Akhmad Taufiq - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Akhmad Taufiq
Arif: Jurnal Sastra dan Kearifan Lokal
Artikel ini mendeskripsikan reimajinasi pasca-Indonesia dalam novel Burung-burung Rantau karya Y.... more Artikel ini mendeskripsikan reimajinasi pasca-Indonesia dalam novel Burung-burung Rantau karya Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Dengan fokus pada tiga kajian utama, yakni transformasi manusia Indonesia, konstruksi imajinasi nasional, dan reimajinasi pasca-Indonesia, kajian ini diharapkan mampu menemukan cara pandang dan sikap baru dalam konteks Indonesiaan di tengah tata dunia global yang sedang berubah. Dengan metode kualitatif-interpretatif-reflektif, kajian ini dirancang untuk membaca, memaknai, menafsirkan, dan sekaligus merefleksikan data berupa kata, kalimat, dan paragraf dalam novel Burung-burung Rantau karya Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, hasil dari kajian ini menyatakan bahwa dalam konteks transformasi manusia Indonesia, konstruksi imajinatif nasional, dan reimajinasi pasca-Indonesia dibutuhkan kemampuan untuk membaca, memaknai, dan memproyeksikan keindonesiaan di tengah tata dunia global yang sedang berubah. Implikasi kajian ini memperkaya secara akademis dan menghadirkan ...
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora
The process of Islam transformation as a great religion however is massively received in Nusantar... more The process of Islam transformation as a great religion however is massively received in Nusantara, recognized or not can bring its own problems for the local religion that has been long existed. In such cases, this study aims to describe the locality response of local religion in Java over the incessant process of the great religion transformation and diaspora. By the literature sociological approach, this study sought to describe the locality response as reflected in fiction Indonesia, namely Serat Darmogandul by K.R.T.Tandhanagara and novel Putri Cina by Sindhunata. By the analysis of genetic structuralism, the results of this study stated that that the process of transformation, the diaspora, and the response of the locality in the context of local religion in Java presupposelinearity pattern of cultural process for the cultural transition that occurred in Java. After the collapse of Majapahit who embrace Buddhism (the religion of Shiva-Buda religious/Java) who then turn to the rule of Islam in the Sultan of Demak, showing intertwined process between the dimension of power and religion. The intertwined process shows that the power dimensions and religiondimensions that seem inseparable; on the contrary, interwoven in their entirety. Therefore, the implications of this study are expected to contribute to the process of positioning the local religion more adequately in the context of the transformation and the religion diaspora that exists and keep going until today.
Khidmatuna : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Desa Sucolor menjadi salah satu sasaran Hibah Pengabdian Desa Binaan Universitas Jember sejak 202... more Desa Sucolor menjadi salah satu sasaran Hibah Pengabdian Desa Binaan Universitas Jember sejak 2020 karena memiliki potensi alam yang sangat menarik dan menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan sebagai desa wisata alam dan budaya. Sucolor memiliki aset situs Dawuhan berupa lebih dari 200 batu purbakala dan beberapa produk unggulan lokal, diantaranya kopi dan bambu. Program ini dirancang menggunakan metode three pillars system yang dilaksanakan dengan pola kolaborasi antara mitra (perangkat dan pokdarwis), juru pelihara situs, beserta dinas terkait. Pola kolaborasi ini secara konkret diwujudkan dalam bentuk workshop dan fasilitasi dan/atau pendampingan-pendampingan lain terkait tatakelola pokdarwis, digitalisasi marketing, dan pengembangan titik-titik destinasi. Tujuan kegiatan berfokus pada pengadaan infrastruktur wisata yakni plang informasi batu purbakala berdasarkan hasil riset Keris Sastra dan Tradisi Lisan Unej, nama wisata, tata tertib kunjungan, musalla, dan kamar mandi umum; dan digita...
Pancaran Pendidikan, 2017
Sufism are teachings in Islam about the search for truth by doing certain disciplines so as to th... more Sufism are teachings in Islam about the search for truth by doing certain disciplines so as to the knowledge or understanding of God. This understanding of God can be accomplished by practicing through the stage of spiritual ascension, to the contemplation and deeper understanding of God. The concept of the spiritual ascension in the teachings of Sufism is called the maqam, while the meditation on God is called by things. Moreover, in the teachings of Sufism, one who has attained the highest level gains the privilege of God in the form of abilities that can not be done by ordinary people or so-called karomahs (As Sarraj, 1914: 17, Nicholson 1998: 99, Simuh 1997: 49 ). Sufism or tasawwuf teachings are not only taught through the books written by the Sufis, but also contained in literary works such as poetry and stories. Sufism in literature is one way to teach the values of the teachings of Sufism. This is useful for the reader to introspect themselves to be a good human being. The r...
Buku in tentang apresiasi drama tradisional Ludruk. Ludruk Jawa Timur bagian Timur yang disebut p... more Buku in tentang apresiasi drama tradisional Ludruk. Ludruk Jawa Timur bagian Timur yang disebut penulis dengan ludruk wetanan (Jember dan Lumajang) merupakan suatu bentuk realitas sosio-kultural yang terjadi proses transformasi
Pancaran Pendidikan
This article describes a graphic design development program with the content of literary literacy... more This article describes a graphic design development program with the content of literary literacy in Sumbersari, Maesan, and Bondowoso villages. This activity was the second year agenda with the vision of creating a literacy-based convection village. This year, the team collaborated with the youth community of Sumbersari village, namely “Pusaka” (Pemuda Sumbersari Krajan) which consisted of 32 youngsters to develop the potential of the village in the convection field. The human resources in Krajan, Sumbersari were 13 tailors, 1 hijab convection, and 3 screen printing micro business. So far, these businesses were still traditional-domestic. Through target needs analysis, the business groups required product and business branding in order to compete in a wider market and increase their income. The team focused on collecting data and recruiting human resources by program socialization, product branding and additional graphic design skills training that aimed at increasing value and bui...
Journal Physical Health Recreation, 2021
This study aims to develop a form of reaction speed training variation in the futsal game in 2021... more This study aims to develop a form of reaction speed training variation in the futsal game in 2021. The population in this study were all SKP Fc goalkeeper athletes, Amir Hamzah, and Bersama Fs. The form of the small group variation that has been made is validated by 3 experts, 1 futsal coach, 1 expert in sports, and 1 expert in language, where the percentage of validity is 58%-97% taken from the smallest to the largest percentage value of the overall results. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method. The form of the large group variation that has been made is validated by 3 experts, 1 futsal coach, 1 expert in sports, and 1 expert in language, where the percentage of validity is 86%-97% taken from the smallest to the largest percentage value of the overall results. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method. The results of the small group test involving 6 futsal goalkeeper athletes SKP Fc and Amir Hamzah showed that the 20 variations of the exer...
International Journal of Advanced Research, Sep 30, 2017
Tulisan ini mendiskusikan fenomena konstruksi politik tubuh dalam teks sastra poskolonial. Tubuh ... more Tulisan ini mendiskusikan fenomena konstruksi politik tubuh dalam teks sastra poskolonial. Tubuh dalam perspektif poskolonial adalah domain yang dikonstruksi sedemikian rupa untuk menghasilkan efek ideologi, politik, ekonomi, bahkan kultural. Sehubungan dengan konteks tersebut, tubuh bukanlah domain yang kosong. Tubuh tersebut memiliki beberapa kemungkinan untuk diinterpretasikan dalam berbagai perspektif; dalam perspektif politik tubuh, tubuh itu sendiri sering dipolitisasi, dikomodifikasi, dan menerima ambiguitas psikologis sebagai subjek; dan sebagai tubuh yang terkolonisasi itu sangat menderita. Teks sastra poskolonial dalam perkembangan sastra Indonesia dalam hal ini, salah satu kajiannya sering mendeskripsikan realitas politik tubuh. : This writing discusses about the fenomenon of the construction of body in postcolonial literary text. Body in the postcolonial literature perspective is a constructed domain with goals to get ideologic, politics, economic, and cultural effect. R...
BELAJAR BAHASA, Feb 20, 2019
Penguatan ketahanan nasional dapat dilakukan dengan pembinaan mentalideologi kebangsaan. Kegiatan... more Penguatan ketahanan nasional dapat dilakukan dengan pembinaan mentalideologi kebangsaan. Kegiatan tersebut mendesak untuk dilakukan karena di Indonesia marak semangat mikro-etnis nasionlisme dan ideologi fundamentalis anti Pancasila yang berpoteni memecah belah negara. Salah satu upaya penguatan ketahan nasional itu adalah pendidikan karakter nasionalis-religius. Pendidikan tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab lembaga-lembaga pendidikan, termasuk perguruan tinggi. Kajian ini memaparkan upaya pendidikan karakter nasionalisreligius pada program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan multidisipliner yakni pendidikan, kebudayaan, ketahanan nasioanal. Sasaran penelitian berupa pendidikan karakter nasionali-religius pada program studi pendidikan bahasa Indonesia di Universitas Jember. Data dialisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-multidipliner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendidikan karakter nasionalis-religius untuk mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia di Universitas Jember terdapat pada (1) rencana pembelajaran yaitu pada (a) standard pembelajaran karakter, (b) "learning outcome" program studi, dan (c) silabus matakuliah, (2) materi ajar, dan (3) proses pembelajaran. Sementara, evaluasi pembelajaran masih kurang menekankan pendidikan karakter nasionalis-religius. Masih terdapat mahasiswa yang cenderung "coba-coba atheis" 0,025% dan cenderung religius-radikal 1%. Untuk mengatasi hal negatif tersebut mahasiswa, program studi, dan universitas perlu bekerjasama secara terpadu.
An Nabighoh: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
This article describes Arabic language books' standard at the madrasah ibtidaiyah level (Isla... more This article describes Arabic language books' standard at the madrasah ibtidaiyah level (Islamic Elementary School). Error analysis on textbook is one of the methods to determine the standard of the book. This study aimed to uncover syntactic errors and make corrections to the Arabic language books used as teaching materials at the madrasah ibtidaiyah level. This research was conducted using qualitative methods; applied language approaches in the field of nahwu (syntax). The analysis technique used a collaboration of content analysis by Rusydi and al-Rajihi. The primary data source was done using documentation from the book “Fokus: Modul Bahan Ajar K13 Bahasa Arab Untuk Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kelas 5A” and interviews with teachers. Secondary data sources were carried out using documentation from related literature studies. There were seven forms of syntax errors, including word order, idhofah arrangement, incorrect use of vocabulary, misuse of al-ta'rif, i'rab, dhamir, erro...
Pancaran Pendidikan, Feb 1, 2017
This research is a study of the sufism in Taufiqurrahman Al Azizy's novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelak... more This research is a study of the sufism in Taufiqurrahman Al Azizy's novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah. Sufism in the novel is useful for the readers to introspect themselves to be a human with good character. This research aims to get a description about maqam, hal, and karamah contained in the character's behavior. The method used in this study is the method of interpretative and analytical approaches ta'wil. Based on the analysis performed, the results are, first, the highest level of spiritual is being happy for the decision of God that happens in life. Second, getting closer to God is not only outwardly religious, but also train the mind and soul by contemplating the nature and the greatness of God. Third, people who are close to God have privileges than those who forget about God. Suggestions in this research is expected to further research to try to analyze the capacity of mysticism found in the folklore, especially Javanese mysticism. For teachers not to discriminate against students who are misbehaving in class, because the naughty students is able to change become good students. .
BELAJAR BAHASA, Jan 22, 2018
Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbasis teks memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk bela... more Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbasis teks memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia sekaligus mengembangkan sikap dan perilaku peduli terhadap lingkungan. Melalui metode dokumentasi, tulisan ini disajikan dengan tujuan memaparkan kompetensi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbasis teks di SMP dan mendeskripsikan teks dengan muatan pendidikan lingkungan berbasis kearifan lokal Osing serta penggunaannya dalam pembelajaran. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat teks bermuatan pendidikan ekologi yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber materi pembelajaran beragam teks, seperti teks prosedur dan teks fabel. Dari teks-teks tersebut peserta didik, khususnya yang berlatar budaya Osing, dapat dibimbing dalam rangka menguasai kompetensi bahasa serta menumbuhkembangkan sikap dan perilaku peduli terhadap lingkungannya. Kata Kunci: belajar bahasa Indonesia, teks bermuatan pendidikan ekologi, kearifan lokal Osing ABSTRACT Text-based Indonesian learning provides an opportunity for students to learn Indonesian while developing attitudes and caring attitudes towards the environment. Through the documentation method, this paper is presented: first, describing the competency of textbased Indonesian learning in junior high school. Second, describing the text with the content of environmental education based on Osing local wisdom and its use in learning. The results of the study indicate that there are texts containing ecological education that can be used as a source of learning material for various texts, such as procedural texts and fable texts. From these texts, students, especially those who are based on Osing culture, can be guided in order to master language competence and develop caring attitudes and behaviors towards environment.
LAPORAN Hibah Bahan Ajar Pengembangan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Calon Penididik dan Tenaga Pendidik... more LAPORAN Hibah Bahan Ajar Pengembangan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Calon Penididik dan Tenaga Pendidikan PENDIDIKAN PROFESI GURU. FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS JEMBER SEPTEMBER 2010
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 2017
In the study of oral tradition, myth is positioned as a sacred story. Being purified, myths are u... more In the study of oral tradition, myth is positioned as a sacred story. Being purified, myths are upheld and respected.Mythological research needs to be conducted to strengthen national resilience in the field of culture and to revitalize local wisdom.The research on these mythical and historical elements of megalithic site in East Java was conducted with a multidisciplinaryapproach, which was a combination of oral, linguistic, and historical research. Ancient myths in East Java have great contributionto open the mystery of King Ajisaka in 1 Saka or 79 AD in Medang Kamulan community in East Java. Oral tradition andchronogram in Batu Solor-Ijen slope, informs that the Batu So'on site was built within 11 Saka or 89 AD. King Ajisaka wasreplaced by his son King Batu Bajak in 51 Saka or 129 AD. King Batu Bajak was replaced by his son King Batu Gunungin 71Saka or 149 AD. There is a Malay Proto script carved on Batu So'on. Batu Solor, Mount Budheg, and Kelayar Beach in Pacitanhad bet...
Humaniora, 2014
This paper examines multicultural literature as a significant and strategic object of study in re... more This paper examines multicultural literature as a significant and strategic object of study in response to solving national problems. In this context, multicultural literature focuses mainly on multicultural problems frequently found in literary works. One of the main issues is concerned with identity. This article examines Indonesian novels, focusing mainly on the issues of identity: (1) identity and identity problems; (2) identity articulation; (3) text representation on identity discourse in Indonesian novels. The literature sociological approach was adopted to comprehend the reality in multicultural literary texts in Indonesian novels and its relation with the phenomena of identity problems in other field of studies. The results of study indicate that the process of identity articulation and text representation on identity discourse in multicultural social phenomena deserve more serious attention. Furthermore, the problems of identity and the process of identity articulation in ...
Arif: Jurnal Sastra dan Kearifan Lokal
Artikel ini mendeskripsikan reimajinasi pasca-Indonesia dalam novel Burung-burung Rantau karya Y.... more Artikel ini mendeskripsikan reimajinasi pasca-Indonesia dalam novel Burung-burung Rantau karya Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Dengan fokus pada tiga kajian utama, yakni transformasi manusia Indonesia, konstruksi imajinasi nasional, dan reimajinasi pasca-Indonesia, kajian ini diharapkan mampu menemukan cara pandang dan sikap baru dalam konteks Indonesiaan di tengah tata dunia global yang sedang berubah. Dengan metode kualitatif-interpretatif-reflektif, kajian ini dirancang untuk membaca, memaknai, menafsirkan, dan sekaligus merefleksikan data berupa kata, kalimat, dan paragraf dalam novel Burung-burung Rantau karya Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, hasil dari kajian ini menyatakan bahwa dalam konteks transformasi manusia Indonesia, konstruksi imajinatif nasional, dan reimajinasi pasca-Indonesia dibutuhkan kemampuan untuk membaca, memaknai, dan memproyeksikan keindonesiaan di tengah tata dunia global yang sedang berubah. Implikasi kajian ini memperkaya secara akademis dan menghadirkan ...
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora
The process of Islam transformation as a great religion however is massively received in Nusantar... more The process of Islam transformation as a great religion however is massively received in Nusantara, recognized or not can bring its own problems for the local religion that has been long existed. In such cases, this study aims to describe the locality response of local religion in Java over the incessant process of the great religion transformation and diaspora. By the literature sociological approach, this study sought to describe the locality response as reflected in fiction Indonesia, namely Serat Darmogandul by K.R.T.Tandhanagara and novel Putri Cina by Sindhunata. By the analysis of genetic structuralism, the results of this study stated that that the process of transformation, the diaspora, and the response of the locality in the context of local religion in Java presupposelinearity pattern of cultural process for the cultural transition that occurred in Java. After the collapse of Majapahit who embrace Buddhism (the religion of Shiva-Buda religious/Java) who then turn to the rule of Islam in the Sultan of Demak, showing intertwined process between the dimension of power and religion. The intertwined process shows that the power dimensions and religiondimensions that seem inseparable; on the contrary, interwoven in their entirety. Therefore, the implications of this study are expected to contribute to the process of positioning the local religion more adequately in the context of the transformation and the religion diaspora that exists and keep going until today.
Khidmatuna : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Desa Sucolor menjadi salah satu sasaran Hibah Pengabdian Desa Binaan Universitas Jember sejak 202... more Desa Sucolor menjadi salah satu sasaran Hibah Pengabdian Desa Binaan Universitas Jember sejak 2020 karena memiliki potensi alam yang sangat menarik dan menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan sebagai desa wisata alam dan budaya. Sucolor memiliki aset situs Dawuhan berupa lebih dari 200 batu purbakala dan beberapa produk unggulan lokal, diantaranya kopi dan bambu. Program ini dirancang menggunakan metode three pillars system yang dilaksanakan dengan pola kolaborasi antara mitra (perangkat dan pokdarwis), juru pelihara situs, beserta dinas terkait. Pola kolaborasi ini secara konkret diwujudkan dalam bentuk workshop dan fasilitasi dan/atau pendampingan-pendampingan lain terkait tatakelola pokdarwis, digitalisasi marketing, dan pengembangan titik-titik destinasi. Tujuan kegiatan berfokus pada pengadaan infrastruktur wisata yakni plang informasi batu purbakala berdasarkan hasil riset Keris Sastra dan Tradisi Lisan Unej, nama wisata, tata tertib kunjungan, musalla, dan kamar mandi umum; dan digita...
Pancaran Pendidikan, 2017
Sufism are teachings in Islam about the search for truth by doing certain disciplines so as to th... more Sufism are teachings in Islam about the search for truth by doing certain disciplines so as to the knowledge or understanding of God. This understanding of God can be accomplished by practicing through the stage of spiritual ascension, to the contemplation and deeper understanding of God. The concept of the spiritual ascension in the teachings of Sufism is called the maqam, while the meditation on God is called by things. Moreover, in the teachings of Sufism, one who has attained the highest level gains the privilege of God in the form of abilities that can not be done by ordinary people or so-called karomahs (As Sarraj, 1914: 17, Nicholson 1998: 99, Simuh 1997: 49 ). Sufism or tasawwuf teachings are not only taught through the books written by the Sufis, but also contained in literary works such as poetry and stories. Sufism in literature is one way to teach the values of the teachings of Sufism. This is useful for the reader to introspect themselves to be a good human being. The r...
Buku in tentang apresiasi drama tradisional Ludruk. Ludruk Jawa Timur bagian Timur yang disebut p... more Buku in tentang apresiasi drama tradisional Ludruk. Ludruk Jawa Timur bagian Timur yang disebut penulis dengan ludruk wetanan (Jember dan Lumajang) merupakan suatu bentuk realitas sosio-kultural yang terjadi proses transformasi
Pancaran Pendidikan
This article describes a graphic design development program with the content of literary literacy... more This article describes a graphic design development program with the content of literary literacy in Sumbersari, Maesan, and Bondowoso villages. This activity was the second year agenda with the vision of creating a literacy-based convection village. This year, the team collaborated with the youth community of Sumbersari village, namely “Pusaka” (Pemuda Sumbersari Krajan) which consisted of 32 youngsters to develop the potential of the village in the convection field. The human resources in Krajan, Sumbersari were 13 tailors, 1 hijab convection, and 3 screen printing micro business. So far, these businesses were still traditional-domestic. Through target needs analysis, the business groups required product and business branding in order to compete in a wider market and increase their income. The team focused on collecting data and recruiting human resources by program socialization, product branding and additional graphic design skills training that aimed at increasing value and bui...
Journal Physical Health Recreation, 2021
This study aims to develop a form of reaction speed training variation in the futsal game in 2021... more This study aims to develop a form of reaction speed training variation in the futsal game in 2021. The population in this study were all SKP Fc goalkeeper athletes, Amir Hamzah, and Bersama Fs. The form of the small group variation that has been made is validated by 3 experts, 1 futsal coach, 1 expert in sports, and 1 expert in language, where the percentage of validity is 58%-97% taken from the smallest to the largest percentage value of the overall results. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method. The form of the large group variation that has been made is validated by 3 experts, 1 futsal coach, 1 expert in sports, and 1 expert in language, where the percentage of validity is 86%-97% taken from the smallest to the largest percentage value of the overall results. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method. The results of the small group test involving 6 futsal goalkeeper athletes SKP Fc and Amir Hamzah showed that the 20 variations of the exer...
International Journal of Advanced Research, Sep 30, 2017
Tulisan ini mendiskusikan fenomena konstruksi politik tubuh dalam teks sastra poskolonial. Tubuh ... more Tulisan ini mendiskusikan fenomena konstruksi politik tubuh dalam teks sastra poskolonial. Tubuh dalam perspektif poskolonial adalah domain yang dikonstruksi sedemikian rupa untuk menghasilkan efek ideologi, politik, ekonomi, bahkan kultural. Sehubungan dengan konteks tersebut, tubuh bukanlah domain yang kosong. Tubuh tersebut memiliki beberapa kemungkinan untuk diinterpretasikan dalam berbagai perspektif; dalam perspektif politik tubuh, tubuh itu sendiri sering dipolitisasi, dikomodifikasi, dan menerima ambiguitas psikologis sebagai subjek; dan sebagai tubuh yang terkolonisasi itu sangat menderita. Teks sastra poskolonial dalam perkembangan sastra Indonesia dalam hal ini, salah satu kajiannya sering mendeskripsikan realitas politik tubuh. : This writing discusses about the fenomenon of the construction of body in postcolonial literary text. Body in the postcolonial literature perspective is a constructed domain with goals to get ideologic, politics, economic, and cultural effect. R...
BELAJAR BAHASA, Feb 20, 2019
Penguatan ketahanan nasional dapat dilakukan dengan pembinaan mentalideologi kebangsaan. Kegiatan... more Penguatan ketahanan nasional dapat dilakukan dengan pembinaan mentalideologi kebangsaan. Kegiatan tersebut mendesak untuk dilakukan karena di Indonesia marak semangat mikro-etnis nasionlisme dan ideologi fundamentalis anti Pancasila yang berpoteni memecah belah negara. Salah satu upaya penguatan ketahan nasional itu adalah pendidikan karakter nasionalis-religius. Pendidikan tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab lembaga-lembaga pendidikan, termasuk perguruan tinggi. Kajian ini memaparkan upaya pendidikan karakter nasionalisreligius pada program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan multidisipliner yakni pendidikan, kebudayaan, ketahanan nasioanal. Sasaran penelitian berupa pendidikan karakter nasionali-religius pada program studi pendidikan bahasa Indonesia di Universitas Jember. Data dialisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-multidipliner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendidikan karakter nasionalis-religius untuk mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia di Universitas Jember terdapat pada (1) rencana pembelajaran yaitu pada (a) standard pembelajaran karakter, (b) "learning outcome" program studi, dan (c) silabus matakuliah, (2) materi ajar, dan (3) proses pembelajaran. Sementara, evaluasi pembelajaran masih kurang menekankan pendidikan karakter nasionalis-religius. Masih terdapat mahasiswa yang cenderung "coba-coba atheis" 0,025% dan cenderung religius-radikal 1%. Untuk mengatasi hal negatif tersebut mahasiswa, program studi, dan universitas perlu bekerjasama secara terpadu.
An Nabighoh: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
This article describes Arabic language books' standard at the madrasah ibtidaiyah level (Isla... more This article describes Arabic language books' standard at the madrasah ibtidaiyah level (Islamic Elementary School). Error analysis on textbook is one of the methods to determine the standard of the book. This study aimed to uncover syntactic errors and make corrections to the Arabic language books used as teaching materials at the madrasah ibtidaiyah level. This research was conducted using qualitative methods; applied language approaches in the field of nahwu (syntax). The analysis technique used a collaboration of content analysis by Rusydi and al-Rajihi. The primary data source was done using documentation from the book “Fokus: Modul Bahan Ajar K13 Bahasa Arab Untuk Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kelas 5A” and interviews with teachers. Secondary data sources were carried out using documentation from related literature studies. There were seven forms of syntax errors, including word order, idhofah arrangement, incorrect use of vocabulary, misuse of al-ta'rif, i'rab, dhamir, erro...
Pancaran Pendidikan, Feb 1, 2017
This research is a study of the sufism in Taufiqurrahman Al Azizy's novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelak... more This research is a study of the sufism in Taufiqurrahman Al Azizy's novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah. Sufism in the novel is useful for the readers to introspect themselves to be a human with good character. This research aims to get a description about maqam, hal, and karamah contained in the character's behavior. The method used in this study is the method of interpretative and analytical approaches ta'wil. Based on the analysis performed, the results are, first, the highest level of spiritual is being happy for the decision of God that happens in life. Second, getting closer to God is not only outwardly religious, but also train the mind and soul by contemplating the nature and the greatness of God. Third, people who are close to God have privileges than those who forget about God. Suggestions in this research is expected to further research to try to analyze the capacity of mysticism found in the folklore, especially Javanese mysticism. For teachers not to discriminate against students who are misbehaving in class, because the naughty students is able to change become good students. .
BELAJAR BAHASA, Jan 22, 2018
Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbasis teks memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk bela... more Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbasis teks memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia sekaligus mengembangkan sikap dan perilaku peduli terhadap lingkungan. Melalui metode dokumentasi, tulisan ini disajikan dengan tujuan memaparkan kompetensi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbasis teks di SMP dan mendeskripsikan teks dengan muatan pendidikan lingkungan berbasis kearifan lokal Osing serta penggunaannya dalam pembelajaran. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat teks bermuatan pendidikan ekologi yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber materi pembelajaran beragam teks, seperti teks prosedur dan teks fabel. Dari teks-teks tersebut peserta didik, khususnya yang berlatar budaya Osing, dapat dibimbing dalam rangka menguasai kompetensi bahasa serta menumbuhkembangkan sikap dan perilaku peduli terhadap lingkungannya. Kata Kunci: belajar bahasa Indonesia, teks bermuatan pendidikan ekologi, kearifan lokal Osing ABSTRACT Text-based Indonesian learning provides an opportunity for students to learn Indonesian while developing attitudes and caring attitudes towards the environment. Through the documentation method, this paper is presented: first, describing the competency of textbased Indonesian learning in junior high school. Second, describing the text with the content of environmental education based on Osing local wisdom and its use in learning. The results of the study indicate that there are texts containing ecological education that can be used as a source of learning material for various texts, such as procedural texts and fable texts. From these texts, students, especially those who are based on Osing culture, can be guided in order to master language competence and develop caring attitudes and behaviors towards environment.
LAPORAN Hibah Bahan Ajar Pengembangan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Calon Penididik dan Tenaga Pendidik... more LAPORAN Hibah Bahan Ajar Pengembangan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Calon Penididik dan Tenaga Pendidikan PENDIDIKAN PROFESI GURU. FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS JEMBER SEPTEMBER 2010
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 2017
In the study of oral tradition, myth is positioned as a sacred story. Being purified, myths are u... more In the study of oral tradition, myth is positioned as a sacred story. Being purified, myths are upheld and respected.Mythological research needs to be conducted to strengthen national resilience in the field of culture and to revitalize local wisdom.The research on these mythical and historical elements of megalithic site in East Java was conducted with a multidisciplinaryapproach, which was a combination of oral, linguistic, and historical research. Ancient myths in East Java have great contributionto open the mystery of King Ajisaka in 1 Saka or 79 AD in Medang Kamulan community in East Java. Oral tradition andchronogram in Batu Solor-Ijen slope, informs that the Batu So'on site was built within 11 Saka or 89 AD. King Ajisaka wasreplaced by his son King Batu Bajak in 51 Saka or 129 AD. King Batu Bajak was replaced by his son King Batu Gunungin 71Saka or 149 AD. There is a Malay Proto script carved on Batu So'on. Batu Solor, Mount Budheg, and Kelayar Beach in Pacitanhad bet...
Humaniora, 2014
This paper examines multicultural literature as a significant and strategic object of study in re... more This paper examines multicultural literature as a significant and strategic object of study in response to solving national problems. In this context, multicultural literature focuses mainly on multicultural problems frequently found in literary works. One of the main issues is concerned with identity. This article examines Indonesian novels, focusing mainly on the issues of identity: (1) identity and identity problems; (2) identity articulation; (3) text representation on identity discourse in Indonesian novels. The literature sociological approach was adopted to comprehend the reality in multicultural literary texts in Indonesian novels and its relation with the phenomena of identity problems in other field of studies. The results of study indicate that the process of identity articulation and text representation on identity discourse in multicultural social phenomena deserve more serious attention. Furthermore, the problems of identity and the process of identity articulation in ...