Alexey Pavolotsky - (original) (raw)


Papers by Alexey Pavolotsky

Research paper thumbnail of ALMA Band 5 (163-211 GHz) Sideband Separation Mixer

We present the design of ALMA Band 5 sideband separation SIS mixer and experimental results for t... more We present the design of ALMA Band 5 sideband separation SIS mixer and experimental results for the double side band mixer and first measurement results 2SB mixer. In this mixer, the LO injection circuitry is integrated on the mixer substrate using a directional coupler, combining microstrip lines with slot-line branches in the ground plane. The isolated port of the LO coupler is terminated by wideband floating elliptical termination. The mixer employs two SIS junctions with junction area of 3 μm2 each, in the twin junction configuration, followed by a quarter wave transformer to match the RF probe. 2SB mixer uses two identical but mirrored chips, whereas each DSB mixer has the same end-piece configuration. The 2S mixer has modular design such that DSB mixers are measured independently and then integrated into 2SB simply by placing around the middle piece. Measurements of the DSB mixer show noise temperature of around 40K over the entire band. 2SB mixer is not fully characterized yet, however, preliminary measurement indicates SSB (un-corrected) noise temperature of 80K.

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and Characterization of a Sideband Separating SIS Mixer for 85-115 GHz

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Research paper thumbnail of Multilayer technique developed for fabricating Nb-based single-electron devices

A reliable process has been developed for the fabrication of all-Nb single-electron circuits, bas... more A reliable process has been developed for the fabrication of all-Nb single-electron circuits, based on spin-on glass planarization. The process steps are the in situ growth of Nb/AlOx/Nb sandwich, definition of the patterns of junctions, base electrodes and wiring by use of reactive ion etching and the planarization of a spin-on glass insulation between base electrode and wiring. A single electron transistor made of 0.1 square micrometer area junctions clearly shows the e-periodic Coulomb blockade modulation by a voltage applied to a gate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards Multi-Pixel Heterodyne Terahertz Receivers

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Research paper thumbnail of Frequency Multiplication in a Distributed Array of SIS Junctions

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Research paper thumbnail of Micromachining Approach in Fabricating of THz Waveguide Components

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Research paper thumbnail of Ultra-thin film NbN depositions for HEB heterodyne mixer on Si-substrates

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Research paper thumbnail of ALMA Band 5 Cartridge Performance

Work presented here concerns the design and performance of the ALMA Band 5 cold cartridge, one of... more Work presented here concerns the design and performance of the ALMA Band 5 cold cartridge, one of the 10 frequency channels of ALMA project, a radio interferometer under construction at Atacama Desert in Chile. The Band 5 cartridge is a dual polarization receiver with the polarization separation performed by orthomode transducer (OMT). For each polarization, Band 5 receiver employs sideband rejection (2SB) scheme based on quadrature layout, with SIS mixers covering 163-211 GHz with 4-8 GHz IF. The LO injection circuitry is integrated with mixer chip and is implemented on the same substrate, resulting in a compact 2SB assembly. Amongst the other ALMA bands, the ALMA Band 5 being the lowest frequency band that uses all cold optics, has the largest mirror. Consequently, ALMA Band 5 mirror along with its support structure leaves very little room for placing OMT, mixers and IF subsystems. The constraints put by the size of cold optics and limited cartridge space, required of us to revise the original 2SB design and adopt a design where all the components like OMT, mixer, IF hybrid, isolators and IF amplifier are directly connected to each other without using any co-ax cables in-between. The IF subsystem uses the space between 4 K and 15 K stage of the cartridge and is thermally connected to 4 K stage. Avoiding co-ax cabling required use of custom designed IF hybrid, furthermore, due to limited cooling capacity at 4 K stage, resistive bias circuitry for the mixers is moved to 15 K stage and the IF hybrid along with an integrated bias-T is implemented using superconducting micro-strip lines. The E-probes for both LO and RF waveguide-to-microstrip transitions are placed perpendicular to the wave direction (back-piece configuration). The RF choke at the end of the probes provides a virtual ground for the RF/LO signal, and the choke is DC grounded to the chassis. The on-chip LO injection is done using a microstrip line directional coupler with slot-line branches in the ground plane. The isolated port of the LO coupler is terminated by floating wideband elliptical termination. The mixer employs two SIS junctions with junction area of 3 mum2 each, in twin junction configuration, followed by a quarter wave transformer to couple it to the signal probe. A quarter-wave high impedance line on an extra layer of SiO2 is used to extract the IF by separating from RF. At the conference, we plan to present details of the cartridge design and results of the experimental characterization of the ALMA Band 5 cold cartridge.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Technology Demonstrator for 1.6�2.0�THz Waveguide HEB Receiver with a Novel Mixer Layout

Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Mar 3, 2011

In this paper, we present our studies on a technology demonstrator for a balanced waveguide hot-e... more In this paper, we present our studies on a technology demonstrator for a balanced waveguide hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer operating in the 1.6-2.0 THz band. The design employs a novel layout for the HEB mixer combining several key technologies: all-metal THz waveguide micromachining, ultra-thin NbN film deposition and a micromachining of a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate to manufacture the HEB mixer. In this paper, we present a novel mixer layout that greatly facilitates handling and mounting of the mixer chip via self-aligning as well as provides easy electrical interfacing. In our opinion, this opens up a real prospective for building multi-pixel waveguide THz receivers. Such receivers could be of interest for SOFIA, possible follow up of the Herschel HIFI, and even for ground based telescopes yet over limited periods of time with extremely dry weather (PWV less than 0.1 mm).

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Research paper thumbnail of A 275-370 GHz SIS Mixer for the APEX Telescope

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Research paper thumbnail of Superconducting 4-8 GHz Hybrid Assembly for 2SB Cryogenic THz Receivers

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Research paper thumbnail of High Performance of Resistive Thin-film Termination for Microstrip Lines

Conference Digest 29th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics Sept 27 Oct 1 2004 Karlsruhe Germany Eds M Thumm W Wiesbeck, 2004


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Research paper thumbnail of A 275-370 GHz Receiver SIS Mixer With Novel Probe Structure

International J of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Waveguide Packaging Technology for THz Components and Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambient temperature growth of mono- and polycrystalline NbN nanofilms and their surface and composition analysis

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Dependence of the scatter of the electrical properties on local non-uniformities of the tunnel barrier in Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb junctions

Journal of Applied Physics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Junction Properties' Variations Due to Storage and Mounting

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Research paper thumbnail of SIS Mixer for 385-500 GHz with On-Chip LO injection

We present the design and first experimental results of a 385-500 GHz fixed-tuned double sideband... more We present the design and first experimental results of a 385-500 GHz fixed-tuned double sideband (DSB) receiver based on a superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junction mixer with on-chip LO injection circuitry. At high frequency, branch waveguide couplers are difficult to manufacture with required accuracy as the branches (slots) become extremely narrow. In order to solve this problem, we propose a coupler integrated

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Research paper thumbnail of Multilayer technique for fabricating Nb junction circuits exhibiting charging effects

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Difference in charge transport properties of Ni-Nb thin films with native and artificial oxide

Journal of Applied Physics, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of ALMA Band 5 (163-211 GHz) Sideband Separation Mixer

We present the design of ALMA Band 5 sideband separation SIS mixer and experimental results for t... more We present the design of ALMA Band 5 sideband separation SIS mixer and experimental results for the double side band mixer and first measurement results 2SB mixer. In this mixer, the LO injection circuitry is integrated on the mixer substrate using a directional coupler, combining microstrip lines with slot-line branches in the ground plane. The isolated port of the LO coupler is terminated by wideband floating elliptical termination. The mixer employs two SIS junctions with junction area of 3 μm2 each, in the twin junction configuration, followed by a quarter wave transformer to match the RF probe. 2SB mixer uses two identical but mirrored chips, whereas each DSB mixer has the same end-piece configuration. The 2S mixer has modular design such that DSB mixers are measured independently and then integrated into 2SB simply by placing around the middle piece. Measurements of the DSB mixer show noise temperature of around 40K over the entire band. 2SB mixer is not fully characterized yet, however, preliminary measurement indicates SSB (un-corrected) noise temperature of 80K.

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Research paper thumbnail of Design and Characterization of a Sideband Separating SIS Mixer for 85-115 GHz

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Research paper thumbnail of Multilayer technique developed for fabricating Nb-based single-electron devices

A reliable process has been developed for the fabrication of all-Nb single-electron circuits, bas... more A reliable process has been developed for the fabrication of all-Nb single-electron circuits, based on spin-on glass planarization. The process steps are the in situ growth of Nb/AlOx/Nb sandwich, definition of the patterns of junctions, base electrodes and wiring by use of reactive ion etching and the planarization of a spin-on glass insulation between base electrode and wiring. A single electron transistor made of 0.1 square micrometer area junctions clearly shows the e-periodic Coulomb blockade modulation by a voltage applied to a gate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards Multi-Pixel Heterodyne Terahertz Receivers

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Research paper thumbnail of Frequency Multiplication in a Distributed Array of SIS Junctions

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Research paper thumbnail of Micromachining Approach in Fabricating of THz Waveguide Components

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Research paper thumbnail of Ultra-thin film NbN depositions for HEB heterodyne mixer on Si-substrates

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Research paper thumbnail of ALMA Band 5 Cartridge Performance

Work presented here concerns the design and performance of the ALMA Band 5 cold cartridge, one of... more Work presented here concerns the design and performance of the ALMA Band 5 cold cartridge, one of the 10 frequency channels of ALMA project, a radio interferometer under construction at Atacama Desert in Chile. The Band 5 cartridge is a dual polarization receiver with the polarization separation performed by orthomode transducer (OMT). For each polarization, Band 5 receiver employs sideband rejection (2SB) scheme based on quadrature layout, with SIS mixers covering 163-211 GHz with 4-8 GHz IF. The LO injection circuitry is integrated with mixer chip and is implemented on the same substrate, resulting in a compact 2SB assembly. Amongst the other ALMA bands, the ALMA Band 5 being the lowest frequency band that uses all cold optics, has the largest mirror. Consequently, ALMA Band 5 mirror along with its support structure leaves very little room for placing OMT, mixers and IF subsystems. The constraints put by the size of cold optics and limited cartridge space, required of us to revise the original 2SB design and adopt a design where all the components like OMT, mixer, IF hybrid, isolators and IF amplifier are directly connected to each other without using any co-ax cables in-between. The IF subsystem uses the space between 4 K and 15 K stage of the cartridge and is thermally connected to 4 K stage. Avoiding co-ax cabling required use of custom designed IF hybrid, furthermore, due to limited cooling capacity at 4 K stage, resistive bias circuitry for the mixers is moved to 15 K stage and the IF hybrid along with an integrated bias-T is implemented using superconducting micro-strip lines. The E-probes for both LO and RF waveguide-to-microstrip transitions are placed perpendicular to the wave direction (back-piece configuration). The RF choke at the end of the probes provides a virtual ground for the RF/LO signal, and the choke is DC grounded to the chassis. The on-chip LO injection is done using a microstrip line directional coupler with slot-line branches in the ground plane. The isolated port of the LO coupler is terminated by floating wideband elliptical termination. The mixer employs two SIS junctions with junction area of 3 mum2 each, in twin junction configuration, followed by a quarter wave transformer to couple it to the signal probe. A quarter-wave high impedance line on an extra layer of SiO2 is used to extract the IF by separating from RF. At the conference, we plan to present details of the cartridge design and results of the experimental characterization of the ALMA Band 5 cold cartridge.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Technology Demonstrator for 1.6�2.0�THz Waveguide HEB Receiver with a Novel Mixer Layout

Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Mar 3, 2011

In this paper, we present our studies on a technology demonstrator for a balanced waveguide hot-e... more In this paper, we present our studies on a technology demonstrator for a balanced waveguide hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer operating in the 1.6-2.0 THz band. The design employs a novel layout for the HEB mixer combining several key technologies: all-metal THz waveguide micromachining, ultra-thin NbN film deposition and a micromachining of a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate to manufacture the HEB mixer. In this paper, we present a novel mixer layout that greatly facilitates handling and mounting of the mixer chip via self-aligning as well as provides easy electrical interfacing. In our opinion, this opens up a real prospective for building multi-pixel waveguide THz receivers. Such receivers could be of interest for SOFIA, possible follow up of the Herschel HIFI, and even for ground based telescopes yet over limited periods of time with extremely dry weather (PWV less than 0.1 mm).

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Research paper thumbnail of A 275-370 GHz SIS Mixer for the APEX Telescope

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Research paper thumbnail of Superconducting 4-8 GHz Hybrid Assembly for 2SB Cryogenic THz Receivers

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Research paper thumbnail of High Performance of Resistive Thin-film Termination for Microstrip Lines

Conference Digest 29th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics Sept 27 Oct 1 2004 Karlsruhe Germany Eds M Thumm W Wiesbeck, 2004


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Research paper thumbnail of A 275-370 GHz Receiver SIS Mixer With Novel Probe Structure

International J of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Waveguide Packaging Technology for THz Components and Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambient temperature growth of mono- and polycrystalline NbN nanofilms and their surface and composition analysis

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Dependence of the scatter of the electrical properties on local non-uniformities of the tunnel barrier in Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb junctions

Journal of Applied Physics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Junction Properties' Variations Due to Storage and Mounting

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Research paper thumbnail of SIS Mixer for 385-500 GHz with On-Chip LO injection

We present the design and first experimental results of a 385-500 GHz fixed-tuned double sideband... more We present the design and first experimental results of a 385-500 GHz fixed-tuned double sideband (DSB) receiver based on a superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junction mixer with on-chip LO injection circuitry. At high frequency, branch waveguide couplers are difficult to manufacture with required accuracy as the branches (slots) become extremely narrow. In order to solve this problem, we propose a coupler integrated

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Research paper thumbnail of Multilayer technique for fabricating Nb junction circuits exhibiting charging effects

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Difference in charge transport properties of Ni-Nb thin films with native and artificial oxide

Journal of Applied Physics, 2015

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