Ahmad Maulidi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ahmad Maulidi
Moderasi Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Jun 26, 2024
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam/Jurnal pendidikan agama Islam (Journal of Islamic education studies), Jul 31, 2023
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
The presence of digital technology in the current era brings many changes to every side of life, ... more The presence of digital technology in the current era brings many changes to every side of life, one of which is the decline in social skills. With the massive digital technology, a child seems to be in a phase where he doesn't need other people. The siege of digital technology makes children able to do what they want without the help of others. This can be seen from the decline in the social skills they have when learning at school. The gadgets that they always carry are considered capable of replacing the role of humans, all of which will be contrary to human nature itself, which always coexists with other people. This condition is what Jeffrey A. Hall and research results from Gajah Mada University stated that the use of social media (devices) can make children have less time to socialize. As a result, their social skills can decrease. It is interesting for researchers to see and examine how the message conveyed by the Koran in dealing with these conditions. Considering that there are about 23.35% of the verses of the Quran allude to social aspects. This research is included in qualitative research with the library method. Various sources related to the message of the Koran in improving social skills were studied and analyzed. The results of the study state that three steps in the Quran can be used as a solution to the skills problems that occur in this new normal era. These methods are 1) through getting to know each other, 2) through praying and 3) by helping people in need.
International Journal of Law, Environment and Natural Resources, Apr 21, 2022
Obligatory will, occurs due to legal actions by changing religions other than Islam which causes ... more Obligatory will, occurs due to legal actions by changing religions other than Islam which causes no inheritance. But still get a chance with the provisions of the obligatory will. In this study, there was a legal conflict, namely Law no. 01 of 1974, Article 42, reads that a legitimate child is a child born in or as a result of a legal marriage. This does not see, due to other legal actions when the child is an adult by changing religions other than Islam. This is contrary to Faridh Law (law of Fiqh Inheritance), Al Qur'an Surah An Nisa verses 7 to 12. Also, Child Protection Law No. 23 of 2000, Article 42; Paragraph (2) reads that every child can make his choice if the child is wise and responsible and fulfills the requirements and procedures in accordance with the provisions of the religion he embraces and the provisions of the applicable laws. To provide a solution between these legal conflicts, a court decision regarding the obligatory will appeared, in court decision Number 204/Pdt.G/2007/Pa.Jr, which was confirmed by decision Number 263/Pdt.G2007/PTA.Sby and the decision of the Religious court Tondano Number 13Pdt/.G/2006/PA.Tdo, which was corrected by Decision Number 01/Pdt.G/2007/PTA.Mdo. This article will be examined using normative research methods, namely research that aims to obtain legal materials obtained through literature studies that are considered relevant to the subject matter. The results of this study are that boys and girls of different religions will still get an inheritance, but differences in the division of inheritance on the male side, the role of religious education functions to provide reinforcement in the values of Sakinah Mawaddah and Warahmah in the family, so religious education is needed. The conclusion of this study is that the obligatory will can provide strengthening of family values.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah simbol komunikasi apa saja hal yang ada pada Kesenian Pencak Macan se... more Fokus penelitian ini adalah simbol komunikasi apa saja hal yang ada pada Kesenian Pencak Macan sebagai suatu kebudayaan. Apa saja bentuk simbol yang komunikasi yang digunakan dalam Kesenian Pencak Macan. Dan apa makna Kesenian Pencak Macan sebagai simbol komunikasi bagi pasangan pengantin di Kelurahan Lumpur Kecamatan Gresik Kabupaten Gresik ? tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk simbol dan makna Kesenian Pencak Macan yang digunakan oleh warga Kelurahan Lumpur Gresik. Untuk Menjawab pertanyaan diatas, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, karena fenomenologi merupakan studi mengenai bagaimana kehidupan manusia di dunia. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah warga Kelurahan Lumpur Gresik. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka pemikiran yakni teori Interaksi Simbolik, kerangka pemikiran ini mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat besar dalam penelitian ini, karena di dalamnya memiliki tendensi-tendensi pemikiran yang kuat untuk menganalisis penelitian ini. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Sumber informan dalam penelitian ini adalah budayawan yang menjadi pelatih serta pemilik padepokan kesenian Pencak Macan dan tokoh masyarakat yang mengerti dan pernah melakukan Kesenian Pencak Macan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dihimpun dari wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi dari dokumen, setelah data terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Kesenian Pencak Macan sebagai simbol komunikasi untuk calon pengantin di Kelurahan Lumpu Gresik. Dan juga dapat dijadikan sebagai pengingat tentang lika-liku serta konflik perjalanan yang akan dihadapi pasangan pengantin sebagai suami istri dalam menjalani bahtera rumah tangga. Karena dalam komunikasi yang dibangun dapat menciptakan pemaknaan sama ketika Kesenian Pencak Macan dilakukan sebagai adat istiadat setempat. Selain itu dengan melakukan ritual ini dapat diyakini sebagai do’a keselamatan serta kebahagian dalam membina kehidupan rumah tangga bagi yang menjalankan.
Prosiding Ilmu Hukum, Feb 17, 2016
Commercial activities in space more varied. In addition to mining activities on the Moon and the ... more Commercial activities in space more varied. In addition to mining activities on the Moon and the success of tourism activities space (space tourism), one of the activities are also supporting the commercial activity in space is naming one "spot" in space objects, as is done by private companies Uwingu. These activities generate a profit (profit) potential. Until now, there has been no specific regulations governing the activities of naming objects/features in space, even though these activities will relate to aspects of international space law to give rise to legal consequences should be anticipated. Therefore, this study examines the activities of the naming of craters on Mars by the company Uwingu as a form of commercial activity in space and the legal consequences under the law of international space. The method used in this research is normative juridical research method while according to the nature of this study is a descriptive analytical research. Source data used are secondary data, including primary legal materials, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. Data collection technique is a literature study, while the analytical technique used is the technique of normative analysis. The study concluded that the activities naming craters on Mars by the company Uwingu can be classified as one type of commercial activity in space the most, compared with the previous commercial activities, such as telecommunications; sensing; minning; space tourism, and others because of the similarity of elements, especially in terms of profit (profit). Based on Space Law International, activities naming craters on Mars associated with some aspects of international space law so as to give rise to legal consequences should be anticipated, including: the aspect of expediency and interests (benefit and interest) for all mankind; and aspects of the ban on ownership of space (non-appropriation) along with other celestial objects and aspects of sovereignty (sovereignty).
BAHASANTODEA, Jul 16, 2016
This research aimed to explain whether the use of language that contain of language politeness in... more This research aimed to explain whether the use of language that contain of language politeness in social network (facebook). This research applied qualitative research which consists of two approaches (theorities approach and methodologies approach). The data of this research was from written update status of the facebook user fulfill the principle. The data was got by observe and write down every data in data card. The data collection was analyzed by using normative method. The resulted of the research indicated that the use of language in social network (facebook) was consisted of politeness language. The form of language politeness that was found in facebook question,thanked, thankful, hope,request, appreciation, invitation, offering, and information. They were applied in different variety. The differenciate was affected by the speaker, receiver, topic, setting, situation scene and the objective of the topic.
Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi begitu luar biasa dan meresahkan serta berdampak pada hampir semua ... more Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi begitu luar biasa dan meresahkan serta berdampak pada hampir semua sektor dalam kehidupan. Dalam hal ini sektor pendidikan mendapatkan tantangan dengan hadirnya pandemi Covid-19, dimana kegiatan pembelajaran tidak dapat berjalan normal seperti biasanya, dan mengharuskan beralih pada tatanan model pembelajaran baru. Alternatif yang digunakan dapat dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Blended Learning. Begitu pula IDIA Prenduan, dalam menyikapi hal tersebut juga menggunakan model pembelajaran blended learning. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman mahasiswa tentang Blended Learning dan bagaimana model penerapannya yang dilakukan di di IDIA Prenduan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kemudian peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Penelitian ini mengha...
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronics, and Control Engineering (JTECE)
Seiring bertambahnya kebutuhan akan peralatan listrik yang digunakan di dalam suatu ruangan kelas... more Seiring bertambahnya kebutuhan akan peralatan listrik yang digunakan di dalam suatu ruangan kelas maka kebutuhan akan energi listrik serta biaya yang akan dikeluarkan akan semakin besar. Sulitnya memonitor pemakaian perangkat listrik yang ada dikelas berpotensi terjadinya pemakaian perangkat secara berlebihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem smart class berbasis modul NodeMCU ESP8266, dengan rancangan ini perangkat yang ada di dalam kelas (prototype) dapat dimonitor dan dikendalikan secara jarak jauh. Sehingga dapat dilakukan analisa performansi kinerja saat dilakukan monitoring dan controlling jarak jauh. Termonitornya biaya listrik yang digunakan sehingga dapat mengatur perangkat dengan lebih efisien. Rancangan prototype ini menggunakan alat bantu, NodeMCU ESP8266, Modul sensor PZEM-004T, dan relay. Rangkaian tersebut menghasilkan data yang dikirim ke platform blynk yang diolah menjadi alat monitor dan kendali jarak jauh yang dapat dijalankan pada aplikasi ios. Hasil pen...
International Journal of Law, Environment, and Natural Resources
Obligatory will, occurs due to legal actions by changing religions other than Islam which causes ... more Obligatory will, occurs due to legal actions by changing religions other than Islam which causes no inheritance. But still get a chance with the provisions of the obligatory will. In this study, there was a legal conflict, namely Law no. 01 of 1974, Article 42, reads that a legitimate child is a child born in or as a result of a legal marriage. This does not see, due to other legal actions when the child is an adult by changing religions other than Islam. This is contrary to Faridh Law (law of Fiqh Inheritance), Al Qur'an Surah An Nisa verses 7 to 12. Also, Child Protection Law No. 23 of 2000, Article 42; Paragraph (2) reads that every child can make his choice if the child is wise and responsible and fulfills the requirements and procedures in accordance with the provisions of the religion he embraces and the provisions of the applicable laws. To provide a solution between these legal conflicts, a court decision regarding the obligatory will appeared, in court decision Number 2...
Marriage is a form of worship that is highly recommended in Islam. Some virtues and rewards that ... more Marriage is a form of worship that is highly recommended in Islam. Some virtues and rewards that come from getting married. If marriage is called form of worship, of course marriage should not be done carelessly. It must comply with religious principles and laws, one of which is that bride and groom must be Muslim. The phenomenon of interfaith marriage among Muslims tends not to pay attention to the main purpose of marriage itself. They only prioritize love wrapped with the justification that interfaith marriage is allowed. This is interesting for researchers to describe how the law of interfaith marriage is in Islam and what the consequences are when interfaith marriages are carried out. This research method uses the literature method which is one of the qualitative methods. Sources related to the law of interfaith marriage were collected so that a clear law was found on how Islam views interfaith marriage. The results of this study indicate that (1) the law of marriage between Muslim men and women of the books is permissible and some prohibits, (2) the law of marriage between Muslim men and women who are not book experts, both musyrik women, Majusi and Shabi'ah as well. There is a difference of opinion among the scholars. As for the law of marrying an idolatrous woman, it is absolutely prohibited. (3) According to Islam, the law of marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men is not allowed, (4) There are problems that arise when interfaith marriages are carried out. So that interfaith marriage is not recommended.
Tarbiyah Islamiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Dec 30, 2020
Unity is very important in Islam. In the Qur'an, there are many verses indicated unity. The conce... more Unity is very important in Islam. In the Qur'an, there are many verses indicated unity. The concept of unity becomes very important when Indonesia experiences an outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is interesting for researchers to discuss more deeply the concept of unity conveyed by the Qur'an and the concept can be applied in the current Covid-19 pandemic. This research used a library method through direct observations and a method by searching for sources in books by comparing verses related to unity in different perspectives, but the case was the same. This study explained detailly about the concept of unity in the Qur'an that could be applied to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic case in Indonesia. Although Indonesia consisted of various ethnicities and full of diversity, based on the results of this study, it was that the messages contained in the Qur'an related to unity could be applied in Indonesia to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak.
JURNAL YAQZHAN: Analisis Filsafat, Agama dan Kemanusiaan
Filsafat merupakan usaha seseorang untuk mengetahui segala sesuatu yang berawal dari rasa ingin t... more Filsafat merupakan usaha seseorang untuk mengetahui segala sesuatu yang berawal dari rasa ingin tahu dan sikap ragu. Rasa ingin tahu dan sikap ragu inilah yang kemudian memunculkan teori-teori ilmiah yang pada akhirnya akan berkembang menjadi sebuah ilmu pengetahuan. Seiring dengan perkembangan pemikiran manusia, sampailah pada pemikiran bahwa satu-satunya sumber ilmu pengetahuan adalah alam yang realistis. Pengetahuan harus bersumber dari hal-hal faktual yang bersifat empiris. Aliran ini disebut dengan aliran filsafat positivisme. Hal-hal faktual yang mendapat kedudukan besar oleh aliran ini menarik bagi peneliti untuk mengkaji lebih lanjut bagaimana peran aliran filsafat positivisme dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan sekaligus kontribusinya terhadap pendidikan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa filsafat positivisme memiliki peran yang sangat besar terhadap perkembangan ilmu di zaman modern. Peran tersebut juga dirasakan oleh dunia pendidikan, misalnya perannya dalam perkembangan kurikulum pendidikan, metode pembelajaran dan lahirnya studi keislaman dengan pendekatan ilmiah.
Ngaji: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Mar 1, 2021
Abstrak: Setiap anak membawa potensi yang baik ketika dilahirkan. Pemahaman yang keliru bagi sege... more Abstrak: Setiap anak membawa potensi yang baik ketika dilahirkan. Pemahaman yang keliru bagi segelintir orang terhadap kalimat anak bagaikan kertas putih membuat pendidikan dilakukan ketika ia sudah menginjak dewasa. Akibatnya, anak terkesan lambat menerima pendidikan dari orang tuanya. Segala potensi yang baik yang Ia bawa sejak lahir menjadikan motivasi bagi orang tuanya untuk mendidiknya sedini mungkin. Potensi yang baik ini sudah tergambar dalam hadis-hadis yang terkait dengan potensi anak. Hal ini menarik bagi peneliti untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana makna potensi anak melalui kacamata hadis. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan dengan cara mencari sumber yang terkait dengan potensi anak dalam hadis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi baik yang dibawa anak sejak lahir dapat menjadi modal awal dalam perjalanannya menuju predikat hamba yang bertakwa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan beberapa hadis Nabi Muhammad Saw. yang menyebut secara tidak langsung mengenai potensi anak. Hadis-hadis tersebut ialah hadis riwayat Bukhari nomor 1385 dan 5467 serta hadis riwayat Abu Daud nomor 495 dan 5105
Multilingual, Nov 12, 2018
This research is aim at explaining the use of language in social media including language impolit... more This research is aim at explaining the use of language in social media including language impoliteness occurring in social media Facebook. This research is a qualitative research which uses two research approaches which are theoretical and methodological approaches. The data in this research is in the form of written data which is the Facebook users’ status updates that are considered violating politeness principles. The data obtained uses monitoring method by noting down every single discourse from Facebook media. The data gathered was analyzed by using normative method. Based on the result of the research, it can be presented that the use of language in social media Facebook embodies impoliteness. Moreover, the form of impoliteness in Facebook media materializes in discourse data embodying generosity impoliteness, humility impoliteness, acceptance impoliteness, sympathy impoliteness, and incompability impoliteness.
International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din, 2021
Moderation is the attitude of being in the middle that must be owned by a Muslim, especially Musl... more Moderation is the attitude of being in the middle that must be owned by a Muslim, especially Muslims in Indonesia who live amid pluralism. Problems in Indonesia related to intolerant behavior are mainly caused by the lack of moderate attitudes, especially Muslims. Islam should be a pioneer in implementing this reasonable behavior as the majority religion. The research describes some moderate behaviors exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during his life as a role model for Muslims. This research is qualitative descriptive research with a literature study method. The results showed that the moderate behavior of the Prophet Muhammad was reflected in his behavior when Surah al-Kafirun was revealed, his tolerance towards other religions, and his wisdom in solving the problem of laying the Black Stone. He is moderate in doing worship, not excessive. He also sleeps, breaks his fast, gets married, and orders people to pray in a new state that the values of moderate behavior from the e...
This research aimed to explain whether the use of language that contain of language politeness in... more This research aimed to explain whether the use of language that contain of language politeness in social network (facebook). This research applied qualitative research which consists of two approaches (theorities approach and methodologies approach). The data of this research was from written update status of the facebook user fulfill the principle. The data was got by observe and write down every data in data card. The data collection was analyzed by using normative method. The resulted of the research indicated that the use of language in social network (facebook) was consisted of politeness language. The form of language politeness that was found in facebook question,thanked, thankful, hope,request, appreciation, invitation, offering, and information. They were applied in different variety. The differenciate was affected by the speaker, receiver, topic, setting, situation scene and the objective of the topic.
PSYCHE: Jurnal Psikologi, 2022
According to psychological theory, two forms of interaction between humans and the environment, n... more According to psychological theory, two forms of interaction between humans and the environment, namely humans can be affected by the environment can be found by humans. The campaign that a good environment will bring good changes for individuals is being carried out. Vice versa, if the environment is bad, then the individuals in that environment are also bad. It is interesting for researchers to see further how the ability of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. in changing the environment of the Arab society of ignorance. Living in the midst of moral decline does not make him affected by the environment. it is the environment that has changed because of his presence. The method used is the library method with a qualitative approach. Psychological theory related to environmental analysis with the ability of the Prophet Muhammad. in changing the Arab environment of ignorance. The results showed that there was a relationship between the psychological perspective on the environment and the ability of the Prophet Muhammad. in changing the Arab environment of ignorance. There are two reasons why the Prophet Muhammad SAW. able to change the Arab environment of ignorance and not be influenced by it, namely because of his status as an Apostle who carries Islamic teachings and noble character who can be an example. It should be in education. Good teaching materials and examples brought by our parents and teachers are a top priority in the educational process today.
Jurnal Paedagogy, 2022
This study aims to improve student activity and learning outcomes on the subject matter of linear... more This study aims to improve student activity and learning outcomes on the subject matter of linear equations with one variable with the help of variable glass props through STAD Type Cooperative learning for students of SMPN 3 Kayangan, North Lombok Regency. This research method uses classroom action research with qualitative and quantitative approaches, which are carried out in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of stages of implementation, giving action, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were students of class VII.2 SMPN 3 Kayangan, totaling 33 students. Data collection techniques used observation sheets and tests were then analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this study indicate that the increase in student learning outcomes in the first cycle obtained mastery learning reached 54.55% with an average value of 64.45. In the second cycle, the learning completeness was obtained by 66.7% with an average value of 66.6. From the results...
Moderasi Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Jun 26, 2024
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam/Jurnal pendidikan agama Islam (Journal of Islamic education studies), Jul 31, 2023
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
The presence of digital technology in the current era brings many changes to every side of life, ... more The presence of digital technology in the current era brings many changes to every side of life, one of which is the decline in social skills. With the massive digital technology, a child seems to be in a phase where he doesn't need other people. The siege of digital technology makes children able to do what they want without the help of others. This can be seen from the decline in the social skills they have when learning at school. The gadgets that they always carry are considered capable of replacing the role of humans, all of which will be contrary to human nature itself, which always coexists with other people. This condition is what Jeffrey A. Hall and research results from Gajah Mada University stated that the use of social media (devices) can make children have less time to socialize. As a result, their social skills can decrease. It is interesting for researchers to see and examine how the message conveyed by the Koran in dealing with these conditions. Considering that there are about 23.35% of the verses of the Quran allude to social aspects. This research is included in qualitative research with the library method. Various sources related to the message of the Koran in improving social skills were studied and analyzed. The results of the study state that three steps in the Quran can be used as a solution to the skills problems that occur in this new normal era. These methods are 1) through getting to know each other, 2) through praying and 3) by helping people in need.
International Journal of Law, Environment and Natural Resources, Apr 21, 2022
Obligatory will, occurs due to legal actions by changing religions other than Islam which causes ... more Obligatory will, occurs due to legal actions by changing religions other than Islam which causes no inheritance. But still get a chance with the provisions of the obligatory will. In this study, there was a legal conflict, namely Law no. 01 of 1974, Article 42, reads that a legitimate child is a child born in or as a result of a legal marriage. This does not see, due to other legal actions when the child is an adult by changing religions other than Islam. This is contrary to Faridh Law (law of Fiqh Inheritance), Al Qur'an Surah An Nisa verses 7 to 12. Also, Child Protection Law No. 23 of 2000, Article 42; Paragraph (2) reads that every child can make his choice if the child is wise and responsible and fulfills the requirements and procedures in accordance with the provisions of the religion he embraces and the provisions of the applicable laws. To provide a solution between these legal conflicts, a court decision regarding the obligatory will appeared, in court decision Number 204/Pdt.G/2007/Pa.Jr, which was confirmed by decision Number 263/Pdt.G2007/PTA.Sby and the decision of the Religious court Tondano Number 13Pdt/.G/2006/PA.Tdo, which was corrected by Decision Number 01/Pdt.G/2007/PTA.Mdo. This article will be examined using normative research methods, namely research that aims to obtain legal materials obtained through literature studies that are considered relevant to the subject matter. The results of this study are that boys and girls of different religions will still get an inheritance, but differences in the division of inheritance on the male side, the role of religious education functions to provide reinforcement in the values of Sakinah Mawaddah and Warahmah in the family, so religious education is needed. The conclusion of this study is that the obligatory will can provide strengthening of family values.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah simbol komunikasi apa saja hal yang ada pada Kesenian Pencak Macan se... more Fokus penelitian ini adalah simbol komunikasi apa saja hal yang ada pada Kesenian Pencak Macan sebagai suatu kebudayaan. Apa saja bentuk simbol yang komunikasi yang digunakan dalam Kesenian Pencak Macan. Dan apa makna Kesenian Pencak Macan sebagai simbol komunikasi bagi pasangan pengantin di Kelurahan Lumpur Kecamatan Gresik Kabupaten Gresik ? tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk simbol dan makna Kesenian Pencak Macan yang digunakan oleh warga Kelurahan Lumpur Gresik. Untuk Menjawab pertanyaan diatas, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, karena fenomenologi merupakan studi mengenai bagaimana kehidupan manusia di dunia. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah warga Kelurahan Lumpur Gresik. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka pemikiran yakni teori Interaksi Simbolik, kerangka pemikiran ini mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat besar dalam penelitian ini, karena di dalamnya memiliki tendensi-tendensi pemikiran yang kuat untuk menganalisis penelitian ini. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Sumber informan dalam penelitian ini adalah budayawan yang menjadi pelatih serta pemilik padepokan kesenian Pencak Macan dan tokoh masyarakat yang mengerti dan pernah melakukan Kesenian Pencak Macan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dihimpun dari wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi dari dokumen, setelah data terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Kesenian Pencak Macan sebagai simbol komunikasi untuk calon pengantin di Kelurahan Lumpu Gresik. Dan juga dapat dijadikan sebagai pengingat tentang lika-liku serta konflik perjalanan yang akan dihadapi pasangan pengantin sebagai suami istri dalam menjalani bahtera rumah tangga. Karena dalam komunikasi yang dibangun dapat menciptakan pemaknaan sama ketika Kesenian Pencak Macan dilakukan sebagai adat istiadat setempat. Selain itu dengan melakukan ritual ini dapat diyakini sebagai do’a keselamatan serta kebahagian dalam membina kehidupan rumah tangga bagi yang menjalankan.
Prosiding Ilmu Hukum, Feb 17, 2016
Commercial activities in space more varied. In addition to mining activities on the Moon and the ... more Commercial activities in space more varied. In addition to mining activities on the Moon and the success of tourism activities space (space tourism), one of the activities are also supporting the commercial activity in space is naming one "spot" in space objects, as is done by private companies Uwingu. These activities generate a profit (profit) potential. Until now, there has been no specific regulations governing the activities of naming objects/features in space, even though these activities will relate to aspects of international space law to give rise to legal consequences should be anticipated. Therefore, this study examines the activities of the naming of craters on Mars by the company Uwingu as a form of commercial activity in space and the legal consequences under the law of international space. The method used in this research is normative juridical research method while according to the nature of this study is a descriptive analytical research. Source data used are secondary data, including primary legal materials, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. Data collection technique is a literature study, while the analytical technique used is the technique of normative analysis. The study concluded that the activities naming craters on Mars by the company Uwingu can be classified as one type of commercial activity in space the most, compared with the previous commercial activities, such as telecommunications; sensing; minning; space tourism, and others because of the similarity of elements, especially in terms of profit (profit). Based on Space Law International, activities naming craters on Mars associated with some aspects of international space law so as to give rise to legal consequences should be anticipated, including: the aspect of expediency and interests (benefit and interest) for all mankind; and aspects of the ban on ownership of space (non-appropriation) along with other celestial objects and aspects of sovereignty (sovereignty).
BAHASANTODEA, Jul 16, 2016
This research aimed to explain whether the use of language that contain of language politeness in... more This research aimed to explain whether the use of language that contain of language politeness in social network (facebook). This research applied qualitative research which consists of two approaches (theorities approach and methodologies approach). The data of this research was from written update status of the facebook user fulfill the principle. The data was got by observe and write down every data in data card. The data collection was analyzed by using normative method. The resulted of the research indicated that the use of language in social network (facebook) was consisted of politeness language. The form of language politeness that was found in facebook question,thanked, thankful, hope,request, appreciation, invitation, offering, and information. They were applied in different variety. The differenciate was affected by the speaker, receiver, topic, setting, situation scene and the objective of the topic.
Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi begitu luar biasa dan meresahkan serta berdampak pada hampir semua ... more Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi begitu luar biasa dan meresahkan serta berdampak pada hampir semua sektor dalam kehidupan. Dalam hal ini sektor pendidikan mendapatkan tantangan dengan hadirnya pandemi Covid-19, dimana kegiatan pembelajaran tidak dapat berjalan normal seperti biasanya, dan mengharuskan beralih pada tatanan model pembelajaran baru. Alternatif yang digunakan dapat dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Blended Learning. Begitu pula IDIA Prenduan, dalam menyikapi hal tersebut juga menggunakan model pembelajaran blended learning. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman mahasiswa tentang Blended Learning dan bagaimana model penerapannya yang dilakukan di di IDIA Prenduan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kemudian peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Penelitian ini mengha...
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronics, and Control Engineering (JTECE)
Seiring bertambahnya kebutuhan akan peralatan listrik yang digunakan di dalam suatu ruangan kelas... more Seiring bertambahnya kebutuhan akan peralatan listrik yang digunakan di dalam suatu ruangan kelas maka kebutuhan akan energi listrik serta biaya yang akan dikeluarkan akan semakin besar. Sulitnya memonitor pemakaian perangkat listrik yang ada dikelas berpotensi terjadinya pemakaian perangkat secara berlebihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem smart class berbasis modul NodeMCU ESP8266, dengan rancangan ini perangkat yang ada di dalam kelas (prototype) dapat dimonitor dan dikendalikan secara jarak jauh. Sehingga dapat dilakukan analisa performansi kinerja saat dilakukan monitoring dan controlling jarak jauh. Termonitornya biaya listrik yang digunakan sehingga dapat mengatur perangkat dengan lebih efisien. Rancangan prototype ini menggunakan alat bantu, NodeMCU ESP8266, Modul sensor PZEM-004T, dan relay. Rangkaian tersebut menghasilkan data yang dikirim ke platform blynk yang diolah menjadi alat monitor dan kendali jarak jauh yang dapat dijalankan pada aplikasi ios. Hasil pen...
International Journal of Law, Environment, and Natural Resources
Obligatory will, occurs due to legal actions by changing religions other than Islam which causes ... more Obligatory will, occurs due to legal actions by changing religions other than Islam which causes no inheritance. But still get a chance with the provisions of the obligatory will. In this study, there was a legal conflict, namely Law no. 01 of 1974, Article 42, reads that a legitimate child is a child born in or as a result of a legal marriage. This does not see, due to other legal actions when the child is an adult by changing religions other than Islam. This is contrary to Faridh Law (law of Fiqh Inheritance), Al Qur'an Surah An Nisa verses 7 to 12. Also, Child Protection Law No. 23 of 2000, Article 42; Paragraph (2) reads that every child can make his choice if the child is wise and responsible and fulfills the requirements and procedures in accordance with the provisions of the religion he embraces and the provisions of the applicable laws. To provide a solution between these legal conflicts, a court decision regarding the obligatory will appeared, in court decision Number 2...
Marriage is a form of worship that is highly recommended in Islam. Some virtues and rewards that ... more Marriage is a form of worship that is highly recommended in Islam. Some virtues and rewards that come from getting married. If marriage is called form of worship, of course marriage should not be done carelessly. It must comply with religious principles and laws, one of which is that bride and groom must be Muslim. The phenomenon of interfaith marriage among Muslims tends not to pay attention to the main purpose of marriage itself. They only prioritize love wrapped with the justification that interfaith marriage is allowed. This is interesting for researchers to describe how the law of interfaith marriage is in Islam and what the consequences are when interfaith marriages are carried out. This research method uses the literature method which is one of the qualitative methods. Sources related to the law of interfaith marriage were collected so that a clear law was found on how Islam views interfaith marriage. The results of this study indicate that (1) the law of marriage between Muslim men and women of the books is permissible and some prohibits, (2) the law of marriage between Muslim men and women who are not book experts, both musyrik women, Majusi and Shabi'ah as well. There is a difference of opinion among the scholars. As for the law of marrying an idolatrous woman, it is absolutely prohibited. (3) According to Islam, the law of marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men is not allowed, (4) There are problems that arise when interfaith marriages are carried out. So that interfaith marriage is not recommended.
Tarbiyah Islamiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Dec 30, 2020
Unity is very important in Islam. In the Qur'an, there are many verses indicated unity. The conce... more Unity is very important in Islam. In the Qur'an, there are many verses indicated unity. The concept of unity becomes very important when Indonesia experiences an outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is interesting for researchers to discuss more deeply the concept of unity conveyed by the Qur'an and the concept can be applied in the current Covid-19 pandemic. This research used a library method through direct observations and a method by searching for sources in books by comparing verses related to unity in different perspectives, but the case was the same. This study explained detailly about the concept of unity in the Qur'an that could be applied to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic case in Indonesia. Although Indonesia consisted of various ethnicities and full of diversity, based on the results of this study, it was that the messages contained in the Qur'an related to unity could be applied in Indonesia to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak.
JURNAL YAQZHAN: Analisis Filsafat, Agama dan Kemanusiaan
Filsafat merupakan usaha seseorang untuk mengetahui segala sesuatu yang berawal dari rasa ingin t... more Filsafat merupakan usaha seseorang untuk mengetahui segala sesuatu yang berawal dari rasa ingin tahu dan sikap ragu. Rasa ingin tahu dan sikap ragu inilah yang kemudian memunculkan teori-teori ilmiah yang pada akhirnya akan berkembang menjadi sebuah ilmu pengetahuan. Seiring dengan perkembangan pemikiran manusia, sampailah pada pemikiran bahwa satu-satunya sumber ilmu pengetahuan adalah alam yang realistis. Pengetahuan harus bersumber dari hal-hal faktual yang bersifat empiris. Aliran ini disebut dengan aliran filsafat positivisme. Hal-hal faktual yang mendapat kedudukan besar oleh aliran ini menarik bagi peneliti untuk mengkaji lebih lanjut bagaimana peran aliran filsafat positivisme dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan sekaligus kontribusinya terhadap pendidikan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa filsafat positivisme memiliki peran yang sangat besar terhadap perkembangan ilmu di zaman modern. Peran tersebut juga dirasakan oleh dunia pendidikan, misalnya perannya dalam perkembangan kurikulum pendidikan, metode pembelajaran dan lahirnya studi keislaman dengan pendekatan ilmiah.
Ngaji: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Mar 1, 2021
Abstrak: Setiap anak membawa potensi yang baik ketika dilahirkan. Pemahaman yang keliru bagi sege... more Abstrak: Setiap anak membawa potensi yang baik ketika dilahirkan. Pemahaman yang keliru bagi segelintir orang terhadap kalimat anak bagaikan kertas putih membuat pendidikan dilakukan ketika ia sudah menginjak dewasa. Akibatnya, anak terkesan lambat menerima pendidikan dari orang tuanya. Segala potensi yang baik yang Ia bawa sejak lahir menjadikan motivasi bagi orang tuanya untuk mendidiknya sedini mungkin. Potensi yang baik ini sudah tergambar dalam hadis-hadis yang terkait dengan potensi anak. Hal ini menarik bagi peneliti untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana makna potensi anak melalui kacamata hadis. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan dengan cara mencari sumber yang terkait dengan potensi anak dalam hadis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi baik yang dibawa anak sejak lahir dapat menjadi modal awal dalam perjalanannya menuju predikat hamba yang bertakwa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan beberapa hadis Nabi Muhammad Saw. yang menyebut secara tidak langsung mengenai potensi anak. Hadis-hadis tersebut ialah hadis riwayat Bukhari nomor 1385 dan 5467 serta hadis riwayat Abu Daud nomor 495 dan 5105
Multilingual, Nov 12, 2018
This research is aim at explaining the use of language in social media including language impolit... more This research is aim at explaining the use of language in social media including language impoliteness occurring in social media Facebook. This research is a qualitative research which uses two research approaches which are theoretical and methodological approaches. The data in this research is in the form of written data which is the Facebook users’ status updates that are considered violating politeness principles. The data obtained uses monitoring method by noting down every single discourse from Facebook media. The data gathered was analyzed by using normative method. Based on the result of the research, it can be presented that the use of language in social media Facebook embodies impoliteness. Moreover, the form of impoliteness in Facebook media materializes in discourse data embodying generosity impoliteness, humility impoliteness, acceptance impoliteness, sympathy impoliteness, and incompability impoliteness.
International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din, 2021
Moderation is the attitude of being in the middle that must be owned by a Muslim, especially Musl... more Moderation is the attitude of being in the middle that must be owned by a Muslim, especially Muslims in Indonesia who live amid pluralism. Problems in Indonesia related to intolerant behavior are mainly caused by the lack of moderate attitudes, especially Muslims. Islam should be a pioneer in implementing this reasonable behavior as the majority religion. The research describes some moderate behaviors exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during his life as a role model for Muslims. This research is qualitative descriptive research with a literature study method. The results showed that the moderate behavior of the Prophet Muhammad was reflected in his behavior when Surah al-Kafirun was revealed, his tolerance towards other religions, and his wisdom in solving the problem of laying the Black Stone. He is moderate in doing worship, not excessive. He also sleeps, breaks his fast, gets married, and orders people to pray in a new state that the values of moderate behavior from the e...
This research aimed to explain whether the use of language that contain of language politeness in... more This research aimed to explain whether the use of language that contain of language politeness in social network (facebook). This research applied qualitative research which consists of two approaches (theorities approach and methodologies approach). The data of this research was from written update status of the facebook user fulfill the principle. The data was got by observe and write down every data in data card. The data collection was analyzed by using normative method. The resulted of the research indicated that the use of language in social network (facebook) was consisted of politeness language. The form of language politeness that was found in facebook question,thanked, thankful, hope,request, appreciation, invitation, offering, and information. They were applied in different variety. The differenciate was affected by the speaker, receiver, topic, setting, situation scene and the objective of the topic.
PSYCHE: Jurnal Psikologi, 2022
According to psychological theory, two forms of interaction between humans and the environment, n... more According to psychological theory, two forms of interaction between humans and the environment, namely humans can be affected by the environment can be found by humans. The campaign that a good environment will bring good changes for individuals is being carried out. Vice versa, if the environment is bad, then the individuals in that environment are also bad. It is interesting for researchers to see further how the ability of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. in changing the environment of the Arab society of ignorance. Living in the midst of moral decline does not make him affected by the environment. it is the environment that has changed because of his presence. The method used is the library method with a qualitative approach. Psychological theory related to environmental analysis with the ability of the Prophet Muhammad. in changing the Arab environment of ignorance. The results showed that there was a relationship between the psychological perspective on the environment and the ability of the Prophet Muhammad. in changing the Arab environment of ignorance. There are two reasons why the Prophet Muhammad SAW. able to change the Arab environment of ignorance and not be influenced by it, namely because of his status as an Apostle who carries Islamic teachings and noble character who can be an example. It should be in education. Good teaching materials and examples brought by our parents and teachers are a top priority in the educational process today.
Jurnal Paedagogy, 2022
This study aims to improve student activity and learning outcomes on the subject matter of linear... more This study aims to improve student activity and learning outcomes on the subject matter of linear equations with one variable with the help of variable glass props through STAD Type Cooperative learning for students of SMPN 3 Kayangan, North Lombok Regency. This research method uses classroom action research with qualitative and quantitative approaches, which are carried out in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of stages of implementation, giving action, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were students of class VII.2 SMPN 3 Kayangan, totaling 33 students. Data collection techniques used observation sheets and tests were then analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this study indicate that the increase in student learning outcomes in the first cycle obtained mastery learning reached 54.55% with an average value of 64.45. In the second cycle, the learning completeness was obtained by 66.7% with an average value of 66.6. From the results...