Andreas Breinbauer - (original) (raw)
Papers by Andreas Breinbauer
Society and Economy
Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies, edited by Breinbauer et al.... more Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies, edited by Breinbauer et al., is the fruit of a five year long research project carried out by a group of scholars with expertise rooted in different disciplines (economics, economic geography, sociology, management, and political science). The volume's main objective is to unveil the future impact of emerging multinational companies' investments on European countries, using a multidimensional approach. Throughout the book, the focus of the authors was captured mainly by China's multinational companies in Europe. However, a few parts of the book have selected Brazilian, Turkish, and Russian companies as case studies. The six parts of the volume include approximately three chapters each. Each of the chapters adopts different methods, case studies, and structures, all while contributing to the book's objective. The book offers three main findings as follows. First, the key element to strengthening the European economy and business is a prudent location policy. Second, a smart public location policy can lead to the creation of a sustainable and mutually beneficial business location for foreign investors and host markets. Finally, emerging multinationals' investments must not only contribute to the creation of long-term jobs and improvement of the host country's overall well-being, but they should also generate benefits for the society regionally, nationally, and on the European level. Furthermore, they must be in line with the objectives of the regional economic policy of the host country. The book fills a gap in the literature to provide much needed answers to ease the rising concerns in several developed countries regarding the impacts of emerging multinational companies' investments on the advanced economies. In addition, it offers a guide for European decision-makers and institutions to formulate policies and strategies that would help attract long-term and stable investments to improve the general well-being of their nations without negative impacts. The first part offers an empirical and theoretical overview, the second part addresses the internal governance and decision making of an emerging multinational, and the third part focuses on the impact emerging multinationals have on sustainability and the different strategies these entities use to measure their commitment to their host countries' sustainability goals.
Wirtschaft und Management, 2021
Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe, 2019
As of December 2018, Austria was home to 377 headquarters or regional headquarters of multination... more As of December 2018, Austria was home to 377 headquarters or regional headquarters of multinational companies. The majority of these headquarters belong to multinationals based in developed economies, such as Germany, Italy, the USA, or and Japan. However, a growing number of investments originate from firms which are referred to as “emerging market multinationals”. This chapter takes a closer look into Turkey and Russia, and asks, how Austria is perceived as a business location by managers from these two countries. Based on qualitative Interviews, the results show that Turkish and Russian managers have a rather detrimental view of Austria.
Bei der Entscheidung fur die Headquarteransiedlung in einer bestimmten Stadt/Region spielen neben... more Bei der Entscheidung fur die Headquarteransiedlung in einer bestimmten Stadt/Region spielen neben Kostenvorteilen sowie der volkswirtschaftlichen Leistungsfahigkeit und dem Vertrauen in die Zukunftsfahigkeit eines Landes Standortfaktoren wie Wissen, Know-how, die Verfugbarkeit von F&E-Ergebnissen sowie politische, raumordnerische und okologische Faktoren eine grose Rolle. Diese gelten auch als Entscheidungsfaktoren fur die Erhaltung bzw. Starkung von Wirtschaftsstandorten. Ob neu angesiedelte Headquarter nachhaltig agieren und im Sinne eines langeren Bestehens fur den Wirtschaftsstandort Osterreich nachhaltig sind, ist jedoch bislang wenig erforscht. Der vorliegende Beitrag schliest die bestehende Forschungslucke durch die Analyse der in Wien angesiedelten (regionalen) Headquarter hinsichtlich ausgewahlter Nachhaltigkeitskriterien. Von den insgesamt 380 regionalen Unternehmenszentralen auslandischer Unternehmen (Stand 1.12.2016) sind 221 in Wien (dies entspricht 58%) angesiedelt (Vg...
Problemstellung: Durch kontinuierliche Urbanisierungsprozesse und die voranschreitende Wohnraumve... more Problemstellung: Durch kontinuierliche Urbanisierungsprozesse und die voranschreitende Wohnraumverdichtung sowie die Zunahme der Bevolkerungs- und Verkehrsdichte ist ein sparsamer Umgang mit der Ressource Boden von Noten. Die steigende Bedeutung des E-Commerce sowie die sich daraus resultierende Veranderung von Konsumentinnen- und Konsumentenanforderungen und zunehmenden Anzahl an Sendungen stellt vor allem die innerstadtische Logistik im Hinblick auf eine effiziente Abwicklung bzw. Organisation der First- und Last-Mile vor eine grose Herausforderung. Beim Zusammentreffen unterschiedlicher Akteurinnen und Akteure (Stadt, Endnutzerinnen und Endnutzer, Wirtschaft) sind – bedingt durch verschiedene Interessen und Zielsetzungen – Entwicklungs- und Nutzungskonflikte – im Speziellen bei knappem Platzangebot – kaum vermeidbar. Es existieren jedoch auch im urbanen Raum ungenutzte Logistikkapazitaten, die durch ungleichmasige Aufteilung von Wohn- und Lagerraum entstehen. Besonderes Augenmerk...
Wie Corona die Hochschullehre verändert, 2021
Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe, 2019
Both emerging and OECD markets are constantly making efforts to attract foreign direct investment... more Both emerging and OECD markets are constantly making efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). Over the past few decades, investment promotion has steadily become more professionalized. This chapter identifies best practice by the investment promotion agencies, which that integrate sustainability most effectively into their FDI promotion policies. The environment for investment promotion agencies is currently undergoing rapid changes, which are giving rise to new business models and practices. At present, the latest generation of IPAs can only be found sporadically around the world: These fourth-phase IPAs take sustainability criteria into account more or less explicitly in their investment promotion activities. Such sustainability criteria relate to economic, social, and environmental factors.
Transportation Research Procedia, 2018
The integration of innovative means of transport, like the Hyperloop concept, cargo drones and ca... more The integration of innovative means of transport, like the Hyperloop concept, cargo drones and cargo zeppelins, into existing transport networks presents a challenge not only from a technological point of view, but also has various economic, social, and ecological impacts. Therefore, this work estimates regional impacts of a connection utilizing innovative means of transport. The presented scalable method is not limited to a specific type or number of regions, but capable to estimate the impacts of largescale transport networks covering a great number of diverse regions. The work contributes to quantitative transport network modelling, as it provides a method for the quantification of essential regional impacts, which can be incorporated into comprehensive transport network models. The applicability of the method is demonstrated with a real-life example. As a result, values of an impact indicator for selected international regions are available for a set of innovative means of transport.
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine B... more Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Terms of use: This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution-no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain all copyright information and other information regarding legal protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of use.
Industrie-und Handelsunternehmen haben erkannt, dass die Planung und Steuerung der gesamten Werts... more Industrie-und Handelsunternehmen haben erkannt, dass die Planung und Steuerung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette notwendig ist, um die Sicher-heit der Versorgung zu gewährleisten und dadurch wettbewerbsfähig zu sein. Die Literatur liefert diesbezüglich unter dem Begriff Supply Chain Management eine Vielzahl von Konzepten und modernen Ansätzen. Diese gehen sehr stark in Richtung vertikaler Integration, ganzheitlicher Betrachtung und partnerschaftlicher Optimierung der Wertschöpfungskette (Supply Chain) durch die betroffenen Unternehmen. Ausgehend von der These, dass sich das in der Literatur häufig dargestellte Bild der "partnerschaftlichen Kooperation" zwischen Unternehmen in der Praxis oft nicht wieder findet, ist das Ziel dieser Studie herauszufinden, in welchem Ausmaß moderne Konzepte des SCM in Österreichs Top Industrie-und Handelsunternehmen umgesetzt werden. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter den 250 umsatzstärksten österreichischen Industrie-und Handelsu...
The article outlines definitions and the theoretical background of the mobility of the highly qua... more The article outlines definitions and the theoretical background of the mobility of the highly qualified, the brain drain respectively, and assesses the extent of the flows particularly of Austrian and Hungarian tertiary educated and scientists. Furthermore, the article focuses on an empirical analysis of Austrian and Hungarian mathematicians abroad who work in an R&D-close environ- ment. Mathematics conveys qualifications mainly independently from cultural contexts and uses a specific terminology, which can be transferred comparatively easily worldwide. Therefore, important aspects concerning reasons, processes and other considerations related to the brain drain of these mathematicians can be discussed, which finally provides recommendations for how to deal with the brain drain issue.
... men von International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) durchgeführt worden waren. 37... more ... men von International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) durchgeführt worden waren. 37 Länder aus Ost und West, Nord und Süd hatten einmal oder mehrmals daran teilgenommen. Für 87 ... Das tun sie mittels multipler Regression. Sie haben Daten für 90 Länder. ...
Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe, 2019
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is usually associated with a gigantic infrastructure project t... more The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is usually associated with a gigantic infrastructure project that connects China with Europe. This article shows that it has been clear since its founding that it is much more: an invitation from China to the rest of the world to cooperate at various levels, such as politics, business, science, and culture. Chinese officials argue that it will create a “win-win” situation and cooperation with mutual benefits. The main objectives are long-term economic growth through the transformation of China into an innovation-driven economy, stronger influence within the framework of global political-economic architecture, better access to energy and resources, and increased political stability, especially in neighboring countries. The infrastructure sector is only one of several priorities of the BRI, but it is the most visible. In this context, the BRI addresses an objective need to improve the transport network, including in Europe. A faster and less expensive infrastructure is an important basis for economic prosperity and can indirectly lead to economic stability in politically volatile regions. BRI investments could thereby also bring a kind of “peace dividend”. By summarizing other Chinese strategies and plans it can be shown that, 6 years after the inauguration of the BRI, there is an asymmetry and a bias towards the Chinese side. The lack of reciprocity—not only in investments—is a challenge to Europe as a business location. A consistent and coordinated European strategy in dealing with the BRI and its implementation is the order of the day.
The relation between fundamental data and Beta is inquired. Applying an innovatie approach Beta i... more The relation between fundamental data and Beta is inquired. Applying an innovatie approach Beta is systematically derived from fundamental data. An empiricial test proved the model to be valid and highly significant. Practical implementations in risk management and CAPM are discussed.
Society and Economy
Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies, edited by Breinbauer et al.... more Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies, edited by Breinbauer et al., is the fruit of a five year long research project carried out by a group of scholars with expertise rooted in different disciplines (economics, economic geography, sociology, management, and political science). The volume's main objective is to unveil the future impact of emerging multinational companies' investments on European countries, using a multidimensional approach. Throughout the book, the focus of the authors was captured mainly by China's multinational companies in Europe. However, a few parts of the book have selected Brazilian, Turkish, and Russian companies as case studies. The six parts of the volume include approximately three chapters each. Each of the chapters adopts different methods, case studies, and structures, all while contributing to the book's objective. The book offers three main findings as follows. First, the key element to strengthening the European economy and business is a prudent location policy. Second, a smart public location policy can lead to the creation of a sustainable and mutually beneficial business location for foreign investors and host markets. Finally, emerging multinationals' investments must not only contribute to the creation of long-term jobs and improvement of the host country's overall well-being, but they should also generate benefits for the society regionally, nationally, and on the European level. Furthermore, they must be in line with the objectives of the regional economic policy of the host country. The book fills a gap in the literature to provide much needed answers to ease the rising concerns in several developed countries regarding the impacts of emerging multinational companies' investments on the advanced economies. In addition, it offers a guide for European decision-makers and institutions to formulate policies and strategies that would help attract long-term and stable investments to improve the general well-being of their nations without negative impacts. The first part offers an empirical and theoretical overview, the second part addresses the internal governance and decision making of an emerging multinational, and the third part focuses on the impact emerging multinationals have on sustainability and the different strategies these entities use to measure their commitment to their host countries' sustainability goals.
Wirtschaft und Management, 2021
Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe, 2019
As of December 2018, Austria was home to 377 headquarters or regional headquarters of multination... more As of December 2018, Austria was home to 377 headquarters or regional headquarters of multinational companies. The majority of these headquarters belong to multinationals based in developed economies, such as Germany, Italy, the USA, or and Japan. However, a growing number of investments originate from firms which are referred to as “emerging market multinationals”. This chapter takes a closer look into Turkey and Russia, and asks, how Austria is perceived as a business location by managers from these two countries. Based on qualitative Interviews, the results show that Turkish and Russian managers have a rather detrimental view of Austria.
Bei der Entscheidung fur die Headquarteransiedlung in einer bestimmten Stadt/Region spielen neben... more Bei der Entscheidung fur die Headquarteransiedlung in einer bestimmten Stadt/Region spielen neben Kostenvorteilen sowie der volkswirtschaftlichen Leistungsfahigkeit und dem Vertrauen in die Zukunftsfahigkeit eines Landes Standortfaktoren wie Wissen, Know-how, die Verfugbarkeit von F&E-Ergebnissen sowie politische, raumordnerische und okologische Faktoren eine grose Rolle. Diese gelten auch als Entscheidungsfaktoren fur die Erhaltung bzw. Starkung von Wirtschaftsstandorten. Ob neu angesiedelte Headquarter nachhaltig agieren und im Sinne eines langeren Bestehens fur den Wirtschaftsstandort Osterreich nachhaltig sind, ist jedoch bislang wenig erforscht. Der vorliegende Beitrag schliest die bestehende Forschungslucke durch die Analyse der in Wien angesiedelten (regionalen) Headquarter hinsichtlich ausgewahlter Nachhaltigkeitskriterien. Von den insgesamt 380 regionalen Unternehmenszentralen auslandischer Unternehmen (Stand 1.12.2016) sind 221 in Wien (dies entspricht 58%) angesiedelt (Vg...
Problemstellung: Durch kontinuierliche Urbanisierungsprozesse und die voranschreitende Wohnraumve... more Problemstellung: Durch kontinuierliche Urbanisierungsprozesse und die voranschreitende Wohnraumverdichtung sowie die Zunahme der Bevolkerungs- und Verkehrsdichte ist ein sparsamer Umgang mit der Ressource Boden von Noten. Die steigende Bedeutung des E-Commerce sowie die sich daraus resultierende Veranderung von Konsumentinnen- und Konsumentenanforderungen und zunehmenden Anzahl an Sendungen stellt vor allem die innerstadtische Logistik im Hinblick auf eine effiziente Abwicklung bzw. Organisation der First- und Last-Mile vor eine grose Herausforderung. Beim Zusammentreffen unterschiedlicher Akteurinnen und Akteure (Stadt, Endnutzerinnen und Endnutzer, Wirtschaft) sind – bedingt durch verschiedene Interessen und Zielsetzungen – Entwicklungs- und Nutzungskonflikte – im Speziellen bei knappem Platzangebot – kaum vermeidbar. Es existieren jedoch auch im urbanen Raum ungenutzte Logistikkapazitaten, die durch ungleichmasige Aufteilung von Wohn- und Lagerraum entstehen. Besonderes Augenmerk...
Wie Corona die Hochschullehre verändert, 2021
Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe, 2019
Both emerging and OECD markets are constantly making efforts to attract foreign direct investment... more Both emerging and OECD markets are constantly making efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). Over the past few decades, investment promotion has steadily become more professionalized. This chapter identifies best practice by the investment promotion agencies, which that integrate sustainability most effectively into their FDI promotion policies. The environment for investment promotion agencies is currently undergoing rapid changes, which are giving rise to new business models and practices. At present, the latest generation of IPAs can only be found sporadically around the world: These fourth-phase IPAs take sustainability criteria into account more or less explicitly in their investment promotion activities. Such sustainability criteria relate to economic, social, and environmental factors.
Transportation Research Procedia, 2018
The integration of innovative means of transport, like the Hyperloop concept, cargo drones and ca... more The integration of innovative means of transport, like the Hyperloop concept, cargo drones and cargo zeppelins, into existing transport networks presents a challenge not only from a technological point of view, but also has various economic, social, and ecological impacts. Therefore, this work estimates regional impacts of a connection utilizing innovative means of transport. The presented scalable method is not limited to a specific type or number of regions, but capable to estimate the impacts of largescale transport networks covering a great number of diverse regions. The work contributes to quantitative transport network modelling, as it provides a method for the quantification of essential regional impacts, which can be incorporated into comprehensive transport network models. The applicability of the method is demonstrated with a real-life example. As a result, values of an impact indicator for selected international regions are available for a set of innovative means of transport.
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine B... more Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Terms of use: This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution-no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain all copyright information and other information regarding legal protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of use.
Industrie-und Handelsunternehmen haben erkannt, dass die Planung und Steuerung der gesamten Werts... more Industrie-und Handelsunternehmen haben erkannt, dass die Planung und Steuerung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette notwendig ist, um die Sicher-heit der Versorgung zu gewährleisten und dadurch wettbewerbsfähig zu sein. Die Literatur liefert diesbezüglich unter dem Begriff Supply Chain Management eine Vielzahl von Konzepten und modernen Ansätzen. Diese gehen sehr stark in Richtung vertikaler Integration, ganzheitlicher Betrachtung und partnerschaftlicher Optimierung der Wertschöpfungskette (Supply Chain) durch die betroffenen Unternehmen. Ausgehend von der These, dass sich das in der Literatur häufig dargestellte Bild der "partnerschaftlichen Kooperation" zwischen Unternehmen in der Praxis oft nicht wieder findet, ist das Ziel dieser Studie herauszufinden, in welchem Ausmaß moderne Konzepte des SCM in Österreichs Top Industrie-und Handelsunternehmen umgesetzt werden. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter den 250 umsatzstärksten österreichischen Industrie-und Handelsu...
The article outlines definitions and the theoretical background of the mobility of the highly qua... more The article outlines definitions and the theoretical background of the mobility of the highly qualified, the brain drain respectively, and assesses the extent of the flows particularly of Austrian and Hungarian tertiary educated and scientists. Furthermore, the article focuses on an empirical analysis of Austrian and Hungarian mathematicians abroad who work in an R&D-close environ- ment. Mathematics conveys qualifications mainly independently from cultural contexts and uses a specific terminology, which can be transferred comparatively easily worldwide. Therefore, important aspects concerning reasons, processes and other considerations related to the brain drain of these mathematicians can be discussed, which finally provides recommendations for how to deal with the brain drain issue.
... men von International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) durchgeführt worden waren. 37... more ... men von International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) durchgeführt worden waren. 37 Länder aus Ost und West, Nord und Süd hatten einmal oder mehrmals daran teilgenommen. Für 87 ... Das tun sie mittels multipler Regression. Sie haben Daten für 90 Länder. ...
Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe, 2019
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is usually associated with a gigantic infrastructure project t... more The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is usually associated with a gigantic infrastructure project that connects China with Europe. This article shows that it has been clear since its founding that it is much more: an invitation from China to the rest of the world to cooperate at various levels, such as politics, business, science, and culture. Chinese officials argue that it will create a “win-win” situation and cooperation with mutual benefits. The main objectives are long-term economic growth through the transformation of China into an innovation-driven economy, stronger influence within the framework of global political-economic architecture, better access to energy and resources, and increased political stability, especially in neighboring countries. The infrastructure sector is only one of several priorities of the BRI, but it is the most visible. In this context, the BRI addresses an objective need to improve the transport network, including in Europe. A faster and less expensive infrastructure is an important basis for economic prosperity and can indirectly lead to economic stability in politically volatile regions. BRI investments could thereby also bring a kind of “peace dividend”. By summarizing other Chinese strategies and plans it can be shown that, 6 years after the inauguration of the BRI, there is an asymmetry and a bias towards the Chinese side. The lack of reciprocity—not only in investments—is a challenge to Europe as a business location. A consistent and coordinated European strategy in dealing with the BRI and its implementation is the order of the day.
The relation between fundamental data and Beta is inquired. Applying an innovatie approach Beta i... more The relation between fundamental data and Beta is inquired. Applying an innovatie approach Beta is systematically derived from fundamental data. An empiricial test proved the model to be valid and highly significant. Practical implementations in risk management and CAPM are discussed.