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Books by Andrzej Ryk
New trends and research challenges in pedagogy and andragogy NTRCPA18, 2018
On 8 February 2018, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted a conference on challeng... more On 8 February 2018, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted a conference on challenges in the area of children, youth and adult education. This international scientific event was organized by the Institute of Educational Sciences of Pedagogical University of Cracow and the Faculty of Pedagogy of Charles University. The conference titled „New trends and research challenges in pedagogy and andragogy” met with great interest of researchers from Czech, Slovakia, Poland and Macedonia. During the seminar, 50 presentations were delivered by representatives from over a dozen of research centres, among them: Banska Bystrica, Bitoli, Cracow, Łodź, Poznań, Prague, Warsaw and Wrocław. It was one of many joint events organised through cooperation of universities from the Visegrad Group and partner Balkan scientific centres. The conference became a platform for exchanging methodological, didactic and organisational experiences. As a result, we present twenty papers which received positive evaluation by reviewers from: Czech, Finland, Spain, Macedonia, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine. Thorough reviews enabled exchange of methodological comments, improving the final version of the publication.
This international volume begins with reflections by J. Prokop on the analysis of Czech education system in the perspective of exclusiveness category. Text that follows, by K. Potyrała’s team from the Pedagogical University of Krakow, fits into general nature of pedagogical characteristics and presents responsibilities of teachers as researchers of educational processes. Another interesting issue: school interactions between parents and teachers, studied from the perspective of learning organisation — was discussed by N. Demeshkant and other authors from the Krakow university which specialises in education of teachers.
Positive aspects of learning and teaching process with use of new technologies were presented by L. Eger. Media pedagogy section is completed with two texts referring to the risk paradigm. First, authored by Ł. Tomczyk, presents the scale of digital piracy and conditions of this process; in the second one, M. Benes discusses the problem of online gambling. Security issues are discussed by two authors, J. Maciejewski and Z. Ludziejewski, who focused on preparation of dispositional groups. This topic is particularly relevant as we observe that the scale civilisational threats in the area of safety is growing.
Andragogical part begins with the study by I. Pavlov and M. Skup into activities of adult educators in ethical perspective. The subsequent text, by A. Wąsiński and A. Górniok-Naglik, about self-creation as a factor supporting development of adult individuals also refers to andragogy-related issues. Professor M. Kryston and M. Sládkayová, discuss the issues of civic education, which are one of the priorities in modern andragogical reflection. Adult education is presented in a slightly different perspective by A. Domagała-Kręcioch and J. Wnęk-Gozdek. The authors show relations between adult education and educational processes in early childhood. Andragogical motives are also discussed in the next papers presenting: biographical determinants of decisions to study at a technical university (E. Mazurek, O. Vynoslavska) and conditions of participating in amateur choirs (A. Litawa). Finally, there is the study by A. Błachnio and A. Fabiś on satisfaction from life in late old age.
Another part of the post-conference monograph focuses on detailed presentations of problems in schools and local communities. This section begins with the study by Macedonian scholar, V. Gulevska, on inclusion model and homeless children. The next article refers to preventive knowledge about addictions, on the example of the research conducted by A. Vahova and J. Hanusova among students of Charles University in Prague. Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojcevska writes about the necessity of changes in language education system. Another important topic was also addressed by A. Sladek who presents the problem of expectations in labour market. This issue is particularly relevant due to still high level of unemployment among young people or “fresh graduates”. Another text by A. Vahova and J. Hanusova discusses the problem of preparing pedagogy students to diagnose cases of sexual abuse. The last paper in this school-related section, is the one by K. Bieńkowska on diagnostics of reading and hearing problems.
We hope this international publication will be received positively and we encourage you to participate in future editions of the international NTRCPA conference which we intend to organise in centres with similar prestige as Charles University in Prague.
Papers by Andrzej Ryk
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków eBooks, 2012
Artykuł odwołuje się do starożytnej zasady horror vacui, która oznaczała dosłownie 'lęk przed pró... more Artykuł odwołuje się do starożytnej zasady horror vacui, która oznaczała dosłownie 'lęk przed próżnią' a w szerszym kontekście 'lęk przed tym, co nieznane'. Autor wykorzystuje tę zasadę do próby opisu dynamicznych zmian zachodzących w świecie paradygmatów, pytając o możliwość wzajemnego komunikowania się paradygmatów-przekłady międzyparadygmatyczne. Stawia tezę o istnieniu peryferii paradygmatów, które są kanałami komunikacyjnymi między poszczególnymi paradygmatami.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2015
The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenol... more The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenological- hermeneutic thinking. The main problems analysed are: the hermeneutic paradigm of pedagogy, cognition, cognitive conditions of knowledge and the identities of philosophy and pedagogy. The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl revealed new possibilities and gave creative impulses for philosophy and other disciplines, including education, showing their interaction relationships and the need for reformulation of their identities.
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków eBooks, 2004
Przegląd Pedagogiczny, 2012
Polska Myśl Pedagogiczna, 2016
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2015
The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenol... more The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenological- hermeneutic thinking. The main problems analysed are: the hermeneutic paradigm of pedagogy, cognition, cognitive conditions of knowledge and the identities of philosophy and pedagogy. The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl revealed new possibilities and gave creative impulses for philosophy and other disciplines, including education, showing their interaction relationships and the need for reformulation of their identities.
Artykuł przedstawia próbę rekonstrukcji kategorii codzienności w perspektywie fenomenologii Edmun... more Artykuł przedstawia próbę rekonstrukcji kategorii codzienności w perspektywie fenomenologii Edmunda Husserla. Prowadzone badania wskazały na możliwość wykorzystania podstawowych idei fenomenologii Husserla do tworzenia teoretycznych rusztowań dla omawianej kategorii. Podstawowe motywy, wokół których prowadzone są analizy, to: świat otaczający, świat życia codziennego, doświadczenie, przeżycie, horyzont.The article presents an attempt to reconstruct the category of everyday reality in the perspective of phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. The research indicated the possibility of using the basic ideas of Husserl’s phenomenology to create a theoretical scaffolding for the discussed category. The main themes around which the analysis revolved include the following items: the surrounding world, the world of everyday life, experience, horizon.Publikacja finansowana przez Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Biologiae Pertinentia, Dec 1, 2020
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 2017
Artykuł prezentuje wybrane możliwości aplikacji myśli fenomenologicznej Edmunda Husserla do teori... more Artykuł prezentuje wybrane możliwości aplikacji myśli fenomenologicznej Edmunda Husserla do teorii i praktyki pedagogicznej. Szczególnie dotyczy to kategorii codzienności rozumianej jako kategoria zakorzeniona w tradycji nauk społecznych. Codzienność staje się tu rodzajem ontycznego paradygmatu konstatowanego w zróżnicowanych ramach pedagogicznej epistemologii.
The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenol... more The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenological- hermeneutic thinking. The main problems analysed are: the hermeneutic paradigm of pedagogy, cognition, cognitive conditions of knowledge and the identities of philosophy and pedagogy. The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl revealed new possibilities and gave creative impulses for philosophy and other disciplines, including education, showing their interaction relationships and the need for reformulation of their identities.
New trends and research challenges in pedagogy and andragogy NTRCPA18, 2018
On 8 February 2018, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted a conference on challeng... more On 8 February 2018, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted a conference on challenges in the area of children, youth and adult education. This international scientific event was organized by the Institute of Educational Sciences of Pedagogical University of Cracow and the Faculty of Pedagogy of Charles University. The conference titled „New trends and research challenges in pedagogy and andragogy” met with great interest of researchers from Czech, Slovakia, Poland and Macedonia. During the seminar, 50 presentations were delivered by representatives from over a dozen of research centres, among them: Banska Bystrica, Bitoli, Cracow, Łodź, Poznań, Prague, Warsaw and Wrocław. It was one of many joint events organised through cooperation of universities from the Visegrad Group and partner Balkan scientific centres. The conference became a platform for exchanging methodological, didactic and organisational experiences. As a result, we present twenty papers which received positive evaluation by reviewers from: Czech, Finland, Spain, Macedonia, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine. Thorough reviews enabled exchange of methodological comments, improving the final version of the publication.
This international volume begins with reflections by J. Prokop on the analysis of Czech education system in the perspective of exclusiveness category. Text that follows, by K. Potyrała’s team from the Pedagogical University of Krakow, fits into general nature of pedagogical characteristics and presents responsibilities of teachers as researchers of educational processes. Another interesting issue: school interactions between parents and teachers, studied from the perspective of learning organisation — was discussed by N. Demeshkant and other authors from the Krakow university which specialises in education of teachers.
Positive aspects of learning and teaching process with use of new technologies were presented by L. Eger. Media pedagogy section is completed with two texts referring to the risk paradigm. First, authored by Ł. Tomczyk, presents the scale of digital piracy and conditions of this process; in the second one, M. Benes discusses the problem of online gambling. Security issues are discussed by two authors, J. Maciejewski and Z. Ludziejewski, who focused on preparation of dispositional groups. This topic is particularly relevant as we observe that the scale civilisational threats in the area of safety is growing.
Andragogical part begins with the study by I. Pavlov and M. Skup into activities of adult educators in ethical perspective. The subsequent text, by A. Wąsiński and A. Górniok-Naglik, about self-creation as a factor supporting development of adult individuals also refers to andragogy-related issues. Professor M. Kryston and M. Sládkayová, discuss the issues of civic education, which are one of the priorities in modern andragogical reflection. Adult education is presented in a slightly different perspective by A. Domagała-Kręcioch and J. Wnęk-Gozdek. The authors show relations between adult education and educational processes in early childhood. Andragogical motives are also discussed in the next papers presenting: biographical determinants of decisions to study at a technical university (E. Mazurek, O. Vynoslavska) and conditions of participating in amateur choirs (A. Litawa). Finally, there is the study by A. Błachnio and A. Fabiś on satisfaction from life in late old age.
Another part of the post-conference monograph focuses on detailed presentations of problems in schools and local communities. This section begins with the study by Macedonian scholar, V. Gulevska, on inclusion model and homeless children. The next article refers to preventive knowledge about addictions, on the example of the research conducted by A. Vahova and J. Hanusova among students of Charles University in Prague. Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojcevska writes about the necessity of changes in language education system. Another important topic was also addressed by A. Sladek who presents the problem of expectations in labour market. This issue is particularly relevant due to still high level of unemployment among young people or “fresh graduates”. Another text by A. Vahova and J. Hanusova discusses the problem of preparing pedagogy students to diagnose cases of sexual abuse. The last paper in this school-related section, is the one by K. Bieńkowska on diagnostics of reading and hearing problems.
We hope this international publication will be received positively and we encourage you to participate in future editions of the international NTRCPA conference which we intend to organise in centres with similar prestige as Charles University in Prague.
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków eBooks, 2012
Artykuł odwołuje się do starożytnej zasady horror vacui, która oznaczała dosłownie 'lęk przed pró... more Artykuł odwołuje się do starożytnej zasady horror vacui, która oznaczała dosłownie 'lęk przed próżnią' a w szerszym kontekście 'lęk przed tym, co nieznane'. Autor wykorzystuje tę zasadę do próby opisu dynamicznych zmian zachodzących w świecie paradygmatów, pytając o możliwość wzajemnego komunikowania się paradygmatów-przekłady międzyparadygmatyczne. Stawia tezę o istnieniu peryferii paradygmatów, które są kanałami komunikacyjnymi między poszczególnymi paradygmatami.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2015
The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenol... more The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenological- hermeneutic thinking. The main problems analysed are: the hermeneutic paradigm of pedagogy, cognition, cognitive conditions of knowledge and the identities of philosophy and pedagogy. The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl revealed new possibilities and gave creative impulses for philosophy and other disciplines, including education, showing their interaction relationships and the need for reformulation of their identities.
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków eBooks, 2004
Przegląd Pedagogiczny, 2012
Polska Myśl Pedagogiczna, 2016
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2015
The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenol... more The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenological- hermeneutic thinking. The main problems analysed are: the hermeneutic paradigm of pedagogy, cognition, cognitive conditions of knowledge and the identities of philosophy and pedagogy. The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl revealed new possibilities and gave creative impulses for philosophy and other disciplines, including education, showing their interaction relationships and the need for reformulation of their identities.
Artykuł przedstawia próbę rekonstrukcji kategorii codzienności w perspektywie fenomenologii Edmun... more Artykuł przedstawia próbę rekonstrukcji kategorii codzienności w perspektywie fenomenologii Edmunda Husserla. Prowadzone badania wskazały na możliwość wykorzystania podstawowych idei fenomenologii Husserla do tworzenia teoretycznych rusztowań dla omawianej kategorii. Podstawowe motywy, wokół których prowadzone są analizy, to: świat otaczający, świat życia codziennego, doświadczenie, przeżycie, horyzont.The article presents an attempt to reconstruct the category of everyday reality in the perspective of phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. The research indicated the possibility of using the basic ideas of Husserl’s phenomenology to create a theoretical scaffolding for the discussed category. The main themes around which the analysis revolved include the following items: the surrounding world, the world of everyday life, experience, horizon.Publikacja finansowana przez Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Biologiae Pertinentia, Dec 1, 2020
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 2017
Artykuł prezentuje wybrane możliwości aplikacji myśli fenomenologicznej Edmunda Husserla do teori... more Artykuł prezentuje wybrane możliwości aplikacji myśli fenomenologicznej Edmunda Husserla do teorii i praktyki pedagogicznej. Szczególnie dotyczy to kategorii codzienności rozumianej jako kategoria zakorzeniona w tradycji nauk społecznych. Codzienność staje się tu rodzajem ontycznego paradygmatu konstatowanego w zróżnicowanych ramach pedagogicznej epistemologii.
The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenol... more The article presents the possibility of building a second-degree pedagogy based on the phenomenological- hermeneutic thinking. The main problems analysed are: the hermeneutic paradigm of pedagogy, cognition, cognitive conditions of knowledge and the identities of philosophy and pedagogy. The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl revealed new possibilities and gave creative impulses for philosophy and other disciplines, including education, showing their interaction relationships and the need for reformulation of their identities.