Agnès Bénassy-quéré - (original) (raw)


Papers by Agnès Bénassy-quéré

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary and financial integration in Asia: Introduction

Economie internationale, Sep 1, 2007

Surging growth and rising interdependence of East-Asian economies during the last two decades hav... more Surging growth and rising interdependence of East-Asian economies during the last two decades have heightened interest in monetary and financial integration. From 1985 to 2005, the share of intra-regional trade in total trade for the South-East and East Asian region (including Japan) grew from 28% to 34%. Around the middle of this period, in 1997, the rapid propagation of the Thai currency crisis over South-East Asia lent urgency to accompanying economic integration with steps toward monetary and financial integration and for jointly improving the quality of financial supervision in the region.

Research paper thumbnail of Term of Trade Shocks in a Monetary Union

Research paper thumbnail of Real Exchange Rate Misalignments and Growth: A New Look using Nonlinear Panel Data methods

Research paper thumbnail of No 2008 – 03 November Millennium Development Goals at Midpoint : Where do we stand and where do we need to go ?

Millennium Development Goals at Midpoint: Where do we stand and where do we need to go? Support f... more Millennium Development Goals at Midpoint: Where do we stand and where do we need to go? Support from the CIREM is gratefully acknowledged 1 Paper written in the framework of the joint initiative "Mobilising European Research for Development Policies" for the European Commission (DG Development and Relations with

Research paper thumbnail of Politique économique, 3e éd

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Yuan Internationalization on the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Exchange rate regimes and policies in Asia

Research paper thumbnail of Taux de change d'�quilibre. Une question d'horizon

Research paper thumbnail of On the inclusion of the Chinese renminbi in the SDR basket

International Economics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Big and Small Currencies: The Regional Connection

Regional Currency Areas in Financial Globalization

Research paper thumbnail of Regards croisés sur le système monétaire international

Revue d'économie financière, 2010

[eng] Meeting Eyes on the International Financial System.. During the 27th Journees d’economie fi... more [eng] Meeting Eyes on the International Financial System.. During the 27th Journees d’economie financiere et monetaire (Bordeaux, June 2010 ; CNRS GdRE 335), the authors have been discussing different points of view relative to the International Financial System. Marc Flandreau analyzes how the acceptances market has been used by the Americain central bank, supported by a political will, to ease the emergence of the dollar as the international currency at the beginning of the 20th century. As for Andre Cartapanis, the dollar and the euro are into a stable hierarchical configuration : the dollar being an undisputed international currency and the euro a brilliant second. A purely economic analysis does not explain this supremacy, as the international currency also responds to specific political factors and the euro does not offer, on this level, the same attributes that the U. S. dollar. Patrick Artus gives an investor’s outlook : global imbalances will remain but will move due to the ongoing shrinking of the Chinese commercial surpluses and acute attention is now payed to the quality of the assets of central banks balance sheets. Agnes Benassy-Quere stresses the unbalances between the relative weights of the real and the financial sectors in both emerging and developed [fre] A l’occasion d’une table ronde organisee dans le cadre des 27eme Journees d’economie financiere et monetaire (Bordeaux, juin 2010 ; CNRS GdRE 335), les auteurs ont confronte differents points de vue sur le systeme monetaire international. Marc Flandreau analyse le role joue par le marche americain des « acceptances » dans la montee en puissance du dollar comme monnaie internationale au debut du XXeme siecle et souligne le soutien actif apporte par la banque centrale et les responsables politiques americains. Pour Andre Cartapanis, le dollar et l’euro semblent s’etre installes dans une configuration stable mais hierarchisee -le dollar monnaie internationale incontestee et l’euro brillant second -qu’une analyse strictement economique ne permet pas d’expliquer. Le statut de monnaie internationale repond en effet aussi a des facteurs specifiquement politiques et l’euro ne dispose pas, sur ce plan, des memes attributs que le dollar. Patrick Artus traite de la maniere dont les marches percoivent les evolutions en cours : des desequilibres vont se maintenir mais se deplacer avec la reduction en cours des excedents commerciaux chinois et une attention de plus en plus forte est portee par les investisseurs a la qualite des actifs au bilan des banques centrales. Agnes Benassy-Quere insiste sur les divergences entre les poids relatifs, dans les pays developpes et emergents, des economies reelles et financieres, causes de fortes variations des taux de change et d’asymetries d’ajustement. Elle explore les differentes voies de reforme du systeme monetaire international. . Classification JEL : F31, F32.

Research paper thumbnail of Changing Patterns of Domestic and Cross-Border Fiscal Policy Multipliers in Europe and the US

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Taux de change de l'euro: perspectives à moyen et long termes

Research paper thumbnail of Les quotes-parts du FMI à l'horizon 2030

Research paper thumbnail of Trade Linkages and Exchange Rates in Asia: The Role of China

China entry into the WTO, coupled with trade surplus and growing forex reserve, could end in a re... more China entry into the WTO, coupled with trade surplus and growing forex reserve, could end in a relaxation of the Chinese exchange-rate peg, which has remained stable against the dollar since 1994. This paper explores the consequence of such a move in the light of intra-Asian trade integration.

Research paper thumbnail of Une question d'horizon

We argue that the main equilibrium exchange rate approaches (ppp, beer, and feer) correspond to d... more We argue that the main equilibrium exchange rate approaches (ppp, beer, and feer) correspond to different time horizons of a single theoretical framework. We propose an illustration for the euro/dollar exchange rate. Our results suggest that the various approaches should not be opposed but rather combined to provide useful benchmarks for exchange-rate policies. Classification JEL : F31, C23.

Research paper thumbnail of Le yuan et le G20

Revue d'économie financière, 2004

Dans cet article, les auteurs cherchent à déterminer la marge d’appréciation du yuan, et à analys... more Dans cet article, les auteurs cherchent à déterminer la marge d’appréciation du yuan, et à analyser les conséquences qu’aurait, pour la parité euro-dollar, un réajustement du taux de change du yuan et des monnaies asiatiques. Tout d’abord, cet article rappelle les origines du régime de change fixe en Chine, dont le choix est indissociable de la stratégie de développement chinoise, fondée sur une ouverture privilégiant les exportations. Puis, il propose deux mesures alternatives du taux de change d’équilibre du yuan, l’une fondée sur l’hypothèse que le yuan doit se comporter comme l’ensemble des monnaies des pays du G20, l’autre fondée sur l’hypothèse que les monnaies du G20 ont chacune une dynamique d’ajustement propre. Enfin, les auteurs étudient l’impact qu’aurait un réajustement du yuan et des autres monnaies asiatiques sur les déséquilibres mondiaux, mesurés par les distorsions de change subies par ces pays. Différents scénarios permettent de quantifier les conséquences d’une év...

Research paper thumbnail of Tax Competition and Public Input

We study the extent and policy implications of tax competition in the case of a double-competitio... more We study the extent and policy implications of tax competition in the case of a double-competition on both tax rates and provision of public factors. First, we derive the relevant theoretical results in a unified framework where a corporate tax is used to finance a public good which both raises household utility and firm productivity. Then, the relevance of such

Research paper thumbnail of Macroeconomic Consequences of Global Endogenous Migration: A General Equilibrium Analysis

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Concurrence fiscale et facteur public(*)

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary and financial integration in Asia: Introduction

Economie internationale, Sep 1, 2007

Surging growth and rising interdependence of East-Asian economies during the last two decades hav... more Surging growth and rising interdependence of East-Asian economies during the last two decades have heightened interest in monetary and financial integration. From 1985 to 2005, the share of intra-regional trade in total trade for the South-East and East Asian region (including Japan) grew from 28% to 34%. Around the middle of this period, in 1997, the rapid propagation of the Thai currency crisis over South-East Asia lent urgency to accompanying economic integration with steps toward monetary and financial integration and for jointly improving the quality of financial supervision in the region.

Research paper thumbnail of Term of Trade Shocks in a Monetary Union

Research paper thumbnail of Real Exchange Rate Misalignments and Growth: A New Look using Nonlinear Panel Data methods

Research paper thumbnail of No 2008 – 03 November Millennium Development Goals at Midpoint : Where do we stand and where do we need to go ?

Millennium Development Goals at Midpoint: Where do we stand and where do we need to go? Support f... more Millennium Development Goals at Midpoint: Where do we stand and where do we need to go? Support from the CIREM is gratefully acknowledged 1 Paper written in the framework of the joint initiative "Mobilising European Research for Development Policies" for the European Commission (DG Development and Relations with

Research paper thumbnail of Politique économique, 3e éd

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Yuan Internationalization on the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Exchange rate regimes and policies in Asia

Research paper thumbnail of Taux de change d'�quilibre. Une question d'horizon

Research paper thumbnail of On the inclusion of the Chinese renminbi in the SDR basket

International Economics, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Big and Small Currencies: The Regional Connection

Regional Currency Areas in Financial Globalization

Research paper thumbnail of Regards croisés sur le système monétaire international

Revue d'économie financière, 2010

[eng] Meeting Eyes on the International Financial System.. During the 27th Journees d’economie fi... more [eng] Meeting Eyes on the International Financial System.. During the 27th Journees d’economie financiere et monetaire (Bordeaux, June 2010 ; CNRS GdRE 335), the authors have been discussing different points of view relative to the International Financial System. Marc Flandreau analyzes how the acceptances market has been used by the Americain central bank, supported by a political will, to ease the emergence of the dollar as the international currency at the beginning of the 20th century. As for Andre Cartapanis, the dollar and the euro are into a stable hierarchical configuration : the dollar being an undisputed international currency and the euro a brilliant second. A purely economic analysis does not explain this supremacy, as the international currency also responds to specific political factors and the euro does not offer, on this level, the same attributes that the U. S. dollar. Patrick Artus gives an investor’s outlook : global imbalances will remain but will move due to the ongoing shrinking of the Chinese commercial surpluses and acute attention is now payed to the quality of the assets of central banks balance sheets. Agnes Benassy-Quere stresses the unbalances between the relative weights of the real and the financial sectors in both emerging and developed [fre] A l’occasion d’une table ronde organisee dans le cadre des 27eme Journees d’economie financiere et monetaire (Bordeaux, juin 2010 ; CNRS GdRE 335), les auteurs ont confronte differents points de vue sur le systeme monetaire international. Marc Flandreau analyse le role joue par le marche americain des « acceptances » dans la montee en puissance du dollar comme monnaie internationale au debut du XXeme siecle et souligne le soutien actif apporte par la banque centrale et les responsables politiques americains. Pour Andre Cartapanis, le dollar et l’euro semblent s’etre installes dans une configuration stable mais hierarchisee -le dollar monnaie internationale incontestee et l’euro brillant second -qu’une analyse strictement economique ne permet pas d’expliquer. Le statut de monnaie internationale repond en effet aussi a des facteurs specifiquement politiques et l’euro ne dispose pas, sur ce plan, des memes attributs que le dollar. Patrick Artus traite de la maniere dont les marches percoivent les evolutions en cours : des desequilibres vont se maintenir mais se deplacer avec la reduction en cours des excedents commerciaux chinois et une attention de plus en plus forte est portee par les investisseurs a la qualite des actifs au bilan des banques centrales. Agnes Benassy-Quere insiste sur les divergences entre les poids relatifs, dans les pays developpes et emergents, des economies reelles et financieres, causes de fortes variations des taux de change et d’asymetries d’ajustement. Elle explore les differentes voies de reforme du systeme monetaire international. . Classification JEL : F31, F32.

Research paper thumbnail of Changing Patterns of Domestic and Cross-Border Fiscal Policy Multipliers in Europe and the US

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Taux de change de l'euro: perspectives à moyen et long termes

Research paper thumbnail of Les quotes-parts du FMI à l'horizon 2030

Research paper thumbnail of Trade Linkages and Exchange Rates in Asia: The Role of China

China entry into the WTO, coupled with trade surplus and growing forex reserve, could end in a re... more China entry into the WTO, coupled with trade surplus and growing forex reserve, could end in a relaxation of the Chinese exchange-rate peg, which has remained stable against the dollar since 1994. This paper explores the consequence of such a move in the light of intra-Asian trade integration.

Research paper thumbnail of Une question d'horizon

We argue that the main equilibrium exchange rate approaches (ppp, beer, and feer) correspond to d... more We argue that the main equilibrium exchange rate approaches (ppp, beer, and feer) correspond to different time horizons of a single theoretical framework. We propose an illustration for the euro/dollar exchange rate. Our results suggest that the various approaches should not be opposed but rather combined to provide useful benchmarks for exchange-rate policies. Classification JEL : F31, C23.

Research paper thumbnail of Le yuan et le G20

Revue d'économie financière, 2004

Dans cet article, les auteurs cherchent à déterminer la marge d’appréciation du yuan, et à analys... more Dans cet article, les auteurs cherchent à déterminer la marge d’appréciation du yuan, et à analyser les conséquences qu’aurait, pour la parité euro-dollar, un réajustement du taux de change du yuan et des monnaies asiatiques. Tout d’abord, cet article rappelle les origines du régime de change fixe en Chine, dont le choix est indissociable de la stratégie de développement chinoise, fondée sur une ouverture privilégiant les exportations. Puis, il propose deux mesures alternatives du taux de change d’équilibre du yuan, l’une fondée sur l’hypothèse que le yuan doit se comporter comme l’ensemble des monnaies des pays du G20, l’autre fondée sur l’hypothèse que les monnaies du G20 ont chacune une dynamique d’ajustement propre. Enfin, les auteurs étudient l’impact qu’aurait un réajustement du yuan et des autres monnaies asiatiques sur les déséquilibres mondiaux, mesurés par les distorsions de change subies par ces pays. Différents scénarios permettent de quantifier les conséquences d’une év...

Research paper thumbnail of Tax Competition and Public Input

We study the extent and policy implications of tax competition in the case of a double-competitio... more We study the extent and policy implications of tax competition in the case of a double-competition on both tax rates and provision of public factors. First, we derive the relevant theoretical results in a unified framework where a corporate tax is used to finance a public good which both raises household utility and firm productivity. Then, the relevance of such

Research paper thumbnail of Macroeconomic Consequences of Global Endogenous Migration: A General Equilibrium Analysis

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Concurrence fiscale et facteur public(*)