Anderson Rodrigues - (original) (raw)

Papers by Anderson Rodrigues

Research paper thumbnail of Sporotrichosis between 1898 and 2017: The evolution of knowledge on a changeable disease and on emerging etiological agents

Medical mycology, 2018

The description of cryptic species with different pathogenic potentials has changed the perspecti... more The description of cryptic species with different pathogenic potentials has changed the perspectives on sporotrichosis. Sporothrix schenckii causes a benign chronic subcutaneous mycosis, Sporothrix brasiliensis is highly virulent, and Sporothrix globosa mainly causes fixed cutaneous lesions. Furthermore, S. brasiliensis is the prevalent species related to cat-transmitted sporotrichosis. Sources of infection, transmission, and distribution patterns also differ between species, and variability differs between species because of different degrees of clonality. The present review article will cover several aspects of the biology of clinically relevant agents of sporotrichosis, including epidemiological aspects of emerging species. Genomic information of Sporothrix spp. is also discussed. The cell wall is an essential structure for cell viability, interaction with the environment, and the host immune cells and contains several macromolecules involved in virulence. Due to its importance, ...

Research paper thumbnail of TAPN: Test Automation’s Pyramid of Needs

Anais do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS 2015)

Testing is an essential activity to ensure quality of software systems, but it is expensive and t... more Testing is an essential activity to ensure quality of software systems, but it is expensive and time consuming. Thus, testing automation would be an alternative to improve test productivity and save costs. However, many organizations refuse to use test automation or had failed on implement it because they do not know how to deal with the implementation of a test automation strategy fitted to their goals and expectations. Most of them underestimate or have no knowledge about test automation factor of success. In addition, although there are many works and maturity models focused on improving the testing process, few ones focus on test automation issues. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a hierarchical model called Test Automation’s Pyramid of Needs (TAPN). TAPN is inspired in the Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs administration theory and it comprises five levels that influence on the success of test automation initiatives in software organizations. TAPN intends to help organ...

Research paper thumbnail of Establishment of a reference material for potency and identity assays of recombinant COVID-19 vaccine active ingredients, intermediary and final products

Annals of the symposium: vacines, biopharmaceuticals, in vitro diagnosis, management, other related themes

Introduction: The Immunobiological Technology Institute (Bio-Manguinhos) has been producing the r... more Introduction: The Immunobiological Technology Institute (Bio-Manguinhos) has been producing the recombinant COVID-19 vaccine (RCV) due to a technology transfer (TT) with AstraZeneca and Oxford University. The RCV is a replication-deficient adenoviral vector vaccine that is offered free of charge to the Brazilian population through the National Immunization Program. Two of the specified tests for quality control release of the vaccine are the potency and the identity determination. To perform these assays, a reference vaccine provided by the transfers is used as a reference material (RM) in order to validate the results. After the TT completion, Bio-Manguinhos had to establish its own RM. Therefore, homogeneity and stability studies were carried out to verify the suitability of RM produced by Bio-Manguinhos. Objective: The aim of this study was to establish a batch of RCV, produced by Bio-Manguinhos, as RM for potency and identity assays. Methodology: Potency and identity assays were determined using the infectious unit and real-time PCR methodologies, respectively. Twenty vials, randomly selected, were analyzed for homogeneity evaluation according to International Harmonized Protocol. The long-term stability was evaluated at reference temperature (-50 ± 30)°C for 313 days and storage temperature at (5 ± 3)°C for 240 days; and short-term stability at (22.5± 2.5)°C for 14 days. Results: The batch was sufficiently homogeneous for both parameters. The RM was considered sufficiently stable in all studies realized considering the established identity Ct value (Ct<30). Regarding potency assays, the RM was stable at (-50 ± 30)°C for the entire study period, at (5 ± 3)°C for 97 days, and at (22.5± 2.5)°C for 3 days. Conclusion: It was concluded that the RVC batch can be used as a RM in routine analysis for potency and identity assays when stored at (-50 ± 30)°C and in aliquots stored at (5 ± 3)°C for 97 days, since its established properties were stable during this time period.

Research paper thumbnail of Recursos Tecnologicos Em Curso De Capacitacao Para Alunos Surdos

Revista Educar Mais, May 24, 2017

Dados da Organizacao Mundial da Saude (2011) mostram que 14,8% de brasileiros possuem problemas l... more Dados da Organizacao Mundial da Saude (2011) mostram que 14,8% de brasileiros possuem problemas ligados a audicao, com indicio de aumento. Essa situacao determina que diariamente enfrentem o desafio de interagir com as demais pessoas, que nao sao surdas, muitas vezes ate mesmo os seus proprios familiares (SANTANA, 2007). A leitura labial e a expressao em LIBRAS surgiram como formas para amenizar as dificuldades de comunicacao, e evitar que se isolem em grupos, pois exploram a visao, que constitui a primeira ferramenta utilizada na busca da comunicacao (FEBRABAN, 2006). O reconhecimento da Lingua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) como lingua oficial da Republica Federativa do Brasil (Lei no 10.463/2002), contribuiu para inclusao social do surdo, pois propiciou visibilidade social a esse grupo minoritario linguistico e permitiu, por forca da lei, que fossem oficializadas acoes que antes ocorriam de modo informal. Em conjunto com a tecnologia digital, possibilitou um novo caminho para a transmissao do conhecimento de forma pratica e atraente e a expressao da identidade e da cultura surdas no espaco virtual. Atualmente estao disponiveis tecnologias digitais que contribuem como um excelente meio de aprendizagem, participacao social e ampliacao do exercicio da cidadania. A tecnologia possibilita que, embora o surdo esteja inserido em uma sociedade que utiliza a lingua oral, tambem esteja ligado a espacos e pessoas que se comunicam em LIBRAS. Portanto, o objetivo da utilizacao dos recursos tecnologicos foi facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de alunos surdos de escolas de educacao basica de Pelotas, no curso de capacitacao em tecnicas histologicas em LIBRAS, atraves de ferramentas que explorem a visao e estimulem o aprendizado.

Research paper thumbnail of MOESM1 of A proposed correction in the weighted method to score the Ishihara test

Additional file 1. Binary results of Ishihara test. Three spreadsheets containing the binary resu... more Additional file 1. Binary results of Ishihara test. Three spreadsheets containing the binary results of Ishihara plates for normal trichromats (spreadsheet #1), protan subjects (spreadsheet #2), and deutan (spreadsheet #1). Value 1 means correct response, value 0 means incorrect response.

Research paper thumbnail of Análise da produção acadêmica relacionada à inclusão nos anais digitais do encontro nacional de ensino de química entre 2014-2018


O acesso à comunicação em seu sentido mais amplo é o acesso ao conhecimento, e isso é de importân... more O acesso à comunicação em seu sentido mais amplo é o acesso ao conhecimento, e isso é de importância vital para nós, se não quisermos continuar sendo desvalorizados ou protegidos por pessoas videntes bondosas".

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative study among Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, PATH and WHO using Yellow Fever Vaccines in a controlled temperature chain

Research paper thumbnail of Stability evaluation of a reconstitute yellow fever vaccine and its application as reference material for potency assay

Annals of the V ISI, 2021

Introduction: The attenuated yellow fever vaccine (YFV) is offered free of charge to the Brazilia... more Introduction: The attenuated yellow fever vaccine (YFV) is offered free of charge to the Brazilian population through the National Immunization Program. One of the specifications for quality control release of the vaccine is the potency determination. This test consists in the determination of the number of plaque forming units (PFU), in which an established reference vaccine is used as a reference material (RM) to validate the results. Actually, the RM used is multidose (five doses) and after its reconstitution, one dose (0.5 mL) is used in the assay and the remaining four doses are discarded. So, stability studies are necessary in order to verify if this RM can be stored and used after its reconstitution. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of one YFV batch produced by Bio-Manguinhos, to be used as RM, after its reconstitution for the potency assay. Methodology: The stability of the reconstitute RM was evaluated in short term at (5±3)ºC for three days using classic and isochronal model and at (-20±10)ºC for eight days using classic model. In the (5±3) ºC stability study, two vials were analyzed in each assay period of time (T0, T1, T2, and T3) in both models, totalizing 16 vials. In the (-20±10)ºC stability study, four vials were reconstituted and two pools (two vials/pool) were prepared and analyzed independently at T0, and the remain doses were distributed in 14 aliquots of 0.6 mL and stored at (-20±10)ºC. In each period of time (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, and T8) two aliquots (one for each pool) were defrosted and analyzed independently. The PFU method was performed according to the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. The samples (reconstituted vials and their aliquots) were serially diluted and each dilution were inoculated into wells of a microplate containing Vero cells and incubated at 37°C/1h. The inoculum was aspirated and carboxymethylcellulose medium 3% was added and the plates were incubated at 38°C/7 days. The plates were fixed with 2% formaldehyde solution and stained with 1% violet crystal. The plaques presented were counted and the results were converted to log10 International Units /Human Dose (IU/HD). Statistical analysis of the results was performed by linear regression following ISO/GUIDE 35:2017. Results: The reconstituted RM was not sufficiently stable at (5±3)ºC in both study models. But when aliquoted and stored at (-20±10)ºC it was considerate sufficiently stable for eight days with angular coefficient of-0.014 (LIC=-0.045; LSC= 0,016). Conclusion: It was concluded that the reconstitute YFV batch can be used as an RM in routine analysis if divided in aliquots and stored at (-20±10)ºC for 8 days since it has its property value established and it is stable. The used of aliquot after reconstitution can represent an economy of approximately 300 vials/year.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of microbial life in sustainable and disease suppressive growing media: the role of beneficial microorganisms

Golf is a popular outdoor sport played in many countries across the world. However, the fact it i... more Golf is a popular outdoor sport played in many countries across the world. However, the fact it involves hitting a hard ball considerable distances can create problems if the balls are mishit and stray from the course. When it does, there can be a potential claim in nuisance, with the golf club itself being liable once it becomes aware of the nuisance. Often it is an injunction to prevent the continuation of the nuisance that is sought by the plaintiff, though damages can, and have, been awarded. If there is a problem with balls being mishit off the course, the golf club is required to remedy the situation by putting up barriers, or redesigning the course by, for example, shortening the holes in the area where there is a problem.

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusão Educativa: Relato De Experiência De Graduandos Do Curso De Educação Física Da Universidade Estadual Do Pará Com Alunos Do Intituto Felipe Samldone

O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da experiencia dos alunos do primei... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da experiencia dos alunos do primeiro ano do curso de Educacao Fisica da Universidade Estadual do Para com alunos surdos do Instituto Felipe Smadone (CENTRO EDUCACIONAL DE AUDIO-COMUNICACAO). Este trabalho originou-se durante as atividades das aulas de “LIBRAS”, (disciplina curricular do Curso de Educacao Fisica da UEPa) e foi dividido em tres etapas complementares: a primeira corresponde a pesquisa bibliografica sobre o tema INCLUSAO e sobre metodologias de Ensino Aprendizagem de criancas portadoras de necessidades especiais de Ensino; a segunda, corresponde a divisao das equipes (formadas por alunos da graduacao) e a selecao das atividades que seriam desenvolvidas com as criancas do Instituto; a terceira e ultima etapa, corresponde a aplicacao das atividades com os alunos. Apesar da pouca experiencia dos graduandos do Curso de Educacao Fisica em docencia e tambem na comunicacao gestual da linguagem dos sinais, as ativid...

Research paper thumbnail of Aumento da capacidade produtiva do insumo farmacêutico ativo da vacina febre amarela atenuada de Bio- Manguinhos

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnóstico De Maturidade Em Gestão Do Conhecimento: Experiência Em Uma Empresa Do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro

Este artigo tem por objetivo fazer uma avaliacao da maturidade em Gestao do Conhecimento (GC) em ... more Este artigo tem por objetivo fazer uma avaliacao da maturidade em Gestao do Conhecimento (GC) em uma empresa do setor eletrico nacional. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa que se deu por meio de 10 entrevistas semiestruturadas com gerentes da empresa pesquisada. A etapa quantitativa baseou-se em um questionario estruturado composto por 15 questoes fechadas. Os principais resultados mostraram que a empresa nao possui uma politica ou uma estrategia definida para incentivar a transferencia do conhecimento, identificou-se ainda que os processos de transmissao e de armazenamento do conhecimento que ocorrem por meio das relacoes pessoais entre os funcionarios nao e evidente dentro da cultura da empresa e que a cultura nao favorece a passagem de conhecimento tacito entre os funcionarios. Em relacao as caracteristicas referentes a estrategia de gestao do conhecimento, verificou-se que nao ha dentro da empresa, um processo de reconhecimen...

Research paper thumbnail of EDUCAÇÃO AMBIENTAL NA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: práticas pedagógicas voltadas à preservação do meio ambiente e sustentabilidade

Research paper thumbnail of Gestão Conhecimento, Gamificação e Analítica De Aprendizado Na Formação Profissional Para O Setor Elétrico

Research paper thumbnail of Unsupervised Machine Learning Applied to Seismic Interpretation: Towards an Unsupervised Automated Interpretation Tool

Sensors, 2021

Seismic interpretation is a fundamental process for hydrocarbon exploration. This activity compri... more Seismic interpretation is a fundamental process for hydrocarbon exploration. This activity comprises identifying geological information through the processing and analysis of seismic data represented by different attributes. The interpretation process presents limitations related to its high data volume, own complexity, time consumption, and uncertainties incorporated by the experts’ work. Unsupervised machine learning models, by discovering underlying patterns in the data, can represent a novel approach to provide an accurate interpretation without any reference or label, eliminating the human bias. Therefore, in this work, we propose exploring multiple methodologies based on unsupervised learning algorithms to interpret seismic data. Specifically, two strategies considering classical clustering algorithms and image segmentation methods, combined with feature selection, were evaluated to select the best possible approach. Additionally, the resultant groups of the seismic data were ...

Research paper thumbnail of Transitions Toward Digital Resources: Change, Invariance, and Orchestration

The 'Resource' Approach to Mathematics Education, 2019

This chapter reports on the work of Working Group 4 and focuses on the integration of digital res... more This chapter reports on the work of Working Group 4 and focuses on the integration of digital resources into mathematics teaching and learning practices. There are five central sections, focusing on, instrumental genesis, instrumental orchestration, the documentational approach to didactics, digital resources and teacher education, and the design of learning environments with the use of digital resources. A range of constructs and theoretical approaches are covered in these five sections, and the opening section comments on construct validity and issues in “networking” theoretical frameworks. The chapter can be viewed as a literature review which surveys past and present (at the time of writing) scholarship with an eye to possible future research. The chapter is extensive in several dimensions: a large range of digital resources and applications are considered; the subjects using digital resources are not just teachers but also students, student teachers and student teacher educators. Issues raised in the sections include individual and collective use of resources, the adaptation of these resources for specific learning goals and to prepare (pre- and in-service) teachers for the use of digital resources.

Research paper thumbnail of The threat of emerging and re-emerging pathogenic Sporothrix species

Mycopathologia, 2020

Sporotrichosis is a neglected subcutaneous mycosis of humans and animals acquired by traumatic in... more Sporotrichosis is a neglected subcutaneous mycosis of humans and animals acquired by traumatic inoculation of soil and plant material (classical route) contaminated with infectious propagules of the pathogen or being bitten/scratched by infected cats (alternative route). Within a genus composed of 53 species displaying an essentially environmental core, there are only a few members which have considerable impacts on human or animal health. Infections are typically caused by S. brasiliensis, S. schenckii or S. globosa. Rare mammal pathogens include members of the S. pallida and S. stenocereus complexes. To illustrate the tremendous impact of emerging zoonotic sporotrichosis on public health, we discuss the main features of the expanding epidemics driven by S. brasiliensis in cats and humans. The cat entry in the transmission chain of sporotrichosis, causing epizooties (cat-cat) or zoonosis (cat-human), has contributed to the definition of new paradigms in Sporothrix transmission, reaching epidemic levels, making the disease a serious public health problem. Indeed, S. brasiliensis infection in humans and animals is likely to become even more important in the future, with projections of its expansion in biogeographic domains and host range, as well as greater virulence in mammals. Therefore, lessons from a long-standing outbreak in the state of Rio de Janeiro about the source and distribution of the etiological agents among outbreak areas can be used to create better control and prevention plans and increase awareness of sporotrichosis as a serious emerging zoonotic disease. Keywords Sporothrix Á Sporotrichosis Á Emerging zoonoses Á Control and prevention Á Preparedness and biodefense Á Pathogenicity Á Virulence Á Sporothrix brasiliensis Á Neglected tropical diseases The story behind the Sporothrix species pathogenic to mammals Sporotrichosis is a fungal disease caused by the infection of Sporothrix spp. It usually affects the skin Handling editor: Ferry Hagen.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantificação Da Expressão Dos Genes Ror-Γ, FOXP3 e GATA3 Em Biópsias Gástricas De Pacientes Infectados e Não Infectados Por Helicobacter Pylori: Um Estudo Transversal

Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva Express, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Alocação de Recursos de Rádio Baseado na Seleção de Padrões de Assinalamento em Sistemas SC-FDMA

Anais de XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 2017

Resumo-Dois avanços importantes para as redes de acesso de rádio foram o uso de múltiplo acesso p... more Resumo-Dois avanços importantes para as redes de acesso de rádio foram o uso de múltiplo acesso por divisão de frequências com portadoraúnica ou, do inglês, Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) no enlace reverso do sistema Long Term Evolution (LTE) e a utilização de Alocação de Recursos de Rádio ou, do inglês, Radio Resource Allocation (RRA) para gerenciamento de recursos de rádio. Nesse contexto, este artigo estuda o uso de algoritmos de RRAs em redes celulares de forma a melhorar a eficiência no uso dos recursos de rádio. Estudamos o problema de maximização do somatório das taxas de dados no enlace reverso de um sistema sem fio que emprega SC-FDMA. Sistemas SC-FDMA impõem uma restrição importante naótica de alocação de recurso: adjacência de blocos de recursos na frequência. Esta restrição torna as soluções complexas do ponto de vista matemático e computacional. Dessa forma, incentivados pela alta complexidade da soluçãoótima deste problema, queé obtida através de programação inteira, propomos uma redução na complexidade computacional selecionando apenas uma porcentagem do espaço de busca no processo de alocação de recursos, utilizando como base a proposta de [9] que utiliza uma solução alternativa baseada no relaxamento do problema inteiro e aplicação de programação linear (contínua). Através de simulações computacionais, demonstramos que o esquema propostoé satisfatório e possui ganho de complexidade computacional com pouca ou quase nenhuma perda de desempenho.

Research paper thumbnail of Alocação de Recursos para Sistemas SC-FDMA baseado em Relaxamento e Programação Linear

Anais de XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2016

Resumo-Neste trabalho, estudamos o problema de maximização do somatório das taxas de dados ponder... more Resumo-Neste trabalho, estudamos o problema de maximização do somatório das taxas de dados ponderadas no enlace reverso de um sistema sem fio que emprega Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA). Motivado pela alta complexidade da soluçãoótima deste problema, queé obtida através de programação inteira, propomos uma solução alternativa baseada no relaxamento do problema inteiro e aplicação de programação linear (contínua). Através de simulações computacionais, demonstramos que o esquema propostoé capaz de encontrar a soluçãoótima em pelo menos 55% das simulações realizadas com uma complexidade computacional muito menor. Para os casos em que a solução obtida nãoé binária, o estudo propõe um algoritmo que obtém uma solução inteira através de técnicas de arredondamento.

Research paper thumbnail of Sporotrichosis between 1898 and 2017: The evolution of knowledge on a changeable disease and on emerging etiological agents

Medical mycology, 2018

The description of cryptic species with different pathogenic potentials has changed the perspecti... more The description of cryptic species with different pathogenic potentials has changed the perspectives on sporotrichosis. Sporothrix schenckii causes a benign chronic subcutaneous mycosis, Sporothrix brasiliensis is highly virulent, and Sporothrix globosa mainly causes fixed cutaneous lesions. Furthermore, S. brasiliensis is the prevalent species related to cat-transmitted sporotrichosis. Sources of infection, transmission, and distribution patterns also differ between species, and variability differs between species because of different degrees of clonality. The present review article will cover several aspects of the biology of clinically relevant agents of sporotrichosis, including epidemiological aspects of emerging species. Genomic information of Sporothrix spp. is also discussed. The cell wall is an essential structure for cell viability, interaction with the environment, and the host immune cells and contains several macromolecules involved in virulence. Due to its importance, ...

Research paper thumbnail of TAPN: Test Automation’s Pyramid of Needs

Anais do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS 2015)

Testing is an essential activity to ensure quality of software systems, but it is expensive and t... more Testing is an essential activity to ensure quality of software systems, but it is expensive and time consuming. Thus, testing automation would be an alternative to improve test productivity and save costs. However, many organizations refuse to use test automation or had failed on implement it because they do not know how to deal with the implementation of a test automation strategy fitted to their goals and expectations. Most of them underestimate or have no knowledge about test automation factor of success. In addition, although there are many works and maturity models focused on improving the testing process, few ones focus on test automation issues. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a hierarchical model called Test Automation’s Pyramid of Needs (TAPN). TAPN is inspired in the Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs administration theory and it comprises five levels that influence on the success of test automation initiatives in software organizations. TAPN intends to help organ...

Research paper thumbnail of Establishment of a reference material for potency and identity assays of recombinant COVID-19 vaccine active ingredients, intermediary and final products

Annals of the symposium: vacines, biopharmaceuticals, in vitro diagnosis, management, other related themes

Introduction: The Immunobiological Technology Institute (Bio-Manguinhos) has been producing the r... more Introduction: The Immunobiological Technology Institute (Bio-Manguinhos) has been producing the recombinant COVID-19 vaccine (RCV) due to a technology transfer (TT) with AstraZeneca and Oxford University. The RCV is a replication-deficient adenoviral vector vaccine that is offered free of charge to the Brazilian population through the National Immunization Program. Two of the specified tests for quality control release of the vaccine are the potency and the identity determination. To perform these assays, a reference vaccine provided by the transfers is used as a reference material (RM) in order to validate the results. After the TT completion, Bio-Manguinhos had to establish its own RM. Therefore, homogeneity and stability studies were carried out to verify the suitability of RM produced by Bio-Manguinhos. Objective: The aim of this study was to establish a batch of RCV, produced by Bio-Manguinhos, as RM for potency and identity assays. Methodology: Potency and identity assays were determined using the infectious unit and real-time PCR methodologies, respectively. Twenty vials, randomly selected, were analyzed for homogeneity evaluation according to International Harmonized Protocol. The long-term stability was evaluated at reference temperature (-50 ± 30)°C for 313 days and storage temperature at (5 ± 3)°C for 240 days; and short-term stability at (22.5± 2.5)°C for 14 days. Results: The batch was sufficiently homogeneous for both parameters. The RM was considered sufficiently stable in all studies realized considering the established identity Ct value (Ct<30). Regarding potency assays, the RM was stable at (-50 ± 30)°C for the entire study period, at (5 ± 3)°C for 97 days, and at (22.5± 2.5)°C for 3 days. Conclusion: It was concluded that the RVC batch can be used as a RM in routine analysis for potency and identity assays when stored at (-50 ± 30)°C and in aliquots stored at (5 ± 3)°C for 97 days, since its established properties were stable during this time period.

Research paper thumbnail of Recursos Tecnologicos Em Curso De Capacitacao Para Alunos Surdos

Revista Educar Mais, May 24, 2017

Dados da Organizacao Mundial da Saude (2011) mostram que 14,8% de brasileiros possuem problemas l... more Dados da Organizacao Mundial da Saude (2011) mostram que 14,8% de brasileiros possuem problemas ligados a audicao, com indicio de aumento. Essa situacao determina que diariamente enfrentem o desafio de interagir com as demais pessoas, que nao sao surdas, muitas vezes ate mesmo os seus proprios familiares (SANTANA, 2007). A leitura labial e a expressao em LIBRAS surgiram como formas para amenizar as dificuldades de comunicacao, e evitar que se isolem em grupos, pois exploram a visao, que constitui a primeira ferramenta utilizada na busca da comunicacao (FEBRABAN, 2006). O reconhecimento da Lingua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) como lingua oficial da Republica Federativa do Brasil (Lei no 10.463/2002), contribuiu para inclusao social do surdo, pois propiciou visibilidade social a esse grupo minoritario linguistico e permitiu, por forca da lei, que fossem oficializadas acoes que antes ocorriam de modo informal. Em conjunto com a tecnologia digital, possibilitou um novo caminho para a transmissao do conhecimento de forma pratica e atraente e a expressao da identidade e da cultura surdas no espaco virtual. Atualmente estao disponiveis tecnologias digitais que contribuem como um excelente meio de aprendizagem, participacao social e ampliacao do exercicio da cidadania. A tecnologia possibilita que, embora o surdo esteja inserido em uma sociedade que utiliza a lingua oral, tambem esteja ligado a espacos e pessoas que se comunicam em LIBRAS. Portanto, o objetivo da utilizacao dos recursos tecnologicos foi facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de alunos surdos de escolas de educacao basica de Pelotas, no curso de capacitacao em tecnicas histologicas em LIBRAS, atraves de ferramentas que explorem a visao e estimulem o aprendizado.

Research paper thumbnail of MOESM1 of A proposed correction in the weighted method to score the Ishihara test

Additional file 1. Binary results of Ishihara test. Three spreadsheets containing the binary resu... more Additional file 1. Binary results of Ishihara test. Three spreadsheets containing the binary results of Ishihara plates for normal trichromats (spreadsheet #1), protan subjects (spreadsheet #2), and deutan (spreadsheet #1). Value 1 means correct response, value 0 means incorrect response.

Research paper thumbnail of Análise da produção acadêmica relacionada à inclusão nos anais digitais do encontro nacional de ensino de química entre 2014-2018


O acesso à comunicação em seu sentido mais amplo é o acesso ao conhecimento, e isso é de importân... more O acesso à comunicação em seu sentido mais amplo é o acesso ao conhecimento, e isso é de importância vital para nós, se não quisermos continuar sendo desvalorizados ou protegidos por pessoas videntes bondosas".

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative study among Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, PATH and WHO using Yellow Fever Vaccines in a controlled temperature chain

Research paper thumbnail of Stability evaluation of a reconstitute yellow fever vaccine and its application as reference material for potency assay

Annals of the V ISI, 2021

Introduction: The attenuated yellow fever vaccine (YFV) is offered free of charge to the Brazilia... more Introduction: The attenuated yellow fever vaccine (YFV) is offered free of charge to the Brazilian population through the National Immunization Program. One of the specifications for quality control release of the vaccine is the potency determination. This test consists in the determination of the number of plaque forming units (PFU), in which an established reference vaccine is used as a reference material (RM) to validate the results. Actually, the RM used is multidose (five doses) and after its reconstitution, one dose (0.5 mL) is used in the assay and the remaining four doses are discarded. So, stability studies are necessary in order to verify if this RM can be stored and used after its reconstitution. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of one YFV batch produced by Bio-Manguinhos, to be used as RM, after its reconstitution for the potency assay. Methodology: The stability of the reconstitute RM was evaluated in short term at (5±3)ºC for three days using classic and isochronal model and at (-20±10)ºC for eight days using classic model. In the (5±3) ºC stability study, two vials were analyzed in each assay period of time (T0, T1, T2, and T3) in both models, totalizing 16 vials. In the (-20±10)ºC stability study, four vials were reconstituted and two pools (two vials/pool) were prepared and analyzed independently at T0, and the remain doses were distributed in 14 aliquots of 0.6 mL and stored at (-20±10)ºC. In each period of time (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, and T8) two aliquots (one for each pool) were defrosted and analyzed independently. The PFU method was performed according to the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. The samples (reconstituted vials and their aliquots) were serially diluted and each dilution were inoculated into wells of a microplate containing Vero cells and incubated at 37°C/1h. The inoculum was aspirated and carboxymethylcellulose medium 3% was added and the plates were incubated at 38°C/7 days. The plates were fixed with 2% formaldehyde solution and stained with 1% violet crystal. The plaques presented were counted and the results were converted to log10 International Units /Human Dose (IU/HD). Statistical analysis of the results was performed by linear regression following ISO/GUIDE 35:2017. Results: The reconstituted RM was not sufficiently stable at (5±3)ºC in both study models. But when aliquoted and stored at (-20±10)ºC it was considerate sufficiently stable for eight days with angular coefficient of-0.014 (LIC=-0.045; LSC= 0,016). Conclusion: It was concluded that the reconstitute YFV batch can be used as an RM in routine analysis if divided in aliquots and stored at (-20±10)ºC for 8 days since it has its property value established and it is stable. The used of aliquot after reconstitution can represent an economy of approximately 300 vials/year.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of microbial life in sustainable and disease suppressive growing media: the role of beneficial microorganisms

Golf is a popular outdoor sport played in many countries across the world. However, the fact it i... more Golf is a popular outdoor sport played in many countries across the world. However, the fact it involves hitting a hard ball considerable distances can create problems if the balls are mishit and stray from the course. When it does, there can be a potential claim in nuisance, with the golf club itself being liable once it becomes aware of the nuisance. Often it is an injunction to prevent the continuation of the nuisance that is sought by the plaintiff, though damages can, and have, been awarded. If there is a problem with balls being mishit off the course, the golf club is required to remedy the situation by putting up barriers, or redesigning the course by, for example, shortening the holes in the area where there is a problem.

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusão Educativa: Relato De Experiência De Graduandos Do Curso De Educação Física Da Universidade Estadual Do Pará Com Alunos Do Intituto Felipe Samldone

O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da experiencia dos alunos do primei... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da experiencia dos alunos do primeiro ano do curso de Educacao Fisica da Universidade Estadual do Para com alunos surdos do Instituto Felipe Smadone (CENTRO EDUCACIONAL DE AUDIO-COMUNICACAO). Este trabalho originou-se durante as atividades das aulas de “LIBRAS”, (disciplina curricular do Curso de Educacao Fisica da UEPa) e foi dividido em tres etapas complementares: a primeira corresponde a pesquisa bibliografica sobre o tema INCLUSAO e sobre metodologias de Ensino Aprendizagem de criancas portadoras de necessidades especiais de Ensino; a segunda, corresponde a divisao das equipes (formadas por alunos da graduacao) e a selecao das atividades que seriam desenvolvidas com as criancas do Instituto; a terceira e ultima etapa, corresponde a aplicacao das atividades com os alunos. Apesar da pouca experiencia dos graduandos do Curso de Educacao Fisica em docencia e tambem na comunicacao gestual da linguagem dos sinais, as ativid...

Research paper thumbnail of Aumento da capacidade produtiva do insumo farmacêutico ativo da vacina febre amarela atenuada de Bio- Manguinhos

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnóstico De Maturidade Em Gestão Do Conhecimento: Experiência Em Uma Empresa Do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro

Este artigo tem por objetivo fazer uma avaliacao da maturidade em Gestao do Conhecimento (GC) em ... more Este artigo tem por objetivo fazer uma avaliacao da maturidade em Gestao do Conhecimento (GC) em uma empresa do setor eletrico nacional. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa que se deu por meio de 10 entrevistas semiestruturadas com gerentes da empresa pesquisada. A etapa quantitativa baseou-se em um questionario estruturado composto por 15 questoes fechadas. Os principais resultados mostraram que a empresa nao possui uma politica ou uma estrategia definida para incentivar a transferencia do conhecimento, identificou-se ainda que os processos de transmissao e de armazenamento do conhecimento que ocorrem por meio das relacoes pessoais entre os funcionarios nao e evidente dentro da cultura da empresa e que a cultura nao favorece a passagem de conhecimento tacito entre os funcionarios. Em relacao as caracteristicas referentes a estrategia de gestao do conhecimento, verificou-se que nao ha dentro da empresa, um processo de reconhecimen...

Research paper thumbnail of EDUCAÇÃO AMBIENTAL NA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: práticas pedagógicas voltadas à preservação do meio ambiente e sustentabilidade

Research paper thumbnail of Gestão Conhecimento, Gamificação e Analítica De Aprendizado Na Formação Profissional Para O Setor Elétrico

Research paper thumbnail of Unsupervised Machine Learning Applied to Seismic Interpretation: Towards an Unsupervised Automated Interpretation Tool

Sensors, 2021

Seismic interpretation is a fundamental process for hydrocarbon exploration. This activity compri... more Seismic interpretation is a fundamental process for hydrocarbon exploration. This activity comprises identifying geological information through the processing and analysis of seismic data represented by different attributes. The interpretation process presents limitations related to its high data volume, own complexity, time consumption, and uncertainties incorporated by the experts’ work. Unsupervised machine learning models, by discovering underlying patterns in the data, can represent a novel approach to provide an accurate interpretation without any reference or label, eliminating the human bias. Therefore, in this work, we propose exploring multiple methodologies based on unsupervised learning algorithms to interpret seismic data. Specifically, two strategies considering classical clustering algorithms and image segmentation methods, combined with feature selection, were evaluated to select the best possible approach. Additionally, the resultant groups of the seismic data were ...

Research paper thumbnail of Transitions Toward Digital Resources: Change, Invariance, and Orchestration

The 'Resource' Approach to Mathematics Education, 2019

This chapter reports on the work of Working Group 4 and focuses on the integration of digital res... more This chapter reports on the work of Working Group 4 and focuses on the integration of digital resources into mathematics teaching and learning practices. There are five central sections, focusing on, instrumental genesis, instrumental orchestration, the documentational approach to didactics, digital resources and teacher education, and the design of learning environments with the use of digital resources. A range of constructs and theoretical approaches are covered in these five sections, and the opening section comments on construct validity and issues in “networking” theoretical frameworks. The chapter can be viewed as a literature review which surveys past and present (at the time of writing) scholarship with an eye to possible future research. The chapter is extensive in several dimensions: a large range of digital resources and applications are considered; the subjects using digital resources are not just teachers but also students, student teachers and student teacher educators. Issues raised in the sections include individual and collective use of resources, the adaptation of these resources for specific learning goals and to prepare (pre- and in-service) teachers for the use of digital resources.

Research paper thumbnail of The threat of emerging and re-emerging pathogenic Sporothrix species

Mycopathologia, 2020

Sporotrichosis is a neglected subcutaneous mycosis of humans and animals acquired by traumatic in... more Sporotrichosis is a neglected subcutaneous mycosis of humans and animals acquired by traumatic inoculation of soil and plant material (classical route) contaminated with infectious propagules of the pathogen or being bitten/scratched by infected cats (alternative route). Within a genus composed of 53 species displaying an essentially environmental core, there are only a few members which have considerable impacts on human or animal health. Infections are typically caused by S. brasiliensis, S. schenckii or S. globosa. Rare mammal pathogens include members of the S. pallida and S. stenocereus complexes. To illustrate the tremendous impact of emerging zoonotic sporotrichosis on public health, we discuss the main features of the expanding epidemics driven by S. brasiliensis in cats and humans. The cat entry in the transmission chain of sporotrichosis, causing epizooties (cat-cat) or zoonosis (cat-human), has contributed to the definition of new paradigms in Sporothrix transmission, reaching epidemic levels, making the disease a serious public health problem. Indeed, S. brasiliensis infection in humans and animals is likely to become even more important in the future, with projections of its expansion in biogeographic domains and host range, as well as greater virulence in mammals. Therefore, lessons from a long-standing outbreak in the state of Rio de Janeiro about the source and distribution of the etiological agents among outbreak areas can be used to create better control and prevention plans and increase awareness of sporotrichosis as a serious emerging zoonotic disease. Keywords Sporothrix Á Sporotrichosis Á Emerging zoonoses Á Control and prevention Á Preparedness and biodefense Á Pathogenicity Á Virulence Á Sporothrix brasiliensis Á Neglected tropical diseases The story behind the Sporothrix species pathogenic to mammals Sporotrichosis is a fungal disease caused by the infection of Sporothrix spp. It usually affects the skin Handling editor: Ferry Hagen.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantificação Da Expressão Dos Genes Ror-Γ, FOXP3 e GATA3 Em Biópsias Gástricas De Pacientes Infectados e Não Infectados Por Helicobacter Pylori: Um Estudo Transversal

Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva Express, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Alocação de Recursos de Rádio Baseado na Seleção de Padrões de Assinalamento em Sistemas SC-FDMA

Anais de XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 2017

Resumo-Dois avanços importantes para as redes de acesso de rádio foram o uso de múltiplo acesso p... more Resumo-Dois avanços importantes para as redes de acesso de rádio foram o uso de múltiplo acesso por divisão de frequências com portadoraúnica ou, do inglês, Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) no enlace reverso do sistema Long Term Evolution (LTE) e a utilização de Alocação de Recursos de Rádio ou, do inglês, Radio Resource Allocation (RRA) para gerenciamento de recursos de rádio. Nesse contexto, este artigo estuda o uso de algoritmos de RRAs em redes celulares de forma a melhorar a eficiência no uso dos recursos de rádio. Estudamos o problema de maximização do somatório das taxas de dados no enlace reverso de um sistema sem fio que emprega SC-FDMA. Sistemas SC-FDMA impõem uma restrição importante naótica de alocação de recurso: adjacência de blocos de recursos na frequência. Esta restrição torna as soluções complexas do ponto de vista matemático e computacional. Dessa forma, incentivados pela alta complexidade da soluçãoótima deste problema, queé obtida através de programação inteira, propomos uma redução na complexidade computacional selecionando apenas uma porcentagem do espaço de busca no processo de alocação de recursos, utilizando como base a proposta de [9] que utiliza uma solução alternativa baseada no relaxamento do problema inteiro e aplicação de programação linear (contínua). Através de simulações computacionais, demonstramos que o esquema propostoé satisfatório e possui ganho de complexidade computacional com pouca ou quase nenhuma perda de desempenho.

Research paper thumbnail of Alocação de Recursos para Sistemas SC-FDMA baseado em Relaxamento e Programação Linear

Anais de XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2016

Resumo-Neste trabalho, estudamos o problema de maximização do somatório das taxas de dados ponder... more Resumo-Neste trabalho, estudamos o problema de maximização do somatório das taxas de dados ponderadas no enlace reverso de um sistema sem fio que emprega Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA). Motivado pela alta complexidade da soluçãoótima deste problema, queé obtida através de programação inteira, propomos uma solução alternativa baseada no relaxamento do problema inteiro e aplicação de programação linear (contínua). Através de simulações computacionais, demonstramos que o esquema propostoé capaz de encontrar a soluçãoótima em pelo menos 55% das simulações realizadas com uma complexidade computacional muito menor. Para os casos em que a solução obtida nãoé binária, o estudo propõe um algoritmo que obtém uma solução inteira através de técnicas de arredondamento.