Alexandre Vialou - (original) (raw)
Papers by Alexandre Vialou
2009 Annual Meeting, July 26-28, 2009, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2009
Without the use of pesticides or other practices to manage insects, diseases, and weeds, producer... more Without the use of pesticides or other practices to manage insects, diseases, and weeds, producers may suffer significant losses. Nominal expenditures on pesticides increased steadily for most of the last half-century, and after reaching a plateau in 1998, increased to a record 10.0billionin2007,drivenprimarilybyexpandedcornacres(ERS,2008).USDAestimatesanadditional9percentincreasein2008pesticideexpenditurestonearly10.0 billion in 2007, driven primarily by expanded corn acres (ERS, 2008). USDA estimates an additional 9 percent increase in 2008 pesticide expenditures to nearly 10.0billionin2007,drivenprimarilybyexpandedcornacres(ERS,2008).USDAestimatesanadditional9percentincreasein2008pesticideexpenditurestonearly11.0 billion. However, in real terms, pesticide expenditures remain well below the 1998 peak, as shown in Figure 1, as do total pounds of pesticides-about 480 million pounds in 2007, as shown in Figure 2. Farmers use an array of pest management practices resulting in a diverse pattern of agricultural chemical use. Both herbicides and insecticides are important in corn and cotton production, while soybean producers rely mostly on herbicides. In recent years, we have witnessed a significant trend toward replacing relatively hazardous active ingredients with less hazardous ones. We see, for example, a major shift from metholachlor to acetochlor in Illinois corn pesticide use (Figure 3). All pesticides used in the United States must be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition to the approval process, Congress mandated that the EPA reregister existing pesticide products to ensure their safety. Additionally, agricultural chemical use in recent years is known to be influenced by a number of technical and policy factors, in particular rising adoption of genetically engineered (including herbicide tolerant and Bt crops) crops, corn-based ethanol production, as well as climate change, increased conservation, and changes in
2008 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2008, Orlando, Florida, 2008
are ERS economists, and Arthur Grube is an EPA economist.
2008 Annual Meeting, February 2-6, 2008, Dallas, Texas, 2008
The share of corn used in ethanol production has been growing rapidly. USDA predicts that more th... more The share of corn used in ethanol production has been growing rapidly. USDA predicts that more than 30 percent of the corn crop will be used for ethanol production in 2009/2010. Expanded corn acreage contributes to the application of more fertilizer and is likely to introduce a larger volume of nutrients into the environment. This study found that an increase in ethanol production is consistent with a significant increase in quality-adjusted fertilizer use in selected corn states.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2003
Cuadro 14 Mercosur y Unión Europea: número de años de estudios en la agricultura y en el conjunto... more Cuadro 14 Mercosur y Unión Europea: número de años de estudios en la agricultura y en el conjunto de la economía, y productividad del trabajo .
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activi... more The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and, where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.
... documented (Cho, Wu, and Boggess, 2003). ... regional variations in urban influence, the Corn... more ... documented (Cho, Wu, and Boggess, 2003). ... regional variations in urban influence, the Corn Belt has soil types, climate, and crop ... The availability of seasonal labor may also benefit fringe-area farming. Some operations produce for niche markets, selling directly ...
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views
I.1. Introduction 11I.2. La selection des sous-secteurs 15I.3. L'intensite relative des flux ... more I.1. Introduction 11I.2. La selection des sous-secteurs 15I.3. L'intensite relative des flux de commerce entre le Mercosur et l'Unioneuropeenne 16I.4. Conclusions 19
Resumen En 1995, el Mercado Comun del Sur (Mercosur) y la Union Europea (UE) suscribieron un proy... more Resumen En 1995, el Mercado Comun del Sur (Mercosur) y la Union Europea (UE) suscribieron un proyecto de cooperacion para la formacion progresiva de una zona de libre comercio. Una de las areas clave es la de los productos agricolas y alimentarios, que representa cerca de la mitad de las exportaciones del Mercosur con destino a la UE. El estudio se basa en indicadores que miden la competitividad de los paises y determinan los puntos debiles o fuertes de un pais, en un sector o un producto en particular. Tambien se analizan las caracteristicas del intercambio de productos agricolas y agroalimentarios entre el Mercosur y la UE en los ultimos veinte anos, las politicas comerciales y la proteccion arancelaria y no arancelaria aplicadas por ambos bloques. Sobre esa base, se identifican los puntos en los que tendran que concentrarse las negociaciones. Se concluye que hay una complementariedad comercial importante entre el Mercosur y la UE, lo que implica que la liberalizacion del comercio...
The share of corn used in ethanol production has been growing rapidly. USDA predicts that more th... more The share of corn used in ethanol production has been growing rapidly. USDA predicts that more than 30 percent of the corn crop will be used for ethanol production in 2009/2010. Expanded corn acreage contributes to the application of more fertilizer and is likely to introduce a larger volume of nutrients into the environment. This study found that an increase in ethanol production is consistent with a significant increase in quality-adjusted fertilizer use in selected corn states.
This paper presents findings on the use of HT corn and quality-adjusted herbicide use for 12 key ... more This paper presents findings on the use of HT corn and quality-adjusted herbicide use for 12 key corn producing states using a panel data set for 1986-2008. Our preliminary findings indicate an insignificant impact of HT corn on herbicide use, conditioning or accounting for HT corn with other important drivers of corn herbicide use: HT soy, corn output price, glyphoste price, nonherbicide glyponsate price, and percentage of continuous corn and low-till corn. However, we find a positive and significant impact of HT corn on herbicide use in selected states, using regional interaction terms. We use econometric techniques to avoid spurious regression results. Other preliminary runs indicated that the results hold when running the US and regional interactions on 1986-2006 and 1986-2007 data.
2009 Annual Meeting July 26 28 2009 Milwaukee Wisconsin, 2009
Without the use of pesticides or other practices to manage insects, diseases, and weeds, producer... more Without the use of pesticides or other practices to manage insects, diseases, and weeds, producers may suffer significant losses. Nominal expenditures on pesticides increased steadily for most of the last half-century, and after reaching a plateau in 1998, increased to a record 10.0billionin2007,drivenprimarilybyexpandedcornacres(ERS,2008).USDAestimatesanadditional9percentincreasein2008pesticideexpenditurestonearly10.0 billion in 2007, driven primarily by expanded corn acres (ERS, 2008). USDA estimates an additional 9 percent increase in 2008 pesticide expenditures to nearly 10.0billionin2007,drivenprimarilybyexpandedcornacres(ERS,2008).USDAestimatesanadditional9percentincreasein2008pesticideexpenditurestonearly11.0 billion. However, in real terms, pesticide expenditures remain well below the 1998 peak, as shown in Figure 1, as do total pounds of pesticides-about 480 million pounds in 2007, as shown in Figure 2. Farmers use an array of pest management practices resulting in a diverse pattern of agricultural chemical use. Both herbicides and insecticides are important in corn and cotton production, while soybean producers rely mostly on herbicides. In recent years, we have witnessed a significant trend toward replacing relatively hazardous active ingredients with less hazardous ones. We see, for example, a major shift from metholachlor to acetochlor in Illinois corn pesticide use (Figure 3). All pesticides used in the United States must be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition to the approval process, Congress mandated that the EPA reregister existing pesticide products to ensure their safety. Additionally, agricultural chemical use in recent years is known to be influenced by a number of technical and policy factors, in particular rising adoption of genetically engineered (including herbicide tolerant and Bt crops) crops, corn-based ethanol production, as well as climate change, increased conservation, and changes in
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Controversies over genetically engineered (henceforth GE or GMO) crops still remain because of un... more Controversies over genetically engineered (henceforth GE or GMO) crops still remain because of uncertainties regarding their long term impact on pesticide use and on the environment if weeds and insects develop resistance to them. Updated USDA data on pesticide use and GMO adoption rates enable us to present a comprehensive analysis that spans 20 years -from 1986 to 2006-for two major crops that have benefited from intensive bioengineering research in the United States: corn and soybeans. After adjusting for the inherent heterogeneity across states and over time in the composition of herbicides and insecticides applied, results suggest that GE crops have lead to a decrease in the use of quality-adjusted pesticides with significant differences between herbicides and insecticides.
Journal of Human Resources, 2007
Journal of Human Resources, 2007
Replaced with revised version of paper 07/15/08.
This paper presents findings on the use of HT corn and quality-adjusted herbicide use for 12 key ... more This paper presents findings on the use of HT corn and quality-adjusted herbicide use for 12 key corn producing states using a panel data set for 1986-2008. Our preliminary findings indicate an insignificant impact of HT corn on herbicide use, conditioning or accounting for HT corn with other important drivers of corn herbicide use: HT soy, corn output price, glyphoste
Cette etude a pour objectif d’evaluer les consequences d’une liberalisation commerciale du commer... more Cette etude a pour objectif d’evaluer les consequences d’une liberalisation commerciale du commerce agricole et agroalimentaire entre le Mercosur et l’Union europeenne, ainsi que d’identifier les principaux points sur lesquels devront se concentrer les negociations commerciales sectorielles entre les deux blocs. Pour ce faire, une analyse detaillee du commerce agroalimentaire bilateral est effectuee, suivie de l’etude des points forts et des points faibles en termes de competitivite de chacun des deux blocs dans ce domaine. Enfin, un regard specifique est porte sur la protection appliquee aux produits agricoles et agroalimentaires au Mercosur et a l'Union europeenne, avec l’objectif d’identifier les postes pour lesquels les perspectives de gains commerciaux resultant de la liberalisation bilaterale sont les plus importants.
2009 Annual Meeting, July 26-28, 2009, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2009
Without the use of pesticides or other practices to manage insects, diseases, and weeds, producer... more Without the use of pesticides or other practices to manage insects, diseases, and weeds, producers may suffer significant losses. Nominal expenditures on pesticides increased steadily for most of the last half-century, and after reaching a plateau in 1998, increased to a record 10.0billionin2007,drivenprimarilybyexpandedcornacres(ERS,2008).USDAestimatesanadditional9percentincreasein2008pesticideexpenditurestonearly10.0 billion in 2007, driven primarily by expanded corn acres (ERS, 2008). USDA estimates an additional 9 percent increase in 2008 pesticide expenditures to nearly 10.0billionin2007,drivenprimarilybyexpandedcornacres(ERS,2008).USDAestimatesanadditional9percentincreasein2008pesticideexpenditurestonearly11.0 billion. However, in real terms, pesticide expenditures remain well below the 1998 peak, as shown in Figure 1, as do total pounds of pesticides-about 480 million pounds in 2007, as shown in Figure 2. Farmers use an array of pest management practices resulting in a diverse pattern of agricultural chemical use. Both herbicides and insecticides are important in corn and cotton production, while soybean producers rely mostly on herbicides. In recent years, we have witnessed a significant trend toward replacing relatively hazardous active ingredients with less hazardous ones. We see, for example, a major shift from metholachlor to acetochlor in Illinois corn pesticide use (Figure 3). All pesticides used in the United States must be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition to the approval process, Congress mandated that the EPA reregister existing pesticide products to ensure their safety. Additionally, agricultural chemical use in recent years is known to be influenced by a number of technical and policy factors, in particular rising adoption of genetically engineered (including herbicide tolerant and Bt crops) crops, corn-based ethanol production, as well as climate change, increased conservation, and changes in
2008 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2008, Orlando, Florida, 2008
are ERS economists, and Arthur Grube is an EPA economist.
2008 Annual Meeting, February 2-6, 2008, Dallas, Texas, 2008
The share of corn used in ethanol production has been growing rapidly. USDA predicts that more th... more The share of corn used in ethanol production has been growing rapidly. USDA predicts that more than 30 percent of the corn crop will be used for ethanol production in 2009/2010. Expanded corn acreage contributes to the application of more fertilizer and is likely to introduce a larger volume of nutrients into the environment. This study found that an increase in ethanol production is consistent with a significant increase in quality-adjusted fertilizer use in selected corn states.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2003
Cuadro 14 Mercosur y Unión Europea: número de años de estudios en la agricultura y en el conjunto... more Cuadro 14 Mercosur y Unión Europea: número de años de estudios en la agricultura y en el conjunto de la economía, y productividad del trabajo .
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activi... more The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and, where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.
... documented (Cho, Wu, and Boggess, 2003). ... regional variations in urban influence, the Corn... more ... documented (Cho, Wu, and Boggess, 2003). ... regional variations in urban influence, the Corn Belt has soil types, climate, and crop ... The availability of seasonal labor may also benefit fringe-area farming. Some operations produce for niche markets, selling directly ...
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views
I.1. Introduction 11I.2. La selection des sous-secteurs 15I.3. L'intensite relative des flux ... more I.1. Introduction 11I.2. La selection des sous-secteurs 15I.3. L'intensite relative des flux de commerce entre le Mercosur et l'Unioneuropeenne 16I.4. Conclusions 19
Resumen En 1995, el Mercado Comun del Sur (Mercosur) y la Union Europea (UE) suscribieron un proy... more Resumen En 1995, el Mercado Comun del Sur (Mercosur) y la Union Europea (UE) suscribieron un proyecto de cooperacion para la formacion progresiva de una zona de libre comercio. Una de las areas clave es la de los productos agricolas y alimentarios, que representa cerca de la mitad de las exportaciones del Mercosur con destino a la UE. El estudio se basa en indicadores que miden la competitividad de los paises y determinan los puntos debiles o fuertes de un pais, en un sector o un producto en particular. Tambien se analizan las caracteristicas del intercambio de productos agricolas y agroalimentarios entre el Mercosur y la UE en los ultimos veinte anos, las politicas comerciales y la proteccion arancelaria y no arancelaria aplicadas por ambos bloques. Sobre esa base, se identifican los puntos en los que tendran que concentrarse las negociaciones. Se concluye que hay una complementariedad comercial importante entre el Mercosur y la UE, lo que implica que la liberalizacion del comercio...
The share of corn used in ethanol production has been growing rapidly. USDA predicts that more th... more The share of corn used in ethanol production has been growing rapidly. USDA predicts that more than 30 percent of the corn crop will be used for ethanol production in 2009/2010. Expanded corn acreage contributes to the application of more fertilizer and is likely to introduce a larger volume of nutrients into the environment. This study found that an increase in ethanol production is consistent with a significant increase in quality-adjusted fertilizer use in selected corn states.
This paper presents findings on the use of HT corn and quality-adjusted herbicide use for 12 key ... more This paper presents findings on the use of HT corn and quality-adjusted herbicide use for 12 key corn producing states using a panel data set for 1986-2008. Our preliminary findings indicate an insignificant impact of HT corn on herbicide use, conditioning or accounting for HT corn with other important drivers of corn herbicide use: HT soy, corn output price, glyphoste price, nonherbicide glyponsate price, and percentage of continuous corn and low-till corn. However, we find a positive and significant impact of HT corn on herbicide use in selected states, using regional interaction terms. We use econometric techniques to avoid spurious regression results. Other preliminary runs indicated that the results hold when running the US and regional interactions on 1986-2006 and 1986-2007 data.
2009 Annual Meeting July 26 28 2009 Milwaukee Wisconsin, 2009
Without the use of pesticides or other practices to manage insects, diseases, and weeds, producer... more Without the use of pesticides or other practices to manage insects, diseases, and weeds, producers may suffer significant losses. Nominal expenditures on pesticides increased steadily for most of the last half-century, and after reaching a plateau in 1998, increased to a record 10.0billionin2007,drivenprimarilybyexpandedcornacres(ERS,2008).USDAestimatesanadditional9percentincreasein2008pesticideexpenditurestonearly10.0 billion in 2007, driven primarily by expanded corn acres (ERS, 2008). USDA estimates an additional 9 percent increase in 2008 pesticide expenditures to nearly 10.0billionin2007,drivenprimarilybyexpandedcornacres(ERS,2008).USDAestimatesanadditional9percentincreasein2008pesticideexpenditurestonearly11.0 billion. However, in real terms, pesticide expenditures remain well below the 1998 peak, as shown in Figure 1, as do total pounds of pesticides-about 480 million pounds in 2007, as shown in Figure 2. Farmers use an array of pest management practices resulting in a diverse pattern of agricultural chemical use. Both herbicides and insecticides are important in corn and cotton production, while soybean producers rely mostly on herbicides. In recent years, we have witnessed a significant trend toward replacing relatively hazardous active ingredients with less hazardous ones. We see, for example, a major shift from metholachlor to acetochlor in Illinois corn pesticide use (Figure 3). All pesticides used in the United States must be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition to the approval process, Congress mandated that the EPA reregister existing pesticide products to ensure their safety. Additionally, agricultural chemical use in recent years is known to be influenced by a number of technical and policy factors, in particular rising adoption of genetically engineered (including herbicide tolerant and Bt crops) crops, corn-based ethanol production, as well as climate change, increased conservation, and changes in
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Controversies over genetically engineered (henceforth GE or GMO) crops still remain because of un... more Controversies over genetically engineered (henceforth GE or GMO) crops still remain because of uncertainties regarding their long term impact on pesticide use and on the environment if weeds and insects develop resistance to them. Updated USDA data on pesticide use and GMO adoption rates enable us to present a comprehensive analysis that spans 20 years -from 1986 to 2006-for two major crops that have benefited from intensive bioengineering research in the United States: corn and soybeans. After adjusting for the inherent heterogeneity across states and over time in the composition of herbicides and insecticides applied, results suggest that GE crops have lead to a decrease in the use of quality-adjusted pesticides with significant differences between herbicides and insecticides.
Journal of Human Resources, 2007
Journal of Human Resources, 2007
Replaced with revised version of paper 07/15/08.
This paper presents findings on the use of HT corn and quality-adjusted herbicide use for 12 key ... more This paper presents findings on the use of HT corn and quality-adjusted herbicide use for 12 key corn producing states using a panel data set for 1986-2008. Our preliminary findings indicate an insignificant impact of HT corn on herbicide use, conditioning or accounting for HT corn with other important drivers of corn herbicide use: HT soy, corn output price, glyphoste
Cette etude a pour objectif d’evaluer les consequences d’une liberalisation commerciale du commer... more Cette etude a pour objectif d’evaluer les consequences d’une liberalisation commerciale du commerce agricole et agroalimentaire entre le Mercosur et l’Union europeenne, ainsi que d’identifier les principaux points sur lesquels devront se concentrer les negociations commerciales sectorielles entre les deux blocs. Pour ce faire, une analyse detaillee du commerce agroalimentaire bilateral est effectuee, suivie de l’etude des points forts et des points faibles en termes de competitivite de chacun des deux blocs dans ce domaine. Enfin, un regard specifique est porte sur la protection appliquee aux produits agricoles et agroalimentaires au Mercosur et a l'Union europeenne, avec l’objectif d’identifier les postes pour lesquels les perspectives de gains commerciaux resultant de la liberalisation bilaterale sont les plus importants.