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Papers by Aida Maleki

Research paper thumbnail of Simulation-Based Assessment of UHI Mitigation Measures in Central European Cities

Building Simulation Conference Proceedings

The present paper summarizes the results of a multinational multi-year effort within the framewor... more The present paper summarizes the results of a multinational multi-year effort within the framework of a European project. First, the extent and implications of the UHI phenomena in a number of Central European cities were explored. Subsequently, a number of urban areas were selected for the conception and predictive assessment of urban intervention scenarios (so-called mitigation measures). The selected mitigation measures were then virtually implemented in an advanced urban modelling environment to quantitatively assess their implications for the key indicators of urban climate. The analysis of the simulation results allows for a systematic evaluation and ranking of the aforementioned mitigation measures. Additionally, the paper explores the potential of an empiricallybased simulation calibration process. For this purpose, a small control area in the city of Vienna, Austria, was selected. The data obtained from the onsite stationary weather station was used to evaluate the accuracy of the simulation output. The results highlight the potential of the calibration process in improving the quality of simulation-based predictions.

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring and modeling of the urban micro-climate

Urban heat island phenomenon (UHI) is considered to be one of the major challenges encountered th... more Urban heat island phenomenon (UHI) is considered to be one of the major challenges encountered this century by the human kind. This phenomenon is characterized mainly by air temperatures in the city that are higher than those in the surrounding areas. Reasons are, amongst other things, the morphology and density of urban spaces as well as the thermal and radiative properties of outdoor surfaces. The UHI effect represents a challenge for careful and proper building design and operation, as micro-climatic data are typically available only for few locations in the city. As a result, planning, retrofit, and mitigation measures for buildings cannot count on reliable weather information for the exact locations of intended building projects. In this context, this paper presents results of an ongoing research project, which is concerned with prevention, adaptation, and mitigation measures pertaining to the urban heat island phenomenon. An important component of this project addresses the variation in the mirco-climatic conditions in different locations in the city and if and how such variations could be accounted for. Specifically, weather information was collected with a mobile weather station at various locations within the city of Vienna. Collected data from multiplemorphologically differentiatedlocations around the city were compared with the simultaneously monitored general weather conditions via a stationary weather station. The findings are expected to support the development and validation of high-resolution climatic boundary condition models for building design and operation support.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimum Form and Placement of Urban Blocks to Maximize the Use of Solar Energ – a Case Study

Iran University of Science & Technology, 2017

Growing tendency for Urbanization and rapid development of the cities has resulted in urban neigh... more Growing tendency for Urbanization and rapid development of the cities has resulted in urban neighborhoods obstructing the access of each other to the natural sources e.g. solar energy, natural ventilation. Sunlight as the main part of input energy in urban energy balance equation and natural lighting is of vital importance. This paper attempts to achieve an optimum morphology for residential blocks in urban area with the highest exposure to the sunlight. To reach this goal a pilot area in Tabriz’s downtown was selected and regarding solar angle, local street regulations and the width of surrounding streets 3 different scenarios for the buildings blocks were defined. Using a three-dimensional microclimate model, ENVI-met, solar access of defined scenarios was calculated for the longest and the shortest day of the year. Results showed that Type C2 (highest, more open spaces) is a more efficient style for winter times as it receives more of the sun’s energy and also the amount of sun i...

Research paper thumbnail of Empirical and Computational Issues of Microclimate Simulation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

The dynamic variability of weather conditions and complex geometry and semantics of urban domain ... more The dynamic variability of weather conditions and complex geometry and semantics of urban domain impose significant constraints on the empirical study of urban microclimate. Thus, numerical modeling is being increasingly deployed to capture the very dynamics of urban microclimate. In this context, the present paper illustrates the basic processes of calibrating and preparing a numerical model for the simulation of the urban microclimate.

Research paper thumbnail of Studying the combined method in identifying Urban Heat Islands and their Mitigation via Urban Green Spaces (case study: Isfahan City)

Motaleate Shahri, Oct 23, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Urban Heat Islands Mitigation Strategies Using 3DIMENTIONAL Urban Micro- Climate Model Envi-Met

Urban Heat Island (UHI) is considered as one of the major problems in the 21st century posed to h... more Urban Heat Island (UHI) is considered as one of the major problems in the 21st century posed to human beings as a result of urbanization and industrialization of human civilization. In this study, effects of the variation of physical and geometrical properties of the urban fabric (i.e. cool roofs including green and white roofs and perviousness of paving materials) on the urban micro-climate and outdoor thermal comfort were investigated using 3dimentional urban micro-climate model, ENVI-met. Based on the predicted results, increasing the amount of vegetation and permeable pavements can cool the air temperature down by up to 3 K.

Research paper thumbnail of Inter-personal factors affecting building occupants’ thermal tolerance at cold outdoor condition during an autumn–winter period

Indoor and Built Environment

The study was conducted to investigate thermal adaptation and the impact of individual difference... more The study was conducted to investigate thermal adaptation and the impact of individual differences on developing thermal tolerance when the outdoor temperature falls below 10°C. The applicability of the predicted mean vote (PMV) model was investigated, too. The concept of occupant’s ‘Temperament’ was evaluated as a psychological-adaptation factor. Two main hypotheses were: (a) people with different temperaments would experience different thermal sensations and (b) the classic PMV- predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) model is capable of predicting the neutral sensation in heated buildings under cold outdoor temperatures. There was a direct relationship between individual temperament and clothing level as well as thermal sensation. The occupants who were assessed to have cold temperament tend to wear thicker clothes and were more sensitive to variations in indoor air temperature than others. Females with a cold temperament were more than twice as likely to be affected by indoor ai...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies for Development and Improvement of the Urban Fabric: A Vienna Case Study


Numerous studies have shown that densely developed and populated urban areas experience significa... more Numerous studies have shown that densely developed and populated urban areas experience significant anthropogenic heat flux and elevated concentrations of air pollutants and CO 2 , with consequences for human health, thermal comfort, and well-being. This may also affect the atmospheric composition and circulation patterns within the urban boundary layer, with consequences for local, regional, and global climate. One of the resulting local implications is the increase in urban air temperature. In this context, the present contribution explores urban fabric development and mitigation strategies for two locations in the city of Vienna, Austria. Toward this end, the potential of specific planning and mitigation strategies regarding urban overheating was assessed using a state-of-the-art CFD-based (computational fluid dynamics) numeric simulation environment. The results display different levels of effectiveness for selected design and mitigation measures under a wide range of boundary conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies for Development and Improvement of the Urban Fabric: A Vienna Case Study

Numerous studies have shown that densely developed and populated urban areas experience significa... more Numerous studies have shown that densely developed and populated urban areas experience significant anthropogenic heat flux and elevated concentrations of air pollutants and CO 2 , with consequences for human health, thermal comfort, and well-being. This may also affect the atmospheric composition and circulation patterns within the urban boundary layer, with consequences for local, regional, and global climate. One of the resulting local implications is the increase in urban air temperature. In this context, the present contribution explores urban fabric development and mitigation strategies for two locations in the city of Vienna, Austria. Toward this end, the potential of specific planning and mitigation strategies regarding urban overheating was assessed using a state-of-the-art CFD-based (computational fluid dynamics) numeric simulation environment. The results display different levels of effectiveness for selected design and mitigation measures under a wide range of boundary c...

Research paper thumbnail of Transforming Project-Based courses to Blended Learning Envi- ronment: Case study Architectural foundation courses

... Aida Maleki,1, Pardis Alizadh*2 1 Academic Staff, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabri... more ... Aida Maleki,1, Pardis Alizadh*2 1 Academic Staff, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University. ... Corresponding author: e-mail:, Phone: +989143159248, Fax: +984115539200 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Empirical and Computational Issues of Microclimate Simulation

Information and Communication Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8407, 2014

The dynamic variability of weather conditions and complex geometry and semantics of urban domain ... more The dynamic variability of weather conditions and complex geometry and semantics of urban domain impose significant constraints on the empirical study of urban microclimate. Thus, numerical modeling is being increasingly deployed to capture the very dynamics of urban microclimate. In this context, the present paper illustrates the basic processes of calibrating and preparing a numerical model for the simulation of the urban microclimate.

Conference Presentations by Aida Maleki

Research paper thumbnail of پژوهشی پیرامون جنات و بهشت عدن در راستاي عناصرشناسی و بازآفرینی معماري

اعتقاد به زندگی پس از مرگ، حیات اخروی و جنات وعده داده شده از اصول قطعی در دین اسلام، مسیحیت و یه... more اعتقاد به زندگی پس از مرگ، حیات اخروی و جنات وعده داده شده از اصول قطعی در دین اسلام، مسیحیت و یهودیت است. بهشت عدن از جنات وعده داده شده در قرآن کریم است که بر اساس روایات، محل هبوط آدم و حوا از بهشت بوده و روایات متفاوتی از منظر سه دینِ آسمانیِ اسلام، مسیحیت و یهودیت دارد. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی جنات و بهشت عدن از منظر قرآن کریم، کتاب مقدس، احادیث معصومین، تفاسیر مراجع اسلامی و یافته‌های باستان‌شناسان می‌باشد که در جهت استخراج توصیفات و مفاهیم کلی و تخصصی در معماری مرتبط با بهشت عدن و جنات می‌باشد. نتایج تحقیق نشان می‌دهد که توصیفات کلی در ارتباط با بهشت عدن و جنات شامل مفاهیمی چون "آرامش روحی روانی، ظاهر و باطن متمایز، وفورنعمت، درختان، فضای عِطر آگین، شگفت‌انگیزی، امنیت، آسایش کلی، اهمیت حواس پنج‌گانه، کیفیت ادراکی بالا و غیره" بوده و مفاهیمی نظیر "نهر روان، فوز العظیم، جاری‌شدن از پای عمارت، مخلّد و باقی، درختان انبوه، بوستان‌ها، شگفـت‌انگیزی، سایه‌اندازی، عدم زوال و فنا، درهای گشوده، ثبوت و استقرار، عمارت، رضایت و خشنودی، باغ همیشه سبز، تنوع و کثرت گیاهی و غیره" از توصیفات تخصصی و مرتبط با معماریِ بهشت عدن هستند.

Research paper thumbnail of آسایش و بررسی تطبیقی عوامل موثر در حصول آسایش کلی در محیط‌هایِ طبیعیِ شهری

3rd National Conference on Architectural, Civil and Urban development at the beginning of the third millennium, 2017

شرایط محیطی از عوامل مهم و تاثیرگذار در جوانب زندگی انسانی می‌باشد که مقوله آسایش، آرامش، رضایت، ... more شرایط محیطی از عوامل مهم و تاثیرگذار در جوانب زندگی انسانی می‌باشد که مقوله آسایش، آرامش، رضایت، خوشایندی و تندرستی را در بر می‌گیرد. آگاهی و ادراک درست از تاثیرات آب و هوا بر محیط‌زیست و انسان، می‌تواند به تحلیل، برنامه‌ریزی، هدف‌مند‌سازی و اجرای صحیح طرح‌های معماری منجر شود. در این میان توجه به آسایش کلی متاثیر از آب و هوا از موضوعات وسیع و درخور توجه می‌باشد. این آسایش کلی شامل آسایش اقلیمی، حرارتی و ادراکی است که تحلیل و تفسیر آن در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری، اهمیت و تاثیر بسزایی در زندگی شهری انسان‌ها دارد. هدف از این تحقیق، تحلیل و شناخت انواع آسایش، و پاسخ به این سوال مهم است: "در بررسی تطبیقی عوامل موثر در حصول آسایش کلی در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری، به چه اصول و معیارهایی می‌توان دست یافت؟" در این راستا در نخستین گام، آسایش و مفاهیم آن، تحلیل و بررسی می‌شوند، در گام دوم ارتباط میان محیط‌های طبیعی شهری، با آسایش بیان می‌شود، در گام سوم نیز عوامل موثر در آسایش اقلیمی در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری بیان می‌شوند، در گام چهارم نیز آسایش حرارتی، احساس حرارتی و شعف حرارتی در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری تحلیل می‌شوند، و در نهایت در گام پنجم عوامل موثر در آسایش ادراکی در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری بررسی می‌شوند. نتایج این تحقیق حاکی از این است که اهداف آسایشی اقلیمی، شامل مولفه‌هایی است که به اقلیم خُرد توجه ویژه دارند و رعایت بهترین حالت در آسایش فیزیکی اقلیمی، در مواردی نظیر انتخاب مسیر قدم‌زدن، پیاده‌روی و گشت‌و‌گذار، استفاده از ردیف درختان فیلترکننده هوا، سایه‌انداز و آفتاب‌گیرنده، نفوذ‌پذیری، و قانع کردن مخاطبان و ارائه تنوع و جذابیت بیشتر، مشهود هستند. در مقوله‌ی آسایش حرارتی نیز مولفه‌های انفرادی و محیطی نقش مهمی دارند و توجه به شعف حرارتی، "آسایش، حصول خشنودی، رضایت یا ناخوشنودی" از آن فضا و مکان و فضا را بیان می‌کند. در آسایش ادراکی نیز با تاکید بر نقش غیرقابل انکار حواس پنج‌گانه بر قوه ادراکی شناختی، مواردی نظیر مطبوعیت، سایه، سردی، زبری و مواردی از این قبیل در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری، مهم قلمداد می‌شوند.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulation-Based Assessment of UHI Mitigation Measures in Central European Cities

Building Simulation Conference Proceedings

The present paper summarizes the results of a multinational multi-year effort within the framewor... more The present paper summarizes the results of a multinational multi-year effort within the framework of a European project. First, the extent and implications of the UHI phenomena in a number of Central European cities were explored. Subsequently, a number of urban areas were selected for the conception and predictive assessment of urban intervention scenarios (so-called mitigation measures). The selected mitigation measures were then virtually implemented in an advanced urban modelling environment to quantitatively assess their implications for the key indicators of urban climate. The analysis of the simulation results allows for a systematic evaluation and ranking of the aforementioned mitigation measures. Additionally, the paper explores the potential of an empiricallybased simulation calibration process. For this purpose, a small control area in the city of Vienna, Austria, was selected. The data obtained from the onsite stationary weather station was used to evaluate the accuracy of the simulation output. The results highlight the potential of the calibration process in improving the quality of simulation-based predictions.

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring and modeling of the urban micro-climate

Urban heat island phenomenon (UHI) is considered to be one of the major challenges encountered th... more Urban heat island phenomenon (UHI) is considered to be one of the major challenges encountered this century by the human kind. This phenomenon is characterized mainly by air temperatures in the city that are higher than those in the surrounding areas. Reasons are, amongst other things, the morphology and density of urban spaces as well as the thermal and radiative properties of outdoor surfaces. The UHI effect represents a challenge for careful and proper building design and operation, as micro-climatic data are typically available only for few locations in the city. As a result, planning, retrofit, and mitigation measures for buildings cannot count on reliable weather information for the exact locations of intended building projects. In this context, this paper presents results of an ongoing research project, which is concerned with prevention, adaptation, and mitigation measures pertaining to the urban heat island phenomenon. An important component of this project addresses the variation in the mirco-climatic conditions in different locations in the city and if and how such variations could be accounted for. Specifically, weather information was collected with a mobile weather station at various locations within the city of Vienna. Collected data from multiplemorphologically differentiatedlocations around the city were compared with the simultaneously monitored general weather conditions via a stationary weather station. The findings are expected to support the development and validation of high-resolution climatic boundary condition models for building design and operation support.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimum Form and Placement of Urban Blocks to Maximize the Use of Solar Energ – a Case Study

Iran University of Science & Technology, 2017

Growing tendency for Urbanization and rapid development of the cities has resulted in urban neigh... more Growing tendency for Urbanization and rapid development of the cities has resulted in urban neighborhoods obstructing the access of each other to the natural sources e.g. solar energy, natural ventilation. Sunlight as the main part of input energy in urban energy balance equation and natural lighting is of vital importance. This paper attempts to achieve an optimum morphology for residential blocks in urban area with the highest exposure to the sunlight. To reach this goal a pilot area in Tabriz’s downtown was selected and regarding solar angle, local street regulations and the width of surrounding streets 3 different scenarios for the buildings blocks were defined. Using a three-dimensional microclimate model, ENVI-met, solar access of defined scenarios was calculated for the longest and the shortest day of the year. Results showed that Type C2 (highest, more open spaces) is a more efficient style for winter times as it receives more of the sun’s energy and also the amount of sun i...

Research paper thumbnail of Empirical and Computational Issues of Microclimate Simulation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

The dynamic variability of weather conditions and complex geometry and semantics of urban domain ... more The dynamic variability of weather conditions and complex geometry and semantics of urban domain impose significant constraints on the empirical study of urban microclimate. Thus, numerical modeling is being increasingly deployed to capture the very dynamics of urban microclimate. In this context, the present paper illustrates the basic processes of calibrating and preparing a numerical model for the simulation of the urban microclimate.

Research paper thumbnail of Studying the combined method in identifying Urban Heat Islands and their Mitigation via Urban Green Spaces (case study: Isfahan City)

Motaleate Shahri, Oct 23, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Urban Heat Islands Mitigation Strategies Using 3DIMENTIONAL Urban Micro- Climate Model Envi-Met

Urban Heat Island (UHI) is considered as one of the major problems in the 21st century posed to h... more Urban Heat Island (UHI) is considered as one of the major problems in the 21st century posed to human beings as a result of urbanization and industrialization of human civilization. In this study, effects of the variation of physical and geometrical properties of the urban fabric (i.e. cool roofs including green and white roofs and perviousness of paving materials) on the urban micro-climate and outdoor thermal comfort were investigated using 3dimentional urban micro-climate model, ENVI-met. Based on the predicted results, increasing the amount of vegetation and permeable pavements can cool the air temperature down by up to 3 K.

Research paper thumbnail of Inter-personal factors affecting building occupants’ thermal tolerance at cold outdoor condition during an autumn–winter period

Indoor and Built Environment

The study was conducted to investigate thermal adaptation and the impact of individual difference... more The study was conducted to investigate thermal adaptation and the impact of individual differences on developing thermal tolerance when the outdoor temperature falls below 10°C. The applicability of the predicted mean vote (PMV) model was investigated, too. The concept of occupant’s ‘Temperament’ was evaluated as a psychological-adaptation factor. Two main hypotheses were: (a) people with different temperaments would experience different thermal sensations and (b) the classic PMV- predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) model is capable of predicting the neutral sensation in heated buildings under cold outdoor temperatures. There was a direct relationship between individual temperament and clothing level as well as thermal sensation. The occupants who were assessed to have cold temperament tend to wear thicker clothes and were more sensitive to variations in indoor air temperature than others. Females with a cold temperament were more than twice as likely to be affected by indoor ai...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies for Development and Improvement of the Urban Fabric: A Vienna Case Study


Numerous studies have shown that densely developed and populated urban areas experience significa... more Numerous studies have shown that densely developed and populated urban areas experience significant anthropogenic heat flux and elevated concentrations of air pollutants and CO 2 , with consequences for human health, thermal comfort, and well-being. This may also affect the atmospheric composition and circulation patterns within the urban boundary layer, with consequences for local, regional, and global climate. One of the resulting local implications is the increase in urban air temperature. In this context, the present contribution explores urban fabric development and mitigation strategies for two locations in the city of Vienna, Austria. Toward this end, the potential of specific planning and mitigation strategies regarding urban overheating was assessed using a state-of-the-art CFD-based (computational fluid dynamics) numeric simulation environment. The results display different levels of effectiveness for selected design and mitigation measures under a wide range of boundary conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies for Development and Improvement of the Urban Fabric: A Vienna Case Study

Numerous studies have shown that densely developed and populated urban areas experience significa... more Numerous studies have shown that densely developed and populated urban areas experience significant anthropogenic heat flux and elevated concentrations of air pollutants and CO 2 , with consequences for human health, thermal comfort, and well-being. This may also affect the atmospheric composition and circulation patterns within the urban boundary layer, with consequences for local, regional, and global climate. One of the resulting local implications is the increase in urban air temperature. In this context, the present contribution explores urban fabric development and mitigation strategies for two locations in the city of Vienna, Austria. Toward this end, the potential of specific planning and mitigation strategies regarding urban overheating was assessed using a state-of-the-art CFD-based (computational fluid dynamics) numeric simulation environment. The results display different levels of effectiveness for selected design and mitigation measures under a wide range of boundary c...

Research paper thumbnail of Transforming Project-Based courses to Blended Learning Envi- ronment: Case study Architectural foundation courses

... Aida Maleki,1, Pardis Alizadh*2 1 Academic Staff, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabri... more ... Aida Maleki,1, Pardis Alizadh*2 1 Academic Staff, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University. ... Corresponding author: e-mail:, Phone: +989143159248, Fax: +984115539200 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Empirical and Computational Issues of Microclimate Simulation

Information and Communication Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8407, 2014

The dynamic variability of weather conditions and complex geometry and semantics of urban domain ... more The dynamic variability of weather conditions and complex geometry and semantics of urban domain impose significant constraints on the empirical study of urban microclimate. Thus, numerical modeling is being increasingly deployed to capture the very dynamics of urban microclimate. In this context, the present paper illustrates the basic processes of calibrating and preparing a numerical model for the simulation of the urban microclimate.

Research paper thumbnail of پژوهشی پیرامون جنات و بهشت عدن در راستاي عناصرشناسی و بازآفرینی معماري

اعتقاد به زندگی پس از مرگ، حیات اخروی و جنات وعده داده شده از اصول قطعی در دین اسلام، مسیحیت و یه... more اعتقاد به زندگی پس از مرگ، حیات اخروی و جنات وعده داده شده از اصول قطعی در دین اسلام، مسیحیت و یهودیت است. بهشت عدن از جنات وعده داده شده در قرآن کریم است که بر اساس روایات، محل هبوط آدم و حوا از بهشت بوده و روایات متفاوتی از منظر سه دینِ آسمانیِ اسلام، مسیحیت و یهودیت دارد. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی جنات و بهشت عدن از منظر قرآن کریم، کتاب مقدس، احادیث معصومین، تفاسیر مراجع اسلامی و یافته‌های باستان‌شناسان می‌باشد که در جهت استخراج توصیفات و مفاهیم کلی و تخصصی در معماری مرتبط با بهشت عدن و جنات می‌باشد. نتایج تحقیق نشان می‌دهد که توصیفات کلی در ارتباط با بهشت عدن و جنات شامل مفاهیمی چون "آرامش روحی روانی، ظاهر و باطن متمایز، وفورنعمت، درختان، فضای عِطر آگین، شگفت‌انگیزی، امنیت، آسایش کلی، اهمیت حواس پنج‌گانه، کیفیت ادراکی بالا و غیره" بوده و مفاهیمی نظیر "نهر روان، فوز العظیم، جاری‌شدن از پای عمارت، مخلّد و باقی، درختان انبوه، بوستان‌ها، شگفـت‌انگیزی، سایه‌اندازی، عدم زوال و فنا، درهای گشوده، ثبوت و استقرار، عمارت، رضایت و خشنودی، باغ همیشه سبز، تنوع و کثرت گیاهی و غیره" از توصیفات تخصصی و مرتبط با معماریِ بهشت عدن هستند.

Research paper thumbnail of آسایش و بررسی تطبیقی عوامل موثر در حصول آسایش کلی در محیط‌هایِ طبیعیِ شهری

3rd National Conference on Architectural, Civil and Urban development at the beginning of the third millennium, 2017

شرایط محیطی از عوامل مهم و تاثیرگذار در جوانب زندگی انسانی می‌باشد که مقوله آسایش، آرامش، رضایت، ... more شرایط محیطی از عوامل مهم و تاثیرگذار در جوانب زندگی انسانی می‌باشد که مقوله آسایش، آرامش، رضایت، خوشایندی و تندرستی را در بر می‌گیرد. آگاهی و ادراک درست از تاثیرات آب و هوا بر محیط‌زیست و انسان، می‌تواند به تحلیل، برنامه‌ریزی، هدف‌مند‌سازی و اجرای صحیح طرح‌های معماری منجر شود. در این میان توجه به آسایش کلی متاثیر از آب و هوا از موضوعات وسیع و درخور توجه می‌باشد. این آسایش کلی شامل آسایش اقلیمی، حرارتی و ادراکی است که تحلیل و تفسیر آن در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری، اهمیت و تاثیر بسزایی در زندگی شهری انسان‌ها دارد. هدف از این تحقیق، تحلیل و شناخت انواع آسایش، و پاسخ به این سوال مهم است: "در بررسی تطبیقی عوامل موثر در حصول آسایش کلی در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری، به چه اصول و معیارهایی می‌توان دست یافت؟" در این راستا در نخستین گام، آسایش و مفاهیم آن، تحلیل و بررسی می‌شوند، در گام دوم ارتباط میان محیط‌های طبیعی شهری، با آسایش بیان می‌شود، در گام سوم نیز عوامل موثر در آسایش اقلیمی در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری بیان می‌شوند، در گام چهارم نیز آسایش حرارتی، احساس حرارتی و شعف حرارتی در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری تحلیل می‌شوند، و در نهایت در گام پنجم عوامل موثر در آسایش ادراکی در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری بررسی می‌شوند. نتایج این تحقیق حاکی از این است که اهداف آسایشی اقلیمی، شامل مولفه‌هایی است که به اقلیم خُرد توجه ویژه دارند و رعایت بهترین حالت در آسایش فیزیکی اقلیمی، در مواردی نظیر انتخاب مسیر قدم‌زدن، پیاده‌روی و گشت‌و‌گذار، استفاده از ردیف درختان فیلترکننده هوا، سایه‌انداز و آفتاب‌گیرنده، نفوذ‌پذیری، و قانع کردن مخاطبان و ارائه تنوع و جذابیت بیشتر، مشهود هستند. در مقوله‌ی آسایش حرارتی نیز مولفه‌های انفرادی و محیطی نقش مهمی دارند و توجه به شعف حرارتی، "آسایش، حصول خشنودی، رضایت یا ناخوشنودی" از آن فضا و مکان و فضا را بیان می‌کند. در آسایش ادراکی نیز با تاکید بر نقش غیرقابل انکار حواس پنج‌گانه بر قوه ادراکی شناختی، مواردی نظیر مطبوعیت، سایه، سردی، زبری و مواردی از این قبیل در محیط‌های طبیعی شهری، مهم قلمداد می‌شوند.