Alvaro Mones - (original) (raw)

Address: Augsburg, Bayern, Germany



Papers by Alvaro Mones

Research paper thumbnail of Mones 2024 PE en Linea 12 Schuller

Publicación Extra, 2024

In this paper, the author tries to unveil aspects of the life of this eminent Austrian ethnologis... more In this paper, the author tries to unveil aspects of the life of this eminent Austrian ethnologist, philologist, historian and bibliographer, not an easy job. As far as I know, this is the first intent to sketch a biography and to compile a bibliography (although surely incomplete) of SCHULLER. During his active life he lived in or visited at least six European and twenty American countries and published some 140 papers.

Research paper thumbnail of Nueva especie de pecarí (Platygonus) del estado de Jalisco

Research paper thumbnail of Contrerascynus, new name for Simpsonia Contreras, 1990 (Mammalia, Sparassodonta, Hathlyacynidae), non Rochebrune, 1904 (Bivalvia, Unionidae), non Baker, 1911 (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae)

Contrerascynus, new name for Simpsonia Contreras, 1990 (Mammalia, Sparassodonta, Hathlyacynidae), non Rochebrune, 1904 (Bivalvia, Unionidae), non Baker, 1911 (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae)


Research paper thumbnail of Las vicisitudes del género Panochthus Burmeister, 1866 (Mammalia: Cingulata: Glyptodontidae)

Comunicaciones Paleontologicas Del Museo De Historia Natural De Montevideo, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Estudios sobre la familia Dinomyidae, I. sobre la nomenclatura y sinonimia familiar (Mammalia: Rodentia)

Studies on the family Dinomyidae, I. On the family’s nomenclature and synonymy.– The authorship o... more Studies on the family Dinomyidae, I. On the family’s nomenclature and synonymy.– The authorship of the family is attributed to Peters (1873), and not to Alston (1896), who corrected ontly the spelling. A synonymy of the family shows the relative instability of its content and relationships.

Research paper thumbnail of Santana Fossils; An illustrated Atlas (J. G. Maisey. cd.)

Research paper thumbnail of La Bibliografía Científica de Fernando de Buen

Research paper thumbnail of Notas paleontologicas uruguayas, V. Primer hallazgo de Rhea sp. fosil en el Uruguay (Aves: Struthioniformes: Rheidae)

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliografía sobre geología y paleontología del Uruguay

Comunicaciones Paleontologicas Del Museo De Historia Natural De Montevideo, 1991

... Signatura: DOC 0234. Aut. Analit.: Mones Sibillotti, Alvaro Jaime. Título: Bibliografía sobre... more ... Signatura: DOC 0234. Aut. Analit.: Mones Sibillotti, Alvaro Jaime. Título: Bibliografía sobre geología y paleontología del Uruguay. Notas: Separata. P.imprenta: [Montevideo]. UY. 1981. 95-162. Serie: Boletín del Instituto Geológico del Uruguay. 38. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Terciario del Uruguay - mapa

Research paper thumbnail of Nomen dubium vs. nomen vanum

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1989

Research paper thumbnail of Monografía de la familia Hydrochoeridae (Mammalia: Rodentia): Sistematika-paleontologia-filogenia-bibliografía

The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by ... more The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by the libraries of Wageningen University and Research Centre and some 15 associated libraries. Holding data are added to each record.

Research paper thumbnail of Estudios sobre la familia Dinomyidae, II. Aportes para una osteología comparada de Dinomys branickii Peters, 1873 (Mammalia: Rodentia)

Comunicaciones Paleontologicas Del Museo De Historia Natural De Montevideo, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Rectificaciones a la nomenclatura supragenerica de algunos taxa de mamíferos fósiles sudamericanos

Research paper thumbnail of Miller, H. & U. Rosenfe1d (Eds.). 1983. Beitrtige zum VIII. Geounseenschaftlichen Lateinameriña-Kolloquiuni (Gottingen; 1982) - Zentralblatt f. Geol. u. Paláont., 1983, 1(3/4): IV + 185-602, figs. Stuttgart

Research paper thumbnail of Estudios sobre la familia Dinomyidae, II. Aportes para una osteología comparada de Dinomys branickii Peters, 1873 (Mammalia: Rodentia)

Studies on the Family Dinomyidae, II. Contribution to a comparative osteology of Dinomys branicki... more Studies on the Family Dinomyidae, II. Contribution to a comparative osteology of Dinomys branickii PETERS, 1873 (Mammalia: Rodentia).– This is the first description of the postcranial skeleton of D. branickii. It is compared with eight other South American caviomorph rodents (Cavia, Coendou, Ctenomys, Cuniculus, Dasyprocta, Hydrochoerus, Lagostomus, and Myocastor), belonging to eight different families. Some observations on the skull and dental morphology are also included. Family level relationships are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos nomenclaturales de la Familia Glyptodontidae (Mammalia, Xenarthra): el caso de Sclerocalyptus Ameghino, Hoplophorus Lund y la Tribu Sclerocalyptini

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliografía sobre geología y paleontología del Uruguay

... Signatura: DOC 0234. Aut. Analit.: Mones Sibillotti, Alvaro Jaime. Título: Bibliografía sobre... more ... Signatura: DOC 0234. Aut. Analit.: Mones Sibillotti, Alvaro Jaime. Título: Bibliografía sobre geología y paleontología del Uruguay. Notas: Separata. P.imprenta: [Montevideo]. UY. 1981. 95-162. Serie: Boletín del Instituto Geológico del Uruguay. 38. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Monografía de la familia Hydrochoeridae (Mammalia: Rodentia)

The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by ... more The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by the libraries of Wageningen University and Research Centre and some 15 associated libraries. Holding data are added to each record.

Research paper thumbnail of Estudios Sobre La Familia Hydrochoeridae (Rodentia). II. Descripción De Nuevos Restos De Cardiatherium Talicei Francis y Mones, 1965

On the basis of new findings, new fossil remains of the holotype of Cardiatherium talicei Francis... more On the basis of new findings, new fossil remains of the holotype of Cardiatherium talicei Francis y Mones, 1965, are described.

Research paper thumbnail of Mones 2024 PE en Linea 12 Schuller

Publicación Extra, 2024

In this paper, the author tries to unveil aspects of the life of this eminent Austrian ethnologis... more In this paper, the author tries to unveil aspects of the life of this eminent Austrian ethnologist, philologist, historian and bibliographer, not an easy job. As far as I know, this is the first intent to sketch a biography and to compile a bibliography (although surely incomplete) of SCHULLER. During his active life he lived in or visited at least six European and twenty American countries and published some 140 papers.

Research paper thumbnail of Nueva especie de pecarí (Platygonus) del estado de Jalisco

Research paper thumbnail of Contrerascynus, new name for Simpsonia Contreras, 1990 (Mammalia, Sparassodonta, Hathlyacynidae), non Rochebrune, 1904 (Bivalvia, Unionidae), non Baker, 1911 (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae)

Contrerascynus, new name for Simpsonia Contreras, 1990 (Mammalia, Sparassodonta, Hathlyacynidae), non Rochebrune, 1904 (Bivalvia, Unionidae), non Baker, 1911 (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae)


Research paper thumbnail of Las vicisitudes del género Panochthus Burmeister, 1866 (Mammalia: Cingulata: Glyptodontidae)

Comunicaciones Paleontologicas Del Museo De Historia Natural De Montevideo, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Estudios sobre la familia Dinomyidae, I. sobre la nomenclatura y sinonimia familiar (Mammalia: Rodentia)

Studies on the family Dinomyidae, I. On the family’s nomenclature and synonymy.– The authorship o... more Studies on the family Dinomyidae, I. On the family’s nomenclature and synonymy.– The authorship of the family is attributed to Peters (1873), and not to Alston (1896), who corrected ontly the spelling. A synonymy of the family shows the relative instability of its content and relationships.

Research paper thumbnail of Santana Fossils; An illustrated Atlas (J. G. Maisey. cd.)

Research paper thumbnail of La Bibliografía Científica de Fernando de Buen

Research paper thumbnail of Notas paleontologicas uruguayas, V. Primer hallazgo de Rhea sp. fosil en el Uruguay (Aves: Struthioniformes: Rheidae)

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliografía sobre geología y paleontología del Uruguay

Comunicaciones Paleontologicas Del Museo De Historia Natural De Montevideo, 1991

... Signatura: DOC 0234. Aut. Analit.: Mones Sibillotti, Alvaro Jaime. Título: Bibliografía sobre... more ... Signatura: DOC 0234. Aut. Analit.: Mones Sibillotti, Alvaro Jaime. Título: Bibliografía sobre geología y paleontología del Uruguay. Notas: Separata. P.imprenta: [Montevideo]. UY. 1981. 95-162. Serie: Boletín del Instituto Geológico del Uruguay. 38. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Terciario del Uruguay - mapa

Research paper thumbnail of Nomen dubium vs. nomen vanum

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1989

Research paper thumbnail of Monografía de la familia Hydrochoeridae (Mammalia: Rodentia): Sistematika-paleontologia-filogenia-bibliografía

The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by ... more The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by the libraries of Wageningen University and Research Centre and some 15 associated libraries. Holding data are added to each record.

Research paper thumbnail of Estudios sobre la familia Dinomyidae, II. Aportes para una osteología comparada de Dinomys branickii Peters, 1873 (Mammalia: Rodentia)

Comunicaciones Paleontologicas Del Museo De Historia Natural De Montevideo, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Rectificaciones a la nomenclatura supragenerica de algunos taxa de mamíferos fósiles sudamericanos

Research paper thumbnail of Miller, H. & U. Rosenfe1d (Eds.). 1983. Beitrtige zum VIII. Geounseenschaftlichen Lateinameriña-Kolloquiuni (Gottingen; 1982) - Zentralblatt f. Geol. u. Paláont., 1983, 1(3/4): IV + 185-602, figs. Stuttgart

Research paper thumbnail of Estudios sobre la familia Dinomyidae, II. Aportes para una osteología comparada de Dinomys branickii Peters, 1873 (Mammalia: Rodentia)

Studies on the Family Dinomyidae, II. Contribution to a comparative osteology of Dinomys branicki... more Studies on the Family Dinomyidae, II. Contribution to a comparative osteology of Dinomys branickii PETERS, 1873 (Mammalia: Rodentia).– This is the first description of the postcranial skeleton of D. branickii. It is compared with eight other South American caviomorph rodents (Cavia, Coendou, Ctenomys, Cuniculus, Dasyprocta, Hydrochoerus, Lagostomus, and Myocastor), belonging to eight different families. Some observations on the skull and dental morphology are also included. Family level relationships are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos nomenclaturales de la Familia Glyptodontidae (Mammalia, Xenarthra): el caso de Sclerocalyptus Ameghino, Hoplophorus Lund y la Tribu Sclerocalyptini

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliografía sobre geología y paleontología del Uruguay

... Signatura: DOC 0234. Aut. Analit.: Mones Sibillotti, Alvaro Jaime. Título: Bibliografía sobre... more ... Signatura: DOC 0234. Aut. Analit.: Mones Sibillotti, Alvaro Jaime. Título: Bibliografía sobre geología y paleontología del Uruguay. Notas: Separata. P.imprenta: [Montevideo]. UY. 1981. 95-162. Serie: Boletín del Instituto Geológico del Uruguay. 38. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Monografía de la familia Hydrochoeridae (Mammalia: Rodentia)

The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by ... more The Wageningen UR Library Catalogue contains bibliographic data on books and periodicals held by the libraries of Wageningen University and Research Centre and some 15 associated libraries. Holding data are added to each record.

Research paper thumbnail of Estudios Sobre La Familia Hydrochoeridae (Rodentia). II. Descripción De Nuevos Restos De Cardiatherium Talicei Francis y Mones, 1965

On the basis of new findings, new fossil remains of the holotype of Cardiatherium talicei Francis... more On the basis of new findings, new fossil remains of the holotype of Cardiatherium talicei Francis y Mones, 1965, are described.

Research paper thumbnail of MONES, A. 2019b. Medio siglo de amistad y recuerdos, in Gasparri, B., A. Giacchino,  Y. Davies & C. Bertonatti (eds.): Julio Rafael Contreras (1933-2017). El último naturalista enciclopedista argentino del siglo XX, pp. 67-95, figs. Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara, Buenos Aires.

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