Alexandru Nedelea - (original) (raw)
Papers by Alexandru Nedelea
Revista Transilvană de Ştiinţe Administrative, 2004
Sustainable development has definitions according to the circumstances. In a muchvisited fragile ... more Sustainable development has definitions according to the circumstances. In a muchvisited fragile area of the countryside the focus may be on sustaining the physical environment by public administration taking steps to prevent long-term damage. In another place the accent may be on the role of public administration on sustaining the viability of the local economy, or maintaining the authenticity of the community's artistic traditions. For an office in a national park, sustainable tourism may mean achieving a proper balance for visitors between access and enjoyment; for a small hotelier it may simply be a question of wanting to ensure the family business survives another year. În literatura de specialitate internaţională, conceptul de dezvoltare durabilă a fost fundamentat plecându-se de la recunoaşterea limitelor creşterii economice. Teoria creşterii economice a fost, în esenţă, limitată mult timp la ştiinţele economice pure, neglijând unele aspecte esenţiale ale dezvoltării cum sunt: relaţiile om-natură, societate-mediu, om-societate-politică-tehnologie etc. Putem afirma că, acest concept de dezvoltare durabilă, se referă la prezentarea unor soluţii, modele de dezvoltare alternativă, tehnici "curate", nepoluante, schimbarea modelelor de producţie şi de consum actuale, pentru evitarea dezechilibrelor geobiochimice ale Terrei. Dezvoltarea durabilă înseamnă îmbunătăţirea progresivă şi menţinerea bunăstării populaţiei în corelare cu cerinţele folosirii raţionale a resurselor naturale şi ale conservării ecosistemelor. Dezvoltarea durabilă abordează conceptul calităţii vieţii în complexitate, sub aspect economic, social şi de mediu, promovând ideea echilibrului între dezvoltarea economică, echitatea socială, utilizarea eficientă şi conservarea mediului înconjurător. Elementul cheie al dezvoltării durabile îl reprezintă reconcilierea între procesul de dezvoltare şi calitatea mediului, promovarea procesului integrat de elaborare şi luare a deciziilor, atât la nivel global, cât şi regional, naţional sau local. Dezvoltarea durabilă a economiei rurale este o reflectare a dezvoltării economice. Administraţia publică are un rol deosebit de important în acest tip de dezvoltare care are rolul de a răspunde nevoilor prezente fără a leza interesele generaţiilor viitoare. Programele de amenajare regională trebuie să ţină seama de limitele şi frontierele statale, de relaţiile interstatale şi intercontinentale, de limitele şi frontierele administrative, când se pune problema amenajării concomitente a regiunilor centrale şi periferice. În România, procesul de descentralizare, început după 1990, a făcut ca rolul statului să fie preluat de către administraţiile publice locale şi regionale. Potrivit legislaţiei în vigoare, există facilităţi pe care trebuie să le acorde consiliile locale doar pentru formele de turism rural şi agroturism. Pentru a realiza o dezvoltare durabilă a regiunilor rurale este nevoie, ca la nivelul fiecărei ţări, să fie adoptată o strategie generală de protecţie a mediului. În 1995 s-a elaborat de către Ministerul Apelor, Pădurilor şi Protecţiei Mediului "Strategia protecţiei mediului în România", care, în etapa actuală, înseamnă a defini în linii generale principiile, direcţiile, obiectivele şi criteriile de identificare a acţiunilor care să conducă la o dezvoltare durabilă atât economică cât şi socială a ţării, în condiţiile tranziţiei spre economia de piaţă şi pregătirii aderării României la Uniunea Europeană.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2009
The new fiscal regimes, associated to the civil right reforms, significantly reduce each residual... more The new fiscal regimes, associated to the civil right reforms, significantly reduce each residual benefit compared to other entity types in what regards the entities based on an agricultural profile, to which a reduced tax regime is applied. The fiscal regime afferent to entities that operate in this regime is capable to represent a real competitive advantage especially in the presence of bigger costs, besides the fiscal obligations that their management implies. The IAS/IFRS standards represent the expression of a full-evolution process of the management information, which wants a global unique accounting norms system. Its appliance, practically, will determine therefore fiscal and accounting known involvements. This paper has as a goal to confront the new aspects introduced by this standards’ application regarding fiscal effects, the purpose being to supply the instruments needed by the economic agents to face, in an adequate way, the current economical context in which they activ...
This paper proposes the investigation of fear segments in tourism. By doing so, a broadly accepte... more This paper proposes the investigation of fear segments in tourism. By doing so, a broadly accepted strategic marketing tool (market segmentation) is...
International Journal of Academic Research, 2013
government and the private sector in enhancing human resource development by giving education in ... more government and the private sector in enhancing human resource development by giving education in various phases to meet the challenges of increasing demand in labor market. Three areas have been explored, namely, education budget allocations, basic education ...
Abstract: Romania's stationery market records a growth rhythm of about 10-15 percent per yea... more Abstract: Romania's stationery market records a growth rhythm of about 10-15 percent per year. For the beginning of school year 2007-2008, organizations of the type forecast a growth of 25%. During the top period, stationery sales grow generally with about 800-1000 % in ..., 2018
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2008
The government of some countries see ecotourism as having the potential of becoming a moderately ... more The government of some countries see ecotourism as having the potential of becoming a moderately useful tool for locally directed and participatory rural development based on a rational utilization of environmental and cultural resources on which tourism is based. We therefore need a better understanding of ecotourism’s impacts, and how those impacts are affected by various development and management strategies. Furthermore, ecotourism not only provides revenue and employment, but also causes undesirable environmental and social change. Unfortunately, these costs of ecotourism development are rarely evaluated in detail. If ecotourism is truly to promote a region’s welfare, it is vital that apart from the economic potential, environmental and social costs also needs to be identified, and that these costs enter into any decisions about ecotourism development. The study examined the relationships between ecotourism and economy with a view to understanding how the benefits if any are ut...
International Journal of Professional Business Review
Purpose : This study examines the impact of labor input, construction costs, and building permits... more Purpose : This study examines the impact of labor input, construction costs, and building permits on production construction. Theoritical Framework : Nowadays, construction projects are growing. Construction projects require serious management because the larger the project, the more complex the dependence on one job to another in order to achieve the desired results. Design/Methodology/Approach : The secondary data explore from European data obtained from Eurostat from 2016 to 2019. Analyzing and proving hypotheses using Smart PLS software. Findings : The labor input has impact on production construction. The Construction Cost and Building Permits are not impcat to the Production Construction. Efforts to increase business creation should be a development priority in Europe. This is not only related to efforts to achieve the demographic bonus, but also efforts to achieve increased welfare for the Europe community. Research implication : Regional revenue is money that goes in...
Peace marketing is a new concept which could be part of the category of the public international ... more Peace marketing is a new concept which could be part of the category of the public international marketing and it is, at the same time, a non-profit marketing. The concept of peace marketing is a new one, but one that should be developed because our future depends on the efficiency of the marketing campaigns for peace
Ecoforum Journal, Aug 17, 2021
The study identifies the possibilities of the grain complex of Siberia to supply grain for export... more The study identifies the possibilities of the grain complex of Siberia to supply grain for export. The role of the state and the main regulatory documents of the federal and regional levels, aimed at the development of the grain market and its export from Siberia, have been determined. Using data from the Federal Customs Service of Russia, an analysis of grain exports by regions of Siberia and grain crops for 2017-2019 was carried out. The factors hindering the export of Siberian grain have been warned. The study presents a forecast of grain exports by the regions of Siberia until 2025, as well as its promising directions and priority sales markets. To identify trends in the development of grain exports, the main commodity groups (wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat) were considered. Priority sales markets have been identified, to which supplies should be increased, while solving transport and logistics problems, overcoming tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Ecoforum Journal, May 4, 2021
The development of the evolution of accounting software has made significant changes to the ease ... more The development of the evolution of accounting software has made significant changes to the ease of financial information and decision making for leaders in each organizational unit, especially for accountants who work in the audit department (as auditors) and in accounting (as auditees). The purpose of this study is to determine the essence of satisfaction for auditors and auditors behind the evolution of accounting software. This research is a qualitative research with interpretive phenomenology method. The research data were obtained through indepth interviews and observations. The results showed that each informant has his own perception about the evolution of accounting software. Informants (auditors and auditees) consider that the evolution of accounting software provides convenience and satisfaction in the process of completing their work as accountants, especially in presenting data quickly and accurately. Furthermore, informants have confidence in carrying out their duties as accountants even though they are not from an accounting education background because accounting software provides applications that are easy to learn and familiar to ordinary people. Accountants are required to be professional in their fields because their work is not just debiting, posting and printing financial reports because accounting software has not been able to carry out some of the functions of accountants in validating transaction data, making analyzes, conducting reconciliation, evaluating and recommendations, therefore accountants are required to have competence and expertise to support optimal performance. As a recommendation from the informant to the leaders of each organization that even though the evolution of accounting software has provided job satisfaction and helped the work processes of accountants, to achieve good and optimal performance is largely determined by the principle of the right man on the right place.
Ecoforum Journal, Jan 31, 2021
An integrated information system is a necessity to assist companies in solving problems for the m... more An integrated information system is a necessity to assist companies in solving problems for the management of business transactions. System Application and Product (SAP) application is an application that is able to provide solutions to these problems. The purpose of this study was to determine how the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Application and Product (SAP) management process at PTPN III Sei Dadap. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study can be concluded that the administrative activities of the management process in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Application and Product (SAP) at PTPN III Sei Dadap have been integrated in real time quickly, effectively and efficiently. This can be seen from the gradual implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), starting from the preparation of global templates, pilot projects, roll out, business planning and consolidation, and finally the business intelligent dashboard.
Ecoforum Journal, May 4, 2021
The development and evolution of software related to the payroll process is very important not on... more The development and evolution of software related to the payroll process is very important not only with regard to employee databases but also to the compensation of each employee whose data is very confidential, the payment system to be carried out, the accounting journal that can be generated, data security, calculation of income tax as well as employee's social security, health and pension calculations. This research is to ensure that the impact on the use of software Krishand 1 Payrollvery helpful in the process of replacing Microsoft Office Excel with various business considerations that are better, more accurate, faster and safer. Themethod in this research uses descriptive methods to explain problems that occur at this time or occur as they should when the research was carried out. Computer-based accounting information system related to payroll, inthis case is done by Krishand 1 Payroll can help companies to be able to leave processes that are done manually using Microsoft Office Excel and this can improve company performance and data security because of the security access facilities for administrator, application, operator, and data entry functions. And also all calculations and payments become faster and more accurate.
Ecoforum Journal, Aug 17, 2021
Revenue from product sales is the most important component for a company where the role of the in... more Revenue from product sales is the most important component for a company where the role of the information system in the revenue cycle plays an important role on capturing any single information related to the market, customers, availability of supplies for sale, payment systems from customers, product delivery time to customers, and how quickly this information can be gathered to become an information that can support decision making. This researchintends to get certainty that the use of digitizing the revenue cycle process will create a very positive impact on companies with better, faster, more accurate, and safer business considerations, as decisionmaking materials that can be made faster at any time. The method in this research uses descriptive methods to present a complete picture of social conditions or is intended for exploration and clarification of a social phenomenon or reality, by describing a number of variables. Digitalization in the revenue cycle can be done by implementing a barcode system and adding the existing information in the company database to a cellular tablet which become a tool for the sales team, so that the system will mutually integrate and update information data after the sales execution process is carried out. Prior to the system implementation, information can only be received by decision makers within the next 2 working days after the sales execution process is carried out.
Ecoforum, 2015
Achieving the controlling approach at the companies has the obvious advantage that it is getting ... more Achieving the controlling approach at the companies has the obvious advantage that it is getting easier to exactly define the strategic and operative objectives, the planning system encourages the increase of performance and the decrease of costs and it helps by comparing plan-fact data. By defining the indices and continuous monitoring it is easier to get the fact data closer to the plans, so in case of careful planning business risk can be reduced. With the application of the controlling approach enterprises can be made economical, efficient and effective, so the activity naturally involving several risks, namely weather conditions, biological hazards, can be made more predictable. To sum up, the application of the Balanced Scorecard at the enterprises on the one hand helps short-term profitability and on the other hand designates what to do to reach long-term financial profitability and competitiveness. The objective of the research was to conduct a survey via questionnaires suit...
Ecoforum, 2017
This study applies Enders and Siklos’ (2001) procedure to test for the long-run asymmetric co-int... more This study applies Enders and Siklos’ (2001) procedure to test for the long-run asymmetric co-integrating relationship and short-run dynamic Granger causality between Pakistani lending and deposit rates set by public, private, foreign, specialized, and all banks combined over the period January 2004 to December 2013. Terrorist activities on the money market plays negative role. The empirical results suggest a long-run asymmetric co-integration relationship between the rates. The Granger causality tests suggest bidirectional and asymmetric causality between lending and deposit rates set by Pakistani public and private banks, while the lending rates set by the country’s foreign, specialized and all banks combined are exogenous from their deposit rates. The unusually fast and overshot adjustments of the lending rates in response to increases in the intermediation premium of public banks are interpreted as graft maximization. The asymmetric and different nature of the Granger causalit...
Ecoforum, 2015
Sustainable development is an approach that aims to preserve the environment and the culture of c... more Sustainable development is an approach that aims to preserve the environment and the culture of communities hosting tourists and at the same time to meet the needs of tourists and to maintain the growth of tourism industry. These objectives are more and more related to eco-labelling, which provides the certification based on a series of benchmarks developed and verified by a third party. The labelling of an organization as an ecotourism organization requires the compliance with certain criteria as those required by the European Ecotourism Labelling Standard. Natura 2000 Crisul Repede Gorge– Pădurea Craiului Pass site will have to prove that it is in compliance with the prerequisites to become an ecotourism destination. The objectives of this paper are: to identify the prerequisites that a destination must comply with in order to be labelled an ecotourism destination, focusing on the prerequisites related to the existence and behaviour of tourist reception structures; to identify the...
Microfinance institutions are proved to be a powerful tool for financial inclusion through financ... more Microfinance institutions are proved to be a powerful tool for financial inclusion through financing entrepreneurial activities in rural and urban areas. However, to reach at their objectives, microfinance institutions need to be financially sustainable and sustainability largely depends on profitability. Given the above rationality, the purpose of this study is investigating determinants of microfinance institutions profitability in Ethiopia over a period of nine years (2010-2018) in the twelve purposively selected institutions. The study investigated eight microfinance institutions profitability indicators including debt equity ratio, l iq u id i t y ratio, operational self-sufficiency ratio, financial self-sufficiency ratio, portfolio at risk, loan loss reserve ratio, operating expense ratio and total assets (size). Profitability of microfinance institutions is measured by return on asset. Quantitative research approach was employed and secondary data were collected from the audi...
Revista Transilvană de Ştiinţe Administrative, 2004
Sustainable development has definitions according to the circumstances. In a muchvisited fragile ... more Sustainable development has definitions according to the circumstances. In a muchvisited fragile area of the countryside the focus may be on sustaining the physical environment by public administration taking steps to prevent long-term damage. In another place the accent may be on the role of public administration on sustaining the viability of the local economy, or maintaining the authenticity of the community's artistic traditions. For an office in a national park, sustainable tourism may mean achieving a proper balance for visitors between access and enjoyment; for a small hotelier it may simply be a question of wanting to ensure the family business survives another year. În literatura de specialitate internaţională, conceptul de dezvoltare durabilă a fost fundamentat plecându-se de la recunoaşterea limitelor creşterii economice. Teoria creşterii economice a fost, în esenţă, limitată mult timp la ştiinţele economice pure, neglijând unele aspecte esenţiale ale dezvoltării cum sunt: relaţiile om-natură, societate-mediu, om-societate-politică-tehnologie etc. Putem afirma că, acest concept de dezvoltare durabilă, se referă la prezentarea unor soluţii, modele de dezvoltare alternativă, tehnici "curate", nepoluante, schimbarea modelelor de producţie şi de consum actuale, pentru evitarea dezechilibrelor geobiochimice ale Terrei. Dezvoltarea durabilă înseamnă îmbunătăţirea progresivă şi menţinerea bunăstării populaţiei în corelare cu cerinţele folosirii raţionale a resurselor naturale şi ale conservării ecosistemelor. Dezvoltarea durabilă abordează conceptul calităţii vieţii în complexitate, sub aspect economic, social şi de mediu, promovând ideea echilibrului între dezvoltarea economică, echitatea socială, utilizarea eficientă şi conservarea mediului înconjurător. Elementul cheie al dezvoltării durabile îl reprezintă reconcilierea între procesul de dezvoltare şi calitatea mediului, promovarea procesului integrat de elaborare şi luare a deciziilor, atât la nivel global, cât şi regional, naţional sau local. Dezvoltarea durabilă a economiei rurale este o reflectare a dezvoltării economice. Administraţia publică are un rol deosebit de important în acest tip de dezvoltare care are rolul de a răspunde nevoilor prezente fără a leza interesele generaţiilor viitoare. Programele de amenajare regională trebuie să ţină seama de limitele şi frontierele statale, de relaţiile interstatale şi intercontinentale, de limitele şi frontierele administrative, când se pune problema amenajării concomitente a regiunilor centrale şi periferice. În România, procesul de descentralizare, început după 1990, a făcut ca rolul statului să fie preluat de către administraţiile publice locale şi regionale. Potrivit legislaţiei în vigoare, există facilităţi pe care trebuie să le acorde consiliile locale doar pentru formele de turism rural şi agroturism. Pentru a realiza o dezvoltare durabilă a regiunilor rurale este nevoie, ca la nivelul fiecărei ţări, să fie adoptată o strategie generală de protecţie a mediului. În 1995 s-a elaborat de către Ministerul Apelor, Pădurilor şi Protecţiei Mediului "Strategia protecţiei mediului în România", care, în etapa actuală, înseamnă a defini în linii generale principiile, direcţiile, obiectivele şi criteriile de identificare a acţiunilor care să conducă la o dezvoltare durabilă atât economică cât şi socială a ţării, în condiţiile tranziţiei spre economia de piaţă şi pregătirii aderării României la Uniunea Europeană.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2009
The new fiscal regimes, associated to the civil right reforms, significantly reduce each residual... more The new fiscal regimes, associated to the civil right reforms, significantly reduce each residual benefit compared to other entity types in what regards the entities based on an agricultural profile, to which a reduced tax regime is applied. The fiscal regime afferent to entities that operate in this regime is capable to represent a real competitive advantage especially in the presence of bigger costs, besides the fiscal obligations that their management implies. The IAS/IFRS standards represent the expression of a full-evolution process of the management information, which wants a global unique accounting norms system. Its appliance, practically, will determine therefore fiscal and accounting known involvements. This paper has as a goal to confront the new aspects introduced by this standards’ application regarding fiscal effects, the purpose being to supply the instruments needed by the economic agents to face, in an adequate way, the current economical context in which they activ...
This paper proposes the investigation of fear segments in tourism. By doing so, a broadly accepte... more This paper proposes the investigation of fear segments in tourism. By doing so, a broadly accepted strategic marketing tool (market segmentation) is...
International Journal of Academic Research, 2013
government and the private sector in enhancing human resource development by giving education in ... more government and the private sector in enhancing human resource development by giving education in various phases to meet the challenges of increasing demand in labor market. Three areas have been explored, namely, education budget allocations, basic education ...
Abstract: Romania's stationery market records a growth rhythm of about 10-15 percent per yea... more Abstract: Romania's stationery market records a growth rhythm of about 10-15 percent per year. For the beginning of school year 2007-2008, organizations of the type forecast a growth of 25%. During the top period, stationery sales grow generally with about 800-1000 % in ..., 2018
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2008
The government of some countries see ecotourism as having the potential of becoming a moderately ... more The government of some countries see ecotourism as having the potential of becoming a moderately useful tool for locally directed and participatory rural development based on a rational utilization of environmental and cultural resources on which tourism is based. We therefore need a better understanding of ecotourism’s impacts, and how those impacts are affected by various development and management strategies. Furthermore, ecotourism not only provides revenue and employment, but also causes undesirable environmental and social change. Unfortunately, these costs of ecotourism development are rarely evaluated in detail. If ecotourism is truly to promote a region’s welfare, it is vital that apart from the economic potential, environmental and social costs also needs to be identified, and that these costs enter into any decisions about ecotourism development. The study examined the relationships between ecotourism and economy with a view to understanding how the benefits if any are ut...
International Journal of Professional Business Review
Purpose : This study examines the impact of labor input, construction costs, and building permits... more Purpose : This study examines the impact of labor input, construction costs, and building permits on production construction. Theoritical Framework : Nowadays, construction projects are growing. Construction projects require serious management because the larger the project, the more complex the dependence on one job to another in order to achieve the desired results. Design/Methodology/Approach : The secondary data explore from European data obtained from Eurostat from 2016 to 2019. Analyzing and proving hypotheses using Smart PLS software. Findings : The labor input has impact on production construction. The Construction Cost and Building Permits are not impcat to the Production Construction. Efforts to increase business creation should be a development priority in Europe. This is not only related to efforts to achieve the demographic bonus, but also efforts to achieve increased welfare for the Europe community. Research implication : Regional revenue is money that goes in...
Peace marketing is a new concept which could be part of the category of the public international ... more Peace marketing is a new concept which could be part of the category of the public international marketing and it is, at the same time, a non-profit marketing. The concept of peace marketing is a new one, but one that should be developed because our future depends on the efficiency of the marketing campaigns for peace
Ecoforum Journal, Aug 17, 2021
The study identifies the possibilities of the grain complex of Siberia to supply grain for export... more The study identifies the possibilities of the grain complex of Siberia to supply grain for export. The role of the state and the main regulatory documents of the federal and regional levels, aimed at the development of the grain market and its export from Siberia, have been determined. Using data from the Federal Customs Service of Russia, an analysis of grain exports by regions of Siberia and grain crops for 2017-2019 was carried out. The factors hindering the export of Siberian grain have been warned. The study presents a forecast of grain exports by the regions of Siberia until 2025, as well as its promising directions and priority sales markets. To identify trends in the development of grain exports, the main commodity groups (wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat) were considered. Priority sales markets have been identified, to which supplies should be increased, while solving transport and logistics problems, overcoming tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Ecoforum Journal, May 4, 2021
The development of the evolution of accounting software has made significant changes to the ease ... more The development of the evolution of accounting software has made significant changes to the ease of financial information and decision making for leaders in each organizational unit, especially for accountants who work in the audit department (as auditors) and in accounting (as auditees). The purpose of this study is to determine the essence of satisfaction for auditors and auditors behind the evolution of accounting software. This research is a qualitative research with interpretive phenomenology method. The research data were obtained through indepth interviews and observations. The results showed that each informant has his own perception about the evolution of accounting software. Informants (auditors and auditees) consider that the evolution of accounting software provides convenience and satisfaction in the process of completing their work as accountants, especially in presenting data quickly and accurately. Furthermore, informants have confidence in carrying out their duties as accountants even though they are not from an accounting education background because accounting software provides applications that are easy to learn and familiar to ordinary people. Accountants are required to be professional in their fields because their work is not just debiting, posting and printing financial reports because accounting software has not been able to carry out some of the functions of accountants in validating transaction data, making analyzes, conducting reconciliation, evaluating and recommendations, therefore accountants are required to have competence and expertise to support optimal performance. As a recommendation from the informant to the leaders of each organization that even though the evolution of accounting software has provided job satisfaction and helped the work processes of accountants, to achieve good and optimal performance is largely determined by the principle of the right man on the right place.
Ecoforum Journal, Jan 31, 2021
An integrated information system is a necessity to assist companies in solving problems for the m... more An integrated information system is a necessity to assist companies in solving problems for the management of business transactions. System Application and Product (SAP) application is an application that is able to provide solutions to these problems. The purpose of this study was to determine how the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Application and Product (SAP) management process at PTPN III Sei Dadap. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study can be concluded that the administrative activities of the management process in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Application and Product (SAP) at PTPN III Sei Dadap have been integrated in real time quickly, effectively and efficiently. This can be seen from the gradual implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), starting from the preparation of global templates, pilot projects, roll out, business planning and consolidation, and finally the business intelligent dashboard.
Ecoforum Journal, May 4, 2021
The development and evolution of software related to the payroll process is very important not on... more The development and evolution of software related to the payroll process is very important not only with regard to employee databases but also to the compensation of each employee whose data is very confidential, the payment system to be carried out, the accounting journal that can be generated, data security, calculation of income tax as well as employee's social security, health and pension calculations. This research is to ensure that the impact on the use of software Krishand 1 Payrollvery helpful in the process of replacing Microsoft Office Excel with various business considerations that are better, more accurate, faster and safer. Themethod in this research uses descriptive methods to explain problems that occur at this time or occur as they should when the research was carried out. Computer-based accounting information system related to payroll, inthis case is done by Krishand 1 Payroll can help companies to be able to leave processes that are done manually using Microsoft Office Excel and this can improve company performance and data security because of the security access facilities for administrator, application, operator, and data entry functions. And also all calculations and payments become faster and more accurate.
Ecoforum Journal, Aug 17, 2021
Revenue from product sales is the most important component for a company where the role of the in... more Revenue from product sales is the most important component for a company where the role of the information system in the revenue cycle plays an important role on capturing any single information related to the market, customers, availability of supplies for sale, payment systems from customers, product delivery time to customers, and how quickly this information can be gathered to become an information that can support decision making. This researchintends to get certainty that the use of digitizing the revenue cycle process will create a very positive impact on companies with better, faster, more accurate, and safer business considerations, as decisionmaking materials that can be made faster at any time. The method in this research uses descriptive methods to present a complete picture of social conditions or is intended for exploration and clarification of a social phenomenon or reality, by describing a number of variables. Digitalization in the revenue cycle can be done by implementing a barcode system and adding the existing information in the company database to a cellular tablet which become a tool for the sales team, so that the system will mutually integrate and update information data after the sales execution process is carried out. Prior to the system implementation, information can only be received by decision makers within the next 2 working days after the sales execution process is carried out.
Ecoforum, 2015
Achieving the controlling approach at the companies has the obvious advantage that it is getting ... more Achieving the controlling approach at the companies has the obvious advantage that it is getting easier to exactly define the strategic and operative objectives, the planning system encourages the increase of performance and the decrease of costs and it helps by comparing plan-fact data. By defining the indices and continuous monitoring it is easier to get the fact data closer to the plans, so in case of careful planning business risk can be reduced. With the application of the controlling approach enterprises can be made economical, efficient and effective, so the activity naturally involving several risks, namely weather conditions, biological hazards, can be made more predictable. To sum up, the application of the Balanced Scorecard at the enterprises on the one hand helps short-term profitability and on the other hand designates what to do to reach long-term financial profitability and competitiveness. The objective of the research was to conduct a survey via questionnaires suit...
Ecoforum, 2017
This study applies Enders and Siklos’ (2001) procedure to test for the long-run asymmetric co-int... more This study applies Enders and Siklos’ (2001) procedure to test for the long-run asymmetric co-integrating relationship and short-run dynamic Granger causality between Pakistani lending and deposit rates set by public, private, foreign, specialized, and all banks combined over the period January 2004 to December 2013. Terrorist activities on the money market plays negative role. The empirical results suggest a long-run asymmetric co-integration relationship between the rates. The Granger causality tests suggest bidirectional and asymmetric causality between lending and deposit rates set by Pakistani public and private banks, while the lending rates set by the country’s foreign, specialized and all banks combined are exogenous from their deposit rates. The unusually fast and overshot adjustments of the lending rates in response to increases in the intermediation premium of public banks are interpreted as graft maximization. The asymmetric and different nature of the Granger causalit...
Ecoforum, 2015
Sustainable development is an approach that aims to preserve the environment and the culture of c... more Sustainable development is an approach that aims to preserve the environment and the culture of communities hosting tourists and at the same time to meet the needs of tourists and to maintain the growth of tourism industry. These objectives are more and more related to eco-labelling, which provides the certification based on a series of benchmarks developed and verified by a third party. The labelling of an organization as an ecotourism organization requires the compliance with certain criteria as those required by the European Ecotourism Labelling Standard. Natura 2000 Crisul Repede Gorge– Pădurea Craiului Pass site will have to prove that it is in compliance with the prerequisites to become an ecotourism destination. The objectives of this paper are: to identify the prerequisites that a destination must comply with in order to be labelled an ecotourism destination, focusing on the prerequisites related to the existence and behaviour of tourist reception structures; to identify the...
Microfinance institutions are proved to be a powerful tool for financial inclusion through financ... more Microfinance institutions are proved to be a powerful tool for financial inclusion through financing entrepreneurial activities in rural and urban areas. However, to reach at their objectives, microfinance institutions need to be financially sustainable and sustainability largely depends on profitability. Given the above rationality, the purpose of this study is investigating determinants of microfinance institutions profitability in Ethiopia over a period of nine years (2010-2018) in the twelve purposively selected institutions. The study investigated eight microfinance institutions profitability indicators including debt equity ratio, l iq u id i t y ratio, operational self-sufficiency ratio, financial self-sufficiency ratio, portfolio at risk, loan loss reserve ratio, operating expense ratio and total assets (size). Profitability of microfinance institutions is measured by return on asset. Quantitative research approach was employed and secondary data were collected from the audi...