Ahmet Şahin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ahmet Şahin
Pakistan journal of zoology
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary Trigonella foenum-graceum L. seed... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary Trigonella foenum-graceum L. seed powder (TFGSP) on growth performance, blood glucose, protein and lipid profile of broilers (Ross-308). One hundred ninety two, 1-d old mixed sex broiler chicks were allocated to 5 dietary treatments in which 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 g TFGSP doses per kg commercial broiler diet were added for a period of 42 days. The results showed that body weight and the breast weight decreased after TFGSP treatment compared to control (P<0.05). Feed intake decreased after 5 g TFGSP treatment while 40 g TFGSP treatment decreased feed efficiency and leg weight compared to control (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in weights of digestive system parts, except duodenum weight and lipid oxidation between control and treatment groups. A 20 g TFGSP treatment enhanced blood glucose level (P<0.01), but decreased triglyceride level (P<0.01) compared to control. At 40 g TFGSP the blood cholesterol decreased (P<0.05) but LDL level increased compared to control (P<0.01). In conclusion, TFGSP addition to broiler diet decreased appetite and, consequently, reduced growth performance, more likely, attributting to the enhanced blood glucose level.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2015
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary addition of male and female F... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary addition of male and female Ferula eleaochytris powder (FEP) on growth performance and body components of broilers (Ross-308). Treatment groups were allocated to 5 dietary in which 0 (control), 5 g and 10 g male FEP, 5 g and 10 g female FEP doses per kg commercial broiler diet. In total, 80 male broiler chicks (1-d old) in which 16 animals in each group were used in study. Body weight gain and feed intake were monitored weekly for 6 weeks. Forty two days old broiler chicks were slaughtered to determine the possible changes in body components. The results of the study indicated that FEP had no effect on any parameters. However; the weight of the control group gave higher values than 5 g male Ferula group. In conclusion the measured parameters had no effect between all groups.
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010
The purpose of this study was to determine the possible effects of the herbal preparation Tribulu... more The purpose of this study was to determine the possible effects of the herbal preparation Tribulus terrestris (TT) extract on muscle building (increase in breast and legs weight) in broiler chicks. One hundred eighty broiler chicks were assigned to three treatment groups; control, 180 ppm TT and 360 ppm TT extract. Body weight, body gain and dietary intake were determined weekly for 6 weeks. Control diet included 234 g crude protein (CP) and 3141 kcal ME (grower) per kg diet during 1-21 days of age and 204 g CP with 3199 kcal ME (finisher) per kg diet for 22-42 days of age. Growth performance, muscle building (increase in breast and legs weights) and digestive system parts were determined. TT extract did not affect growth performance and muscle building but decreased ileum + jejunum and empty gut weights (P<0.05). In conclusion, the present results showed that Tribulus terrestris had no effect on growth or muscle building. This may be TT extract do not work in birds as do in human subjects, and more likely, the physiological differences between human and bird.
Hayvansal Üretim, 2017
Bu derlemede, kanatlı besleme konusundaki son araştırmalar ile önerilebilecek yeni besleme ve yem... more Bu derlemede, kanatlı besleme konusundaki son araştırmalar ile önerilebilecek yeni besleme ve yemleme uygulamalarına değinilmiştir. Kanatlı beslemede mısır ve soya kullanımını azaltma yönünde çalışmalar ile yeni ham madde arayışları devam etmektedir. Probiyotikler, prebiyotikler, organik asitler, antimikrobiyal ve antioksidant etkili bitkisel ekstraktlar, sindirime yardımcı eksojen enzimler ve toksin bağlayıcılar pek çok araştırmaya konu olmuştur ve olacaktır. Bu kapsamda; inülin, kitosan ve kito-oligosakkaritler, lignoselüloz, fitaz, amilaz, bütirik asit, bitkisel ekstraktlar, odun kömürü ve kuşburnu tozu gibi katkıların kanatlılar üzerindeki olumlu etkileri rapor edilmiştir. Spesifik besin maddelerinin karşılanması, besin maddelerinin embriyonik dönemde verilmesi, üniformitenin sağlanması, sürüde üreme performansının sürdürülebilirliliği, sağlık koruma, sıcaklık stresininin olumsuz etkilerini azaltma, ürün kalitesini iyileştirme ve fonksiyonel gıda üretimine yönelik yeni besleme uygulamalarında yoğunlaşılmıştır. Meta analizleri ile etkilerinde devamlılığı saptanacak ülkemiz tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerinden yeni tescilli yem katkılarının üretilmesine yönelik çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Yemlemenin modern metodlarından seçmeli yemleme, tüm dane yemlemesi ve grit yemlemesi halen araştırma safhasındadır. Yemlerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik analizlerinin yapılması, hızlı analiz yöntemlerinin analitik olarak doğrulanarak kalibre edilmesi ve yaş analiz sonuçları ile uyumluluğunun kontrolü, karma yemlerin daha doğru formüle edebilmesi ve hayvanların yeterli ve dengeli bir şekilde beslenmeleri için oldukça önemlidir. Bunun için, Üniversiteler ile Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı ve Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığının ortak işbirliği ile hazırlanacak alt yapı çalışmaları ile akredite laboratuarlar tesis edilmelidir. Sonuç olarak, gelecekte yürütülecek çalışmalar; ekonomik kriterler, alternatif yem bitkilerin belirlenmesi ve kültüre alınması, yeni yem katkılarının üretilmesi, sürdürülebilirlik ve ürün kalitesi düzleminde yol almaya devam edecektir. Ancak, kanatlı besleme çalışmalarının, teorik bilime ve pratik saha uygulamalarına katkı sağlama yanında; ülkemiz gündemini sürekli meşgul eden GDO gibi tartışmalı konuları aydınlatıcı, hayvan refahı, tüketici sağlığı ve ekolojik dengenin korunmasına da katkı sağlayıcı olması beklenmektedir.
Hayvanciligin gelismesine muhendislik katkisi saglayan tek meslek ziraat muhendisligidir. Zootekn... more Hayvanciligin gelismesine muhendislik katkisi saglayan tek meslek ziraat muhendisligidir. Zootekni egitimi alan ziraat muhendisleri Zooteknist ziraat muhendisi olarak sahada ve ilgili mevzuatlarin eklerinde belirtilmektedir. Ulkemizdeki mevcut zootekni egitimi, Avrupa ulkelerinden farkli olup, uc yil degil dort yildir ve toplamda ogrenciler 240 AKTS’lik ders alir. Zootekni Lisans Programinda ogrenim goren ogrenciler, ciftlik hayvanlarinin bakimi, beslenmesi, uremesi ve islahi konusunda aldigi derslerin yaninda sahadaki hayvancilik ve yem endustrisine iliskin dersler de alarak zootekni alaninda yeterli beceri ve yetkinlikler kazanmaktadir. Ancak, yururlukte olan 5996 Sayili Veteriner Hizmetleri, Bitki Sagligi, Gida ve Yem Kanununda ve bu kanuna dayanilarak cikarilan yonetmeliklerde Zooteknist ziraat muhendislerinin yetkileri azaltilmistir. Ulkemiz hayvanciliginin bulundugu durumdan daha ileriye tasimak icin ziraat muhendislerimizin teknik bilgi ve donanimlarindan daha fazla yararlana...
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2006
This study was carried out to compare the thermoregulatory behaviours of low and high producing d... more This study was carried out to compare the thermoregulatory behaviours of low and high producing dairy cows in a hot environment. Forty-one Holstein Friesian cows in their first lactation were allocated to two groups (n = 21 for group 1, n = 20 for group 2) on the basis of their milk production: low (<20 kg) and high (>25 kg). For a period of 4 weeks, and 2 days per week, the behaviour of each cow was registered every 10 min for 6 h .m., the frequencies of eating (31.7-17.4%) and ruminating (18.1-14.6%) decreased while standing (25.0-38.4%) and drinking (5.2-7.4%) increased in high producing dairy cow (P < 0.001). However, the changes the respective frequencies for low producing dairy cows were 21.5-15.7% for eating, 12.4-17.3% for ruminating, 23.1-33.8% for standing and 2.1-5.9% for drinking during the same times of day (P < 0.001).
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
Subacute rumen acidosis is a metabolic disease that usually occurs in the form of recurrent seizu... more Subacute rumen acidosis is a metabolic disease that usually occurs in the form of recurrent seizures of low rumen pH during periods giving of high energy-containing rations and usually lasts for several minutes or several hours. The most important clinical signs are decreased feed consumption, live weight loss, decrease in rumen movements, abomasum displacement, laminitis, diarrhea, decrease in milk yield and milk fat yield, softening of feces, presence of undigested grains in feces. In this article, the reasons of subacute rumen acidosis which causes significant economic losses in dairy cow farms, methods that can be applied to detect and prevent it have been emphasized.
Alınteri Zirai Bilimler Dergisi
Öz: Aerobik stabilite, açılan bir silajın ısınmadan ve bozulmadan kaldığı sürenin uzunluğu olarak... more Öz: Aerobik stabilite, açılan bir silajın ısınmadan ve bozulmadan kaldığı sürenin uzunluğu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Silaj içine fermantasyon döneminde daha az olmakla birlikte, özellikle yemleme döneminde yoğun bir oksijen girişi meydana gelmektedir. Bu durum silajın bozulmasına neden olan maya, küf ve aerobik mikroorganizmaların aktif hale gelmesine ve sonuçta stabilitenin düşmesine sebep olmaktadır. Bunun bir sonucu olarak da silajda sıcaklık artışı, pH'da yükselme ve kuru madde kaybı meydana gelmektedir. Silajların aerobik stabilitesini etkileyen faktörleri dört başlık altında toplamak mümkündür:
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of in ovo DL-methionine injection into the fert... more The aim of this study was to determine the effect of in ovo DL-methionine injection into the fertile broiler eggs on hatchability and relative chick weight. In the trial, 132 fertile broiler eggs were obtained from a breeder flock (34-wk-old Ross 308 parent stock). Fertile eggs were randomly assigned to two experimental groups. Experimental groups were 1) Control 2) DL-methionine injected group with three replicates. Injections were carried out at the 16th day of incubation. At the end of the study, hatchability was 90.29%, and 84.74% in control and DL-methionine injected eggs respectively. Relative chick weights were 70.04% and 72.70% control and DL-methionine injected group respectively. At the end of the study, it determined that injection of DL-methionine increased 3.8% relative chick weight according to control. It suggested that DL-methionine may use as an in ovo feed additive for obtain heavier chick.
Journal of Applied Animal Research, Nov 15, 2011
ABSTRACT Şahin, A. 2009. Effects of dietary Tribulus terrestris L. powder on growth performance, ... more ABSTRACT Şahin, A. 2009. Effects of dietary Tribulus terrestris L. powder on growth performance, body components and digestive system of broiler chicks. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 35: 193–195.To test whether Tribulus terretris (TT) vegatative powder can be used as alternative to antibiotics in the diet of broiler chicks, 240 mixed sex day old broiler chicks were divided equally into four treatment groups fed basal diet supplemented with 0.06% alfamune and 0.025% flavomycine (control) or 4, 8, 12 g TT powder per kg. At all levels TT treated birds ate and gained less during 0–35 d. However, during the last week they ate at higher rate and exhibited compensatory growth. TT treated birds did not utilise food efficiently. TT decreased carcass yield (%) and increased weights of proventriculus, ileum + jejunum and empty gut. TT-treated broiler chicks survived as well as antibiotic supplemented ones. The use of TT powder as a feed additive may serve to produce antibiotic free poultry meat for better acceptability among consumers.
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of propolis ethanolic extracts (5%,... more ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of propolis ethanolic extracts (5%, PEE) with different inclusions in the diet (0, 6, 12 cc PEE kg-1) on the growth performance and slaughter traits of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Experimental animals were 1-d old mixed sex Japanese quails weighing 10.1±0.1 g per bird. Birds were divided into 3 groups with 2 replications in each, ie., 22 birds in each sub-group. During experiment, birds’ body weights and their feed intakes were recorded weekly to calculate feed conversion ratio, g feed intake: g gain. At the end of experiment, 6 birds (3 males and 3 females) from each subgroup were killed for determination of slaughter traits. At the age of 35-d old, final live weight were 250.3 g in control, 247.2 g in 6 cc PEE, 256.7 g in 12 cc PEE group without no statistical significance. Feed conversion ratios were 3.01, 3.15 and 3.17 in these treatment groups respectively. With respect to dressing out percentage, 12 cc PEE consumed group (75.7 %) were higher than the other groups control and 6 cc PEE groups (73.3 % vs 73.1 %) (P<0.05). Also, liveability rate of quails was increased evidently about 5-8 % by PEE treatments without any statistical significance. To conclude, the inclusion of propolis extracts did not affect the growth performance of quails and slaughter traits except dressing out percentage. However, the effect of propolis on liveability needs to be take consideration with more detailed experimental design.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 09712119 2003 9706459, Nov 11, 2011
ABSTRACT Şahin, A. 2003. Cereals in choice feeding of finishing broiler chickens. J. Appl. Anim. ... more ABSTRACT Şahin, A. 2003. Cereals in choice feeding of finishing broiler chickens. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 24: 213–217.To examine the choice feeding of cereals, ninety six birds aged 16-d were divided into 4 experimental groups with 4 replication each. Experimental groups were control (C), wheat selecting (WS), sorghum selecting (SS) and maize selecting (MS) group. Control chickens were fed on commercial feed. Choice-fed broiler chickens were offered a choice of a concentrate feed and one of the whole cereals. Choice fed-broiler chickens consumed less protein (from 27.8 g to 23.6 g per bird) in comparison to that of control chickens (P0.05). In conclusion, usage of cereals in choice feeding of finishing broiler has a potential for minimising protein cost without any detrimental effect, especially selection of wheat and sorghum.
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2009
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2005
... Feeding Behaviour of Awassi Sheep and Shami (Damascus) Goats. Mahmut KESKİN, Ahmet ŞAHİN, Osm... more ... Feeding Behaviour of Awassi Sheep and Shami (Damascus) Goats. Mahmut KESKİN, Ahmet ŞAHİN, Osman BİÇER, Sabri GÜL, Şerafettin KAYA, Ayhan SARI, Metin DURU Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay - TURKEY. ...
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2011
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate whether prina (olive cake) affects growth perf... more ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate whether prina (olive cake) affects growth performance when given in diet or separately in choice feeding. Twenty four Awassi lambs were divided into three groups control, prina and choice. Control lambs were fed on lamb grower conteined 18% crude protein. Prina lambs were fed on a diet that 20% prina diluted concentrate feed including 20% crude protein. Choice lambs were offered a choice of concentrate feed and prina simultaneously. Treatments did not affect lambs growth performance negatively. Prina in concentrate and choice feeding increased ruminating behaviour without affecting animal health, suggesting that prina can be used in lamb nutrition to lower feed cost. However, lambs voluntarily consumed prina in smaller amout about 3.6% of diet, most likely due to its wooden content.
Journal of Apicultural Research
The effect of choice feeding on feed intake, diet selection, growth performance and some carcass ... more The effect of choice feeding on feed intake, diet selection, growth performance and some carcass characteristics in Japanese quails was investigated in the current study. Choice-fed quail chicks were offered a choice of a concentrate feed (CON, 300 g CP and 13.1 MJ ME kg-1) and grounded wheat (GW, 115 g CP and 12.8 MJ ME kg-1), while control quail chicks (single- fed) were fed on a commercial feed (230 g CP and 13.4 MJ ME kg -1). Choice feeding did not affect feed intake, daily gain, feed conversation ratio, final live weight and carcass weight (P>0.05). These were determined in control and choice-fed quails as 24.9 vs 24.4 g , 7.58 vs 7.32 g, 3.29 vs 3.33, 282.8 vs 274.4 g, 203.7 vs 202.3 g, respectively. Choice-fed quails made a diet containing 255 g CP and 13.1 MJ, which had higher protein content, but lower metabolic energy content than control diet 230 g CP and 13.39 MJ per kg (P-1) and energy requirement (12.1 MJ ME kg-1). To conclude, choice feeding did not affect the perf...
Pakistan journal of zoology
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary Trigonella foenum-graceum L. seed... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary Trigonella foenum-graceum L. seed powder (TFGSP) on growth performance, blood glucose, protein and lipid profile of broilers (Ross-308). One hundred ninety two, 1-d old mixed sex broiler chicks were allocated to 5 dietary treatments in which 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 g TFGSP doses per kg commercial broiler diet were added for a period of 42 days. The results showed that body weight and the breast weight decreased after TFGSP treatment compared to control (P<0.05). Feed intake decreased after 5 g TFGSP treatment while 40 g TFGSP treatment decreased feed efficiency and leg weight compared to control (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in weights of digestive system parts, except duodenum weight and lipid oxidation between control and treatment groups. A 20 g TFGSP treatment enhanced blood glucose level (P<0.01), but decreased triglyceride level (P<0.01) compared to control. At 40 g TFGSP the blood cholesterol decreased (P<0.05) but LDL level increased compared to control (P<0.01). In conclusion, TFGSP addition to broiler diet decreased appetite and, consequently, reduced growth performance, more likely, attributting to the enhanced blood glucose level.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2015
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary addition of male and female F... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary addition of male and female Ferula eleaochytris powder (FEP) on growth performance and body components of broilers (Ross-308). Treatment groups were allocated to 5 dietary in which 0 (control), 5 g and 10 g male FEP, 5 g and 10 g female FEP doses per kg commercial broiler diet. In total, 80 male broiler chicks (1-d old) in which 16 animals in each group were used in study. Body weight gain and feed intake were monitored weekly for 6 weeks. Forty two days old broiler chicks were slaughtered to determine the possible changes in body components. The results of the study indicated that FEP had no effect on any parameters. However; the weight of the control group gave higher values than 5 g male Ferula group. In conclusion the measured parameters had no effect between all groups.
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010
The purpose of this study was to determine the possible effects of the herbal preparation Tribulu... more The purpose of this study was to determine the possible effects of the herbal preparation Tribulus terrestris (TT) extract on muscle building (increase in breast and legs weight) in broiler chicks. One hundred eighty broiler chicks were assigned to three treatment groups; control, 180 ppm TT and 360 ppm TT extract. Body weight, body gain and dietary intake were determined weekly for 6 weeks. Control diet included 234 g crude protein (CP) and 3141 kcal ME (grower) per kg diet during 1-21 days of age and 204 g CP with 3199 kcal ME (finisher) per kg diet for 22-42 days of age. Growth performance, muscle building (increase in breast and legs weights) and digestive system parts were determined. TT extract did not affect growth performance and muscle building but decreased ileum + jejunum and empty gut weights (P<0.05). In conclusion, the present results showed that Tribulus terrestris had no effect on growth or muscle building. This may be TT extract do not work in birds as do in human subjects, and more likely, the physiological differences between human and bird.
Hayvansal Üretim, 2017
Bu derlemede, kanatlı besleme konusundaki son araştırmalar ile önerilebilecek yeni besleme ve yem... more Bu derlemede, kanatlı besleme konusundaki son araştırmalar ile önerilebilecek yeni besleme ve yemleme uygulamalarına değinilmiştir. Kanatlı beslemede mısır ve soya kullanımını azaltma yönünde çalışmalar ile yeni ham madde arayışları devam etmektedir. Probiyotikler, prebiyotikler, organik asitler, antimikrobiyal ve antioksidant etkili bitkisel ekstraktlar, sindirime yardımcı eksojen enzimler ve toksin bağlayıcılar pek çok araştırmaya konu olmuştur ve olacaktır. Bu kapsamda; inülin, kitosan ve kito-oligosakkaritler, lignoselüloz, fitaz, amilaz, bütirik asit, bitkisel ekstraktlar, odun kömürü ve kuşburnu tozu gibi katkıların kanatlılar üzerindeki olumlu etkileri rapor edilmiştir. Spesifik besin maddelerinin karşılanması, besin maddelerinin embriyonik dönemde verilmesi, üniformitenin sağlanması, sürüde üreme performansının sürdürülebilirliliği, sağlık koruma, sıcaklık stresininin olumsuz etkilerini azaltma, ürün kalitesini iyileştirme ve fonksiyonel gıda üretimine yönelik yeni besleme uygulamalarında yoğunlaşılmıştır. Meta analizleri ile etkilerinde devamlılığı saptanacak ülkemiz tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerinden yeni tescilli yem katkılarının üretilmesine yönelik çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Yemlemenin modern metodlarından seçmeli yemleme, tüm dane yemlemesi ve grit yemlemesi halen araştırma safhasındadır. Yemlerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik analizlerinin yapılması, hızlı analiz yöntemlerinin analitik olarak doğrulanarak kalibre edilmesi ve yaş analiz sonuçları ile uyumluluğunun kontrolü, karma yemlerin daha doğru formüle edebilmesi ve hayvanların yeterli ve dengeli bir şekilde beslenmeleri için oldukça önemlidir. Bunun için, Üniversiteler ile Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı ve Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığının ortak işbirliği ile hazırlanacak alt yapı çalışmaları ile akredite laboratuarlar tesis edilmelidir. Sonuç olarak, gelecekte yürütülecek çalışmalar; ekonomik kriterler, alternatif yem bitkilerin belirlenmesi ve kültüre alınması, yeni yem katkılarının üretilmesi, sürdürülebilirlik ve ürün kalitesi düzleminde yol almaya devam edecektir. Ancak, kanatlı besleme çalışmalarının, teorik bilime ve pratik saha uygulamalarına katkı sağlama yanında; ülkemiz gündemini sürekli meşgul eden GDO gibi tartışmalı konuları aydınlatıcı, hayvan refahı, tüketici sağlığı ve ekolojik dengenin korunmasına da katkı sağlayıcı olması beklenmektedir.
Hayvanciligin gelismesine muhendislik katkisi saglayan tek meslek ziraat muhendisligidir. Zootekn... more Hayvanciligin gelismesine muhendislik katkisi saglayan tek meslek ziraat muhendisligidir. Zootekni egitimi alan ziraat muhendisleri Zooteknist ziraat muhendisi olarak sahada ve ilgili mevzuatlarin eklerinde belirtilmektedir. Ulkemizdeki mevcut zootekni egitimi, Avrupa ulkelerinden farkli olup, uc yil degil dort yildir ve toplamda ogrenciler 240 AKTS’lik ders alir. Zootekni Lisans Programinda ogrenim goren ogrenciler, ciftlik hayvanlarinin bakimi, beslenmesi, uremesi ve islahi konusunda aldigi derslerin yaninda sahadaki hayvancilik ve yem endustrisine iliskin dersler de alarak zootekni alaninda yeterli beceri ve yetkinlikler kazanmaktadir. Ancak, yururlukte olan 5996 Sayili Veteriner Hizmetleri, Bitki Sagligi, Gida ve Yem Kanununda ve bu kanuna dayanilarak cikarilan yonetmeliklerde Zooteknist ziraat muhendislerinin yetkileri azaltilmistir. Ulkemiz hayvanciliginin bulundugu durumdan daha ileriye tasimak icin ziraat muhendislerimizin teknik bilgi ve donanimlarindan daha fazla yararlana...
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2006
This study was carried out to compare the thermoregulatory behaviours of low and high producing d... more This study was carried out to compare the thermoregulatory behaviours of low and high producing dairy cows in a hot environment. Forty-one Holstein Friesian cows in their first lactation were allocated to two groups (n = 21 for group 1, n = 20 for group 2) on the basis of their milk production: low (<20 kg) and high (>25 kg). For a period of 4 weeks, and 2 days per week, the behaviour of each cow was registered every 10 min for 6 h .m., the frequencies of eating (31.7-17.4%) and ruminating (18.1-14.6%) decreased while standing (25.0-38.4%) and drinking (5.2-7.4%) increased in high producing dairy cow (P < 0.001). However, the changes the respective frequencies for low producing dairy cows were 21.5-15.7% for eating, 12.4-17.3% for ruminating, 23.1-33.8% for standing and 2.1-5.9% for drinking during the same times of day (P < 0.001).
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
Subacute rumen acidosis is a metabolic disease that usually occurs in the form of recurrent seizu... more Subacute rumen acidosis is a metabolic disease that usually occurs in the form of recurrent seizures of low rumen pH during periods giving of high energy-containing rations and usually lasts for several minutes or several hours. The most important clinical signs are decreased feed consumption, live weight loss, decrease in rumen movements, abomasum displacement, laminitis, diarrhea, decrease in milk yield and milk fat yield, softening of feces, presence of undigested grains in feces. In this article, the reasons of subacute rumen acidosis which causes significant economic losses in dairy cow farms, methods that can be applied to detect and prevent it have been emphasized.
Alınteri Zirai Bilimler Dergisi
Öz: Aerobik stabilite, açılan bir silajın ısınmadan ve bozulmadan kaldığı sürenin uzunluğu olarak... more Öz: Aerobik stabilite, açılan bir silajın ısınmadan ve bozulmadan kaldığı sürenin uzunluğu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Silaj içine fermantasyon döneminde daha az olmakla birlikte, özellikle yemleme döneminde yoğun bir oksijen girişi meydana gelmektedir. Bu durum silajın bozulmasına neden olan maya, küf ve aerobik mikroorganizmaların aktif hale gelmesine ve sonuçta stabilitenin düşmesine sebep olmaktadır. Bunun bir sonucu olarak da silajda sıcaklık artışı, pH'da yükselme ve kuru madde kaybı meydana gelmektedir. Silajların aerobik stabilitesini etkileyen faktörleri dört başlık altında toplamak mümkündür:
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of in ovo DL-methionine injection into the fert... more The aim of this study was to determine the effect of in ovo DL-methionine injection into the fertile broiler eggs on hatchability and relative chick weight. In the trial, 132 fertile broiler eggs were obtained from a breeder flock (34-wk-old Ross 308 parent stock). Fertile eggs were randomly assigned to two experimental groups. Experimental groups were 1) Control 2) DL-methionine injected group with three replicates. Injections were carried out at the 16th day of incubation. At the end of the study, hatchability was 90.29%, and 84.74% in control and DL-methionine injected eggs respectively. Relative chick weights were 70.04% and 72.70% control and DL-methionine injected group respectively. At the end of the study, it determined that injection of DL-methionine increased 3.8% relative chick weight according to control. It suggested that DL-methionine may use as an in ovo feed additive for obtain heavier chick.
Journal of Applied Animal Research, Nov 15, 2011
ABSTRACT Şahin, A. 2009. Effects of dietary Tribulus terrestris L. powder on growth performance, ... more ABSTRACT Şahin, A. 2009. Effects of dietary Tribulus terrestris L. powder on growth performance, body components and digestive system of broiler chicks. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 35: 193–195.To test whether Tribulus terretris (TT) vegatative powder can be used as alternative to antibiotics in the diet of broiler chicks, 240 mixed sex day old broiler chicks were divided equally into four treatment groups fed basal diet supplemented with 0.06% alfamune and 0.025% flavomycine (control) or 4, 8, 12 g TT powder per kg. At all levels TT treated birds ate and gained less during 0–35 d. However, during the last week they ate at higher rate and exhibited compensatory growth. TT treated birds did not utilise food efficiently. TT decreased carcass yield (%) and increased weights of proventriculus, ileum + jejunum and empty gut. TT-treated broiler chicks survived as well as antibiotic supplemented ones. The use of TT powder as a feed additive may serve to produce antibiotic free poultry meat for better acceptability among consumers.
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of propolis ethanolic extracts (5%,... more ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of propolis ethanolic extracts (5%, PEE) with different inclusions in the diet (0, 6, 12 cc PEE kg-1) on the growth performance and slaughter traits of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Experimental animals were 1-d old mixed sex Japanese quails weighing 10.1±0.1 g per bird. Birds were divided into 3 groups with 2 replications in each, ie., 22 birds in each sub-group. During experiment, birds’ body weights and their feed intakes were recorded weekly to calculate feed conversion ratio, g feed intake: g gain. At the end of experiment, 6 birds (3 males and 3 females) from each subgroup were killed for determination of slaughter traits. At the age of 35-d old, final live weight were 250.3 g in control, 247.2 g in 6 cc PEE, 256.7 g in 12 cc PEE group without no statistical significance. Feed conversion ratios were 3.01, 3.15 and 3.17 in these treatment groups respectively. With respect to dressing out percentage, 12 cc PEE consumed group (75.7 %) were higher than the other groups control and 6 cc PEE groups (73.3 % vs 73.1 %) (P<0.05). Also, liveability rate of quails was increased evidently about 5-8 % by PEE treatments without any statistical significance. To conclude, the inclusion of propolis extracts did not affect the growth performance of quails and slaughter traits except dressing out percentage. However, the effect of propolis on liveability needs to be take consideration with more detailed experimental design.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 09712119 2003 9706459, Nov 11, 2011
ABSTRACT Şahin, A. 2003. Cereals in choice feeding of finishing broiler chickens. J. Appl. Anim. ... more ABSTRACT Şahin, A. 2003. Cereals in choice feeding of finishing broiler chickens. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 24: 213–217.To examine the choice feeding of cereals, ninety six birds aged 16-d were divided into 4 experimental groups with 4 replication each. Experimental groups were control (C), wheat selecting (WS), sorghum selecting (SS) and maize selecting (MS) group. Control chickens were fed on commercial feed. Choice-fed broiler chickens were offered a choice of a concentrate feed and one of the whole cereals. Choice fed-broiler chickens consumed less protein (from 27.8 g to 23.6 g per bird) in comparison to that of control chickens (P0.05). In conclusion, usage of cereals in choice feeding of finishing broiler has a potential for minimising protein cost without any detrimental effect, especially selection of wheat and sorghum.
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2009
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2005
... Feeding Behaviour of Awassi Sheep and Shami (Damascus) Goats. Mahmut KESKİN, Ahmet ŞAHİN, Osm... more ... Feeding Behaviour of Awassi Sheep and Shami (Damascus) Goats. Mahmut KESKİN, Ahmet ŞAHİN, Osman BİÇER, Sabri GÜL, Şerafettin KAYA, Ayhan SARI, Metin DURU Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay - TURKEY. ...
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2011
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate whether prina (olive cake) affects growth perf... more ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate whether prina (olive cake) affects growth performance when given in diet or separately in choice feeding. Twenty four Awassi lambs were divided into three groups control, prina and choice. Control lambs were fed on lamb grower conteined 18% crude protein. Prina lambs were fed on a diet that 20% prina diluted concentrate feed including 20% crude protein. Choice lambs were offered a choice of concentrate feed and prina simultaneously. Treatments did not affect lambs growth performance negatively. Prina in concentrate and choice feeding increased ruminating behaviour without affecting animal health, suggesting that prina can be used in lamb nutrition to lower feed cost. However, lambs voluntarily consumed prina in smaller amout about 3.6% of diet, most likely due to its wooden content.
Journal of Apicultural Research
The effect of choice feeding on feed intake, diet selection, growth performance and some carcass ... more The effect of choice feeding on feed intake, diet selection, growth performance and some carcass characteristics in Japanese quails was investigated in the current study. Choice-fed quail chicks were offered a choice of a concentrate feed (CON, 300 g CP and 13.1 MJ ME kg-1) and grounded wheat (GW, 115 g CP and 12.8 MJ ME kg-1), while control quail chicks (single- fed) were fed on a commercial feed (230 g CP and 13.4 MJ ME kg -1). Choice feeding did not affect feed intake, daily gain, feed conversation ratio, final live weight and carcass weight (P>0.05). These were determined in control and choice-fed quails as 24.9 vs 24.4 g , 7.58 vs 7.32 g, 3.29 vs 3.33, 282.8 vs 274.4 g, 203.7 vs 202.3 g, respectively. Choice-fed quails made a diet containing 255 g CP and 13.1 MJ, which had higher protein content, but lower metabolic energy content than control diet 230 g CP and 13.39 MJ per kg (P-1) and energy requirement (12.1 MJ ME kg-1). To conclude, choice feeding did not affect the perf...