Ali zainal Abidin - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ali zainal Abidin
Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work discipline and leadership style on ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work discipline and leadership style on employee performance at PT. Kalibata Sarana Distrindo partially or simultaneously. The research method used in this study is quantitative research and data collection with questionnaire techniques, the number of samples used in this study were 46 respondents. The variables used in this study were tested using statistical tests which included validity tests, reliability tests, normality tests, heteroscedasticity tests, multicollinearity tests, multiple linear regression equations, correlation coefficients, coefficients of determination, t-test and F-test. Partial T-test shows that there is a significant effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance of PT. Kalibata Sarana Distrindo in Jabodetabek, and there is a significant effect of Leadership Style on employee performance of PT. Kalibata Sarana Distrindo in Jabodetabek. Based on the simultaneous F test that there is an effect Variabl...
Frontier Energy System and Power Engineering
Diponegoro University is one of the universities that support the research, development, and util... more Diponegoro University is one of the universities that support the research, development, and utilization of renewable energy in Indonesia. The Diponegoro educational reservoir is one of the facilities at Diponegoro University that can be developed as a floating photovoltaic. The potential of the Diponegoro educational reservoir as a floating photovoltaic on-grid is 1.846 kWp. Penetration of floating photovoltaic in the power grid can affect the power quality of the system. This paper discusses the effect of floating photovoltaic penetration in the education reservoir in Diponegoro on the 20 kV distribution network using ETAP software. In this study, the penetration of floating photovoltaic capacity connect to the distribution network is 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. Penetration of floating photovoltaic can cause a decrease in power factor and losses in the distribution system. The maximum penetration of floating photovoltaic in the education reservoir in Diponegoro in the 20 kV distri...
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business
This study aims to determine the effect of human capital and customer capital on the perceived pe... more This study aims to determine the effect of human capital and customer capital on the perceived performance of farmers. The question in this study is whether human capital affects the perceived performance of farmers and whether customer capital affects the perceived performance of farmers. The analysis technique in this research includes correlation test, determination test and F test which is a model feasibility test, followed by multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing (t). The sample method uses purposive sampling, with several criteria developed previously. Questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents. Respondents in this study were farmers in Blubur Limbangan District, Garut Regency. In total there are 356 respondents. Based on the results of hypothesis testing (t), human capital affects the perceived performance of farmers and customer capital affects the perceived performance of farmers.
Journal of Economics Research and Policy Studies
The research was carried out to investigate women's contributions in the political aspect, es... more The research was carried out to investigate women's contributions in the political aspect, especially in the legislative institutions in the province of West Java, Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach, with data processing based on panel data analysis. The Gender Development Index (IPG) was chosen as the dependent variable. In contrast, the independent variables used the Total Female Population (JPP), Average Years of Schooling (RLS), Number of Female Legislative Members (JALP), and the Gender Empowerment Index (IBG). The study used the province of West Java as the location, with secondary data from 2017 to 2020. The results showed that the average length of schooling (RLS) was the only variable positively influencing the Gender Development Index (GPA). This shows that the contribution of women on the political stage will increase along with the number of women with higher education. Other variables do not affect the index.
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sep 23, 2014
The purpose of the study was to determine the growth response and yield of some varieties oflowla... more The purpose of the study was to determine the growth response and yield of some varieties oflowland tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) under application of chicken manure. The researchwas conducted at Pasar I Tanjung Sari, Medan, of 25 meters above sea level, from June until August2013. The research design is a randomized block design with two factors, tomato varieties; Rempai,Vida and Super King, and chicken manure’s dosages; 0, 250, 500 and 750 g/polybag. Parametersobserved were plant height (cm), the number of fruit per plant, the number of bunches, the numberof fruit per bunch, average fruit weight (g) and heritability. The results showed that tomato varietieshave significant different on plant height, average fruit weight, the number of bunches, the numberof fruit per plant and the number of fruit per bunch, dosage of chicken manure showed significantparameters plan height, the numberof bunches and the number of fruit per bunch. Interaction of bothtreatments gave significant different on plant height, the number of bunches, the number of fruit perplant and the number of fruit per bunch.Key words : lowland tomato variety, chicken manure
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation Track Accounting and Management Sciences (ICOSIAMS 2021), 2022
Entrepreneurship has proven to be a sector that can provide welfare for business actors. This sit... more Entrepreneurship has proven to be a sector that can provide welfare for business actors. This situation encourages numerous parties to become entrepreneurs, including Muslim women. This research explained Muslim women entrepreneurs' backgrounds, processes, efforts, and achievements in their business journeys. The phenomenological study was implemented as the research method, while the purposive sampling technique and semi-structured interviews were employed to obtain the data. The results showed that Muslim entrepreneurs had undergone a transformation in interpreting the business achievements they have acquired. This change resulted from several factors, including personal experience, self-disclosure, environment, and access to information. This transformation then manifested in economic and non-economic aspects, where Muslim women entrepreneurs gradually preferred business blessings rather than mere profit. The business objectives also prioritized benefit, almsgiving, and resolve conflicts by believing in Allah SWT. This transformation was the beginning of their new journey in achieving prosperity in this world and the hereafter.
This study has two objectives: first, to test the competitiveness of Textile Commodities and Indo... more This study has two objectives: first, to test the competitiveness of Textile Commodities and Indonesian Textile Product (TPT) in the global market and identify the prospects of the new export markets. Second, identify the competitiveness of the textile industry using case studies in the Solo Raya region. The Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Export Product Dynamics (EPD) methods are using in this study. The results show that Indonesian TPT commodities have a lost opportunity category in the central export destinations countries, such as a decline in market share. Indonesian TPT commodities have prospects in Austria, Canada, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, and Sweden due to competitiveness and domination in the market. Besides, the condition of the Indonesian textile industry competitiveness shows low competitiveness in terms of factor conditions, demand conditions, supporting and related industries, strategy, structure, and competition that are components of Porter's di...
Tujuan dari Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah untuk melaksanakan salah satu Tri Darma ... more Tujuan dari Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah untuk melaksanakan salah satu Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi.Selain itu diharapkan dengan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tersebut keberadaan perguruan tinggi dapat memberikan kontribusi besar kepada pengembangan dan penerapan keilmuan kepada masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan pada Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini berupa penyampaian materi secara verbal dan pembelajaran yang menekankan pada proses berpikir kritis dan analitis terkait keilmuan manajemen sumber daya manusia dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia (karyawan kelurahan Pondok Benda). Persaingan di segala bidang kini terasa semakin ketat. Untuk dapat mempertahankan kualitas dan produktivitas kerja karyawan, kita harus bisa memastikan bahwa sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki sudah baik kualitasnya. Hal itu dilakukan agar suatu organisasi dapat mengembangkan produktivitas kerjanya dengan baik.Kualitas dan produktivitas kerja sumber daya manusia dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara mela...
Intech, 2021
Proses produksi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap yang menggunakan batubara sebagai sumber energi pem... more Proses produksi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap yang menggunakan batubara sebagai sumber energi pembakarannya, menghasilkan limbah berupa fly ash dan buttom ash yang tergolong Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya (B3). Apabila limbah batubara tidak dikelola dengan baik, akan menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. PT Petrokimia Gresik memiliki pembangkit listrik dengan dua unit boiler yang menggunakan batubara sebagai sumber energi pembakaran, dengan kapasitas 32 megawatt. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan limbah fly ash batubara yang dihasilkan dari Utilitas Batubara (UBB) yang berjumlah 20 ton per hari. Data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data limbah fly ash batubara dan data kebutuhan koagulan yang berasal dari data produksi. Dengan menggunakan metode reverse logistics, fly ash batubara didaur ulang menjadi koagulan padat untuk dijadikan bahan masukan di unit effluent treatment yang kemudian dapat menghasilkan air bersih untuk diproses menjadi air demin sebagai Boiler Feed Water ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan dan motivasi kerja terhadap produkti... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan dan motivasi kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan baik secara parsial maupun simultan pada PT. Advantage SCM Unit NAA Jakarta Pusat. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis deskriptif, uji regresi linear sederhaan, uji regresi linear berganda, uji koefisien korelasi, uji koefisien determinasi, Uji t dan Uji f. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT. Advantage SCM Unit NAA Jakarta pusat dengan menggunakan sampel yang dihitung dengan rumus slovin menjadi 122 responden. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa Pelatihan dan Motivasi kerja mempunyai kontribusi terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan sebesar 40,9% sedangkan sisanya 59,1% adalah variabel lain yang tidak diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persamaan regresi linear berganda Y = 1,818 + 0,216 (X 1 ) + 0,209 (X 2 ), artinya meskipun tanp...
The purpose of the study was to determine the growth response and yield of some varieties of lowl... more The purpose of the study was to determine the growth response and yield of some varieties of lowland tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) under application of chicken manure. The research was conducted at Pasar I Tanjung Sari, Medan, of 25 meters above sea level, from June until August 2013. The research design is a randomized block design with two factors, tomato varieties; Rempai, Vida and Super King, and chicken manure’s dosages; 0, 250, 500 and 750 g/polybag. Parameters observed were plant height (cm), the number of fruit per plant, the number of bunches, the number of fruit per bunch, average fruit weight (g) and heritability. The results showed that tomato varieties have significant different on plant height, average fruit weight, the number of bunches, the number of fruit per plant and the number of fruit per bunch, dosage of chicken manure showed significant parameters plan height, the numberof bunches and the number of fruit per bunch. Interaction of both treatments gave sig...
JIMF (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Forkamma), 2021
The goal to be achieved in this study is to determine the effect of teacher teaching style on stu... more The goal to be achieved in this study is to determine the effect of teacher teaching style on student achievement at SMK Sasmita Jaya, South Tangerang. The time of the research takes place from December 2020 to April 2021. In improving education, of course, it is influenced by teaching and learning interactions during the learning process. The intended interaction is a reciprocal relationship between teachers and students in the teaching and learning process. This research method is an associative research using a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were 75 students of class XI majoring in Marketing at SMK Sasmita Jaya, South Tangerang. While the sample used was 75 respondents using the saturated sample technique. Collecting data using interviews, questionnaires, documentation, and literature study. While the data analysis using Validity Test, Reliability Test, Simple Linear Regression, Correlation Coefficient, Coefficient of Determination and Significance Test. The re...
Jurnal E-Bis (Ekonomi-Bisnis), 2021
Meningkatkan kinerja pegawai puskesmas sangat penting, khususnya dalam memberikan pelayanan kepad... more Meningkatkan kinerja pegawai puskesmas sangat penting, khususnya dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat di masa pandemic Covid 19. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan gambaran deskriptif mengenai kinerja pegawai puskesmas di kota Tangerang Selatan. Tidak hanya itu, buat mengenali gimana pengaruh disiplin kerja serta motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai puskesmas di kota Tangerang Selatan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Adapun sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 48 pegawai yang bekerja di puskesmas Benda Baru Kota Tangerang Selatan. Data di olah menggunakan SPSS 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pegawai puskesmas Benda Baru pada kategori baik. Disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara partial terhadap kinerja pegawai. Motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara partial terhadap kinerja pegawai. Disiplin kerja serta motivasi kerja mempengaruhi positif serta signifikan ...
The purpose of community service activities is to provide information about ISO (International Or... more The purpose of community service activities is to provide information about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to the employees of PT. Tegnolabindo in developing good human resources at the company. The method of service is the method of seminar, discussion and question and answer as well as personal evaluation. The ISO material presented is ISO 9001: 2015. The results of information activities about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to employees of PT. Tegnolabindo, employees are expected to have knowledge about ISO and how it is implemented. Furthermore, in order to be applied in the company, especially in improving good human resources in the company.Keywords: ISO, Human Resources
Economics and Education Journal (Ecoducation), 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the phenomenon and obtain empirical evidence, as well ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the phenomenon and obtain empirical evidence, as well as conclusions about the effect of work motivation on the performance of the nurses at Community Health Center. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. The type of data used is primary data. The sample used was 125 nurses. Data processed using SPSS 19 program. The results showed that (1) Simple Linear Regression Test Results produced a regression equation: Y = 22,292 + 0605 X. (2) The results of the correlation coefficient test of 0.522 included in the medium category. This means that work motivation has a moderate relationship with performance variables. (3) Determination Coefficient Test Results are 0.273. This means that work motivation variables contribute 27.3% to the performance variable. The remaining 72.7% is influenced by other factors not examined. (4) From the t test table it can be seen that t arithmetic> t table, which is 6,792> 0,676, meaning that the wor...
Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2015
Many studies investigate job satisfaction and motivation in the workplace using Herzberg's motiva... more Many studies investigate job satisfaction and motivation in the workplace using Herzberg's motivation-hygiene factor theory; however, none specifically relate these factors to Navigators in the Royal Malaysian Air Force in which limited promotion is available. This study investigated the factors affecting job satisfaction for Navigators in the Royal Malaysian Air Force. 54 respondents from various operational squadrons and units completed the survey. The factors adapted from Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory were tested. The motivation factors achievement, recognition, growth, work itself and promotion were found to be significance and dominance in this study whereas policies, flight safety and relationship with leaders were the significant hygiene factors. A multiple regression is also conducted and from result found that career growth is the most significant factor that influence the job satisfaction of Navigators in the Royal Malaysian Air Force.
Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work discipline and leadership style on ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work discipline and leadership style on employee performance at PT. Kalibata Sarana Distrindo partially or simultaneously. The research method used in this study is quantitative research and data collection with questionnaire techniques, the number of samples used in this study were 46 respondents. The variables used in this study were tested using statistical tests which included validity tests, reliability tests, normality tests, heteroscedasticity tests, multicollinearity tests, multiple linear regression equations, correlation coefficients, coefficients of determination, t-test and F-test. Partial T-test shows that there is a significant effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance of PT. Kalibata Sarana Distrindo in Jabodetabek, and there is a significant effect of Leadership Style on employee performance of PT. Kalibata Sarana Distrindo in Jabodetabek. Based on the simultaneous F test that there is an effect Variabl...
Frontier Energy System and Power Engineering
Diponegoro University is one of the universities that support the research, development, and util... more Diponegoro University is one of the universities that support the research, development, and utilization of renewable energy in Indonesia. The Diponegoro educational reservoir is one of the facilities at Diponegoro University that can be developed as a floating photovoltaic. The potential of the Diponegoro educational reservoir as a floating photovoltaic on-grid is 1.846 kWp. Penetration of floating photovoltaic in the power grid can affect the power quality of the system. This paper discusses the effect of floating photovoltaic penetration in the education reservoir in Diponegoro on the 20 kV distribution network using ETAP software. In this study, the penetration of floating photovoltaic capacity connect to the distribution network is 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. Penetration of floating photovoltaic can cause a decrease in power factor and losses in the distribution system. The maximum penetration of floating photovoltaic in the education reservoir in Diponegoro in the 20 kV distri...
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business
This study aims to determine the effect of human capital and customer capital on the perceived pe... more This study aims to determine the effect of human capital and customer capital on the perceived performance of farmers. The question in this study is whether human capital affects the perceived performance of farmers and whether customer capital affects the perceived performance of farmers. The analysis technique in this research includes correlation test, determination test and F test which is a model feasibility test, followed by multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing (t). The sample method uses purposive sampling, with several criteria developed previously. Questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents. Respondents in this study were farmers in Blubur Limbangan District, Garut Regency. In total there are 356 respondents. Based on the results of hypothesis testing (t), human capital affects the perceived performance of farmers and customer capital affects the perceived performance of farmers.
Journal of Economics Research and Policy Studies
The research was carried out to investigate women's contributions in the political aspect, es... more The research was carried out to investigate women's contributions in the political aspect, especially in the legislative institutions in the province of West Java, Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach, with data processing based on panel data analysis. The Gender Development Index (IPG) was chosen as the dependent variable. In contrast, the independent variables used the Total Female Population (JPP), Average Years of Schooling (RLS), Number of Female Legislative Members (JALP), and the Gender Empowerment Index (IBG). The study used the province of West Java as the location, with secondary data from 2017 to 2020. The results showed that the average length of schooling (RLS) was the only variable positively influencing the Gender Development Index (GPA). This shows that the contribution of women on the political stage will increase along with the number of women with higher education. Other variables do not affect the index.
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sep 23, 2014
The purpose of the study was to determine the growth response and yield of some varieties oflowla... more The purpose of the study was to determine the growth response and yield of some varieties oflowland tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) under application of chicken manure. The researchwas conducted at Pasar I Tanjung Sari, Medan, of 25 meters above sea level, from June until August2013. The research design is a randomized block design with two factors, tomato varieties; Rempai,Vida and Super King, and chicken manure’s dosages; 0, 250, 500 and 750 g/polybag. Parametersobserved were plant height (cm), the number of fruit per plant, the number of bunches, the numberof fruit per bunch, average fruit weight (g) and heritability. The results showed that tomato varietieshave significant different on plant height, average fruit weight, the number of bunches, the numberof fruit per plant and the number of fruit per bunch, dosage of chicken manure showed significantparameters plan height, the numberof bunches and the number of fruit per bunch. Interaction of bothtreatments gave significant different on plant height, the number of bunches, the number of fruit perplant and the number of fruit per bunch.Key words : lowland tomato variety, chicken manure
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation Track Accounting and Management Sciences (ICOSIAMS 2021), 2022
Entrepreneurship has proven to be a sector that can provide welfare for business actors. This sit... more Entrepreneurship has proven to be a sector that can provide welfare for business actors. This situation encourages numerous parties to become entrepreneurs, including Muslim women. This research explained Muslim women entrepreneurs' backgrounds, processes, efforts, and achievements in their business journeys. The phenomenological study was implemented as the research method, while the purposive sampling technique and semi-structured interviews were employed to obtain the data. The results showed that Muslim entrepreneurs had undergone a transformation in interpreting the business achievements they have acquired. This change resulted from several factors, including personal experience, self-disclosure, environment, and access to information. This transformation then manifested in economic and non-economic aspects, where Muslim women entrepreneurs gradually preferred business blessings rather than mere profit. The business objectives also prioritized benefit, almsgiving, and resolve conflicts by believing in Allah SWT. This transformation was the beginning of their new journey in achieving prosperity in this world and the hereafter.
This study has two objectives: first, to test the competitiveness of Textile Commodities and Indo... more This study has two objectives: first, to test the competitiveness of Textile Commodities and Indonesian Textile Product (TPT) in the global market and identify the prospects of the new export markets. Second, identify the competitiveness of the textile industry using case studies in the Solo Raya region. The Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Export Product Dynamics (EPD) methods are using in this study. The results show that Indonesian TPT commodities have a lost opportunity category in the central export destinations countries, such as a decline in market share. Indonesian TPT commodities have prospects in Austria, Canada, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, and Sweden due to competitiveness and domination in the market. Besides, the condition of the Indonesian textile industry competitiveness shows low competitiveness in terms of factor conditions, demand conditions, supporting and related industries, strategy, structure, and competition that are components of Porter's di...
Tujuan dari Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah untuk melaksanakan salah satu Tri Darma ... more Tujuan dari Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah untuk melaksanakan salah satu Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi.Selain itu diharapkan dengan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tersebut keberadaan perguruan tinggi dapat memberikan kontribusi besar kepada pengembangan dan penerapan keilmuan kepada masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan pada Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini berupa penyampaian materi secara verbal dan pembelajaran yang menekankan pada proses berpikir kritis dan analitis terkait keilmuan manajemen sumber daya manusia dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia (karyawan kelurahan Pondok Benda). Persaingan di segala bidang kini terasa semakin ketat. Untuk dapat mempertahankan kualitas dan produktivitas kerja karyawan, kita harus bisa memastikan bahwa sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki sudah baik kualitasnya. Hal itu dilakukan agar suatu organisasi dapat mengembangkan produktivitas kerjanya dengan baik.Kualitas dan produktivitas kerja sumber daya manusia dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara mela...
Intech, 2021
Proses produksi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap yang menggunakan batubara sebagai sumber energi pem... more Proses produksi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap yang menggunakan batubara sebagai sumber energi pembakarannya, menghasilkan limbah berupa fly ash dan buttom ash yang tergolong Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya (B3). Apabila limbah batubara tidak dikelola dengan baik, akan menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. PT Petrokimia Gresik memiliki pembangkit listrik dengan dua unit boiler yang menggunakan batubara sebagai sumber energi pembakaran, dengan kapasitas 32 megawatt. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan limbah fly ash batubara yang dihasilkan dari Utilitas Batubara (UBB) yang berjumlah 20 ton per hari. Data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data limbah fly ash batubara dan data kebutuhan koagulan yang berasal dari data produksi. Dengan menggunakan metode reverse logistics, fly ash batubara didaur ulang menjadi koagulan padat untuk dijadikan bahan masukan di unit effluent treatment yang kemudian dapat menghasilkan air bersih untuk diproses menjadi air demin sebagai Boiler Feed Water ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan dan motivasi kerja terhadap produkti... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan dan motivasi kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan baik secara parsial maupun simultan pada PT. Advantage SCM Unit NAA Jakarta Pusat. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis deskriptif, uji regresi linear sederhaan, uji regresi linear berganda, uji koefisien korelasi, uji koefisien determinasi, Uji t dan Uji f. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT. Advantage SCM Unit NAA Jakarta pusat dengan menggunakan sampel yang dihitung dengan rumus slovin menjadi 122 responden. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa Pelatihan dan Motivasi kerja mempunyai kontribusi terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan sebesar 40,9% sedangkan sisanya 59,1% adalah variabel lain yang tidak diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persamaan regresi linear berganda Y = 1,818 + 0,216 (X 1 ) + 0,209 (X 2 ), artinya meskipun tanp...
The purpose of the study was to determine the growth response and yield of some varieties of lowl... more The purpose of the study was to determine the growth response and yield of some varieties of lowland tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) under application of chicken manure. The research was conducted at Pasar I Tanjung Sari, Medan, of 25 meters above sea level, from June until August 2013. The research design is a randomized block design with two factors, tomato varieties; Rempai, Vida and Super King, and chicken manure’s dosages; 0, 250, 500 and 750 g/polybag. Parameters observed were plant height (cm), the number of fruit per plant, the number of bunches, the number of fruit per bunch, average fruit weight (g) and heritability. The results showed that tomato varieties have significant different on plant height, average fruit weight, the number of bunches, the number of fruit per plant and the number of fruit per bunch, dosage of chicken manure showed significant parameters plan height, the numberof bunches and the number of fruit per bunch. Interaction of both treatments gave sig...
JIMF (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Forkamma), 2021
The goal to be achieved in this study is to determine the effect of teacher teaching style on stu... more The goal to be achieved in this study is to determine the effect of teacher teaching style on student achievement at SMK Sasmita Jaya, South Tangerang. The time of the research takes place from December 2020 to April 2021. In improving education, of course, it is influenced by teaching and learning interactions during the learning process. The intended interaction is a reciprocal relationship between teachers and students in the teaching and learning process. This research method is an associative research using a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were 75 students of class XI majoring in Marketing at SMK Sasmita Jaya, South Tangerang. While the sample used was 75 respondents using the saturated sample technique. Collecting data using interviews, questionnaires, documentation, and literature study. While the data analysis using Validity Test, Reliability Test, Simple Linear Regression, Correlation Coefficient, Coefficient of Determination and Significance Test. The re...
Jurnal E-Bis (Ekonomi-Bisnis), 2021
Meningkatkan kinerja pegawai puskesmas sangat penting, khususnya dalam memberikan pelayanan kepad... more Meningkatkan kinerja pegawai puskesmas sangat penting, khususnya dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat di masa pandemic Covid 19. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan gambaran deskriptif mengenai kinerja pegawai puskesmas di kota Tangerang Selatan. Tidak hanya itu, buat mengenali gimana pengaruh disiplin kerja serta motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai puskesmas di kota Tangerang Selatan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Adapun sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 48 pegawai yang bekerja di puskesmas Benda Baru Kota Tangerang Selatan. Data di olah menggunakan SPSS 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pegawai puskesmas Benda Baru pada kategori baik. Disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara partial terhadap kinerja pegawai. Motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara partial terhadap kinerja pegawai. Disiplin kerja serta motivasi kerja mempengaruhi positif serta signifikan ...
The purpose of community service activities is to provide information about ISO (International Or... more The purpose of community service activities is to provide information about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to the employees of PT. Tegnolabindo in developing good human resources at the company. The method of service is the method of seminar, discussion and question and answer as well as personal evaluation. The ISO material presented is ISO 9001: 2015. The results of information activities about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to employees of PT. Tegnolabindo, employees are expected to have knowledge about ISO and how it is implemented. Furthermore, in order to be applied in the company, especially in improving good human resources in the company.Keywords: ISO, Human Resources
Economics and Education Journal (Ecoducation), 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the phenomenon and obtain empirical evidence, as well ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the phenomenon and obtain empirical evidence, as well as conclusions about the effect of work motivation on the performance of the nurses at Community Health Center. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. The type of data used is primary data. The sample used was 125 nurses. Data processed using SPSS 19 program. The results showed that (1) Simple Linear Regression Test Results produced a regression equation: Y = 22,292 + 0605 X. (2) The results of the correlation coefficient test of 0.522 included in the medium category. This means that work motivation has a moderate relationship with performance variables. (3) Determination Coefficient Test Results are 0.273. This means that work motivation variables contribute 27.3% to the performance variable. The remaining 72.7% is influenced by other factors not examined. (4) From the t test table it can be seen that t arithmetic> t table, which is 6,792> 0,676, meaning that the wor...
Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2015
Many studies investigate job satisfaction and motivation in the workplace using Herzberg's motiva... more Many studies investigate job satisfaction and motivation in the workplace using Herzberg's motivation-hygiene factor theory; however, none specifically relate these factors to Navigators in the Royal Malaysian Air Force in which limited promotion is available. This study investigated the factors affecting job satisfaction for Navigators in the Royal Malaysian Air Force. 54 respondents from various operational squadrons and units completed the survey. The factors adapted from Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory were tested. The motivation factors achievement, recognition, growth, work itself and promotion were found to be significance and dominance in this study whereas policies, flight safety and relationship with leaders were the significant hygiene factors. A multiple regression is also conducted and from result found that career growth is the most significant factor that influence the job satisfaction of Navigators in the Royal Malaysian Air Force.