Ali Can - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ali Can
Eradicating Terrorism from the Middle East, 2016
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 2016
The scope of social movements allows us to analyze the extent to which people living in a specific
Terör ve terörizm, özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan sonra giderek artan şiddet eylemleri nedeniyle üze... more Terör ve terörizm, özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan sonra giderek artan şiddet eylemleri nedeniyle üzerinde en çok durulan kavramlardan birisi olmuştur. Terörizmin nedenlerini ve sosyal hayat üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini anlamanın en iyi yolu, geçmişten günümüze toplum - devlet ve toplum içindeki farklı grupların birbirleri arasında yaşanan olaylar zincirini yorumlamaktır. Makalede, terörizmi toplumsal güvenliğin en önemli gündemi haline getiren etkenleri sosyolojik bir bakış açısıyla ele alınarak, bireylerin terörü bir araç olarak kullanmalarını engelleyecek sosyal kültürün nasıl inşa edilebileceğini araştırılmıştır. Terörizmin tarihi süreci incelerek terörün temel felsefesi açıklanmış, sosyolojik yaklaşımlar ışığında terörün sosyal yaşam üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Sonrasında, terörün sosyal hayata etkileri, birey üzerindeki etkileri tartışılarak sonuç önerilerine yer verilmiştir. Makaleye Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu (TSSB) tartışması ile son verilmiştir.
The main objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis the association between a set... more The main objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis the association between a set of social structural factors and the certain types of social movement events in Turkey. The changing nature and significance of social movements over time and space makes this study necessary to understand and explain new trends related to the parameters that constitute a backdrop for social movements. Social movements are a very common mechanism used by groups of people who decide to take action against an unfair socio-political system, usually an authoritarian government or dictatorship. This kind of reactions, seen in history before, gives birth to a more multidimensional understanding of the relationship between society and state policies. Understanding social movements depends on understanding our own societies, and the social environment in which they are developed. An effective way of understanding this type of social movements is to recognize the perceived concerns of discontent...
Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2016
Toplumsal olaylar bir kolektif aksiyon türüdür. Genel olarak, sosyal, kültürel ve politik değişim... more Toplumsal olaylar bir kolektif aksiyon türüdür. Genel olarak, sosyal, kültürel ve politik değişimlere karşı verilen kolektif tepkiler olarak ifade edilen toplumsal olaylar, toplumdaki değişimler neticesinde gerilim yaşayan grupların isteklerine ulaşmak için organize ettikleri veya katıldıkları kolektif hareketleri ifade eder. Toplumsal olaylar tarihi, kültürel ve coğrafi koşullardan bağımsız olmadığı gibi, ideolojik, ekonomik ve politik faktörlerin de toplumsal olayların oluşumunda etkisi vardır. Bu kapsamda, toplumsal olayların içinde geliştikleri toplumların sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi norm ve değerlerine göre farklılık gösterdiklerini belirtmek gerekir. Bu çalışmada, toplum yapısını oluşturan faktörlerin toplumsal olayların oluşumu üzerinde kolaylaştırıcı veya sınırlandırıcı etkileri makro toplumsal olay teorileri kapsamında açıklanmıştır. Toplumsal olay teorilerinin ortaya koyduğu tespitler kapsamında, toplumsal olayların kamu düzenine zarar vermeden nasıl yönetilmesi gerektiği konusu incelenmiştir.
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 2016
Security and Public Policy in Turkey
Studies on social movements clearly indicate that social movements are closely linked to public p... more Studies on social movements clearly indicate
that social movements are closely linked to public
policies determined by governmental authorities.
From the late 1960s onward, most countries in the
world have experienced a surge of protests and
demonstrations against government policies and
social changes affecting quality of life (Can
2014). This link between institutional factors producing public policies and social movement
development is formed according to state-civil
society relationships. If the state is weak and
civil society strong, there would be a constant
but peaceful flux of protest from below. If the
state is strong and civil society is weak, on the
other hand, protests would turn into collective
Anatolian University, 2017
This study analyzes the contributions of religious actors in international conflicts by referenci... more This study analyzes the contributions of religious actors in international conflicts by referencing to their attributes that strive peace, not conflict. Religion and differences in religious beliefs are presented as conflict resources in recent years. However, it is the fact that religions with the purpose of leading people to the morality has huge potential to solve conflicts and sustain peace in the society.
The Kurdish question in Turkey symbolizes such an opposition by the Kurds against the Turkish gov... more The Kurdish question in Turkey symbolizes such an opposition by the Kurds against the Turkish government. Having emerged as low-level rebellions, the Kurdish question indicates the social discontent of the Kurds due to the governmental policies made during the formation of the Turkish Republic. Most Kurds complain that they are stuck between the Turkish government and the PKK (the Kurdistan Workers’ Party – Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê in Kurdish language). On the one hand, the government wants the Kurds not to support the PKK; on the other hand, the PKK has a great suppression on the Kurdish folk from towns to the very small villages in the south-eastern region of Turkey.
Social movements are generally defined as forms of collective activities, protests, and campaigns... more Social movements are generally defined as forms
of collective activities, protests, and campaigns
practiced by groups of people in order to affect
public policies. They are collective challenges to
elites, authorities, other groups, or cultural codes
aiming at changing political and economic institutions
in order to produce a better society . These forms of collective
actions emerge as informal networks, based on
shared beliefs and solidarity, which mobilize
around controversial issues, through the frequent
use of various forms of protest.
The unresolved international conflicts over the years clearly indicate that current policies and ... more The unresolved international conflicts over the years clearly indicate that current policies and practices in world politics failed in bringing peace to every part of the world. The failure of peace efforts in the Middle East was a major disappointment for the entire world, but its impact was mostly felt by the Palestinian and the Israeli people. This study depicts the prevailing process shaped mainly on the problematic relations between Israel and Palestine. After analyzing the dead ends in the peace negotiations, the challenges and prospects are presented by reviewing the literature and multiculturalism theory. The study proposes that reconstruction of the conditions that makes cooperation possible and effective between conflicted parties is necessary to evaluate the distortions that impede the dialogue and cause terrorism.
Devlete güvenin inşası, yüksek standartlarda bir toplumsal düzen ve dayanışmanın tesisi için haya... more Devlete güvenin inşası, yüksek standartlarda bir toplumsal düzen ve dayanışmanın tesisi için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Güvenin tesis edilemediği toplumlarda vatandaşlar, politik sisteme karşı küçümseyici tavırlar segileyerek, mevcut sistemle karşılıklı tartışma ve çatışma sarmalının içerisine girerler. Bu durum, vatandaşların önce siyasi sisteme karşı yabancılaşmasına, daha sonra da sosyal politikaların üretildiği karar alma süreçlerinden çekilmesine neden olarak, devletin milli hedefler belirlemekten uzak, ortak aidiyet duygularını besleyemeyen kırılgan bir yapıya bürünmesi sonucunu doğurur. Uzun süren güvensizlik ortamının siyasi sistemde oluşturduğu boşluklar, devletin meşruiyetinin sorgulanmasına ve alternatif yönetim sistemlerine yönelimlerin artmasına neden olur. Bu çalışmada, devlete olan olan güven ile devlet yönetimi arasındaki ilişki incelenerek, Türkiye'deki toplumsal ve kamusal güvenin güçlendirilmesine katkı sağlayacak dinamikler üzerinde durulmaktadır. Güven kavramının ne anlama geldiği açıklanarak, devlet tarafından uygulanan sosyal politikaların devlete olan güven üzerindeki etkileri tespit edildikten sonra, toplumsal güvenin güçlendirilmesi için gerekli olan uygulamalar hakkında öneriler sunulmaktadır.
Building trust in government is very crucial for the establishment of social order and solidarity with high standards. In societies in which trust in government cannot be built, citizens display condescending attitudes towards the political system. They enter into the spiral of mutual discussions and conflicts with the existing system. This situation triggers the alienation of the citizens from the political system, which lead them to desist from participating in the decision-making process of social policies. As a result, the society becomes a fragile structure that is far from setting national goals and developing a common sense of belonging. The space, which is formed by the political system of prolonged insecurity, makes the citizens question the government's legitimacy and seek an alternative management system. In that regard, this study examined the relationship between the trust in government and the state policies in order to explore the dynamics of social and governmental trust in Turkey. After explaining the concept of trust and analyzing the effects of the implemented social policies, this study makes a discussion and offers suggestions on applications to strengthen the governmental trust.
Terör ve terörizm, özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan sonra giderek artan şiddet eylemleri nedeniyle üze... more Terör ve terörizm, özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan sonra giderek artan şiddet eylemleri nedeniyle üzerinde en çok durulan kavramlardan birisi olmuştur. Terörizmin nedenlerini ve sosyal hayat üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini anlamanın en iyi yolu, geçmişten günümüze toplum - devlet ve toplum içindeki farklı grupların birbirleri arasında yaşanan olaylar zincirini yorumlamaktır. Makalede, terörizmi toplumsal güvenliğin en önemli gündemi haline getiren etkenleri sosyolojik bir bakış açısıyla ele alınarak, bireylerin terörü bir araç olarak kullanmalarını engelleyecek sosyal kültürün nasıl inşa edilebileceğini araştırılmıştır. Terörizmin tarihi süreci incelerek terörün temel felsefesi açıklanmış, sosyolojik yaklaşımlar ışığında terörün sosyal yaşam üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Sonrasında, terörün sosyal hayata etkileri, birey üzerindeki etkileri tartışılarak sonuç önerilerine yer verilmiştir. Makaleye Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu (TSSB) tartışması ile son verilmiştir.
In this article structural as well as historical evolution of police organizations is examined. A... more In this article structural as well as historical evolution of police organizations is examined. A political and also phylosophical background to the establishment of these organizations are briefly handled and the appearence of the modern police is duly analyzed. Within this analysis special emphasis has been put on the development of the police in Europe and particularly in Germany. Efforts of intenationalization of policing due to internationalization of crimes and challenges of modernity are also scrutinized.
Social movements are a form of collective action. In general, social movements are regarded as co... more Social movements are a form of collective action. In general, social movements are regarded as collective responses to social, cultural and political changes. Groups that feel strain due to the challenges in using legitimate means to find satisfactory solutions for their concerns form and join social movements. Social movements are not independent from cultural, historical, or geographical factors; nor are they
independent of economic, ideological, or political factors. Those factors not only affect the formation process, but also produce dynamic interactions among multiple groups. In this concept, every research on social movements provides implications specific to those events occurring in that specified time and space. In this study, social structural factors, that facilitate or constrain the emergence of social movements, are
explained within the context of macro social movement theories in order to explain how to deal with social movements without harming public order.
Toplumsal açıdan suçla mücadele stratejileri, toplumun sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve fiziki yapıs... more Toplumsal açıdan suçla mücadele stratejileri, toplumun sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve fiziki yapısında yapılacak değişiklerle suç oranlarını azaltmayı hedefleyen programları kapsar. Bu programlar genel olarak, yaşanılan sosyal çevrenin gözlenmesini, halkın suçla mücadeleye katılımını, şehir planlamasının ve bozuk sosyal çevrelerin suç fırsatlarını ortadan kaldıracak şekilde yeniden düzenlemesini ve toplumun sosyo-ekonomik refah seviyesinin yükseltilmesini içerir. Bu programların etkin ve verimli olarak yürütülmesi, sosyal yaşamın farklı alanlarında faaliyet gösteren kamu, özel ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının birlikte çalışması ile mümkündür. Bu sayede suçun oluşumunu engelleyen sosyal kontrol ağları güçlendirilerek, toplumsal birlik ve dayanışmanın dayandığı temeller daha da sağlamlaştırılmış olur. Bu çalışmada, suçla mücadele stratejilerinin toplumsal bakış açısıyla ele alınması için takip edilmesi gereken prensiplerin açıklanması hedeflenmiştir.
Building trust in government is very crucial for the establishment of social order and solidarity... more Building trust in government is very crucial for the establishment of social order and solidarity with high standards. In societies in which trust in government cannot be built, citizens display condescending attitudes towards the political system. They enter into the spiral of mutual discussions and conflicts with the existing system. This situation triggers the alienation of the citizens from the political system, which lead them to desist from participating in the decision-making process of social policies. As a result, the society becomes a fragile structure that is far from setting national goals and developing a common sense of belonging. The space, which is formed by the political system of prolonged insecurity, makes the citizens question the government's legitimacy and seek an alternative management system. In that regard, this study examined the relationship between the trust in government and the state policies in order to explore the dynamics of social and governmental trust in Turkey. After explaining the concept of trust and analyzing the effects of the implemented social policies, this study makes a discussion and offers suggestions on applications to strengthen the governmental trust.
Books by Ali Can
The 9/11 terrorist attacks triggered a lot of milestones about terrorism. One of which is the fir... more The 9/11 terrorist attacks triggered a lot of milestones about terrorism. One of which is the first invocation of article 5 of the Washington treaty that is known as the NATO Alliance's collective defense clause. Since September 11, 2001, NATO has been engaged in counterterrorism efforts. The emerging and developing feature of international and borderless terrorism needs international cooperation to struggle with this threat. NATO has been working with partners around the world such as UN, EU and OSCE. This paper explains how these international entities expend their efforts in countering terrorism.
The Revolutionary Organization 17 November (N17) is a Marksist-Leninist teror organization that a... more The Revolutionary Organization 17 November (N17) is a Marksist-Leninist teror organization that actively operated in Greece between 1975-2002. The student protests on November 17, 1973 at Athina Politechnic University against the military junta that intervened the Greek Institutional Monarchy System constituted the starting point for N17 terror organization. Due to the small number of members and the secret communication network, N17 had left no trace in its terrorist activities. Therefore, it also known as "the phantom organization". Even though N17 terrorists convinced themselves that they are a group that lead the political change in Greece, they adopted terrorism as a way of life and used violence as a tool to get their interests such as career and power. With a small number of members, N17 had made up a world of terrorism and continued their terrorist actions by increasing their severity for 27 years. The organization expressed its commitment to fight at every opportunity. Victory is not important for them; the important thing is "the act of resistance" itself. Claiming to defend the national security of Greece, N17 conducted more than 100 terrorist actions against American, Greek, British, Turkish, Danish, French and German targets.
Eradicating Terrorism from the Middle East
Series: Public Administration, Governance and Globalization, Vol. 17 ▶ Provides case studies in p... more Series: Public Administration, Governance and Globalization, Vol. 17 ▶ Provides case studies in public administration initiatives to combat terrorism in the Middle East ▶ Investigates regulation, public information, monetary and financial responsibilities, security, and civic infrastructure as solutions to terrorism and stability in the region ▶ Examines the victims of terrorism in the Middle East and proposes procedural applications for providing relief and a supportive administrative system
Eradicating Terrorism from the Middle East, 2016
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 2016
The scope of social movements allows us to analyze the extent to which people living in a specific
Terör ve terörizm, özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan sonra giderek artan şiddet eylemleri nedeniyle üze... more Terör ve terörizm, özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan sonra giderek artan şiddet eylemleri nedeniyle üzerinde en çok durulan kavramlardan birisi olmuştur. Terörizmin nedenlerini ve sosyal hayat üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini anlamanın en iyi yolu, geçmişten günümüze toplum - devlet ve toplum içindeki farklı grupların birbirleri arasında yaşanan olaylar zincirini yorumlamaktır. Makalede, terörizmi toplumsal güvenliğin en önemli gündemi haline getiren etkenleri sosyolojik bir bakış açısıyla ele alınarak, bireylerin terörü bir araç olarak kullanmalarını engelleyecek sosyal kültürün nasıl inşa edilebileceğini araştırılmıştır. Terörizmin tarihi süreci incelerek terörün temel felsefesi açıklanmış, sosyolojik yaklaşımlar ışığında terörün sosyal yaşam üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Sonrasında, terörün sosyal hayata etkileri, birey üzerindeki etkileri tartışılarak sonuç önerilerine yer verilmiştir. Makaleye Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu (TSSB) tartışması ile son verilmiştir.
The main objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis the association between a set... more The main objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis the association between a set of social structural factors and the certain types of social movement events in Turkey. The changing nature and significance of social movements over time and space makes this study necessary to understand and explain new trends related to the parameters that constitute a backdrop for social movements. Social movements are a very common mechanism used by groups of people who decide to take action against an unfair socio-political system, usually an authoritarian government or dictatorship. This kind of reactions, seen in history before, gives birth to a more multidimensional understanding of the relationship between society and state policies. Understanding social movements depends on understanding our own societies, and the social environment in which they are developed. An effective way of understanding this type of social movements is to recognize the perceived concerns of discontent...
Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2016
Toplumsal olaylar bir kolektif aksiyon türüdür. Genel olarak, sosyal, kültürel ve politik değişim... more Toplumsal olaylar bir kolektif aksiyon türüdür. Genel olarak, sosyal, kültürel ve politik değişimlere karşı verilen kolektif tepkiler olarak ifade edilen toplumsal olaylar, toplumdaki değişimler neticesinde gerilim yaşayan grupların isteklerine ulaşmak için organize ettikleri veya katıldıkları kolektif hareketleri ifade eder. Toplumsal olaylar tarihi, kültürel ve coğrafi koşullardan bağımsız olmadığı gibi, ideolojik, ekonomik ve politik faktörlerin de toplumsal olayların oluşumunda etkisi vardır. Bu kapsamda, toplumsal olayların içinde geliştikleri toplumların sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi norm ve değerlerine göre farklılık gösterdiklerini belirtmek gerekir. Bu çalışmada, toplum yapısını oluşturan faktörlerin toplumsal olayların oluşumu üzerinde kolaylaştırıcı veya sınırlandırıcı etkileri makro toplumsal olay teorileri kapsamında açıklanmıştır. Toplumsal olay teorilerinin ortaya koyduğu tespitler kapsamında, toplumsal olayların kamu düzenine zarar vermeden nasıl yönetilmesi gerektiği konusu incelenmiştir.
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 2016
Security and Public Policy in Turkey
Studies on social movements clearly indicate that social movements are closely linked to public p... more Studies on social movements clearly indicate
that social movements are closely linked to public
policies determined by governmental authorities.
From the late 1960s onward, most countries in the
world have experienced a surge of protests and
demonstrations against government policies and
social changes affecting quality of life (Can
2014). This link between institutional factors producing public policies and social movement
development is formed according to state-civil
society relationships. If the state is weak and
civil society strong, there would be a constant
but peaceful flux of protest from below. If the
state is strong and civil society is weak, on the
other hand, protests would turn into collective
Anatolian University, 2017
This study analyzes the contributions of religious actors in international conflicts by referenci... more This study analyzes the contributions of religious actors in international conflicts by referencing to their attributes that strive peace, not conflict. Religion and differences in religious beliefs are presented as conflict resources in recent years. However, it is the fact that religions with the purpose of leading people to the morality has huge potential to solve conflicts and sustain peace in the society.
The Kurdish question in Turkey symbolizes such an opposition by the Kurds against the Turkish gov... more The Kurdish question in Turkey symbolizes such an opposition by the Kurds against the Turkish government. Having emerged as low-level rebellions, the Kurdish question indicates the social discontent of the Kurds due to the governmental policies made during the formation of the Turkish Republic. Most Kurds complain that they are stuck between the Turkish government and the PKK (the Kurdistan Workers’ Party – Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê in Kurdish language). On the one hand, the government wants the Kurds not to support the PKK; on the other hand, the PKK has a great suppression on the Kurdish folk from towns to the very small villages in the south-eastern region of Turkey.
Social movements are generally defined as forms of collective activities, protests, and campaigns... more Social movements are generally defined as forms
of collective activities, protests, and campaigns
practiced by groups of people in order to affect
public policies. They are collective challenges to
elites, authorities, other groups, or cultural codes
aiming at changing political and economic institutions
in order to produce a better society . These forms of collective
actions emerge as informal networks, based on
shared beliefs and solidarity, which mobilize
around controversial issues, through the frequent
use of various forms of protest.
The unresolved international conflicts over the years clearly indicate that current policies and ... more The unresolved international conflicts over the years clearly indicate that current policies and practices in world politics failed in bringing peace to every part of the world. The failure of peace efforts in the Middle East was a major disappointment for the entire world, but its impact was mostly felt by the Palestinian and the Israeli people. This study depicts the prevailing process shaped mainly on the problematic relations between Israel and Palestine. After analyzing the dead ends in the peace negotiations, the challenges and prospects are presented by reviewing the literature and multiculturalism theory. The study proposes that reconstruction of the conditions that makes cooperation possible and effective between conflicted parties is necessary to evaluate the distortions that impede the dialogue and cause terrorism.
Devlete güvenin inşası, yüksek standartlarda bir toplumsal düzen ve dayanışmanın tesisi için haya... more Devlete güvenin inşası, yüksek standartlarda bir toplumsal düzen ve dayanışmanın tesisi için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Güvenin tesis edilemediği toplumlarda vatandaşlar, politik sisteme karşı küçümseyici tavırlar segileyerek, mevcut sistemle karşılıklı tartışma ve çatışma sarmalının içerisine girerler. Bu durum, vatandaşların önce siyasi sisteme karşı yabancılaşmasına, daha sonra da sosyal politikaların üretildiği karar alma süreçlerinden çekilmesine neden olarak, devletin milli hedefler belirlemekten uzak, ortak aidiyet duygularını besleyemeyen kırılgan bir yapıya bürünmesi sonucunu doğurur. Uzun süren güvensizlik ortamının siyasi sistemde oluşturduğu boşluklar, devletin meşruiyetinin sorgulanmasına ve alternatif yönetim sistemlerine yönelimlerin artmasına neden olur. Bu çalışmada, devlete olan olan güven ile devlet yönetimi arasındaki ilişki incelenerek, Türkiye'deki toplumsal ve kamusal güvenin güçlendirilmesine katkı sağlayacak dinamikler üzerinde durulmaktadır. Güven kavramının ne anlama geldiği açıklanarak, devlet tarafından uygulanan sosyal politikaların devlete olan güven üzerindeki etkileri tespit edildikten sonra, toplumsal güvenin güçlendirilmesi için gerekli olan uygulamalar hakkında öneriler sunulmaktadır.
Building trust in government is very crucial for the establishment of social order and solidarity with high standards. In societies in which trust in government cannot be built, citizens display condescending attitudes towards the political system. They enter into the spiral of mutual discussions and conflicts with the existing system. This situation triggers the alienation of the citizens from the political system, which lead them to desist from participating in the decision-making process of social policies. As a result, the society becomes a fragile structure that is far from setting national goals and developing a common sense of belonging. The space, which is formed by the political system of prolonged insecurity, makes the citizens question the government's legitimacy and seek an alternative management system. In that regard, this study examined the relationship between the trust in government and the state policies in order to explore the dynamics of social and governmental trust in Turkey. After explaining the concept of trust and analyzing the effects of the implemented social policies, this study makes a discussion and offers suggestions on applications to strengthen the governmental trust.
Terör ve terörizm, özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan sonra giderek artan şiddet eylemleri nedeniyle üze... more Terör ve terörizm, özellikle 1960’lı yıllardan sonra giderek artan şiddet eylemleri nedeniyle üzerinde en çok durulan kavramlardan birisi olmuştur. Terörizmin nedenlerini ve sosyal hayat üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini anlamanın en iyi yolu, geçmişten günümüze toplum - devlet ve toplum içindeki farklı grupların birbirleri arasında yaşanan olaylar zincirini yorumlamaktır. Makalede, terörizmi toplumsal güvenliğin en önemli gündemi haline getiren etkenleri sosyolojik bir bakış açısıyla ele alınarak, bireylerin terörü bir araç olarak kullanmalarını engelleyecek sosyal kültürün nasıl inşa edilebileceğini araştırılmıştır. Terörizmin tarihi süreci incelerek terörün temel felsefesi açıklanmış, sosyolojik yaklaşımlar ışığında terörün sosyal yaşam üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Sonrasında, terörün sosyal hayata etkileri, birey üzerindeki etkileri tartışılarak sonuç önerilerine yer verilmiştir. Makaleye Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu (TSSB) tartışması ile son verilmiştir.
In this article structural as well as historical evolution of police organizations is examined. A... more In this article structural as well as historical evolution of police organizations is examined. A political and also phylosophical background to the establishment of these organizations are briefly handled and the appearence of the modern police is duly analyzed. Within this analysis special emphasis has been put on the development of the police in Europe and particularly in Germany. Efforts of intenationalization of policing due to internationalization of crimes and challenges of modernity are also scrutinized.
Social movements are a form of collective action. In general, social movements are regarded as co... more Social movements are a form of collective action. In general, social movements are regarded as collective responses to social, cultural and political changes. Groups that feel strain due to the challenges in using legitimate means to find satisfactory solutions for their concerns form and join social movements. Social movements are not independent from cultural, historical, or geographical factors; nor are they
independent of economic, ideological, or political factors. Those factors not only affect the formation process, but also produce dynamic interactions among multiple groups. In this concept, every research on social movements provides implications specific to those events occurring in that specified time and space. In this study, social structural factors, that facilitate or constrain the emergence of social movements, are
explained within the context of macro social movement theories in order to explain how to deal with social movements without harming public order.
Toplumsal açıdan suçla mücadele stratejileri, toplumun sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve fiziki yapıs... more Toplumsal açıdan suçla mücadele stratejileri, toplumun sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve fiziki yapısında yapılacak değişiklerle suç oranlarını azaltmayı hedefleyen programları kapsar. Bu programlar genel olarak, yaşanılan sosyal çevrenin gözlenmesini, halkın suçla mücadeleye katılımını, şehir planlamasının ve bozuk sosyal çevrelerin suç fırsatlarını ortadan kaldıracak şekilde yeniden düzenlemesini ve toplumun sosyo-ekonomik refah seviyesinin yükseltilmesini içerir. Bu programların etkin ve verimli olarak yürütülmesi, sosyal yaşamın farklı alanlarında faaliyet gösteren kamu, özel ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının birlikte çalışması ile mümkündür. Bu sayede suçun oluşumunu engelleyen sosyal kontrol ağları güçlendirilerek, toplumsal birlik ve dayanışmanın dayandığı temeller daha da sağlamlaştırılmış olur. Bu çalışmada, suçla mücadele stratejilerinin toplumsal bakış açısıyla ele alınması için takip edilmesi gereken prensiplerin açıklanması hedeflenmiştir.
Building trust in government is very crucial for the establishment of social order and solidarity... more Building trust in government is very crucial for the establishment of social order and solidarity with high standards. In societies in which trust in government cannot be built, citizens display condescending attitudes towards the political system. They enter into the spiral of mutual discussions and conflicts with the existing system. This situation triggers the alienation of the citizens from the political system, which lead them to desist from participating in the decision-making process of social policies. As a result, the society becomes a fragile structure that is far from setting national goals and developing a common sense of belonging. The space, which is formed by the political system of prolonged insecurity, makes the citizens question the government's legitimacy and seek an alternative management system. In that regard, this study examined the relationship between the trust in government and the state policies in order to explore the dynamics of social and governmental trust in Turkey. After explaining the concept of trust and analyzing the effects of the implemented social policies, this study makes a discussion and offers suggestions on applications to strengthen the governmental trust.
The 9/11 terrorist attacks triggered a lot of milestones about terrorism. One of which is the fir... more The 9/11 terrorist attacks triggered a lot of milestones about terrorism. One of which is the first invocation of article 5 of the Washington treaty that is known as the NATO Alliance's collective defense clause. Since September 11, 2001, NATO has been engaged in counterterrorism efforts. The emerging and developing feature of international and borderless terrorism needs international cooperation to struggle with this threat. NATO has been working with partners around the world such as UN, EU and OSCE. This paper explains how these international entities expend their efforts in countering terrorism.
The Revolutionary Organization 17 November (N17) is a Marksist-Leninist teror organization that a... more The Revolutionary Organization 17 November (N17) is a Marksist-Leninist teror organization that actively operated in Greece between 1975-2002. The student protests on November 17, 1973 at Athina Politechnic University against the military junta that intervened the Greek Institutional Monarchy System constituted the starting point for N17 terror organization. Due to the small number of members and the secret communication network, N17 had left no trace in its terrorist activities. Therefore, it also known as "the phantom organization". Even though N17 terrorists convinced themselves that they are a group that lead the political change in Greece, they adopted terrorism as a way of life and used violence as a tool to get their interests such as career and power. With a small number of members, N17 had made up a world of terrorism and continued their terrorist actions by increasing their severity for 27 years. The organization expressed its commitment to fight at every opportunity. Victory is not important for them; the important thing is "the act of resistance" itself. Claiming to defend the national security of Greece, N17 conducted more than 100 terrorist actions against American, Greek, British, Turkish, Danish, French and German targets.
Eradicating Terrorism from the Middle East
Series: Public Administration, Governance and Globalization, Vol. 17 ▶ Provides case studies in p... more Series: Public Administration, Governance and Globalization, Vol. 17 ▶ Provides case studies in public administration initiatives to combat terrorism in the Middle East ▶ Investigates regulation, public information, monetary and financial responsibilities, security, and civic infrastructure as solutions to terrorism and stability in the region ▶ Examines the victims of terrorism in the Middle East and proposes procedural applications for providing relief and a supportive administrative system
The main objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis the association between a set... more The main objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis the association between a set of social structural factors and the certain types of social movement events in Turkey. The changing nature and significance of social movements over time and space makes this study necessary to understand and explain new trends related to the parameters that constitute a backdrop for social movements.
Social movements are a very common mechanism used by groups of people who decide to take action against an unfair socio-political system, usually an authoritarian government or dictatorship. This kind of reactions, seen in history before, gives birth to a more multidimensional understanding of the relationship between society and state policies. Understanding social movements depends on understanding our own societies, and the social environment in which they are developed. An effective way of understanding this type of social movements is to recognize the perceived concerns of discontented groups in relation to cultural, ideological, economic, and political institutions and values.
Social movement events included in the study refers to collective activities organized by two or more people with the purpose of protesting public policies or of increasing public awareness about certain social issues related to human rights and freedoms, environment, feminism, etc. All these types of events are chased by police forces, and their concerns, statements, and activities are recorded.
The main objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis the association between a set... more The main objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis the association between a set of social structural factors and the certain types of social movement events in Turkey. The changing nature and significance of social movements over time and space makes this study necessary to understand and explain new trends related to the parameters that constitute a backdrop for social movements.
Social movements are a very common mechanism used by groups of people who decide to take action against an unfair socio-political system, usually an authoritarian government or dictatorship. This kind of reactions, seen in history before, gives birth to a more multidimensional understanding of the relationship between society and state policies. Understanding social movements depends on understanding our own societies, and the social environment in which they are developed. An effective way of understanding this type of social movements is to recognize the perceived concerns of discontented groups in relation to cultural, ideological, economic, and political institutions and values.
Social movement events included in the study refers to collective activities organized by two or more people with the purpose of protesting public policies or of increasing public awareness about certain social issues related to human rights and freedoms, environment, feminism, etc. All these types of events are chased by police forces, and their concerns, statements, and activities are recorded.