Alfa Vainoras - (original) (raw)
Papers by Alfa Vainoras
The aim of this study was to evaluate HRV in deep breathing conditions for patients with ischemic... more The aim of this study was to evaluate HRV in deep breathing conditions for patients with ischemic heart disease, using regular measures, and to extend the method by investigating HRV changes in consecutive breathing cycles. Methods and study population The study consisted of two parts, one was carried out in the Department of Cardiology at Kaunas medical University and the other
Studies in health technology and informatics
Cardiovascular diseases remain the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Lithuania, and early ... more Cardiovascular diseases remain the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Lithuania, and early detection of those diseases is one of opportunities to reduce this problem. Usage of information technologies including clinical decision support systems, telemedicine networks and computer analysis of cardiac signals, can serve this purpose. Therefore, the presented paper deals with development of a system for the analysis of 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECG), impedance cardiograms (ICG) and seismocardiograms (SCG) in the aim to use it in a wider cardiologic teleconsultative system. Such a complex set of signals makes it possible to monitor the electric (ECG), hemodynamic (ICG) and mechanical (SCG) properties of cardiac activity. The hardware for synchronous recording of 12-lead ECG, ICG and SCG as well as the software containing programs for signal input, recognition, measurement, analysis and data transmission has been developed.
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 2005
To identify the links between the changes of functional indicators and the level of mental workin... more To identify the links between the changes of functional indicators and the level of mental working capacity of athletic and non-athletic females after standardized physical loa. The study was performed in the Center for Research of Human Physical Abilities of Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. Ten athletic and eight non-athletic females participated in the study. During the study electrocardiogram and RR intervals were registered and artery blood pressure was measured. All data were recorded using specialized computer software. Recovery processes were estimated as half periods of recovery indicators. The test of the mental working capacity was performed 5 min. before and after physical load. Reaction to physical load and recovery were faster of athletic than non-athletic females. The faster recovery (half period T was shorter) was seen in ratio of heart function and regulatory system possibly in order the whole recovery process could be controlled (estimated by ratio T(JT/RR)...
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular functional parameter changes for 30-40 y... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular functional parameter changes for 30-40 year old women following the aerobics exercise program. The material consisted of 14 women, who participated in aerobics exercise 3 times per week (the average age 33.71±1.28 years). The following methods were used in this work: arterial blood pressure measuring, electrocardiogram analysis and bicycle ergometry work. System of ECG analysis "Kaunas-Krūvis" was used for the monitoring of cardiovascular system reactions. 12 ECG standard derivations were synchronically recorded. Physical work method of provocative incremental bicycle ergometry exercise was used. The bicycle ergometry work was performed applying 50 W intensity in the beginning and increasing the power every minute by 25 W. The following functional parameters were estimated in this study: heart rate, arterial blood pressure, JT interval, ST segment depression at rest and in each level of functional load. Results. It was established that heart beat rate of participants statistically significantly decreased (p<0.05) at rest and in each level of functional load after one year of regular aerobics exercise. Although JT interval values of participating women were higher during the second examination than during the first one, only in one level of functional load (at 75 W power) there was statistically significant (p<0.05) increase of this parameter. Statistically significant decrease (p<0.05) at 50 W and 75 W intensity of ST segment depression was observed in the examination. The systolic blood pressure of women, who were engaged in the aerobics exercise, did not change; the diastolic blood pressure statistically significantly decreased (p<0.05), when participant achieved 75 W and 100 W intensity. Conclusion. Aerobics exercise is the proper physical activity form for 30-40 year old women for the developing of cardiovascular functional parameters.
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Kauno medicinos universitetas, 1 Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademija Raktažodžiai: fizinis darbingum... more Kauno medicinos universitetas, 1 Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademija Raktažodžiai: fizinis darbingumas, širdies ir kraujagyslių sistema, deguonies įsotinimas. Santrauka. Iki šiol nepakankamai ištirta, kaip ir kokia seka vyksta atskiri procesai, kai, didinant fizinio krūvio intensyvumą, prasideda širdies funkcijos apribojimai. Šio tyrimo tikslas-sinchronizuota šių sistemų adaptacijos prie fizinio krūvio analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 27 savanoriai, sąlyginai sveiki vyrai. Visi tiriamieji atliko pakopomis, kas minutę, didėjantį fizinį krūvį veloergometru iki maksimalių pastangų. Krūvio metu ir pirmąsias tris atsigavimo minutes registravome 12-kos standartinių derivacijų elektrokardiogramą. Analizuoti šie rodikliai: širdies susitraukimų dažnis, ST segmento depresija (suma 12-koje atvadų). Krūvio metu ir po jo deguonies įsotinimas ir jo kitimas raumenyje buvo vertinamas neinvaziniu artimosios infraraudonosios spektroskopijos būdu (Hutchinson Technology, Hutchinson, Minnesota USA). Jutiklis tvirtinamas ant šlaunies keturgalvio raumens šoninės galvos (m. vastus lateralis). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad deguonies įsotinimo kreivės kitimas yra glaudžiai susijęs su fizinio krūvio dydžiu. Pakopomis didinant krūvį, aktyviuosiuose raumenyse deguonies kiekis mažėja. Atliekant subjektyviai sunkias (paskutines) krūvio pakopas veloergometru, dalies tiriamųjų raumenyse deguonies įsotinimas pakinta-prasideda deguonies įsotinimo laipsniškas didėjimas. Didėjant fizinio krūvio intensyvumui iki maksimalių pastangų, deguonies įsotinimo kreivės kilimas (antroji fazė) sutampa su didėjančiais išeminiais reiškiniais miokarde.
The long JTC interval of ECG can cause the life threatening arrhythmic events and is a non-questi... more The long JTC interval of ECG can cause the life threatening arrhythmic events and is a non-questionable factor of sudden death. According to some authors, the JT interval gets shorter during 4-6 hours after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The aim of this study was to determine the influence of early reperfusion on the course
Clinical decision support systems are interactive computer programs. Most advanced of these syste... more Clinical decision support systems are interactive computer programs. Most advanced of these systems are based on mathematical models. In this paper model of convolution of Mealy and Moore automata for real time ECG data analysis is introduced. The proposed model helps to effectively organize the feedback between current patient functional state and applied influence. Mathematical formalization of the system is also provided. Ill. 4, bibl. 6 (in English; abstracts in English, Russian and Lithuanian). А. Мартусевичиене, З. Навицкас, А. Ваинорас. Использование свертки автоматов Миля и Мура для анализа данных ЭКГ // Электроника и электротехника.-Каунас: Технология, 2010.-№ 4(100).-C. 103-106. В настоящее время нередко клинические системы принятия решений являются интерактивными компьютерными программами. Наиболее передовые из этих систем построены как правило на основе математических моделей. В этой работе для анализа данных ЭКГ реального времени применяется в качестве математического моделя свертика автоматов Миля и Мура. Предложенная модель позволяет эффективно организовать обратную связь между текущего функционального состояния пациента и прикладного влияния на этого пациента. Также предлагается математическая формализация системы. Ил. 4, библ. 6 (на английском языке; рефераты на английском, русском и литовском яз.). A. Martusevičienė, Z. Navickas, A. Vainoras. EKG duomenų analizė naudojant Milio ir Muro automatų sąsūką // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika.-Kaunas: Technologija, 2010.-Nr. 4(100).-P. 103-106. Klinikinių sprendimų priėmimo sistemos sistemos yra interaktyvios kompiuterinės programos. Moderniausios sistemos yra grindžiamos matematiniais modeliais. Šiame straipsnyje pasiūlytas Milio ir Muro automatų sąsūkos modelis realaus laiko EKG signalo duomenų analizei atlikti. Kadangi pasiūlytasis modelis yra adaptyvus, jis gali būti taikomas platesnei klinikinės informacijos srautų analizei. Modelis taip pat padeda efektyviai organizuoti grįžtamąjį ryšį tarp esamos paciento funkcinės būklės ir jam taikomo poveikio. Taip pat yra pateikta matematinė sistemos formalizacija. Il. 4, bibl. 6 (anglų kalba; santraukos anglų, rusų ir lietuvių k.).
Studies in health technology and informatics
The paper presents the development results of teleconsultative cardiology systems and their appli... more The paper presents the development results of teleconsultative cardiology systems and their application in rehabilitation and sport medicine. The first teleconsultative cardiology (TELECARD) system was developed for outpatient departments in the city of Kaunas, using Internet links. It was based on the CompCardioSignal terminal. One branch of the TELECARD system with a mobile CompCardioSignal terminal was used for functional state evaluation of Lithuanian sportsmen during the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. The examined results have shown that every sportsman responded differently to acclimatization and the TELECARD system provided support to physicians and coaches for making optimal decisions regarding the sportsmen's adaptation and other situations. The final telemetry system was used for rower monitoring. It was based on the new CompCardioSignal terminal with three EASI ECG leads and synchronously recorded motion signals for evaluation of human reaction to physical load. The devel...
Santrauka. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti, kaip kinta širdies skilvelių repoliarizacija po vainikinių a... more Santrauka. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti, kaip kinta širdies skilvelių repoliarizacija po vainikinių arterijų angioplastikos ligoniams, sergantiems ūminiu miokardo infarktu. Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Atlikta koronarografija ir vainikinių arterijų angioplastika 14 ligonių, sergančių ūminiu miokardo infarktu. Užrašyta 12-kos derivacijų elektrokardiograma iki vainikinių arterijų angioplastikos, atvėrus vainikinę arteriją ir praėjus 24 valandoms po jos. Rezultatai. Prieš atveriant kraujagyslę, JT intervalas svyravo 290±56 ms ribose. Atvėrus kraujagyslę, JT intervalo trukmė statistiškai reikšmingai sutrumpėjo. Tokius pačius pokyčius nustatėme ir JT d .Atvėrus kraujagyslę, JT d reikšmingai sumažėjo, o po 24 val. nesiskyrė nuo duomenų prieš atveriant kraujagyslę. Vertinant JT c intervalo kitimą, pastebėta, kad tiek prieš atveriant kraujagyslę, tiek ją atvėrus, tarp JT c reikšmių nebuvo reikšmingo skirtumo. JT c trukmė reikšmingai pailgėjo praėjus 24 val. po procedūros. Išvados. Repoliarizacijos procesų trukmės kitimas vainikinių arterijų angioplastikos metu susijęs su išeminiais pokyčiais širdyje. Ankstyva miokardo reperfuzija trumpina repoliarizaciją.
Journal of Vibroengineering
A new algebraic algorithm based on the concept of the rank of a sequence for the analysis of elec... more A new algebraic algorithm based on the concept of the rank of a sequence for the analysis of electrocardiography (ECG) signals is proposed in this paper. The task of the proposed algorithm is to develop strategy for finding the nearest algebraic progression to each segment of time series of the ECG parameters. ECG parameters of different duration were used to investigate the dynamics of different physiological processes in human heart during load. It indicates that proposed algebraic algorithm can be effectively used for the analysis of ECG parameters. Different behavior can be observed in fluctuations of ECG parameters in different fractal levels.
The aim of this study was to evaluate HRV in deep breathing conditions for patients with ischemic... more The aim of this study was to evaluate HRV in deep breathing conditions for patients with ischemic heart disease, using regular measures, and to extend the method by investigating HRV changes in consecutive breathing cycles. Methods and study population The study consisted of two parts, one was carried out in the Department of Cardiology at Kaunas medical University and the other
Studies in health technology and informatics
Cardiovascular diseases remain the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Lithuania, and early ... more Cardiovascular diseases remain the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Lithuania, and early detection of those diseases is one of opportunities to reduce this problem. Usage of information technologies including clinical decision support systems, telemedicine networks and computer analysis of cardiac signals, can serve this purpose. Therefore, the presented paper deals with development of a system for the analysis of 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECG), impedance cardiograms (ICG) and seismocardiograms (SCG) in the aim to use it in a wider cardiologic teleconsultative system. Such a complex set of signals makes it possible to monitor the electric (ECG), hemodynamic (ICG) and mechanical (SCG) properties of cardiac activity. The hardware for synchronous recording of 12-lead ECG, ICG and SCG as well as the software containing programs for signal input, recognition, measurement, analysis and data transmission has been developed.
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 2005
To identify the links between the changes of functional indicators and the level of mental workin... more To identify the links between the changes of functional indicators and the level of mental working capacity of athletic and non-athletic females after standardized physical loa. The study was performed in the Center for Research of Human Physical Abilities of Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. Ten athletic and eight non-athletic females participated in the study. During the study electrocardiogram and RR intervals were registered and artery blood pressure was measured. All data were recorded using specialized computer software. Recovery processes were estimated as half periods of recovery indicators. The test of the mental working capacity was performed 5 min. before and after physical load. Reaction to physical load and recovery were faster of athletic than non-athletic females. The faster recovery (half period T was shorter) was seen in ratio of heart function and regulatory system possibly in order the whole recovery process could be controlled (estimated by ratio T(JT/RR)...
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular functional parameter changes for 30-40 y... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular functional parameter changes for 30-40 year old women following the aerobics exercise program. The material consisted of 14 women, who participated in aerobics exercise 3 times per week (the average age 33.71±1.28 years). The following methods were used in this work: arterial blood pressure measuring, electrocardiogram analysis and bicycle ergometry work. System of ECG analysis "Kaunas-Krūvis" was used for the monitoring of cardiovascular system reactions. 12 ECG standard derivations were synchronically recorded. Physical work method of provocative incremental bicycle ergometry exercise was used. The bicycle ergometry work was performed applying 50 W intensity in the beginning and increasing the power every minute by 25 W. The following functional parameters were estimated in this study: heart rate, arterial blood pressure, JT interval, ST segment depression at rest and in each level of functional load. Results. It was established that heart beat rate of participants statistically significantly decreased (p<0.05) at rest and in each level of functional load after one year of regular aerobics exercise. Although JT interval values of participating women were higher during the second examination than during the first one, only in one level of functional load (at 75 W power) there was statistically significant (p<0.05) increase of this parameter. Statistically significant decrease (p<0.05) at 50 W and 75 W intensity of ST segment depression was observed in the examination. The systolic blood pressure of women, who were engaged in the aerobics exercise, did not change; the diastolic blood pressure statistically significantly decreased (p<0.05), when participant achieved 75 W and 100 W intensity. Conclusion. Aerobics exercise is the proper physical activity form for 30-40 year old women for the developing of cardiovascular functional parameters.
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Kauno medicinos universitetas, 1 Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademija Raktažodžiai: fizinis darbingum... more Kauno medicinos universitetas, 1 Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademija Raktažodžiai: fizinis darbingumas, širdies ir kraujagyslių sistema, deguonies įsotinimas. Santrauka. Iki šiol nepakankamai ištirta, kaip ir kokia seka vyksta atskiri procesai, kai, didinant fizinio krūvio intensyvumą, prasideda širdies funkcijos apribojimai. Šio tyrimo tikslas-sinchronizuota šių sistemų adaptacijos prie fizinio krūvio analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 27 savanoriai, sąlyginai sveiki vyrai. Visi tiriamieji atliko pakopomis, kas minutę, didėjantį fizinį krūvį veloergometru iki maksimalių pastangų. Krūvio metu ir pirmąsias tris atsigavimo minutes registravome 12-kos standartinių derivacijų elektrokardiogramą. Analizuoti šie rodikliai: širdies susitraukimų dažnis, ST segmento depresija (suma 12-koje atvadų). Krūvio metu ir po jo deguonies įsotinimas ir jo kitimas raumenyje buvo vertinamas neinvaziniu artimosios infraraudonosios spektroskopijos būdu (Hutchinson Technology, Hutchinson, Minnesota USA). Jutiklis tvirtinamas ant šlaunies keturgalvio raumens šoninės galvos (m. vastus lateralis). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad deguonies įsotinimo kreivės kitimas yra glaudžiai susijęs su fizinio krūvio dydžiu. Pakopomis didinant krūvį, aktyviuosiuose raumenyse deguonies kiekis mažėja. Atliekant subjektyviai sunkias (paskutines) krūvio pakopas veloergometru, dalies tiriamųjų raumenyse deguonies įsotinimas pakinta-prasideda deguonies įsotinimo laipsniškas didėjimas. Didėjant fizinio krūvio intensyvumui iki maksimalių pastangų, deguonies įsotinimo kreivės kilimas (antroji fazė) sutampa su didėjančiais išeminiais reiškiniais miokarde.
The long JTC interval of ECG can cause the life threatening arrhythmic events and is a non-questi... more The long JTC interval of ECG can cause the life threatening arrhythmic events and is a non-questionable factor of sudden death. According to some authors, the JT interval gets shorter during 4-6 hours after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The aim of this study was to determine the influence of early reperfusion on the course
Clinical decision support systems are interactive computer programs. Most advanced of these syste... more Clinical decision support systems are interactive computer programs. Most advanced of these systems are based on mathematical models. In this paper model of convolution of Mealy and Moore automata for real time ECG data analysis is introduced. The proposed model helps to effectively organize the feedback between current patient functional state and applied influence. Mathematical formalization of the system is also provided. Ill. 4, bibl. 6 (in English; abstracts in English, Russian and Lithuanian). А. Мартусевичиене, З. Навицкас, А. Ваинорас. Использование свертки автоматов Миля и Мура для анализа данных ЭКГ // Электроника и электротехника.-Каунас: Технология, 2010.-№ 4(100).-C. 103-106. В настоящее время нередко клинические системы принятия решений являются интерактивными компьютерными программами. Наиболее передовые из этих систем построены как правило на основе математических моделей. В этой работе для анализа данных ЭКГ реального времени применяется в качестве математического моделя свертика автоматов Миля и Мура. Предложенная модель позволяет эффективно организовать обратную связь между текущего функционального состояния пациента и прикладного влияния на этого пациента. Также предлагается математическая формализация системы. Ил. 4, библ. 6 (на английском языке; рефераты на английском, русском и литовском яз.). A. Martusevičienė, Z. Navickas, A. Vainoras. EKG duomenų analizė naudojant Milio ir Muro automatų sąsūką // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika.-Kaunas: Technologija, 2010.-Nr. 4(100).-P. 103-106. Klinikinių sprendimų priėmimo sistemos sistemos yra interaktyvios kompiuterinės programos. Moderniausios sistemos yra grindžiamos matematiniais modeliais. Šiame straipsnyje pasiūlytas Milio ir Muro automatų sąsūkos modelis realaus laiko EKG signalo duomenų analizei atlikti. Kadangi pasiūlytasis modelis yra adaptyvus, jis gali būti taikomas platesnei klinikinės informacijos srautų analizei. Modelis taip pat padeda efektyviai organizuoti grįžtamąjį ryšį tarp esamos paciento funkcinės būklės ir jam taikomo poveikio. Taip pat yra pateikta matematinė sistemos formalizacija. Il. 4, bibl. 6 (anglų kalba; santraukos anglų, rusų ir lietuvių k.).
Studies in health technology and informatics
The paper presents the development results of teleconsultative cardiology systems and their appli... more The paper presents the development results of teleconsultative cardiology systems and their application in rehabilitation and sport medicine. The first teleconsultative cardiology (TELECARD) system was developed for outpatient departments in the city of Kaunas, using Internet links. It was based on the CompCardioSignal terminal. One branch of the TELECARD system with a mobile CompCardioSignal terminal was used for functional state evaluation of Lithuanian sportsmen during the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. The examined results have shown that every sportsman responded differently to acclimatization and the TELECARD system provided support to physicians and coaches for making optimal decisions regarding the sportsmen's adaptation and other situations. The final telemetry system was used for rower monitoring. It was based on the new CompCardioSignal terminal with three EASI ECG leads and synchronously recorded motion signals for evaluation of human reaction to physical load. The devel...
Santrauka. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti, kaip kinta širdies skilvelių repoliarizacija po vainikinių a... more Santrauka. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti, kaip kinta širdies skilvelių repoliarizacija po vainikinių arterijų angioplastikos ligoniams, sergantiems ūminiu miokardo infarktu. Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Atlikta koronarografija ir vainikinių arterijų angioplastika 14 ligonių, sergančių ūminiu miokardo infarktu. Užrašyta 12-kos derivacijų elektrokardiograma iki vainikinių arterijų angioplastikos, atvėrus vainikinę arteriją ir praėjus 24 valandoms po jos. Rezultatai. Prieš atveriant kraujagyslę, JT intervalas svyravo 290±56 ms ribose. Atvėrus kraujagyslę, JT intervalo trukmė statistiškai reikšmingai sutrumpėjo. Tokius pačius pokyčius nustatėme ir JT d .Atvėrus kraujagyslę, JT d reikšmingai sumažėjo, o po 24 val. nesiskyrė nuo duomenų prieš atveriant kraujagyslę. Vertinant JT c intervalo kitimą, pastebėta, kad tiek prieš atveriant kraujagyslę, tiek ją atvėrus, tarp JT c reikšmių nebuvo reikšmingo skirtumo. JT c trukmė reikšmingai pailgėjo praėjus 24 val. po procedūros. Išvados. Repoliarizacijos procesų trukmės kitimas vainikinių arterijų angioplastikos metu susijęs su išeminiais pokyčiais širdyje. Ankstyva miokardo reperfuzija trumpina repoliarizaciją.
Journal of Vibroengineering
A new algebraic algorithm based on the concept of the rank of a sequence for the analysis of elec... more A new algebraic algorithm based on the concept of the rank of a sequence for the analysis of electrocardiography (ECG) signals is proposed in this paper. The task of the proposed algorithm is to develop strategy for finding the nearest algebraic progression to each segment of time series of the ECG parameters. ECG parameters of different duration were used to investigate the dynamics of different physiological processes in human heart during load. It indicates that proposed algebraic algorithm can be effectively used for the analysis of ECG parameters. Different behavior can be observed in fluctuations of ECG parameters in different fractal levels.