Andreea Ciobanu - (original) (raw)

Papers by Andreea Ciobanu

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Satisfaction towards Green Products: Empirical Insights from Romania

Sustainability, 2021

The current model of linear economy is causing accelerated consumption and an extensive use of na... more The current model of linear economy is causing accelerated consumption and an extensive use of natural resources that accentuates the effects of the current global environmental crisis. In this context, green products are becoming a key element in the transition to a sustainable consumption and production model. The main goal of this paper is to identify the factors predicting youth consumer satisfaction towards green products and to analyze the public perception of green brand products in Romania. Considering these goals, a questionnaire was developed and applied to 268 participants. The results show that a positive attitude towards green products and the level of information held by the consumers about them are significant predictors of green product satisfaction. Moreover, the importance of products being green significantly predicts the purchase of such products. Further implications and research directions are discussed towards the end.

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Research paper thumbnail of Macroeconomic Performances of European Monetary Union Members

The article is aimed to examine both one-off and permanent benefits and costs from participating ... more The article is aimed to examine both one-off and permanent benefits and costs from participating in the single European currency arrangement. Correspondingly, particular attention is being paid to the impact, which the formation of a monetary union might have on the macroeconomic performance of members' economies. Proponents of monetary integration point to a positive combination of greater exchange rate stability, reduced transactions costs, enhanced competition deriving from price transparency and low real interest rates resulting from a successful anti-inflation strategy pursued by the joint central bank. However, opponents of monetary union posit that it will result in adjustment costs, together with the loss of monetary and exchange rate policy instruments which is likely to increase instability amongst countries which are incompletely converged, resulting in exposure to asymmetric external shocks beyond the capability of a central bank using only one policy instrument: int...

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![Research paper thumbnail of Romania`s Eurozone Entry and the Fulfillment of the Institutional Criterion](

The nominal convergence criteria is a necessary condition but insufficient for Romania’s entry in... more The nominal convergence criteria is a necessary condition but insufficient for Romania’s entry into the Eurozone. In addition to quantitative economic criteria, Romania must also fulfill the institutional criteria which are as binding as all the others. As the latest convergence report considers that Romanian legislation,,does not meet all the requirements for the independence of the central bank, the monetary financing prohibition and institutional integration of the central bank into the Eurosystem", the article analyses the compatibility of Law no.312/2004 with the current European legislation, given the fact that Romania must comply with all adaptation requirements set out in Article 131 TFEU. Thus, the aforementioned article examines the central bank’s independence in terms of functional independence, institutional, financial and personal, identifying the articles and paragraphs that are not consistent with EU legislation and the Statute of the ESCB and which are to be ame...

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Research paper thumbnail of Romania on the Way to Eurozone: The Accession Deadline

The Young Economists Journal, 2015

The fact that Romania has met in June 2014 for the first time all nominal criteria laid down in t... more The fact that Romania has met in June 2014 for the first time all nominal criteria laid down in the Maastricht Treaty for the adoption of the euro, including inflation and is presenting quite well at the real convergence criteria does not mean that there are no long term risks that can damage this situation. Setting by the authorities of a date, January the 1st, 2019, for euro adoption is an ambitious objective and therefore structural problems and competitiveness must be the top priority of any government. From these brief considerations this article proposes, based on analyses and calculations to evaluate Romania's chances to meet the target and at the same time, to suggest some directions in order to avoid the mistakes done by other countries that have entered less prepared in the euro area. The article tries to set a proper timing for euro adoption in Romania, with minimum risk and maximum benefit given the need for sustainable nominal convergence criteria besides ensuring i...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Imf Program and the Romanian Compliance

The Young Economists Journal, 2014

During the 2008 crisis, Romania found a solid financial help in the IMF, which came along with so... more During the 2008 crisis, Romania found a solid financial help in the IMF, which came along with some criteria and requirements engaged to comply with, in order to ensure economic recovery and future growth. The paper aims at pointing out the most evident aspects where our country failed to perform within the IMF recommendations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Correlating stock exchange indices under both normal and financial crisis conditions

Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2012

Until the years 1980 the financial crisis were considered as being limited to the level of the ca... more Until the years 1980 the financial crisis were considered as being limited to the level of the capital market (individually), without bearing a systemic character. If considering the intensification of the globalization process, we attended at the increase of the degree of commercial and financial integration of the states all over the world. Thus, gradually, the local financial crisis have propagated at the level of the world financial system. The consequences of these financial crisis did not limited to the markets of the countries where they launched, but spread rapidly on the world markets – an effect known in the literature as contagion. In this article we have tried to evaluate the importance of the contagion effects on the capital markets, by utilizing certain econometric methods, from the correlation tests, to the co-integration tests. Meantime, we have tried to show that during the period of the most severe financial crisis from the Second World War up to date, the degree o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Implications of wage bargaining systems on regional differentiation in the European Union

The theoretical literature has argued that a centralized wage bargaining system may result in low... more The theoretical literature has argued that a centralized wage bargaining system may result in low regional wage differentiation and high regional unemployment differentials. The empirical literature has found that centralized wage bargaining leads to lower wage inequality for different skills, industries and population groups, but has not investigated its impact on regional wage differentiation. Empirical evidence in this paper for EU regions suggests that countries with more coordinated wage bargaining systems have lower regional wage differentials, after controlling for regional productivity and unemployment differentials.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nominal Convergence in Romania

The recent EU enlargement process brings in attention the next obvious step, entering European Mo... more The recent EU enlargement process brings in attention the next obvious step, entering European Monetary Union. For the two new EU members, as well as for the ten entered in 2004, adopting the euro as national currency seems to be a priority objective, although it is not a choice, but a must. The enlargement is an opportunity to evaluate the Maastricht criteria for adopting the single currency. This paper evaluates the degree of accomplishing of the nominal convergence criteria by Romania. Even if the euro adoption is still far away from our country, we must concentrate in the next few years mainly in the catching-up process. The study shows that even we can fulfill the Maastricht Criteria, we should wait before euro adoption until we will reach the real convergence, for avoiding the asymmetric shocks.

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Research paper thumbnail of The e-WOM as a management tool. The state of the knowledge

The tourism industry has been greatly affected by the development of information technologies, am... more The tourism industry has been greatly affected by the development of information technologies, among them electronic word of mouth or e-WOM, which allows online users to provide feedback on your experience as tourists. Hotels are one of the members of the industry most affected by the application, which can get feedback and take advantage of the information generated to improve their management and results. The academic literature on the research has focused on the consumer perspective and has paid little attention to the perspective of management. Thus, this research aims to add value by studying the state of knowledge of e-WOM as a tool for management, focusing the study in hotels and in the Spanish area. To do this, a descriptive analysis of the situation is developed, from a survey of hotel managers, able to discriminate between users and non-users of the system. The results indicate the absence of differences between groups by characteristics of the respondent, or their percept...

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Research paper thumbnail of Role of Technology in National Gain from International Trade

This paper analyses how the technology transfer and development influence the country’s benefit f... more This paper analyses how the technology transfer and development influence the country’s benefit from international trade. Knowledge developed in one country has positive effects on other countries through trade. Trade leads to the spread of international technology for three major reasons. First, technologically more sophisticated intermediate goods become available for production. Second, the technological specifications of intermediate and final goods developed abroad can be studied and the intrinsic knowledge can be acquired. Finally, trade favours person-to-person communication as an important vehicle of knowledge transfer. However, countries have different abilities to absorb technology developed elsewhere. A wide range of policies can be used to foster technological progress at the national level. The multilateral trading system (and international organizations more generally) can play a role in facilitating international technology transfers

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimensions of the Romanian Labour Market in the Context of European Integration

The purpose of the article is to identify, through a retrospective analysis, the main trends of t... more The purpose of the article is to identify, through a retrospective analysis, the main trends of the labour market and starting from this point to outline directions of action which aim at matching supply and demand on this specific market in Romania. Finally, the paper presents the perspectives of the labour market in Romania as a new European Union member, outlining the importance of institutional capacities development, of sustainable occupation and development, of continuous formation, as well as the importance of maintaining the biologic potential of the labour resources and minimal standards information.

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Research paper thumbnail of According to the United Nations ’ forecasts , if current trends in the increase of the ecological footprint continue , humankind will need the resources of two Earths by 2030 and of three Earths

The aim of this paper is to investigate consumer behavior regarding the environment and the adopt... more The aim of this paper is to investigate consumer behavior regarding the environment and the adoption of new patterns of behavior and responsible consumption in the promotion of a Circular Economy (CE) in Romania. With this goal in mind, a questionnaire survey was performed on-line on a nationwide scale to explore consumers’ behaviors and attitudes, which was distributed in all four of Romania’s macro-regions and interviewing 642 respondents. The results indicate that the consumers have a positive attitude towards the importance of the environmental protection, in general and it also measures the frequency of adopting eco-friendly behaviors by the consumers, showing that the consumption behavior is not very consistent with the general attitude regarding environment. As a parallel, consumers are aware of the importance of CE business models, in general, both for the economy and for the environment, but the adoption of consumption patterns specific to CE business models, necessary for ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Study on the Correlation of Inflation-Unemployment in the European Union

Annals of University of Craiova Economic Sciences Series, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Unemployment and Economic Performance

Annals of University of Craiova Economic Sciences Series, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Is China’s economic growth a danger for others economies?

Extrapolating past real GDP growth rates into the future, the size of the Chinese economy surpass... more Extrapolating past real GDP growth rates into the future, the size of the Chinese economy surpasses that of the U.S. in purchasing power terms between 2012 and 2015; by 2025, China is likely to be the world's largest economic power by almost any measure. The extrapolations are supported by two types of considerations. First, China’s growth patterns of the past

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Research paper thumbnail of Role of Technology in National Gain From International Trade

This paper analyses how the technology transfer and development influence the country’s benefit f... more This paper analyses how the technology transfer and development influence the country’s benefit from international trade. Knowledge developed in one country has positive effects on other countries through trade. Trade leads to the spread of international technology for three major reasons. First, technologically more sophisticated intermediate goods become available for production. Second, the technological specifications of intermediate and final goods developed abroad can be studied and the intrinsic knowledge can be acquired. Finally, trade favours person-to-person communication as an important vehicle of knowledge transfer. However, countries have different abilities to absorb technology developed elsewhere. A wide range of policies can be used to foster technological progress at the national level. The multilateral trading system (and international organizations more generally) can play a role in facilitating international technology transfers

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Research paper thumbnail of Romania's Strategy of Attraction of Foreign Investments

Annals of the University of Petroşani, 2008

ABSTRACT: For Romania, who has limited resources of capital on internal plan, foreign investments... more ABSTRACT: For Romania, who has limited resources of capital on internal plan, foreign investments represent more than a necessity, foreign capital, besides the contribution to supplementation of financial resources of the country, having support role for inevitable ...

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Research paper thumbnail of How Supportive Are Romanian Consumers of the Circular Economy Concept: A Survey

Sustainability, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Satisfaction towards Green Products: Empirical Insights from Romania

Sustainability, 2021

The current model of linear economy is causing accelerated consumption and an extensive use of na... more The current model of linear economy is causing accelerated consumption and an extensive use of natural resources that accentuates the effects of the current global environmental crisis. In this context, green products are becoming a key element in the transition to a sustainable consumption and production model. The main goal of this paper is to identify the factors predicting youth consumer satisfaction towards green products and to analyze the public perception of green brand products in Romania. Considering these goals, a questionnaire was developed and applied to 268 participants. The results show that a positive attitude towards green products and the level of information held by the consumers about them are significant predictors of green product satisfaction. Moreover, the importance of products being green significantly predicts the purchase of such products. Further implications and research directions are discussed towards the end.

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Research paper thumbnail of Macroeconomic Performances of European Monetary Union Members

The article is aimed to examine both one-off and permanent benefits and costs from participating ... more The article is aimed to examine both one-off and permanent benefits and costs from participating in the single European currency arrangement. Correspondingly, particular attention is being paid to the impact, which the formation of a monetary union might have on the macroeconomic performance of members' economies. Proponents of monetary integration point to a positive combination of greater exchange rate stability, reduced transactions costs, enhanced competition deriving from price transparency and low real interest rates resulting from a successful anti-inflation strategy pursued by the joint central bank. However, opponents of monetary union posit that it will result in adjustment costs, together with the loss of monetary and exchange rate policy instruments which is likely to increase instability amongst countries which are incompletely converged, resulting in exposure to asymmetric external shocks beyond the capability of a central bank using only one policy instrument: int...

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![Research paper thumbnail of Romania`s Eurozone Entry and the Fulfillment of the Institutional Criterion](

The nominal convergence criteria is a necessary condition but insufficient for Romania’s entry in... more The nominal convergence criteria is a necessary condition but insufficient for Romania’s entry into the Eurozone. In addition to quantitative economic criteria, Romania must also fulfill the institutional criteria which are as binding as all the others. As the latest convergence report considers that Romanian legislation,,does not meet all the requirements for the independence of the central bank, the monetary financing prohibition and institutional integration of the central bank into the Eurosystem", the article analyses the compatibility of Law no.312/2004 with the current European legislation, given the fact that Romania must comply with all adaptation requirements set out in Article 131 TFEU. Thus, the aforementioned article examines the central bank’s independence in terms of functional independence, institutional, financial and personal, identifying the articles and paragraphs that are not consistent with EU legislation and the Statute of the ESCB and which are to be ame...

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Research paper thumbnail of Romania on the Way to Eurozone: The Accession Deadline

The Young Economists Journal, 2015

The fact that Romania has met in June 2014 for the first time all nominal criteria laid down in t... more The fact that Romania has met in June 2014 for the first time all nominal criteria laid down in the Maastricht Treaty for the adoption of the euro, including inflation and is presenting quite well at the real convergence criteria does not mean that there are no long term risks that can damage this situation. Setting by the authorities of a date, January the 1st, 2019, for euro adoption is an ambitious objective and therefore structural problems and competitiveness must be the top priority of any government. From these brief considerations this article proposes, based on analyses and calculations to evaluate Romania's chances to meet the target and at the same time, to suggest some directions in order to avoid the mistakes done by other countries that have entered less prepared in the euro area. The article tries to set a proper timing for euro adoption in Romania, with minimum risk and maximum benefit given the need for sustainable nominal convergence criteria besides ensuring i...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Imf Program and the Romanian Compliance

The Young Economists Journal, 2014

During the 2008 crisis, Romania found a solid financial help in the IMF, which came along with so... more During the 2008 crisis, Romania found a solid financial help in the IMF, which came along with some criteria and requirements engaged to comply with, in order to ensure economic recovery and future growth. The paper aims at pointing out the most evident aspects where our country failed to perform within the IMF recommendations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Correlating stock exchange indices under both normal and financial crisis conditions

Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2012

Until the years 1980 the financial crisis were considered as being limited to the level of the ca... more Until the years 1980 the financial crisis were considered as being limited to the level of the capital market (individually), without bearing a systemic character. If considering the intensification of the globalization process, we attended at the increase of the degree of commercial and financial integration of the states all over the world. Thus, gradually, the local financial crisis have propagated at the level of the world financial system. The consequences of these financial crisis did not limited to the markets of the countries where they launched, but spread rapidly on the world markets – an effect known in the literature as contagion. In this article we have tried to evaluate the importance of the contagion effects on the capital markets, by utilizing certain econometric methods, from the correlation tests, to the co-integration tests. Meantime, we have tried to show that during the period of the most severe financial crisis from the Second World War up to date, the degree o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Implications of wage bargaining systems on regional differentiation in the European Union

The theoretical literature has argued that a centralized wage bargaining system may result in low... more The theoretical literature has argued that a centralized wage bargaining system may result in low regional wage differentiation and high regional unemployment differentials. The empirical literature has found that centralized wage bargaining leads to lower wage inequality for different skills, industries and population groups, but has not investigated its impact on regional wage differentiation. Empirical evidence in this paper for EU regions suggests that countries with more coordinated wage bargaining systems have lower regional wage differentials, after controlling for regional productivity and unemployment differentials.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nominal Convergence in Romania

The recent EU enlargement process brings in attention the next obvious step, entering European Mo... more The recent EU enlargement process brings in attention the next obvious step, entering European Monetary Union. For the two new EU members, as well as for the ten entered in 2004, adopting the euro as national currency seems to be a priority objective, although it is not a choice, but a must. The enlargement is an opportunity to evaluate the Maastricht criteria for adopting the single currency. This paper evaluates the degree of accomplishing of the nominal convergence criteria by Romania. Even if the euro adoption is still far away from our country, we must concentrate in the next few years mainly in the catching-up process. The study shows that even we can fulfill the Maastricht Criteria, we should wait before euro adoption until we will reach the real convergence, for avoiding the asymmetric shocks.

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Research paper thumbnail of The e-WOM as a management tool. The state of the knowledge

The tourism industry has been greatly affected by the development of information technologies, am... more The tourism industry has been greatly affected by the development of information technologies, among them electronic word of mouth or e-WOM, which allows online users to provide feedback on your experience as tourists. Hotels are one of the members of the industry most affected by the application, which can get feedback and take advantage of the information generated to improve their management and results. The academic literature on the research has focused on the consumer perspective and has paid little attention to the perspective of management. Thus, this research aims to add value by studying the state of knowledge of e-WOM as a tool for management, focusing the study in hotels and in the Spanish area. To do this, a descriptive analysis of the situation is developed, from a survey of hotel managers, able to discriminate between users and non-users of the system. The results indicate the absence of differences between groups by characteristics of the respondent, or their percept...

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Research paper thumbnail of Role of Technology in National Gain from International Trade

This paper analyses how the technology transfer and development influence the country’s benefit f... more This paper analyses how the technology transfer and development influence the country’s benefit from international trade. Knowledge developed in one country has positive effects on other countries through trade. Trade leads to the spread of international technology for three major reasons. First, technologically more sophisticated intermediate goods become available for production. Second, the technological specifications of intermediate and final goods developed abroad can be studied and the intrinsic knowledge can be acquired. Finally, trade favours person-to-person communication as an important vehicle of knowledge transfer. However, countries have different abilities to absorb technology developed elsewhere. A wide range of policies can be used to foster technological progress at the national level. The multilateral trading system (and international organizations more generally) can play a role in facilitating international technology transfers

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Research paper thumbnail of Dimensions of the Romanian Labour Market in the Context of European Integration

The purpose of the article is to identify, through a retrospective analysis, the main trends of t... more The purpose of the article is to identify, through a retrospective analysis, the main trends of the labour market and starting from this point to outline directions of action which aim at matching supply and demand on this specific market in Romania. Finally, the paper presents the perspectives of the labour market in Romania as a new European Union member, outlining the importance of institutional capacities development, of sustainable occupation and development, of continuous formation, as well as the importance of maintaining the biologic potential of the labour resources and minimal standards information.

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Research paper thumbnail of According to the United Nations ’ forecasts , if current trends in the increase of the ecological footprint continue , humankind will need the resources of two Earths by 2030 and of three Earths

The aim of this paper is to investigate consumer behavior regarding the environment and the adopt... more The aim of this paper is to investigate consumer behavior regarding the environment and the adoption of new patterns of behavior and responsible consumption in the promotion of a Circular Economy (CE) in Romania. With this goal in mind, a questionnaire survey was performed on-line on a nationwide scale to explore consumers’ behaviors and attitudes, which was distributed in all four of Romania’s macro-regions and interviewing 642 respondents. The results indicate that the consumers have a positive attitude towards the importance of the environmental protection, in general and it also measures the frequency of adopting eco-friendly behaviors by the consumers, showing that the consumption behavior is not very consistent with the general attitude regarding environment. As a parallel, consumers are aware of the importance of CE business models, in general, both for the economy and for the environment, but the adoption of consumption patterns specific to CE business models, necessary for ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Study on the Correlation of Inflation-Unemployment in the European Union

Annals of University of Craiova Economic Sciences Series, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Unemployment and Economic Performance

Annals of University of Craiova Economic Sciences Series, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Is China’s economic growth a danger for others economies?

Extrapolating past real GDP growth rates into the future, the size of the Chinese economy surpass... more Extrapolating past real GDP growth rates into the future, the size of the Chinese economy surpasses that of the U.S. in purchasing power terms between 2012 and 2015; by 2025, China is likely to be the world's largest economic power by almost any measure. The extrapolations are supported by two types of considerations. First, China’s growth patterns of the past

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Research paper thumbnail of Role of Technology in National Gain From International Trade

This paper analyses how the technology transfer and development influence the country’s benefit f... more This paper analyses how the technology transfer and development influence the country’s benefit from international trade. Knowledge developed in one country has positive effects on other countries through trade. Trade leads to the spread of international technology for three major reasons. First, technologically more sophisticated intermediate goods become available for production. Second, the technological specifications of intermediate and final goods developed abroad can be studied and the intrinsic knowledge can be acquired. Finally, trade favours person-to-person communication as an important vehicle of knowledge transfer. However, countries have different abilities to absorb technology developed elsewhere. A wide range of policies can be used to foster technological progress at the national level. The multilateral trading system (and international organizations more generally) can play a role in facilitating international technology transfers

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Research paper thumbnail of Romania's Strategy of Attraction of Foreign Investments

Annals of the University of Petroşani, 2008

ABSTRACT: For Romania, who has limited resources of capital on internal plan, foreign investments... more ABSTRACT: For Romania, who has limited resources of capital on internal plan, foreign investments represent more than a necessity, foreign capital, besides the contribution to supplementation of financial resources of the country, having support role for inevitable ...

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Research paper thumbnail of How Supportive Are Romanian Consumers of the Circular Economy Concept: A Survey

Sustainability, 2016

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