Aleksandra Stojadinovic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Aleksandra Stojadinovic
Engrami, 2019
Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Slika o sopstvenom telu predstavlja doživljaje, misli i osećanja ko je osoba... more Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Slika o sopstvenom telu predstavlja doživljaje, misli i osećanja ko je osoba ima u vezi sa svojim telom. Mla di svakodnevno provode vreme na društvenim mrežama i izloženi su mnogim sadržajima, uključujući i savremene standarde lepote i pritisak da izgledaju u skladu sa tim standardima, te društvene mreže mogu da utiču na stva ranje negativne slike o sopstvenom telu. Cilj rada. Da se utvrdi povezanost upotrebe društvenih mreža i slike o sopstvenom telu kod mladih. Metod rada. Podaci za istraživanje su dobijeni putem onlajn ankete koja je osmišljena za potrebe ovog istraživanja. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1139 ispitanika uzrasta od 15 do 24 godine. Rezultati. Prosečan BMI ispitanika je 22,27 ± 3,58. Najveći procenat ispitanika je normalno uhranjen (74,6%), zatim slede prekomerno uhranjeni (14,6%), pothranjeni (6,7%) i gojazni (4,1%). De-1 Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine,
PubMed, Mar 30, 2002
Introduction: Body height and weight are important indicators of children's health status. There ... more Introduction: Body height and weight are important indicators of children's health status. There are many evidences that children from disadvantaged families have lower height and weight than children of the same age from families without social risk. The aim of this study was to investigate characteristics of growth and development of children from economically disadvantaged families. Material and methods: The study was partly retrospective and partly prospective. The retrospective study included 509 children from disadvantaged families hospitalized at the Institute of Child and Adolescent Health Care in Novi Sad, during a five-year period. The prospective study included 90 children from disadvantaged families (experimental group) and 132 children from families without social risk (control group) hospitalized at the Institute during a six month period. Height/length, weight, head circumference, and psychomotor/intellectual development have been examined. In the retrospective study results were compared with theoretically expected values, whereas the prospective study results of experimental and control group were compared. Results: In the retrospective study that included only children from disadvantaged families, 136 (26.7%) children had height/length, 173 (34%) had weight, and 86 (16.9%) children had head circumference below 10th percentile. Delay in psychomotor/intellectual development was established in 177 (34.8%) children. Children from families with social risk have significantly more often height/length, weight, head circumference and developmental delay than theoretically expected. In the prospective study 40 (44.4%) children from experimental group had height/length, 29 (32.2%) had weight, 20 (22.2%) children had head circumference below 10th percentile, and 17 (26.2%) had delay in psychomotor/intellectual development. Children from disadvantaged families (experimental group) significantly more often had delay in growth and development comparing with children from families without social risk (control group). Conclusion: Children from disadvantaged families significantly more often exhibit delay in growth and development, comparing with children of the same age from families without social risk. Therefore, pediatricians should consider social risk factors whenever treating children with growth or developmental delay.
Psychology Health & Medicine, Aug 20, 2020
Executive function (EF) skills involve higher-level cognitive functions, such as planning, goal f... more Executive function (EF) skills involve higher-level cognitive functions, such as planning, goal formation, goal-directed behavior, and effective performance. Previous research has shown that these aspects of EF are essential for successful functioning in everyday life. This study aimed to examine differences in the behavioral aspects of EF between young adults with epilepsy and healthy controls. The study involved 62 young adults, aged 18 to 30 years, divided into two groups: a study group of young adults with wellcontrolled epilepsy and a control group of healthy young adults. The groups were matched according to basic sociodemographic characteristics. The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult version was used to assess the behavioral aspects of executive functions. A significant difference between groups was only observed on the Organization of Materials scale, where the group with epilepsy achieved better performance. Our findings suggest that self-assessed behavioral control of EF is almost the same in healthy young adults and young adults with epilepsy who have no comorbidities and have good control of the disease as well as preserved intellectual ability and functionality in everyday activities.
Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 2018
SummaryBackground:Anemia represents a significant cause of maternal and perinatal mortality, as w... more SummaryBackground:Anemia represents a significant cause of maternal and perinatal mortality, as well as child mortality. The aim of the research was to determine the serum concentration of hepcidin in children aged 6 months to 2 years and adolescents aged 11 to 19 years which suffer from iron deficiency anemia and compare it with the serum concentration of hepcidin in the control groups, as well as to determine its connection with the parameters of the iron metabolism.Methods:The research included 173 examinees, 89 of them suffered from iron deficiency anemia and 84 did not suffer from iron deficiency anemia (the latter represented the control group). Blood samples were collected from all study participants. The samples were analyzed for complete blood count and parameters of iron metabolism. ELISA method was used for establishing serum hepcidin levels.Results:The research showed that the concentration of hepcidin is statistically lower in children (4.4 ng/mL) and adolescents (4.1 n...
PubMed, Mar 6, 2002
Introduction: Social and economic circumstances have a significant influence on children's health... more Introduction: Social and economic circumstances have a significant influence on children's health. The health status differs from country to country and it depends on gross national product. The aim of the study was to investigate characteristics of morbidity of school children from disadvantaged families. Material and methods: The study included 232 school children from disadvantaged families who were hospitalized at the Institute of Child and Adolescents Health Care in Novi Sad during a five year period. Disadvantaged families are those with the following risk factors: low income, parents who are not able to comply with parenthood, unsuitable parents, single parent. Discharge diagnoses were analyzed. Diagnoses of children from disadvantaged families were compared with diagnoses of other hospitalized children. Results: School children from disadvantaged families were significantly more often hospitalized because of infectious diseases, parasitic infections, mental disorders, neurologic disorders, symptoms, signs and undefined conditions, poisonings and injuries than children from families without social risks. School children from disadvantaged families significantly more often suffered from mental retardation, emotional and behavior disorders, epilepsy, cerebral palsy and poisonings, than other hospitalized children. Conclusion: School children from disadvantaged families have a specific morbidity which differs from the morbidity of children from families without social risks.
Medicinski Pregled, 2008
Sazetak-Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi stopa smrtnosti adolescenata u Republici Srbiji, najcesci u... more Sazetak-Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi stopa smrtnosti adolescenata u Republici Srbiji, najcesci uzroci smrti kao i reaionalnc razlike, LJ radu su koriscene Dokumcntacione tabele vitalnc statistike Republikc Srbije za 2()04. godinu i Dokumentacione t;bclc Popisa stanovnistva Republike Srbije iz 2002. godine. Uzroci rnortalitcta adolesccnata klasifikovani su prema Medunarodnoj klasifikaciji bolesti, povreda i uzroka smrti, X revizija. Specificna stopa mortaliteta alolescenata u Republici Srbiji je-i2,OS na 100 (JOO adolescenata. U strukturi mortaliteta adolescenata dorniniraju povrcdc, a slede maligna oboljenja i grupa simptorna, znakova i patoloskih klinickih i laboratorijskih nalaza. Stopa mortaliteta rnladica je oko 2,4 puta visa nego stopa mortaliteta devojaka, Mortalitet starijih adolecenata je znacajno visi u poredcnju sa mladim adolescentirna. Mortalitet adolescenata II Vojvodni je visi ncgo mortalitet adolescenata u Centralnoj Srbiji. U nasoj zemlji nedostaju podaci 0 spoljasnjim uzrocima smrti. Stopa smrtnosti adolescenata II nasoj zemlji je visoka, posebno za starije adolescentc rnuskog pola. Verina smrtnih slucajeva kod adolescenata u nasoj zemlji se moze prevenirati, Neophodni su precizniji podaci 0 spoljasnjim uzrocima smrti. Kljucne reci: Mortalitet; Uzroci smrti; Adolescenti; Dcrnografija NON MES: Srbija .
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 2013
Пре ма кон цеп ту Уни це фа, де те ули це је би ло ко је де те уз ра ста до 18 го ди на ко јем је... more Пре ма кон цеп ту Уни це фа, де те ули це је би ло ко је де те уз ра ста до 18 го ди на ко јем је ули ца по ста ла дом, од но сно из вор при хо да и ко је ни је на од го ва ра ју ћи на чин за шти ће но или ко је не над гле да од ра сла, од го вор на осо ба. Про це њу је се да у све ту има из ме ђу 100 и 150 ми ли о на ова кве де це. Жи вот и рад на ули ци имају да ле ко се жне по сле ди це по раз вој и здра вље ове де це. Жи ве ћи и ра де ћи на ули ци они се су о ча ва ју с нај ви шим ни во ом ри зи ка. Мно го че шће бо лу ју од акут них обо ље ња, по вре да, ин фек ци ја, по себ но црев них и ин фек ци ја ди сај них пу те ва, пол но пре но си вих бо ле сти и мен тал них по ре ме ћа ја, че шће се ло ше хра не и зло у по тре бља ва ју пси хо ак тив не суп стан це. Та ко ђе, че шће су жр тве зло ста вља ња, сек су ал не екс пло а та ци је и тр го ви не љу ди ма, а че шћа је и не же ље на труд но ћа не го код њи хо вих вр шња ка из си ро ма шних по ро ди ца. Де ца и мла ди ули це че шће би ва ју хо спи та ли зо ва ни, а бол нич ко ле че ње тра је ду же због те жи не обо ље ња и не бла го вре ме ног ја вља ња ле ка ру. Де ца и мла ди ули це се те шко од лу чу ју да за тра же здрав стве ну по моћ, а ка да то по ку ша ју, на и ла зе на раз не пре пре ке. Де ца ули це су за на шу др жа ву "не ви дљи ва" и њи хов број ни је по знат. По след њих го ди на не вла ди не ор га ни за ци је у Бе о гра ду, Но вом Са ду и Ни шу пре по зна ле су овај про блем и на чи ни ле пр ви ко рак у ње го вом ре ша ва њу кроз отва ра ње свра ти шта. Ме ђу тим, то ни је до вољ но. Нео п ход но је хит но ан га жо ва ње чи та ве др жа ве и дру штва за ре ша ва ње про бле ма де це ули це. Нај бо љи ин те рес де те та мо ра по слу жи ти као основ на смер ни ца у свим ак тив но сти ма чи ји је циљ уна пре ђе ње ква ли те та жи во та, здра вља и пра ва де це ко ја жи ве и ра де на ули ци. Кључ не ре чи: де ца укљу че на у жи вот и рад на ули ци; здрав стве ни про бле ми; свра ти ште
Twin Research and Human Genetics, Dec 1, 2019
The first twin study in Serbia began in 2011 as a part of the research project, 'Psychological Fo... more The first twin study in Serbia began in 2011 as a part of the research project, 'Psychological Foundations of Mental Health: Hereditary and Environmental Factors'. At the same time, the research team from the Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad established the first Serbian twin registry. The registry is intended primarily for the purpose of the research in behavioral genetics, as well as potential future studies in human genetics. It includes information on 1658 volunteers, including twin-pairs, their parent and siblings. The behavioral genetic study of adult twins has been focused on the hereditary and environmental sources of variance of different psychological characteristics, such as personality traits, cognitive abilities, executive functions and aggression, as well as some anthropometric measures and aspects of mental and physical health. Certain molecular genetic analyses have also been performed. The research team is currently starting the longitudinal twin study of children, which will be focused on different indicators of emotional, cognitive and physical development.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2020
Background/Aim. Phthalates are recognized as endocrine-disrupting compounds and are extensively p... more Background/Aim. Phthalates are recognized as endocrine-disrupting compounds and are extensively present in a variety of everyday products. Chronic exposure to phthalates is suspected to be associated with a range of health disorders. The aim of the study was to examine the abundance of phthalate metabolites in the urine samples among adults in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, and to determine the prevalence of phthalate metabolites in healthy individuals and those with metabolic disorders such as obesity and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods. For the study purpose, the first morning urine sample of 308 participants was screened for the presence of 10 phthalate metabolites: mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP), mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP), mono-n-butyl phthalate (MBP), mono-iso-allyl phthalate (MiAP), mono-n-allyl phthalate (MnAP), mono-cyclohexyl phthalate (MCHP), mono-benzyl phthalate (MBzP), mono-n-octyl phthalate (MOP), mono-n-propyl phthalate (...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Introduction/Objective. The percentage of live-born infants conceived with assisted reproductive ... more Introduction/Objective. The percentage of live-born infants conceived with assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in some European countries reaches 6% and in Serbia over 1%. The aim of this study was to analyze characteristics and morbidity of prematurely born newborns conceived with ART. Methods. The study included 154 prematurely born newborns from pregnancies conceived with ART and 154 prematurely born newborns conceived naturally, hospitalized at the Institute of Health Care of Children and Adolescents of Vojvodina. Participants from both groups were matched according to gestational age and date of birth. Results. Statistically significantly more newborns with very low birth weight have been in the group of newborns conceived by ART in comparison to newborns conceived naturally (?2 test, p = 0.0001). Morbidity of newborns conceived with ART is not higher in comparison to newborns of the same gestational age conceived naturally. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, occurred more freque...
Medicinski pregled, 2008
Introduction. Adolescents are the healthiest age group of the population but many studies show th... more Introduction. Adolescents are the healthiest age group of the population but many studies show that period of adolescence is marked by significant morbidity and mortality. Health indicators of adolescent population have been getting worse during past decades. The aim of this study was to determine mortality rate of adolescents in the Republic of Serbia to determine most common causes of death in adolescence and to explore regional differences in adolescent mortality. Materials and methods: Documentation tables of vital statistics in the Republic of Serbia in 2004, and Documentation Tables of Census 2002 were used. The causes of mortality were classified according to ICD 10. Results and discussion. Specific morality rate in the Republic of Serbia is 32.08 on 100.000 adolescents. The leading causes of death in adolescence are injuries, malignancies and non specified causes, and there are significant regional differences, as well as gender and age differences. The mortality rate of mal...
Medical review
Introduction. Acute pediatric poisoning has become an increasingly important medical emergency. T... more Introduction. Acute pediatric poisoning has become an increasingly important medical emergency. This study was aimed at determining characteristics of acute poisoning in children and adolescents hospitalized at the Institute of Child and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina from 2015 to 2017. Material and Methods. Data were collected from medical records of all patients hospitalized for suspected acute intoxication at the Institute of Child and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina during the observed time. Results. This study included 519 patients hospitalized for suspected exposure to toxic substances. There were 49% male and 51% female patients. The intoxications had no seasonal features. The toxic substances were commonly taken orally. Medications were the most frequent cause of all poisonings, among which the most commonly reported were drugs for central nervous system disorders. Medications were the most frequent cause of poisoning in children and adolescents, as well as in children up to ...
The Lancet. Global health, 2018
The Global Point Prevalence Survey (Global-PPS) established an international network of hospitals... more The Global Point Prevalence Survey (Global-PPS) established an international network of hospitals to measure antimicrobial prescribing and resistance worldwide. We aimed to assess antimicrobial prescribing and resistance in hospital inpatients. We used a standardised surveillance method to collect detailed data about antimicrobial prescribing and resistance from hospitals worldwide, which were grouped by UN region. The internet-based survey included all inpatients (adults, children, and neonates) receiving an antimicrobial who were on the ward at 0800 h on one specific day between January and September, 2015. Hospitals were classified as primary, secondary, tertiary (including infectious diseases hospitals), and paediatric hospitals. Five main ward types were defined: medical wards, surgical wards, intensive-care units, haematology oncology wards, and medical transplantation (bone marrow or solid transplants) wards. Data recorded included patient characteristics, antimicrobials rece...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Introduction/Objective. Obese children and adolescents are exposed to stigma and discrimination f... more Introduction/Objective. Obese children and adolescents are exposed to stigma and discrimination from peers, teachers and family which can lead to numerous health problems, including psychosocial problems. The aim of this study is to determine whether obese adolescents in Serbia are exposed to stigmatization and which are the most common forms of stigmatization they face. Methods. The study included 335 adolescents who were hospitalized for a treatment of obesity. During hospitalization weight and height were measured, and body mass index was calculated. Participants completed independently Questionnaire about weightbased stigmatization made for the purpose of this research. Questionnaire also included questions about sex, age of respondents, and about obesity of other family members. Results. Fifty-nine percent of participants experienced offence, 19% were teased, 47.5% were subject of a gossip, and 25% were excluded from peer group; 45% reported that other people had prejudice agai...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2015
Background/Aim. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by ... more Background/Aim. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by degeneration of alpha motor neurons in the spinal cord and the medulla oblongata, causing progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. The aim of this study was to determine association between the SMN2 gene copy number and disease phenotype in Serbian patients with SMA with homozygous deletion of exon 7 of the SMN1 gene. Methods. The patients were identified using regional Serbian hospital databases. Investigated clinical characteristics of the disease were: patients? gender, age at disease onset, achieved and current developmental milestones, disease duration, current age, and the presence of the spinal deformities and joint contractures. The number of SMN1 and SMN2 gene copies was determined using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results. Among 43 identified patients, 37 (86.0%) showed homozygous deletion of SMN1 exon 7. One (2.7%) of 37 patients had SMA type I with 3 SMN2 copie...
Medicinski pregled, 2015
Introduction. Street children and youth are at risk of getting engaged in different behaviors inc... more Introduction. Street children and youth are at risk of getting engaged in different behaviors including risky sexual behavior, which adversely affects their development and health. The aim of this study was to examine sexual behavior of street children and youth, and the risks and consequences associated with sexual behavior. Material and Methods. A pilot study was conducted on a sample of 50 users of the Drop-in Centre for Street Children in Novi Sad, from 10 to 19 years of age. The study was conducted by a psychologist through structured interviews, with prior consent of the adolescent and parent. Results. Among the respondents who were sexually active, 41.2% had had the first sexual intercourse by the age of 12, their median age at that time being 14 years, while the age at the time of the first sexual intercourse is 16 years in the general population of Serbia. The majority of sexually active adolescents had several partners, one male adolescent had sex with a person of the same...
Seizure, 2015
Hot water epilepsy in infants is a type of reflex epilepsy and is categorized as a provoked epile... more Hot water epilepsy in infants is a type of reflex epilepsy and is categorized as a provoked epilepsy. The seizures are precipitated when the infant is placed in water at a temperature above 37.5 8C
Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2014
Citation: Knezevic-Pogancev M, Jovic N, Stojadinovic A. Specific Triggers of Migraine Headache in... more Citation: Knezevic-Pogancev M, Jovic N, Stojadinovic A. Specific Triggers of Migraine Headache in Adolescents. Maced J Med Sci. 2014 Sep 15; 7(3):494-498. http://dx.
Medicinski pregled, 2002
Introduction Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common diseases of childhood. A pres... more Introduction Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common diseases of childhood. A preschool child suffers up to 5-7 infections of upper airways during a year. Upper airway infections make 80 - 90% of all respiratory infections. Etiology and treatment In 75% of all cases respiratory infections are of viral etiology, 15% of bacterial and 10% are caused by mycoplasma, rickettsiae, fungi, parasites. The treatment of respiratory infections includes antimicrobial therapy (causal), relief of symptoms (symptomatic) and application of general principles of child treatment. The choice of antimicrobial drug is based on the evidence of agents and their sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, age, patient's condition, previous treatment and possible allergic reactions to the drug. In cases where adequate specimen cannot be obtained for microbiologic tests, when these tests do not reveal the agent, or therapy must start before evidence of the agent is available, we must decide about th...
Medicinski pregled, 2002
Introduction Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common childhood diseases. A prescho... more Introduction Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common childhood diseases. A preschool child suffers up to 5-7 infections of upper airways during a year. Lower airway infections make 5-20% of all respiratory infections. Etiologic factors In developed countries, 75% of pneumonias in childhood are of viral etiology, in 15% of bacterial, and in 10% of some other causative agent (mycoplasma, rickettsiae, fungi, parasites). In developing countries, bacterial pneumonias are present in much higher percentages. Treatment Treatment of respiratory infections includes antimicrobial therapy (causal), relief of symptoms (symptomatic) and conduction of general principles in child treatment. The choice of antimicrobial drug is based on evidence of agents and their sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, age, patient's condition, previous treatment and possible allergic reactions to the drug. In cases where we cannot provide adequate specimen for microbiologic testing, when these tests...
Engrami, 2019
Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Slika o sopstvenom telu predstavlja doživljaje, misli i osećanja ko je osoba... more Kratak sadržaj Uvod. Slika o sopstvenom telu predstavlja doživljaje, misli i osećanja ko je osoba ima u vezi sa svojim telom. Mla di svakodnevno provode vreme na društvenim mrežama i izloženi su mnogim sadržajima, uključujući i savremene standarde lepote i pritisak da izgledaju u skladu sa tim standardima, te društvene mreže mogu da utiču na stva ranje negativne slike o sopstvenom telu. Cilj rada. Da se utvrdi povezanost upotrebe društvenih mreža i slike o sopstvenom telu kod mladih. Metod rada. Podaci za istraživanje su dobijeni putem onlajn ankete koja je osmišljena za potrebe ovog istraživanja. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1139 ispitanika uzrasta od 15 do 24 godine. Rezultati. Prosečan BMI ispitanika je 22,27 ± 3,58. Najveći procenat ispitanika je normalno uhranjen (74,6%), zatim slede prekomerno uhranjeni (14,6%), pothranjeni (6,7%) i gojazni (4,1%). De-1 Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine,
PubMed, Mar 30, 2002
Introduction: Body height and weight are important indicators of children's health status. There ... more Introduction: Body height and weight are important indicators of children's health status. There are many evidences that children from disadvantaged families have lower height and weight than children of the same age from families without social risk. The aim of this study was to investigate characteristics of growth and development of children from economically disadvantaged families. Material and methods: The study was partly retrospective and partly prospective. The retrospective study included 509 children from disadvantaged families hospitalized at the Institute of Child and Adolescent Health Care in Novi Sad, during a five-year period. The prospective study included 90 children from disadvantaged families (experimental group) and 132 children from families without social risk (control group) hospitalized at the Institute during a six month period. Height/length, weight, head circumference, and psychomotor/intellectual development have been examined. In the retrospective study results were compared with theoretically expected values, whereas the prospective study results of experimental and control group were compared. Results: In the retrospective study that included only children from disadvantaged families, 136 (26.7%) children had height/length, 173 (34%) had weight, and 86 (16.9%) children had head circumference below 10th percentile. Delay in psychomotor/intellectual development was established in 177 (34.8%) children. Children from families with social risk have significantly more often height/length, weight, head circumference and developmental delay than theoretically expected. In the prospective study 40 (44.4%) children from experimental group had height/length, 29 (32.2%) had weight, 20 (22.2%) children had head circumference below 10th percentile, and 17 (26.2%) had delay in psychomotor/intellectual development. Children from disadvantaged families (experimental group) significantly more often had delay in growth and development comparing with children from families without social risk (control group). Conclusion: Children from disadvantaged families significantly more often exhibit delay in growth and development, comparing with children of the same age from families without social risk. Therefore, pediatricians should consider social risk factors whenever treating children with growth or developmental delay.
Psychology Health & Medicine, Aug 20, 2020
Executive function (EF) skills involve higher-level cognitive functions, such as planning, goal f... more Executive function (EF) skills involve higher-level cognitive functions, such as planning, goal formation, goal-directed behavior, and effective performance. Previous research has shown that these aspects of EF are essential for successful functioning in everyday life. This study aimed to examine differences in the behavioral aspects of EF between young adults with epilepsy and healthy controls. The study involved 62 young adults, aged 18 to 30 years, divided into two groups: a study group of young adults with wellcontrolled epilepsy and a control group of healthy young adults. The groups were matched according to basic sociodemographic characteristics. The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult version was used to assess the behavioral aspects of executive functions. A significant difference between groups was only observed on the Organization of Materials scale, where the group with epilepsy achieved better performance. Our findings suggest that self-assessed behavioral control of EF is almost the same in healthy young adults and young adults with epilepsy who have no comorbidities and have good control of the disease as well as preserved intellectual ability and functionality in everyday activities.
Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 2018
SummaryBackground:Anemia represents a significant cause of maternal and perinatal mortality, as w... more SummaryBackground:Anemia represents a significant cause of maternal and perinatal mortality, as well as child mortality. The aim of the research was to determine the serum concentration of hepcidin in children aged 6 months to 2 years and adolescents aged 11 to 19 years which suffer from iron deficiency anemia and compare it with the serum concentration of hepcidin in the control groups, as well as to determine its connection with the parameters of the iron metabolism.Methods:The research included 173 examinees, 89 of them suffered from iron deficiency anemia and 84 did not suffer from iron deficiency anemia (the latter represented the control group). Blood samples were collected from all study participants. The samples were analyzed for complete blood count and parameters of iron metabolism. ELISA method was used for establishing serum hepcidin levels.Results:The research showed that the concentration of hepcidin is statistically lower in children (4.4 ng/mL) and adolescents (4.1 n...
PubMed, Mar 6, 2002
Introduction: Social and economic circumstances have a significant influence on children's health... more Introduction: Social and economic circumstances have a significant influence on children's health. The health status differs from country to country and it depends on gross national product. The aim of the study was to investigate characteristics of morbidity of school children from disadvantaged families. Material and methods: The study included 232 school children from disadvantaged families who were hospitalized at the Institute of Child and Adolescents Health Care in Novi Sad during a five year period. Disadvantaged families are those with the following risk factors: low income, parents who are not able to comply with parenthood, unsuitable parents, single parent. Discharge diagnoses were analyzed. Diagnoses of children from disadvantaged families were compared with diagnoses of other hospitalized children. Results: School children from disadvantaged families were significantly more often hospitalized because of infectious diseases, parasitic infections, mental disorders, neurologic disorders, symptoms, signs and undefined conditions, poisonings and injuries than children from families without social risks. School children from disadvantaged families significantly more often suffered from mental retardation, emotional and behavior disorders, epilepsy, cerebral palsy and poisonings, than other hospitalized children. Conclusion: School children from disadvantaged families have a specific morbidity which differs from the morbidity of children from families without social risks.
Medicinski Pregled, 2008
Sazetak-Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi stopa smrtnosti adolescenata u Republici Srbiji, najcesci u... more Sazetak-Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi stopa smrtnosti adolescenata u Republici Srbiji, najcesci uzroci smrti kao i reaionalnc razlike, LJ radu su koriscene Dokumcntacione tabele vitalnc statistike Republikc Srbije za 2()04. godinu i Dokumentacione t;bclc Popisa stanovnistva Republike Srbije iz 2002. godine. Uzroci rnortalitcta adolesccnata klasifikovani su prema Medunarodnoj klasifikaciji bolesti, povreda i uzroka smrti, X revizija. Specificna stopa mortaliteta alolescenata u Republici Srbiji je-i2,OS na 100 (JOO adolescenata. U strukturi mortaliteta adolescenata dorniniraju povrcdc, a slede maligna oboljenja i grupa simptorna, znakova i patoloskih klinickih i laboratorijskih nalaza. Stopa mortaliteta rnladica je oko 2,4 puta visa nego stopa mortaliteta devojaka, Mortalitet starijih adolecenata je znacajno visi u poredcnju sa mladim adolescentirna. Mortalitet adolescenata II Vojvodni je visi ncgo mortalitet adolescenata u Centralnoj Srbiji. U nasoj zemlji nedostaju podaci 0 spoljasnjim uzrocima smrti. Stopa smrtnosti adolescenata II nasoj zemlji je visoka, posebno za starije adolescentc rnuskog pola. Verina smrtnih slucajeva kod adolescenata u nasoj zemlji se moze prevenirati, Neophodni su precizniji podaci 0 spoljasnjim uzrocima smrti. Kljucne reci: Mortalitet; Uzroci smrti; Adolescenti; Dcrnografija NON MES: Srbija .
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 2013
Пре ма кон цеп ту Уни це фа, де те ули це је би ло ко је де те уз ра ста до 18 го ди на ко јем је... more Пре ма кон цеп ту Уни це фа, де те ули це је би ло ко је де те уз ра ста до 18 го ди на ко јем је ули ца по ста ла дом, од но сно из вор при хо да и ко је ни је на од го ва ра ју ћи на чин за шти ће но или ко је не над гле да од ра сла, од го вор на осо ба. Про це њу је се да у све ту има из ме ђу 100 и 150 ми ли о на ова кве де це. Жи вот и рад на ули ци имају да ле ко се жне по сле ди це по раз вој и здра вље ове де це. Жи ве ћи и ра де ћи на ули ци они се су о ча ва ју с нај ви шим ни во ом ри зи ка. Мно го че шће бо лу ју од акут них обо ље ња, по вре да, ин фек ци ја, по себ но црев них и ин фек ци ја ди сај них пу те ва, пол но пре но си вих бо ле сти и мен тал них по ре ме ћа ја, че шће се ло ше хра не и зло у по тре бља ва ју пси хо ак тив не суп стан це. Та ко ђе, че шће су жр тве зло ста вља ња, сек су ал не екс пло а та ци је и тр го ви не љу ди ма, а че шћа је и не же ље на труд но ћа не го код њи хо вих вр шња ка из си ро ма шних по ро ди ца. Де ца и мла ди ули це че шће би ва ју хо спи та ли зо ва ни, а бол нич ко ле че ње тра је ду же због те жи не обо ље ња и не бла го вре ме ног ја вља ња ле ка ру. Де ца и мла ди ули це се те шко од лу чу ју да за тра же здрав стве ну по моћ, а ка да то по ку ша ју, на и ла зе на раз не пре пре ке. Де ца ули це су за на шу др жа ву "не ви дљи ва" и њи хов број ни је по знат. По след њих го ди на не вла ди не ор га ни за ци је у Бе о гра ду, Но вом Са ду и Ни шу пре по зна ле су овај про блем и на чи ни ле пр ви ко рак у ње го вом ре ша ва њу кроз отва ра ње свра ти шта. Ме ђу тим, то ни је до вољ но. Нео п ход но је хит но ан га жо ва ње чи та ве др жа ве и дру штва за ре ша ва ње про бле ма де це ули це. Нај бо љи ин те рес де те та мо ра по слу жи ти као основ на смер ни ца у свим ак тив но сти ма чи ји је циљ уна пре ђе ње ква ли те та жи во та, здра вља и пра ва де це ко ја жи ве и ра де на ули ци. Кључ не ре чи: де ца укљу че на у жи вот и рад на ули ци; здрав стве ни про бле ми; свра ти ште
Twin Research and Human Genetics, Dec 1, 2019
The first twin study in Serbia began in 2011 as a part of the research project, 'Psychological Fo... more The first twin study in Serbia began in 2011 as a part of the research project, 'Psychological Foundations of Mental Health: Hereditary and Environmental Factors'. At the same time, the research team from the Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad established the first Serbian twin registry. The registry is intended primarily for the purpose of the research in behavioral genetics, as well as potential future studies in human genetics. It includes information on 1658 volunteers, including twin-pairs, their parent and siblings. The behavioral genetic study of adult twins has been focused on the hereditary and environmental sources of variance of different psychological characteristics, such as personality traits, cognitive abilities, executive functions and aggression, as well as some anthropometric measures and aspects of mental and physical health. Certain molecular genetic analyses have also been performed. The research team is currently starting the longitudinal twin study of children, which will be focused on different indicators of emotional, cognitive and physical development.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2020
Background/Aim. Phthalates are recognized as endocrine-disrupting compounds and are extensively p... more Background/Aim. Phthalates are recognized as endocrine-disrupting compounds and are extensively present in a variety of everyday products. Chronic exposure to phthalates is suspected to be associated with a range of health disorders. The aim of the study was to examine the abundance of phthalate metabolites in the urine samples among adults in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, and to determine the prevalence of phthalate metabolites in healthy individuals and those with metabolic disorders such as obesity and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods. For the study purpose, the first morning urine sample of 308 participants was screened for the presence of 10 phthalate metabolites: mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP), mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP), mono-n-butyl phthalate (MBP), mono-iso-allyl phthalate (MiAP), mono-n-allyl phthalate (MnAP), mono-cyclohexyl phthalate (MCHP), mono-benzyl phthalate (MBzP), mono-n-octyl phthalate (MOP), mono-n-propyl phthalate (...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Introduction/Objective. The percentage of live-born infants conceived with assisted reproductive ... more Introduction/Objective. The percentage of live-born infants conceived with assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in some European countries reaches 6% and in Serbia over 1%. The aim of this study was to analyze characteristics and morbidity of prematurely born newborns conceived with ART. Methods. The study included 154 prematurely born newborns from pregnancies conceived with ART and 154 prematurely born newborns conceived naturally, hospitalized at the Institute of Health Care of Children and Adolescents of Vojvodina. Participants from both groups were matched according to gestational age and date of birth. Results. Statistically significantly more newborns with very low birth weight have been in the group of newborns conceived by ART in comparison to newborns conceived naturally (?2 test, p = 0.0001). Morbidity of newborns conceived with ART is not higher in comparison to newborns of the same gestational age conceived naturally. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, occurred more freque...
Medicinski pregled, 2008
Introduction. Adolescents are the healthiest age group of the population but many studies show th... more Introduction. Adolescents are the healthiest age group of the population but many studies show that period of adolescence is marked by significant morbidity and mortality. Health indicators of adolescent population have been getting worse during past decades. The aim of this study was to determine mortality rate of adolescents in the Republic of Serbia to determine most common causes of death in adolescence and to explore regional differences in adolescent mortality. Materials and methods: Documentation tables of vital statistics in the Republic of Serbia in 2004, and Documentation Tables of Census 2002 were used. The causes of mortality were classified according to ICD 10. Results and discussion. Specific morality rate in the Republic of Serbia is 32.08 on 100.000 adolescents. The leading causes of death in adolescence are injuries, malignancies and non specified causes, and there are significant regional differences, as well as gender and age differences. The mortality rate of mal...
Medical review
Introduction. Acute pediatric poisoning has become an increasingly important medical emergency. T... more Introduction. Acute pediatric poisoning has become an increasingly important medical emergency. This study was aimed at determining characteristics of acute poisoning in children and adolescents hospitalized at the Institute of Child and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina from 2015 to 2017. Material and Methods. Data were collected from medical records of all patients hospitalized for suspected acute intoxication at the Institute of Child and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina during the observed time. Results. This study included 519 patients hospitalized for suspected exposure to toxic substances. There were 49% male and 51% female patients. The intoxications had no seasonal features. The toxic substances were commonly taken orally. Medications were the most frequent cause of all poisonings, among which the most commonly reported were drugs for central nervous system disorders. Medications were the most frequent cause of poisoning in children and adolescents, as well as in children up to ...
The Lancet. Global health, 2018
The Global Point Prevalence Survey (Global-PPS) established an international network of hospitals... more The Global Point Prevalence Survey (Global-PPS) established an international network of hospitals to measure antimicrobial prescribing and resistance worldwide. We aimed to assess antimicrobial prescribing and resistance in hospital inpatients. We used a standardised surveillance method to collect detailed data about antimicrobial prescribing and resistance from hospitals worldwide, which were grouped by UN region. The internet-based survey included all inpatients (adults, children, and neonates) receiving an antimicrobial who were on the ward at 0800 h on one specific day between January and September, 2015. Hospitals were classified as primary, secondary, tertiary (including infectious diseases hospitals), and paediatric hospitals. Five main ward types were defined: medical wards, surgical wards, intensive-care units, haematology oncology wards, and medical transplantation (bone marrow or solid transplants) wards. Data recorded included patient characteristics, antimicrobials rece...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Introduction/Objective. Obese children and adolescents are exposed to stigma and discrimination f... more Introduction/Objective. Obese children and adolescents are exposed to stigma and discrimination from peers, teachers and family which can lead to numerous health problems, including psychosocial problems. The aim of this study is to determine whether obese adolescents in Serbia are exposed to stigmatization and which are the most common forms of stigmatization they face. Methods. The study included 335 adolescents who were hospitalized for a treatment of obesity. During hospitalization weight and height were measured, and body mass index was calculated. Participants completed independently Questionnaire about weightbased stigmatization made for the purpose of this research. Questionnaire also included questions about sex, age of respondents, and about obesity of other family members. Results. Fifty-nine percent of participants experienced offence, 19% were teased, 47.5% were subject of a gossip, and 25% were excluded from peer group; 45% reported that other people had prejudice agai...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2015
Background/Aim. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by ... more Background/Aim. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by degeneration of alpha motor neurons in the spinal cord and the medulla oblongata, causing progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. The aim of this study was to determine association between the SMN2 gene copy number and disease phenotype in Serbian patients with SMA with homozygous deletion of exon 7 of the SMN1 gene. Methods. The patients were identified using regional Serbian hospital databases. Investigated clinical characteristics of the disease were: patients? gender, age at disease onset, achieved and current developmental milestones, disease duration, current age, and the presence of the spinal deformities and joint contractures. The number of SMN1 and SMN2 gene copies was determined using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results. Among 43 identified patients, 37 (86.0%) showed homozygous deletion of SMN1 exon 7. One (2.7%) of 37 patients had SMA type I with 3 SMN2 copie...
Medicinski pregled, 2015
Introduction. Street children and youth are at risk of getting engaged in different behaviors inc... more Introduction. Street children and youth are at risk of getting engaged in different behaviors including risky sexual behavior, which adversely affects their development and health. The aim of this study was to examine sexual behavior of street children and youth, and the risks and consequences associated with sexual behavior. Material and Methods. A pilot study was conducted on a sample of 50 users of the Drop-in Centre for Street Children in Novi Sad, from 10 to 19 years of age. The study was conducted by a psychologist through structured interviews, with prior consent of the adolescent and parent. Results. Among the respondents who were sexually active, 41.2% had had the first sexual intercourse by the age of 12, their median age at that time being 14 years, while the age at the time of the first sexual intercourse is 16 years in the general population of Serbia. The majority of sexually active adolescents had several partners, one male adolescent had sex with a person of the same...
Seizure, 2015
Hot water epilepsy in infants is a type of reflex epilepsy and is categorized as a provoked epile... more Hot water epilepsy in infants is a type of reflex epilepsy and is categorized as a provoked epilepsy. The seizures are precipitated when the infant is placed in water at a temperature above 37.5 8C
Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2014
Citation: Knezevic-Pogancev M, Jovic N, Stojadinovic A. Specific Triggers of Migraine Headache in... more Citation: Knezevic-Pogancev M, Jovic N, Stojadinovic A. Specific Triggers of Migraine Headache in Adolescents. Maced J Med Sci. 2014 Sep 15; 7(3):494-498. http://dx.
Medicinski pregled, 2002
Introduction Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common diseases of childhood. A pres... more Introduction Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common diseases of childhood. A preschool child suffers up to 5-7 infections of upper airways during a year. Upper airway infections make 80 - 90% of all respiratory infections. Etiology and treatment In 75% of all cases respiratory infections are of viral etiology, 15% of bacterial and 10% are caused by mycoplasma, rickettsiae, fungi, parasites. The treatment of respiratory infections includes antimicrobial therapy (causal), relief of symptoms (symptomatic) and application of general principles of child treatment. The choice of antimicrobial drug is based on the evidence of agents and their sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, age, patient's condition, previous treatment and possible allergic reactions to the drug. In cases where adequate specimen cannot be obtained for microbiologic tests, when these tests do not reveal the agent, or therapy must start before evidence of the agent is available, we must decide about th...
Medicinski pregled, 2002
Introduction Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common childhood diseases. A prescho... more Introduction Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common childhood diseases. A preschool child suffers up to 5-7 infections of upper airways during a year. Lower airway infections make 5-20% of all respiratory infections. Etiologic factors In developed countries, 75% of pneumonias in childhood are of viral etiology, in 15% of bacterial, and in 10% of some other causative agent (mycoplasma, rickettsiae, fungi, parasites). In developing countries, bacterial pneumonias are present in much higher percentages. Treatment Treatment of respiratory infections includes antimicrobial therapy (causal), relief of symptoms (symptomatic) and conduction of general principles in child treatment. The choice of antimicrobial drug is based on evidence of agents and their sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, age, patient's condition, previous treatment and possible allergic reactions to the drug. In cases where we cannot provide adequate specimen for microbiologic testing, when these tests...