Ali Azar - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ali Azar
Professor Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist and co-founder of string field theory. He is the... more Professor Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist and co-founder of string field theory. He is the author of several scholarly textbooks and more than 70 published articles covering various topics like superstring theory, supersymmetry, supergravity and hadronic physics. Michio Kaku is also a futurist. He believes in different types of civilizations. For Michio, type 1 civilization "is truly a planetary society, who has mastered all forms of terrestrial energy. Their energy output is much greater than ours". And he continues: "We are Type 0. We still get our energy from dead plants. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me. I could only imagine what an advanced alien civilization thinks of us. With our racism, wars, and class struggles we will be lucky if we ever get to a Type 1. At the current rate, in my opinion the human race is headed toward extinction. The generation now alive and our grandchildren are the most important generations ever to walk the surface of the Earth. We are the generations that will determine whether we make the transition from Type 0 to Type 1 or we destroy ourselves because of our arrogance and our weapons." Michio Kaku
Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının öğretmen öz yeterlilik inançları... more Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının öğretmen öz yeterlilik inançları α=.05 düzeyinde istatistiksel olarak yüksek lisans eğitimini aldıkları üniversitelere göre değişmezken, öğretmen öz yeterlilikleri ile akademik başarıları arasında branşlara göre önemli farklılıklara rastlanmıştır.
Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 2003
Teaching and learning of the concept of energy and related concepts through traditional teaching ... more Teaching and learning of the concept of energy and related concepts through traditional teaching methods are difficult since these concepts are abstract and their scientific meanings are different from their daily-life meanings. Moreover, another source of this difficulty is due to deficiency of appropriate teaching materials for such abstract concepts. Constructivist approach derives from students' real-world experiences and suggests the use of computer technology for solving these problems. Due to these reasons, there is a need to develop teaching materials in order to make science concepts concrete that are too theoretical to grab, too small to see, and too big to bring to class. The aim of this study is to introduce a computer-supported instructional material based upon 5E learning model regarding the "work, power and energy" unit for 10 th grade level. Finally, e-contents of the FATIH Project might be designed according to the 5E learning model as done in this stu...
Journal of Higher Education and Science, 2011
Gelişmiş ülkeler öğretmen eğitimi konusunda yeterli ve etkili uygulamalar uygulamakta ve bunları ... more Gelişmiş ülkeler öğretmen eğitimi konusunda yeterli ve etkili uygulamalar uygulamakta ve bunları devamlı geliştirmektedir. Türkiye'de de öğretmen yeterliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu doğrultuda nitelikli öğretmen yetiştirilmesi yönünde çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu konuda Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Yükseköğretim Kurumu ve üniversitelerin Fen Edebiyat ve Eğitim Fakülteleri'nin çeşitli çalışmaları olmuştur. Öğretmen yetiştirme politikalarında yapılan değişikliklerin ön çalışma ve planlama yapılmadan politik dayatmalar şeklinde gerçekleştirilmeye çalışılmış olması, verilen eğitimin niteliğinin düşmesine yol açmıştır. Pedagojik formasyon yolu ile de nicel yönden bir artış sağlanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, eğitimin temel taşlarından olan öğretmenlerin yetiştirilmesi, nitelik ve nicelik boyutunda değerlendirilmiştir.
Istanbul University - DergiPark, Jun 1, 2006
This study aims to determine job satisfaction of primary school teachers who had their forma coll... more This study aims to determine job satisfaction of primary school teachers who had their forma college degrees in the field other than education. The sample of the study consisted of 2222 elementary education teachers (1249 females and 973 males) from 21 provinces with major towns and villages in Turkey. Job satisfaction of the subjects was examined in terms of gender, age, seniority, settlement place, and college. The criteria for job satisfaction included wish of the teacher related to administrated politics, control, physical conditions, individual factors, interpersonal factors. and payment. Results showed that the subjects weren’t satisfied with payment but they were satisfied in terms of interpersonal factors, individual factors, and control. Results are interpreted as that the satisfaction of primary school teachers with different educational background was low and the main reason for this is that fact that these people work in their related fields. They also have an inclinatio...
Bu arastirmanin amaci, sinif ogretmenlerinin Fen ve Teknoloji dersinin ogretiminde kullanilan alt... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, sinif ogretmenlerinin Fen ve Teknoloji dersinin ogretiminde kullanilan alternatif olcme ve degerlendirme teknikleri konusundaki goruslerinin demografik cinsiyet, mesleki deneyim, mezun olunan okul degiskenlere gore degisimini, bu tekniklerin kullanimlari konusundaki yeterliliklerini tespit etmektir. Ayrica, ogretmenlerin alternatif olcme ve degerlendirme teknikleri konusundaki gorus, dusunce ve duygularini derinlemesine belirlemektir. Calisma, 2006–2007 egitim-ogretim yilinda Zonguldak ili ve Karadeniz Eregli ilcesi merkezindeki Ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan dort ve besinci sinif Fen ve Teknoloji dersini okutan 161 sinif ogretmeninin katilimiyla yurutulmustur. Calismada veriler anket formu ile yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formuyla toplanmistir. Analizlerin sonucunda, ogretmenlerin alternatif olcme ve degerlendirme tekniklerinin kullanimi konusundaki goruslerinin, cinsiyet ve mesleki deneyime gore farklilik gosterdigi, mezun olunan okula gore ise farklilik...
Argumentation is a teaching method that has been frequently used by science education researchers... more Argumentation is a teaching method that has been frequently used by science education researchers in recent years and provides a learning environment in which the dialogic interaction increases. In this way the conceptual change is more persistent rather than a learning environment in which the teacher unilaterally attempts to transfer his/her own truths to the learners. This study aims to examine the effect of using argumentation as a method of teaching in the field of physics, specifically focusing on the topic of electricity, which is encountered with difficulties at conceptual level both during teaching and learning in science on conceptual understanding of pre-service science teachers. This study was designed as an exploratory study because it is aimed to gain experience of researchers as to how to implement the argumentation as a teaching method considering its effects to be determined at the end of the study. In the scope of the study two pilot studies which were designed as ...
Bu arastirma, dokuzuncu, onuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme ve mantiksal dusu... more Bu arastirma, dokuzuncu, onuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme ve mantiksal dusunme duzeylerinin cinsiyet degiskeni acisindan incelenmesi amaci ile gerceklestirilmistir. Arastirma, 2004–2005 egitim-ogretim yilinda Zonguldak ilinde tesadufi yontemle secilmis 5 lisede yapilmis olup, normal ve yabanci dille egitim yapan super lisede okumakta olan 199’u kiz, 126’i erkek toplam 325 9. 10. ve 11. sinif ogrenci uzerinde yurutulmustur. Arastirmada veri toplamak icin Problem Cozme Envanteri ve Mantiksal Dusunme Grup Testi kullanilmis, veriler, MANOVA testi ile analiz edilmistir. Sonuc olarak cinsiyet degiskenine gore 9. 10. ve 11. sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme ve mantiksal dusunme duzeyleri arasinda anlamli bir farklilik tespit edilmistir. Erkek ogrencilerin kiz ogrencilere gore problem cozme becerisi ve mantiksal dusunme duzeyleri acisindan daha basarili olduklari belirlenmistir. Ayrica secilen alan degiskeni acisindan fen bilimleri alanini tercih edenlerin mantiksal d...
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 1999
OZET: Ogretmen egitimi ulkemizde ve dunyada surekli tartisilan ve arastinlan bir konu olmasina ra... more OZET: Ogretmen egitimi ulkemizde ve dunyada surekli tartisilan ve arastinlan bir konu olmasina ragmen, ulkemiz- de bu gune kadar deneyimlere bagli olarak ogretmenlerin sinif icinde kullandiklan egitim-ogretim etkinliklerinin na- sil bir degisim gosterdigi konusu genis bir sekilde arastir- macilar tarafindan arastirilmamistir. Bu baglamda, bu ca- lismada fizik ogretmenlerinin mesleki gelisimlerinin yilla- ra bagli nasil bir degisim ve gelisme gosterdigi buna para- lel olarak kullandiklan etkinliklerin degisiminin nasil oldu- gu bu arastirma ile ortaya konulmustur. Veriler, mulakat ve yazarlar tarafindan gelistirilen gozlem formlan kullani- larak toplanmistir. Elde edilen sonuclara gore, ogretmen- lerin kullandiklan aktivite sayisinin ve her aktiviteye ayirdigi zamanin, tecrubeye gore anlamli bir degisim ve gelisim gosterdigi belirlenmistir. Sonucta, ogretmenler- deki aktivite zenginliginin artirilmasi icin bir dizi oneri- ler sunulmustur. ABSTRACT: Physics teacher's changes in teaching activitieswith experiencemany discussionandresearchon teachers evaIuationand developmenthave been going on in the word. However, the teachers changes in teaching activities with experiencehave not been taken attentionin our country up to know. In this meaning, this study researched physics teachers changes professionally and specifically the activities they used changes with experience. Date was obtained from interviews and observation schedules developed by the authors. According to the researchresults, it was found that there were a significant changes and development among teachers' teaching experience. the number of activities they used and timing giving on the activities. In order to increasethe numberof the activitiessome suggestionsfor teachersproposed.
Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, Dec 9, 2010
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, SPARC Europe Award 2009 English. Free, full text, quality... more DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, SPARC Europe Award 2009 English. Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages. ...
Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi, 2012
Enerji ve enerji ile ilgili kavramlarin, soyut yapilari ve gunluk hayatta bilimsel anlamlarindan ... more Enerji ve enerji ile ilgili kavramlarin, soyut yapilari ve gunluk hayatta bilimsel anlamlarindan farkli olarak kullanilmalarindan dolayi geleneksel yaklasimlar ile ogretilmesinde ve ogrenilmesinde zorluklar yasanmaktadir. Bu kavramlarin ogretilmesinde karsilasilan diger bir sorun ise, bu gibi soyut kavramlarin ogretiminde kullanilabilecek uygun ogretim materyallerinin yetersizligidir. Yapilandirmaci yaklasim ogrencilerin gunluk yasam deneyimlerine dayanmaktadir ve ogretim alaninda soyut kavramlarin ogretiminde karsilasilan zorluklarin cozumunde bilgisayar teknolojisinin kullanimini tavsiye etmektedir. Bu nedenle ogrencilerin, gormelerinin imkânsiz oldugu kadar kucuk, sinif ortamina getirilemeyecek kadar buyuk ve gunluk hayatta ornekleri gosterilemeyecek teorik kavramlari somutlastiracak ve ogrencilerin ogrenmelerini kolaylastiracak bilgisayar destekli ogretim materyallerinin gelistirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci; 10. sinif duzeyinde is, guc ve enerji unitesinin ogretiminde yapilandirmaci ogrenme yaklasimina dayali 5E ogrenme modeline gore bilgisayar destekli egitime ornek olusturacak bir ogretim materyali sunmaktir. Bu calismada oldugu gibi FATIH projesinde de 5E modeline uygun e-icerikler hazirlanabilir.
Uluslararası Yonetim Iktisat Ve Isletme Dergisi, Apr 13, 2012
The purpose of this study is to compare the levels of pre-service secondary Science teachers'... more The purpose of this study is to compare the levels of pre-service secondary Science teachers' self- efficacy and to analyze the change of this efficacy according to their demographic characteristics such as gender, the graduate university, and major. The study is conducted with 65 pre-service secondary science and mathematics teachers in Zonguldak Karaelmas University Non Thesis Graduated Program, 47 pr-eservice secondary Science teachers in Ondokuz Mayis University Non Thesis Graduated Program, and 38 pre-service secondary science teachers in 38 Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Non Thesis Graduated Program. These Universities had been consisting of 150 prospective teachers whom were 91 female and 59 male. As the data collection instrument, the Turkish version of "Teachers' Self Efficacy Scale" developed by Yesim Capa Aydin, Jale Cakiroglu and Hilal Sarikaya (1990) was used in this study. The results of the study were analyzed using SPSS. According to the research results, there are no significant difference pre-service secondary science and mathematics teachers' self- efficacy according to their gender at level of α=.05. But there is statistically significant relationship between to their teachers Self Efficacy' and academic achievement. These self- efficacies have changed relating to their graduate university and major.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference between academic achievement in “Selec... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference between academic achievement in “Selection and Placement Exam for University” (OSS) of students who have high critical thinking dispositions and of students who have low critical thinking disposition and whether this difference change with students’ gender, class levels (high-school graduated /high school student) and major which they studied in high school. The research was conducted with 121 students who were selected randomly and studying to prepare 2009-OSS in the province center of Kdz. Eregli. For determining the academic achievement, scores of students on test exams for OSS in 2008-2009 academic years have been used. To measure the students’ critical thinking dispositions, the “Critical Thinking
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 2006
Educational Research and Reviews, Apr 1, 2010
The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of pre-service and in-service secondary scien... more The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of pre-service and in-service secondary science teachers' self efficacy beliefs relating to science teaching and to analyze the change of these beliefs according to their demographic characteristics such as gender, the graduate school type, teaching experience and major. The study was conducted with 50 pre-service secondary science teachers and 75 secondary science teachers. As the data collection instrument, the "science teaching efficacy belief scale" (STEBS) was used in this study. According to the research results, there was no significant difference between in-service and pre-service secondary science teachers' personal self efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations about science teaching at level = 0.05. Moreover, these self efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations did not changed relating to their gender, teaching experience, but they changed relating to their graduate school type and major.
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2014
In order to use concept maps in physics classes effectively, teachers' knowledge and ideas about ... more In order to use concept maps in physics classes effectively, teachers' knowledge and ideas about concept mapping are as important as the physics knowledge used in mapping. For this reason, we aimed to examine pre-service physics teachers' knowledge on concept mapping, their ideas about the implementation of concept mapping in physics classes, the hidden elements influencing their ideas, and the relations between knowledge and ideas, qualitatively. The participants of this study were eight pre-service physics teachers enrolled in the physics education department at two state universities. The results of the interviews conducted with the participants and their artifacts revealed that although pre-service physics teachers had basic knowledge about concept mapping, they had some negative ideas about implementation in physics classes. Furthermore, language, limitation in assessment, limitation in expressions, and teacher's knowledge were identified as the sources of pre-service physics teachers' negative ideas.
Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2005
The purpose of this study was to compare the physics questions of the university entrance exam wi... more The purpose of this study was to compare the physics questions of the university entrance exam with the questions asked at the physics courses at high schools according to Bloom's Taxonomy. Twelve physics teachers teaching in high schools located in the centre of Kdz. Eregli of Turkey form the sample of this study. The data of the study was obtained
Professor Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist and co-founder of string field theory. He is the... more Professor Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist and co-founder of string field theory. He is the author of several scholarly textbooks and more than 70 published articles covering various topics like superstring theory, supersymmetry, supergravity and hadronic physics. Michio Kaku is also a futurist. He believes in different types of civilizations. For Michio, type 1 civilization "is truly a planetary society, who has mastered all forms of terrestrial energy. Their energy output is much greater than ours". And he continues: "We are Type 0. We still get our energy from dead plants. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me. I could only imagine what an advanced alien civilization thinks of us. With our racism, wars, and class struggles we will be lucky if we ever get to a Type 1. At the current rate, in my opinion the human race is headed toward extinction. The generation now alive and our grandchildren are the most important generations ever to walk the surface of the Earth. We are the generations that will determine whether we make the transition from Type 0 to Type 1 or we destroy ourselves because of our arrogance and our weapons." Michio Kaku
Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının öğretmen öz yeterlilik inançları... more Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının öğretmen öz yeterlilik inançları α=.05 düzeyinde istatistiksel olarak yüksek lisans eğitimini aldıkları üniversitelere göre değişmezken, öğretmen öz yeterlilikleri ile akademik başarıları arasında branşlara göre önemli farklılıklara rastlanmıştır.
Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 2003
Teaching and learning of the concept of energy and related concepts through traditional teaching ... more Teaching and learning of the concept of energy and related concepts through traditional teaching methods are difficult since these concepts are abstract and their scientific meanings are different from their daily-life meanings. Moreover, another source of this difficulty is due to deficiency of appropriate teaching materials for such abstract concepts. Constructivist approach derives from students' real-world experiences and suggests the use of computer technology for solving these problems. Due to these reasons, there is a need to develop teaching materials in order to make science concepts concrete that are too theoretical to grab, too small to see, and too big to bring to class. The aim of this study is to introduce a computer-supported instructional material based upon 5E learning model regarding the "work, power and energy" unit for 10 th grade level. Finally, e-contents of the FATIH Project might be designed according to the 5E learning model as done in this stu...
Journal of Higher Education and Science, 2011
Gelişmiş ülkeler öğretmen eğitimi konusunda yeterli ve etkili uygulamalar uygulamakta ve bunları ... more Gelişmiş ülkeler öğretmen eğitimi konusunda yeterli ve etkili uygulamalar uygulamakta ve bunları devamlı geliştirmektedir. Türkiye'de de öğretmen yeterliklerinin belirlenmesi ve bu doğrultuda nitelikli öğretmen yetiştirilmesi yönünde çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu konuda Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Yükseköğretim Kurumu ve üniversitelerin Fen Edebiyat ve Eğitim Fakülteleri'nin çeşitli çalışmaları olmuştur. Öğretmen yetiştirme politikalarında yapılan değişikliklerin ön çalışma ve planlama yapılmadan politik dayatmalar şeklinde gerçekleştirilmeye çalışılmış olması, verilen eğitimin niteliğinin düşmesine yol açmıştır. Pedagojik formasyon yolu ile de nicel yönden bir artış sağlanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, eğitimin temel taşlarından olan öğretmenlerin yetiştirilmesi, nitelik ve nicelik boyutunda değerlendirilmiştir.
Istanbul University - DergiPark, Jun 1, 2006
This study aims to determine job satisfaction of primary school teachers who had their forma coll... more This study aims to determine job satisfaction of primary school teachers who had their forma college degrees in the field other than education. The sample of the study consisted of 2222 elementary education teachers (1249 females and 973 males) from 21 provinces with major towns and villages in Turkey. Job satisfaction of the subjects was examined in terms of gender, age, seniority, settlement place, and college. The criteria for job satisfaction included wish of the teacher related to administrated politics, control, physical conditions, individual factors, interpersonal factors. and payment. Results showed that the subjects weren’t satisfied with payment but they were satisfied in terms of interpersonal factors, individual factors, and control. Results are interpreted as that the satisfaction of primary school teachers with different educational background was low and the main reason for this is that fact that these people work in their related fields. They also have an inclinatio...
Bu arastirmanin amaci, sinif ogretmenlerinin Fen ve Teknoloji dersinin ogretiminde kullanilan alt... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, sinif ogretmenlerinin Fen ve Teknoloji dersinin ogretiminde kullanilan alternatif olcme ve degerlendirme teknikleri konusundaki goruslerinin demografik cinsiyet, mesleki deneyim, mezun olunan okul degiskenlere gore degisimini, bu tekniklerin kullanimlari konusundaki yeterliliklerini tespit etmektir. Ayrica, ogretmenlerin alternatif olcme ve degerlendirme teknikleri konusundaki gorus, dusunce ve duygularini derinlemesine belirlemektir. Calisma, 2006–2007 egitim-ogretim yilinda Zonguldak ili ve Karadeniz Eregli ilcesi merkezindeki Ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan dort ve besinci sinif Fen ve Teknoloji dersini okutan 161 sinif ogretmeninin katilimiyla yurutulmustur. Calismada veriler anket formu ile yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formuyla toplanmistir. Analizlerin sonucunda, ogretmenlerin alternatif olcme ve degerlendirme tekniklerinin kullanimi konusundaki goruslerinin, cinsiyet ve mesleki deneyime gore farklilik gosterdigi, mezun olunan okula gore ise farklilik...
Argumentation is a teaching method that has been frequently used by science education researchers... more Argumentation is a teaching method that has been frequently used by science education researchers in recent years and provides a learning environment in which the dialogic interaction increases. In this way the conceptual change is more persistent rather than a learning environment in which the teacher unilaterally attempts to transfer his/her own truths to the learners. This study aims to examine the effect of using argumentation as a method of teaching in the field of physics, specifically focusing on the topic of electricity, which is encountered with difficulties at conceptual level both during teaching and learning in science on conceptual understanding of pre-service science teachers. This study was designed as an exploratory study because it is aimed to gain experience of researchers as to how to implement the argumentation as a teaching method considering its effects to be determined at the end of the study. In the scope of the study two pilot studies which were designed as ...
Bu arastirma, dokuzuncu, onuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme ve mantiksal dusu... more Bu arastirma, dokuzuncu, onuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme ve mantiksal dusunme duzeylerinin cinsiyet degiskeni acisindan incelenmesi amaci ile gerceklestirilmistir. Arastirma, 2004–2005 egitim-ogretim yilinda Zonguldak ilinde tesadufi yontemle secilmis 5 lisede yapilmis olup, normal ve yabanci dille egitim yapan super lisede okumakta olan 199’u kiz, 126’i erkek toplam 325 9. 10. ve 11. sinif ogrenci uzerinde yurutulmustur. Arastirmada veri toplamak icin Problem Cozme Envanteri ve Mantiksal Dusunme Grup Testi kullanilmis, veriler, MANOVA testi ile analiz edilmistir. Sonuc olarak cinsiyet degiskenine gore 9. 10. ve 11. sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme ve mantiksal dusunme duzeyleri arasinda anlamli bir farklilik tespit edilmistir. Erkek ogrencilerin kiz ogrencilere gore problem cozme becerisi ve mantiksal dusunme duzeyleri acisindan daha basarili olduklari belirlenmistir. Ayrica secilen alan degiskeni acisindan fen bilimleri alanini tercih edenlerin mantiksal d...
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 1999
OZET: Ogretmen egitimi ulkemizde ve dunyada surekli tartisilan ve arastinlan bir konu olmasina ra... more OZET: Ogretmen egitimi ulkemizde ve dunyada surekli tartisilan ve arastinlan bir konu olmasina ragmen, ulkemiz- de bu gune kadar deneyimlere bagli olarak ogretmenlerin sinif icinde kullandiklan egitim-ogretim etkinliklerinin na- sil bir degisim gosterdigi konusu genis bir sekilde arastir- macilar tarafindan arastirilmamistir. Bu baglamda, bu ca- lismada fizik ogretmenlerinin mesleki gelisimlerinin yilla- ra bagli nasil bir degisim ve gelisme gosterdigi buna para- lel olarak kullandiklan etkinliklerin degisiminin nasil oldu- gu bu arastirma ile ortaya konulmustur. Veriler, mulakat ve yazarlar tarafindan gelistirilen gozlem formlan kullani- larak toplanmistir. Elde edilen sonuclara gore, ogretmen- lerin kullandiklan aktivite sayisinin ve her aktiviteye ayirdigi zamanin, tecrubeye gore anlamli bir degisim ve gelisim gosterdigi belirlenmistir. Sonucta, ogretmenler- deki aktivite zenginliginin artirilmasi icin bir dizi oneri- ler sunulmustur. ABSTRACT: Physics teacher's changes in teaching activitieswith experiencemany discussionandresearchon teachers evaIuationand developmenthave been going on in the word. However, the teachers changes in teaching activities with experiencehave not been taken attentionin our country up to know. In this meaning, this study researched physics teachers changes professionally and specifically the activities they used changes with experience. Date was obtained from interviews and observation schedules developed by the authors. According to the researchresults, it was found that there were a significant changes and development among teachers' teaching experience. the number of activities they used and timing giving on the activities. In order to increasethe numberof the activitiessome suggestionsfor teachersproposed.
Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, Dec 9, 2010
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, SPARC Europe Award 2009 English. Free, full text, quality... more DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, SPARC Europe Award 2009 English. Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages. ...
Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi, 2012
Enerji ve enerji ile ilgili kavramlarin, soyut yapilari ve gunluk hayatta bilimsel anlamlarindan ... more Enerji ve enerji ile ilgili kavramlarin, soyut yapilari ve gunluk hayatta bilimsel anlamlarindan farkli olarak kullanilmalarindan dolayi geleneksel yaklasimlar ile ogretilmesinde ve ogrenilmesinde zorluklar yasanmaktadir. Bu kavramlarin ogretilmesinde karsilasilan diger bir sorun ise, bu gibi soyut kavramlarin ogretiminde kullanilabilecek uygun ogretim materyallerinin yetersizligidir. Yapilandirmaci yaklasim ogrencilerin gunluk yasam deneyimlerine dayanmaktadir ve ogretim alaninda soyut kavramlarin ogretiminde karsilasilan zorluklarin cozumunde bilgisayar teknolojisinin kullanimini tavsiye etmektedir. Bu nedenle ogrencilerin, gormelerinin imkânsiz oldugu kadar kucuk, sinif ortamina getirilemeyecek kadar buyuk ve gunluk hayatta ornekleri gosterilemeyecek teorik kavramlari somutlastiracak ve ogrencilerin ogrenmelerini kolaylastiracak bilgisayar destekli ogretim materyallerinin gelistirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci; 10. sinif duzeyinde is, guc ve enerji unitesinin ogretiminde yapilandirmaci ogrenme yaklasimina dayali 5E ogrenme modeline gore bilgisayar destekli egitime ornek olusturacak bir ogretim materyali sunmaktir. Bu calismada oldugu gibi FATIH projesinde de 5E modeline uygun e-icerikler hazirlanabilir.
Uluslararası Yonetim Iktisat Ve Isletme Dergisi, Apr 13, 2012
The purpose of this study is to compare the levels of pre-service secondary Science teachers'... more The purpose of this study is to compare the levels of pre-service secondary Science teachers' self- efficacy and to analyze the change of this efficacy according to their demographic characteristics such as gender, the graduate university, and major. The study is conducted with 65 pre-service secondary science and mathematics teachers in Zonguldak Karaelmas University Non Thesis Graduated Program, 47 pr-eservice secondary Science teachers in Ondokuz Mayis University Non Thesis Graduated Program, and 38 pre-service secondary science teachers in 38 Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Non Thesis Graduated Program. These Universities had been consisting of 150 prospective teachers whom were 91 female and 59 male. As the data collection instrument, the Turkish version of "Teachers' Self Efficacy Scale" developed by Yesim Capa Aydin, Jale Cakiroglu and Hilal Sarikaya (1990) was used in this study. The results of the study were analyzed using SPSS. According to the research results, there are no significant difference pre-service secondary science and mathematics teachers' self- efficacy according to their gender at level of α=.05. But there is statistically significant relationship between to their teachers Self Efficacy' and academic achievement. These self- efficacies have changed relating to their graduate university and major.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference between academic achievement in “Selec... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference between academic achievement in “Selection and Placement Exam for University” (OSS) of students who have high critical thinking dispositions and of students who have low critical thinking disposition and whether this difference change with students’ gender, class levels (high-school graduated /high school student) and major which they studied in high school. The research was conducted with 121 students who were selected randomly and studying to prepare 2009-OSS in the province center of Kdz. Eregli. For determining the academic achievement, scores of students on test exams for OSS in 2008-2009 academic years have been used. To measure the students’ critical thinking dispositions, the “Critical Thinking
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 2006
Educational Research and Reviews, Apr 1, 2010
The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of pre-service and in-service secondary scien... more The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of pre-service and in-service secondary science teachers' self efficacy beliefs relating to science teaching and to analyze the change of these beliefs according to their demographic characteristics such as gender, the graduate school type, teaching experience and major. The study was conducted with 50 pre-service secondary science teachers and 75 secondary science teachers. As the data collection instrument, the "science teaching efficacy belief scale" (STEBS) was used in this study. According to the research results, there was no significant difference between in-service and pre-service secondary science teachers' personal self efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations about science teaching at level = 0.05. Moreover, these self efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations did not changed relating to their gender, teaching experience, but they changed relating to their graduate school type and major.
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2014
In order to use concept maps in physics classes effectively, teachers' knowledge and ideas about ... more In order to use concept maps in physics classes effectively, teachers' knowledge and ideas about concept mapping are as important as the physics knowledge used in mapping. For this reason, we aimed to examine pre-service physics teachers' knowledge on concept mapping, their ideas about the implementation of concept mapping in physics classes, the hidden elements influencing their ideas, and the relations between knowledge and ideas, qualitatively. The participants of this study were eight pre-service physics teachers enrolled in the physics education department at two state universities. The results of the interviews conducted with the participants and their artifacts revealed that although pre-service physics teachers had basic knowledge about concept mapping, they had some negative ideas about implementation in physics classes. Furthermore, language, limitation in assessment, limitation in expressions, and teacher's knowledge were identified as the sources of pre-service physics teachers' negative ideas.
Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2005
The purpose of this study was to compare the physics questions of the university entrance exam wi... more The purpose of this study was to compare the physics questions of the university entrance exam with the questions asked at the physics courses at high schools according to Bloom's Taxonomy. Twelve physics teachers teaching in high schools located in the centre of Kdz. Eregli of Turkey form the sample of this study. The data of the study was obtained