Ali Naci KARABULUT - (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Ali Naci KARABULUT
18th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 2016
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become one of the primary and preferred information sources f... more Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become one of the primary and preferred information sources for consumers in the process of evaluating alternatives and purchasing online. However, not all consumers have the same behaviors in eWOM. By using a sample of 524 consumers, this study compares the eWOM behavior of Generation X and Y together with gender differences. Results show that, although males' and females' behaviors are strikingly similar, there are significant differences in eWOM behaviors between Generation X and Y consumers. Few differences were found between Gen X and Y in eWOM experience, credibility of eWOM, consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (CSII), eWOM effect and positive valence eWOM behavior. However, no differences were observed in negative valence eWOM behaviors of Gen X and Y. In closing, theoretical and managerial implications for marketing theory and managers are discussed while important limitations are recognized.
Papers by Ali Naci KARABULUT
International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research
Universities are the most important institutions that prepare the students for the business life.... more Universities are the most important institutions that prepare the students for the business life. For this reason, the quality of the education student will have in their universities carry its importance. Besides, social life is also an indispensible factor for the success of the university students. In this work, the reason that the Muğla University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration students’ preferance to this faculty were aimed to investigated. The opinion of the students who came to Muğla and already live in this place were also evaluated. The results show that the students prefer that university for its low points required in the university enterance exam. The normal tine students are more content of the quality of the education than the students are second time period students. Their opinions about the city of Muğla and its citizens are mostly negative.
In the process of destination selection, it is known that tourists perceive many different risks ... more In the process of destination selection, it is known that tourists perceive many different risks and use eWOM behavior as a risk reduction tool. Also the risks that consumers perceive are influential on the values they perceive. For this reason, spreading positive eWOM messages and encouraging revisit intentions are seen as significant competitive advantages in terms of destination management. In this context, to measure the effects of tourists’ perceived risk on their perceived value and the effects of their perceived value on their eWOM dissemination and revisit intentions, have been identified as the main objectives of this study. The sample of the study consists 228 tourists who visited the Fethiye (TR) destination in 2017. As a result of analysis of the data with Structural Equation Modeling, it is found that perceived risk variable has an impact on perceived value, perceived value variable has impacts on eWOM dissemination intention and revisit intention and eWOM dissemination...
Ucret ve odul yonetimi modern insan kaynaklari yaklasimi cercevesinde buyuk onem tasiyan konulard... more Ucret ve odul yonetimi modern insan kaynaklari yaklasimi cercevesinde buyuk onem tasiyan konulardan birisidir. Ucret ve oduller isgorenler icin hayatlarini devam ettirmelerini saglayan kazanclari ifade ederken isletmeler acisindan birer gider kalemleridir. Bu nedenle isletme ve isgoren gibi iki guc arasindaki dengenin saglanmasi da zorlasmaktadir. Turizm endustrisi ve konaklama isletmeleri emek yogun nitelige sahip olduklari icin isgorenlerin tatmini de oncelikle saglanmasi gereken hususlardan biridir. Ucret ve odul yonetiminin isletmedeki rolu isgoreni motive etmek ve isletmeye bagliliini arttirip isletmede tutmaktir. Bu dogrultuda, bu makalenin amaci; modern insan kaynaklari prensiplerine uygun olarak konaklama isletmeleri icin etkin ucret ve odul politikalari tespit etmektir. Bu amac dogrultusunda Mugla ilindeki turistik ilceler olan Marmaris, Bodrum ve Fethiye’deki konaklama isletmelerinden 40 adet orneklem secilmis ve bu isletmelerin yoneticilerine anket uygulanmistir. Anket so...
Muz, gerek Turkiye’de gerekse dunyada oldukca onemli bir ekonomik buyukluge sahip olan bir urundu... more Muz, gerek Turkiye’de gerekse dunyada oldukca onemli bir ekonomik buyukluge sahip olan bir urundur. Gida ve Tarim Orgutu (FAO)’nun 2016 yili verilerine gore Dunya genelinde 5.494.005 hektar alanda muz ekili olup, toplam 113.280.302 ton muz uretimi yapilmaktadir. Dunyadaki toplam muz ithalati ise 13.790.580.000 dolar seviyesindedir. Turkiye’de ise 6225 hektar alanda 305.926 ton muz uretimi yapilmis olup, 209.369 ton muz ithal edilmistir. Anamur, 2850 hektar alanda 8142 aile isletmesi tarafindan 147.000 ton muz uretimiyle Turkiye’deki muz uretiminin neredeyse yarisini tek basina karsilamaktadir. Bu calismada, Turkiye’deki Muz ureticilerinin; sorunlarinin ve buyume firsatlarinin ortaya konmasi amaciyla betimleyici nitel analiz uygulanmistir. Arastirma verileri, Anamur’da faaliyet gosteren 5 tane muz sarartma tesisi sahibi, 5 tane muz ureticisi ile Anamur Ziraat Odasi ve Anamur Muz Ureticileri Birligi (Muz-Bir) baskanlari ile gerceklestirilen derinlemesine mulakatlar sonucunda elde edi...
Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Tourism is one of the leading sectors in Turkish economy, by taking the chance on various kinds i... more Tourism is one of the leading sectors in Turkish economy, by taking the chance on various kinds in different regions of the country. However, based on its fragile structure and nature, the industry is quite sensitive to all types of crises as well. Therefore, this chapter aims to examine different marketing mix strategies which can be adopted by large-scale hotel managements in order to struggle with crises. The authors interpret the findings gathered by in-depth interview with marketing managers of five-star hotels.
Family factor, one of the social factors affecting the purchasing behavior, is regarded to be the... more Family factor, one of the social factors affecting the purchasing behavior, is regarded to be the most important factor giving direction to the purchasing decisions. In every period of the life, the consumption patterns of an individual cannot be isolated from his/her family‘s consumption patterns. The reason why the present study is limited to the foods is that children are the direct consumers of foods and foods have an important portion in the consumption expenditures of families. And the reason why an upper age limit (8 years old) is set up for the study is that this age is considered to be transition to having purchasing decisions on their own. In the field work, food purchasing was divided into sub-categories because the study aims to reveal the extent to which children affect purchasing decisions in each sub-category. Moreover, for each sub-category, other factors that can affect the purchasing decisions and that are not related to children were also investigated, in this way...
Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services
The need to respond to a number of issues that are experienced due to increasing population at th... more The need to respond to a number of issues that are experienced due to increasing population at the global level and volume of production have resulted in the development of new corporate behavioral patterns of enterprises. It is possible to say that the process of change in question constitutes new milestones both in terms of reporting and marketing. The chapter emphasizes a social marketing and sustainability reporting that includes social sanctions per se which are based on voluntariness and which are being applied by enterprises to express themselves within the scope of daily business practices, and exemplifying cases are being presented regarding the utilization of social marketing investments of organizations in terms of voluntary reporting and disclosure.
Turk Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi
Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Dünya nüfusundaki artışa bağlı olarak tüketimin de her geçen gün artması, doğal kaynakların gider... more Dünya nüfusundaki artışa bağlı olarak tüketimin de her geçen gün artması, doğal kaynakların giderek daha verimli kullanılmasını gerektirmektedir. Böylece önceleri daha çok üretimle ilgili bir kavram olan sürdürülebilirlik, bugün tüketici davranışlarının da önemli bir belirleyicisi haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Yapıları itibariyle doğal kaynak kullanımının oldukça fazla olduğu gıdalar ise tüketimde sürdürülebilirliğin muhtemelen en önemli olduğu ürün gruplarıdır. Tüketicilerin gıdalara yönelik tercih ve davranışlarını sürdürülebilirlik yönünden incelemeyi ve tüketicileri bu davranışları bakımından sınıflandırmayı amaçlayan bu çalışmada, üç farklı tüketici bölümü tanımlanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre tüketiciler altı sürdürülebilir gıda tüketimi davranışı temel alınarak; kayıtsızlar, sürdürülebilirlik niyetlileri ve sürdürülebilirlik öncüleri olarak bölümlendirilmiş ve her bir tüketici grubunun davranışsal ve demografik özellikleri tanımlanmıştır.
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
As electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become an influential information resource for digital con... more As electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become an influential information resource for digital consumers who purchase products, understanding how the 2 ways of eWOM influence consumers' online repurchase intention (ORPI) becomes very piv-otal. Despite its importance, there is no study in the literature that examined receiving and participating aspects of eWOM in an integrated perspective. The purpose of this study is to understand how 2 controversial eWOM aspects influence ORPI of consumers. Moreover, this study examines the mediating roles of e-trust and e-loyalty in the association between 2 sides of eWOM aspects and ORPI. The results indicated that 2 eWOM receiving factors, eWOM quality and eWOM quantity, have positive influences on e-trust and ORPI. However, as an eWOM participating factor, the eWOM content has no significant influence on ORPI whereas another participating factor, the eWOM intensity, has the greatest impact on ORPI. Furthermore, the findings illustrate that e-trust has a complementary mediation effect in the association between 2 receiving eWOM aspects and ORPI; likewise, e-loyalty has a complementary mediation in the relationship between 2 participating eWOM aspects and ORPI.
Journal of Yasar University, 2013
Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 2005
Cases on Consumer-Centric Marketing Management, 2014
By setting out from similar studies, this study falls within international literature. The intent... more By setting out from similar studies, this study falls within international literature. The intention is to measure, in connection with Turkey's consumer market, in order to understand the behaviors of the Turkish consumers that are different in terms of cultural variables. The operability of this international theory is achieved by taking advantage of mental accounting. In seeking the essential objective of the research, a working group formed from two subgroups in order to manifest the decisiveness in the purchasing decisions of individuals, as well as the effects of the mental accounting theories. The first subgroup is formed by 100 university students whose ages are varied between 18 and 30. The second group forms from the same number of students at the same age range. According to the results of analysis carried out in the direction of the collected data from the sub groups, the consequences of this
International Journal of Online Marketing, 2015
As the internet becomes a new shopping channel, which threats traditional shopping, it also cause... more As the internet becomes a new shopping channel, which threats traditional shopping, it also causes dramatic changes in consumer market. In the light of theories claiming that consumers act with limited rationality and make their preferences with the motive of avoiding loss, the main aim of this study is to measure the impact of loss variables on the consumers' decisions about online shopping in Turkey. The originality of this study is to categorise and analyse loss variables as 'the ones that happen in the process of shopping' and 'the ones that happen out of the process of shopping'. Following the literature stating that consumers tend to act irrationally, the study also concludes that consumers tend to be away from the economical rationality at a great extent under the loss conditions. The findings show that any type of loss either physically or mentally related to consumers' shopping has an effect on consumers' irrational behaviors. This study indicate...
18th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 2016
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become one of the primary and preferred information sources f... more Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become one of the primary and preferred information sources for consumers in the process of evaluating alternatives and purchasing online. However, not all consumers have the same behaviors in eWOM. By using a sample of 524 consumers, this study compares the eWOM behavior of Generation X and Y together with gender differences. Results show that, although males' and females' behaviors are strikingly similar, there are significant differences in eWOM behaviors between Generation X and Y consumers. Few differences were found between Gen X and Y in eWOM experience, credibility of eWOM, consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (CSII), eWOM effect and positive valence eWOM behavior. However, no differences were observed in negative valence eWOM behaviors of Gen X and Y. In closing, theoretical and managerial implications for marketing theory and managers are discussed while important limitations are recognized.
International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research
Universities are the most important institutions that prepare the students for the business life.... more Universities are the most important institutions that prepare the students for the business life. For this reason, the quality of the education student will have in their universities carry its importance. Besides, social life is also an indispensible factor for the success of the university students. In this work, the reason that the Muğla University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration students’ preferance to this faculty were aimed to investigated. The opinion of the students who came to Muğla and already live in this place were also evaluated. The results show that the students prefer that university for its low points required in the university enterance exam. The normal tine students are more content of the quality of the education than the students are second time period students. Their opinions about the city of Muğla and its citizens are mostly negative.
In the process of destination selection, it is known that tourists perceive many different risks ... more In the process of destination selection, it is known that tourists perceive many different risks and use eWOM behavior as a risk reduction tool. Also the risks that consumers perceive are influential on the values they perceive. For this reason, spreading positive eWOM messages and encouraging revisit intentions are seen as significant competitive advantages in terms of destination management. In this context, to measure the effects of tourists’ perceived risk on their perceived value and the effects of their perceived value on their eWOM dissemination and revisit intentions, have been identified as the main objectives of this study. The sample of the study consists 228 tourists who visited the Fethiye (TR) destination in 2017. As a result of analysis of the data with Structural Equation Modeling, it is found that perceived risk variable has an impact on perceived value, perceived value variable has impacts on eWOM dissemination intention and revisit intention and eWOM dissemination...
Ucret ve odul yonetimi modern insan kaynaklari yaklasimi cercevesinde buyuk onem tasiyan konulard... more Ucret ve odul yonetimi modern insan kaynaklari yaklasimi cercevesinde buyuk onem tasiyan konulardan birisidir. Ucret ve oduller isgorenler icin hayatlarini devam ettirmelerini saglayan kazanclari ifade ederken isletmeler acisindan birer gider kalemleridir. Bu nedenle isletme ve isgoren gibi iki guc arasindaki dengenin saglanmasi da zorlasmaktadir. Turizm endustrisi ve konaklama isletmeleri emek yogun nitelige sahip olduklari icin isgorenlerin tatmini de oncelikle saglanmasi gereken hususlardan biridir. Ucret ve odul yonetiminin isletmedeki rolu isgoreni motive etmek ve isletmeye bagliliini arttirip isletmede tutmaktir. Bu dogrultuda, bu makalenin amaci; modern insan kaynaklari prensiplerine uygun olarak konaklama isletmeleri icin etkin ucret ve odul politikalari tespit etmektir. Bu amac dogrultusunda Mugla ilindeki turistik ilceler olan Marmaris, Bodrum ve Fethiye’deki konaklama isletmelerinden 40 adet orneklem secilmis ve bu isletmelerin yoneticilerine anket uygulanmistir. Anket so...
Muz, gerek Turkiye’de gerekse dunyada oldukca onemli bir ekonomik buyukluge sahip olan bir urundu... more Muz, gerek Turkiye’de gerekse dunyada oldukca onemli bir ekonomik buyukluge sahip olan bir urundur. Gida ve Tarim Orgutu (FAO)’nun 2016 yili verilerine gore Dunya genelinde 5.494.005 hektar alanda muz ekili olup, toplam 113.280.302 ton muz uretimi yapilmaktadir. Dunyadaki toplam muz ithalati ise 13.790.580.000 dolar seviyesindedir. Turkiye’de ise 6225 hektar alanda 305.926 ton muz uretimi yapilmis olup, 209.369 ton muz ithal edilmistir. Anamur, 2850 hektar alanda 8142 aile isletmesi tarafindan 147.000 ton muz uretimiyle Turkiye’deki muz uretiminin neredeyse yarisini tek basina karsilamaktadir. Bu calismada, Turkiye’deki Muz ureticilerinin; sorunlarinin ve buyume firsatlarinin ortaya konmasi amaciyla betimleyici nitel analiz uygulanmistir. Arastirma verileri, Anamur’da faaliyet gosteren 5 tane muz sarartma tesisi sahibi, 5 tane muz ureticisi ile Anamur Ziraat Odasi ve Anamur Muz Ureticileri Birligi (Muz-Bir) baskanlari ile gerceklestirilen derinlemesine mulakatlar sonucunda elde edi...
Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Tourism is one of the leading sectors in Turkish economy, by taking the chance on various kinds i... more Tourism is one of the leading sectors in Turkish economy, by taking the chance on various kinds in different regions of the country. However, based on its fragile structure and nature, the industry is quite sensitive to all types of crises as well. Therefore, this chapter aims to examine different marketing mix strategies which can be adopted by large-scale hotel managements in order to struggle with crises. The authors interpret the findings gathered by in-depth interview with marketing managers of five-star hotels.
Family factor, one of the social factors affecting the purchasing behavior, is regarded to be the... more Family factor, one of the social factors affecting the purchasing behavior, is regarded to be the most important factor giving direction to the purchasing decisions. In every period of the life, the consumption patterns of an individual cannot be isolated from his/her family‘s consumption patterns. The reason why the present study is limited to the foods is that children are the direct consumers of foods and foods have an important portion in the consumption expenditures of families. And the reason why an upper age limit (8 years old) is set up for the study is that this age is considered to be transition to having purchasing decisions on their own. In the field work, food purchasing was divided into sub-categories because the study aims to reveal the extent to which children affect purchasing decisions in each sub-category. Moreover, for each sub-category, other factors that can affect the purchasing decisions and that are not related to children were also investigated, in this way...
Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services
The need to respond to a number of issues that are experienced due to increasing population at th... more The need to respond to a number of issues that are experienced due to increasing population at the global level and volume of production have resulted in the development of new corporate behavioral patterns of enterprises. It is possible to say that the process of change in question constitutes new milestones both in terms of reporting and marketing. The chapter emphasizes a social marketing and sustainability reporting that includes social sanctions per se which are based on voluntariness and which are being applied by enterprises to express themselves within the scope of daily business practices, and exemplifying cases are being presented regarding the utilization of social marketing investments of organizations in terms of voluntary reporting and disclosure.
Turk Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi
Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Dünya nüfusundaki artışa bağlı olarak tüketimin de her geçen gün artması, doğal kaynakların gider... more Dünya nüfusundaki artışa bağlı olarak tüketimin de her geçen gün artması, doğal kaynakların giderek daha verimli kullanılmasını gerektirmektedir. Böylece önceleri daha çok üretimle ilgili bir kavram olan sürdürülebilirlik, bugün tüketici davranışlarının da önemli bir belirleyicisi haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Yapıları itibariyle doğal kaynak kullanımının oldukça fazla olduğu gıdalar ise tüketimde sürdürülebilirliğin muhtemelen en önemli olduğu ürün gruplarıdır. Tüketicilerin gıdalara yönelik tercih ve davranışlarını sürdürülebilirlik yönünden incelemeyi ve tüketicileri bu davranışları bakımından sınıflandırmayı amaçlayan bu çalışmada, üç farklı tüketici bölümü tanımlanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre tüketiciler altı sürdürülebilir gıda tüketimi davranışı temel alınarak; kayıtsızlar, sürdürülebilirlik niyetlileri ve sürdürülebilirlik öncüleri olarak bölümlendirilmiş ve her bir tüketici grubunun davranışsal ve demografik özellikleri tanımlanmıştır.
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
As electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become an influential information resource for digital con... more As electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become an influential information resource for digital consumers who purchase products, understanding how the 2 ways of eWOM influence consumers' online repurchase intention (ORPI) becomes very piv-otal. Despite its importance, there is no study in the literature that examined receiving and participating aspects of eWOM in an integrated perspective. The purpose of this study is to understand how 2 controversial eWOM aspects influence ORPI of consumers. Moreover, this study examines the mediating roles of e-trust and e-loyalty in the association between 2 sides of eWOM aspects and ORPI. The results indicated that 2 eWOM receiving factors, eWOM quality and eWOM quantity, have positive influences on e-trust and ORPI. However, as an eWOM participating factor, the eWOM content has no significant influence on ORPI whereas another participating factor, the eWOM intensity, has the greatest impact on ORPI. Furthermore, the findings illustrate that e-trust has a complementary mediation effect in the association between 2 receiving eWOM aspects and ORPI; likewise, e-loyalty has a complementary mediation in the relationship between 2 participating eWOM aspects and ORPI.
Journal of Yasar University, 2013
Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 2005
Cases on Consumer-Centric Marketing Management, 2014
By setting out from similar studies, this study falls within international literature. The intent... more By setting out from similar studies, this study falls within international literature. The intention is to measure, in connection with Turkey's consumer market, in order to understand the behaviors of the Turkish consumers that are different in terms of cultural variables. The operability of this international theory is achieved by taking advantage of mental accounting. In seeking the essential objective of the research, a working group formed from two subgroups in order to manifest the decisiveness in the purchasing decisions of individuals, as well as the effects of the mental accounting theories. The first subgroup is formed by 100 university students whose ages are varied between 18 and 30. The second group forms from the same number of students at the same age range. According to the results of analysis carried out in the direction of the collected data from the sub groups, the consequences of this
International Journal of Online Marketing, 2015
As the internet becomes a new shopping channel, which threats traditional shopping, it also cause... more As the internet becomes a new shopping channel, which threats traditional shopping, it also causes dramatic changes in consumer market. In the light of theories claiming that consumers act with limited rationality and make their preferences with the motive of avoiding loss, the main aim of this study is to measure the impact of loss variables on the consumers' decisions about online shopping in Turkey. The originality of this study is to categorise and analyse loss variables as 'the ones that happen in the process of shopping' and 'the ones that happen out of the process of shopping'. Following the literature stating that consumers tend to act irrationally, the study also concludes that consumers tend to be away from the economical rationality at a great extent under the loss conditions. The findings show that any type of loss either physically or mentally related to consumers' shopping has an effect on consumers' irrational behaviors. This study indicate...
Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2014
Öz Hane halkının dayanıksız tüketim alışverişlerinin büyük bir bölümünün gerçekleştiği süpermarke... more Öz Hane halkının dayanıksız tüketim alışverişlerinin büyük bir bölümünün gerçekleştiği süpermarket ortamında, tüketicinin satın alma kararlarına etki eden pek çok belirleyici faktör bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, süpermarketlerin birincil faaliyet alanı olan gıda ürünleri içerisindeki " içecek ürün tercihleri " açısından, tüketicilerin satın alma kararlarını etkileyen faktörler belirlenmiş ve tüketicilerin sahip oldukları demografik değişkenlere göre bu faktörlerden etkilenme düzeyleri sorgulanmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre tüketicilerin içecek ürünlerini satın alma kararları vermelerinde etkili olan değerlendirme kriterlerinin standart olmadığı veya her kriterin her tüketiciyi eşit düzeyde etkilemediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bir başka ifadeyle tüketicilerin içecek ürünleri satın alma kararlarında kullandıkları kriterler, sahip oldukları demografik değişkenlere göre farklılık göstermektedir. Bu sebeple içecek sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmaların, tüketici tercihlerini yönlendirebilmek ve marka konumlandırması yapabilmek için farklı hedef pazarlara farklı yollardan ulaşmaya çalışmaları yararlı olacaktır. Anahtar Kelime: Tüketici Tercihleri, Satın Alma Kararları, Hane Halkı, çecek Ürünleri. Abstract In the supermarket environment which is a great part of household's nondurable goods shopping occurs, there are many various determinants which are effecting to the consumer's purchasing decisions. In this study, determinants of consumer purchasing decision in " beverage products preferences " inside of food products which are the supermarkets' primitive sphere of activity have been specified and consumer's response level from these determinants depending on their demographic variables have been questioned. According to the findings of the research it is concluded that consumer's evaluation criteria at beverage products purchasing decisions are not standardized or any criterion is not effecting the any consumer at the same level. In other words, evaluation criteria of consumers in beverage products purchasing decisions are differing subject to the demographic variables which they have. Thus, trying different ways to lead consumer choices or making brand positioning for the firms in bevarage business would be profitable.