Ana Sotirovska Ivkovska - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ana Sotirovska Ivkovska

Research paper thumbnail of Tips and advices when planning and conducting the prosthodontic treatment in pediatric patients: letter to the editorial board

Македонски стоматолошки преглед

Sometimes during the practice, the specialist for prosthodontics has а patient who is a child. Th... more Sometimes during the practice, the specialist for prosthodontics has а patient who is a child. There are several reasons for prosthetic treatment at this age group such as loss of a large amount of tooth substance or tooth extraction due to trauma or inadequate maintenance of oral hygiene, both in children with normal development and in those with developmental disabilities. Children with hypodontia or developmental anomalies of the teeth, and children with syndromes in whom the agenesis of some teeth is one of the symptoms are our patients as well. Considering the challenges we encounter when planning and implementing therapy in the youngest patients, in cooperation with colleagues from other specialties, the idea to share the gained experiences with you was imposed. We hope that the following tips and short advices will help you in providing prosthetic therapy in patients whose smile brings the greatest joy.

Research paper thumbnail of Dental caries in correlation with life style and habits

Македонски стоматолошки преглед, 2019

INTRODUCTION. Dental caries is a multifactorial disease. Sugar consumption, oral hygiene, quantit... more INTRODUCTION. Dental caries is a multifactorial disease. Sugar consumption, oral hygiene, quantity and composition of saliva, the presence of fluoride and other factors play a major role in its emergence. Everyone is at risk of dental caries, but children and adolescents above all. The majority of dental caries occurs in adults because the disease is cumulative. AIM. To determine the correlation of dental caries with lifestyle and habits. MATERIAL AND METHOD. We have examined 134 respondents aged over 6 years at the Dental Clinic "Jane Sandanski" Skopje. To realize the goal with the help of a questionnaire and dental examination, we noted the parameters DMF and OIH-index. RESULTS. The value of the DMF increases with age, ranging from 1.47 in the group from 6 to 12 years to 15.92 in the group over 51 years. In each age group, various risk factors have shown to be dominant. CONCLUSION. Health education and motivation of the entire population is needed. KEY WORDS: dental caries, risk factors, prevention. Апстракт ВОВЕД. Кариесот е мултикаузално заболување. Во неговото настанување голема улога имаат конзумацијата на шеќери, оралната хигиена, количината и составот на плунката, присуството на флуор и други фактори. Секој е изложен на ризик од забен кариес, но децата и адолесцентите се најмногу изложени на ризик. Во поголем дел кариесот е присутен кај возрасните, затоа што ова заболување е кумулативно. ЦЕЛ. Да се утврди корелацијата на забниот кариес со животниот стил и навики. МАТЕРИЈАЛ И МЕТОД. Беа опфатени 134 испитаници на возраст над 6 години кои се обратиле на Дежурна стоматолошка служба " Јане Сандански" Скопје. Целта ја реализиравме со помош на анкетен лист и стоматолошки преглед, ги нотиравме параметрите КЕП и ОХИ-индекс. РЕЗУЛТАТИ. Вредноста на КЕП индексот расте со возраста, почнувајки од 1,47 во групата 6-12 години до 15,92 во групата над 51 година. Кај секоја возрасна група различни ризик фактори се покажаа како доминантни. ЗАКЛУЧОК.. Потребна е едукација и мотивација на целокупното население. КЛУЧНИ ЗБОРОВИ: дентален кариес, ризик фактори, превенција.

Research paper thumbnail of Differences between periapical lesions in untreated and teeth with root canal fillings

Balkan Journal of Stomatology, 2006

The aim of this study was to investigate features and differences between periapical lesions in u... more The aim of this study was to investigate features and differences between periapical lesions in untreated teeth and teeth with root canal fillings. During oral surgery procedures, 65 tissue samples were obtained. According to endodontic diagnosis for each tooth, separately, samples were divided into 2 study groups; group 1 comprised 25 samples of periapical lesions obtained from teeth with no previous endodontic therapy; additional 40 samples (group 2) were obtained from teeth in which the lesion persisted during a period of 2 years after endodontic procedures. History data were taken from each subject included in the study. Periapical tissue samples were processed for laboratory procedures: (1) histopathologic examination of lesions by light microscopy analysis; (2) qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of bacteriological findings; (3) quantification of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) in tissue homogenates by the ELISA method. In the first group, symptoms were mainly positive. Exacerbation of the chronic periapical lesion, and diffuse inflammation were common findings. Only in 1 single sample no evidence of infection was found; however, degree of infection ranged as moderate bacterial growth, with prevalence of facultative anaerobe strains. It is suggested that exudate drainage favours slow evolution of the infection, which was confirmed by lower IL-1β values, compared to similar diagnosis in the other study group. In the group with closed lesions, obligate anaerobe strains prevailed. They revealed hi gher IL-1β values compared to the same pathological types of inflammation in the untreated group.

Research paper thumbnail of Dental Caries Experience among Six Year Old Children of the Republic of Macedonia

Journal of Dentistry and Orofacial Surgery, 2016

Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the dental caries among primary school children (... more Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the dental caries among primary school children (first grades) in Eastern, Southeast and Vardar Region of the Republic of Macedonia and evaluate if the disease pattern is different between the regions. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in 2013 involving 301 six year old primary school children (born in 2007), who were randomly selected from seven central and 13 regional primary schools. The ethical clearance was taken from institutional ethical committee of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of St Cyril and St Meth and parental consent was obtained for each child. Participants' dental status was evaluated using the 1997 World Health Organization caries diagnostic criteria for decayed, missing and filled primary teeth (DMFT) and Decayed, Missing or Filled permanent Teeth (DMFT) by two calibrated examiners. Data obtained during the survey were stored in a database (SPSS 13.00 and tested for possible statistically significant differences using the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test. A p ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The total number of children in the sample was 301, comprising 152 (50.50%) females and 149 (49.50%) males. The results of this survey showed that the DMFT score of the six year-old children from all three regions was 5.59 ± 3.82, while in the Eastern region was 5.65 ± 3.68 for the primary dentition and 0.04 ± 0.28 for the permanent dentition. Average DMFT score of the six year-old children from the southeast region was 5,29 ± 4.30 for the primary dentition and 0.07 ± 0.3 for the permanent dentition, while for six year-old children group from the Vardar region it was 5.81 ± 3.5 for primary dentition and 0.17 ± 0.5 for the permanent dentition. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test by ranks gave a p-value of 0.4 > 0.05, indicating that there was no statistically significant difference between DMFT scores of six year-old children from different regions for primary teeth. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test by ranks gave a p-value of 0.03 < 0.05, indicating that there were statistically significant differences between DMFT scores of six year-old children from different regions for permanent teeth. Significant caries (SiC) index was 9.93 ± 2.0. The prevalence of caries-free children was 15.82%. The percentage of untreated caries or the ratio of DMFT/DMFT was 0.8581 (85.81%). Conclusions: Dental caries experience was seen to be high among six year old school children (first grades) in Eastern, Southeast and Vardar Region of the Republic of Macedonia.

Research paper thumbnail of Immunohistochemical study on antigen-presenting cells in healthy and carious human teeth

Bratislava Medical Journal, 2018

Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-presenting cells are associated with the ... more Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-presenting cells are associated with the early phase of the immune response. We have studied the distribution of class II-expressing cells in developing, healthy and carious human teeth to clarify, when human pulp acquires an immunologic defense potential and how this reacts to dental caries. Antigen-expressing cells were identifi ed immunohistochemically with the following monoclonal antibodies: HLA-DR-for dendritic cells and CD68-for macrophages. In the pulp of unerupted developing teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were distributed mainly in and around the odontoblast layer. A few CD68 positive cells were located more coronary around the blood vessels. In erupted teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were located, for the most part, just beneath the odontoblast layer. CD68 positive cells were also located coronary, mainly around the blood vessels. Superfi cial caries lesions caused an aggregation of HLA-DR-positive cells and macrophages in the dental pulp corresponding to the lesion. These fi ndings showed that: (1) human teeth are already equipped with an immunological defense potential prior to eruption; (2) in the initial stage of caries infection, an immuno-response mediated by class-II-expressing cells is initiated in human dental pulp (Fig. 8, Ref. 33).

Research paper thumbnail of Health of first permanent molars in 12 - yeras old school children in Prilep community

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries inci... more ABSTRACT: Introduction: Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, because occlusal fissure is much vulnerable site of the tooth. Government of FYR Macedonia before 8 years are accepting Dental preventive program: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the success of that caries preventive program. Materials and methods: For improving that aim, in September and October 2015, we obtaining 345 school children of Prilep community, born 2003 y., 177 males, and 168 females. First permanent molars in all the examined children were occlusally sealed before 6 years (2009) with GC Fuji Triage. Results and discussion: From 01 January 2008, started implementation of the National strategy for prevention of oral diseases in the children in FYR Macedonia: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. On 12-year-old school children - 2015 y, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Антибиотичен третман во детската стоматологиа

Децата имаат недооформена имуна система, како локален, така и општ имунитет. Млечните заби се со ... more Децата имаат недооформена имуна система, како локален, така и општ имунитет. Млечните заби се со потенок емајл и дентин, а поизразена е спонгиозноста на коските и вилиците. Следователно во детската возраст побрза е прогресијата на кариесот и неговите компликации од аспект на одонтогени инфекции. Антибиотици треба да се ординираат само кога е нарушена општата состојба, и тоа само во случаи на акутни и хронични пародонтити и компликации на пародонтитите: абсцеси, флегмони, парулиси и целулити. Некогаш постои потреба од антибиотици после хируршки интервенции - екстракција на забот, или кога има постекстракциона компликација - инфекција на алвеолата. Превентивно ординиране антибиотици е нерационално, иако има интенции така да се намалат компликациите од ендодонтскиот третман. Но, тоа е дозволено кај деца со системски болести, за да се превенира транзиторната бактериемиа при некои орално-хируршки процедури, и тоа два дни пред и три дни после интервенцијата. Се работи за фебрилно-реуматск...

Research paper thumbnail of Efekat Kazein Fosfopeptid-Amorfnog Kalcijum Fosfata (CPP-Acp) Na Demineralizaciju Gleđi Oko Ortodontskih Aparata: In Vitro Studija Effect of Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPP-Acp) Topical Agents on Enamel Demineralization Around Orthodontic Braces: An in Vitro Study

Research paper thumbnail of Down syndrome

Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 2020

This PrimeView summarizes the epidemiology, mechanisms, diagnosis and management of Down syndrome.

Research paper thumbnail of In vitro assessment of caseein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) in prevention of white spot lesions

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2019

Ortodonske bravice i drugi ortodontski elementi, otežavaju oralni higijenu olakšavaju akumulaciju... more Ortodonske bravice i drugi ortodontski elementi, otežavaju oralni higijenu olakšavaju akumulaciju dentalnog plaka što povećava rizik od karijesa u toku ortodontskog tretmana. Cilj: ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi koncentracija Ca i Mg u veštačkoj pljuvački posle preventivnog tretmana. Metode: Laboratorijsko ispitivanje (in vitro) obavljeno je na 90 zdravih zuba ekstrahovanih iz ortodontskih razloga. Formirane su tri grupe od po trideset zuba. Zubi iz svake grupe su podeljeni na polovine u buko-lingvalnom pravcu. Na taj način formirani su i ispitivani i kontrolni uzorak, oba od jednog istog zuba. Bravice su zalepljene pomoću GC Fuji OrthoTM LC (GC Amerika Čikago, III),glasjonomer cementom modifikovanim smolom, a zubi su zatim čuvani u veštačkoj pljuvački. Jednom dnevno zubi su premazivani topikalnim gelom-CG Tooth Mousse u trajanju od 5 minuta, a zatim vraćeni u veštačku pljuvačku. Preventivni tretman je sproveden u određenim intervalima od 1, 3 i 6 meseci. Posle svakog perioda ispitivanja, veštačka pljuvačka u kojoj su uzorci čuvani je bila korišćena za određivanje koncentracije Ca i Mg pomoću plamene atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Rezultati: Rezultati ovog (in vitro) istraživanja pokazali su da su koncentracije Ca i Mg u veštačkoj pljuvački značajno povećane čak i nakon prvog meseca od primene ovog sredstva, koje oslobađa Ca i druge minerale (uključujući cement bez fluora koji se koristi za lepljenje bravica) sa maksimalnom vrednošću nakon tri meseca primene. Ove vrednosti su bile značajno niže nakon šest meseci, verovatno kao rezultat njegove apsorpcije u gleđi. Rezultati za Mg su isti kao i za Ca, a vrednost se povećava, kao i njena stabilnost u pljuvački nakon prvog meseca. Zaključci: Rezultati ove in vitro studije jasno ukazuju da preventivni materijali koji se koriste u fiksnom ortodontskom tretmanu inhibiraju demineralizaciju gleđi oko bravica i ortodontskih prstenova. Preporuka za njihovu upotrebu kao dodatnih preventivnih metoda / sredstava je očigledna pored primarne oralne higijene.

Research paper thumbnail of Health of first permanent molars in Prilep region after fissure sealing according dental preventive program in FYR Macedonia

Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, bec... more Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, because occlusal fissure is much vulnerable site. Government of Republic of Macedonia before 8 years are accepting Dental preventive program: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the success of that caries preventive program. Materials and methods: For improving that aim, in November 2015, we obtaining 888 participants – school children of Prilep region, which molars was occlusal sealed before 6 years (2009). All the examined children were born 2003 y, and molars was sealed with GC Fuji Triage. Results and discussion: From 01 January 2008, started implementation of the National strategy for prevention of oral diseases in the children in Republic of Macedonia: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. On 12 y., old - 2015 y DMF scores specially for first permanent molars was 23,25...

Research paper thumbnail of Prosthodontic management of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia: a case report

South European Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research, 2015

Ectodermal dysplasias (ED) represent a large and heterogeneous group of disorders characterized b... more Ectodermal dysplasias (ED) represent a large and heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by developmental disturbances of two or more tissues and structures (skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, teeth enamel, eye lenses, parts of the inner ear and nerves) derived from the embryonic ectodermal layer. 1,2 More than seven out of 10,000 babies are born with some form of ectodermal dysplasia, regardless of the gender, race or ethnic group. 3 Around 170 types of ectodermal dysplasia, clinically different conditions, can be distinguished depending on the ABSTRACT Introduction: Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) is a hereditary disorder associated with developmental disorders of two or more structures of ectodermal embryonic origin. Hypodontia or anodontia of the primary and permanent dentition, poorly developed alveolar ridges and improper maxillo-mandibular relations, are the most common oral manifestations. Management of patients with ectodermal dysplasia requires a multidisciplinary team approach. Case presentation: A 6.5 year-old boy with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) presented in this article, had typical features of HED: hypohidrosis, hypotrichosis, severe hypodontia, atrophic alveolar ridges, old-looking facial expression. According to the patient's age and clinical findings, removable complete over-denture prosthesis in both arches was the treatment of choice. Conclusion: In patients with ED, it is important to establish correct maxillo-mandibular relations and normal function of the dento-facial system (chewing, swallowing, and speaking). Prosthodontic treatment has a major impact on aesthetics and functions, facilitates psychological development and improves emotional condition and social life of the patient.

Research paper thumbnail of In vitro assessment of caseein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) in prevention of white spot lesions

Acta stomatologica Naissi

Ortodonske bravice i drugi ortodontski elementi, otežavaju oralni higijenu olakšavaju akumulaciju... more Ortodonske bravice i drugi ortodontski elementi, otežavaju oralni higijenu olakšavaju akumulaciju dentalnog plaka što povećava rizik od karijesa u toku ortodontskog tretmana. Cilj: ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi koncentracija Ca i Mg u veštačkoj pljuvački posle preventivnog tretmana. Metode: Laboratorijsko ispitivanje (in vitro) obavljeno je na 90 zdravih zuba ekstrahovanih iz ortodontskih razloga. Formirane su tri grupe od po trideset zuba. Zubi iz svake grupe su podeljeni na polovine u buko-lingvalnom pravcu. Na taj način formirani su i ispitivani i kontrolni uzorak, oba od jednog istog zuba. Bravice su zalepljene pomoću GC Fuji OrthoTM LC (GC Amerika Čikago, III),glasjonomer cementom modifikovanim smolom, a zubi su zatim čuvani u veštačkoj pljuvački. Jednom dnevno zubi su premazivani topikalnim gelom-CG Tooth Mousse u trajanju od 5 minuta, a zatim vraćeni u veštačku pljuvačku. Preventivni tretman je sproveden u određenim intervalima od 1, 3 i 6 meseci. Posle svakog perioda ispitivanja, veštačka pljuvačka u kojoj su uzorci čuvani je bila korišćena za određivanje koncentracije Ca i Mg pomoću plamene atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Rezultati: Rezultati ovog (in vitro) istraživanja pokazali su da su koncentracije Ca i Mg u veštačkoj pljuvački značajno povećane čak i nakon prvog meseca od primene ovog sredstva, koje oslobađa Ca i druge minerale (uključujući cement bez fluora koji se koristi za lepljenje bravica) sa maksimalnom vrednošću nakon tri meseca primene. Ove vrednosti su bile značajno niže nakon šest meseci, verovatno kao rezultat njegove apsorpcije u gleđi. Rezultati za Mg su isti kao i za Ca, a vrednost se povećava, kao i njena stabilnost u pljuvački nakon prvog meseca. Zaključci: Rezultati ove in vitro studije jasno ukazuju da preventivni materijali koji se koriste u fiksnom ortodontskom tretmanu inhibiraju demineralizaciju gleđi oko bravica i ortodontskih prstenova. Preporuka za njihovu upotrebu kao dodatnih preventivnih metoda / sredstava je očigledna pored primarne oralne higijene.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of buffer capacity of saliva in caries-free and caries-active children

Prilozi, 2013

OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the physicochemical pro... more OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the physicochemical properties of saliva, such as buffering capacity, in caries-free and caries-active children. MATERIAL AND METHOD Eighty children aged 12-14 years were included in this study. They were divided into two groups: a caries-free and a caries-active group, with 40 children in each group. Material for biochemical testing of saliva--a sample was taken from all subjects at different time intervals: 5, 30 and 60 minutes after the daily meal. The examined parameters were followed in the same examinees in a sample of saliva taken in the morning before consuming any food or implementation of oral hygiene: they represent basic information compared with the results of the examination. The concentration of salivary bicarbonates was determined by the enzyme method of continuous measurement. RESULTS Salivary concentration of bicarbonates, measured fasting in the morning (basic values) in the caries-free grou...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of buffer capacity of saliva in caries-free and caries-active children


The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the physicochemical properties of ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the physicochemical properties of saliva, such as buffering capacity, in caries-free and caries-active children. Eighty children aged 12-14 years were included in this study. They were divided into two groups: a caries-free and a caries-active group, with 40 children in each group. Material for biochemical testing of saliva--a sample was taken from all subjects at different time intervals: 5, 30 and 60 minutes after the daily meal. The examined parameters were followed in the same examinees in a sample of saliva taken in the morning before consuming any food or implementation of oral hygiene: they represent basic information compared with the results of the examination. The concentration of salivary bicarbonates was determined by the enzyme method of continuous measurement. Salivary concentration of bicarbonates, measured fasting in the morning (basic values) in the caries-free group, ranging in limits from 6.60 to 9.70 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Methods of Deciduous Dental Pulp Research

Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of t... more Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of the pulpal tissue by using various methods. Material and methods: The pulps used for this research had originated from intact teeth of healthy children, (five deciduous teeth without, and five deciduous teeth with physiological resorption). Immediately after the extraction (performed due to orthodontic reasons, under local anaesthesia), each tooth was cut perpendicularly to its long axis with a rotating carborundum disc under a water jet. The separated halves were dissected with plastic instrument, and the tooth pulp was excavated completely. Results and discussion: The extracellular matrix is the major constituent of the connective tissue. This is composed of ground substance and fibrillar proteins. The main cells of the connective tissue are the fibroblasts. The pulp also contains odontoblasts (the highest differentiated cells), undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, and immunocompetent ce...

Research paper thumbnail of Recommendations of antibiotic treatment in paediatric dentistry

The child has series of differential characteristics and this facilitate faster diffusion of oral... more The child has series of differential characteristics and this facilitate faster diffusion of oral infection: the greater proportion of water in the tissues, and their increased bone sponginess. Odontogenic infections usually are mixed, with multiple organisms, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, with different characteristics. Pediatric patients with aggressive periodontal diseases may require antimicrobial therapy in conjunction with local treatment, if is present signs of systemic involvement (fever, asymmetry and facial swelling, regional lymphadenitis), with the use of mechanical debridement. Amoxicillin is the first choice antibiotic, especially amoxicillin. Alternative antibiotic for use in penicillin-allergic patient is erythromycin. Penicillin has been substituted by other antibiotics - clindamycin, the newer macrolides: clarithromycin and azithromycin, and cephalosporin: cephalexin and cefadroxil. Metronidazole is useful only against anaerobic bacteria, and should be reserved f...

Research paper thumbnail of Innate immune response of the dental pulp in healthy and carious human teeth

Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen pr... more Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen presentation. Antigen-presenting cells are considered essential for the induction and expansion of the immune reaction, because their interaction with antigen is the first step in immune induction. We have studied the distribution of class II-expressing cells in developing, healthy and carious human teeth to clarify when human pulp acquires an immunologic defense potential. Antigen-expressing cells were identified immunohistochemically with HLA-DR monoclonal antibodies (for dendritic cells) and CD68 monoclonal antibodies (for macrophages). In the pulp of unerupted developing teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were distributed mainly in and around the odontoblast layer. A few CD68 positive cells were located more coronary around the blood vessels. In erupted teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were located, for the most part just beneath the odontoblast layer. CD68 positive cells were also located coron...

Research paper thumbnail of Nerve fibers in human deciduous dental pulp

Deciduous teeth contrary to permanent ones have relatively short lifetime and functional duration... more Deciduous teeth contrary to permanent ones have relatively short lifetime and functional duration; they are formed in a much shorter period of time, and are subordinated to an early physiological resorption of the roots, in order to make free space for lining of the permanent teeth. Dental pulp is a unique tissue, which is responsible for maintaining of the tooth vitality. In order to examine the reparatory pulp ability of deciduous teeth we investigated histological changes of the nerve fibers in the pulp. Histological findings were performed on a light microscope and on a Transmission Electron Microscope. Nerve fibers in deciduous dental pulp showed some disturbances when physiological resorption had been started. Under light microscopy, nerve fibers showed unclear pathological changes – they begain to loose the myelin coat because of increased edema. Using TEM, non-myelin nerve fibers showed disorder in the homogeneousness of the axoplasmal structure, less density of mucopolysacc...

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation between pH , buffering capacity , calcium and dental caries in schoolchildren

The aim of this study was to determine salivary pH, buffering capacity and calcium levels in cari... more The aim of this study was to determine salivary pH, buffering capacity and calcium levels in caries-free and caries-active children. We examined 80 children of both genders, 15 years of age. Subjects were divided into four groups as follows: caries-free females, caries-active females, caries-free males, caries-active males; each group consisted of 20 subjects. The unstimulated saliva sample was collected by the spitting method and then pH, buffering capacity and calcium in saliva was measured. The results showed that mean level of buffering capacity of saliva was decreased significantly in the caries-active group as compared to caries-free group. The obtained data showed that the mean levels of pH and calcium were decreased in the caries-active group as compared to the caries-free group, but the difference was not statistically significant. The saliva with its constituents plays an important role in maintaining oral and especially dental health. Salivary pH values were found to be h...

Research paper thumbnail of Tips and advices when planning and conducting the prosthodontic treatment in pediatric patients: letter to the editorial board

Македонски стоматолошки преглед

Sometimes during the practice, the specialist for prosthodontics has а patient who is a child. Th... more Sometimes during the practice, the specialist for prosthodontics has а patient who is a child. There are several reasons for prosthetic treatment at this age group such as loss of a large amount of tooth substance or tooth extraction due to trauma or inadequate maintenance of oral hygiene, both in children with normal development and in those with developmental disabilities. Children with hypodontia or developmental anomalies of the teeth, and children with syndromes in whom the agenesis of some teeth is one of the symptoms are our patients as well. Considering the challenges we encounter when planning and implementing therapy in the youngest patients, in cooperation with colleagues from other specialties, the idea to share the gained experiences with you was imposed. We hope that the following tips and short advices will help you in providing prosthetic therapy in patients whose smile brings the greatest joy.

Research paper thumbnail of Dental caries in correlation with life style and habits

Македонски стоматолошки преглед, 2019

INTRODUCTION. Dental caries is a multifactorial disease. Sugar consumption, oral hygiene, quantit... more INTRODUCTION. Dental caries is a multifactorial disease. Sugar consumption, oral hygiene, quantity and composition of saliva, the presence of fluoride and other factors play a major role in its emergence. Everyone is at risk of dental caries, but children and adolescents above all. The majority of dental caries occurs in adults because the disease is cumulative. AIM. To determine the correlation of dental caries with lifestyle and habits. MATERIAL AND METHOD. We have examined 134 respondents aged over 6 years at the Dental Clinic "Jane Sandanski" Skopje. To realize the goal with the help of a questionnaire and dental examination, we noted the parameters DMF and OIH-index. RESULTS. The value of the DMF increases with age, ranging from 1.47 in the group from 6 to 12 years to 15.92 in the group over 51 years. In each age group, various risk factors have shown to be dominant. CONCLUSION. Health education and motivation of the entire population is needed. KEY WORDS: dental caries, risk factors, prevention. Апстракт ВОВЕД. Кариесот е мултикаузално заболување. Во неговото настанување голема улога имаат конзумацијата на шеќери, оралната хигиена, количината и составот на плунката, присуството на флуор и други фактори. Секој е изложен на ризик од забен кариес, но децата и адолесцентите се најмногу изложени на ризик. Во поголем дел кариесот е присутен кај возрасните, затоа што ова заболување е кумулативно. ЦЕЛ. Да се утврди корелацијата на забниот кариес со животниот стил и навики. МАТЕРИЈАЛ И МЕТОД. Беа опфатени 134 испитаници на возраст над 6 години кои се обратиле на Дежурна стоматолошка служба " Јане Сандански" Скопје. Целта ја реализиравме со помош на анкетен лист и стоматолошки преглед, ги нотиравме параметрите КЕП и ОХИ-индекс. РЕЗУЛТАТИ. Вредноста на КЕП индексот расте со возраста, почнувајки од 1,47 во групата 6-12 години до 15,92 во групата над 51 година. Кај секоја возрасна група различни ризик фактори се покажаа како доминантни. ЗАКЛУЧОК.. Потребна е едукација и мотивација на целокупното население. КЛУЧНИ ЗБОРОВИ: дентален кариес, ризик фактори, превенција.

Research paper thumbnail of Differences between periapical lesions in untreated and teeth with root canal fillings

Balkan Journal of Stomatology, 2006

The aim of this study was to investigate features and differences between periapical lesions in u... more The aim of this study was to investigate features and differences between periapical lesions in untreated teeth and teeth with root canal fillings. During oral surgery procedures, 65 tissue samples were obtained. According to endodontic diagnosis for each tooth, separately, samples were divided into 2 study groups; group 1 comprised 25 samples of periapical lesions obtained from teeth with no previous endodontic therapy; additional 40 samples (group 2) were obtained from teeth in which the lesion persisted during a period of 2 years after endodontic procedures. History data were taken from each subject included in the study. Periapical tissue samples were processed for laboratory procedures: (1) histopathologic examination of lesions by light microscopy analysis; (2) qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of bacteriological findings; (3) quantification of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) in tissue homogenates by the ELISA method. In the first group, symptoms were mainly positive. Exacerbation of the chronic periapical lesion, and diffuse inflammation were common findings. Only in 1 single sample no evidence of infection was found; however, degree of infection ranged as moderate bacterial growth, with prevalence of facultative anaerobe strains. It is suggested that exudate drainage favours slow evolution of the infection, which was confirmed by lower IL-1β values, compared to similar diagnosis in the other study group. In the group with closed lesions, obligate anaerobe strains prevailed. They revealed hi gher IL-1β values compared to the same pathological types of inflammation in the untreated group.

Research paper thumbnail of Dental Caries Experience among Six Year Old Children of the Republic of Macedonia

Journal of Dentistry and Orofacial Surgery, 2016

Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the dental caries among primary school children (... more Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the dental caries among primary school children (first grades) in Eastern, Southeast and Vardar Region of the Republic of Macedonia and evaluate if the disease pattern is different between the regions. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in 2013 involving 301 six year old primary school children (born in 2007), who were randomly selected from seven central and 13 regional primary schools. The ethical clearance was taken from institutional ethical committee of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of St Cyril and St Meth and parental consent was obtained for each child. Participants' dental status was evaluated using the 1997 World Health Organization caries diagnostic criteria for decayed, missing and filled primary teeth (DMFT) and Decayed, Missing or Filled permanent Teeth (DMFT) by two calibrated examiners. Data obtained during the survey were stored in a database (SPSS 13.00 and tested for possible statistically significant differences using the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test. A p ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The total number of children in the sample was 301, comprising 152 (50.50%) females and 149 (49.50%) males. The results of this survey showed that the DMFT score of the six year-old children from all three regions was 5.59 ± 3.82, while in the Eastern region was 5.65 ± 3.68 for the primary dentition and 0.04 ± 0.28 for the permanent dentition. Average DMFT score of the six year-old children from the southeast region was 5,29 ± 4.30 for the primary dentition and 0.07 ± 0.3 for the permanent dentition, while for six year-old children group from the Vardar region it was 5.81 ± 3.5 for primary dentition and 0.17 ± 0.5 for the permanent dentition. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test by ranks gave a p-value of 0.4 > 0.05, indicating that there was no statistically significant difference between DMFT scores of six year-old children from different regions for primary teeth. Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test by ranks gave a p-value of 0.03 < 0.05, indicating that there were statistically significant differences between DMFT scores of six year-old children from different regions for permanent teeth. Significant caries (SiC) index was 9.93 ± 2.0. The prevalence of caries-free children was 15.82%. The percentage of untreated caries or the ratio of DMFT/DMFT was 0.8581 (85.81%). Conclusions: Dental caries experience was seen to be high among six year old school children (first grades) in Eastern, Southeast and Vardar Region of the Republic of Macedonia.

Research paper thumbnail of Immunohistochemical study on antigen-presenting cells in healthy and carious human teeth

Bratislava Medical Journal, 2018

Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-presenting cells are associated with the ... more Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-presenting cells are associated with the early phase of the immune response. We have studied the distribution of class II-expressing cells in developing, healthy and carious human teeth to clarify, when human pulp acquires an immunologic defense potential and how this reacts to dental caries. Antigen-expressing cells were identifi ed immunohistochemically with the following monoclonal antibodies: HLA-DR-for dendritic cells and CD68-for macrophages. In the pulp of unerupted developing teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were distributed mainly in and around the odontoblast layer. A few CD68 positive cells were located more coronary around the blood vessels. In erupted teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were located, for the most part, just beneath the odontoblast layer. CD68 positive cells were also located coronary, mainly around the blood vessels. Superfi cial caries lesions caused an aggregation of HLA-DR-positive cells and macrophages in the dental pulp corresponding to the lesion. These fi ndings showed that: (1) human teeth are already equipped with an immunological defense potential prior to eruption; (2) in the initial stage of caries infection, an immuno-response mediated by class-II-expressing cells is initiated in human dental pulp (Fig. 8, Ref. 33).

Research paper thumbnail of Health of first permanent molars in 12 - yeras old school children in Prilep community

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries inci... more ABSTRACT: Introduction: Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, because occlusal fissure is much vulnerable site of the tooth. Government of FYR Macedonia before 8 years are accepting Dental preventive program: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the success of that caries preventive program. Materials and methods: For improving that aim, in September and October 2015, we obtaining 345 school children of Prilep community, born 2003 y., 177 males, and 168 females. First permanent molars in all the examined children were occlusally sealed before 6 years (2009) with GC Fuji Triage. Results and discussion: From 01 January 2008, started implementation of the National strategy for prevention of oral diseases in the children in FYR Macedonia: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. On 12-year-old school children - 2015 y, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Антибиотичен третман во детската стоматологиа

Децата имаат недооформена имуна система, како локален, така и општ имунитет. Млечните заби се со ... more Децата имаат недооформена имуна система, како локален, така и општ имунитет. Млечните заби се со потенок емајл и дентин, а поизразена е спонгиозноста на коските и вилиците. Следователно во детската возраст побрза е прогресијата на кариесот и неговите компликации од аспект на одонтогени инфекции. Антибиотици треба да се ординираат само кога е нарушена општата состојба, и тоа само во случаи на акутни и хронични пародонтити и компликации на пародонтитите: абсцеси, флегмони, парулиси и целулити. Некогаш постои потреба од антибиотици после хируршки интервенции - екстракција на забот, или кога има постекстракциона компликација - инфекција на алвеолата. Превентивно ординиране антибиотици е нерационално, иако има интенции така да се намалат компликациите од ендодонтскиот третман. Но, тоа е дозволено кај деца со системски болести, за да се превенира транзиторната бактериемиа при некои орално-хируршки процедури, и тоа два дни пред и три дни после интервенцијата. Се работи за фебрилно-реуматск...

Research paper thumbnail of Efekat Kazein Fosfopeptid-Amorfnog Kalcijum Fosfata (CPP-Acp) Na Demineralizaciju Gleđi Oko Ortodontskih Aparata: In Vitro Studija Effect of Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPP-Acp) Topical Agents on Enamel Demineralization Around Orthodontic Braces: An in Vitro Study

Research paper thumbnail of Down syndrome

Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 2020

This PrimeView summarizes the epidemiology, mechanisms, diagnosis and management of Down syndrome.

Research paper thumbnail of In vitro assessment of caseein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) in prevention of white spot lesions

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2019

Ortodonske bravice i drugi ortodontski elementi, otežavaju oralni higijenu olakšavaju akumulaciju... more Ortodonske bravice i drugi ortodontski elementi, otežavaju oralni higijenu olakšavaju akumulaciju dentalnog plaka što povećava rizik od karijesa u toku ortodontskog tretmana. Cilj: ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi koncentracija Ca i Mg u veštačkoj pljuvački posle preventivnog tretmana. Metode: Laboratorijsko ispitivanje (in vitro) obavljeno je na 90 zdravih zuba ekstrahovanih iz ortodontskih razloga. Formirane su tri grupe od po trideset zuba. Zubi iz svake grupe su podeljeni na polovine u buko-lingvalnom pravcu. Na taj način formirani su i ispitivani i kontrolni uzorak, oba od jednog istog zuba. Bravice su zalepljene pomoću GC Fuji OrthoTM LC (GC Amerika Čikago, III),glasjonomer cementom modifikovanim smolom, a zubi su zatim čuvani u veštačkoj pljuvački. Jednom dnevno zubi su premazivani topikalnim gelom-CG Tooth Mousse u trajanju od 5 minuta, a zatim vraćeni u veštačku pljuvačku. Preventivni tretman je sproveden u određenim intervalima od 1, 3 i 6 meseci. Posle svakog perioda ispitivanja, veštačka pljuvačka u kojoj su uzorci čuvani je bila korišćena za određivanje koncentracije Ca i Mg pomoću plamene atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Rezultati: Rezultati ovog (in vitro) istraživanja pokazali su da su koncentracije Ca i Mg u veštačkoj pljuvački značajno povećane čak i nakon prvog meseca od primene ovog sredstva, koje oslobađa Ca i druge minerale (uključujući cement bez fluora koji se koristi za lepljenje bravica) sa maksimalnom vrednošću nakon tri meseca primene. Ove vrednosti su bile značajno niže nakon šest meseci, verovatno kao rezultat njegove apsorpcije u gleđi. Rezultati za Mg su isti kao i za Ca, a vrednost se povećava, kao i njena stabilnost u pljuvački nakon prvog meseca. Zaključci: Rezultati ove in vitro studije jasno ukazuju da preventivni materijali koji se koriste u fiksnom ortodontskom tretmanu inhibiraju demineralizaciju gleđi oko bravica i ortodontskih prstenova. Preporuka za njihovu upotrebu kao dodatnih preventivnih metoda / sredstava je očigledna pored primarne oralne higijene.

Research paper thumbnail of Health of first permanent molars in Prilep region after fissure sealing according dental preventive program in FYR Macedonia

Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, bec... more Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, because occlusal fissure is much vulnerable site. Government of Republic of Macedonia before 8 years are accepting Dental preventive program: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the success of that caries preventive program. Materials and methods: For improving that aim, in November 2015, we obtaining 888 participants – school children of Prilep region, which molars was occlusal sealed before 6 years (2009). All the examined children were born 2003 y, and molars was sealed with GC Fuji Triage. Results and discussion: From 01 January 2008, started implementation of the National strategy for prevention of oral diseases in the children in Republic of Macedonia: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. On 12 y., old - 2015 y DMF scores specially for first permanent molars was 23,25...

Research paper thumbnail of Prosthodontic management of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia: a case report

South European Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research, 2015

Ectodermal dysplasias (ED) represent a large and heterogeneous group of disorders characterized b... more Ectodermal dysplasias (ED) represent a large and heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by developmental disturbances of two or more tissues and structures (skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, teeth enamel, eye lenses, parts of the inner ear and nerves) derived from the embryonic ectodermal layer. 1,2 More than seven out of 10,000 babies are born with some form of ectodermal dysplasia, regardless of the gender, race or ethnic group. 3 Around 170 types of ectodermal dysplasia, clinically different conditions, can be distinguished depending on the ABSTRACT Introduction: Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) is a hereditary disorder associated with developmental disorders of two or more structures of ectodermal embryonic origin. Hypodontia or anodontia of the primary and permanent dentition, poorly developed alveolar ridges and improper maxillo-mandibular relations, are the most common oral manifestations. Management of patients with ectodermal dysplasia requires a multidisciplinary team approach. Case presentation: A 6.5 year-old boy with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) presented in this article, had typical features of HED: hypohidrosis, hypotrichosis, severe hypodontia, atrophic alveolar ridges, old-looking facial expression. According to the patient's age and clinical findings, removable complete over-denture prosthesis in both arches was the treatment of choice. Conclusion: In patients with ED, it is important to establish correct maxillo-mandibular relations and normal function of the dento-facial system (chewing, swallowing, and speaking). Prosthodontic treatment has a major impact on aesthetics and functions, facilitates psychological development and improves emotional condition and social life of the patient.

Research paper thumbnail of In vitro assessment of caseein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) in prevention of white spot lesions

Acta stomatologica Naissi

Ortodonske bravice i drugi ortodontski elementi, otežavaju oralni higijenu olakšavaju akumulaciju... more Ortodonske bravice i drugi ortodontski elementi, otežavaju oralni higijenu olakšavaju akumulaciju dentalnog plaka što povećava rizik od karijesa u toku ortodontskog tretmana. Cilj: ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi koncentracija Ca i Mg u veštačkoj pljuvački posle preventivnog tretmana. Metode: Laboratorijsko ispitivanje (in vitro) obavljeno je na 90 zdravih zuba ekstrahovanih iz ortodontskih razloga. Formirane su tri grupe od po trideset zuba. Zubi iz svake grupe su podeljeni na polovine u buko-lingvalnom pravcu. Na taj način formirani su i ispitivani i kontrolni uzorak, oba od jednog istog zuba. Bravice su zalepljene pomoću GC Fuji OrthoTM LC (GC Amerika Čikago, III),glasjonomer cementom modifikovanim smolom, a zubi su zatim čuvani u veštačkoj pljuvački. Jednom dnevno zubi su premazivani topikalnim gelom-CG Tooth Mousse u trajanju od 5 minuta, a zatim vraćeni u veštačku pljuvačku. Preventivni tretman je sproveden u određenim intervalima od 1, 3 i 6 meseci. Posle svakog perioda ispitivanja, veštačka pljuvačka u kojoj su uzorci čuvani je bila korišćena za određivanje koncentracije Ca i Mg pomoću plamene atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Rezultati: Rezultati ovog (in vitro) istraživanja pokazali su da su koncentracije Ca i Mg u veštačkoj pljuvački značajno povećane čak i nakon prvog meseca od primene ovog sredstva, koje oslobađa Ca i druge minerale (uključujući cement bez fluora koji se koristi za lepljenje bravica) sa maksimalnom vrednošću nakon tri meseca primene. Ove vrednosti su bile značajno niže nakon šest meseci, verovatno kao rezultat njegove apsorpcije u gleđi. Rezultati za Mg su isti kao i za Ca, a vrednost se povećava, kao i njena stabilnost u pljuvački nakon prvog meseca. Zaključci: Rezultati ove in vitro studije jasno ukazuju da preventivni materijali koji se koriste u fiksnom ortodontskom tretmanu inhibiraju demineralizaciju gleđi oko bravica i ortodontskih prstenova. Preporuka za njihovu upotrebu kao dodatnih preventivnih metoda / sredstava je očigledna pored primarne oralne higijene.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of buffer capacity of saliva in caries-free and caries-active children

Prilozi, 2013

OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the physicochemical pro... more OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the physicochemical properties of saliva, such as buffering capacity, in caries-free and caries-active children. MATERIAL AND METHOD Eighty children aged 12-14 years were included in this study. They were divided into two groups: a caries-free and a caries-active group, with 40 children in each group. Material for biochemical testing of saliva--a sample was taken from all subjects at different time intervals: 5, 30 and 60 minutes after the daily meal. The examined parameters were followed in the same examinees in a sample of saliva taken in the morning before consuming any food or implementation of oral hygiene: they represent basic information compared with the results of the examination. The concentration of salivary bicarbonates was determined by the enzyme method of continuous measurement. RESULTS Salivary concentration of bicarbonates, measured fasting in the morning (basic values) in the caries-free grou...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of buffer capacity of saliva in caries-free and caries-active children


The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the physicochemical properties of ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the physicochemical properties of saliva, such as buffering capacity, in caries-free and caries-active children. Eighty children aged 12-14 years were included in this study. They were divided into two groups: a caries-free and a caries-active group, with 40 children in each group. Material for biochemical testing of saliva--a sample was taken from all subjects at different time intervals: 5, 30 and 60 minutes after the daily meal. The examined parameters were followed in the same examinees in a sample of saliva taken in the morning before consuming any food or implementation of oral hygiene: they represent basic information compared with the results of the examination. The concentration of salivary bicarbonates was determined by the enzyme method of continuous measurement. Salivary concentration of bicarbonates, measured fasting in the morning (basic values) in the caries-free group, ranging in limits from 6.60 to 9.70 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Methods of Deciduous Dental Pulp Research

Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of t... more Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of the pulpal tissue by using various methods. Material and methods: The pulps used for this research had originated from intact teeth of healthy children, (five deciduous teeth without, and five deciduous teeth with physiological resorption). Immediately after the extraction (performed due to orthodontic reasons, under local anaesthesia), each tooth was cut perpendicularly to its long axis with a rotating carborundum disc under a water jet. The separated halves were dissected with plastic instrument, and the tooth pulp was excavated completely. Results and discussion: The extracellular matrix is the major constituent of the connective tissue. This is composed of ground substance and fibrillar proteins. The main cells of the connective tissue are the fibroblasts. The pulp also contains odontoblasts (the highest differentiated cells), undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, and immunocompetent ce...

Research paper thumbnail of Recommendations of antibiotic treatment in paediatric dentistry

The child has series of differential characteristics and this facilitate faster diffusion of oral... more The child has series of differential characteristics and this facilitate faster diffusion of oral infection: the greater proportion of water in the tissues, and their increased bone sponginess. Odontogenic infections usually are mixed, with multiple organisms, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, with different characteristics. Pediatric patients with aggressive periodontal diseases may require antimicrobial therapy in conjunction with local treatment, if is present signs of systemic involvement (fever, asymmetry and facial swelling, regional lymphadenitis), with the use of mechanical debridement. Amoxicillin is the first choice antibiotic, especially amoxicillin. Alternative antibiotic for use in penicillin-allergic patient is erythromycin. Penicillin has been substituted by other antibiotics - clindamycin, the newer macrolides: clarithromycin and azithromycin, and cephalosporin: cephalexin and cefadroxil. Metronidazole is useful only against anaerobic bacteria, and should be reserved f...

Research paper thumbnail of Innate immune response of the dental pulp in healthy and carious human teeth

Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen pr... more Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen presentation. Antigen-presenting cells are considered essential for the induction and expansion of the immune reaction, because their interaction with antigen is the first step in immune induction. We have studied the distribution of class II-expressing cells in developing, healthy and carious human teeth to clarify when human pulp acquires an immunologic defense potential. Antigen-expressing cells were identified immunohistochemically with HLA-DR monoclonal antibodies (for dendritic cells) and CD68 monoclonal antibodies (for macrophages). In the pulp of unerupted developing teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were distributed mainly in and around the odontoblast layer. A few CD68 positive cells were located more coronary around the blood vessels. In erupted teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were located, for the most part just beneath the odontoblast layer. CD68 positive cells were also located coron...

Research paper thumbnail of Nerve fibers in human deciduous dental pulp

Deciduous teeth contrary to permanent ones have relatively short lifetime and functional duration... more Deciduous teeth contrary to permanent ones have relatively short lifetime and functional duration; they are formed in a much shorter period of time, and are subordinated to an early physiological resorption of the roots, in order to make free space for lining of the permanent teeth. Dental pulp is a unique tissue, which is responsible for maintaining of the tooth vitality. In order to examine the reparatory pulp ability of deciduous teeth we investigated histological changes of the nerve fibers in the pulp. Histological findings were performed on a light microscope and on a Transmission Electron Microscope. Nerve fibers in deciduous dental pulp showed some disturbances when physiological resorption had been started. Under light microscopy, nerve fibers showed unclear pathological changes – they begain to loose the myelin coat because of increased edema. Using TEM, non-myelin nerve fibers showed disorder in the homogeneousness of the axoplasmal structure, less density of mucopolysacc...

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation between pH , buffering capacity , calcium and dental caries in schoolchildren

The aim of this study was to determine salivary pH, buffering capacity and calcium levels in cari... more The aim of this study was to determine salivary pH, buffering capacity and calcium levels in caries-free and caries-active children. We examined 80 children of both genders, 15 years of age. Subjects were divided into four groups as follows: caries-free females, caries-active females, caries-free males, caries-active males; each group consisted of 20 subjects. The unstimulated saliva sample was collected by the spitting method and then pH, buffering capacity and calcium in saliva was measured. The results showed that mean level of buffering capacity of saliva was decreased significantly in the caries-active group as compared to caries-free group. The obtained data showed that the mean levels of pH and calcium were decreased in the caries-active group as compared to the caries-free group, but the difference was not statistically significant. The saliva with its constituents plays an important role in maintaining oral and especially dental health. Salivary pH values were found to be h...