Andraž Zidar - (original) (raw)
Talks by Andraž Zidar
International Conference sponsored by the European Society of International Law (ESIL-SEDI), the ... more International Conference sponsored by the European Society of International Law (ESIL-SEDI), the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI-ISIL), the European Association of Health Law (EAHL), the Italian Branch of the International Law Association (ILA Italy)
University of Salerno (Italy), 12 December 2016
On this occasion the JEAN MONNET CHAIR IN EUROPEAN HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL AND FOOD SAFETY LAW (HEALTHY) - co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union - will be presented and its activities officially inaugurated.
On 13 December 2016 the kick-off meetings of the ESIL-SEDI Interest Group on International Health Law SIDI-ISIL Interest Group on International and EU Health Law will be celebrated.
Books by Andraž Zidar
The World Community between Hegemony and Constitutionalism, 2019
Two dominant trends in today's world are hegemony and constitutionalism. The attitude of greater ... more Two dominant trends in today's world are hegemony and constitutionalism. The attitude of greater states or regional blocks, such as the US, Russia, China and the EU, represents hegemony. In parallel, constitutionalism is getting stronger through international organizations , international adjudicatory bodies and 'higher norms' of international law. While these processes represent a move away from the Westphalian interstate logic, they also juxtapose hegemony and constitutionalism to each other. A detailed look reveals that the two phenomena are intertwined in the sense of the antinomy. To shed more light on their complex relationship, the book surveys hegemony and constitutionalism in the field of international law. It focuses on hegemo-constitutional intersections with regard to international organizations, intervention on humanitarian grounds and international adjudication. Concrete and practical examples provide incremental developments hinting at a new structure of the world community.
The World Community between Hegemony and Constitutionalism will be of interest to those captivated by the current state of play in the world, in particular from the perspective of international law, constitutional law, international relations and political science.
Author writes in his personal capacity.
This is a leading book in Slovenian on the Law of Treaties (co-edited by Ana Polak Petrič, Irena ... more This is a leading book in Slovenian on the Law of Treaties (co-edited by Ana Polak Petrič, Irena Jager Agius in Andraž Zidar). It is part of the Slovenian Book Series on International Law. The book features the handbook on the conclusion of treaties in the Slovenian legal order and articles by more than 15 international lawyers on various aspects of the Law of Treaties (e.g. the difference in the procedure for legally binding and non-legally binding instruments; succession to treaties; reservations to treaties; registration of treaties; treaties and the European Union; agreements on economic cooperation; bilateral investment treaties etc.). Relevant international (i.e. Vienna conventions) and domestic documents form a special part of the book.
Lustration: Removal of Opponents of Democracy from Public Positions, 1996
This is summary of a book that deals with the controversial measure of lustration, which stands f... more This is summary of a book that deals with the controversial measure of lustration, which stands for removal of opponents of democracy - usually violators of human rights in totalitarian regimes - from public positions. Lustration is designed as a measure to secure transition to a constitutional democracy. The author makes a survey of historical processes which resemble lustration (proscriptions, inquisition, French terror and denazification) and then focuses on contemporary issues of lustration measures in the former Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary and Slovenia
The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law, Dec 1, 2016
The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law sheds light on the position, activities and influ... more The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law sheds light on the position, activities and influence of legal advisers in the domain of international law. This is a novel and edifying perspective in that it surveys and appraises important undertakings of legal advisers in domestic and international legal forums and their role in the development, interpretation and application of international law.
Building upon their extensive knowledge and experience, contributors to the book analyse themes such as influence of various legal traditions (including the British) on the work of legal advisers, their position in the diplomatic decision-making process, the role of ethics in providing legal advice, and their contributions – in various forms – to the development and strengthening of the international legal system.
This collected volume, edited by Andraž Zidar and Sanja Štiglic, is dedicated to a renowned Slove... more This collected volume, edited by Andraž Zidar and Sanja Štiglic, is dedicated to a renowned Slovenian international lawyer and diplomat Prof. Ernest Petrič, constitutional justice and member of the UN International Law Commission. The book brings together 22 Slovenian authors who address topical issues on: international relations and diplomacy; human rights protection; ethics and law; international law; and respect for diversity and protection of minorities. The book is written in Slovenian.
E-book is available at:
Papers by Andraž Zidar
Medical Law International, 2024
Recent amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), adopted at the 77th World Health... more Recent amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), adopted at the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024 represent an important conceptual development in the field of global pandemic governance. The Regulations now include the notion of a pandemic emergency, a heightened subcategory of the public health emergency of international concern, which necessitates rapid, equitable and enhanced coordinated international action to counteract global pandemics. In addition, changes to the guiding principles expressly require that the implementation process ‘shall promote equity and solidarity’. This is further crystallised in concrete commitments to enable equitable access to health products and provide for the mobilisation of financial resources for developing countries. Taking lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, these changes make the IHR a more effective tool against global pandemics and represent significant steps towards achieving global health justice.
British Contributions to International Law, 1915-2015 (Set), 2020
British Contributions to International Law, 1915-2015 (Set), 2020
British Contributions to International Law, 1915-2015 (Set), 2020
The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law
Monitor ISH
Two potent ideologies came to loggerheads after WWI: communism, which rose to the fore after the ... more Two potent ideologies came to loggerheads after WWI: communism, which rose to the fore after the Russian revolution, and the so far dominant liberalism. At first glance the two ideologies share surprisingly similar views on the fundamental questions of the international legal system. But a more thorough look at the development of the Soviet doctrine of international law reveals some fundamental differences. The goal of the Russian revolution was to set up a worldwide socialist society, with the working class given a dominant role. This goal dissolved after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Nonetheless, it is possible to identify in the international legal system a positive and still valid legacy of the Russian revolution, such as the principle of the self-determination of nations, the concept of economic, social and cultural rights, the principle of public conclusion of treaties, the prohibition of aggressive war, as well as a polycentric view of the world structure.
International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 2013
Komentar Ustave Republike Slovenije, 2019
Gre za daljšo različico komentarja 4. člena Ustave RS ("Slovenija je ozemeljsko enotna in nedelji... more Gre za daljšo različico komentarja 4. člena Ustave RS ("Slovenija je ozemeljsko enotna in nedeljiva država"), ki je bil objavljen v M. Avbelj (ur.), Komentar Ustave Republike Slovenije, Nova univerza, 2019. Komentar obravnava ustavni postulat slovenske suverenosti, tudi v odnosu do določenih mednarodnopravnih vidikov (npr. veljavnost arbitražnega sporazuma). Podrobneje analizira tri ustavne prvine: 1. ozemeljska celovitost, 2. učinkovitost državne moči ali oblasti ter 3. enotnost državne ureditve v RS.
Monitor ISH, 2018
Po prvi svetovni vojni sta se soočili dve vplivni ideologiji: komunizem, ki je prišel do veljave ... more Po prvi svetovni vojni sta se soočili dve vplivni ideologiji: komunizem, ki je prišel do veljave v ruski revoluciji, in dotlej prevladujoči liberalizem. Na prvi pogled lahko med njima ugotavljamo presenetljive podobnosti glede temeljnih vprašanj mednarodno-pravnega sistema. A globlji vpogled v razvoj sovjetske doktrine mednarodnega prava razkrije, da so bile razlike v temeljnih izhodiščih velike. Cilj ruske revolucije je bil vzpostaviti svetovno socialistično družbo s prevlado vladajočega delavskega razreda. Ta cilj se je z razpadom Sovjetske zveze razblinil. Kljub temu pa lahko kot pozitivno in še vedno veljavno dediščino ruske revolucije v mednarodnopravnem sistemu opredelimo načelo samoodločbe narodov, koncept ekonomskih, socialnih in kulturnih pravic, načelo javnega sklepanja mednarodnih sporazumov, prepoved agresivne vojne ter policentrični pogled na svet. [Two potent ideologies came at loggerheads after WWI: communism that emerged after the Russian revolution and until then the dominant liberalism. At first glance the two ideologies share surprising similarities with regard to fundamental questions of the international legal system. But a more through look at the development of the Soviet doctrine of international law reveals some fundamental differences. The goal of the Russian revolution was to bring about the world socialist society with the dominant role of the working class. After the break-up of the Soviet Union this goal was put to rest. Nonetheless, in the international legal system we can still identify a positive and valid legacy of the Russian revolution, such as the principle of the self-determination of nations, the concept of economic, social and cultural rights, the principle of public conclusion of treaties, prohibition of aggressive war as well as a polycentric world structure.]
Contemporary Challenges for the International Criminal Court, 2014
The Lubanga judgment opened several issues that are interesting for practitioners and scholars al... more The Lubanga judgment opened several issues that are interesting for practitioners and scholars alike. Although the judgment by itself is a solid piece of work, a survey of the judicial process leading to it demonstrates that the International Criminal Court is yet to embrace coherent concepts of intermediaries, the principle of legality and dolus eventualis (indirect intention). The Lubanga judgment is but a first step in the right direction.
Interpretation in International Law, 2015
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of contributions of all relevant legal professi... more The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of contributions of all relevant legal professions in the interpretive process of international law. After presenting the process of interpretation as a complex and dynamic process, the chapter goes on to analyse in more details roles and activities of the following professional communities: legal advisers, NGO lawyers, judges, academics and litigators. A survey of their respective roles in the interpretive process points to some obvious differences, but also reveals surprising similarities. On the basis of insights from Fuller’s ‘inner morality of law’, author demonstrates that interpretive activities of international legal professionals are also guided by ethical postulates. In acting on the basis of the inner morality of law they importantly contribute to the development and strengthening of the international legal system.
As a response to an increasing threat of infectious diseases in the globalised world (e.g. SARS, ... more As a response to an increasing threat of infectious diseases in the globalised world (e.g. SARS, H1N1 influenza, Ebola, MERS, Poliovirus), the World Health Organization adopted a reinvigorated version of the International Health Regulations in 2005. The regulations empower the WHO Director-General to proclaim a public health emergency of international concern and issue temporary recommendations of health measures to states parties. However, although the regulations and related health measures inevitably touch upon human rights of affected individuals, the regulations contain but a few allusions to the international human rights framework. The aim of this article is to include the international human rights regime in the system for the fight against infectious diseases under the regulations.
Imperialism and Chauvinism in the Law, 2004
The chapter deals with the issue of legal framework of international organs. Often the questions ... more The chapter deals with the issue of legal framework of international organs. Often the questions arises whether international organs overstep their functional boundaries. Author scrutinizes performance of the Security Council, the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights and human rights bodies. In his view, expansion of international organ's jurisdiction remains justifiable as long as it resonates with the original intent and purpose of the constitutive international instrument.
European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation: Awarded Theses of the Academic Year 1998/1999, 2001
This treatise analyses the question of remedies in the framework of the European Convention for H... more This treatise analyses the question of remedies in the framework of the European Convention for Human Rights. It examines travaux preparatoires on the ECHR in which the initial judicial concept of remedies gave way to a non-judicial (compensatory) concept. Following creation of a permanent European Court of Human Rights in 1998, the Court started to develop its remedial powers in the fullest sense.
International Conference sponsored by the European Society of International Law (ESIL-SEDI), the ... more International Conference sponsored by the European Society of International Law (ESIL-SEDI), the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI-ISIL), the European Association of Health Law (EAHL), the Italian Branch of the International Law Association (ILA Italy)
University of Salerno (Italy), 12 December 2016
On this occasion the JEAN MONNET CHAIR IN EUROPEAN HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL AND FOOD SAFETY LAW (HEALTHY) - co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union - will be presented and its activities officially inaugurated.
On 13 December 2016 the kick-off meetings of the ESIL-SEDI Interest Group on International Health Law SIDI-ISIL Interest Group on International and EU Health Law will be celebrated.
The World Community between Hegemony and Constitutionalism, 2019
Two dominant trends in today's world are hegemony and constitutionalism. The attitude of greater ... more Two dominant trends in today's world are hegemony and constitutionalism. The attitude of greater states or regional blocks, such as the US, Russia, China and the EU, represents hegemony. In parallel, constitutionalism is getting stronger through international organizations , international adjudicatory bodies and 'higher norms' of international law. While these processes represent a move away from the Westphalian interstate logic, they also juxtapose hegemony and constitutionalism to each other. A detailed look reveals that the two phenomena are intertwined in the sense of the antinomy. To shed more light on their complex relationship, the book surveys hegemony and constitutionalism in the field of international law. It focuses on hegemo-constitutional intersections with regard to international organizations, intervention on humanitarian grounds and international adjudication. Concrete and practical examples provide incremental developments hinting at a new structure of the world community.
The World Community between Hegemony and Constitutionalism will be of interest to those captivated by the current state of play in the world, in particular from the perspective of international law, constitutional law, international relations and political science.
Author writes in his personal capacity.
This is a leading book in Slovenian on the Law of Treaties (co-edited by Ana Polak Petrič, Irena ... more This is a leading book in Slovenian on the Law of Treaties (co-edited by Ana Polak Petrič, Irena Jager Agius in Andraž Zidar). It is part of the Slovenian Book Series on International Law. The book features the handbook on the conclusion of treaties in the Slovenian legal order and articles by more than 15 international lawyers on various aspects of the Law of Treaties (e.g. the difference in the procedure for legally binding and non-legally binding instruments; succession to treaties; reservations to treaties; registration of treaties; treaties and the European Union; agreements on economic cooperation; bilateral investment treaties etc.). Relevant international (i.e. Vienna conventions) and domestic documents form a special part of the book.
Lustration: Removal of Opponents of Democracy from Public Positions, 1996
This is summary of a book that deals with the controversial measure of lustration, which stands f... more This is summary of a book that deals with the controversial measure of lustration, which stands for removal of opponents of democracy - usually violators of human rights in totalitarian regimes - from public positions. Lustration is designed as a measure to secure transition to a constitutional democracy. The author makes a survey of historical processes which resemble lustration (proscriptions, inquisition, French terror and denazification) and then focuses on contemporary issues of lustration measures in the former Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary and Slovenia
The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law, Dec 1, 2016
The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law sheds light on the position, activities and influ... more The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law sheds light on the position, activities and influence of legal advisers in the domain of international law. This is a novel and edifying perspective in that it surveys and appraises important undertakings of legal advisers in domestic and international legal forums and their role in the development, interpretation and application of international law.
Building upon their extensive knowledge and experience, contributors to the book analyse themes such as influence of various legal traditions (including the British) on the work of legal advisers, their position in the diplomatic decision-making process, the role of ethics in providing legal advice, and their contributions – in various forms – to the development and strengthening of the international legal system.
This collected volume, edited by Andraž Zidar and Sanja Štiglic, is dedicated to a renowned Slove... more This collected volume, edited by Andraž Zidar and Sanja Štiglic, is dedicated to a renowned Slovenian international lawyer and diplomat Prof. Ernest Petrič, constitutional justice and member of the UN International Law Commission. The book brings together 22 Slovenian authors who address topical issues on: international relations and diplomacy; human rights protection; ethics and law; international law; and respect for diversity and protection of minorities. The book is written in Slovenian.
E-book is available at:
Medical Law International, 2024
Recent amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), adopted at the 77th World Health... more Recent amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), adopted at the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024 represent an important conceptual development in the field of global pandemic governance. The Regulations now include the notion of a pandemic emergency, a heightened subcategory of the public health emergency of international concern, which necessitates rapid, equitable and enhanced coordinated international action to counteract global pandemics. In addition, changes to the guiding principles expressly require that the implementation process ‘shall promote equity and solidarity’. This is further crystallised in concrete commitments to enable equitable access to health products and provide for the mobilisation of financial resources for developing countries. Taking lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, these changes make the IHR a more effective tool against global pandemics and represent significant steps towards achieving global health justice.
British Contributions to International Law, 1915-2015 (Set), 2020
British Contributions to International Law, 1915-2015 (Set), 2020
British Contributions to International Law, 1915-2015 (Set), 2020
The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law
Monitor ISH
Two potent ideologies came to loggerheads after WWI: communism, which rose to the fore after the ... more Two potent ideologies came to loggerheads after WWI: communism, which rose to the fore after the Russian revolution, and the so far dominant liberalism. At first glance the two ideologies share surprisingly similar views on the fundamental questions of the international legal system. But a more thorough look at the development of the Soviet doctrine of international law reveals some fundamental differences. The goal of the Russian revolution was to set up a worldwide socialist society, with the working class given a dominant role. This goal dissolved after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Nonetheless, it is possible to identify in the international legal system a positive and still valid legacy of the Russian revolution, such as the principle of the self-determination of nations, the concept of economic, social and cultural rights, the principle of public conclusion of treaties, the prohibition of aggressive war, as well as a polycentric view of the world structure.
International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 2013
Komentar Ustave Republike Slovenije, 2019
Gre za daljšo različico komentarja 4. člena Ustave RS ("Slovenija je ozemeljsko enotna in nedelji... more Gre za daljšo različico komentarja 4. člena Ustave RS ("Slovenija je ozemeljsko enotna in nedeljiva država"), ki je bil objavljen v M. Avbelj (ur.), Komentar Ustave Republike Slovenije, Nova univerza, 2019. Komentar obravnava ustavni postulat slovenske suverenosti, tudi v odnosu do določenih mednarodnopravnih vidikov (npr. veljavnost arbitražnega sporazuma). Podrobneje analizira tri ustavne prvine: 1. ozemeljska celovitost, 2. učinkovitost državne moči ali oblasti ter 3. enotnost državne ureditve v RS.
Monitor ISH, 2018
Po prvi svetovni vojni sta se soočili dve vplivni ideologiji: komunizem, ki je prišel do veljave ... more Po prvi svetovni vojni sta se soočili dve vplivni ideologiji: komunizem, ki je prišel do veljave v ruski revoluciji, in dotlej prevladujoči liberalizem. Na prvi pogled lahko med njima ugotavljamo presenetljive podobnosti glede temeljnih vprašanj mednarodno-pravnega sistema. A globlji vpogled v razvoj sovjetske doktrine mednarodnega prava razkrije, da so bile razlike v temeljnih izhodiščih velike. Cilj ruske revolucije je bil vzpostaviti svetovno socialistično družbo s prevlado vladajočega delavskega razreda. Ta cilj se je z razpadom Sovjetske zveze razblinil. Kljub temu pa lahko kot pozitivno in še vedno veljavno dediščino ruske revolucije v mednarodnopravnem sistemu opredelimo načelo samoodločbe narodov, koncept ekonomskih, socialnih in kulturnih pravic, načelo javnega sklepanja mednarodnih sporazumov, prepoved agresivne vojne ter policentrični pogled na svet. [Two potent ideologies came at loggerheads after WWI: communism that emerged after the Russian revolution and until then the dominant liberalism. At first glance the two ideologies share surprising similarities with regard to fundamental questions of the international legal system. But a more through look at the development of the Soviet doctrine of international law reveals some fundamental differences. The goal of the Russian revolution was to bring about the world socialist society with the dominant role of the working class. After the break-up of the Soviet Union this goal was put to rest. Nonetheless, in the international legal system we can still identify a positive and valid legacy of the Russian revolution, such as the principle of the self-determination of nations, the concept of economic, social and cultural rights, the principle of public conclusion of treaties, prohibition of aggressive war as well as a polycentric world structure.]
Contemporary Challenges for the International Criminal Court, 2014
The Lubanga judgment opened several issues that are interesting for practitioners and scholars al... more The Lubanga judgment opened several issues that are interesting for practitioners and scholars alike. Although the judgment by itself is a solid piece of work, a survey of the judicial process leading to it demonstrates that the International Criminal Court is yet to embrace coherent concepts of intermediaries, the principle of legality and dolus eventualis (indirect intention). The Lubanga judgment is but a first step in the right direction.
Interpretation in International Law, 2015
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of contributions of all relevant legal professi... more The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of contributions of all relevant legal professions in the interpretive process of international law. After presenting the process of interpretation as a complex and dynamic process, the chapter goes on to analyse in more details roles and activities of the following professional communities: legal advisers, NGO lawyers, judges, academics and litigators. A survey of their respective roles in the interpretive process points to some obvious differences, but also reveals surprising similarities. On the basis of insights from Fuller’s ‘inner morality of law’, author demonstrates that interpretive activities of international legal professionals are also guided by ethical postulates. In acting on the basis of the inner morality of law they importantly contribute to the development and strengthening of the international legal system.
As a response to an increasing threat of infectious diseases in the globalised world (e.g. SARS, ... more As a response to an increasing threat of infectious diseases in the globalised world (e.g. SARS, H1N1 influenza, Ebola, MERS, Poliovirus), the World Health Organization adopted a reinvigorated version of the International Health Regulations in 2005. The regulations empower the WHO Director-General to proclaim a public health emergency of international concern and issue temporary recommendations of health measures to states parties. However, although the regulations and related health measures inevitably touch upon human rights of affected individuals, the regulations contain but a few allusions to the international human rights framework. The aim of this article is to include the international human rights regime in the system for the fight against infectious diseases under the regulations.
Imperialism and Chauvinism in the Law, 2004
The chapter deals with the issue of legal framework of international organs. Often the questions ... more The chapter deals with the issue of legal framework of international organs. Often the questions arises whether international organs overstep their functional boundaries. Author scrutinizes performance of the Security Council, the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights and human rights bodies. In his view, expansion of international organ's jurisdiction remains justifiable as long as it resonates with the original intent and purpose of the constitutive international instrument.
European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation: Awarded Theses of the Academic Year 1998/1999, 2001
This treatise analyses the question of remedies in the framework of the European Convention for H... more This treatise analyses the question of remedies in the framework of the European Convention for Human Rights. It examines travaux preparatoires on the ECHR in which the initial judicial concept of remedies gave way to a non-judicial (compensatory) concept. Following creation of a permanent European Court of Human Rights in 1998, the Court started to develop its remedial powers in the fullest sense.
Les secrets et le droit, 2004
The article deals with characteristics of modern diplomacy, which is confronted with demands of p... more The article deals with characteristics of modern diplomacy, which is confronted with demands of publicity and secrecy. The author maintains that secrecy remains at the core of diplomatic work. The results of diplomacy, however, come under a wider scrutiny in the form of constitutional diplomacy (legislature and judiciary) and public opinion (referenda and media).