Amin Awal Amarudin - (original) (raw)
Papers by Amin Awal Amarudin
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Distribution of the Non-Cash Food Assistance ... more This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Distribution of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT), which seeks to alleviate poverty, assist and strengthen food security, and facilitate control, monitoring and reduction of social deviance. The cooperation program between the Regional Social Service and the Village Government is carried out through non-cash procedures or through banking. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1). Implementation of PBPNT Implementation, 2). Constraints or obstacles faced, and 3). Alternative solutions to overcome obstacles. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research location is Tambakrejo Village, Jombang. The implementation of PBPNT was analyzed from the perspective of management functions according to George R. Terry, namely; Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controling. Research results: 1). The implementation of PBPNT Tambakrejo in terms of distribution is in accordance with procedures, the distribution is carried out on target, in the right quantity, at the right price and quality and in proper administration, it just needs to be improved on the delivery time. Implementation is in accordance with George R. Terry's perspective management functions in terms of Planning, Organizing, and Actuating, only at the Controling stage it needs to be optimized because there is no special agency from the village apparatus assigned to handle this program. 2). Regarding program constraints, there were no serious problems that resulted in the failure of distribution. The technical problems encountered were missing cards, error cards, cards that had not been updated and food rations that had not been taken according to the stipulated time. 3). The solution to these problems is by calling the recipient or coordinating the recipient with the officer, updating the card, repairing the error card, and giving double quota for people who are late in taking it.
In the view of Islam, to achieve the level of satisfaction one must prioritize several things, na... more In the view of Islam, to achieve the level of satisfaction one must prioritize several things, namely that the goods consumed are halal, both in essence and how to obtain them, are not israf (exaggeration) and tabzir (meaningless). The factors that affect customer satisfaction are service quality and price. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction. The object of this research is UNWAHA students who use Gojek services. This study uses data collection techniques, observation, and documentation. The method used in this research is quantitative method with multiple linear regression techniques. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and regression equation test with service quality (X1), price (X2), and customer satisfaction (Y). The results of the study show that together the variables of service quality and price have a significant effect on customer satisfaction of online Gojek transportation for UNWAHA students. Evidenced by the results of the t value 2.983> t table 1.661 and the effect of price on customer satisfaction is the value of t count 7.363> t table 1.661.
Studi ini berjudul Peran Kaidah Fikih dalam Menetapkan Hukum (Studi Atas Fatwa-Fatwa DSN MUI tahu... more Studi ini berjudul Peran Kaidah Fikih dalam Menetapkan Hukum (Studi Atas Fatwa-Fatwa DSN MUI tahun 2013-2015). Penelitian dilatarbelakangi keprihatinan atas produk keuangan bank syariah Indonesia yang tidak variatif, akibat belum optimalnya inovasi dan pengembangan produk, yang bermula dari fatwa yang kurang berkualitas, sehingga dalam implementasinya timbul banyak penyimpangan dan kesalahan praktik perbankan syariah di lapangan. Kurangnya kualitas fatwa dindikasikan karena terbatasnya aplikasi kaidah fikih yang akurat. Riset ini berupaya menjawab persoalan ketepatan dan keoptimalan penggunaan kaidah fikih dalam fatwa DSN MUI 2013-2015. Tema ini penting karena terkait peran kaidah fikih dan kualitas fatwa. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan yuridis normatif dan perbandingan kaidah fikih, dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian kepustakaan. Data primer berupa fatwa-fatwa DSN MUI 2013- 2015, dan kaidah-kaidah fikih dari kutub turats, diperkuat Forum Group Discussion dengan praktisi bank syariah. Ketepatan diukur berdasarkan pendapat para ulama atas kaidah fikih fatwa. Keoptimalan diukur dengan membandingkan aplikasi kaidah-kaidah fikih fatwa dengan kaidah-kaidah fikih kitab rujukan. Deskripsi data menunjukkan, dari 33 aplikasi kaidah fikih dalam 12 fatwa DSN MUI 2013-2015, hakikatnya hanya 8 kaidah fikih yang digunakan. 6 kaidah fikih diantaranya diulang dan 2 kaidah fikih tidak diulang. Jika dirata-rata, terdapat lebih dari 2,7 kaidah fikih tiap fatwa. Penggunaan kaidah fikih paling banyak pada fatwa no. 96, tentang Islamic hedging (7 kaidah), paling sedikit pada fatwa no.89, tentang refinancing syariah (tidak menggunakan kaidah fikih). 4 dari 12 fatwa dipilih berdasar kategorisasi banyak-sedikitnya kaidah fikih, dianalisis dan dipertajam pada fatwa refinancing syariah, dan dibuktikan dengan hasil wawancara praktisi perbankan syariah. Adapun perbandingan kaidah fikih fatwa dan kaidah fikih kitab: 8/45 pada al-Asybah wa al-Nazair, 8/99 pada al-Majallah al-Ahkam al-‘Adliyyah, dan 8/167 pada Maushu’ah al-Qowa’id al-Fiqhiyyah. Kesimpulan, Analisis ketepatan menunjukkan, aplikasi kaidah fikih tidak akurat meskipun sudah benar/sah, berdasar sifat aghlabiyyah kaidah fikih, dan masih terlalu umum, belum diperinci dengan kaidah fikih spesifik. Sedangkan analisis keoptimalan menunjukkan, keoptimalan tidak merata pada tiap fatwa dan jumlahnya minimum. Ketepatan dan keoptimalan penggunaan kaidah fikih dalam fatwa merefleksikan peran penting kaidah fikih. Berbagai peran kaidah fikih dalam penetapan fatwa belum sepenuhnya diterapkan, baru sebatas pendukung landasan hukum al-quran, hadits, dan pendapat ulama. Ketepatan dan keoptimalan aplikasi kaidah fikih mempengaruhi kualitas fatwa, semakin tepat dan optimal aplikasi kaidah fikih, semakin kuat/berkualitas fatwa. Peniadaan aplikasi kaidah fikih berakibat pada ketidakjelasan penetapan fatwa dan rendahnya kualitas fatwa, berpotensi salah penerapan mekanisme akad, membuka celah hukum, dan riskan penyalahgunaan. Tesis mekomendasikan DSN MUI agar lebih teliti memilih kaidah fikih yang tepat menyasar, mendetail, dan menambahkannya untuk menghasilkan fatwa yang kuat dan berkualitas, serta selalu mempertimbangkan qawa’id al-Maqasidiyyah, qawa’id al-Usuliyyah, dan qawa’id al-Fiqhiyyah.
Walisongo is known for his struggle to spread Islam in Indonesia, so that his meaning was targete... more Walisongo is known for his struggle to spread Islam in Indonesia, so that his meaning was targeted as a remembrance of his struggles, the victory can be realized through tourism. Because the term Halal Tourism is very broad, in this study only observing the purpose, namely the purpose of the tomb of Walisongo. The SWOT analysis is used as the main discussion in this study, then an analysis of how to improve the community's economy is then carried out. The internal factors that most play a role in the walisongo tomb are visitors, almost all of them are Muslims and the activities of the surrounding community are dominated by immigrants as well, while the external factor is the lack of variability of trade products in the tomb area. released from government support
The purpose of Islam is to achieve the benefit, one of which is the benefit that is dharuriyat. C... more The purpose of Islam is to achieve the benefit, one of which is the benefit that is dharuriyat. Covered in the Shariah maqasid, making this study a discussion related to the practice of the shariah maqasid in the business world that is currently increasing. Different types of businesses make economic activity for Muslims diverse. This study aims to describe in detail and comprehensively the practice of maqasid shariah in the home industry in the city of Jombang. The researcher used a qualitative approach with exploratory, literary and phenomenological methods, the data in this study were primary data obtained from interviews with stakeholders, while secondary data were obtained from literature studies for the basic concepts in this study. The results of this study are the practice of maqashid shariah in business activities in the home industry, namely the maintenance of religion is at the provision of time for praying, guarding the mind in the form of employee training, guarding offspring in the form of maternity leave, the maintenance of life in the form of the environment and safe and non-threatening business production tools lives, guarding assets in the form of increased income of employees after working in the home industry.
Gold is a precious metal that has a stable value and its selling value remains high in the gold m... more Gold is a precious metal that has a stable value and its selling value remains high in the gold market. Gold gardening is one of the gold investment trends that have lucrative advantages, so it arises how the legal status of investing in gold gardening and buying and selling gold in cash. This research method uses a research library that retrieves information from books, yellow books, and some supporting articles. Data analysis is done by collecting possible propositions and non-permissibe propositions. The results showed that in buying and selling gold in cash is allowed because gold has become an item in general, not a currency like in ancient times. While in gold gardening is not allowed on the grounds of violating the provisions of Shari'ah namely maysir and gharar. So that in doing gold gardening can cause mudharat for yourself and also other
INCOME: Innovation of Economics and Management
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Distribution of the Non-Cash Food Assistance ... more This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Distribution of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT), which seeks to alleviate poverty, assist and strengthen food security, and facilitate control, monitoring and reduction of social deviance. The cooperation program between the Regional Social Service and the Village Government is carried out through non-cash procedures or through banking. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1). Implementation of PBPNT Implementation, 2). Constraints or obstacles faced, and 3). Alternative solutions to overcome obstacles. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research location is Tambakrejo Village, Jombang. The implementation of PBPNT was analyzed from the perspective of management functions according to George R. Terry, namely; Planning, Or...
Izdihar: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
In the view of Islam, to achieve the level of satisfaction one must prioritize several things, na... more In the view of Islam, to achieve the level of satisfaction one must prioritize several things, namely that the goods consumed are halal, both in essence and how to obtain them, are not israf (exaggeration) and tabzir (meaningless). The factors that affect customer satisfaction are service quality and price. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction. The object of this research is UNWAHA students who use Gojek services. This study uses data collection techniques, observation, and documentation. The method used in this research is quantitative method with multiple linear regression techniques. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and regression equation test with service quality (X1), price (X2), and customer satisfaction (Y). The results of the study show that together the variables of service quality and price have a significant effect on customer satisfaction of online Goje...
Walisongo is known for his struggle to spread Islam in Indonesia, so that his meaning was targete... more Walisongo is known for his struggle to spread Islam in Indonesia, so that his meaning was targeted as a remembrance of his struggles, the victory can be realized through tourism. Because the term Halal Tourism is very broad, in this study only observing the purpose, namely the purpose of the tomb of Walisongo. The SWOT analysis is used as the main discussion in this study, then an analysis of how to improve the community's economy is then carried out. The internal factors that most play a role in the walisongo tomb are visitors, almost all of them are Muslims and the activities of the surrounding community are dominated by immigrants as well, while the external factor is the lack of variability of trade products in the tomb area. released from government support Walisongo dikenal masyarakat dalam perjuangan mereka menyebarkan Islam di bumi Nusantara. Makam peristirahatan mereka dijadikan sebagai obyek bersejarah sekaligus wahana untuk mengambil pelajaran dan suri tauladan ...
The purpose of Islam is to achieve the benefit, one of which is the benefit that is dharuriyat. C... more The purpose of Islam is to achieve the benefit, one of which is the benefit that is dharuriyat. Covered in the Shariah maqasid, making this study a discussion related to the practice of the shariah maqasid in the business world that is currently increasing. Different types of businesses make economic activity for Muslims diverse. This study aims to describe in detail and comprehensively the practice of maqasid shariah in the home industry in the city of Jombang. The researcher used a qualitative approach with exploratory, literary and phenomenological methods, the data in this study were primary data obtained from interviews with stakeholders, while secondary data were obtained from literature studies for the basic concepts in this study. The results of this study are the practice of maqashid shariah in business activities in the home industry, namely the maintenance of religion is at the provision of time for praying, guarding the mind in the form of employee training, guarding off...
To ensure that the strategy is successful, organizational policies will be needed to prepare the ... more To ensure that the strategy is successful, organizational policies will be needed to prepare the facilities needed to solve the problems that arise during implementation. CV policy. Karya Perdana in a company that includes corporate social responsibility which is the basis for the company manager CV. The Initial Work so that CSR is in line with the company's vision and mission and objectives in accordance with the CSR policies in force in the community. This study is an evaluative study of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in the perspective of Islamic business ethics with a qualitative approach. data analysis using interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility conducted on the CV. Perdana's work in Sumbermulyo village is in accordance with Islamic business ethics. This can be seen from CSR using Islamic business ethics principles such as: unity (divinity), Eqieuli...
Studi ini berjudul Peran Kaidah Fikih dalam Menetapkan Hukum (Studi Atas Fatwa-Fatwa DSN MUI tahu... more Studi ini berjudul Peran Kaidah Fikih dalam Menetapkan Hukum (Studi Atas Fatwa-Fatwa DSN MUI tahun 2013-2015). Penelitian dilatarbelakangi keprihatinan atas produk keuangan bank syariah Indonesia yang tidak variatif, akibat belum optimalnya inovasi dan pengembangan produk, yang bermula dari fatwa yang kurang berkualitas, sehingga dalam implementasinya timbul banyak penyimpangan dan kesalahan praktik perbankan syariah di lapangan. Kurangnya kualitas fatwa dindikasikan karena terbatasnya aplikasi kaidah fikih yang akurat. Riset ini berupaya menjawab persoalan ketepatan dan keoptimalan penggunaan kaidah fikih dalam fatwa DSN MUI 2013-2015. Tema ini penting karena terkait peran kaidah fikih dan kualitas fatwa. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan yuridis normatif dan perbandingan kaidah fikih, dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian kepustakaan. Data primer berupa fatwa-fatwa DSN MUI 2013- 2015, dan kaidah-kaidah fikih dari kutub turats, diperkuat Foru...
JIL: Journal of Islamic Law, 2021
Tingginya potensi Zakat, Infak dan Sedekah (ZIS) di Kabupaten Jombang tidak sesuai dengan dana ya... more Tingginya potensi Zakat, Infak dan Sedekah (ZIS) di Kabupaten Jombang tidak sesuai dengan dana yang dihimpun. Hal ini mengakibatkan banyaknya masyarakat miskin di Kabupaten Jombang. Tulisan ini menelusuri strategi pengumpulan dan pendistirbusian dana ZIS pada dua lembaga, yaitu Lembaga Amil Zakat Ummul Quro (LAZ-UQ) dan Lembaga Amil Zakat, Infak, Sedekah Nahdlatul Ulama (LAZISNU) Jombang. Studi ini merupakan penelitian komperatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan observasi dan wawancara sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga persamaan dalam pengumpulan dana ZIS antara ZIS di LAZ-UQ dengan LAZISNU Jombang, yaitu pemisahan antara dana zakat dengan infak, sosialisasi melalui media sosial, serta bekerja sama dengan beberapa lembaga. Perbedaanya ialah LAZ-UQ lebih mengandalkan laporan transparasi dana melalui buletin dan variasi program yang beragram, sedangkan LAZISNU mengandalkan sosialisasi melalui pengajian dan menggerakkan lembaga d...
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Distribution of the Non-Cash Food Assistance ... more This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Distribution of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT), which seeks to alleviate poverty, assist and strengthen food security, and facilitate control, monitoring and reduction of social deviance. The cooperation program between the Regional Social Service and the Village Government is carried out through non-cash procedures or through banking. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1). Implementation of PBPNT Implementation, 2). Constraints or obstacles faced, and 3). Alternative solutions to overcome obstacles. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research location is Tambakrejo Village, Jombang. The implementation of PBPNT was analyzed from the perspective of management functions according to George R. Terry, namely; Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controling. Research results: 1). The implementation of PBPNT Tambakrejo in terms of distribution is in accordance with procedures, the distribution is carried out on target, in the right quantity, at the right price and quality and in proper administration, it just needs to be improved on the delivery time. Implementation is in accordance with George R. Terry's perspective management functions in terms of Planning, Organizing, and Actuating, only at the Controling stage it needs to be optimized because there is no special agency from the village apparatus assigned to handle this program. 2). Regarding program constraints, there were no serious problems that resulted in the failure of distribution. The technical problems encountered were missing cards, error cards, cards that had not been updated and food rations that had not been taken according to the stipulated time. 3). The solution to these problems is by calling the recipient or coordinating the recipient with the officer, updating the card, repairing the error card, and giving double quota for people who are late in taking it.
In the view of Islam, to achieve the level of satisfaction one must prioritize several things, na... more In the view of Islam, to achieve the level of satisfaction one must prioritize several things, namely that the goods consumed are halal, both in essence and how to obtain them, are not israf (exaggeration) and tabzir (meaningless). The factors that affect customer satisfaction are service quality and price. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction. The object of this research is UNWAHA students who use Gojek services. This study uses data collection techniques, observation, and documentation. The method used in this research is quantitative method with multiple linear regression techniques. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and regression equation test with service quality (X1), price (X2), and customer satisfaction (Y). The results of the study show that together the variables of service quality and price have a significant effect on customer satisfaction of online Gojek transportation for UNWAHA students. Evidenced by the results of the t value 2.983> t table 1.661 and the effect of price on customer satisfaction is the value of t count 7.363> t table 1.661.
Studi ini berjudul Peran Kaidah Fikih dalam Menetapkan Hukum (Studi Atas Fatwa-Fatwa DSN MUI tahu... more Studi ini berjudul Peran Kaidah Fikih dalam Menetapkan Hukum (Studi Atas Fatwa-Fatwa DSN MUI tahun 2013-2015). Penelitian dilatarbelakangi keprihatinan atas produk keuangan bank syariah Indonesia yang tidak variatif, akibat belum optimalnya inovasi dan pengembangan produk, yang bermula dari fatwa yang kurang berkualitas, sehingga dalam implementasinya timbul banyak penyimpangan dan kesalahan praktik perbankan syariah di lapangan. Kurangnya kualitas fatwa dindikasikan karena terbatasnya aplikasi kaidah fikih yang akurat. Riset ini berupaya menjawab persoalan ketepatan dan keoptimalan penggunaan kaidah fikih dalam fatwa DSN MUI 2013-2015. Tema ini penting karena terkait peran kaidah fikih dan kualitas fatwa. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan yuridis normatif dan perbandingan kaidah fikih, dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian kepustakaan. Data primer berupa fatwa-fatwa DSN MUI 2013- 2015, dan kaidah-kaidah fikih dari kutub turats, diperkuat Forum Group Discussion dengan praktisi bank syariah. Ketepatan diukur berdasarkan pendapat para ulama atas kaidah fikih fatwa. Keoptimalan diukur dengan membandingkan aplikasi kaidah-kaidah fikih fatwa dengan kaidah-kaidah fikih kitab rujukan. Deskripsi data menunjukkan, dari 33 aplikasi kaidah fikih dalam 12 fatwa DSN MUI 2013-2015, hakikatnya hanya 8 kaidah fikih yang digunakan. 6 kaidah fikih diantaranya diulang dan 2 kaidah fikih tidak diulang. Jika dirata-rata, terdapat lebih dari 2,7 kaidah fikih tiap fatwa. Penggunaan kaidah fikih paling banyak pada fatwa no. 96, tentang Islamic hedging (7 kaidah), paling sedikit pada fatwa no.89, tentang refinancing syariah (tidak menggunakan kaidah fikih). 4 dari 12 fatwa dipilih berdasar kategorisasi banyak-sedikitnya kaidah fikih, dianalisis dan dipertajam pada fatwa refinancing syariah, dan dibuktikan dengan hasil wawancara praktisi perbankan syariah. Adapun perbandingan kaidah fikih fatwa dan kaidah fikih kitab: 8/45 pada al-Asybah wa al-Nazair, 8/99 pada al-Majallah al-Ahkam al-‘Adliyyah, dan 8/167 pada Maushu’ah al-Qowa’id al-Fiqhiyyah. Kesimpulan, Analisis ketepatan menunjukkan, aplikasi kaidah fikih tidak akurat meskipun sudah benar/sah, berdasar sifat aghlabiyyah kaidah fikih, dan masih terlalu umum, belum diperinci dengan kaidah fikih spesifik. Sedangkan analisis keoptimalan menunjukkan, keoptimalan tidak merata pada tiap fatwa dan jumlahnya minimum. Ketepatan dan keoptimalan penggunaan kaidah fikih dalam fatwa merefleksikan peran penting kaidah fikih. Berbagai peran kaidah fikih dalam penetapan fatwa belum sepenuhnya diterapkan, baru sebatas pendukung landasan hukum al-quran, hadits, dan pendapat ulama. Ketepatan dan keoptimalan aplikasi kaidah fikih mempengaruhi kualitas fatwa, semakin tepat dan optimal aplikasi kaidah fikih, semakin kuat/berkualitas fatwa. Peniadaan aplikasi kaidah fikih berakibat pada ketidakjelasan penetapan fatwa dan rendahnya kualitas fatwa, berpotensi salah penerapan mekanisme akad, membuka celah hukum, dan riskan penyalahgunaan. Tesis mekomendasikan DSN MUI agar lebih teliti memilih kaidah fikih yang tepat menyasar, mendetail, dan menambahkannya untuk menghasilkan fatwa yang kuat dan berkualitas, serta selalu mempertimbangkan qawa’id al-Maqasidiyyah, qawa’id al-Usuliyyah, dan qawa’id al-Fiqhiyyah.
Walisongo is known for his struggle to spread Islam in Indonesia, so that his meaning was targete... more Walisongo is known for his struggle to spread Islam in Indonesia, so that his meaning was targeted as a remembrance of his struggles, the victory can be realized through tourism. Because the term Halal Tourism is very broad, in this study only observing the purpose, namely the purpose of the tomb of Walisongo. The SWOT analysis is used as the main discussion in this study, then an analysis of how to improve the community's economy is then carried out. The internal factors that most play a role in the walisongo tomb are visitors, almost all of them are Muslims and the activities of the surrounding community are dominated by immigrants as well, while the external factor is the lack of variability of trade products in the tomb area. released from government support
The purpose of Islam is to achieve the benefit, one of which is the benefit that is dharuriyat. C... more The purpose of Islam is to achieve the benefit, one of which is the benefit that is dharuriyat. Covered in the Shariah maqasid, making this study a discussion related to the practice of the shariah maqasid in the business world that is currently increasing. Different types of businesses make economic activity for Muslims diverse. This study aims to describe in detail and comprehensively the practice of maqasid shariah in the home industry in the city of Jombang. The researcher used a qualitative approach with exploratory, literary and phenomenological methods, the data in this study were primary data obtained from interviews with stakeholders, while secondary data were obtained from literature studies for the basic concepts in this study. The results of this study are the practice of maqashid shariah in business activities in the home industry, namely the maintenance of religion is at the provision of time for praying, guarding the mind in the form of employee training, guarding offspring in the form of maternity leave, the maintenance of life in the form of the environment and safe and non-threatening business production tools lives, guarding assets in the form of increased income of employees after working in the home industry.
Gold is a precious metal that has a stable value and its selling value remains high in the gold m... more Gold is a precious metal that has a stable value and its selling value remains high in the gold market. Gold gardening is one of the gold investment trends that have lucrative advantages, so it arises how the legal status of investing in gold gardening and buying and selling gold in cash. This research method uses a research library that retrieves information from books, yellow books, and some supporting articles. Data analysis is done by collecting possible propositions and non-permissibe propositions. The results showed that in buying and selling gold in cash is allowed because gold has become an item in general, not a currency like in ancient times. While in gold gardening is not allowed on the grounds of violating the provisions of Shari'ah namely maysir and gharar. So that in doing gold gardening can cause mudharat for yourself and also other
INCOME: Innovation of Economics and Management
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Distribution of the Non-Cash Food Assistance ... more This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Distribution of the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT), which seeks to alleviate poverty, assist and strengthen food security, and facilitate control, monitoring and reduction of social deviance. The cooperation program between the Regional Social Service and the Village Government is carried out through non-cash procedures or through banking. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1). Implementation of PBPNT Implementation, 2). Constraints or obstacles faced, and 3). Alternative solutions to overcome obstacles. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research location is Tambakrejo Village, Jombang. The implementation of PBPNT was analyzed from the perspective of management functions according to George R. Terry, namely; Planning, Or...
Izdihar: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
In the view of Islam, to achieve the level of satisfaction one must prioritize several things, na... more In the view of Islam, to achieve the level of satisfaction one must prioritize several things, namely that the goods consumed are halal, both in essence and how to obtain them, are not israf (exaggeration) and tabzir (meaningless). The factors that affect customer satisfaction are service quality and price. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction. The object of this research is UNWAHA students who use Gojek services. This study uses data collection techniques, observation, and documentation. The method used in this research is quantitative method with multiple linear regression techniques. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, and regression equation test with service quality (X1), price (X2), and customer satisfaction (Y). The results of the study show that together the variables of service quality and price have a significant effect on customer satisfaction of online Goje...
Walisongo is known for his struggle to spread Islam in Indonesia, so that his meaning was targete... more Walisongo is known for his struggle to spread Islam in Indonesia, so that his meaning was targeted as a remembrance of his struggles, the victory can be realized through tourism. Because the term Halal Tourism is very broad, in this study only observing the purpose, namely the purpose of the tomb of Walisongo. The SWOT analysis is used as the main discussion in this study, then an analysis of how to improve the community's economy is then carried out. The internal factors that most play a role in the walisongo tomb are visitors, almost all of them are Muslims and the activities of the surrounding community are dominated by immigrants as well, while the external factor is the lack of variability of trade products in the tomb area. released from government support Walisongo dikenal masyarakat dalam perjuangan mereka menyebarkan Islam di bumi Nusantara. Makam peristirahatan mereka dijadikan sebagai obyek bersejarah sekaligus wahana untuk mengambil pelajaran dan suri tauladan ...
The purpose of Islam is to achieve the benefit, one of which is the benefit that is dharuriyat. C... more The purpose of Islam is to achieve the benefit, one of which is the benefit that is dharuriyat. Covered in the Shariah maqasid, making this study a discussion related to the practice of the shariah maqasid in the business world that is currently increasing. Different types of businesses make economic activity for Muslims diverse. This study aims to describe in detail and comprehensively the practice of maqasid shariah in the home industry in the city of Jombang. The researcher used a qualitative approach with exploratory, literary and phenomenological methods, the data in this study were primary data obtained from interviews with stakeholders, while secondary data were obtained from literature studies for the basic concepts in this study. The results of this study are the practice of maqashid shariah in business activities in the home industry, namely the maintenance of religion is at the provision of time for praying, guarding the mind in the form of employee training, guarding off...
To ensure that the strategy is successful, organizational policies will be needed to prepare the ... more To ensure that the strategy is successful, organizational policies will be needed to prepare the facilities needed to solve the problems that arise during implementation. CV policy. Karya Perdana in a company that includes corporate social responsibility which is the basis for the company manager CV. The Initial Work so that CSR is in line with the company's vision and mission and objectives in accordance with the CSR policies in force in the community. This study is an evaluative study of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in the perspective of Islamic business ethics with a qualitative approach. data analysis using interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility conducted on the CV. Perdana's work in Sumbermulyo village is in accordance with Islamic business ethics. This can be seen from CSR using Islamic business ethics principles such as: unity (divinity), Eqieuli...
Studi ini berjudul Peran Kaidah Fikih dalam Menetapkan Hukum (Studi Atas Fatwa-Fatwa DSN MUI tahu... more Studi ini berjudul Peran Kaidah Fikih dalam Menetapkan Hukum (Studi Atas Fatwa-Fatwa DSN MUI tahun 2013-2015). Penelitian dilatarbelakangi keprihatinan atas produk keuangan bank syariah Indonesia yang tidak variatif, akibat belum optimalnya inovasi dan pengembangan produk, yang bermula dari fatwa yang kurang berkualitas, sehingga dalam implementasinya timbul banyak penyimpangan dan kesalahan praktik perbankan syariah di lapangan. Kurangnya kualitas fatwa dindikasikan karena terbatasnya aplikasi kaidah fikih yang akurat. Riset ini berupaya menjawab persoalan ketepatan dan keoptimalan penggunaan kaidah fikih dalam fatwa DSN MUI 2013-2015. Tema ini penting karena terkait peran kaidah fikih dan kualitas fatwa. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan yuridis normatif dan perbandingan kaidah fikih, dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian kepustakaan. Data primer berupa fatwa-fatwa DSN MUI 2013- 2015, dan kaidah-kaidah fikih dari kutub turats, diperkuat Foru...
JIL: Journal of Islamic Law, 2021
Tingginya potensi Zakat, Infak dan Sedekah (ZIS) di Kabupaten Jombang tidak sesuai dengan dana ya... more Tingginya potensi Zakat, Infak dan Sedekah (ZIS) di Kabupaten Jombang tidak sesuai dengan dana yang dihimpun. Hal ini mengakibatkan banyaknya masyarakat miskin di Kabupaten Jombang. Tulisan ini menelusuri strategi pengumpulan dan pendistirbusian dana ZIS pada dua lembaga, yaitu Lembaga Amil Zakat Ummul Quro (LAZ-UQ) dan Lembaga Amil Zakat, Infak, Sedekah Nahdlatul Ulama (LAZISNU) Jombang. Studi ini merupakan penelitian komperatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan observasi dan wawancara sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga persamaan dalam pengumpulan dana ZIS antara ZIS di LAZ-UQ dengan LAZISNU Jombang, yaitu pemisahan antara dana zakat dengan infak, sosialisasi melalui media sosial, serta bekerja sama dengan beberapa lembaga. Perbedaanya ialah LAZ-UQ lebih mengandalkan laporan transparasi dana melalui buletin dan variasi program yang beragram, sedangkan LAZISNU mengandalkan sosialisasi melalui pengajian dan menggerakkan lembaga d...