Alex Maskio - (original) (raw)

Drafts by Alex Maskio

Research paper thumbnail of FULL BODY TELEPORTATION SYSTEM

A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hyper... more A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that
teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another.

Research paper thumbnail of Autoipnosi

Nell’era dove la ricerca medica fa “passi da gigante”, dove si esplorano e si cercano nuovi pian... more Nell’era dove la ricerca medica fa “passi da gigante”, dove si esplorano e si cercano
nuovi pianeti e nuove soluzioni per malattie che decimano letteralmente la
popolazione, la mente, motore e generatore di ogni fenomeno, sembra quasi passare
in secondo piano. Fin dall’antichità, grandi personaggi e Maestri realizzati hanno
parlato del potere della mente e delle infinite possibilità che essa possieda. Oggi,
grazie all’ipnosi, ci è possibile avvicinarci a questo meraviglioso e misterioso
mondo, sfruttandone appieno tutte le potenzialità.
Ogni individuo diventa realmente ciò che crede di essere, e l’ipnosi e le sue pratiche
ne sono l’esempio lampante: grazie ad esse infatti ci è possibile intervenire su un
gran numero di problematiche, siano esse fisiche, mentali o spirituali. L’ipnosi, come
i grandi Illuminati, ci permette di vedere l’essere umano come un “unicum”
inscindibile; un insieme composto da molteplici aspetti. Ogni “parte” della nostra
mente, o come le definisce lo Psichiatra Roberto Assagioli, le nostre
“subpersonalità”, ci avvicinano o ci allontanano dai nostri desideri, influenzando in
modo significativo la nostra esistenza.
Grazie all’ipnosi oggi, sempre più persone riescono a migliorare la qualità della
propria vita, intervenendo ad esempio sul proprio peso, sull’autostima, sulle proprie
performance sportive ecc

Research paper thumbnail of More than thousand studies collection on vaccination injuries and failure

Mo or re e t th ha an n t th ho ou us sa an nd d s st tu ud di ie es s c co ol ll le ec ct ti io ... more Mo or re e t th ha an n t th ho ou us sa an nd d s st tu ud di ie es s c co ol ll le ec ct ti io on n o on n v va ac cc ci in na at ti io on n i in nj ju ur ri ie es s a an nd d f fa ai il lu ur re e-Una raccolta di più di mille studi sui danni dei vaccini e il loro fallimento

Research paper thumbnail of The Hutchison Effect Apparatus

There hove been some serious investigations into the Hutchison Effect in Canada, the United state... more There hove been some serious investigations into the Hutchison Effect in Canada, the United states, and Germany. (See articles in ESJ #4.) The reality of objects being moved, levitated, or restructured by magnetic and electric field effects does not seem to be in question.


Compositions and methods including and related to the Ebola Bundibugyo virus (EboBun) are provid... more Compositions and methods including and related to the Ebola
Bundibugyo virus (EboBun) are provided. Compositions are
provided that are operable as immunogens to elicit and
immune response or protection from EboBun challenge in a
Subject such as a primate. Inventive methods are directed to
detection and treatment of EboBun infection.

Research paper thumbnail of FORCE GENERATING SYSTEM

An artificial gravity generation system consisting of at least one pair of high-voltage electrod... more An artificial gravity generation system consisting of at
least one pair of high-voltage electrodes. A plurality of
electrodes of alternating polarity may be arranged in a grid pattern to form an artificial gravity mat which may be used in spacecraft. The system may also be used
outside a spacecraft to retrieve floating objects.

Research paper thumbnail of Weather modification

Research paper thumbnail of Rife frequencies list

Research paper thumbnail of Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies

In the 1960s, counterculture hippies were urging us to give peace a chance (great advice). To ex... more In the 1960s, counterculture hippies were urging us to give
peace a chance (great advice). To expedite that process,
it was helpful to have “good vibrations”—considered so
important that the Beach Boys wrote a catchy song with
this title. It was easy to tell who had good vibes and who
didn’t. An optimistic, considerate person was considered
“high frequency,” while a pessimistic, disagreeable individual was “low frequency.” Not surprisingly, everyone
wanted to be around the folks who had good vibes.
Colloquialism aside, saying that someone is “high
frequency” is based on legitimate science. Every molecule, cell, living body, and object is comprised of energy
that manifests as physical matter. Some of that energy is
detectible as frequencies that belong to one or more radiation bands in the electromagnetic spectrum. And these
frequencies correspond to biochemical and biological
processes in the body.
In the healing arts, there are different ways to affect
matter. With conventional medical care, the chemical,
functional, and/or structural change in organs, glands,
and other tissues are created either through biochemical
manipulation (drugs) or physical manipulation (such as surgery). With electromedicine therapies, healing is achieved
by working with the electromagnetic radiation (emissions)
and related energy fields that form, and are emitted by,
physical matter. Broadly speaking, electromedical devices
produce and focus specific frequencies that can be in the
form of electromagnetic fields, electrical current, magnetism, visible light, heat, or other energy.
Although electromedicine is widely used in Europe, it
is less known in the United States. Few people in developed countries would question the use of the ubiquitous
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit,
which emits small amounts of electrical current to manage
pain. And magnets embedded in the insoles of shoes, also
for pain management, are now a regular item in consumer
catalogues. But electricity and magnetism are primarily
used diagnostically in hospitals—such as with the standard
electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) to assess the health of
the heart, and with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
to show the inside of the body. Most medical professionals
(and the lay public) are not inclined to take advantage of
less popular electromedical devices because they do not
understand how they work. And those who do use the
equipment might talk about “frequencies” or “energy”
without a full grasp of what these actually are or the science behind the technology.
Fortunately, receptivity to electromedicine is increasing.
Health professionals are expanding their practice (and their
success rate) with safe, holistic technologies. The general
public is beginning to recognize and request electromedicine as an effective and valid treatment modality. In this
discourse, I will explain what “frequency” and other terms
mean as they are applied to the electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic energy in living systems will be reviewed.
I will explore several types of electromedical modalities.
And I’ll discuss the related modality of sound therapy.

Research paper thumbnail of Water fuel cell

Patent security is enforced by National Security Laws of each participating country. Do "not" mak... more Patent security is enforced by National Security Laws of each participating country. Do "not" make, sell, or utilize a patented process and/or device without inventor written consent and approval. International patent and copyright laws mandate the same "usage" restrictions. Information pn;sented in this manual is not to be used for manufacturing purposes.


A flying disc capable of vertical takeoff, hovering, or powered horizontal flight. The aircraft ... more A flying disc capable of vertical takeoff, hovering, or
powered horizontal flight. The aircraft configuration comprises a circular disc-like airfoil-shaped wing struc
ture having a convex upper surface and a concave
lower surface with a leading edge and a trailing edge.
At least one thrust-producing unit is attached at each of
the leading and trailing edges, respectively. A plurality
of other thrust-producing units are mounted symmetri
cally about the circular wing structure. Each thrust
producing unit has attached thereto a thrust deflector
assembly for angularly adjusting the thrust produced by the thrust-producing unit, thereby allowing the aircraft
to fly both vertically and horizontally. A substantial
volume of helium gas is stored encompassing the inner
upper hull of the aircraft, thereby giving the flying disc
greater lift capacity. The outer skin of the upper surface
consists essentially of a plurality of solar panels for
delivering power to a multiplicity of devices.

Research paper thumbnail of Unidad resonante generadora electro magnetica

Generador de electricidad infinida

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema iontoforetico di rigenerazione cellulare e tissutale

An iontophoretic System for promoting tissue healing pro ceSSes and inducing regeneration. The Sy... more An iontophoretic System for promoting tissue healing pro
ceSSes and inducing regeneration. The System includes a
device and a method, a composition, and methods for
making the composition in vitro and in Vivo. The System is
implemented by placing a flexible, Silver-containing anode
in contact with the wound, placing a cathode on intact skin
near the anode, and applying a wound-specific DC voltage
between the anode and the cathode. Electrically-generated
Silver ions from the anode penetrate into the adjacent tissues
and undergo a Sequence of reactions leading to formation of
a Silver-collagen complex. This complex acts as a biological
inducer to cause the formation in Vivo of an adequate
blastema to Support regeneration.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema iontoforetico di rigenerazione cellulare e tissutale

Research paper thumbnail of SISTEMA QEG -ESECUTIVO

Il Sistema definito Generatore di Elettricità del Quantum (QEG) é un adattamento di uno dei molti... more Il Sistema definito Generatore di Elettricità del Quantum (QEG) é un adattamento di uno dei molti generatori elettrici/dinamo/progetti di alternatori, brevettati da Nikola Tesla. Il numero di brevetto al quale fa riferimento è il n° 511.916, denominato semplicemente Generatore Elettrico , e recante la data del 2 gennaio 1894 (vedere originali in calce a questo documento). L adattamento recente consiste in una conversione da sistema lineare in sistema rotatorio. Il prototipo QEG è costruito in scala per produrre energia elettrica con un voltaggio compreso in un range di 10-15 kW (kilowatts) costanti e può essere tarato per fornire sia energia a 120V o 230-240V con uscita monofase. Stiamo pianificando dei dispositivi che in futuro potranno fornire energia elettrica trifase. Il ciclo di vita del dispositivo è a termine solo per quanto riguarda alcune componenti sostituibili, come cuscinetti, cinghie di trasmissione nell originale trapezoidali , ormai desuete, ndr) e i condensatori. Il dispositivo dovrebbe operare senza alcun problema (con la minima manutenzione), esattamente come ogni buon apparecchio a funzionamento elettro-meccanico, così come una lavatrice o frigorifero di buona marca. Componenti meccaniche solide sono state impiegate al suo interno al fine di rendere il dispositivo più affidabile. Il QEG non è una macchina complicata così come è stata progettata (una costante anche nelle altre scoperte di Tesla , in modo da operare in armonia con le leggi della Natura, al contrario del motore simmetrico e dei generatori più diffusi che dissipano energia, pur essendo largamente impiegati nella produzione industriale odierna. Il modo più diretto per comprendere il principio operativo del QEG è pensare ad esso come un oscillatore auto-risonante molto potente (un serbatoio a circuito di potenza), che genera un alto voltaggio AC (da 15 a 25kV). Queste oscillazioni ad alto voltaggio sono poi trasformate in un normale voltaggio di rete in uscita (AC), sui consueti parametri, fino ad un valore approssimativo di 85A. Nella terminologia corrente usata per le energie alternative lo si potrebbe definire una sorta di dispositivo a risonanza. I circuiti che sviluppano la grande energia in questo dispositivo sono basati di fatto su una configurazione di un oscillatore di potenza, già conosciuto ma poco impiegato. Tuttavia, le parti operanti in base all energia del quantum hanno diretta relazione con il settaggio dell output del generatore, tarato sulla massima potenza. Gli alternatori convenzionali (generatori AC, a corrente alternata) consumano più energia in ingresso rispetto a quella in uscita. Per esempio, un tipo di alternatore a presa di forza o presa di potenza .)n sigla Pdp o PTO usa 18.000 watts (equivalenti a 24hp) per sviluppare 13.000 watts di potenza in uscita (con dissipazione, quindi, di 5.000 watts). Nel QEG, la potenza in ingresso è richiesta solo per mantenere il fenomeno di risonanza al suo interno, che utilizza solo una piccola frazione della potenza in uscita (al di sotto di 1000 watts per produrre 10.000 watts, equivalenti ad un COP9 o valore di efficienza) e una volta in funzione, il QEG genera questa potenza in modo autonomo per mezzo di un motore da 1hp=745,7Watts. Questa fase è conosciuta come over-unity o self sustaining mode , ovvero dispositivo auto-alimentante. Vera FREE ENERGY o energia gratuita illimitata. Una volta che l apparato avrà raggiunto la frequenza di risonanza, alimenterà sè stesso self-running .

Papers by Alex Maskio

Research paper thumbnail of Full body teleportation system

A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hypers... more A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another.

Research paper thumbnail of Human ebola virus species and compositions and methods thereof

Compositions and methods including and related to the Ebola Bundibugyo virus (EboBun) are provide... more Compositions and methods including and related to the Ebola Bundibugyo virus (EboBun) are provided. Compositions are provided that are operable as immunogens to elicit and immune response or protection from EboBun challenge in a Subject such as a primate. Inventive methods are directed to detection and treatment of EboBun infection.

Research paper thumbnail of Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies

Research paper thumbnail of FULL BODY TELEPORTATION SYSTEM

A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hyper... more A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that
teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another.

Research paper thumbnail of Autoipnosi

Nell’era dove la ricerca medica fa “passi da gigante”, dove si esplorano e si cercano nuovi pian... more Nell’era dove la ricerca medica fa “passi da gigante”, dove si esplorano e si cercano
nuovi pianeti e nuove soluzioni per malattie che decimano letteralmente la
popolazione, la mente, motore e generatore di ogni fenomeno, sembra quasi passare
in secondo piano. Fin dall’antichità, grandi personaggi e Maestri realizzati hanno
parlato del potere della mente e delle infinite possibilità che essa possieda. Oggi,
grazie all’ipnosi, ci è possibile avvicinarci a questo meraviglioso e misterioso
mondo, sfruttandone appieno tutte le potenzialità.
Ogni individuo diventa realmente ciò che crede di essere, e l’ipnosi e le sue pratiche
ne sono l’esempio lampante: grazie ad esse infatti ci è possibile intervenire su un
gran numero di problematiche, siano esse fisiche, mentali o spirituali. L’ipnosi, come
i grandi Illuminati, ci permette di vedere l’essere umano come un “unicum”
inscindibile; un insieme composto da molteplici aspetti. Ogni “parte” della nostra
mente, o come le definisce lo Psichiatra Roberto Assagioli, le nostre
“subpersonalità”, ci avvicinano o ci allontanano dai nostri desideri, influenzando in
modo significativo la nostra esistenza.
Grazie all’ipnosi oggi, sempre più persone riescono a migliorare la qualità della
propria vita, intervenendo ad esempio sul proprio peso, sull’autostima, sulle proprie
performance sportive ecc

Research paper thumbnail of More than thousand studies collection on vaccination injuries and failure

Mo or re e t th ha an n t th ho ou us sa an nd d s st tu ud di ie es s c co ol ll le ec ct ti io ... more Mo or re e t th ha an n t th ho ou us sa an nd d s st tu ud di ie es s c co ol ll le ec ct ti io on n o on n v va ac cc ci in na at ti io on n i in nj ju ur ri ie es s a an nd d f fa ai il lu ur re e-Una raccolta di più di mille studi sui danni dei vaccini e il loro fallimento

Research paper thumbnail of The Hutchison Effect Apparatus

There hove been some serious investigations into the Hutchison Effect in Canada, the United state... more There hove been some serious investigations into the Hutchison Effect in Canada, the United states, and Germany. (See articles in ESJ #4.) The reality of objects being moved, levitated, or restructured by magnetic and electric field effects does not seem to be in question.


Compositions and methods including and related to the Ebola Bundibugyo virus (EboBun) are provid... more Compositions and methods including and related to the Ebola
Bundibugyo virus (EboBun) are provided. Compositions are
provided that are operable as immunogens to elicit and
immune response or protection from EboBun challenge in a
Subject such as a primate. Inventive methods are directed to
detection and treatment of EboBun infection.

Research paper thumbnail of FORCE GENERATING SYSTEM

An artificial gravity generation system consisting of at least one pair of high-voltage electrod... more An artificial gravity generation system consisting of at
least one pair of high-voltage electrodes. A plurality of
electrodes of alternating polarity may be arranged in a grid pattern to form an artificial gravity mat which may be used in spacecraft. The system may also be used
outside a spacecraft to retrieve floating objects.

Research paper thumbnail of Weather modification

Research paper thumbnail of Rife frequencies list

Research paper thumbnail of Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies

In the 1960s, counterculture hippies were urging us to give peace a chance (great advice). To ex... more In the 1960s, counterculture hippies were urging us to give
peace a chance (great advice). To expedite that process,
it was helpful to have “good vibrations”—considered so
important that the Beach Boys wrote a catchy song with
this title. It was easy to tell who had good vibes and who
didn’t. An optimistic, considerate person was considered
“high frequency,” while a pessimistic, disagreeable individual was “low frequency.” Not surprisingly, everyone
wanted to be around the folks who had good vibes.
Colloquialism aside, saying that someone is “high
frequency” is based on legitimate science. Every molecule, cell, living body, and object is comprised of energy
that manifests as physical matter. Some of that energy is
detectible as frequencies that belong to one or more radiation bands in the electromagnetic spectrum. And these
frequencies correspond to biochemical and biological
processes in the body.
In the healing arts, there are different ways to affect
matter. With conventional medical care, the chemical,
functional, and/or structural change in organs, glands,
and other tissues are created either through biochemical
manipulation (drugs) or physical manipulation (such as surgery). With electromedicine therapies, healing is achieved
by working with the electromagnetic radiation (emissions)
and related energy fields that form, and are emitted by,
physical matter. Broadly speaking, electromedical devices
produce and focus specific frequencies that can be in the
form of electromagnetic fields, electrical current, magnetism, visible light, heat, or other energy.
Although electromedicine is widely used in Europe, it
is less known in the United States. Few people in developed countries would question the use of the ubiquitous
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit,
which emits small amounts of electrical current to manage
pain. And magnets embedded in the insoles of shoes, also
for pain management, are now a regular item in consumer
catalogues. But electricity and magnetism are primarily
used diagnostically in hospitals—such as with the standard
electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) to assess the health of
the heart, and with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
to show the inside of the body. Most medical professionals
(and the lay public) are not inclined to take advantage of
less popular electromedical devices because they do not
understand how they work. And those who do use the
equipment might talk about “frequencies” or “energy”
without a full grasp of what these actually are or the science behind the technology.
Fortunately, receptivity to electromedicine is increasing.
Health professionals are expanding their practice (and their
success rate) with safe, holistic technologies. The general
public is beginning to recognize and request electromedicine as an effective and valid treatment modality. In this
discourse, I will explain what “frequency” and other terms
mean as they are applied to the electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic energy in living systems will be reviewed.
I will explore several types of electromedical modalities.
And I’ll discuss the related modality of sound therapy.

Research paper thumbnail of Water fuel cell

Patent security is enforced by National Security Laws of each participating country. Do "not" mak... more Patent security is enforced by National Security Laws of each participating country. Do "not" make, sell, or utilize a patented process and/or device without inventor written consent and approval. International patent and copyright laws mandate the same "usage" restrictions. Information pn;sented in this manual is not to be used for manufacturing purposes.


A flying disc capable of vertical takeoff, hovering, or powered horizontal flight. The aircraft ... more A flying disc capable of vertical takeoff, hovering, or
powered horizontal flight. The aircraft configuration comprises a circular disc-like airfoil-shaped wing struc
ture having a convex upper surface and a concave
lower surface with a leading edge and a trailing edge.
At least one thrust-producing unit is attached at each of
the leading and trailing edges, respectively. A plurality
of other thrust-producing units are mounted symmetri
cally about the circular wing structure. Each thrust
producing unit has attached thereto a thrust deflector
assembly for angularly adjusting the thrust produced by the thrust-producing unit, thereby allowing the aircraft
to fly both vertically and horizontally. A substantial
volume of helium gas is stored encompassing the inner
upper hull of the aircraft, thereby giving the flying disc
greater lift capacity. The outer skin of the upper surface
consists essentially of a plurality of solar panels for
delivering power to a multiplicity of devices.

Research paper thumbnail of Unidad resonante generadora electro magnetica

Generador de electricidad infinida

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema iontoforetico di rigenerazione cellulare e tissutale

An iontophoretic System for promoting tissue healing pro ceSSes and inducing regeneration. The Sy... more An iontophoretic System for promoting tissue healing pro
ceSSes and inducing regeneration. The System includes a
device and a method, a composition, and methods for
making the composition in vitro and in Vivo. The System is
implemented by placing a flexible, Silver-containing anode
in contact with the wound, placing a cathode on intact skin
near the anode, and applying a wound-specific DC voltage
between the anode and the cathode. Electrically-generated
Silver ions from the anode penetrate into the adjacent tissues
and undergo a Sequence of reactions leading to formation of
a Silver-collagen complex. This complex acts as a biological
inducer to cause the formation in Vivo of an adequate
blastema to Support regeneration.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema iontoforetico di rigenerazione cellulare e tissutale

Research paper thumbnail of SISTEMA QEG -ESECUTIVO

Il Sistema definito Generatore di Elettricità del Quantum (QEG) é un adattamento di uno dei molti... more Il Sistema definito Generatore di Elettricità del Quantum (QEG) é un adattamento di uno dei molti generatori elettrici/dinamo/progetti di alternatori, brevettati da Nikola Tesla. Il numero di brevetto al quale fa riferimento è il n° 511.916, denominato semplicemente Generatore Elettrico , e recante la data del 2 gennaio 1894 (vedere originali in calce a questo documento). L adattamento recente consiste in una conversione da sistema lineare in sistema rotatorio. Il prototipo QEG è costruito in scala per produrre energia elettrica con un voltaggio compreso in un range di 10-15 kW (kilowatts) costanti e può essere tarato per fornire sia energia a 120V o 230-240V con uscita monofase. Stiamo pianificando dei dispositivi che in futuro potranno fornire energia elettrica trifase. Il ciclo di vita del dispositivo è a termine solo per quanto riguarda alcune componenti sostituibili, come cuscinetti, cinghie di trasmissione nell originale trapezoidali , ormai desuete, ndr) e i condensatori. Il dispositivo dovrebbe operare senza alcun problema (con la minima manutenzione), esattamente come ogni buon apparecchio a funzionamento elettro-meccanico, così come una lavatrice o frigorifero di buona marca. Componenti meccaniche solide sono state impiegate al suo interno al fine di rendere il dispositivo più affidabile. Il QEG non è una macchina complicata così come è stata progettata (una costante anche nelle altre scoperte di Tesla , in modo da operare in armonia con le leggi della Natura, al contrario del motore simmetrico e dei generatori più diffusi che dissipano energia, pur essendo largamente impiegati nella produzione industriale odierna. Il modo più diretto per comprendere il principio operativo del QEG è pensare ad esso come un oscillatore auto-risonante molto potente (un serbatoio a circuito di potenza), che genera un alto voltaggio AC (da 15 a 25kV). Queste oscillazioni ad alto voltaggio sono poi trasformate in un normale voltaggio di rete in uscita (AC), sui consueti parametri, fino ad un valore approssimativo di 85A. Nella terminologia corrente usata per le energie alternative lo si potrebbe definire una sorta di dispositivo a risonanza. I circuiti che sviluppano la grande energia in questo dispositivo sono basati di fatto su una configurazione di un oscillatore di potenza, già conosciuto ma poco impiegato. Tuttavia, le parti operanti in base all energia del quantum hanno diretta relazione con il settaggio dell output del generatore, tarato sulla massima potenza. Gli alternatori convenzionali (generatori AC, a corrente alternata) consumano più energia in ingresso rispetto a quella in uscita. Per esempio, un tipo di alternatore a presa di forza o presa di potenza .)n sigla Pdp o PTO usa 18.000 watts (equivalenti a 24hp) per sviluppare 13.000 watts di potenza in uscita (con dissipazione, quindi, di 5.000 watts). Nel QEG, la potenza in ingresso è richiesta solo per mantenere il fenomeno di risonanza al suo interno, che utilizza solo una piccola frazione della potenza in uscita (al di sotto di 1000 watts per produrre 10.000 watts, equivalenti ad un COP9 o valore di efficienza) e una volta in funzione, il QEG genera questa potenza in modo autonomo per mezzo di un motore da 1hp=745,7Watts. Questa fase è conosciuta come over-unity o self sustaining mode , ovvero dispositivo auto-alimentante. Vera FREE ENERGY o energia gratuita illimitata. Una volta che l apparato avrà raggiunto la frequenza di risonanza, alimenterà sè stesso self-running .

Research paper thumbnail of Full body teleportation system

A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hypers... more A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another.

Research paper thumbnail of Human ebola virus species and compositions and methods thereof

Compositions and methods including and related to the Ebola Bundibugyo virus (EboBun) are provide... more Compositions and methods including and related to the Ebola Bundibugyo virus (EboBun) are provided. Compositions are provided that are operable as immunogens to elicit and immune response or protection from EboBun challenge in a Subject such as a primate. Inventive methods are directed to detection and treatment of EboBun infection.

Research paper thumbnail of Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies