Alen Jugovic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Alen Jugovic
Acta Geographica Croatica, Dec 1, 2010
Promet Traffic-Traffico, 2006
The management of sea passenger ports has been determined by sequences of circumstances closely c... more The management of sea passenger ports has been determined by sequences of circumstances closely connected with the complex function of any port; together with its reflection on traffic and economic system. Each of those principles has certain impact on the development, management and evaluation of a port in different stages of growth. However, all the results that are gained present evaluations and ratings of each port individually and those results and ratings are crucial in the traveller's decision of which sea passenger port they should take. All those principles that are used for evaluation of a port are used as well for establishing the travel routes, in fact, its departure and arrival point. The importance of those departure and arrival points is dissimilar for each port and it is also possible that in different stages of development those points can increase or reduce its importance. Very often it is likely that those principles have positive impact and in some other stage they can have negative reflection on the port.
Pomorstvo Scientific Journal of Maritime Research, Jun 27, 2012
All companies and other systems, including shipping companies that have set a quality vision, mis... more All companies and other systems, including shipping companies that have set a quality vision, mission, strategic goals and strategy believe in themselves and in their future. They believe that they will be able to meet the needs of their internal and external surroundings for which they were initially founded. In order to gain quality in achieving strategic goals they set i.e. in order to quickly implement their strategy which is a prerequisite for survival on the global market, they must be acquainted with project issues. For this reason the authors of this paper elaborate the project issues in a systematic and concise manner, with particular emphasis to: project, project types, investment projects and their lifetime, shipping investment projects from investor's – shipping company – point of view, investment decision. Special attention is paid to shipping investment projects with direct effects sin-ce these projects generate income or gains during the exploitation phase which g...
Economic use of the marine and littoral part of Croatia is limited by the institution of maritime... more Economic use of the marine and littoral part of Croatia is limited by the institution of maritime property, and this is stipulated by the current legislative enactments. The legal stipulations are inconsistent and do not enable a corresponding implementation in practice. Therefore this paper explains the modes of economic utilization of maritime property through a concessional regimen. Since these modes in practical application encounter specific legal blockades, the consequence of this is that maritime property has not been put into a position to enhance economic development. On basis of a systematic analysis, the paper points to a management of maritime property that has to enable the interaction of multiple, interdependent and overlapping interests within the maritime property and a coordinated mode of protecting the coastal resources in such a manner as to provide a maximal economic profit, and which is at the same time a manner that is not destructive to the valuable natural re...
The subject of this scientific work is to analyze the influence of the ship storage occupancy cap... more The subject of this scientific work is to analyze the influence of the ship storage occupancy capacity variation on the optimal capacity as well as the considered economic indicators of a feeder ship. The results of the research have provided to a shipping company the possibility to take appropriate business moves in accordance with new or predicted business opportunities on a specific line aiming at improving the sea transport service efficiency. By using a model to determine the optimal capacity of a feeder ship, the paper aims at analyzing the influence of the change in the amount of cargo between the port of Rijeka, as a regional hub port, and the possible peripheral ports of Zadar, Split and Ploče on the optimal capacity of a feeder ship operating in the presumed feeder service At the same time, by using ditto model, a specific trend in the movement of economic indicator values (cost-effectiveness and economic justifiability) is determined for the previously defined optimal cap...
Nase More
The objective of this paper is to describe and evaluate the scheme of the structure of ship’s voy... more The objective of this paper is to describe and evaluate the scheme of the structure of ship’s voyage cost for determining optimum ship’s capacity. The problems in designing optimum ship’s capacity appear due to the numerous considerations that must be taken into account. Some of these considerations are the shipowner’s costs on the concerned route, which must be quantified in order to apply optimization of ship’s capacity. Generally shipowner’s costs on the considered voyage can be presented as the daily cost at sea, the daily cost in port, and the commonly operating cost. The main goal of this research is to define daily cost at sea. The structure of daily cost at sea from the shipowner’s point of view in this paper generally might be described as cost basis on cargo units hauling, fuel cost, an channel dues. Syntheses of the mentioned costs at port are graphically transformed to a cost per unit of ship’s capacity at sea.
Seaports are complex systems integrating a number of business processes in which process insuffic... more Seaports are complex systems integrating a number of business processes in which process insufficient and inadequate port capacities represent a problem resulting before all in non-competitive service and insufficient occupancy rate of these capacities. Efforts have been made to solve the problem of inadequate port capacities by updating and adjusting the port capacities to market demands while the problem of insufficient occupancy rate of these capacities remains unrecognized and no required attention has been paid to it within the port system. By applying the queue theory and setting up an appropriate model on the example of the Port of Rijeka, this paper tries to indicate the fact that the port capacities, in this case piers intended for reloading of general cargo, are waiting for incoming ships which are deficient and that it would be more economical to reduce capacities and to redevelop them for, e.g., accommodation of vessels intended for container working – respectively cargo...
Predmet istraživanja u ovome znanstvenom radu je razvitak pomorskoputničkih luka u Republici Hrva... more Predmet istraživanja u ovome znanstvenom radu je razvitak pomorskoputničkih luka u Republici Hrvatskoj do 2012. godine. Za definiranje svojstava i determinanti pomorskoputničkih luka koristilo se modelom na bazi matrice rasta. Analiza i vrednovanje pojedinih elemenata modela i dobivene izravne stope rasta imale su za cilj znanstveno formulirati rezultate istraživanja, prema najvažnijim teorijskim zakonitostima razvitka pomorskoputničkih luka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Autori su se u znanstvenom istraživanju i prezentiranju rezultata istraživanja ovog rada služili kombinaciju znanstvenih metoda kao što su: metoda analize i sinteze, metoda konkretizacije, komparativna metoda i metoda modeliranja (matrica rasta). Glavna znanstvena hipoteza dokazana je izravnim stopama rasta odabranih elemenata modela a ona glasi: Znanstveno utemeljenim spoznajama o funkcioniranju i poslovanju sustava pomorskoputničkih luka moguće je predložiti model, mjere i aktivnosti za racionalno upravljanje tim lukama kako bi se osigurao rast i razvoj sustava pomorskoputničkih luka.
The aim and purpose of organizing the economic interest association is to facilitate and promote ... more The aim and purpose of organizing the economic interest association is to facilitate and promote the activities of business units and to improve and increase their business performance and functioning The authors of this scientific work have carried out research into business operations of the Croatian County Port Authorities pointing at certain deficiencies in their business operations. In order to eliminate the perceived weaknesses and improve the management of the County Port Authorities, a detailed analysis of the possibilities of implementing economic interest associations into the Croatian port system has also been carried out. At the same time, and based on the results obtained, in this research, steps, measures and activities of the newly established Port Authorities economic interest units or associations at the county and national level, are defined, namely through changes in the environment and in business activities of the Port Authorities. Within the scope of this resea...
Pomorsko-putnički promet u svijetu u posljednjem je desetljeću u značajnoj ekspanziji. Suvremeni ... more Pomorsko-putnički promet u svijetu u posljednjem je desetljeću u značajnoj ekspanziji. Suvremeni putnički terminali preduvjet su optimalnog odvijanja i razvijanja linijskog pomorsko-putničkog prometa i kružnih putovanja. Odgovarajuće dimenzioniran i organiziran pomorsko-putnički terminal je i preduvjet razvijanja brojnih komplementarnih djelatnosti vezanih uz pomorsko-putnički promet, prvenstveno je promotor oplemenjivanja turističke ponude i razvitka turizma. Iz takvih spoznaja proizlazi potreba sustavnog i znanstveno utemeljenog istraživanja organizacije pomorsko-putničkih luka kako bi se na temelju znanstvenih činjenica stvarale najvažnije pretpostavke za povećanje kvalitete ponude, racionalizacije poslovanja i razvoja pomorsko-putničkih luka. Poslovanje koje će voditi stvaranju pomorsko-putničkih luka koje će biti nositelji determiniranja urbane i razvojne strategije cjelokupnog lučkog sustava. Dugačka i razvedena obala Republike Hrvatske jedan je od najvažnijih prirodnih resurs...
Ship investment projects are primarily carried out to insure subsistence, growth and development ... more Ship investment projects are primarily carried out to insure subsistence, growth and development of shipping companies and project oriented companies for multiproject business – shipyards and their subcontractors. Every project, investment project included, connects different systems and individuals outside and within a shipping company. Therefore, ship investment projects produce project systems aiming at specific targets throughout the project lifetime. A ship investment project produces a project system within a shipping company and a project oriented company – a shipyard that launches and carries out the ship investment project. We can distinguish two project systems: • project system of a client (investor) who commissions and carries out a ship investment project for personal purposes, calls for tenders and afterwards signs a contract with the selected contractor (shipyard), • project system of a contractor (within a shipyard) who manages and carries out the commissioned ship i...
Besides revealing the position of Croatian golf in the world, the statistics disprove the old pre... more Besides revealing the position of Croatian golf in the world, the statistics disprove the old prejudice on golf as a game exclusively for the upper social classes because it proves golf to be a mass game, generally available to anybody in modern western Europe. Croatia is obviously underdeveloped in space and time. It is a fact that Croatia has had an excuse for a decade of lagging behind in the after-war period, but there are no excuses for being the only state without a plan, doing nothing to change that. Croatia did not learn the lesson from its tourist past on the example of tennis (which used to be considered a hobby for the rich) or nautical tourism (with millions of “ordinary” people sailing on the Adriatic today). Golf is today what tennis or nautical tourism used to be. The first part of the paper deals with the analysis of the influence of golf tourism on the extension of the tourist season, the attraction of tourists with better purchasing power, the growth of tourist off...
The issue referring to the centralization or decentralization of the county port authorities is a... more The issue referring to the centralization or decentralization of the county port authorities is an open question since the enactment of the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act, where the structure of the county port authorities is neither explicitly defined nor is the number of the established port authorities within a particular county determined. Therefore, the paper aims at determining the facts that are of utmost importance for the implementation of various organizational structures in the managing of those ports. A special analysis is made of the legal, economic and theoretical factors that have an indirect impact on the port authorities work effectiveness and efficiency, and, in the same way, on the choice of the relevant model of managing county port authorities or ports open to the county important public traffic. Pursuant to the stated problem and reserach area, a working hypothesis has been offered: to determine the tendencies for changing and introducing new models of managi...
The paper aims to spotlight the importance and significance of the long-term port development str... more The paper aims to spotlight the importance and significance of the long-term port development strategy planning which allows for the maximum effects to be produced with a minimum of the resources (production and service capacities, human resources, financial potential) invested, and thus, by making the optimum short-term and long-term decisions, leading to the permanent growth and development of the whole system. The strategic objectives and, through that, the business policy and its implementation can be set up only after the port vision and mission are clearly defined. Understanding the competition is crucial for the efficiency of the strategy which, in order to be successful, must be focused on the competition weaknesses aiming at neutralizing its advantages. Hence, the importance of defining the existing and potential competitors and making a comparison between their and our own strengths and weaknesses is of utmost importance. Sometimes, the real business opportunities and thre...
Making appropriate decisions is one of the essential prerequisites for achieving desired effects ... more Making appropriate decisions is one of the essential prerequisites for achieving desired effects in management and decision-making with any economic entity. Most of the tasks and problems in analyzing, planning and management of a port have very complex goals, with different scenarios and alternative solutions, as well as evaluation criteria and restrictions, which result in the inability of their uniform solution. In this paper, one of the processes of multi-criteria decision-making via a computer program based on the process of different scenarios ranking was used for decision-making and the development of a model of county ports system management. Also, the problem of managing the system of the county ports of Croatia was firstly considered as a whole, i.e. a system, and then its components are analyzed, followed by a synthesis, employing the multi-criteria analysis. As to acquire actual solutions and develop a new model of county ports system management, the Primorsko-goranska C...
Due to the increase in efficiency, quality and competitiveness of port traffic services, greater ... more Due to the increase in efficiency, quality and competitiveness of port traffic services, greater flexibility and efficiency of operation in the port system and involvement in global economic trends, the use of e-business became the prerequisite for achieving growth and development of the seaport system. Management of seaports in the Republic of Croatia is somewhat rudimentary, often without theoretical and scientific support and methodological rules and principles of a systematic approach, and without practical application of the relevant factors of growth and development that affect not only the development of port systems and the entire Croatian maritime system, but also the development of the entire national economy. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze the possible impacts of e-business seaports applications to all active participants in the process of creating port services and to explore and analyze other effects on the development of local area and n...
Nautical tourism ports make an open, dynamic and complex system which has been rapidly evolving; ... more Nautical tourism ports make an open, dynamic and complex system which has been rapidly evolving; this is the reason why the development of this system requires continual monitoring and research. The existing models and development plans concerning nautical tourism ports do not provide for a systematic qualitative and quantitative development of nautical tourism, thus contributing to economical inefficiency likely to cause even ecological imbalance. The more so if nautical ports are regarded as business subjects by whom the concept of sustainable development is declaratively acceptable. For this reason, this paper presents in a systematic and clear way the results of the research based on an overall analysis and evaluation of nautical tourism ports’ position and development plans. On the basis of the results obtained, the paper presents a model of sustainable development of nautical tourism ports whereby the authors propose to redefine the approach to planning the development of naut...
In this scientific paper the authors explore the issue of selecting a site for a nautical tourism... more In this scientific paper the authors explore the issue of selecting a site for a nautical tourism port using the methodology of multi-criteria analysis (MCA). Given the huge importance of tourism, in particular, nautical tourism in most maritime countries, including the Republic of Croatia and its coastal counties, any help in resolving that issue would be of immense significance. In Croatia, the existing distribution of nautical tourism ports (NTPs), their capacities and the quality of their services are not fully suited to the spatial features. Often these ports fail to blend with their environment and provide no effective protection to natural assets. The distribution of capacities does not match actual spatial potential, while the quality and level of facilities and services varies greatly and is generally inadequate. Hence, the aim of this paper is to identify criteria for the location and development of NTPs in coastal areas. The paper applies the multi-criteria approach to se...
Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 2012
The modern society requires a rational, professional, stable and socially accountable public admi... more The modern society requires a rational, professional, stable and socially accountable public administration that serves its citizens. Analysis of the status and functioning of the Croatian public administration shows that there are still many shortcomings and problems that must be solved. This paper outlines the basic characteristics of public administration as a set of structures and processes aiming to start and implement the policies in accordance with the public interest. Also, it explores the way and the level of success of managing the common good, with special attention given to the management of the coastal area, whereas the management of the coastal area is defined as an activity comprising different levels of management -local, regional, national and international. The author stresses the need to coordinate the different levels and emphasize the importance of organizing the work process and the capabilities of the managing structure. This is necessary because the public administration often makes decisions directly influencing the citizens' quality of life on a local and individual level. Given that the public administration has a great amount of power in all countries, it must be controlled. The author states that beside self control of public administration it is also needed to conduct the additional control. That kind of control is necessary due to the inestimable value of Croatia's coastal and other resources. Based on the results of the research the author suggests measures to improve a continued and efficient control.
Acta Geographica Croatica, Dec 1, 2010
Promet Traffic-Traffico, 2006
The management of sea passenger ports has been determined by sequences of circumstances closely c... more The management of sea passenger ports has been determined by sequences of circumstances closely connected with the complex function of any port; together with its reflection on traffic and economic system. Each of those principles has certain impact on the development, management and evaluation of a port in different stages of growth. However, all the results that are gained present evaluations and ratings of each port individually and those results and ratings are crucial in the traveller's decision of which sea passenger port they should take. All those principles that are used for evaluation of a port are used as well for establishing the travel routes, in fact, its departure and arrival point. The importance of those departure and arrival points is dissimilar for each port and it is also possible that in different stages of development those points can increase or reduce its importance. Very often it is likely that those principles have positive impact and in some other stage they can have negative reflection on the port.
Pomorstvo Scientific Journal of Maritime Research, Jun 27, 2012
All companies and other systems, including shipping companies that have set a quality vision, mis... more All companies and other systems, including shipping companies that have set a quality vision, mission, strategic goals and strategy believe in themselves and in their future. They believe that they will be able to meet the needs of their internal and external surroundings for which they were initially founded. In order to gain quality in achieving strategic goals they set i.e. in order to quickly implement their strategy which is a prerequisite for survival on the global market, they must be acquainted with project issues. For this reason the authors of this paper elaborate the project issues in a systematic and concise manner, with particular emphasis to: project, project types, investment projects and their lifetime, shipping investment projects from investor's – shipping company – point of view, investment decision. Special attention is paid to shipping investment projects with direct effects sin-ce these projects generate income or gains during the exploitation phase which g...
Economic use of the marine and littoral part of Croatia is limited by the institution of maritime... more Economic use of the marine and littoral part of Croatia is limited by the institution of maritime property, and this is stipulated by the current legislative enactments. The legal stipulations are inconsistent and do not enable a corresponding implementation in practice. Therefore this paper explains the modes of economic utilization of maritime property through a concessional regimen. Since these modes in practical application encounter specific legal blockades, the consequence of this is that maritime property has not been put into a position to enhance economic development. On basis of a systematic analysis, the paper points to a management of maritime property that has to enable the interaction of multiple, interdependent and overlapping interests within the maritime property and a coordinated mode of protecting the coastal resources in such a manner as to provide a maximal economic profit, and which is at the same time a manner that is not destructive to the valuable natural re...
The subject of this scientific work is to analyze the influence of the ship storage occupancy cap... more The subject of this scientific work is to analyze the influence of the ship storage occupancy capacity variation on the optimal capacity as well as the considered economic indicators of a feeder ship. The results of the research have provided to a shipping company the possibility to take appropriate business moves in accordance with new or predicted business opportunities on a specific line aiming at improving the sea transport service efficiency. By using a model to determine the optimal capacity of a feeder ship, the paper aims at analyzing the influence of the change in the amount of cargo between the port of Rijeka, as a regional hub port, and the possible peripheral ports of Zadar, Split and Ploče on the optimal capacity of a feeder ship operating in the presumed feeder service At the same time, by using ditto model, a specific trend in the movement of economic indicator values (cost-effectiveness and economic justifiability) is determined for the previously defined optimal cap...
Nase More
The objective of this paper is to describe and evaluate the scheme of the structure of ship’s voy... more The objective of this paper is to describe and evaluate the scheme of the structure of ship’s voyage cost for determining optimum ship’s capacity. The problems in designing optimum ship’s capacity appear due to the numerous considerations that must be taken into account. Some of these considerations are the shipowner’s costs on the concerned route, which must be quantified in order to apply optimization of ship’s capacity. Generally shipowner’s costs on the considered voyage can be presented as the daily cost at sea, the daily cost in port, and the commonly operating cost. The main goal of this research is to define daily cost at sea. The structure of daily cost at sea from the shipowner’s point of view in this paper generally might be described as cost basis on cargo units hauling, fuel cost, an channel dues. Syntheses of the mentioned costs at port are graphically transformed to a cost per unit of ship’s capacity at sea.
Seaports are complex systems integrating a number of business processes in which process insuffic... more Seaports are complex systems integrating a number of business processes in which process insufficient and inadequate port capacities represent a problem resulting before all in non-competitive service and insufficient occupancy rate of these capacities. Efforts have been made to solve the problem of inadequate port capacities by updating and adjusting the port capacities to market demands while the problem of insufficient occupancy rate of these capacities remains unrecognized and no required attention has been paid to it within the port system. By applying the queue theory and setting up an appropriate model on the example of the Port of Rijeka, this paper tries to indicate the fact that the port capacities, in this case piers intended for reloading of general cargo, are waiting for incoming ships which are deficient and that it would be more economical to reduce capacities and to redevelop them for, e.g., accommodation of vessels intended for container working – respectively cargo...
Predmet istraživanja u ovome znanstvenom radu je razvitak pomorskoputničkih luka u Republici Hrva... more Predmet istraživanja u ovome znanstvenom radu je razvitak pomorskoputničkih luka u Republici Hrvatskoj do 2012. godine. Za definiranje svojstava i determinanti pomorskoputničkih luka koristilo se modelom na bazi matrice rasta. Analiza i vrednovanje pojedinih elemenata modela i dobivene izravne stope rasta imale su za cilj znanstveno formulirati rezultate istraživanja, prema najvažnijim teorijskim zakonitostima razvitka pomorskoputničkih luka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Autori su se u znanstvenom istraživanju i prezentiranju rezultata istraživanja ovog rada služili kombinaciju znanstvenih metoda kao što su: metoda analize i sinteze, metoda konkretizacije, komparativna metoda i metoda modeliranja (matrica rasta). Glavna znanstvena hipoteza dokazana je izravnim stopama rasta odabranih elemenata modela a ona glasi: Znanstveno utemeljenim spoznajama o funkcioniranju i poslovanju sustava pomorskoputničkih luka moguće je predložiti model, mjere i aktivnosti za racionalno upravljanje tim lukama kako bi se osigurao rast i razvoj sustava pomorskoputničkih luka.
The aim and purpose of organizing the economic interest association is to facilitate and promote ... more The aim and purpose of organizing the economic interest association is to facilitate and promote the activities of business units and to improve and increase their business performance and functioning The authors of this scientific work have carried out research into business operations of the Croatian County Port Authorities pointing at certain deficiencies in their business operations. In order to eliminate the perceived weaknesses and improve the management of the County Port Authorities, a detailed analysis of the possibilities of implementing economic interest associations into the Croatian port system has also been carried out. At the same time, and based on the results obtained, in this research, steps, measures and activities of the newly established Port Authorities economic interest units or associations at the county and national level, are defined, namely through changes in the environment and in business activities of the Port Authorities. Within the scope of this resea...
Pomorsko-putnički promet u svijetu u posljednjem je desetljeću u značajnoj ekspanziji. Suvremeni ... more Pomorsko-putnički promet u svijetu u posljednjem je desetljeću u značajnoj ekspanziji. Suvremeni putnički terminali preduvjet su optimalnog odvijanja i razvijanja linijskog pomorsko-putničkog prometa i kružnih putovanja. Odgovarajuće dimenzioniran i organiziran pomorsko-putnički terminal je i preduvjet razvijanja brojnih komplementarnih djelatnosti vezanih uz pomorsko-putnički promet, prvenstveno je promotor oplemenjivanja turističke ponude i razvitka turizma. Iz takvih spoznaja proizlazi potreba sustavnog i znanstveno utemeljenog istraživanja organizacije pomorsko-putničkih luka kako bi se na temelju znanstvenih činjenica stvarale najvažnije pretpostavke za povećanje kvalitete ponude, racionalizacije poslovanja i razvoja pomorsko-putničkih luka. Poslovanje koje će voditi stvaranju pomorsko-putničkih luka koje će biti nositelji determiniranja urbane i razvojne strategije cjelokupnog lučkog sustava. Dugačka i razvedena obala Republike Hrvatske jedan je od najvažnijih prirodnih resurs...
Ship investment projects are primarily carried out to insure subsistence, growth and development ... more Ship investment projects are primarily carried out to insure subsistence, growth and development of shipping companies and project oriented companies for multiproject business – shipyards and their subcontractors. Every project, investment project included, connects different systems and individuals outside and within a shipping company. Therefore, ship investment projects produce project systems aiming at specific targets throughout the project lifetime. A ship investment project produces a project system within a shipping company and a project oriented company – a shipyard that launches and carries out the ship investment project. We can distinguish two project systems: • project system of a client (investor) who commissions and carries out a ship investment project for personal purposes, calls for tenders and afterwards signs a contract with the selected contractor (shipyard), • project system of a contractor (within a shipyard) who manages and carries out the commissioned ship i...
Besides revealing the position of Croatian golf in the world, the statistics disprove the old pre... more Besides revealing the position of Croatian golf in the world, the statistics disprove the old prejudice on golf as a game exclusively for the upper social classes because it proves golf to be a mass game, generally available to anybody in modern western Europe. Croatia is obviously underdeveloped in space and time. It is a fact that Croatia has had an excuse for a decade of lagging behind in the after-war period, but there are no excuses for being the only state without a plan, doing nothing to change that. Croatia did not learn the lesson from its tourist past on the example of tennis (which used to be considered a hobby for the rich) or nautical tourism (with millions of “ordinary” people sailing on the Adriatic today). Golf is today what tennis or nautical tourism used to be. The first part of the paper deals with the analysis of the influence of golf tourism on the extension of the tourist season, the attraction of tourists with better purchasing power, the growth of tourist off...
The issue referring to the centralization or decentralization of the county port authorities is a... more The issue referring to the centralization or decentralization of the county port authorities is an open question since the enactment of the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act, where the structure of the county port authorities is neither explicitly defined nor is the number of the established port authorities within a particular county determined. Therefore, the paper aims at determining the facts that are of utmost importance for the implementation of various organizational structures in the managing of those ports. A special analysis is made of the legal, economic and theoretical factors that have an indirect impact on the port authorities work effectiveness and efficiency, and, in the same way, on the choice of the relevant model of managing county port authorities or ports open to the county important public traffic. Pursuant to the stated problem and reserach area, a working hypothesis has been offered: to determine the tendencies for changing and introducing new models of managi...
The paper aims to spotlight the importance and significance of the long-term port development str... more The paper aims to spotlight the importance and significance of the long-term port development strategy planning which allows for the maximum effects to be produced with a minimum of the resources (production and service capacities, human resources, financial potential) invested, and thus, by making the optimum short-term and long-term decisions, leading to the permanent growth and development of the whole system. The strategic objectives and, through that, the business policy and its implementation can be set up only after the port vision and mission are clearly defined. Understanding the competition is crucial for the efficiency of the strategy which, in order to be successful, must be focused on the competition weaknesses aiming at neutralizing its advantages. Hence, the importance of defining the existing and potential competitors and making a comparison between their and our own strengths and weaknesses is of utmost importance. Sometimes, the real business opportunities and thre...
Making appropriate decisions is one of the essential prerequisites for achieving desired effects ... more Making appropriate decisions is one of the essential prerequisites for achieving desired effects in management and decision-making with any economic entity. Most of the tasks and problems in analyzing, planning and management of a port have very complex goals, with different scenarios and alternative solutions, as well as evaluation criteria and restrictions, which result in the inability of their uniform solution. In this paper, one of the processes of multi-criteria decision-making via a computer program based on the process of different scenarios ranking was used for decision-making and the development of a model of county ports system management. Also, the problem of managing the system of the county ports of Croatia was firstly considered as a whole, i.e. a system, and then its components are analyzed, followed by a synthesis, employing the multi-criteria analysis. As to acquire actual solutions and develop a new model of county ports system management, the Primorsko-goranska C...
Due to the increase in efficiency, quality and competitiveness of port traffic services, greater ... more Due to the increase in efficiency, quality and competitiveness of port traffic services, greater flexibility and efficiency of operation in the port system and involvement in global economic trends, the use of e-business became the prerequisite for achieving growth and development of the seaport system. Management of seaports in the Republic of Croatia is somewhat rudimentary, often without theoretical and scientific support and methodological rules and principles of a systematic approach, and without practical application of the relevant factors of growth and development that affect not only the development of port systems and the entire Croatian maritime system, but also the development of the entire national economy. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze the possible impacts of e-business seaports applications to all active participants in the process of creating port services and to explore and analyze other effects on the development of local area and n...
Nautical tourism ports make an open, dynamic and complex system which has been rapidly evolving; ... more Nautical tourism ports make an open, dynamic and complex system which has been rapidly evolving; this is the reason why the development of this system requires continual monitoring and research. The existing models and development plans concerning nautical tourism ports do not provide for a systematic qualitative and quantitative development of nautical tourism, thus contributing to economical inefficiency likely to cause even ecological imbalance. The more so if nautical ports are regarded as business subjects by whom the concept of sustainable development is declaratively acceptable. For this reason, this paper presents in a systematic and clear way the results of the research based on an overall analysis and evaluation of nautical tourism ports’ position and development plans. On the basis of the results obtained, the paper presents a model of sustainable development of nautical tourism ports whereby the authors propose to redefine the approach to planning the development of naut...
In this scientific paper the authors explore the issue of selecting a site for a nautical tourism... more In this scientific paper the authors explore the issue of selecting a site for a nautical tourism port using the methodology of multi-criteria analysis (MCA). Given the huge importance of tourism, in particular, nautical tourism in most maritime countries, including the Republic of Croatia and its coastal counties, any help in resolving that issue would be of immense significance. In Croatia, the existing distribution of nautical tourism ports (NTPs), their capacities and the quality of their services are not fully suited to the spatial features. Often these ports fail to blend with their environment and provide no effective protection to natural assets. The distribution of capacities does not match actual spatial potential, while the quality and level of facilities and services varies greatly and is generally inadequate. Hence, the aim of this paper is to identify criteria for the location and development of NTPs in coastal areas. The paper applies the multi-criteria approach to se...
Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 2012
The modern society requires a rational, professional, stable and socially accountable public admi... more The modern society requires a rational, professional, stable and socially accountable public administration that serves its citizens. Analysis of the status and functioning of the Croatian public administration shows that there are still many shortcomings and problems that must be solved. This paper outlines the basic characteristics of public administration as a set of structures and processes aiming to start and implement the policies in accordance with the public interest. Also, it explores the way and the level of success of managing the common good, with special attention given to the management of the coastal area, whereas the management of the coastal area is defined as an activity comprising different levels of management -local, regional, national and international. The author stresses the need to coordinate the different levels and emphasize the importance of organizing the work process and the capabilities of the managing structure. This is necessary because the public administration often makes decisions directly influencing the citizens' quality of life on a local and individual level. Given that the public administration has a great amount of power in all countries, it must be controlled. The author states that beside self control of public administration it is also needed to conduct the additional control. That kind of control is necessary due to the inestimable value of Croatia's coastal and other resources. Based on the results of the research the author suggests measures to improve a continued and efficient control.