Alika Putri - (original) (raw)
Papers by Alika Putri
BIBLIOTIKA : Jurnal Kajian Perpustakaan dan Informasi
This study aims to know the cause and prevent plagiarism for mathematics education students. The ... more This study aims to know the cause and prevent plagiarism for mathematics education students. The method in this study isqualitative with a literature study analysis technique approach. This study shows thatthe causes of plagiarism are the low self-confidence in writing works with their own thoughts, bad habits in learning, and think that doesn’t lead to learning process.
Tanaman beracun oleander (Nerium oleander) memiliki potensi untuk mengendalikan hama utama tanama... more Tanaman beracun oleander (Nerium oleander) memiliki potensi untuk mengendalikan hama utama tanaman jagung, salah satunya ulat grayak jagung (Spodopetera frugiperda). Namun demikian, studi ekstrak daun N. oleander yang disiapkan dengan menggunakan pelarut yang berbeda belum diketahui efektivitasnya dalam mengendalikan S. frugiperda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan berbagai pelarut ekstrak daun N. oleander terhadap terhadap mortalitas, konsumsi makan, dan kelulushidupan larva S. frugiperda. Penelitian melibatkan ekstraksi daun N. oleander berdasarkan perbedaan polaritas pelarut (n-hexane, etanol, metanol, air) untuk lima konsentrasi uji yang berbeda serta perlakuan kontrol yang diulang empat kali menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pada larva S. frugiperda instar III. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kasar metanol daun N. oleander memberikan pengaruh penghambatan konsumsi pakan larva S. frugiperda sebesar 0,071 ± 0,028 g dibandingkan kontrol 0,642 ± ...
Jurnal Kesehatan Tambusai
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan alat kontrasepsi sedang menjadi sorotan terutama di masa pandemi COVID... more Latar Belakang: Penggunaan alat kontrasepsi sedang menjadi sorotan terutama di masa pandemi COVID-19. COVID-19 saat ini telah ditetapkan sebagai darurat kesehatan global. Pemerintah Indonesia juga sempat menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) untuk memutuskan rantai penularan virus ini. Hal tersebut menimbulkan dampak terhadap berbagai sektor kesehatan, terutama kesehatan reproduksi. Pelayanan kontrasepsi menjadi terbengkalai karena adanya pembatasan sosial yang berlaku, ibu terpaksa tidak bisa berkonsultasi ke dokter dan ke puskesmas untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi, bahkan Indonesia diprediksi akan mengalami baby boom karena semua aktivitas dilakukan dirumah. Tujuan: Menganalisis penggunaan alat kontrasepsi sebelum dan saat COVID-19. Metode: Penelitian yang kami lakukan menggunakan Literature Review untuk mengidentifikasi semua literatur yang dipublikasikan dengan kata kunci yang relevan. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil dari Literatur Review yang dilakukan, situas...
Latar belakang: Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di suatu negara adalah program yang dibentuk untuk men... more Latar belakang: Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di suatu negara adalah program yang dibentuk untuk mencapai Cakupan Kesehatan Semesta guna memastikan bahwa setiap warga negara dalam populasi memiliki akses ke layanan kesehatan dengan partisipasi wajib. Dalam perkembangan pelaksanaan JKN terdapat permasalahan yaitu penurunan kepesertaan yang menjadi alasan peneliti melakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kepesertaan JKN, hambatan, serta upaya mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kepesertaan.Metode: Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah Literature Review dengan metode analisis data sederhana (simplified approach). Terdapat 12 artikel nasional dan 3 artikel internasional yang telah dipilih oleh peneliti sebagai bahan penelitian.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepesertaan BPJS Kesehatan dibagi menjadi 3 faktor utama, yaitu faktor predisposisi, faktor pendukung, dan faktor kebutuhan. Hambatan pelaksanaan JKN ditemukan...
People are drawn to the internet as technology progresses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, technolo... more People are drawn to the internet as technology progresses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has become a requirement in the education sector. Therefore, the researchers want to find the effectiveness of TikTok in improving EFL learners' speaking ability. The subject of this paper was 20 from the English Educational Study Program at Tidar University. This study used the qualitative research method. Based on the researchers' study with 20 students from the English Educational Study Program, the researcher concludes that the TikTok application improved students' speaking skills well. In addition, students' sentiments toward using TikTok in language learning were favorable.
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan
National Health Insurance in a country is a program to achieve Universal Health Coverage which en... more National Health Insurance in a country is a program to achieve Universal Health Coverage which ensures that every citizen in the population has access to health services. The existence of mandatory NHI membership rules makes participation a very important aspect. In the development of the implementation of NHI, there was a phenomenon of decreasing participation which became the reason for researchers to research to analyze factors related to NHI participation, obstacles, and efforts made to maintain and increase participation. This research is a type of Literature Review research with a simple data analysis method (simplified approach). There are 12 national articles and 8 international articles that have been selected by researchers as research material. The results showed that the factors related to NHI participation were divided into 3 main factors, namely predisposing factors, enabling factors, and needs factors. The predisposing factors include age, gender, education, occupatio...
Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 2020
Nerium oleander historically has been known worldwide as a poisonous plant that can be used to co... more Nerium oleander historically has been known worldwide as a poisonous plant that can be used to control pests. However, studies on the effects of oleander leaves against Rattus argentiventer as a major agricultural rodent pest are limited. This research aimed to probe the potency of oleander leaves extracted in methanol as a rice-field rat repellent. The experiments involved a choice test (T-maze arena) and a no-choice test (metabolic cage) that were analyzed by the T-test using three replications for 6 days. The results showed that the rats on the T-maze avoided consuming food and water near the oleander treatment. The same results occurred in the metabolic cage, which was indicated by a decrease in the average of food and feces, and also by an increase in the average of water and urine. Additionally, the treatment also caused a disruption in daily activity patterns, which was significantly indicated by an increase of 22.84% in average time for resting activities and a decrease in t...
Di dalam Pasal Jaminan perjanjian Pembiayaan Mikro Murabahah Bank Syari’ah Mandiri KCP Jatinangor... more Di dalam Pasal Jaminan perjanjian Pembiayaan Mikro Murabahah Bank Syari’ah Mandiri KCP Jatinangor, terdapat klausul yang menyatakan bahwa jika agunan dalam pembiayaan tersebut nilainya menjadi berkurang maka nasabah akan menambah dan/atau menukar agunan sesuai dengan permintaan bank. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui latar belakang dari pencantuman klausul tukar agunan, pelaksanaannya dan pandangan Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah terhadap klausul tersebut ditinjau dari asas-asas perjanjian dalam Islam, UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syari’ah, dan hukum pembanding terkait. Agunan adalah jaminan tambahan yang diserahkan dari nasabah kepada Bank dalam rangka melakukan permohonan pembiayaan. Secara mafhum mukhalafah, ketika ada tambahan, maka ada pokok. Jaminan pokok sendiri merupakan keyakinan bank terhadap nasabah. Pasal 23 Ayat (2) UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syari’ah mewajibkan Bank Syari’ah untuk menilai secara seksama terhadap kompetensi nasabah dalam suatu pembiaya...
Establishing social relations is a developmental task that adolescents go through. Nevertheless, ... more Establishing social relations is a developmental task that adolescents go through. Nevertheless, the emergence of excessive negative thinking towards negative judgment from others or fear of negative evaluation will lead to a negative tendency when it comes to seeing ourseleves, the surrounding environment, and the future. Continuous negative perception will lead to failure and loss as a trigger for symptoms of depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fear of negative evaluation on the tendency of depression in adolescents. This study employed a correlational research design by means of a simple random sampling technique. Participants in this study comprised 511 adolescents from eight equivalent high schools in Malang Municipality. In this study, the scale of brief fear of negative evaluation straighforward (BFNE-S) dan center for epidemiologic studies depression 10 item (CES-D 10) were utilized as the research instruments. The results of the analysis wit...
K.H. Abdul Halim adalah seorang tokoh pembaharu pendidikan sekaligus politisi asal Majalengka. Be... more K.H. Abdul Halim adalah seorang tokoh pembaharu pendidikan sekaligus politisi asal Majalengka. Beliau menetap di Pesantren Santi Asromo Desa Pasirayu Kecamatan Sindang Kabupaten Majalengka. Banyak nya kiprah K.H. Abdul Halim dalam bidang pendidikan serta politik membuat beliau diberikan gelar sebagai Pahlawan Nasional. Meskipun begitu, sejarah perjuangan K.H. Abdul Halim tidak banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat, karena kurangnya penulisan sejarah mengenai tokoh. Selain itu, tidak adanya museum mendukung kurangnya eksistensi sejarah perjuangan K.H. Abdul Halim. Berpijak dari itulah, penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana latar belakang kehidupan K.H. Abdul Halim dan bagaimana kiprahnya dalam bidang politik serta pendidikan tahun 1911-1962. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui latar belakang kehidupan K.H. Abdul Halim, dan peranan K.H. Abdul Halim dalam politik dan pendidikan tahun 1911-1962. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah (metode historis) dengan langk...
Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa. Menulis juga upaya untuk memberikan informas... more Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa. Menulis juga upaya untuk memberikan informasi melalui tulisan. Dalam menulis, penulis dituntut untuk menuangkan segala ide yang ada didalam pikirannya. Tujuan menulis, yaitu untuk memberikan informasi secara tulisan dan menuangkan gagasan atau ide kedalam bentuk tulisan. Metode pembelajaran resitasi merupakan metode penugasan yang diberikan oleh pendidik untuk peserta didik. Pengerjaan tugas itu dilakukan diluar ruangan kelas. Penggunaaan metode resitasi ini dipakai untuk mencapai tujuan akhir yang diinginkan. Hal ini tentu menjadikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode resitasi dapat menjadikan peserta didik melakukan pembelajaran dengan menuangkan segala gagasan dan ide dengan tujuan akhir yang diinginkan. Penulis tertarik mengangkat judul skripsi “Pembelajaran Menceritakan Kembali Isi Teks Narasi dengan Menggunakan Metode Resitasi pada Peserta Didik Kelas VII SMPN 43 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020.” Adapun hasil penelitia...
Bactrocera carambolae and B. dorsalis are genetically related in that both have the same type of ... more Bactrocera carambolae and B. dorsalis are genetically related in that both have the same type of host plant, and hybridization between B. carambolae and B. dorsalis may occur naturally. The depth of the pupation is one of the important factors in adult emergence rate. This objective of this study was to estimate the depth of the pupation that can suppress the emergence of adult interspecific hybrids of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis. The experiments consisting of seven depths of pupation treatments (4 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm, and 60 cm) with four replications. The results showed that 91% of the adult interspecific hybrids of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis emerged successfully at 4 cm depth of pupation. Furthermore, the emergence rate was found to decrease with the increase in pupation depth. Soil depths ranging between 50 and 60 cm can suppress the emergence rate of adult interspecific hybrids of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2020
Introduction: Rice-field rats are one of the most important pests because it can give large losse... more Introduction: Rice-field rats are one of the most important pests because it can give large losses in all planting seasons including the storehouse. Synthetic rodenticide is the most commonly used of chemical technique for controlling rice-field rats. The application of these materials indirectly causes negative impacts; one of them is for the environment. As an alternative for controlling rice-field rats, natural materials can be used as a repellent. Objective: to examine the effects of methanol extract of Plumeria rubra leaves on metabolism, daily activity patterns, and its potency as a repellent of the rice-field rat. Methods: The experiments were conducted at the Laboratory of Pests, Universitas Padjadjaran involves choice test (T-maze arena), and the Laboratory of Rats, Indonesian Institute for Rice Research involves no-choice test (metabolic cage) from February until May 2019. The observations including food (g), water consumption (ml), feces production (g), urine production (...
International Journal of Technology, 2019
This paper investigates the influence of the forebody of a projectile-shaped model without append... more This paper investigates the influence of the forebody of a projectile-shaped model without appendages and propulsion system in a submerged condition. The commercial steady RANS code, ANSYS Fluent, was used to conduct the simulations, and the forebody was varied based on the Hull Envelope equation. From the results, the model with nf = 2.75 was the optimum design according to the bow efficiency coefficient. However, the model with a blunt form (nf = 1) produced the lowest drag because it had the least wet surface area. For models with high nf, a high accelerating flow led to a low-pressure condition after the impact of the fluid on the fore end. This soaring pressure difference caused a flow separation, and therefore the fullness of the forebody affected the fluid flow around the body: the alteration of pressure, the flow speed, and friction as the primary component of resistance.
Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are gram-negative bacteria that often cause infectiou... more Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are gram-negative bacteria that often cause infectious diseases in humans. Pharmacological therapy to overcome infection by these two species needs to be developed by utilizing natural ingredients, such as bitter melon fruit. This study aims to examine the antibacterial effects of bitter melon extract (BME) on E.coli and P. aeruginosa by in vitro method. In vitro experimental research with post test only control groupdesign was carried out using 5 groups, namely BME with gradual concentrations (100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 0%) inoculated with bacteria and 1 positive control (K+) of gentamicin 16 g/mL. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was assessed by comparing the clarity of the treatment solution with K+ and measuring the inhibitor zone diameter (IZD). Minimum bacterial concentration (MBC) was tested by culturing the treatment solution on solid media to see the resulted sterility. The inhibition of E.coli growth by BME 50% and 100% was no...
BIBLIOTIKA : Jurnal Kajian Perpustakaan dan Informasi
This study aims to know the cause and prevent plagiarism for mathematics education students. The ... more This study aims to know the cause and prevent plagiarism for mathematics education students. The method in this study isqualitative with a literature study analysis technique approach. This study shows thatthe causes of plagiarism are the low self-confidence in writing works with their own thoughts, bad habits in learning, and think that doesn’t lead to learning process.
Tanaman beracun oleander (Nerium oleander) memiliki potensi untuk mengendalikan hama utama tanama... more Tanaman beracun oleander (Nerium oleander) memiliki potensi untuk mengendalikan hama utama tanaman jagung, salah satunya ulat grayak jagung (Spodopetera frugiperda). Namun demikian, studi ekstrak daun N. oleander yang disiapkan dengan menggunakan pelarut yang berbeda belum diketahui efektivitasnya dalam mengendalikan S. frugiperda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan berbagai pelarut ekstrak daun N. oleander terhadap terhadap mortalitas, konsumsi makan, dan kelulushidupan larva S. frugiperda. Penelitian melibatkan ekstraksi daun N. oleander berdasarkan perbedaan polaritas pelarut (n-hexane, etanol, metanol, air) untuk lima konsentrasi uji yang berbeda serta perlakuan kontrol yang diulang empat kali menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pada larva S. frugiperda instar III. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kasar metanol daun N. oleander memberikan pengaruh penghambatan konsumsi pakan larva S. frugiperda sebesar 0,071 ± 0,028 g dibandingkan kontrol 0,642 ± ...
Jurnal Kesehatan Tambusai
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan alat kontrasepsi sedang menjadi sorotan terutama di masa pandemi COVID... more Latar Belakang: Penggunaan alat kontrasepsi sedang menjadi sorotan terutama di masa pandemi COVID-19. COVID-19 saat ini telah ditetapkan sebagai darurat kesehatan global. Pemerintah Indonesia juga sempat menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) untuk memutuskan rantai penularan virus ini. Hal tersebut menimbulkan dampak terhadap berbagai sektor kesehatan, terutama kesehatan reproduksi. Pelayanan kontrasepsi menjadi terbengkalai karena adanya pembatasan sosial yang berlaku, ibu terpaksa tidak bisa berkonsultasi ke dokter dan ke puskesmas untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kontrasepsi, bahkan Indonesia diprediksi akan mengalami baby boom karena semua aktivitas dilakukan dirumah. Tujuan: Menganalisis penggunaan alat kontrasepsi sebelum dan saat COVID-19. Metode: Penelitian yang kami lakukan menggunakan Literature Review untuk mengidentifikasi semua literatur yang dipublikasikan dengan kata kunci yang relevan. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil dari Literatur Review yang dilakukan, situas...
Latar belakang: Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di suatu negara adalah program yang dibentuk untuk men... more Latar belakang: Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di suatu negara adalah program yang dibentuk untuk mencapai Cakupan Kesehatan Semesta guna memastikan bahwa setiap warga negara dalam populasi memiliki akses ke layanan kesehatan dengan partisipasi wajib. Dalam perkembangan pelaksanaan JKN terdapat permasalahan yaitu penurunan kepesertaan yang menjadi alasan peneliti melakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kepesertaan JKN, hambatan, serta upaya mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kepesertaan.Metode: Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah Literature Review dengan metode analisis data sederhana (simplified approach). Terdapat 12 artikel nasional dan 3 artikel internasional yang telah dipilih oleh peneliti sebagai bahan penelitian.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepesertaan BPJS Kesehatan dibagi menjadi 3 faktor utama, yaitu faktor predisposisi, faktor pendukung, dan faktor kebutuhan. Hambatan pelaksanaan JKN ditemukan...
People are drawn to the internet as technology progresses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, technolo... more People are drawn to the internet as technology progresses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has become a requirement in the education sector. Therefore, the researchers want to find the effectiveness of TikTok in improving EFL learners' speaking ability. The subject of this paper was 20 from the English Educational Study Program at Tidar University. This study used the qualitative research method. Based on the researchers' study with 20 students from the English Educational Study Program, the researcher concludes that the TikTok application improved students' speaking skills well. In addition, students' sentiments toward using TikTok in language learning were favorable.
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan
National Health Insurance in a country is a program to achieve Universal Health Coverage which en... more National Health Insurance in a country is a program to achieve Universal Health Coverage which ensures that every citizen in the population has access to health services. The existence of mandatory NHI membership rules makes participation a very important aspect. In the development of the implementation of NHI, there was a phenomenon of decreasing participation which became the reason for researchers to research to analyze factors related to NHI participation, obstacles, and efforts made to maintain and increase participation. This research is a type of Literature Review research with a simple data analysis method (simplified approach). There are 12 national articles and 8 international articles that have been selected by researchers as research material. The results showed that the factors related to NHI participation were divided into 3 main factors, namely predisposing factors, enabling factors, and needs factors. The predisposing factors include age, gender, education, occupatio...
Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 2020
Nerium oleander historically has been known worldwide as a poisonous plant that can be used to co... more Nerium oleander historically has been known worldwide as a poisonous plant that can be used to control pests. However, studies on the effects of oleander leaves against Rattus argentiventer as a major agricultural rodent pest are limited. This research aimed to probe the potency of oleander leaves extracted in methanol as a rice-field rat repellent. The experiments involved a choice test (T-maze arena) and a no-choice test (metabolic cage) that were analyzed by the T-test using three replications for 6 days. The results showed that the rats on the T-maze avoided consuming food and water near the oleander treatment. The same results occurred in the metabolic cage, which was indicated by a decrease in the average of food and feces, and also by an increase in the average of water and urine. Additionally, the treatment also caused a disruption in daily activity patterns, which was significantly indicated by an increase of 22.84% in average time for resting activities and a decrease in t...
Di dalam Pasal Jaminan perjanjian Pembiayaan Mikro Murabahah Bank Syari’ah Mandiri KCP Jatinangor... more Di dalam Pasal Jaminan perjanjian Pembiayaan Mikro Murabahah Bank Syari’ah Mandiri KCP Jatinangor, terdapat klausul yang menyatakan bahwa jika agunan dalam pembiayaan tersebut nilainya menjadi berkurang maka nasabah akan menambah dan/atau menukar agunan sesuai dengan permintaan bank. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui latar belakang dari pencantuman klausul tukar agunan, pelaksanaannya dan pandangan Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah terhadap klausul tersebut ditinjau dari asas-asas perjanjian dalam Islam, UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syari’ah, dan hukum pembanding terkait. Agunan adalah jaminan tambahan yang diserahkan dari nasabah kepada Bank dalam rangka melakukan permohonan pembiayaan. Secara mafhum mukhalafah, ketika ada tambahan, maka ada pokok. Jaminan pokok sendiri merupakan keyakinan bank terhadap nasabah. Pasal 23 Ayat (2) UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syari’ah mewajibkan Bank Syari’ah untuk menilai secara seksama terhadap kompetensi nasabah dalam suatu pembiaya...
Establishing social relations is a developmental task that adolescents go through. Nevertheless, ... more Establishing social relations is a developmental task that adolescents go through. Nevertheless, the emergence of excessive negative thinking towards negative judgment from others or fear of negative evaluation will lead to a negative tendency when it comes to seeing ourseleves, the surrounding environment, and the future. Continuous negative perception will lead to failure and loss as a trigger for symptoms of depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fear of negative evaluation on the tendency of depression in adolescents. This study employed a correlational research design by means of a simple random sampling technique. Participants in this study comprised 511 adolescents from eight equivalent high schools in Malang Municipality. In this study, the scale of brief fear of negative evaluation straighforward (BFNE-S) dan center for epidemiologic studies depression 10 item (CES-D 10) were utilized as the research instruments. The results of the analysis wit...
K.H. Abdul Halim adalah seorang tokoh pembaharu pendidikan sekaligus politisi asal Majalengka. Be... more K.H. Abdul Halim adalah seorang tokoh pembaharu pendidikan sekaligus politisi asal Majalengka. Beliau menetap di Pesantren Santi Asromo Desa Pasirayu Kecamatan Sindang Kabupaten Majalengka. Banyak nya kiprah K.H. Abdul Halim dalam bidang pendidikan serta politik membuat beliau diberikan gelar sebagai Pahlawan Nasional. Meskipun begitu, sejarah perjuangan K.H. Abdul Halim tidak banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat, karena kurangnya penulisan sejarah mengenai tokoh. Selain itu, tidak adanya museum mendukung kurangnya eksistensi sejarah perjuangan K.H. Abdul Halim. Berpijak dari itulah, penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana latar belakang kehidupan K.H. Abdul Halim dan bagaimana kiprahnya dalam bidang politik serta pendidikan tahun 1911-1962. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui latar belakang kehidupan K.H. Abdul Halim, dan peranan K.H. Abdul Halim dalam politik dan pendidikan tahun 1911-1962. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah (metode historis) dengan langk...
Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa. Menulis juga upaya untuk memberikan informas... more Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa. Menulis juga upaya untuk memberikan informasi melalui tulisan. Dalam menulis, penulis dituntut untuk menuangkan segala ide yang ada didalam pikirannya. Tujuan menulis, yaitu untuk memberikan informasi secara tulisan dan menuangkan gagasan atau ide kedalam bentuk tulisan. Metode pembelajaran resitasi merupakan metode penugasan yang diberikan oleh pendidik untuk peserta didik. Pengerjaan tugas itu dilakukan diluar ruangan kelas. Penggunaaan metode resitasi ini dipakai untuk mencapai tujuan akhir yang diinginkan. Hal ini tentu menjadikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode resitasi dapat menjadikan peserta didik melakukan pembelajaran dengan menuangkan segala gagasan dan ide dengan tujuan akhir yang diinginkan. Penulis tertarik mengangkat judul skripsi “Pembelajaran Menceritakan Kembali Isi Teks Narasi dengan Menggunakan Metode Resitasi pada Peserta Didik Kelas VII SMPN 43 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020.” Adapun hasil penelitia...
Bactrocera carambolae and B. dorsalis are genetically related in that both have the same type of ... more Bactrocera carambolae and B. dorsalis are genetically related in that both have the same type of host plant, and hybridization between B. carambolae and B. dorsalis may occur naturally. The depth of the pupation is one of the important factors in adult emergence rate. This objective of this study was to estimate the depth of the pupation that can suppress the emergence of adult interspecific hybrids of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis. The experiments consisting of seven depths of pupation treatments (4 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm, and 60 cm) with four replications. The results showed that 91% of the adult interspecific hybrids of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis emerged successfully at 4 cm depth of pupation. Furthermore, the emergence rate was found to decrease with the increase in pupation depth. Soil depths ranging between 50 and 60 cm can suppress the emergence rate of adult interspecific hybrids of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2020
Introduction: Rice-field rats are one of the most important pests because it can give large losse... more Introduction: Rice-field rats are one of the most important pests because it can give large losses in all planting seasons including the storehouse. Synthetic rodenticide is the most commonly used of chemical technique for controlling rice-field rats. The application of these materials indirectly causes negative impacts; one of them is for the environment. As an alternative for controlling rice-field rats, natural materials can be used as a repellent. Objective: to examine the effects of methanol extract of Plumeria rubra leaves on metabolism, daily activity patterns, and its potency as a repellent of the rice-field rat. Methods: The experiments were conducted at the Laboratory of Pests, Universitas Padjadjaran involves choice test (T-maze arena), and the Laboratory of Rats, Indonesian Institute for Rice Research involves no-choice test (metabolic cage) from February until May 2019. The observations including food (g), water consumption (ml), feces production (g), urine production (...
International Journal of Technology, 2019
This paper investigates the influence of the forebody of a projectile-shaped model without append... more This paper investigates the influence of the forebody of a projectile-shaped model without appendages and propulsion system in a submerged condition. The commercial steady RANS code, ANSYS Fluent, was used to conduct the simulations, and the forebody was varied based on the Hull Envelope equation. From the results, the model with nf = 2.75 was the optimum design according to the bow efficiency coefficient. However, the model with a blunt form (nf = 1) produced the lowest drag because it had the least wet surface area. For models with high nf, a high accelerating flow led to a low-pressure condition after the impact of the fluid on the fore end. This soaring pressure difference caused a flow separation, and therefore the fullness of the forebody affected the fluid flow around the body: the alteration of pressure, the flow speed, and friction as the primary component of resistance.
Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are gram-negative bacteria that often cause infectiou... more Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are gram-negative bacteria that often cause infectious diseases in humans. Pharmacological therapy to overcome infection by these two species needs to be developed by utilizing natural ingredients, such as bitter melon fruit. This study aims to examine the antibacterial effects of bitter melon extract (BME) on E.coli and P. aeruginosa by in vitro method. In vitro experimental research with post test only control groupdesign was carried out using 5 groups, namely BME with gradual concentrations (100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 0%) inoculated with bacteria and 1 positive control (K+) of gentamicin 16 g/mL. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was assessed by comparing the clarity of the treatment solution with K+ and measuring the inhibitor zone diameter (IZD). Minimum bacterial concentration (MBC) was tested by culturing the treatment solution on solid media to see the resulted sterility. The inhibition of E.coli growth by BME 50% and 100% was no...