings), the southern dialect/the Priangan dialect (Bandung and its surroundings, the middle east dialect (Majalengka and its surroundings), the northeastern dialect. The study on Sundanese language attititude toward in West Java related to Sundanese urban community in West Java has been conducted (Mulyanah, 2017). The study only focuses on Sundanese language attitude related to their educational background. The study reveals that there is no significant corelation between respondents' educational background and their language attitude. However, the study on language attititude in multicultural speakers in urban community in West Java is still limited. The research on Sundanese language attitude is signinificant

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Price and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Mutiara Hotel Bandung

American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016

Competition of hotel business in Singapore is now getting stricter. Every manager must be able to... more Competition of hotel business in Singapore is now getting stricter. Every manager must be able to understand the desires of the consumer. Customer satisfaction is a very important factor in the survival of the company. It also must be supported by price and good service quality. Giving good quality of service as well as offering low price can satisfy consumers. The primary mission for the company in deciding a strategy to win the competition is the main capital that can attract customer satisfaction to stay in the hotel. The aim of this study is to determine how consumers' assessment of price and service quality offered by Hotel Mutiara Bandung and to find how much the effect of the two variables on customer satisfaction either partly or entirely. The method in this research applies a descriptive analysis and verification and questionnaire given to 110 consumers of Mutiara hotel. Hypothesis testing is done through statistical tests. The result of the research indicates that the two variables have significant effects in the amount of 3.86 to the price variable; 3.54 for the variable service quality. While in the effect of price, the quality of service to customer satisfaction of 43.5%, and 56.5% is influenced by other variables that are not examined.