Afet Rustambayova - (original) (raw)
Books by Afet Rustambayova
The catalog contains a list of all gold coins of the Islamic East from the numismatic collection ... more The catalog contains a list of all gold coins of the Islamic East from the numismatic collection of the National Museum of the History of Azerbaijan
Collection of gold jewelry found during archeological excavations in Azerbaijan is an essential s... more Collection of gold jewelry found during archeological excavations in
Azerbaijan is an essential source for study of historical culture and socioeconomical
level not only for the developments in Azerbaijan but also neighboring
countries for more than four thousand years. Noteworthy, the study of unique
designs and decorative techniques for applying fine gold jewelry by various
processes, used technology pertaining to the earliest period, addresses the
question related to origin and development of jewelry art in Azerbaijan. This article
aims to present the study of jewelry art history that emerged in complex executable
filigree and granulation techniques, based upon archeological artifacts. This article
examines the oldest examples of gold jewelry found in archeological sites of
Azerbaijan concerning the 2nd and 1st millenniums BC. Furthermore, the paper
presents the outcomes of the study achieved in filigree and grain techniques.
Museum pieces allow us to trace the emergence and development of chronological
sequence of jewelry grain producing. According to the studies, the earliest filigree
decorative techniques for applying jewelry that emerged in the Middle Bronze age
(2nd millenniums BC.). The unique item pertaining to the 2nd millenniums BC., is the
golden rod, molded shape with images of bull’s head decorated with exquisite rows
of granules on the forehead, ears and neck, apparently representing the regalia of
power. Samples of false grain fixed on seven identical earrings dating from the VIII
BC., found in Mingechevir testify about not only fashion of the grain, but also prove
the high craftsmanship of jewelers in filigree techniques. There are diverse and
sophisticated numerous jewelry antiquities indicated by their compositional
structure (III in. B.C-III century A.D), where there are soldered grains in the form of
grape bunches. The results show us not only the local origin of grain jewelry, but
also a high level of development of elite society and jewelers in the Middle Bronze
Age. There is a reason to believe that, property differentiation during the Middle
Bronze Age in Azerbaijan had already occurred in the proto-urban societies.
Ziya, 2013
Museum’s archaeological exhibits consisting o f precious metals cover
the period from IV millennium BC until the X V II century AD. Archaeological
exhibits are grouped in chronological order and accompanied by passport data, as
description, time, weight, etc. in the given catalogue.
Papers by Afet Rustambayova
Milli Azərbaycan Tarixi muzeyi , 2021
On the attribution of the Khynysly golden diadem Due to the mutual influence and interaction of v... more On the attribution of the Khynysly golden diadem
Due to the mutual influence and interaction of various ethnic groups, a new culture was formed in jewelry and expressed the creation and development of a peculiar polychrome style in the Hunnic period. The National Museum of History of Azerbaijan contains a lot of Hunnic antiquities. The most valuable among them is a golden tiara discovered in 1967 by archaeologist Jabbar Halilov in the village of Khynysly, Shamakhi region of Azerbaijan. There are considered the compositional, technical, and semantic features of the Khynysly diadem in the article. There also are shown analogies with the stylistically similar tiaras of the synchronous period. As a result of comparative analysis, the individual characteristics of the jewelry as a part of a single group of polychrome-style jewelry were identified. The study of the stylistic features of this diadem made it possible to typology it according to the internationally accepted classification. This unique female headdress-diadem is an element of the “integration culture of the nobility” as a determinant of status and power.
Tarix və mədəniyyət. Faktlar və dəyərlər., 2020
Bronze mirrors of ancient times are important historical source of aesthetic perception, religiou... more Bronze mirrors of ancient times are important historical
source of aesthetic perception, religious representations and funeral rites. In this article, an attempt is made to understand the mirror in the system of world perception, beliefs and rituals of the ancient population of Azerbaijan.
The influence of the Hunnic culture is especially noticeable in jewelry. It was at that time when... more The influence of the Hunnic culture is especially noticeable in jewelry. It was at that time when a peculiar polychrome style was formed with multicolor features which could be achieved by various technical and artistic means.
The presented diadem of the Hunnic period from Hınıslı village of the Shamakhi region of Azerbaijan is a rare artifact.
The peculiarity of the presented archaeological decoration is that more than 20 similar samples were found over the entire area of the Huns' domination with similar shapes, decorations, and styles. The
researchers subdivided them into subgroups according to stylistic features and the diadem from Hınıslı
was attributed to the “western”, i.e., to the territory west of the Dnieper.
A distinctive feature of this type of decoration is the gold leaf with flat stones. But the central two
bird heads decorative element has the parallels only with the “western” Kerch (Mount Mithridates) and finds from the Southern Urals (Shipovo). Thus, the diadem made in the “western” Hunnic technigue
reflected the symbolism of the diadems of the “eastern” nomads.
This artifact is also of interest as an example of polychrome jewelry. It reflects the aestheticpreferences of the population of the huge area captured by the Huns, the processes of cultural andeconomic interaction, borrowings, and mutual influences.
zərbaycan arxeologiyasının inkişafında professor Qafar Cəbiyevin rolu” mövzusunda beynəlxalq vebinar – konfrans, 2021
The article is about the moon shaped earrings (ay sirga) made in polychrome style, the unique ar... more The article is about the moon shaped earrings (ay sirga) made in polychrome style, the unique archaelogical jewelry item found by Professor Gafar
Jabiyev. This style was widespread not only in Azerbaijan, but also through-
- 147 -
out the Hunnic Kaganate during the era of the Great Nations Migration. The
last published archaeological find belongs to the rare category. These moon
shaped earrings from the Demirchiler necropolis take third place after the
documented complexes (Kalagah, Kermedil). There is considered technique
in the polychrome style typical for burials of the Hunnic period.
Günümüz tarih biliminde ortaçağa ait, dini içerikli, yazılı olmayan kaynaklar gibi dekoratif el s... more Günümüz tarih biliminde ortaçağa ait, dini içerikli, yazılı olmayan kaynaklar gibi dekoratif el sanatları ürünleri de, zamanının ekonomik ve sanatsal-estetik olgunlaşma seviyesinin bir göstergesi olması açısından büyük öneme sahiptirler. Bu eserlerin incelenmesi konusuna önem verilmesinin altında yatan başlıca sebep, kumaş parçaları gibi arkeolojik buluntulardan oluşan söz konusu eserlerin çok nadir olarak ortaya çıkması ve korunabilmesidir. dolayısıyla ortaya çıkan her bir parçanın bilim dünyasında ayrı bir heyecan uyandırmasıdır. Azerbaycan Ulusal Tarih Müzesi'nde 90 yıl boyunca biriktirilen koleksiyonun (300 000 parçadan fazla) genişliği ve çeşitliliği, hatta bazı bölümlerde tekliği konusunun önemle altını çizmek gereklidir. Müzenin Arkeoloji Fonu tarihteki önemli dönemlerin incelenmesine kaynaklık eden ortaçağ tekstilinin en önemli eserlerine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Makalede 13. yy'a ait, zamanının en iyi süsleme el sanatı örneklerinden olması muhtemel arkeolojik kumaş örnekleri seçilmiştir. İncelenen kumaşlar Azerbaycan Ulusal Tarih Müzesi'ne 2008 yılında, bir bölüm açılışına istinaden seçilmiştir. Bu kumaşlar arkeologlar tarafından 1980 yılında Gilyan Harabeleri'nde (Nahçıvan-Ordubad Bölgesi) bulunmuşlardır. En önemli buluntu örneklerindendir. Zengin bir şekilde işlenmiş altı parçadan müteşekkil 13.yy'a ait ipek, yün ve altın işlemeli kumaşlar, bilim adamları arasında bezemelerin zenginliğinin yanında, bu kadar iyi korunabilmiş olmaları ile de şaşkınlık yaratmışlardır. Bu hassas ve dayanıksız nesnelerin bu kadar iyi korunmuş olmasının nedeninin, Nahçıvan'ın kuru ve sert iklimi olabileceğini düşünmek mümkündür. Bulunan kumaşların boya yapısına dair teknik çalışmalar Türk bilim insanları Türkan Yurdun ve Recep Karadağ tarafından yapılmış, Türkiye ve Polonya'da bununla ilgili makaleler yayınlanmıştır (Khalili, 2009). Söz konusu çalışmanın amacı şekillerin, bezemelerin oluşturdukları kompozisyonların detaylarının aydınlatılmasıdır. Bunun yanında, makalede Selçuklular döneminde bu sanaatın ortaya çıkışı ve gelişmesine dair bazı sorular da aydınlatılmaya çalışılacaktır. Veriler işlenirken, incelenen örneklerin menşei, rengi ve kumaşların türüne de özellikle önem verilmiştir. Bu kumaşların sanatsal işlenişi kullanım alanı ve 13. yy'daki teknik imkânlara göre şekillenmiştir. Dikişler ise Türk halkları el sanatlarının oluşum ve şekillenme süreçlerinin üslûp özgünlüklerini yansıtır.
16th International Conference on “Cultural Heritage and New Technologies", 2011
This study is devoted to investigation of origin source of jewellery and metallic items stored in... more This study is devoted to investigation of origin source of jewellery and metallic items stored in the
National Museum of Azerbaijan History at the National Academy of Sciences. The results of analyzes made
by the XRF methods identified the chemical composition of archaeological monuments and showed that, the
majority of jewellery are made from the local raw materials by Azerbaijanian jewelers.
Milli Azərbaycan Tarii muzeyi, 2016
The article describes the history of the construction of the palace of G.Z. Tagiev and its archit... more The article describes the history of the construction of the palace of G.Z. Tagiev and its architecturally stylized features
Archaeological Textiles of Harabagilan in the Context of Turkic-islamic Cultural Heritage (based ... more Archaeological Textiles of Harabagilan in the Context of Turkic-islamic Cultural Heritage (based on the materials of ANAS of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History)
There were researched the archaeological tissues from Harabagilan as a Turkic-islamic monun dated XII-XIII cc, in this article. To determine the area of fabrication of the given textile samples, were studied technical parameters of the weaving, structure of the filament, the density of wea structures of gilded and silvered fabric threads and their chemical composition. Home decorations semantics of the textile ornamentation were analyzed in the system of the Turkic-islamic artistic world1
Key words: Turkic-islamic Cultural, archaeological textile, funeral ceremonies, silky weaving thread, goldwork embroidery, thread count, composition, calligraphically ornaments, motive.
Drafts by Afet Rustambayova
Tagiyev’s Palace, 2020
The book examines the history and architectural style of the palace of G.Z. Tagiyev.
The catalog contains a list of all gold coins of the Islamic East from the numismatic collection ... more The catalog contains a list of all gold coins of the Islamic East from the numismatic collection of the National Museum of the History of Azerbaijan
Collection of gold jewelry found during archeological excavations in Azerbaijan is an essential s... more Collection of gold jewelry found during archeological excavations in
Azerbaijan is an essential source for study of historical culture and socioeconomical
level not only for the developments in Azerbaijan but also neighboring
countries for more than four thousand years. Noteworthy, the study of unique
designs and decorative techniques for applying fine gold jewelry by various
processes, used technology pertaining to the earliest period, addresses the
question related to origin and development of jewelry art in Azerbaijan. This article
aims to present the study of jewelry art history that emerged in complex executable
filigree and granulation techniques, based upon archeological artifacts. This article
examines the oldest examples of gold jewelry found in archeological sites of
Azerbaijan concerning the 2nd and 1st millenniums BC. Furthermore, the paper
presents the outcomes of the study achieved in filigree and grain techniques.
Museum pieces allow us to trace the emergence and development of chronological
sequence of jewelry grain producing. According to the studies, the earliest filigree
decorative techniques for applying jewelry that emerged in the Middle Bronze age
(2nd millenniums BC.). The unique item pertaining to the 2nd millenniums BC., is the
golden rod, molded shape with images of bull’s head decorated with exquisite rows
of granules on the forehead, ears and neck, apparently representing the regalia of
power. Samples of false grain fixed on seven identical earrings dating from the VIII
BC., found in Mingechevir testify about not only fashion of the grain, but also prove
the high craftsmanship of jewelers in filigree techniques. There are diverse and
sophisticated numerous jewelry antiquities indicated by their compositional
structure (III in. B.C-III century A.D), where there are soldered grains in the form of
grape bunches. The results show us not only the local origin of grain jewelry, but
also a high level of development of elite society and jewelers in the Middle Bronze
Age. There is a reason to believe that, property differentiation during the Middle
Bronze Age in Azerbaijan had already occurred in the proto-urban societies.
Ziya, 2013
Museum’s archaeological exhibits consisting o f precious metals cover
the period from IV millennium BC until the X V II century AD. Archaeological
exhibits are grouped in chronological order and accompanied by passport data, as
description, time, weight, etc. in the given catalogue.
Milli Azərbaycan Tarixi muzeyi , 2021
On the attribution of the Khynysly golden diadem Due to the mutual influence and interaction of v... more On the attribution of the Khynysly golden diadem
Due to the mutual influence and interaction of various ethnic groups, a new culture was formed in jewelry and expressed the creation and development of a peculiar polychrome style in the Hunnic period. The National Museum of History of Azerbaijan contains a lot of Hunnic antiquities. The most valuable among them is a golden tiara discovered in 1967 by archaeologist Jabbar Halilov in the village of Khynysly, Shamakhi region of Azerbaijan. There are considered the compositional, technical, and semantic features of the Khynysly diadem in the article. There also are shown analogies with the stylistically similar tiaras of the synchronous period. As a result of comparative analysis, the individual characteristics of the jewelry as a part of a single group of polychrome-style jewelry were identified. The study of the stylistic features of this diadem made it possible to typology it according to the internationally accepted classification. This unique female headdress-diadem is an element of the “integration culture of the nobility” as a determinant of status and power.
Tarix və mədəniyyət. Faktlar və dəyərlər., 2020
Bronze mirrors of ancient times are important historical source of aesthetic perception, religiou... more Bronze mirrors of ancient times are important historical
source of aesthetic perception, religious representations and funeral rites. In this article, an attempt is made to understand the mirror in the system of world perception, beliefs and rituals of the ancient population of Azerbaijan.
The influence of the Hunnic culture is especially noticeable in jewelry. It was at that time when... more The influence of the Hunnic culture is especially noticeable in jewelry. It was at that time when a peculiar polychrome style was formed with multicolor features which could be achieved by various technical and artistic means.
The presented diadem of the Hunnic period from Hınıslı village of the Shamakhi region of Azerbaijan is a rare artifact.
The peculiarity of the presented archaeological decoration is that more than 20 similar samples were found over the entire area of the Huns' domination with similar shapes, decorations, and styles. The
researchers subdivided them into subgroups according to stylistic features and the diadem from Hınıslı
was attributed to the “western”, i.e., to the territory west of the Dnieper.
A distinctive feature of this type of decoration is the gold leaf with flat stones. But the central two
bird heads decorative element has the parallels only with the “western” Kerch (Mount Mithridates) and finds from the Southern Urals (Shipovo). Thus, the diadem made in the “western” Hunnic technigue
reflected the symbolism of the diadems of the “eastern” nomads.
This artifact is also of interest as an example of polychrome jewelry. It reflects the aestheticpreferences of the population of the huge area captured by the Huns, the processes of cultural andeconomic interaction, borrowings, and mutual influences.
zərbaycan arxeologiyasının inkişafında professor Qafar Cəbiyevin rolu” mövzusunda beynəlxalq vebinar – konfrans, 2021
The article is about the moon shaped earrings (ay sirga) made in polychrome style, the unique ar... more The article is about the moon shaped earrings (ay sirga) made in polychrome style, the unique archaelogical jewelry item found by Professor Gafar
Jabiyev. This style was widespread not only in Azerbaijan, but also through-
- 147 -
out the Hunnic Kaganate during the era of the Great Nations Migration. The
last published archaeological find belongs to the rare category. These moon
shaped earrings from the Demirchiler necropolis take third place after the
documented complexes (Kalagah, Kermedil). There is considered technique
in the polychrome style typical for burials of the Hunnic period.
Günümüz tarih biliminde ortaçağa ait, dini içerikli, yazılı olmayan kaynaklar gibi dekoratif el s... more Günümüz tarih biliminde ortaçağa ait, dini içerikli, yazılı olmayan kaynaklar gibi dekoratif el sanatları ürünleri de, zamanının ekonomik ve sanatsal-estetik olgunlaşma seviyesinin bir göstergesi olması açısından büyük öneme sahiptirler. Bu eserlerin incelenmesi konusuna önem verilmesinin altında yatan başlıca sebep, kumaş parçaları gibi arkeolojik buluntulardan oluşan söz konusu eserlerin çok nadir olarak ortaya çıkması ve korunabilmesidir. dolayısıyla ortaya çıkan her bir parçanın bilim dünyasında ayrı bir heyecan uyandırmasıdır. Azerbaycan Ulusal Tarih Müzesi'nde 90 yıl boyunca biriktirilen koleksiyonun (300 000 parçadan fazla) genişliği ve çeşitliliği, hatta bazı bölümlerde tekliği konusunun önemle altını çizmek gereklidir. Müzenin Arkeoloji Fonu tarihteki önemli dönemlerin incelenmesine kaynaklık eden ortaçağ tekstilinin en önemli eserlerine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Makalede 13. yy'a ait, zamanının en iyi süsleme el sanatı örneklerinden olması muhtemel arkeolojik kumaş örnekleri seçilmiştir. İncelenen kumaşlar Azerbaycan Ulusal Tarih Müzesi'ne 2008 yılında, bir bölüm açılışına istinaden seçilmiştir. Bu kumaşlar arkeologlar tarafından 1980 yılında Gilyan Harabeleri'nde (Nahçıvan-Ordubad Bölgesi) bulunmuşlardır. En önemli buluntu örneklerindendir. Zengin bir şekilde işlenmiş altı parçadan müteşekkil 13.yy'a ait ipek, yün ve altın işlemeli kumaşlar, bilim adamları arasında bezemelerin zenginliğinin yanında, bu kadar iyi korunabilmiş olmaları ile de şaşkınlık yaratmışlardır. Bu hassas ve dayanıksız nesnelerin bu kadar iyi korunmuş olmasının nedeninin, Nahçıvan'ın kuru ve sert iklimi olabileceğini düşünmek mümkündür. Bulunan kumaşların boya yapısına dair teknik çalışmalar Türk bilim insanları Türkan Yurdun ve Recep Karadağ tarafından yapılmış, Türkiye ve Polonya'da bununla ilgili makaleler yayınlanmıştır (Khalili, 2009). Söz konusu çalışmanın amacı şekillerin, bezemelerin oluşturdukları kompozisyonların detaylarının aydınlatılmasıdır. Bunun yanında, makalede Selçuklular döneminde bu sanaatın ortaya çıkışı ve gelişmesine dair bazı sorular da aydınlatılmaya çalışılacaktır. Veriler işlenirken, incelenen örneklerin menşei, rengi ve kumaşların türüne de özellikle önem verilmiştir. Bu kumaşların sanatsal işlenişi kullanım alanı ve 13. yy'daki teknik imkânlara göre şekillenmiştir. Dikişler ise Türk halkları el sanatlarının oluşum ve şekillenme süreçlerinin üslûp özgünlüklerini yansıtır.
16th International Conference on “Cultural Heritage and New Technologies", 2011
This study is devoted to investigation of origin source of jewellery and metallic items stored in... more This study is devoted to investigation of origin source of jewellery and metallic items stored in the
National Museum of Azerbaijan History at the National Academy of Sciences. The results of analyzes made
by the XRF methods identified the chemical composition of archaeological monuments and showed that, the
majority of jewellery are made from the local raw materials by Azerbaijanian jewelers.
Milli Azərbaycan Tarii muzeyi, 2016
The article describes the history of the construction of the palace of G.Z. Tagiev and its archit... more The article describes the history of the construction of the palace of G.Z. Tagiev and its architecturally stylized features
Archaeological Textiles of Harabagilan in the Context of Turkic-islamic Cultural Heritage (based ... more Archaeological Textiles of Harabagilan in the Context of Turkic-islamic Cultural Heritage (based on the materials of ANAS of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History)
There were researched the archaeological tissues from Harabagilan as a Turkic-islamic monun dated XII-XIII cc, in this article. To determine the area of fabrication of the given textile samples, were studied technical parameters of the weaving, structure of the filament, the density of wea structures of gilded and silvered fabric threads and their chemical composition. Home decorations semantics of the textile ornamentation were analyzed in the system of the Turkic-islamic artistic world1
Key words: Turkic-islamic Cultural, archaeological textile, funeral ceremonies, silky weaving thread, goldwork embroidery, thread count, composition, calligraphically ornaments, motive.
Tagiyev’s Palace, 2020
The book examines the history and architectural style of the palace of G.Z. Tagiyev.