Andy Suryowinoto - (original) (raw)
Papers by Andy Suryowinoto
Bulletin of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jul 31, 2023
Sistem transmisi berperan penting dalam menjaga kontinuitas penyaluran energi listrik dari suatu ... more Sistem transmisi berperan penting dalam menjaga kontinuitas penyaluran energi listrik dari suatu wilayah ke wilayah yang lain. Gangguan pada saluran transmisi disebabkan hubung singkat, beban lebih, surja petir, gangguan alam dan lain-lain. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem proteksi yang handal dan dapat mengindentifikasi gangguan dengan cepat sekaligus mengamankan bagian sistem yang terganggu dari bagian lain yang masih dapat beroperasi normal. Namun sistem proteksi dapat mengalami kegagalan operasi karena berbagai faktor, oleh sebab itu selain proteksi utama diperlukan proteksi cadangan yang dapat bekerja ketika proteksi utama gagal bekerja. Rele jarak dapat digunakan sebagai proteksi utama sekaligus sebagai proteksi cadangan jauh pada saluran udara tegangan tinggi. Sedangkan rele arus lebih digunakan sebagai proteksi cadangan lokal jika rele jarak gagal bekerja. Dalam paper ini, dilakukan perancangan sistem proteksi pada saluran Gardu Induk Buduran menggunakan kombinasi rele jarak sebagai proteksi utama dan rele arus lebih sebagai proteksi cadangan dengan metode simulasi menggunakan DigSilent Power Factory. Rele arus lebih akan trip pada detik ke 0,5 dan 0,15. Dari hasil Load Flow didapatkan nilaiIsc min = 3,615 kA, Isc max = 4,67 kA dan impedansi jangkauan sesuai data kabel penghantar pada transmisi Gardu Induk wilayah Buduran Z line sebesar 0,9676, Zona1 1 0,79Ω ; 80%, Zona2 1,19Ω ; 120% dan Zona2 3 1,48Ω : 150%.dengan demikian penelitian dapat dinyatakan berhasil dalam melakukan pengamanan arus lebih.
Barekeng, Mar 13, 2024
Article History: Underwater exploration activities always have their own charm, many exotic objec... more Article History: Underwater exploration activities always have their own charm, many exotic objects that exist in underwater ecosystems have not been mapped properly due to the lack of related databases of the shapes and names of these underwater objects. Another factor that affects the visibility of objects is related to the quantity of light intensity that enters underwater, also not as much above the surface of the abundant water, especially during the day. This also hinders the process of documenting underwater objects. The main purpose of this study was to obtain the shape of underwater objects for several conditions of light intensity underwater using a lowcost digital image sensor camera. The method used in this research is to combine tonal distributions with object edge detection in digital image processing. The test results show that object detection tests in clear and turbid water can detect objects even though they are using a low-cost and low-resolution camera, but with the help of adequate lighting, it can be done. From that, it can be concluded that the detection of underwater objects is successful.
Barekeng, May 25, 2024
Article History: Logistics distribution is a series of activities that are interconnected in each... more Article History: Logistics distribution is a series of activities that are interconnected in each process. Therefore, an information system is necessary to record, report conditions, and display the current location of items directly. An Android-based application system is vulnerable to spoofing, such as fake GPS. The application is used to falsify the coordinates of digital map locations. This research aims to develop a common tracking system and prevent Fake GPS by employing the System Development Life Cycle method, consisting of several stages, i.e., planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. In this research, a prototype of the tracker tool and its information system were made. It used an RFID Smart Card for courier identity authentication and a GPS module to track position information on a digital map. RFID and GPS were controlled using the ESP32. Furthermore, the Website served as an information system to read and create a QR Code to identify the goods carried. It received data from the RFID Smart Card and GPS, stored it in the Database, and displayed it online. The test results indicated that the tracker prototype succeeded in sending location data throughout the test and gained an average distance of 6.82 meters, which was different from a commercial GPS device. It had a delay of 268.5 seconds when the location was first read. The tracker prototype had an average power consumption of 1.5 watts, an average battery life of 2 hours, 28 minutes, and 40 seconds, as well as an average battery deficiency of 36.79%. In conclusion, the system test was successful.
Jurnal inform, Feb 27, 2019
The population number of rock trush according to Basuni et al explains that the rock trush popula... more The population number of rock trush according to Basuni et al explains that the rock trush population in nature become extinct because it has strong territorial and a lot of hunting due to its typical sound as a chirping bird. The efforts of conservation can be done through breeding activities. By this reason, it is important to do captive breeding and cultivation of rock trush. One of magpie's cultivation is breeding the rock trush but there is a challenge in breeding when the hatching process. Not only the quality of good embryo, the success of hatching process is depend on ambient temperature. Temperature changes when the hatching process by its mother are influenced by weather during day and night or hot and rainy conditions.The fail of hatching process can make loss to the farmers because of ruck trush has an expensive cost. From these reasons, to increase the success rate of hatching eggs, stability of temperature is needed during the incubation process. In this study, egg incubator was made using HSM-20G sensor as a temperature and humidity sensor that placed in the center of the egg rack. Propotional-Integrative-Derivative (PID) control method is implemented in this system to keep temperature value of 37 C. The PID control is used to regulate the dim and bright light in the bulb when produce heat until the setting point reached. Because of the changing response speed in temperature is relatively slow, so trial and error parameters are made the constant values Kp = 2, Ki = 0.5 and Kd = 0.1, which produce the steady state of error not be more than 0.53% to the temperature set point. In this machine also used a fan to flatten the temperature and there is a hole for air circulation.
IOP conference series, Jan 8, 2019
This paper aims at a solution to overcome and reduce river water pollution; factories waste and r... more This paper aims at a solution to overcome and reduce river water pollution; factories waste and residential waste that is discharged into river areas that are still used by pond farmers as a source of fresh water in their ponds. If the river water is polluted, it will adversely affect the productivity of the ponds. To overcome the problem of pollution in ponds, it is necessary to research the parameters of pH, temperature and oxygen content in river water. Therefore, flexibility is needed from a system for monitoring the quality and prevention of river water pollution, based on the Android operating system that helps the performance of farmers to find out more about river water pollution wherever they position is. This system design uses Atlas Scientific's DO (Dissolved Oxygen) sensor, v1.1 module pH sensor and DS18b20 temperature sensor. Oxygen content data by DO sensors, pH and water temperature of the river, which have been processed by the system will be displayed on the LCD monitor, then the data will be sent in the form of SMS (Short Message Service) to the user's Smartphone using a modem. If river water pollution is detected, the accuracy rate of this monitoring system is 90% with an average error rate of 3.9% on the measurement of oxygen levels, 2.8% on pH measurements and 1.01% for temperature measurement on river water.
Jurnal inform, Jan 31, 2023
Brake pad components are important in two-wheeled vehicles because they concern the driver's ... more Brake pad components are important in two-wheeled vehicles because they concern the driver's and others' safety. Brake lining wear is an unavoidable phenomenon. This is because of the concept of braking, which involves bringing two things into contact with each other such that they press against each other and rub against each other. Brake pads that have not been replaced make the brakes unable to work normally, so the potential for accidents is even greater. One of the factors causing the problem is negligence and ignorance of the condition of the ream linings, which should be time for the change. This paper proposes a tool that can estimate the condition of the brake pads based on the level of wear in real-time using the fuzzy logic method. Fuzzy logic will estimate the degree of wear of brake pads based on speed, brake fluid pressure, and braking duration parameters. The type of brake used in this paper is the type of disk brake used on two-wheeled vehicles. The test is not carried out or applied to two-wheeled vehicles but is applied to brake pad wear test equipment that works like a two-wheeled vehicle. Based on the test results, the fuzzy logic implanted into the Arduino microcontroller can provide information on the estimated condition of the brake pads on LCDs in real time based on fuzzy set datasets obtained through experimental tests. Based on the experimental results, the brake lining wear test was carried out for 30 minutes with a pressure of 10 and 17 psi. The results showed that the thickness of the brake linings decreased by around 21.66% and 26.68%, respectively.
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2023
Barekeng, Jun 1, 2022
The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people's needs for nu... more The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people's needs for nutrients. The way to process them is easy, and the prices are relatively cheap for all people. Since the eggs of purebred chickens are in high demand, a device that can detect their qualities more correctly and accurately is needed, compared to the conventional method. Objective: An automatic egg quality detector was developed through a camera module of pixy cmucam5 by employing ROI and template RGB methods. The implementation of the ROI method could optimize the system performance, thereby accelerating the process of egg quality detection carried out by the preprocessor of the pixy camera. ROI analyzed the egg image only on the desired pixel area, not the whole pixel. As a result, the ROI method yielded a device and system that could detect the egg quality within the average speed of detection time-/+ 2ms per egg out of 4 trial categories. Meanwhile, the template RGB method was able to improve and ease the ability of the pixy camera module in detecting the egg quality. When the RGB index of the egg was < 234, then the egg was of good quality. Contrarily, when the RGB index of the egg was > 234, the egg quality was in a bad category. The contribution of this paper is to develop a low-cost automatic egg sorting and detection system with the advantages of flexibility in device placement, due to the use of camera modules and object detection accuracy, as well as better response time than using color sensors. Accordingly, the template RGB method produced a device and system which could detect egg quality with average accuracy of 90 % and average error of 10% out of 4 trial categories. And, the results of the trials upon the detector system indicated success in detecting the egg quality.
Journal of physics, 2022
Indonesia is a country with a very prominent marine charm, and it is the largest archipelago in t... more Indonesia is a country with a very prominent marine charm, and it is the largest archipelago in the world, covering about 50% of the coral triangle area, providing marine tourist resorts. Therefore tourism development is quite promising. For that purpose, simple boats are of necessity for tourists to enjoy the beauty of such marine tourism. One solution to support such marine tourism sector is the availability of Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV). This vehicle will be the interest of this paper. This study used Touristant ASV with dimensions of 1.5 m in diameter, 4 meters in length and 1.3 meters in height. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a study with a focus on the estimation of ASV position with ASV motion influenced by wind speed and wave height by applying the H-infinity method. The position error generated from the simulation shows that the position error has an accuracy of about 96%.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Sistem pernafasan merupakan hal penting pada manusia.Paru-paru merupakan bagian dari sistem perna... more Sistem pernafasan merupakan hal penting pada manusia.Paru-paru merupakan bagian dari sistem pernafasan.Fungsi utama paru-paru sebagai tempat pertukaran oksigen dalam darah.Oleh sebab itu, tidak terlepas adanya gangguan pada organ ini.Dimana salah satunya adalah penyakit asma yang disebabkan oleh penyempitan saluran udara, sehingga berakibat kurangnya aliran udara yang masuk dan keluar pada paru-paru.Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) adalah arus ekspirasi terbesar yang mampu ditiupkan oleh seseorang.Nilai PEFbertumpu pada jenis kelamin, umur dan tinggi badan.Dari Nilai PEFinilah dapat diketahui kondisi kesehatan pernafasan seseorang.Sensor MPX 5100 merupakan sebuah sensor tekanan yang diintegrasi dengan sistem Pipa Orifice Plate untuk mendeteksi besar tekanan udara nafas PEFseseorang yang berbasis mikrokontroler.Keluaran sistem berupa nilai normal PEFyang terukur dan dibandingkan dengan tabel PEF normal, untuk menentukan hipotesa awal kondisi pernafasan seseorang (Normal, Waspada, dan Bahaya).Dari subyek sampel acak sebanyak 20 orang, didapat 16 orang berada pada level Normal dan 4 orang level Waspada.Dengan rata-rata eror pengukuran 3.72 % dan maksimal eror tebesar 5.8 % apabila dibandingkan dengan alat PEFstandar.
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform... more ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform tasks in the water. Big tasks such as coral reef exploration, oil refineries, underwater monitoring, and sea accident rescue are carried out by such technology. ROV or unmanned submarines have 6 degrees of freedom, but for diving it requires only 3 movements, that is, surge, heave, and pitch motions. In its operation, the ROV requires a navigation system in the form of estimation of the ROV position under diving conditions. In this study, two methods were used to estimate the ROV position under diving conditions, that is, the H-infinity method and the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Both methods proved reliable on other platforms. The simulation results in this study showed that the EnKF method was more accurate than the H-Infinity method. The H-Infinity method had an accuracy of around 87%, while the EnKF method reached an accurate of 99 %.
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
Brake pad components are important in two-wheeled vehicles because they concern the driver's ... more Brake pad components are important in two-wheeled vehicles because they concern the driver's and others' safety. Brake lining wear is an unavoidable phenomenon. This is because of the concept of braking, which involves bringing two things into contact with each other such that they press against each other and rub against each other. Brake pads that have not been replaced make the brakes unable to work normally, so the potential for accidents is even greater. One of the factors causing the problem is negligence and ignorance of the condition of the ream linings, which should be time for the change. This paper proposes a tool that can estimate the condition of the brake pads based on the level of wear in real-time using the fuzzy logic method. Fuzzy logic will estimate the degree of wear of brake pads based on speed, brake fluid pressure, and braking duration parameters. The type of brake used in this paper is the type of disk brake used on two-wheeled vehicles. The test is n...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform... more ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform tasks in the water. Big tasks such as coral reef exploration, oil refineries, underwater monitoring, and sea accident rescue are carried out by such technology. ROV or unmanned submarines have 6 degrees of freedom, but for diving it requires only 3 movements, that is, surge, heave, and pitch motions. In its operation, the ROV requires a navigation system in the form of estimation of the ROV position under diving conditions. In this study, two methods were used to estimate the ROV position under diving conditions, that is, the H-infinity method and the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Both methods proved reliable on other platforms. The simulation results in this study showed that the EnKF method was more accurate than the H-Infinity method. The H-Infinity method had an accuracy of around 87%, while the EnKF method reached an accurate of 99 %.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022
Indonesia is a country with a very prominent marine charm, and it is the largest archipelago in t... more Indonesia is a country with a very prominent marine charm, and it is the largest archipelago in the world, covering about 50% of the coral triangle area, providing marine tourist resorts. Therefore tourism development is quite promising. For that purpose, simple boats are of necessity for tourists to enjoy the beauty of such marine tourism. One solution to support such marine tourism sector is the availability of Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV). This vehicle will be the interest of this paper. This study used Touristant ASV with dimensions of 1.5 m in diameter, 4 meters in length and 1.3 meters in height. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a study with a focus on the estimation of ASV position with ASV motion influenced by wind speed and wave height by applying the H-infinity method. The position error generated from the simulation shows that the position error has an accuracy of about 96%.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022
Two dimensional human’s arm is one of the optimal control application. This arm model consists of... more Two dimensional human’s arm is one of the optimal control application. This arm model consists of joint angles consisting of shoulder joint and elbow joint. Beside that, there are also muscle force vectors consisting of pectoralis major, posterior deltoid, brachialis, lateral head of triceps brachii, biceps brachii, and longhead of triceps. Linear Quadratic Tracking (LQT) is constructed to obtain solution of state and optimal control. From state solution and optimal control obtained, they will be used estimation by Backpropagation and ANFIS. From data resulted from LQT simulation, the input used are muscle force vectors. They will be used for estimation the output i.e. angle of shoulder joint and angle of elbow joint. From the LQT simulation, the angle position can follow the given reference function. Then Backpropagation and ANFIS can make estimation in angle of shoulder joint and angle of elbow joint based on six muscle force vectors with small RMSE. In Backpropagation, the estima...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
The development of underwater defense technology is commonly related to its usage for security an... more The development of underwater defense technology is commonly related to its usage for security and defense of a country. The need of NKRI (the Republic of Indonesia) for an applicable and multifunctional technology for highly improved unmanned submarines is urgent considering the current necessity of unmanned technology modernization functioning as The Main Weapon System Equipments (ALUTSISTA) to be applied as a spy technology or automatic weapon. This paper focus is on a motion control system design with the motion equation of 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) applied to an unmanned submarine system or also called a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV). ROV requires a control system to control its maneuvering motion when underwater, especially in a straight line motion. The ROV motion equation of 2-DOF consisting of surge and roll motions is in the form of a nonlinear equation. The system control design applied to the ROV system used the Proportional Controller method combined with Sliding Mode C...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people’s needs for nu... more The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people’s needs for nutrients. The way to process them is easy, and the prices are relatively cheap for all people. Since the eggs of purebred chickens are in high demand, a device that can detect their qualities more correctly and accurately is needed, compared to the conventional method. Objective: An automatic egg quality detector was developed through a camera module of pixy cmucam5 by employing ROI and template RGB methods. The implementation of the ROI method could optimize the system performance, thereby accelerating the process of egg quality detection carried out by the preprocessor of the pixy camera. ROI analyzed the egg image only on the desired pixel area, not the whole pixel. As a result, the ROI method yielded a device and system that could detect the egg quality within the average speed of detection time -/+ 2ms per egg out of 4 trial categories. Meanwhile, the template RGB method was able to ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
This article aims to test a facial recognition-based front door security system, which can also c... more This article aims to test a facial recognition-based front door security system, which can also convey relevant information to the owner’s mobile phone via an SMS gateway. This system is necessary to prevent unwanted criminal activity by the owner. The method used is Hercascade as face recognition for security. Use a set of webcam settings to compare human face objects in the background with face data already stored in the database. Capture images using a Raspberry PI connected to a USB webcam for the sensor, move the front door using a servomotor as a drive, and own the system in the form of a short message from basic communication process data Notify to. There is also an ultrasonic sensor as an activation system to detect human objects when they approach the door and invade. Based on the results of 90 tests on a system with varying distances of objects on the camera (30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm), the average pass rate of the tests is 91.11%. We can conclude that face recognition by the He...
Bulletin of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jul 31, 2023
Sistem transmisi berperan penting dalam menjaga kontinuitas penyaluran energi listrik dari suatu ... more Sistem transmisi berperan penting dalam menjaga kontinuitas penyaluran energi listrik dari suatu wilayah ke wilayah yang lain. Gangguan pada saluran transmisi disebabkan hubung singkat, beban lebih, surja petir, gangguan alam dan lain-lain. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem proteksi yang handal dan dapat mengindentifikasi gangguan dengan cepat sekaligus mengamankan bagian sistem yang terganggu dari bagian lain yang masih dapat beroperasi normal. Namun sistem proteksi dapat mengalami kegagalan operasi karena berbagai faktor, oleh sebab itu selain proteksi utama diperlukan proteksi cadangan yang dapat bekerja ketika proteksi utama gagal bekerja. Rele jarak dapat digunakan sebagai proteksi utama sekaligus sebagai proteksi cadangan jauh pada saluran udara tegangan tinggi. Sedangkan rele arus lebih digunakan sebagai proteksi cadangan lokal jika rele jarak gagal bekerja. Dalam paper ini, dilakukan perancangan sistem proteksi pada saluran Gardu Induk Buduran menggunakan kombinasi rele jarak sebagai proteksi utama dan rele arus lebih sebagai proteksi cadangan dengan metode simulasi menggunakan DigSilent Power Factory. Rele arus lebih akan trip pada detik ke 0,5 dan 0,15. Dari hasil Load Flow didapatkan nilaiIsc min = 3,615 kA, Isc max = 4,67 kA dan impedansi jangkauan sesuai data kabel penghantar pada transmisi Gardu Induk wilayah Buduran Z line sebesar 0,9676, Zona1 1 0,79Ω ; 80%, Zona2 1,19Ω ; 120% dan Zona2 3 1,48Ω : 150%.dengan demikian penelitian dapat dinyatakan berhasil dalam melakukan pengamanan arus lebih.
Barekeng, Mar 13, 2024
Article History: Underwater exploration activities always have their own charm, many exotic objec... more Article History: Underwater exploration activities always have their own charm, many exotic objects that exist in underwater ecosystems have not been mapped properly due to the lack of related databases of the shapes and names of these underwater objects. Another factor that affects the visibility of objects is related to the quantity of light intensity that enters underwater, also not as much above the surface of the abundant water, especially during the day. This also hinders the process of documenting underwater objects. The main purpose of this study was to obtain the shape of underwater objects for several conditions of light intensity underwater using a lowcost digital image sensor camera. The method used in this research is to combine tonal distributions with object edge detection in digital image processing. The test results show that object detection tests in clear and turbid water can detect objects even though they are using a low-cost and low-resolution camera, but with the help of adequate lighting, it can be done. From that, it can be concluded that the detection of underwater objects is successful.
Barekeng, May 25, 2024
Article History: Logistics distribution is a series of activities that are interconnected in each... more Article History: Logistics distribution is a series of activities that are interconnected in each process. Therefore, an information system is necessary to record, report conditions, and display the current location of items directly. An Android-based application system is vulnerable to spoofing, such as fake GPS. The application is used to falsify the coordinates of digital map locations. This research aims to develop a common tracking system and prevent Fake GPS by employing the System Development Life Cycle method, consisting of several stages, i.e., planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. In this research, a prototype of the tracker tool and its information system were made. It used an RFID Smart Card for courier identity authentication and a GPS module to track position information on a digital map. RFID and GPS were controlled using the ESP32. Furthermore, the Website served as an information system to read and create a QR Code to identify the goods carried. It received data from the RFID Smart Card and GPS, stored it in the Database, and displayed it online. The test results indicated that the tracker prototype succeeded in sending location data throughout the test and gained an average distance of 6.82 meters, which was different from a commercial GPS device. It had a delay of 268.5 seconds when the location was first read. The tracker prototype had an average power consumption of 1.5 watts, an average battery life of 2 hours, 28 minutes, and 40 seconds, as well as an average battery deficiency of 36.79%. In conclusion, the system test was successful.
Jurnal inform, Feb 27, 2019
The population number of rock trush according to Basuni et al explains that the rock trush popula... more The population number of rock trush according to Basuni et al explains that the rock trush population in nature become extinct because it has strong territorial and a lot of hunting due to its typical sound as a chirping bird. The efforts of conservation can be done through breeding activities. By this reason, it is important to do captive breeding and cultivation of rock trush. One of magpie's cultivation is breeding the rock trush but there is a challenge in breeding when the hatching process. Not only the quality of good embryo, the success of hatching process is depend on ambient temperature. Temperature changes when the hatching process by its mother are influenced by weather during day and night or hot and rainy conditions.The fail of hatching process can make loss to the farmers because of ruck trush has an expensive cost. From these reasons, to increase the success rate of hatching eggs, stability of temperature is needed during the incubation process. In this study, egg incubator was made using HSM-20G sensor as a temperature and humidity sensor that placed in the center of the egg rack. Propotional-Integrative-Derivative (PID) control method is implemented in this system to keep temperature value of 37 C. The PID control is used to regulate the dim and bright light in the bulb when produce heat until the setting point reached. Because of the changing response speed in temperature is relatively slow, so trial and error parameters are made the constant values Kp = 2, Ki = 0.5 and Kd = 0.1, which produce the steady state of error not be more than 0.53% to the temperature set point. In this machine also used a fan to flatten the temperature and there is a hole for air circulation.
IOP conference series, Jan 8, 2019
This paper aims at a solution to overcome and reduce river water pollution; factories waste and r... more This paper aims at a solution to overcome and reduce river water pollution; factories waste and residential waste that is discharged into river areas that are still used by pond farmers as a source of fresh water in their ponds. If the river water is polluted, it will adversely affect the productivity of the ponds. To overcome the problem of pollution in ponds, it is necessary to research the parameters of pH, temperature and oxygen content in river water. Therefore, flexibility is needed from a system for monitoring the quality and prevention of river water pollution, based on the Android operating system that helps the performance of farmers to find out more about river water pollution wherever they position is. This system design uses Atlas Scientific's DO (Dissolved Oxygen) sensor, v1.1 module pH sensor and DS18b20 temperature sensor. Oxygen content data by DO sensors, pH and water temperature of the river, which have been processed by the system will be displayed on the LCD monitor, then the data will be sent in the form of SMS (Short Message Service) to the user's Smartphone using a modem. If river water pollution is detected, the accuracy rate of this monitoring system is 90% with an average error rate of 3.9% on the measurement of oxygen levels, 2.8% on pH measurements and 1.01% for temperature measurement on river water.
Jurnal inform, Jan 31, 2023
Brake pad components are important in two-wheeled vehicles because they concern the driver's ... more Brake pad components are important in two-wheeled vehicles because they concern the driver's and others' safety. Brake lining wear is an unavoidable phenomenon. This is because of the concept of braking, which involves bringing two things into contact with each other such that they press against each other and rub against each other. Brake pads that have not been replaced make the brakes unable to work normally, so the potential for accidents is even greater. One of the factors causing the problem is negligence and ignorance of the condition of the ream linings, which should be time for the change. This paper proposes a tool that can estimate the condition of the brake pads based on the level of wear in real-time using the fuzzy logic method. Fuzzy logic will estimate the degree of wear of brake pads based on speed, brake fluid pressure, and braking duration parameters. The type of brake used in this paper is the type of disk brake used on two-wheeled vehicles. The test is not carried out or applied to two-wheeled vehicles but is applied to brake pad wear test equipment that works like a two-wheeled vehicle. Based on the test results, the fuzzy logic implanted into the Arduino microcontroller can provide information on the estimated condition of the brake pads on LCDs in real time based on fuzzy set datasets obtained through experimental tests. Based on the experimental results, the brake lining wear test was carried out for 30 minutes with a pressure of 10 and 17 psi. The results showed that the thickness of the brake linings decreased by around 21.66% and 26.68%, respectively.
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2023
Barekeng, Jun 1, 2022
The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people's needs for nu... more The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people's needs for nutrients. The way to process them is easy, and the prices are relatively cheap for all people. Since the eggs of purebred chickens are in high demand, a device that can detect their qualities more correctly and accurately is needed, compared to the conventional method. Objective: An automatic egg quality detector was developed through a camera module of pixy cmucam5 by employing ROI and template RGB methods. The implementation of the ROI method could optimize the system performance, thereby accelerating the process of egg quality detection carried out by the preprocessor of the pixy camera. ROI analyzed the egg image only on the desired pixel area, not the whole pixel. As a result, the ROI method yielded a device and system that could detect the egg quality within the average speed of detection time-/+ 2ms per egg out of 4 trial categories. Meanwhile, the template RGB method was able to improve and ease the ability of the pixy camera module in detecting the egg quality. When the RGB index of the egg was < 234, then the egg was of good quality. Contrarily, when the RGB index of the egg was > 234, the egg quality was in a bad category. The contribution of this paper is to develop a low-cost automatic egg sorting and detection system with the advantages of flexibility in device placement, due to the use of camera modules and object detection accuracy, as well as better response time than using color sensors. Accordingly, the template RGB method produced a device and system which could detect egg quality with average accuracy of 90 % and average error of 10% out of 4 trial categories. And, the results of the trials upon the detector system indicated success in detecting the egg quality.
Journal of physics, 2022
Indonesia is a country with a very prominent marine charm, and it is the largest archipelago in t... more Indonesia is a country with a very prominent marine charm, and it is the largest archipelago in the world, covering about 50% of the coral triangle area, providing marine tourist resorts. Therefore tourism development is quite promising. For that purpose, simple boats are of necessity for tourists to enjoy the beauty of such marine tourism. One solution to support such marine tourism sector is the availability of Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV). This vehicle will be the interest of this paper. This study used Touristant ASV with dimensions of 1.5 m in diameter, 4 meters in length and 1.3 meters in height. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a study with a focus on the estimation of ASV position with ASV motion influenced by wind speed and wave height by applying the H-infinity method. The position error generated from the simulation shows that the position error has an accuracy of about 96%.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Sistem pernafasan merupakan hal penting pada manusia.Paru-paru merupakan bagian dari sistem perna... more Sistem pernafasan merupakan hal penting pada manusia.Paru-paru merupakan bagian dari sistem pernafasan.Fungsi utama paru-paru sebagai tempat pertukaran oksigen dalam darah.Oleh sebab itu, tidak terlepas adanya gangguan pada organ ini.Dimana salah satunya adalah penyakit asma yang disebabkan oleh penyempitan saluran udara, sehingga berakibat kurangnya aliran udara yang masuk dan keluar pada paru-paru.Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) adalah arus ekspirasi terbesar yang mampu ditiupkan oleh seseorang.Nilai PEFbertumpu pada jenis kelamin, umur dan tinggi badan.Dari Nilai PEFinilah dapat diketahui kondisi kesehatan pernafasan seseorang.Sensor MPX 5100 merupakan sebuah sensor tekanan yang diintegrasi dengan sistem Pipa Orifice Plate untuk mendeteksi besar tekanan udara nafas PEFseseorang yang berbasis mikrokontroler.Keluaran sistem berupa nilai normal PEFyang terukur dan dibandingkan dengan tabel PEF normal, untuk menentukan hipotesa awal kondisi pernafasan seseorang (Normal, Waspada, dan Bahaya).Dari subyek sampel acak sebanyak 20 orang, didapat 16 orang berada pada level Normal dan 4 orang level Waspada.Dengan rata-rata eror pengukuran 3.72 % dan maksimal eror tebesar 5.8 % apabila dibandingkan dengan alat PEFstandar.
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform... more ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform tasks in the water. Big tasks such as coral reef exploration, oil refineries, underwater monitoring, and sea accident rescue are carried out by such technology. ROV or unmanned submarines have 6 degrees of freedom, but for diving it requires only 3 movements, that is, surge, heave, and pitch motions. In its operation, the ROV requires a navigation system in the form of estimation of the ROV position under diving conditions. In this study, two methods were used to estimate the ROV position under diving conditions, that is, the H-infinity method and the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Both methods proved reliable on other platforms. The simulation results in this study showed that the EnKF method was more accurate than the H-Infinity method. The H-Infinity method had an accuracy of around 87%, while the EnKF method reached an accurate of 99 %.
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
Brake pad components are important in two-wheeled vehicles because they concern the driver's ... more Brake pad components are important in two-wheeled vehicles because they concern the driver's and others' safety. Brake lining wear is an unavoidable phenomenon. This is because of the concept of braking, which involves bringing two things into contact with each other such that they press against each other and rub against each other. Brake pads that have not been replaced make the brakes unable to work normally, so the potential for accidents is even greater. One of the factors causing the problem is negligence and ignorance of the condition of the ream linings, which should be time for the change. This paper proposes a tool that can estimate the condition of the brake pads based on the level of wear in real-time using the fuzzy logic method. Fuzzy logic will estimate the degree of wear of brake pads based on speed, brake fluid pressure, and braking duration parameters. The type of brake used in this paper is the type of disk brake used on two-wheeled vehicles. The test is n...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform... more ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform tasks in the water. Big tasks such as coral reef exploration, oil refineries, underwater monitoring, and sea accident rescue are carried out by such technology. ROV or unmanned submarines have 6 degrees of freedom, but for diving it requires only 3 movements, that is, surge, heave, and pitch motions. In its operation, the ROV requires a navigation system in the form of estimation of the ROV position under diving conditions. In this study, two methods were used to estimate the ROV position under diving conditions, that is, the H-infinity method and the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Both methods proved reliable on other platforms. The simulation results in this study showed that the EnKF method was more accurate than the H-Infinity method. The H-Infinity method had an accuracy of around 87%, while the EnKF method reached an accurate of 99 %.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022
Indonesia is a country with a very prominent marine charm, and it is the largest archipelago in t... more Indonesia is a country with a very prominent marine charm, and it is the largest archipelago in the world, covering about 50% of the coral triangle area, providing marine tourist resorts. Therefore tourism development is quite promising. For that purpose, simple boats are of necessity for tourists to enjoy the beauty of such marine tourism. One solution to support such marine tourism sector is the availability of Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV). This vehicle will be the interest of this paper. This study used Touristant ASV with dimensions of 1.5 m in diameter, 4 meters in length and 1.3 meters in height. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a study with a focus on the estimation of ASV position with ASV motion influenced by wind speed and wave height by applying the H-infinity method. The position error generated from the simulation shows that the position error has an accuracy of about 96%.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022
Two dimensional human’s arm is one of the optimal control application. This arm model consists of... more Two dimensional human’s arm is one of the optimal control application. This arm model consists of joint angles consisting of shoulder joint and elbow joint. Beside that, there are also muscle force vectors consisting of pectoralis major, posterior deltoid, brachialis, lateral head of triceps brachii, biceps brachii, and longhead of triceps. Linear Quadratic Tracking (LQT) is constructed to obtain solution of state and optimal control. From state solution and optimal control obtained, they will be used estimation by Backpropagation and ANFIS. From data resulted from LQT simulation, the input used are muscle force vectors. They will be used for estimation the output i.e. angle of shoulder joint and angle of elbow joint. From the LQT simulation, the angle position can follow the given reference function. Then Backpropagation and ANFIS can make estimation in angle of shoulder joint and angle of elbow joint based on six muscle force vectors with small RMSE. In Backpropagation, the estima...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
The development of underwater defense technology is commonly related to its usage for security an... more The development of underwater defense technology is commonly related to its usage for security and defense of a country. The need of NKRI (the Republic of Indonesia) for an applicable and multifunctional technology for highly improved unmanned submarines is urgent considering the current necessity of unmanned technology modernization functioning as The Main Weapon System Equipments (ALUTSISTA) to be applied as a spy technology or automatic weapon. This paper focus is on a motion control system design with the motion equation of 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) applied to an unmanned submarine system or also called a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV). ROV requires a control system to control its maneuvering motion when underwater, especially in a straight line motion. The ROV motion equation of 2-DOF consisting of surge and roll motions is in the form of a nonlinear equation. The system control design applied to the ROV system used the Proportional Controller method combined with Sliding Mode C...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people’s needs for nu... more The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people’s needs for nutrients. The way to process them is easy, and the prices are relatively cheap for all people. Since the eggs of purebred chickens are in high demand, a device that can detect their qualities more correctly and accurately is needed, compared to the conventional method. Objective: An automatic egg quality detector was developed through a camera module of pixy cmucam5 by employing ROI and template RGB methods. The implementation of the ROI method could optimize the system performance, thereby accelerating the process of egg quality detection carried out by the preprocessor of the pixy camera. ROI analyzed the egg image only on the desired pixel area, not the whole pixel. As a result, the ROI method yielded a device and system that could detect the egg quality within the average speed of detection time -/+ 2ms per egg out of 4 trial categories. Meanwhile, the template RGB method was able to ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
This article aims to test a facial recognition-based front door security system, which can also c... more This article aims to test a facial recognition-based front door security system, which can also convey relevant information to the owner’s mobile phone via an SMS gateway. This system is necessary to prevent unwanted criminal activity by the owner. The method used is Hercascade as face recognition for security. Use a set of webcam settings to compare human face objects in the background with face data already stored in the database. Capture images using a Raspberry PI connected to a USB webcam for the sensor, move the front door using a servomotor as a drive, and own the system in the form of a short message from basic communication process data Notify to. There is also an ultrasonic sensor as an activation system to detect human objects when they approach the door and invade. Based on the results of 90 tests on a system with varying distances of objects on the camera (30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm), the average pass rate of the tests is 91.11%. We can conclude that face recognition by the He...