Andreea Stoenescu - (original) (raw)

Papers by Andreea Stoenescu

Research paper thumbnail of Child with SARS-CoV-2 infection and acute lymfoblastic leukemia

Revista română de boli infecţioase, Sep 30, 2021

Introduction. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) frequently leads to asymptomatic or mild infect... more Introduction. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) frequently leads to asymptomatic or mild infectious disease evolution in children. Case presentation. We present the case of a 3 year old girl, known with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in chemotherapy treatment at that time. She had an asymptomatic form of COVID-19 but with important paraclinical changes. The evolution was favorable under the treatment initiated with antibiotics, corticotherapy, gastric protector and symptomatic treatment if necessary. Conclusion. Management of children with COVID-19 and other comorbidities remains a challenge given the few data currently in the literature

Research paper thumbnail of Otitis with Aspergillus niger in a patient with SARS-CoV-2 and multiple comorbidities

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021

Introduction. COVID-19 is associated with a significant incidence of bacterial and fungal superin... more Introduction. COVID-19 is associated with a significant incidence of bacterial and fungal superinfections and with the exacerbation of pre-existing infections, representing a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Case presentation. A 64-year-old woman, confirmed with COVID-19 by the SARS-CoV-2 antigen test, is hospitalized accusing fatigue, nausea, watery stools, cough and vertigo started 10 days ago, aggravated 4 days before the presentation. It also reports recurrent episodes of otalgia and otorrheic pluriantibiotic treatment in the last 2 months. From the personal pathological antecedents we remember: hypothyroidism, dyslipidemia, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and secondary pulmonary thromboembolism, in chronic anticoagulant treatment. Pathological clinical signs at admission: bilateral basal crackling rales. Biologically, inflammatory syndrome is detected, and radiologically, interstitial-alveolar infiltrates in the lower lung fields...

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical-epidemiological and evolutionary aspects in the first 20 patients diagnosed with COVID-19, hospitalized in the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Clinical Hospital „Dr. Victor Babes“

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020

CliniCal-epidemiologiCal and evolutionary aspeCts in the first 20 patients diagnosed with Covid-1... more CliniCal-epidemiologiCal and evolutionary aspeCts in the first 20 patients diagnosed with Covid-19, hospitalized in the infeCtious and tropiCal diseases CliniCal hospital "dr. viCtor BaBes" assist. prof. andreea florentina stoenescu 1,2 , md, alexandru Cosmin marin 1 , md, lecturer george gherlan 1,2 , md, phd, assist. prof. Corneliu petru popescu 1,2 , md, sebastian smadu 1 , md, ana maria veja 1 , md, adelina dogaru 1 , md, filofteia Cojanu-Banicioiu 1 , md, nicoleta voicu-parvu 1 , md, luminita ene 1 , md, prof. petre Calistru 1,2 , md, phd, prof. emanoil Ceausu 1,2 , md, phd, assoc. prof. simin-aysel florescu 1,2 , md, phd

Research paper thumbnail of Aspecte radiologice la pacienţii diagnosticaţi cu infecţie cu SARS-CoV-2 – un review de literatură

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020

Aspecte rAdiologice lA pAcienţii diAgnosticAţi cu infecţie cu sArs-coV-2un reView de literAtură d... more Aspecte rAdiologice lA pAcienţii diAgnosticAţi cu infecţie cu sArs-coV-2un reView de literAtură dr. Maria cristina Hoară 1 , dr. Andreea florentina stoenescu 1,2 , dr. nedeea duţă 1 , prof. dr. petre calistru 1,2 , prof. dr. emanoil ceauşu 1,2,3 , conf. dr. simin-Aysel florescu 1,2

Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiological, clinical and progressive spectrum of measles cases admitted to „Dr. Victor Babes“ clinical hospital for infectious and tropical diseases, bucharest during the actual outbreak

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2018

Introduction. Starting with 2016 Romania had to face an alarming measles outbreak due to the cont... more Introduction. Starting with 2016 Romania had to face an alarming measles outbreak due to the continuous poor vaccination coverage. The outbreak associated an increased number of complications and deaths. Materials and methods. We performed a retrospective study, on a group of patients with measles, admitted to "Dr. Victor Babes" Hospital. Epidemiological data, clinical characteristics and the results of the biological samples were obtained from the patient's medical records between January 2016 and December 2017. Results. Out of the 632 patients, 341 (53.9%) were males. Most of them (39.2%) were children, between 1 and 4 year-old, while 19.6% were infants. A quarter of the patients (31.3%) had familial contact with a measles case. The vaccination history was unknown in 44.3% cases; almost half of the patients (47.1%) were unvaccinated. Almost all of them developed viral complications, 84.1% being diagnosed with interstitial pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia was diagnosed in 15.0% cases, out of which 45.2% were also associated with respiratory failure. Six patients required transfer to the pediatric intensive care unit for respiratory support and 2 died. Other complications were: laryngitis 8.2%, otitis 12.0% of the cases. Also 61.77% of the patients were diagnosed with enterocolitis. There was no case complicated with encephalitis. 101 (15.9%) patients developed liver cytolysis, while dyselectrolytemia was present in 94 (14.8%) cases. Conclusions. The number of patients diagnosed with measles during the last years registered an alarming increase, especially in children under 4 year old, with a high number of complications. We consider it mandatory to apply the vaccination program to ensure an optimal vaccine coverage, useful both in stopping the current outbreak and in preventing future outbreaks.

Research paper thumbnail of Spectrul epidemiologic, clinic şi evolutiv al cazurilor de rujeolă internate în spitalul clinic de boli infecţioase şi tropicale „Dr. Victor Babeş“ din Bucureşti în cursul epidemiei actuale

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2018

Introducere. Începând cu anul 2016, România se confruntă cu o epidemie importantă de rujeolă apăr... more Introducere. Începând cu anul 2016, România se confruntă cu o epidemie importantă de rujeolă apărută pe fondul unui procent tot mai scăzut de vaccinare. Evoluţia epidemiei a fost marcată şi de o creştere alarmantă a numărului de complicaţii şi decese. Materiale şi metode. Am evaluat retrospectiv 632 pacienţi diagnosticaţi cu rujeolă, internaţi în Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase şi Tropicale "Dr. Victor Babeş", în perioada ianuarie 2016-decembrie 2017. Datele epidemiologice, caracteristicile clinice şi rezultatele probelor biologice au fost obţinute din fişele medicale ale pacienţilor. Rezultate. Din cei 632 de pacienţi, 341 (53,9%) au fost de sex masculin. Grupa de vârstă cea mai afectată a fost 1-4 ani (39,2%), urmată de cea a sugarilor cu un procent de 19,6%. O treime din cazuri (31,3%) au avut contactul infectant în cadrul familiei. În ceea ce priveşte statusul vaccinal, aproape jumătate din pacienţi (47,1%) nu au fost vaccinaţi, iar 44,3% nu cunoşteau istoricul de vaccinare (probabil nevaccinaţi sau incomplet vaccinaţi). Complicaţiile virale au fost prezente la majoritatea pacienţilor (84,1%) sub forma unei pneumonii interstiţiale. Pneumonia bacteriană a fost prezentă la 15% dintre pacienţi, iar dintre aceştia 45,2% au asociat şi insuficienţă respiratorie. Şase pacienţi au necesitat transfer în secţia de terapie intensivă pediatrie pentru suport respirator, înregistrându-se 2 decese. Laringita a fost prezentă în 8,2% cazuri, otita în 12% cazuri, în timp ce 61,7% dintre pacienţi au avut afectare gastrointestinală. Paraclinic, a fost evidenţiată citoliza hepatică la 101 (15,9%) pacienţi şi diselectrolitemia a fost prezentă la 94 (14,8%) din cazuri. Concluzii. Studiul prezent arată creşterea alarmantă a incidenţei bolii şi a complicaţiilor sale în ultimii 3 ani, mai ales la vârstele mici. Considerăm imperios necesară aplicarea programului de vaccinare pentru a asigura o acoperire vaccinală optimă, utilă atât în stoparea epidemiei actuale, cât şi în prevenirea unor viitoare epidemii.

Research paper thumbnail of COVID-19 in a child with multiple comorbidities

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021

A female child, 1 year-old and 2 months, diagnosed with multiple neurological conditions, includi... more A female child, 1 year-old and 2 months, diagnosed with multiple neurological conditions, including myelomeningocele and operated hydrocephalus, was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 in October 2020 and hospitalized in our clinic. At the time of the onset of the disease, the patient had a febrile episode, laboratory blood tests showed a slightly increased biological inflammatory syndrome, and mixed pneumonia was described radiologically. Thus, antibiotic treatment was initiated, with laboratory tests and control imaging within normal limits after several days of admission. Being an institutionalized child, according to the epidemiological recommendations of that time, she was hospitalized in our clinic during the 14 days of the illness. Thus, on the 15th day of the disease she was discharged, with negative SARS-CoV-2 control RT-PCR, with good general condition, afebrile over 10 days.

Research paper thumbnail of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a child with Fanconi anemia and determined immunosuppressed status

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases

Introduction. SARS-CoV-2 virus infection affects all age groups. In children, the infection mainl... more Introduction. SARS-CoV-2 virus infection affects all age groups. In children, the infection mainly causes asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic forms of the disease, regardless of their immune status. Case presentation. We describe the case of a 7-year-old male child, known to have Fanconi anemia, scheduled for bone marrow transplantation. The patient comes from a family outbreak of COVID-19, which is why he was tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection. He is asymptomatic at the time of admission to our clinic. The clinical examination performed at the time of admission shows a patient in good general condition, afebrile, with pale skin and mucous membranes, without respiratory changes. Paraclinically, severe neutropenia, severe normochromic normocytic anemia and severe thrombocytopenia are detected, for which transfusions of erythrocyte mass and platelet mass are performed. Due to the immunocompromised status, antibiotic therapy is instituted. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is administere...

Research paper thumbnail of A Particular Case of SARS-COV-2 Infection in Twins

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases

Introduction. Although SARS-CoV-2 infection is more common in adults, many cases have been report... more Introduction. Although SARS-CoV-2 infection is more common in adults, many cases have been reported in the pediatric population. Case presentation. An 8-month-old infant from twin pregnancy, confirmed with COVID-19, is hospitalized with nasal obstruction, serous rhinorrhea, rare cough and watery stools. The epidemiological link is known, both the parents and the maternal grandparents of the infant being confirmed with COVID-19. Biologically, he presented with thrombocytosis and discrete inflammatory syndrome, and the lung radiograph did not show any lesions. At the same time, the twin sister was hospitalized, who presented a similar symptomatology, with a negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR test, but the lung radiograph showed specific lesions of COVID-19. During hospitalization, 2 more SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests were performed, but with negative results. The evolution of the twins was favorable under symptomatic treatment, respectively antibiotic and symptomatic treatment. Conclusion. SARS-CoV-2 inf...

Research paper thumbnail of Radiological aspects in patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection – a literature review

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases

Radiological aspects in patients diagnosed with saRs-coV-2 infection-a liteRatuRe ReView Maria cr... more Radiological aspects in patients diagnosed with saRs-coV-2 infection-a liteRatuRe ReView Maria cristina hoara 1 , Md, assist. prof. andreea florentina stoenescu 1,2 , Md, nedeea duta 1 , Md, prof. petre calistru 1,2 , Md, phd, prof. emanoil ceausu 1,2,3 , Md, phd, assoc. prof. simin-aysel florescu 1,2 , Md, phd

Research paper thumbnail of Aspecte clinico-epidemiologice şi evolutive privind primii 20 de pacienţi cu COVID-19, internaţi în Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase şi Tropicale „Dr. Victor Babeş“

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases

Aspecte clinico-epidemiologice şi evolutive privind primii 20 de pAcienţi cu covid-19, internAţi ... more Aspecte clinico-epidemiologice şi evolutive privind primii 20 de pAcienţi cu covid-19, internAţi în spitAlul clinic de Boli infecţioAse şi tropicAle "dr. victor BABeş" Asist. univ. dr. Andreea florentina stoenescu 1,2 , dr. Alexandru cosmin marin 1 , şef lucr. dr. george gherlan 1,2 , Asist. univ. dr. corneliu petru popescu 1,2 , dr. sebastian smadu 1 , dr. Ana maria veja 1 , dr. Adelina dogaru 1 , dr. filofteia cojanu-Banicioiu 1 , dr. nicoleta voicu-parvu 1 , dr. luminiţa ene 1 , prof. dr. petre calistru 1,2 , prof. dr. emanoil ceauşu 1,2 , conf. dr. simin-Aysel florescu 1,2

Research paper thumbnail of Child with SARS-CoV-2 infection and acute lymfoblastic leukemia

Revista română de boli infecţioase, Sep 30, 2021

Introduction. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) frequently leads to asymptomatic or mild infect... more Introduction. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) frequently leads to asymptomatic or mild infectious disease evolution in children. Case presentation. We present the case of a 3 year old girl, known with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in chemotherapy treatment at that time. She had an asymptomatic form of COVID-19 but with important paraclinical changes. The evolution was favorable under the treatment initiated with antibiotics, corticotherapy, gastric protector and symptomatic treatment if necessary. Conclusion. Management of children with COVID-19 and other comorbidities remains a challenge given the few data currently in the literature

Research paper thumbnail of Otitis with Aspergillus niger in a patient with SARS-CoV-2 and multiple comorbidities

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021

Introduction. COVID-19 is associated with a significant incidence of bacterial and fungal superin... more Introduction. COVID-19 is associated with a significant incidence of bacterial and fungal superinfections and with the exacerbation of pre-existing infections, representing a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Case presentation. A 64-year-old woman, confirmed with COVID-19 by the SARS-CoV-2 antigen test, is hospitalized accusing fatigue, nausea, watery stools, cough and vertigo started 10 days ago, aggravated 4 days before the presentation. It also reports recurrent episodes of otalgia and otorrheic pluriantibiotic treatment in the last 2 months. From the personal pathological antecedents we remember: hypothyroidism, dyslipidemia, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and secondary pulmonary thromboembolism, in chronic anticoagulant treatment. Pathological clinical signs at admission: bilateral basal crackling rales. Biologically, inflammatory syndrome is detected, and radiologically, interstitial-alveolar infiltrates in the lower lung fields...

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical-epidemiological and evolutionary aspects in the first 20 patients diagnosed with COVID-19, hospitalized in the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Clinical Hospital „Dr. Victor Babes“

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020

CliniCal-epidemiologiCal and evolutionary aspeCts in the first 20 patients diagnosed with Covid-1... more CliniCal-epidemiologiCal and evolutionary aspeCts in the first 20 patients diagnosed with Covid-19, hospitalized in the infeCtious and tropiCal diseases CliniCal hospital "dr. viCtor BaBes" assist. prof. andreea florentina stoenescu 1,2 , md, alexandru Cosmin marin 1 , md, lecturer george gherlan 1,2 , md, phd, assist. prof. Corneliu petru popescu 1,2 , md, sebastian smadu 1 , md, ana maria veja 1 , md, adelina dogaru 1 , md, filofteia Cojanu-Banicioiu 1 , md, nicoleta voicu-parvu 1 , md, luminita ene 1 , md, prof. petre Calistru 1,2 , md, phd, prof. emanoil Ceausu 1,2 , md, phd, assoc. prof. simin-aysel florescu 1,2 , md, phd

Research paper thumbnail of Aspecte radiologice la pacienţii diagnosticaţi cu infecţie cu SARS-CoV-2 – un review de literatură

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020

Aspecte rAdiologice lA pAcienţii diAgnosticAţi cu infecţie cu sArs-coV-2un reView de literAtură d... more Aspecte rAdiologice lA pAcienţii diAgnosticAţi cu infecţie cu sArs-coV-2un reView de literAtură dr. Maria cristina Hoară 1 , dr. Andreea florentina stoenescu 1,2 , dr. nedeea duţă 1 , prof. dr. petre calistru 1,2 , prof. dr. emanoil ceauşu 1,2,3 , conf. dr. simin-Aysel florescu 1,2

Research paper thumbnail of Epidemiological, clinical and progressive spectrum of measles cases admitted to „Dr. Victor Babes“ clinical hospital for infectious and tropical diseases, bucharest during the actual outbreak

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2018

Introduction. Starting with 2016 Romania had to face an alarming measles outbreak due to the cont... more Introduction. Starting with 2016 Romania had to face an alarming measles outbreak due to the continuous poor vaccination coverage. The outbreak associated an increased number of complications and deaths. Materials and methods. We performed a retrospective study, on a group of patients with measles, admitted to "Dr. Victor Babes" Hospital. Epidemiological data, clinical characteristics and the results of the biological samples were obtained from the patient's medical records between January 2016 and December 2017. Results. Out of the 632 patients, 341 (53.9%) were males. Most of them (39.2%) were children, between 1 and 4 year-old, while 19.6% were infants. A quarter of the patients (31.3%) had familial contact with a measles case. The vaccination history was unknown in 44.3% cases; almost half of the patients (47.1%) were unvaccinated. Almost all of them developed viral complications, 84.1% being diagnosed with interstitial pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia was diagnosed in 15.0% cases, out of which 45.2% were also associated with respiratory failure. Six patients required transfer to the pediatric intensive care unit for respiratory support and 2 died. Other complications were: laryngitis 8.2%, otitis 12.0% of the cases. Also 61.77% of the patients were diagnosed with enterocolitis. There was no case complicated with encephalitis. 101 (15.9%) patients developed liver cytolysis, while dyselectrolytemia was present in 94 (14.8%) cases. Conclusions. The number of patients diagnosed with measles during the last years registered an alarming increase, especially in children under 4 year old, with a high number of complications. We consider it mandatory to apply the vaccination program to ensure an optimal vaccine coverage, useful both in stopping the current outbreak and in preventing future outbreaks.

Research paper thumbnail of Spectrul epidemiologic, clinic şi evolutiv al cazurilor de rujeolă internate în spitalul clinic de boli infecţioase şi tropicale „Dr. Victor Babeş“ din Bucureşti în cursul epidemiei actuale

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2018

Introducere. Începând cu anul 2016, România se confruntă cu o epidemie importantă de rujeolă apăr... more Introducere. Începând cu anul 2016, România se confruntă cu o epidemie importantă de rujeolă apărută pe fondul unui procent tot mai scăzut de vaccinare. Evoluţia epidemiei a fost marcată şi de o creştere alarmantă a numărului de complicaţii şi decese. Materiale şi metode. Am evaluat retrospectiv 632 pacienţi diagnosticaţi cu rujeolă, internaţi în Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase şi Tropicale "Dr. Victor Babeş", în perioada ianuarie 2016-decembrie 2017. Datele epidemiologice, caracteristicile clinice şi rezultatele probelor biologice au fost obţinute din fişele medicale ale pacienţilor. Rezultate. Din cei 632 de pacienţi, 341 (53,9%) au fost de sex masculin. Grupa de vârstă cea mai afectată a fost 1-4 ani (39,2%), urmată de cea a sugarilor cu un procent de 19,6%. O treime din cazuri (31,3%) au avut contactul infectant în cadrul familiei. În ceea ce priveşte statusul vaccinal, aproape jumătate din pacienţi (47,1%) nu au fost vaccinaţi, iar 44,3% nu cunoşteau istoricul de vaccinare (probabil nevaccinaţi sau incomplet vaccinaţi). Complicaţiile virale au fost prezente la majoritatea pacienţilor (84,1%) sub forma unei pneumonii interstiţiale. Pneumonia bacteriană a fost prezentă la 15% dintre pacienţi, iar dintre aceştia 45,2% au asociat şi insuficienţă respiratorie. Şase pacienţi au necesitat transfer în secţia de terapie intensivă pediatrie pentru suport respirator, înregistrându-se 2 decese. Laringita a fost prezentă în 8,2% cazuri, otita în 12% cazuri, în timp ce 61,7% dintre pacienţi au avut afectare gastrointestinală. Paraclinic, a fost evidenţiată citoliza hepatică la 101 (15,9%) pacienţi şi diselectrolitemia a fost prezentă la 94 (14,8%) din cazuri. Concluzii. Studiul prezent arată creşterea alarmantă a incidenţei bolii şi a complicaţiilor sale în ultimii 3 ani, mai ales la vârstele mici. Considerăm imperios necesară aplicarea programului de vaccinare pentru a asigura o acoperire vaccinală optimă, utilă atât în stoparea epidemiei actuale, cât şi în prevenirea unor viitoare epidemii.

Research paper thumbnail of COVID-19 in a child with multiple comorbidities

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021

A female child, 1 year-old and 2 months, diagnosed with multiple neurological conditions, includi... more A female child, 1 year-old and 2 months, diagnosed with multiple neurological conditions, including myelomeningocele and operated hydrocephalus, was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 in October 2020 and hospitalized in our clinic. At the time of the onset of the disease, the patient had a febrile episode, laboratory blood tests showed a slightly increased biological inflammatory syndrome, and mixed pneumonia was described radiologically. Thus, antibiotic treatment was initiated, with laboratory tests and control imaging within normal limits after several days of admission. Being an institutionalized child, according to the epidemiological recommendations of that time, she was hospitalized in our clinic during the 14 days of the illness. Thus, on the 15th day of the disease she was discharged, with negative SARS-CoV-2 control RT-PCR, with good general condition, afebrile over 10 days.

Research paper thumbnail of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a child with Fanconi anemia and determined immunosuppressed status

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases

Introduction. SARS-CoV-2 virus infection affects all age groups. In children, the infection mainl... more Introduction. SARS-CoV-2 virus infection affects all age groups. In children, the infection mainly causes asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic forms of the disease, regardless of their immune status. Case presentation. We describe the case of a 7-year-old male child, known to have Fanconi anemia, scheduled for bone marrow transplantation. The patient comes from a family outbreak of COVID-19, which is why he was tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection. He is asymptomatic at the time of admission to our clinic. The clinical examination performed at the time of admission shows a patient in good general condition, afebrile, with pale skin and mucous membranes, without respiratory changes. Paraclinically, severe neutropenia, severe normochromic normocytic anemia and severe thrombocytopenia are detected, for which transfusions of erythrocyte mass and platelet mass are performed. Due to the immunocompromised status, antibiotic therapy is instituted. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is administere...

Research paper thumbnail of A Particular Case of SARS-COV-2 Infection in Twins

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases

Introduction. Although SARS-CoV-2 infection is more common in adults, many cases have been report... more Introduction. Although SARS-CoV-2 infection is more common in adults, many cases have been reported in the pediatric population. Case presentation. An 8-month-old infant from twin pregnancy, confirmed with COVID-19, is hospitalized with nasal obstruction, serous rhinorrhea, rare cough and watery stools. The epidemiological link is known, both the parents and the maternal grandparents of the infant being confirmed with COVID-19. Biologically, he presented with thrombocytosis and discrete inflammatory syndrome, and the lung radiograph did not show any lesions. At the same time, the twin sister was hospitalized, who presented a similar symptomatology, with a negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR test, but the lung radiograph showed specific lesions of COVID-19. During hospitalization, 2 more SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests were performed, but with negative results. The evolution of the twins was favorable under symptomatic treatment, respectively antibiotic and symptomatic treatment. Conclusion. SARS-CoV-2 inf...

Research paper thumbnail of Radiological aspects in patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection – a literature review

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases

Radiological aspects in patients diagnosed with saRs-coV-2 infection-a liteRatuRe ReView Maria cr... more Radiological aspects in patients diagnosed with saRs-coV-2 infection-a liteRatuRe ReView Maria cristina hoara 1 , Md, assist. prof. andreea florentina stoenescu 1,2 , Md, nedeea duta 1 , Md, prof. petre calistru 1,2 , Md, phd, prof. emanoil ceausu 1,2,3 , Md, phd, assoc. prof. simin-aysel florescu 1,2 , Md, phd

Research paper thumbnail of Aspecte clinico-epidemiologice şi evolutive privind primii 20 de pacienţi cu COVID-19, internaţi în Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase şi Tropicale „Dr. Victor Babeş“

Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases

Aspecte clinico-epidemiologice şi evolutive privind primii 20 de pAcienţi cu covid-19, internAţi ... more Aspecte clinico-epidemiologice şi evolutive privind primii 20 de pAcienţi cu covid-19, internAţi în spitAlul clinic de Boli infecţioAse şi tropicAle "dr. victor BABeş" Asist. univ. dr. Andreea florentina stoenescu 1,2 , dr. Alexandru cosmin marin 1 , şef lucr. dr. george gherlan 1,2 , Asist. univ. dr. corneliu petru popescu 1,2 , dr. sebastian smadu 1 , dr. Ana maria veja 1 , dr. Adelina dogaru 1 , dr. filofteia cojanu-Banicioiu 1 , dr. nicoleta voicu-parvu 1 , dr. luminiţa ene 1 , prof. dr. petre calistru 1,2 , prof. dr. emanoil ceauşu 1,2 , conf. dr. simin-Aysel florescu 1,2