Alberto Olivares (0000-0002-0491-0883) - (original) (raw)

Papers by Alberto Olivares (0000-0002-0491-0883)

Research paper thumbnail of Wind velocity field estimation from aircraft derived data using Gaussian process regression

PLOS ONE, Oct 31, 2022

Wind velocity field knowledge is crucial for the future air traffic management paradigm and is ke... more Wind velocity field knowledge is crucial for the future air traffic management paradigm and is key in many applications, such as aircraft performance studies. This paper addresses the problem of spatio-temporal windc velocity field estimation. The north and east wind components within a given air space are estimated as a function of time. Both wind velocity field reconstruction in space for a past or present time instant and short-term prediction are performed. Wind data are obtained indirectly from the states of the aircraft broadcast by the Mode-S and ADS-B aircraft surveillance systems. The Gaussian process regression method, which is a flexible and universal estimator, is employed to solve both problems. Under general conditions, the method is statistically consistent, meaning that the method converges to the ground truth when increasingly more data are available, which is especially interesting, since aircraft data availability is expected to grow in the future through the deployment of the European System-Wide Information Management. Besides estimation, the Gaussian process regression method provides the probability distribution of any particular estimate, allowing confidence intervals to be computed. Moreover, the spatial modelling is performed using raw data without relying on grids and estimation can be performed at any spatio-temporal location. Furthermore, since the training phase of the method described in this paper is fast, requiring less than 5 minutes on a standard desktop computer, it can be used online to continuously track the state of the wind velocity field, thus allowing for data assimilation. In the case study presented in this paper, the Gaussian process regression method is tested on different days with different wind intensities. The available data set is split into several training and testing data sets, which are used to check the consistency of the results of wind velocity field reconstruction and prediction. Finally, the Gaussian process regression method is validated using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ERA5 meteorological reanalysis data. The obtained results show that Gaussian process regression can be used to reliably estimate the wind velocity field from aircraft derived data.

Research paper thumbnail of Polynomial Chaos Expansion-Based Enhanced Gaussian Process Regression for Wind Velocity Field Estimation from Aircraft-Derived Data


This paper addresses the problem of spatiotemporal wind velocity field estimation for air traffic... more This paper addresses the problem of spatiotemporal wind velocity field estimation for air traffic management applications. Using data obtained from aircraft, the eastward and northward components of the wind velocity field inside a specific air space are calculated as functions of time. Both short-term wind velocity field forecasting and wind velocity field reconstruction are performed. Wind velocity data are indirectly obtained from the states of the aircraft flying in the relevant airspace, which are broadcast by the ADS-B and Mode-S aircraft surveillance systems. The wind velocity field is estimated by combining two data-driven techniques: the polynomial chaos expansion and the Gaussian process regression. The former approximates the global behavior of the wind velocity field, whereas the latter approximates the local behavior. The eastward and northward wind components of the wind velocity field must be estimated, which causes the problem to be a multiple-output problem. This me...

Research paper thumbnail of A Stochastic Switched Optimal Control Approach to Formation Mission Design for Commercial Aircraft

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

En primer lugar, me gustaría expresar mi más sincera gratitud a Ernesto Staffetti, mi director. G... more En primer lugar, me gustaría expresar mi más sincera gratitud a Ernesto Staffetti, mi director. Gracias por tu guía, por todo tu tiempo, por tu esfuerzo y empeño en que este trabajo haya ido cogiendo forma y pueda estar orgullosa de él. Gracias por tener en cuenta mis opiniones siempre, por hacerme sentir escuchada y por todas las horas invertidas en cerrar cada fleco que quedaba suelto. Gracias también por tus ánimos y por tener siempre un rato para charlar de trivialidades. No puedo olvidar a Alberto Olivares, gracias. Tu ayuda para que esta tesis haya salido adelante es también incalculable. Gracias por ese nuevo punto de vista que siempre hacía replantear todo de nuevo, mejorándolo. Gracias por todos tus comentarios, por tu tiempo. Gracias por tu sinceridad y por tu buen hacer. I would like to thank Dr. Sander Hartjes, who supervised my stay at TU Delft. Thank you for your time and advice. It is a pity that my stay coincided with your academia departure. I would also like to thank all the people of the Air Transport & Operations group. Sin lugar a dudas, estos años y esta tesis no hubieran sido los mismos sin mis compañeros y compañeras de departamento. Gracias, en primer lugar, por los viernes de cerveza. No por la cerveza en sí, que también, sino por vuestra compañía. Sin duda, uno de los peores efectos colaterales de la pandemia, ha sido llevarse esos viernes. Gracias Mihaela, por ser la mejor compañera que se puede tener, pero sobre todo, por ser una gran amiga. Gracias Óscar, Edu, por escucharme, por vuestros consejos, por todos esos brindis y por los que nos quedan. Gracias Antonio, por tu confianza, por estar siempre dispuesto a echarme una mano. Gracias Fernando, por los ratos compartidos en el despacho entre viajes, escalada y montaña. Gracias Pepa, por la tensión compartida de estos últimos meses. Gracias Rebeca, Ana, Nacho, Álex, Cris, Estela, por cada charla. Gracias a todas y todos que, sin saberlo, me habéis ayudado a llegar hasta aquí. Gracias Jose, Laura, Elisa, Marta, Tere, Álex, por seguir haciendo el mundo girar. Gracias a ti en especial, Carlos, por ser como un hermano para mi. Gracias a todo el equipo Placax, a los super Saiyans, por las risas y por los pegues. Gracias a mi familia. Gracias tata, por estar ahí desde el primer día de mi vida. Gracias tío Félix, por mostrar siempre ese interés por mi y por mi trabajo. Gracias tío Basi, por enseñarme que siempre podemos aportar un granito de arena para hacer de este mundo algo mejor. Gracias papá y mamá, porque con vosotros los te quieros y los abrazos nunca son suficientes. Gracias por apoyarme siempre, gracias por haberme enseñado a creer en mi. Finalmente, a mi familia de bichitos. A ti, Juan, no puedo decirte simplemente gracias porque es insuficiente. Por ser mi amigo, mi compañero de viaje y de vida. Por los enanos. Porque contigo todo es más bonito. Y por supuesto, Lucas y Adriana, porque desde el primer segundo en el que os vi, supe que haría lo que fuera por veros sonreír. Esta tesis es vuestra. • Formation flight for a future highly efficient commercial aviation, financed by the Spanish Government (Reference code: TRA2017-91203-EXP). Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 2018-2021. Principal Investigator: Ernesto Staffetti. • Managing meteorological uncertainty for a more efficient air traffic system: Meteorological uncertainty processing and trajectory tracking, financed by the Spanish Government (Reference code: RTI2018-098471-B-C33). Consortium:

Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Control Applied to Vaccination and Testing Policies for COVID-19


In this paper, several policies for controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are determined under the... more In this paper, several policies for controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are determined under the assumption that a limited number of effective COVID-19 vaccines and tests are available. These policies are calculated for different vaccination scenarios representing vaccine supply and administration restrictions, plus their impacts on the disease transmission are analyzed. The policies are determined by solving optimal control problems of a compartmental epidemic model, in which the control variables are the vaccination rate and the testing rate for the detection of asymptomatic infected people. A combination of the proportion of threatened and deceased people together with the cost of vaccination of susceptible people, and detection of asymptomatic infected people, is taken as the objective functional to be minimized, whereas different types of algebraic constraints are considered to represent several vaccination scenarios. A direct transcription method is employed to solve these op...

Research paper thumbnail of On the Estimation of Vector Wind Profiles Using Aircraft-Derived Data and Gaussian Process Regression


This work addresses the problem of vertical wind profile online estimation at a given location. S... more This work addresses the problem of vertical wind profile online estimation at a given location. Specifically, the north and east components of the wind are continuously estimated as functions of time and altitude at two waypoints used for landing on the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport. A continuous nowcast of the wind profile is performed in which wind observations are derived from the aircraft states and assimilated into the model. It is well known that wind is one of the utmost contributors to uncertainties in the current and future paradigm of Air Traffic Management. Accurate wind information is key in continuous climb and descent operations, spacing, four dimensional trajectory-based operations, and aircraft performance studies, among others. In this work, wind data are obtained indirectly from the aircraft’s states broadcast by the Mode S and ADS-B aircraft surveillance systems. The Gaussian process regression is adapted to this framework and used to solve the problem. The...

Research paper thumbnail of Multiaircraft Optimal 4D Trajectory Planning Using Logical Constraints

International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019

This paper studies the trajectory planning problem for multiple aircraft with logical constraints... more This paper studies the trajectory planning problem for multiple aircraft with logical constraints in disjunctive form which arise in modeling passage through waypoints, distance-based and time-based separation constraints, decision-making processes, conflict resolution policies, no-fly zones, or obstacle or storm avoidance. Enforcing separation between aircraft, passage through waypoints, and obstacle avoidance is especially demanding in terms of modeling efforts. Indeed, in general, separation constraints require the introduction of auxiliary integer variables in the model; for passage constraints, a multiphase optimal control approach is used, and for obstacle avoidance constraints, geometric approximations of the obstacles are introduced. Multiple phases increase model complexity, and the presence of integer variables in the model has the drawback of combinatorial complexity of the corresponding mixed-integer optimal control problem. In this paper, an embedding approach is employ...

Research paper thumbnail of Karhunen-Loeve Expansion of EnsembleWeather Forecasts for Aircraft Trajectory Planning

In this paper, the Karhunen-Loeve expansion of ensemble weather forecasts is proposed to model me... more In this paper, the Karhunen-Loeve expansion of ensemble weather forecasts is proposed to model meteorological uncertainties in aircraft trajectory planning based on stochastic optimal control techniques. Ensemble weather forecasts are sets of forecasts that represent a range of possible weather conditions together with the likelihood of their occurrence. Ensemble wind forecasts are treated as realizations of a stochastic processes and represented using the Karhunen-Loeve approach. The obtained results show the ability of the Karhunen-Loeve approach to provide suitable representations of ensemble wind forecasts to be included into aircraft trajectory planning problems.

Research paper thumbnail of Introducción a la toma de decisiones en las nuevas tecnologías

Resumen: En este curso se pretende proporcionar las herramientas necesarias para identificar las ... more Resumen: En este curso se pretende proporcionar las herramientas necesarias para identificar las posibles decisiones estratégicas a adoptar para la gestión óptima de una empresa en la Nueva Economía. Estas herramientas consisten en la construcción de modelos para la ayuda a la toma de decisiones en dirección de operaciones, así como el manejo de las técnicas computacionales para la toma de dichas decisiones y la gestión óptima. Palabras clave: TIC. Investigación Operativa. Toma de Decisiones. Abstract: This course seeks to provide the necessary tools to identify strategic decision making for best management practices in companies of the New Economy. These tools consist in the construction of models to hep decision making in operational management and the use of computational techniques in decision making and administration.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the effect of the fuel savings scheme in Formation Flight Planning using Switched Optimal Control Techniques

Formation flight for commercial aircraft represents a great promise for several concerns related ... more Formation flight for commercial aircraft represents a great promise for several concerns related to the air transport system, such as reducing its environmental impact and increasing its capacity. The formation flight planning problem deals with how to group several flights in formations and to find the aircraft trajectories that optimize the overall direct operating costs. In this paper an interesting aspect of the formation flight planning problem has been studied, the effects of different fuel consumption reductions schemes on the trajectories of the aircraft. A case study with two long-haul flights taking into account the wind forecast has been carried out. Simulation results are reported.

Research paper thumbnail of Relada (Revista Electrónica de ADA) Consecución de objetivos en un Master Universitario Oficial on-line

Resumen: En este trabajo se describe la experiencia del proceso de concrección necesario para el ... more Resumen: En este trabajo se describe la experiencia del proceso de concrección necesario para el diseño e impartición on-line de un Máster Oficial cuyas competencias generales vienen establecidas dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Se presenta un ejemplo real, basado en el Master Oficial de Ingeniería de la Decisión impartido en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Palabras clave: Master Oficial. Docencia online. Competencias específicas. Abstract: In this paper we describe our experience with the specification process necessary for the design and implementation of an official on-line Master, the general competences being established within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). A real case is presented based on our experience with the Official Master of Decision Engineering offered at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Research paper thumbnail of Relada (Revista Electrónica de ADA) Herramientas para favorecer las interrelaciones en campus virtual

Resumen: Unos de los retos más importantes para el buen desarrollo de la asignatura Optimización ... more Resumen: Unos de los retos más importantes para el buen desarrollo de la asignatura Optimización de Recursos en la Nueva Economía dentro del Campus Virtual de ADA-Madrid es la de favorecer una interacción fluida entre profesor, alumno, entorno virtual y contenido académico. En este trabajo se presentan los aspectos más importantes de nuestra experiencia en la formación virtual, así como algunas conclusiones. Palabras clave: Interacciones. Herramientas de Decisión. Abstract: One of the most important challenges for the good development of the subject Optimización de Recursos en la Nueva Economía with the programme ADA-Madrid has been to favour fluid tutor-student interaction within a virtual environment, and also academic content. In this paper we present the fundamental aspects of our experience of online learning and some conclusions.

Research paper thumbnail of Switching time-optimal control of spacecraft equipped with reaction wheels and gas jet thrusters

Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2018

Abstract This paper studies the time-optimal control problem of a rigid spacecraft equipped with ... more Abstract This paper studies the time-optimal control problem of a rigid spacecraft equipped with both reaction wheels and gas jet thrusters, in which the reaction wheels are the main actuators and the gas jet thrusters act only after saturation or to prevent future saturation of the reaction wheels. It is assumed that the control torques are generated about the principal axes of the spacecraft. The presence of both reaction wheels and thrusters gives rise to two operating modes for each axis. Since this system can change dynamics, it can be regarded as a switched dynamical system. The time-optimal control problem for this system is solved using the embedding approach. With this technique the switched system is embedded into a larger set of systems and the optimal control problem is formulated in the latter. The main advantages of this technique are that assumptions about the number of switches are not necessary, integer or binary variables do not have to be introduced to model switching decisions between modes, and the optimal values of the switching times between modes are obtained without introducing them as unknowns of the optimal control problem. As a consequence, the resulting problem is a classical optimal control problem. Feasibility of the obtained solution is validated through propagation of the initial state. Optimality of the obtained solutions is verified by checking the compliance with Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle.

Research paper thumbnail of Nonparametric graduation techniques as a common framework for the description of demographic patterns

International Journal of Population Studies, 2016

The graduation of age-specific demographic rates is a subject of special interest in many dis-cip... more The graduation of age-specific demographic rates is a subject of special interest in many dis-ciplines as demography, biostatistics, actuarial practice, and social planning. For estimating the unknown age-specific probabilities of the various demographic phenomena, some graduation technique must be applied to the corresponding empirical rates, under the assumption that the true probabilities follow a smooth pattern through age. The classical way for graduating demographic rates is parametric modelling. However, for graduation purposes, nonparametric techniques can also be adapted. This work provides an adaptation, and an evaluation of kernels and Support Vector Machines (SVM) in the context of graduation of demographic rates.

Research paper thumbnail of Combining and scaling descent and negative curvature directions

Mathematical Programming, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Optimal 4D Trajectory Planning for Multiple Aircraft in Continuous Descent Operations

This paper deals with trajectory planning for multiple aircraft in continuous descent operations ... more This paper deals with trajectory planning for multiple aircraft in continuous descent operations using logical constraints in disjunctive form which arise in modeling passage through waypoints and time-based separation constraints. In the literature, logical constraints are modelled by means of the introduction of auxiliary integer variables. Furthermore, for the passage through waypoints usually a multiphase optimal control approach is considered. In this paper, an embedding technique is employed to transform logical constraints in disjunctive form into inequality and equality constraints which involve only continuous auxiliary variables, thus avoiding the computational complexity of multi-phase mixed-integer optimal control approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of Relada (Revista Electrónica de ADA) Metodología Docente Basada en Casos

Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de docencia online real en el que se exponen el u... more Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de docencia online real en el que se exponen el uso de herramientas novedosas de comunicación para e-learning. Además se muestra una metodología basada en casos oportuna para la consecución de objetivos propuestos en la guía de estudios. Palabras clave: Docencia on-line. Metodología basada en casos. Herramientas de comunicación. Abstract: In this paper we present a real case example of online teaching in which we expose the usage of novelty communications tools in e-learning. Moreover, we present a methodology based in the resolution of real cases appropriated for the objective achievement proposed in the teaching Degree Guide.

Research paper thumbnail of La Adecuación del e-Learning a los objetivos del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

En este trabajo se presentan los aspectos mas importantes de nuestra experiencia en la formacion ... more En este trabajo se presentan los aspectos mas importantes de nuestra experiencia en la formacion virtual. Los retos planteados a la hora de elaborar la asignatura Optimizacion de Recursos y Tecnologias de la Informacion dentro del Campus Virtual de ADA-Madrid suponen un punto de apoyo para afrontar algunos de los objetivos planteados por el EEES y su inminente implantacion.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodología Docente Basada en Casos

En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de docencia online real en el que se exponen el uso de her... more En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de docencia online real en el que se exponen el uso de herramientas novedosas de comunicacion para e-learning. Ademas se muestra una metodologia basada en casos oportuna para la consecucion de objetivos propuestos en la guia de estudios.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelos de administración y gestión, políticas y metodologías, en materia de e-learning para la enseñanza en la universidad pública española

Proyecto elaborado en el ambito de la 'III convocatoria de ayudas a la innovacion educativa: ... more Proyecto elaborado en el ambito de la 'III convocatoria de ayudas a la innovacion educativa: convocatoria para el desarrollo y participacion en proyectos de innovacion educativa y mejora de la calidad docente, curso 2007-2008'

Research paper thumbnail of Iterative Learning Control for Precise Aircraft Trajectory Tracking in Continuous Climb and Descent Operations

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Wind velocity field estimation from aircraft derived data using Gaussian process regression

PLOS ONE, Oct 31, 2022

Wind velocity field knowledge is crucial for the future air traffic management paradigm and is ke... more Wind velocity field knowledge is crucial for the future air traffic management paradigm and is key in many applications, such as aircraft performance studies. This paper addresses the problem of spatio-temporal windc velocity field estimation. The north and east wind components within a given air space are estimated as a function of time. Both wind velocity field reconstruction in space for a past or present time instant and short-term prediction are performed. Wind data are obtained indirectly from the states of the aircraft broadcast by the Mode-S and ADS-B aircraft surveillance systems. The Gaussian process regression method, which is a flexible and universal estimator, is employed to solve both problems. Under general conditions, the method is statistically consistent, meaning that the method converges to the ground truth when increasingly more data are available, which is especially interesting, since aircraft data availability is expected to grow in the future through the deployment of the European System-Wide Information Management. Besides estimation, the Gaussian process regression method provides the probability distribution of any particular estimate, allowing confidence intervals to be computed. Moreover, the spatial modelling is performed using raw data without relying on grids and estimation can be performed at any spatio-temporal location. Furthermore, since the training phase of the method described in this paper is fast, requiring less than 5 minutes on a standard desktop computer, it can be used online to continuously track the state of the wind velocity field, thus allowing for data assimilation. In the case study presented in this paper, the Gaussian process regression method is tested on different days with different wind intensities. The available data set is split into several training and testing data sets, which are used to check the consistency of the results of wind velocity field reconstruction and prediction. Finally, the Gaussian process regression method is validated using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ERA5 meteorological reanalysis data. The obtained results show that Gaussian process regression can be used to reliably estimate the wind velocity field from aircraft derived data.

Research paper thumbnail of Polynomial Chaos Expansion-Based Enhanced Gaussian Process Regression for Wind Velocity Field Estimation from Aircraft-Derived Data


This paper addresses the problem of spatiotemporal wind velocity field estimation for air traffic... more This paper addresses the problem of spatiotemporal wind velocity field estimation for air traffic management applications. Using data obtained from aircraft, the eastward and northward components of the wind velocity field inside a specific air space are calculated as functions of time. Both short-term wind velocity field forecasting and wind velocity field reconstruction are performed. Wind velocity data are indirectly obtained from the states of the aircraft flying in the relevant airspace, which are broadcast by the ADS-B and Mode-S aircraft surveillance systems. The wind velocity field is estimated by combining two data-driven techniques: the polynomial chaos expansion and the Gaussian process regression. The former approximates the global behavior of the wind velocity field, whereas the latter approximates the local behavior. The eastward and northward wind components of the wind velocity field must be estimated, which causes the problem to be a multiple-output problem. This me...

Research paper thumbnail of A Stochastic Switched Optimal Control Approach to Formation Mission Design for Commercial Aircraft

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

En primer lugar, me gustaría expresar mi más sincera gratitud a Ernesto Staffetti, mi director. G... more En primer lugar, me gustaría expresar mi más sincera gratitud a Ernesto Staffetti, mi director. Gracias por tu guía, por todo tu tiempo, por tu esfuerzo y empeño en que este trabajo haya ido cogiendo forma y pueda estar orgullosa de él. Gracias por tener en cuenta mis opiniones siempre, por hacerme sentir escuchada y por todas las horas invertidas en cerrar cada fleco que quedaba suelto. Gracias también por tus ánimos y por tener siempre un rato para charlar de trivialidades. No puedo olvidar a Alberto Olivares, gracias. Tu ayuda para que esta tesis haya salido adelante es también incalculable. Gracias por ese nuevo punto de vista que siempre hacía replantear todo de nuevo, mejorándolo. Gracias por todos tus comentarios, por tu tiempo. Gracias por tu sinceridad y por tu buen hacer. I would like to thank Dr. Sander Hartjes, who supervised my stay at TU Delft. Thank you for your time and advice. It is a pity that my stay coincided with your academia departure. I would also like to thank all the people of the Air Transport & Operations group. Sin lugar a dudas, estos años y esta tesis no hubieran sido los mismos sin mis compañeros y compañeras de departamento. Gracias, en primer lugar, por los viernes de cerveza. No por la cerveza en sí, que también, sino por vuestra compañía. Sin duda, uno de los peores efectos colaterales de la pandemia, ha sido llevarse esos viernes. Gracias Mihaela, por ser la mejor compañera que se puede tener, pero sobre todo, por ser una gran amiga. Gracias Óscar, Edu, por escucharme, por vuestros consejos, por todos esos brindis y por los que nos quedan. Gracias Antonio, por tu confianza, por estar siempre dispuesto a echarme una mano. Gracias Fernando, por los ratos compartidos en el despacho entre viajes, escalada y montaña. Gracias Pepa, por la tensión compartida de estos últimos meses. Gracias Rebeca, Ana, Nacho, Álex, Cris, Estela, por cada charla. Gracias a todas y todos que, sin saberlo, me habéis ayudado a llegar hasta aquí. Gracias Jose, Laura, Elisa, Marta, Tere, Álex, por seguir haciendo el mundo girar. Gracias a ti en especial, Carlos, por ser como un hermano para mi. Gracias a todo el equipo Placax, a los super Saiyans, por las risas y por los pegues. Gracias a mi familia. Gracias tata, por estar ahí desde el primer día de mi vida. Gracias tío Félix, por mostrar siempre ese interés por mi y por mi trabajo. Gracias tío Basi, por enseñarme que siempre podemos aportar un granito de arena para hacer de este mundo algo mejor. Gracias papá y mamá, porque con vosotros los te quieros y los abrazos nunca son suficientes. Gracias por apoyarme siempre, gracias por haberme enseñado a creer en mi. Finalmente, a mi familia de bichitos. A ti, Juan, no puedo decirte simplemente gracias porque es insuficiente. Por ser mi amigo, mi compañero de viaje y de vida. Por los enanos. Porque contigo todo es más bonito. Y por supuesto, Lucas y Adriana, porque desde el primer segundo en el que os vi, supe que haría lo que fuera por veros sonreír. Esta tesis es vuestra. • Formation flight for a future highly efficient commercial aviation, financed by the Spanish Government (Reference code: TRA2017-91203-EXP). Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 2018-2021. Principal Investigator: Ernesto Staffetti. • Managing meteorological uncertainty for a more efficient air traffic system: Meteorological uncertainty processing and trajectory tracking, financed by the Spanish Government (Reference code: RTI2018-098471-B-C33). Consortium:

Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Control Applied to Vaccination and Testing Policies for COVID-19


In this paper, several policies for controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are determined under the... more In this paper, several policies for controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are determined under the assumption that a limited number of effective COVID-19 vaccines and tests are available. These policies are calculated for different vaccination scenarios representing vaccine supply and administration restrictions, plus their impacts on the disease transmission are analyzed. The policies are determined by solving optimal control problems of a compartmental epidemic model, in which the control variables are the vaccination rate and the testing rate for the detection of asymptomatic infected people. A combination of the proportion of threatened and deceased people together with the cost of vaccination of susceptible people, and detection of asymptomatic infected people, is taken as the objective functional to be minimized, whereas different types of algebraic constraints are considered to represent several vaccination scenarios. A direct transcription method is employed to solve these op...

Research paper thumbnail of On the Estimation of Vector Wind Profiles Using Aircraft-Derived Data and Gaussian Process Regression


This work addresses the problem of vertical wind profile online estimation at a given location. S... more This work addresses the problem of vertical wind profile online estimation at a given location. Specifically, the north and east components of the wind are continuously estimated as functions of time and altitude at two waypoints used for landing on the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport. A continuous nowcast of the wind profile is performed in which wind observations are derived from the aircraft states and assimilated into the model. It is well known that wind is one of the utmost contributors to uncertainties in the current and future paradigm of Air Traffic Management. Accurate wind information is key in continuous climb and descent operations, spacing, four dimensional trajectory-based operations, and aircraft performance studies, among others. In this work, wind data are obtained indirectly from the aircraft’s states broadcast by the Mode S and ADS-B aircraft surveillance systems. The Gaussian process regression is adapted to this framework and used to solve the problem. The...

Research paper thumbnail of Multiaircraft Optimal 4D Trajectory Planning Using Logical Constraints

International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019

This paper studies the trajectory planning problem for multiple aircraft with logical constraints... more This paper studies the trajectory planning problem for multiple aircraft with logical constraints in disjunctive form which arise in modeling passage through waypoints, distance-based and time-based separation constraints, decision-making processes, conflict resolution policies, no-fly zones, or obstacle or storm avoidance. Enforcing separation between aircraft, passage through waypoints, and obstacle avoidance is especially demanding in terms of modeling efforts. Indeed, in general, separation constraints require the introduction of auxiliary integer variables in the model; for passage constraints, a multiphase optimal control approach is used, and for obstacle avoidance constraints, geometric approximations of the obstacles are introduced. Multiple phases increase model complexity, and the presence of integer variables in the model has the drawback of combinatorial complexity of the corresponding mixed-integer optimal control problem. In this paper, an embedding approach is employ...

Research paper thumbnail of Karhunen-Loeve Expansion of EnsembleWeather Forecasts for Aircraft Trajectory Planning

In this paper, the Karhunen-Loeve expansion of ensemble weather forecasts is proposed to model me... more In this paper, the Karhunen-Loeve expansion of ensemble weather forecasts is proposed to model meteorological uncertainties in aircraft trajectory planning based on stochastic optimal control techniques. Ensemble weather forecasts are sets of forecasts that represent a range of possible weather conditions together with the likelihood of their occurrence. Ensemble wind forecasts are treated as realizations of a stochastic processes and represented using the Karhunen-Loeve approach. The obtained results show the ability of the Karhunen-Loeve approach to provide suitable representations of ensemble wind forecasts to be included into aircraft trajectory planning problems.

Research paper thumbnail of Introducción a la toma de decisiones en las nuevas tecnologías

Resumen: En este curso se pretende proporcionar las herramientas necesarias para identificar las ... more Resumen: En este curso se pretende proporcionar las herramientas necesarias para identificar las posibles decisiones estratégicas a adoptar para la gestión óptima de una empresa en la Nueva Economía. Estas herramientas consisten en la construcción de modelos para la ayuda a la toma de decisiones en dirección de operaciones, así como el manejo de las técnicas computacionales para la toma de dichas decisiones y la gestión óptima. Palabras clave: TIC. Investigación Operativa. Toma de Decisiones. Abstract: This course seeks to provide the necessary tools to identify strategic decision making for best management practices in companies of the New Economy. These tools consist in the construction of models to hep decision making in operational management and the use of computational techniques in decision making and administration.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the effect of the fuel savings scheme in Formation Flight Planning using Switched Optimal Control Techniques

Formation flight for commercial aircraft represents a great promise for several concerns related ... more Formation flight for commercial aircraft represents a great promise for several concerns related to the air transport system, such as reducing its environmental impact and increasing its capacity. The formation flight planning problem deals with how to group several flights in formations and to find the aircraft trajectories that optimize the overall direct operating costs. In this paper an interesting aspect of the formation flight planning problem has been studied, the effects of different fuel consumption reductions schemes on the trajectories of the aircraft. A case study with two long-haul flights taking into account the wind forecast has been carried out. Simulation results are reported.

Research paper thumbnail of Relada (Revista Electrónica de ADA) Consecución de objetivos en un Master Universitario Oficial on-line

Resumen: En este trabajo se describe la experiencia del proceso de concrección necesario para el ... more Resumen: En este trabajo se describe la experiencia del proceso de concrección necesario para el diseño e impartición on-line de un Máster Oficial cuyas competencias generales vienen establecidas dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Se presenta un ejemplo real, basado en el Master Oficial de Ingeniería de la Decisión impartido en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Palabras clave: Master Oficial. Docencia online. Competencias específicas. Abstract: In this paper we describe our experience with the specification process necessary for the design and implementation of an official on-line Master, the general competences being established within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). A real case is presented based on our experience with the Official Master of Decision Engineering offered at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Research paper thumbnail of Relada (Revista Electrónica de ADA) Herramientas para favorecer las interrelaciones en campus virtual

Resumen: Unos de los retos más importantes para el buen desarrollo de la asignatura Optimización ... more Resumen: Unos de los retos más importantes para el buen desarrollo de la asignatura Optimización de Recursos en la Nueva Economía dentro del Campus Virtual de ADA-Madrid es la de favorecer una interacción fluida entre profesor, alumno, entorno virtual y contenido académico. En este trabajo se presentan los aspectos más importantes de nuestra experiencia en la formación virtual, así como algunas conclusiones. Palabras clave: Interacciones. Herramientas de Decisión. Abstract: One of the most important challenges for the good development of the subject Optimización de Recursos en la Nueva Economía with the programme ADA-Madrid has been to favour fluid tutor-student interaction within a virtual environment, and also academic content. In this paper we present the fundamental aspects of our experience of online learning and some conclusions.

Research paper thumbnail of Switching time-optimal control of spacecraft equipped with reaction wheels and gas jet thrusters

Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2018

Abstract This paper studies the time-optimal control problem of a rigid spacecraft equipped with ... more Abstract This paper studies the time-optimal control problem of a rigid spacecraft equipped with both reaction wheels and gas jet thrusters, in which the reaction wheels are the main actuators and the gas jet thrusters act only after saturation or to prevent future saturation of the reaction wheels. It is assumed that the control torques are generated about the principal axes of the spacecraft. The presence of both reaction wheels and thrusters gives rise to two operating modes for each axis. Since this system can change dynamics, it can be regarded as a switched dynamical system. The time-optimal control problem for this system is solved using the embedding approach. With this technique the switched system is embedded into a larger set of systems and the optimal control problem is formulated in the latter. The main advantages of this technique are that assumptions about the number of switches are not necessary, integer or binary variables do not have to be introduced to model switching decisions between modes, and the optimal values of the switching times between modes are obtained without introducing them as unknowns of the optimal control problem. As a consequence, the resulting problem is a classical optimal control problem. Feasibility of the obtained solution is validated through propagation of the initial state. Optimality of the obtained solutions is verified by checking the compliance with Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle.

Research paper thumbnail of Nonparametric graduation techniques as a common framework for the description of demographic patterns

International Journal of Population Studies, 2016

The graduation of age-specific demographic rates is a subject of special interest in many dis-cip... more The graduation of age-specific demographic rates is a subject of special interest in many dis-ciplines as demography, biostatistics, actuarial practice, and social planning. For estimating the unknown age-specific probabilities of the various demographic phenomena, some graduation technique must be applied to the corresponding empirical rates, under the assumption that the true probabilities follow a smooth pattern through age. The classical way for graduating demographic rates is parametric modelling. However, for graduation purposes, nonparametric techniques can also be adapted. This work provides an adaptation, and an evaluation of kernels and Support Vector Machines (SVM) in the context of graduation of demographic rates.

Research paper thumbnail of Combining and scaling descent and negative curvature directions

Mathematical Programming, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Optimal 4D Trajectory Planning for Multiple Aircraft in Continuous Descent Operations

This paper deals with trajectory planning for multiple aircraft in continuous descent operations ... more This paper deals with trajectory planning for multiple aircraft in continuous descent operations using logical constraints in disjunctive form which arise in modeling passage through waypoints and time-based separation constraints. In the literature, logical constraints are modelled by means of the introduction of auxiliary integer variables. Furthermore, for the passage through waypoints usually a multiphase optimal control approach is considered. In this paper, an embedding technique is employed to transform logical constraints in disjunctive form into inequality and equality constraints which involve only continuous auxiliary variables, thus avoiding the computational complexity of multi-phase mixed-integer optimal control approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of Relada (Revista Electrónica de ADA) Metodología Docente Basada en Casos

Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de docencia online real en el que se exponen el u... more Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de docencia online real en el que se exponen el uso de herramientas novedosas de comunicación para e-learning. Además se muestra una metodología basada en casos oportuna para la consecución de objetivos propuestos en la guía de estudios. Palabras clave: Docencia on-line. Metodología basada en casos. Herramientas de comunicación. Abstract: In this paper we present a real case example of online teaching in which we expose the usage of novelty communications tools in e-learning. Moreover, we present a methodology based in the resolution of real cases appropriated for the objective achievement proposed in the teaching Degree Guide.

Research paper thumbnail of La Adecuación del e-Learning a los objetivos del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

En este trabajo se presentan los aspectos mas importantes de nuestra experiencia en la formacion ... more En este trabajo se presentan los aspectos mas importantes de nuestra experiencia en la formacion virtual. Los retos planteados a la hora de elaborar la asignatura Optimizacion de Recursos y Tecnologias de la Informacion dentro del Campus Virtual de ADA-Madrid suponen un punto de apoyo para afrontar algunos de los objetivos planteados por el EEES y su inminente implantacion.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodología Docente Basada en Casos

En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de docencia online real en el que se exponen el uso de her... more En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de docencia online real en el que se exponen el uso de herramientas novedosas de comunicacion para e-learning. Ademas se muestra una metodologia basada en casos oportuna para la consecucion de objetivos propuestos en la guia de estudios.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelos de administración y gestión, políticas y metodologías, en materia de e-learning para la enseñanza en la universidad pública española

Proyecto elaborado en el ambito de la 'III convocatoria de ayudas a la innovacion educativa: ... more Proyecto elaborado en el ambito de la 'III convocatoria de ayudas a la innovacion educativa: convocatoria para el desarrollo y participacion en proyectos de innovacion educativa y mejora de la calidad docente, curso 2007-2008'

Research paper thumbnail of Iterative Learning Control for Precise Aircraft Trajectory Tracking in Continuous Climb and Descent Operations

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems