Ade Wijaya - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ade Wijaya
Pedagogia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
Membaca sebagai salah satu keterampilan bahasa Indonesia memerlukan konsentrasi dalam pelaksanaan... more Membaca sebagai salah satu keterampilan bahasa Indonesia memerlukan konsentrasi dalam pelaksanaannya. Ketika membaca, siswa tidak bisa dalam kondisi atau keadaan gugup dan panik. Tujuan membaca untuk memeroleh informasi dan memahami bacaan tidak akan tercapai bila siswa tidak nyaman melakukannya. Nyaman atau tidak kondisi membaca di ruang kelas dapat diberdayakan oleh guru. Dengan kemampuan guru mendesain suasana belajar di kelas yang kondusif dan mengaktifkan gelombang otak alfa siswa, diharapkan tujuan pengajaran dapat tercapai secara maksimal. Penelitian penerapan gelombang otak alfa terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan dengan menggunakan rumus t-tes. Diperoleh harga t0 adalah 2,75 lebih besar dari pada harga tt, baik ditaraf sigifikan 5 persen maupun ditaraf signifikan 1 persen. Diketahui harga t kritik pada tt 5 persen=1,67, tt 1 persen=2,39. Dengan demikian harga to signifikan karena nilai tt lebih kecil dari to ...
Didaktik : Jurnal Ilmiah PGSD STKIP Subang, 2022
This study aims to see the optimization of counseling guidance by classroom teachers in elementar... more This study aims to see the optimization of counseling guidance by classroom teachers in elementary schools in the city of Bogor as the executor of counseling guidance that seeks to overcome the problems experienced by students in learning. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method, which is naturalistic research because in carrying out the research it is carried out in natural conditions following the reality in the field. This research was carried out at SDN Bantar Jati 9 Kota Bogor in grade 3, totaling 25 people, the class teacher was Mrs. Ely Rahmawati. The results of the research based on the results of the questionnaire are that it can be seen that there is an even assessment in the teacher's statement guiding so that students can accept every weakness they have, from these results provide a different rater for each child. In the results of the interview with the 3rd-grade teacher at SDN Bantar Jati 9 Kota Bogor, several things were conveyed re...
The purpose of this study is to find outThe Effect of Learning Discipline on Mathematics Learning... more The purpose of this study is to find outThe Effect of Learning Discipline on Mathematics Learning Outcomes. The population in this study were students of fourth grade of SDN 01Gunung Picung. The analysis prerequisite testing technique is in the form of a normality test, then the homogeneity test is carried out. Data that is declared normal and homogeneous is used to test the hypothesis which results show that there isThe Effect of Learning Discipline on Mathematics Learning Outcomes. Simple correlation regression analysis technique produces a relationship model which is expressed in the form of a regression equation, namelyŶ = 88.1 + 1.37X. The results of this study are indicated by statistical analysis which produces a correlation coefficient (rxy) of 0.57. While the coefficient of determination is 32.49%. Regression analysis techniques and simple correlation of learning discipline with mathematics learning outcomes produce an effect which is expressed in the form of a regression e...
This research aims to determine the extent of the successful implementation of school-based manag... more This research aims to determine the extent of the successful implementation of school-based management in Tambilung Elementary School which is one of the small schools in Bogor Regency. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that provides in-depth explanations of data and information related to the implementation of school-based management in terms of three core components namely 1) School Management, 2) Active, Creative and Enjoyable Learning, and 3) Community Participation. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of school-based management in Tambilung Elementary School has only reached 83.62% which, if elaborated, the success of each component, namely: the school management component 85.89%, the learning activity component amounted to 76.19% and the component of community participation in the implementation of school-based management is 88.80%.
Makalah ini hasil penelitian lapangan (field study) mengenai Transportasi Sungai di Masyarakat Me... more Makalah ini hasil penelitian lapangan (field study) mengenai Transportasi Sungai di Masyarakat Melayu Jambi. Data diperoleh dari hasil pengamafan langsung dan wawancara, yang dilengkapi dengan sejumlah referensi terkait dengan kebudayaan Melayu Jambi. Data penelitian bersifat deskriptif dan eksploratij. Temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa transportasi sungai masih menjadi sarana yang pen/ing bagi masyarakat melayu Jambi. Kondisi tersebut didukung oleh lokasi pusat-pusat kegiatan strategis yang terkonsentrasi di sekitar sungai menyebabkan masyarakat terbiasa untuk menggunakan perahu getek dibandingkan menggunakan jalur transportasi darat. Masyarakat Melayu Jambi menggunakan transportasi sungai sebagai sarana utama dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.
Supervision in schools must be carried out by all educators and principals, so they must be able ... more Supervision in schools must be carried out by all educators and principals, so they must be able to carry out various supervision and controls to improve teacher performance. Supervision and control are preventive measures to prevent teachers from making irregularities and be more careful in carrying out their work as educators. Therefore, the implementation of Community Service will help reveal supervision activities carried out in the school. The activities carried out by Community Service are 1. The focus of Community Service activities in supervising education conducted in schools can be identified in two ways, namely; supervision activities involving teacher administration and teaching and learning activities, 2. Community Service activities, supervision will be very helpful for teachers in solving educational problems faced by teachers during learning and can provide motivation for teachers to always increase their knowledge to become teachers. professionals in carrying out le...
Tesis Pasca Sarjana, Mar 10, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kontribusi antara variabel bebas yaitu budaya organisasi d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kontribusi antara variabel bebas yaitu budaya organisasi dan kecerdasan emosi terhadap variabel terkait yaitu kepuasan kerja. Subjek penelitian adalah guru yang telah mengajar minimal selama satu tahun di SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong dan SMK PGRI I Cibinong dengan jumlah masing-masing sampel yaitu untuk SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong sebanyak 61 orang baik laki-laki maupun perempuan dan sebanyak 48 orang guru SMK PGRI I Cibinong, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode angket. Teknik analisis regresi ganda menghasilkan nilai R square sebesar 0.156 dengan tarif signifikasi 0.007 untuk SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong dan nilai r square 0,288 dengan tarif signifikasi 0.000 dengan demikian penelitian ini telah membuktikan adanya kontribusi yang signifikan antara variabel budaya organisasi dan kecerdasan emosi terehadap kepuasan kerja guru di SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong maupun di SMK PGRI I Cibinong.Kata Kunci : Kontribusi, budaya Organisasi, kecerdasan Emosi, Kepuasan kerja, Guru, SMA, SMK, PGRI.
Pedagogia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
Membaca sebagai salah satu keterampilan bahasa Indonesia memerlukan konsentrasi dalam pelaksanaan... more Membaca sebagai salah satu keterampilan bahasa Indonesia memerlukan konsentrasi dalam pelaksanaannya. Ketika membaca, siswa tidak bisa dalam kondisi atau keadaan gugup dan panik. Tujuan membaca untuk memeroleh informasi dan memahami bacaan tidak akan tercapai bila siswa tidak nyaman melakukannya. Nyaman atau tidak kondisi membaca di ruang kelas dapat diberdayakan oleh guru. Dengan kemampuan guru mendesain suasana belajar di kelas yang kondusif dan mengaktifkan gelombang otak alfa siswa, diharapkan tujuan pengajaran dapat tercapai secara maksimal. Penelitian penerapan gelombang otak alfa terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan dengan menggunakan rumus t-tes. Diperoleh harga t0 adalah 2,75 lebih besar dari pada harga tt, baik ditaraf sigifikan 5 persen maupun ditaraf signifikan 1 persen. Diketahui harga t kritik pada tt 5 persen=1,67, tt 1 persen=2,39. Dengan demikian harga to signifikan karena nilai tt lebih kecil dari to ...
Didaktik : Jurnal Ilmiah PGSD STKIP Subang, 2022
This study aims to see the optimization of counseling guidance by classroom teachers in elementar... more This study aims to see the optimization of counseling guidance by classroom teachers in elementary schools in the city of Bogor as the executor of counseling guidance that seeks to overcome the problems experienced by students in learning. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method, which is naturalistic research because in carrying out the research it is carried out in natural conditions following the reality in the field. This research was carried out at SDN Bantar Jati 9 Kota Bogor in grade 3, totaling 25 people, the class teacher was Mrs. Ely Rahmawati. The results of the research based on the results of the questionnaire are that it can be seen that there is an even assessment in the teacher's statement guiding so that students can accept every weakness they have, from these results provide a different rater for each child. In the results of the interview with the 3rd-grade teacher at SDN Bantar Jati 9 Kota Bogor, several things were conveyed re...
The purpose of this study is to find outThe Effect of Learning Discipline on Mathematics Learning... more The purpose of this study is to find outThe Effect of Learning Discipline on Mathematics Learning Outcomes. The population in this study were students of fourth grade of SDN 01Gunung Picung. The analysis prerequisite testing technique is in the form of a normality test, then the homogeneity test is carried out. Data that is declared normal and homogeneous is used to test the hypothesis which results show that there isThe Effect of Learning Discipline on Mathematics Learning Outcomes. Simple correlation regression analysis technique produces a relationship model which is expressed in the form of a regression equation, namelyŶ = 88.1 + 1.37X. The results of this study are indicated by statistical analysis which produces a correlation coefficient (rxy) of 0.57. While the coefficient of determination is 32.49%. Regression analysis techniques and simple correlation of learning discipline with mathematics learning outcomes produce an effect which is expressed in the form of a regression e...
This research aims to determine the extent of the successful implementation of school-based manag... more This research aims to determine the extent of the successful implementation of school-based management in Tambilung Elementary School which is one of the small schools in Bogor Regency. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that provides in-depth explanations of data and information related to the implementation of school-based management in terms of three core components namely 1) School Management, 2) Active, Creative and Enjoyable Learning, and 3) Community Participation. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of school-based management in Tambilung Elementary School has only reached 83.62% which, if elaborated, the success of each component, namely: the school management component 85.89%, the learning activity component amounted to 76.19% and the component of community participation in the implementation of school-based management is 88.80%.
Makalah ini hasil penelitian lapangan (field study) mengenai Transportasi Sungai di Masyarakat Me... more Makalah ini hasil penelitian lapangan (field study) mengenai Transportasi Sungai di Masyarakat Melayu Jambi. Data diperoleh dari hasil pengamafan langsung dan wawancara, yang dilengkapi dengan sejumlah referensi terkait dengan kebudayaan Melayu Jambi. Data penelitian bersifat deskriptif dan eksploratij. Temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa transportasi sungai masih menjadi sarana yang pen/ing bagi masyarakat melayu Jambi. Kondisi tersebut didukung oleh lokasi pusat-pusat kegiatan strategis yang terkonsentrasi di sekitar sungai menyebabkan masyarakat terbiasa untuk menggunakan perahu getek dibandingkan menggunakan jalur transportasi darat. Masyarakat Melayu Jambi menggunakan transportasi sungai sebagai sarana utama dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.
Supervision in schools must be carried out by all educators and principals, so they must be able ... more Supervision in schools must be carried out by all educators and principals, so they must be able to carry out various supervision and controls to improve teacher performance. Supervision and control are preventive measures to prevent teachers from making irregularities and be more careful in carrying out their work as educators. Therefore, the implementation of Community Service will help reveal supervision activities carried out in the school. The activities carried out by Community Service are 1. The focus of Community Service activities in supervising education conducted in schools can be identified in two ways, namely; supervision activities involving teacher administration and teaching and learning activities, 2. Community Service activities, supervision will be very helpful for teachers in solving educational problems faced by teachers during learning and can provide motivation for teachers to always increase their knowledge to become teachers. professionals in carrying out le...
Tesis Pasca Sarjana, Mar 10, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kontribusi antara variabel bebas yaitu budaya organisasi d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kontribusi antara variabel bebas yaitu budaya organisasi dan kecerdasan emosi terhadap variabel terkait yaitu kepuasan kerja. Subjek penelitian adalah guru yang telah mengajar minimal selama satu tahun di SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong dan SMK PGRI I Cibinong dengan jumlah masing-masing sampel yaitu untuk SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong sebanyak 61 orang baik laki-laki maupun perempuan dan sebanyak 48 orang guru SMK PGRI I Cibinong, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode angket. Teknik analisis regresi ganda menghasilkan nilai R square sebesar 0.156 dengan tarif signifikasi 0.007 untuk SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong dan nilai r square 0,288 dengan tarif signifikasi 0.000 dengan demikian penelitian ini telah membuktikan adanya kontribusi yang signifikan antara variabel budaya organisasi dan kecerdasan emosi terehadap kepuasan kerja guru di SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong maupun di SMK PGRI I Cibinong.Kata Kunci : Kontribusi, budaya Organisasi, kecerdasan Emosi, Kepuasan kerja, Guru, SMA, SMK, PGRI.