Alain Dervaux - (original) (raw)

Papers by Alain Dervaux

Research paper thumbnail of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of P.0017 Clinical characteristics of 652 patients referred to a substance abuse liaison department in an Academic Hospital

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Dec 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of P.0019 Alcohol use increase in polysubstance users during quarantine related to SARS-Cov2 infection-19

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Dec 1, 2021

Introduction A quarantine related to the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was mandatory in France... more Introduction A quarantine related to the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was mandatory in France from March 17 to May 10, 2020. This quarantine could have psychological consequences on general population and vulnerable people such as substances users [1]. Anticipated consequences of behavioral changes related to substance use in context of quarantine have emerged in literature [2]. Changes in substances use could led to an increase of health issues such as mortality due to overdose notably [3]. Some authors suggested that quarantine related to covid-19 pandemic could increase alcohol use [4,5]. The objective of this study was to assess the frequency of polysubstance users who have increased their alcohol use and determine risk factors for these changes. Methods: An anonymous Internet-based cross-sectional survey was conducted between April 8 and May 10, 2020. Participants were recruited via posts and Internet messages on a French online Forum related to drug use ( This website is a forum dedicated to harm reduction and information on psychoactive drugs and lead by volunteers. We included participants that reported at least the use of two substances including alcohol. Only French citizen living on French territories were included Since 30 % of visitors on psychoactif web site are living in others francophone countries, we excluded them, due to different quarantine conditions between countries. Study variables were collected by using a questionnaire designed for the present study. Declarative data from this survey questions included socio demographical informations and questions on quarantine conditions notably number of days of quarantine and quarantine domestic conditions. Participants were asked on questions pertaining to use of alcohol (“Since the beginning of the quarantine, have you increased, diminished, quitted or maintained your alcohol consumption). Current alcohol use was examined using the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test Consumption (AUDIT). Alcohol craving during quarantine was assessed using Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS), and Depressive and anxiety symptoms were assessed using Hospital Depression and Anxiety scale (HAD). Substances use and medication use were reported. The rates of users were presented with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and the associations of demographic or clinical variables with alcohol increase were assessed using odds ratios (OR) with 95% CI from a multivariate logistic regression. Results: 1310 polysubstance users completed the survey. A total of 974 (74.3%, [95%CI, 72.2-76.4]) participants reported alcohol use of whom 405 participants (41.6 %, [IC95 38.5-44.7]) reported an increase in alcohol use since the start of quarantine. Odds of alcohol use increase was higher for participants with married/domestic partnership (OR, 1.8 [95%CI, 1.4- 2.5]), and those with HAD scores higher than 7 (OR, 1.7 [95%CI, 1.2-2.3]), AUDIT scores lower than 8 (OR, 2.0 [95%CI, 1.4-2.8]), and OCDS scores greater than 7(IQR) (OR, 3.2 [95%CI, 2.3 - 4.5]). Odds of alcohol use increase was higher for psychostimulant users (OR, 1.7 [95%CI, 1.3 -2.5]). Conclusion: Prevention on the emergence of alcohol use disorders in light and moderate drinkers during quarantine should be considered by health policies and target specifically polysubstance users who reported psychostimulant use, higher levels of alcohol craving, anxiety and depression. No conflict of interest

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Research paper thumbnail of Nouvelles du Monde

Perspectives psychiatriques, Dec 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of P.037 Sexual disorders in schizophrenia patients with or without nicotine dependence

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Nov 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Dépendance au cannabis et phobie sociale

Encephale-revue De Psychiatrie Clinique Biologique Et Therapeutique, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of P.0020 Clinical characteristics of patients receiving methadone or buprenorphine maintenance in liaison-psychiatry in emergency departments

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Dec 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of 25. Cannabis et autres toxiques (LSD, mescaline, amphétamine…)

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Research paper thumbnail of How cannabis can trigger psychotic disorders : Consequences, detection, and treatment

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019

The complex relationships between cannabis and psychosis have been the subject of a number of stu... more The complex relationships between cannabis and psychosis have been the subject of a number of studies in the last twenty years. Cannabis can induce transient psychotic-like symptoms in up to 15 % of users, symptoms that disappear with the elimination of Δ9-THC from the body. Several studies have found that cannabis also doubles the risk of psychotic disorders, in particular schizophrenia. The risk is even higher if cannabis use started at an early age, if it is consumed in large amounts, if it contains a high level of Δ-9-THC, if there is a family history of psychotic disorders, susceptible genetic factors, and a history of abuse in childhood.In schizophrenia patients, cannabis use is very common, and in patients experiencing their first psychotic episode, one third also present an abuse of or dependence on alcohol or drugs. Cannabis abuse is associated with more severe psychotic symptoms, worse medication adherence, more frequent relapses, rehospitalizations, and a greater risk of aggression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal behaviors. Meanwhile, those who stop using cannabis experience improvements in these domains. Results are better among first-episode patients who stopped using substances when compared to similar first-episode patients who continued substance use. Therefore, it is important to treat patients as early as possible and integrate a motivational approach to addiction into their psychiatric treatment.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Treatment of cannabis dependence]](

PubMed, Dec 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Mortality in patients with schizophrenia

The Lancet, Nov 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Alcohol use disorders in patients with cannabis dependence seeking treatment

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Research paper thumbnail of De como el cannabis puede favorecer los trastornos psicóticos : consecuencias, detección y atención

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Research paper thumbnail of Les achats compulsifs : Addictions sans drogue

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Research paper thumbnail of P.007 Frequency of anxious and depressive symptoms in a population of cannabidiol users

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Nov 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of P.546 Is self-compassion linked to treatment adherence in schizophrenia?

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Nov 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychoses chroniques, psychotropes et grossesse

L'Information psychiatrique, Feb 1, 2005

... ARTICLE. Auteur(s) :, Alain Dervaux 1 , Malika Sana 2 , Françoise Bavoux 3. ... En début de g... more ... ARTICLE. Auteur(s) :, Alain Dervaux 1 , Malika Sana 2 , Françoise Bavoux 3. ... En début de grossesse, les benzodiazépines les plus anciennes, présentant moins de risques, peuvent être utilisées préférentiellement comme le diazépam [4, 11]. Risques chez le nouveau-né. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Alcohol use disorders

The Lancet, Jun 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Chapitre 12. Addiction au cannabis et troubles psychiatriques

Dunod eBooks, Jun 4, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of L’intelligence artificielle suffira-t-elle à sortir la psychiatrie de la crise

French journal of psychiatry, Dec 1, 2019

L’intelligence artificielle (IA) a recemment montre son efficacite dans le diagnostic en Medecine... more L’intelligence artificielle (IA) a recemment montre son efficacite dans le diagnostic en Medecine, notamment dans le diagnostic des tumeurs du colon, des tumeurs de la peau, de certains troubles ophtalmologiques, etc. avec une meilleure precision que les cliniciens. En psychiatrie, de plus en plus d’etudes ont explore l’IA en analysant simultanement des donnees d’origine differentes, symptomatologiques, biologiques, genetiques, d’imagerie… a differentes etapes du parcours de soins, ambulatoire, services hospitaliers, reseaux de soins… Par exemple, des etudes ont retrouve que le « machine learning » avait une tres bonne capacite (73 %) a predire un premier episode psychotique sur des donnees d’imagerie cerebrales [1] , notamment sur les donnees de textes lus par les sujets [2] , a predire la survenue de depression avec une precision de 86 % a 94 % [2] . Elle peut predire la survenue de comportements suicidaires avec une precision de 78 %, alors qu’elle etait de 63 % pour les cliniciens seniors et 49 % pour les internes [3] . L’IA peut differencier schizophrenie et troubles bipolaires par IRM avec une precision de 88 %. En psychiatrie, legale, des algorithmes tels que OxMIV peuvent aider a evaluer le risque de comportements violents, a partir de donnees sociodemographiques, sociologiques, criminologiques avec une meilleure precision que les cliniciens [4] . Des logiciels d’analyse tels que SimSensei/Multisense de l’universite Southern California analysent en temps reel les expressions faciales, les attitudes posturales et les caracteristiques acoustiques pouvant identifier la souffrance psychique. L’IA peut egalement faciliter les tâches automatisables, aider la detection de patients a risque dans un contexte de rarefaction des professionnels de sante mentale. Cependant, l’IA a des limites, sa precision de l’IA n’atteint pas 100 %. Par exemple, dans un autre domaine, aucun acteur du « big data » n’a su deviner les deux equipes finalistes de la Coupe du monde de 2018. Elle pose aussi beaucoup de problemes ethiques et de protection des donnees. Elle ne tient pas compte du potentiel de changement naturel des individus ou aide par les professionnels. L’IA pourra probablement aider la psychiatrie a sortir de la crise economique, demographique, ethique, mais ne suffira pas a la resoudre. Elle ne pourra notamment pas remplacer les relations interhumaines ni le rapport au monde et aux autres dans lequel chaque individu peut exercer sa liberte de facon inalienable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of P.0017 Clinical characteristics of 652 patients referred to a substance abuse liaison department in an Academic Hospital

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Dec 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of P.0019 Alcohol use increase in polysubstance users during quarantine related to SARS-Cov2 infection-19

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Dec 1, 2021

Introduction A quarantine related to the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was mandatory in France... more Introduction A quarantine related to the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was mandatory in France from March 17 to May 10, 2020. This quarantine could have psychological consequences on general population and vulnerable people such as substances users [1]. Anticipated consequences of behavioral changes related to substance use in context of quarantine have emerged in literature [2]. Changes in substances use could led to an increase of health issues such as mortality due to overdose notably [3]. Some authors suggested that quarantine related to covid-19 pandemic could increase alcohol use [4,5]. The objective of this study was to assess the frequency of polysubstance users who have increased their alcohol use and determine risk factors for these changes. Methods: An anonymous Internet-based cross-sectional survey was conducted between April 8 and May 10, 2020. Participants were recruited via posts and Internet messages on a French online Forum related to drug use ( This website is a forum dedicated to harm reduction and information on psychoactive drugs and lead by volunteers. We included participants that reported at least the use of two substances including alcohol. Only French citizen living on French territories were included Since 30 % of visitors on psychoactif web site are living in others francophone countries, we excluded them, due to different quarantine conditions between countries. Study variables were collected by using a questionnaire designed for the present study. Declarative data from this survey questions included socio demographical informations and questions on quarantine conditions notably number of days of quarantine and quarantine domestic conditions. Participants were asked on questions pertaining to use of alcohol (“Since the beginning of the quarantine, have you increased, diminished, quitted or maintained your alcohol consumption). Current alcohol use was examined using the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test Consumption (AUDIT). Alcohol craving during quarantine was assessed using Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS), and Depressive and anxiety symptoms were assessed using Hospital Depression and Anxiety scale (HAD). Substances use and medication use were reported. The rates of users were presented with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and the associations of demographic or clinical variables with alcohol increase were assessed using odds ratios (OR) with 95% CI from a multivariate logistic regression. Results: 1310 polysubstance users completed the survey. A total of 974 (74.3%, [95%CI, 72.2-76.4]) participants reported alcohol use of whom 405 participants (41.6 %, [IC95 38.5-44.7]) reported an increase in alcohol use since the start of quarantine. Odds of alcohol use increase was higher for participants with married/domestic partnership (OR, 1.8 [95%CI, 1.4- 2.5]), and those with HAD scores higher than 7 (OR, 1.7 [95%CI, 1.2-2.3]), AUDIT scores lower than 8 (OR, 2.0 [95%CI, 1.4-2.8]), and OCDS scores greater than 7(IQR) (OR, 3.2 [95%CI, 2.3 - 4.5]). Odds of alcohol use increase was higher for psychostimulant users (OR, 1.7 [95%CI, 1.3 -2.5]). Conclusion: Prevention on the emergence of alcohol use disorders in light and moderate drinkers during quarantine should be considered by health policies and target specifically polysubstance users who reported psychostimulant use, higher levels of alcohol craving, anxiety and depression. No conflict of interest

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Research paper thumbnail of Nouvelles du Monde

Perspectives psychiatriques, Dec 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of P.037 Sexual disorders in schizophrenia patients with or without nicotine dependence

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Nov 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Dépendance au cannabis et phobie sociale

Encephale-revue De Psychiatrie Clinique Biologique Et Therapeutique, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of P.0020 Clinical characteristics of patients receiving methadone or buprenorphine maintenance in liaison-psychiatry in emergency departments

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Dec 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of 25. Cannabis et autres toxiques (LSD, mescaline, amphétamine…)

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Research paper thumbnail of How cannabis can trigger psychotic disorders : Consequences, detection, and treatment

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019

The complex relationships between cannabis and psychosis have been the subject of a number of stu... more The complex relationships between cannabis and psychosis have been the subject of a number of studies in the last twenty years. Cannabis can induce transient psychotic-like symptoms in up to 15 % of users, symptoms that disappear with the elimination of Δ9-THC from the body. Several studies have found that cannabis also doubles the risk of psychotic disorders, in particular schizophrenia. The risk is even higher if cannabis use started at an early age, if it is consumed in large amounts, if it contains a high level of Δ-9-THC, if there is a family history of psychotic disorders, susceptible genetic factors, and a history of abuse in childhood.In schizophrenia patients, cannabis use is very common, and in patients experiencing their first psychotic episode, one third also present an abuse of or dependence on alcohol or drugs. Cannabis abuse is associated with more severe psychotic symptoms, worse medication adherence, more frequent relapses, rehospitalizations, and a greater risk of aggression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal behaviors. Meanwhile, those who stop using cannabis experience improvements in these domains. Results are better among first-episode patients who stopped using substances when compared to similar first-episode patients who continued substance use. Therefore, it is important to treat patients as early as possible and integrate a motivational approach to addiction into their psychiatric treatment.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Treatment of cannabis dependence]](

PubMed, Dec 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Mortality in patients with schizophrenia

The Lancet, Nov 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Alcohol use disorders in patients with cannabis dependence seeking treatment

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of De como el cannabis puede favorecer los trastornos psicóticos : consecuencias, detección y atención

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of Les achats compulsifs : Addictions sans drogue

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Research paper thumbnail of P.007 Frequency of anxious and depressive symptoms in a population of cannabidiol users

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Nov 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of P.546 Is self-compassion linked to treatment adherence in schizophrenia?

European Neuropsychopharmacology, Nov 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychoses chroniques, psychotropes et grossesse

L'Information psychiatrique, Feb 1, 2005

... ARTICLE. Auteur(s) :, Alain Dervaux 1 , Malika Sana 2 , Françoise Bavoux 3. ... En début de g... more ... ARTICLE. Auteur(s) :, Alain Dervaux 1 , Malika Sana 2 , Françoise Bavoux 3. ... En début de grossesse, les benzodiazépines les plus anciennes, présentant moins de risques, peuvent être utilisées préférentiellement comme le diazépam [4, 11]. Risques chez le nouveau-né. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Alcohol use disorders

The Lancet, Jun 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Chapitre 12. Addiction au cannabis et troubles psychiatriques

Dunod eBooks, Jun 4, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of L’intelligence artificielle suffira-t-elle à sortir la psychiatrie de la crise

French journal of psychiatry, Dec 1, 2019

L’intelligence artificielle (IA) a recemment montre son efficacite dans le diagnostic en Medecine... more L’intelligence artificielle (IA) a recemment montre son efficacite dans le diagnostic en Medecine, notamment dans le diagnostic des tumeurs du colon, des tumeurs de la peau, de certains troubles ophtalmologiques, etc. avec une meilleure precision que les cliniciens. En psychiatrie, de plus en plus d’etudes ont explore l’IA en analysant simultanement des donnees d’origine differentes, symptomatologiques, biologiques, genetiques, d’imagerie… a differentes etapes du parcours de soins, ambulatoire, services hospitaliers, reseaux de soins… Par exemple, des etudes ont retrouve que le « machine learning » avait une tres bonne capacite (73 %) a predire un premier episode psychotique sur des donnees d’imagerie cerebrales [1] , notamment sur les donnees de textes lus par les sujets [2] , a predire la survenue de depression avec une precision de 86 % a 94 % [2] . Elle peut predire la survenue de comportements suicidaires avec une precision de 78 %, alors qu’elle etait de 63 % pour les cliniciens seniors et 49 % pour les internes [3] . L’IA peut differencier schizophrenie et troubles bipolaires par IRM avec une precision de 88 %. En psychiatrie, legale, des algorithmes tels que OxMIV peuvent aider a evaluer le risque de comportements violents, a partir de donnees sociodemographiques, sociologiques, criminologiques avec une meilleure precision que les cliniciens [4] . Des logiciels d’analyse tels que SimSensei/Multisense de l’universite Southern California analysent en temps reel les expressions faciales, les attitudes posturales et les caracteristiques acoustiques pouvant identifier la souffrance psychique. L’IA peut egalement faciliter les tâches automatisables, aider la detection de patients a risque dans un contexte de rarefaction des professionnels de sante mentale. Cependant, l’IA a des limites, sa precision de l’IA n’atteint pas 100 %. Par exemple, dans un autre domaine, aucun acteur du « big data » n’a su deviner les deux equipes finalistes de la Coupe du monde de 2018. Elle pose aussi beaucoup de problemes ethiques et de protection des donnees. Elle ne tient pas compte du potentiel de changement naturel des individus ou aide par les professionnels. L’IA pourra probablement aider la psychiatrie a sortir de la crise economique, demographique, ethique, mais ne suffira pas a la resoudre. Elle ne pourra notamment pas remplacer les relations interhumaines ni le rapport au monde et aux autres dans lequel chaque individu peut exercer sa liberte de facon inalienable.

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