Angelique Janssens - (original) (raw)


Papers by Angelique Janssens

Research paper thumbnail of The Limits and Possibilities of Cause of Death Categorisation for Understanding Late Nineteenth Century Mortality

Social History of Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Lovely little angels in heaven? The influence of religiously determined cultural life scripts on infant survival in the Netherlands, 1880-1920

Historical Social Research, 2014

The way small infants are cared for, in the past as much as today, is partly determined by cultur... more The way small infants are cared for, in the past as much as today, is partly determined by cultural scripts which may vary between places and times. In the past some of the cultural scripts involved in infant care were shaped by religious rules and traditions. These scripts could sometimes be life-saving, as was the case with the orthodox Jewish care of infants, or they could be lethal, given the circumstances. In Dutch historiography, the Catholic community has been held responsible for the rather high level of infant mortality during the later parts of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth century. From this perspective Catholics are either seen as having been averse to the introduction of modern medicine and hygiene, or as followers of a strict clerical campaign of prudishness enforcing the binding of female breasts and prohibiting the bearing of breasts in public. As a result Catholic mothers did not or could not suckle their infants, thereby creating lif...

Research paper thumbnail of Social class, work and religion in the female life course. The case of a Dutch textile town: Enschede, 1880-1940

Historical Social Research, 1998

In recent years it has become an accepted wisdom to assume a close correlation between the produc... more In recent years it has become an accepted wisdom to assume a close correlation between the productive and reproductive activities of women. This paper therefore examines the extent to which the labour force participation of women in the Netherlands and patterns of demographic behaviour of women are interrelated in the period between 1880 and 1940. The Netherlands hold a special position in that respect since it combines a rather late demographic transition with low levels of female labour force participation that continue well into the 1960s. This paper presents some preliminary results concerning the industrial textile town of Enschede. In the middle of the Dutch fertility decline socio-economic influences did not appear to have been much impact on either marriage or fertility behaviour. Rather, the evidence suggests that the famous triangle of 'women, work and family' , at least for early twentieth-century Enschede, should be replaced by the triangle 'women, family and...

Research paper thumbnail of Sekse, gender en de dood

Research paper thumbnail of A Natural Female Disadvantage? Maternal Mortality and the Role of Nutrition Related Causes of Death in the Netherlands, 1875-1899

TSEG/ Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/ The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Longevity defined as top 10% survivors is transmitted as a quantitative genetic trait: results from large three-generation datasets

Survival to extreme ages clusters within families. However, identifying genetic loci conferring l... more Survival to extreme ages clusters within families. However, identifying genetic loci conferring longevity and low morbidity in such longevous families is challenging. There is debate concerning the survival percentile that best isolates the genetic component in longevity. Here, we use three-generational mortality data from two large datasets, UPDB (US) and LINKS (Netherlands). We studied 21,046 unselected families containing index persons, their parents, siblings, spouses, and children, comprising 321,687 individuals. Our analyses provide strong evidence that longevity is transmitted as a quantitative genetic trait among survivors up to the top 10% of their birth cohort. We subsequently showed a survival advantage, mounting to 31%, for individuals with top 10% surviving first and second-degree relatives in both databases and across generations, even in the presence of non-longevous parents. To guide future genetic studies, we suggest to base case selection on top 10% survivors of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Geographic clustering of longevity in a Dutch province, 1812-1962: How stable, behavior-associated environmental characteristics explain the local clustering of longevity

There are places that bring forth unexpectedly large numbers of long-lived individuals. In this s... more There are places that bring forth unexpectedly large numbers of long-lived individuals. In this study, we explore which factors affect geographic clustering of longevity and indicate whether survival advantages occur early in life, later in life, or over the entire lifespan. 150 years of mortality data are used to reconstruct the lifespans of the 1812-1862 Zeeland cohort, resulting in a sample of 176,577 individuals from 101 municipalities. We found evidence of longevity clustering for women. Geographic patterns in longevity were similar for men, but not statistically significant. For both sexes, the environment affects individuals over the entire life course and not in early or later life only. Clustering of longevity was associated with agricultural practices, demographic pressure, and poverty, whereas the religious denomination or population density of a municipality had no effect on individual chances to become long-lived. Our findings underline the importance of the living envi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Long Harm of Childhood: Childhood Exposure to Mortality and Subsequent Risk of Adult Mortality in Utah and The Netherlands

European Journal of Population, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Families in Comparison: An individual-level comparison of life course and family reconstructions between population and vital event registers

In demographic research large-scale individual-level data have become increasingly available. At ... more In demographic research large-scale individual-level data have become increasingly available. At the same time, it remains unknown how varying sources affect the reconstruction of individual life courses and families in databases. In this paper, we conduct individual-level comparisons of family and life course reconstructions of 495 individuals simultaneously present in two well-known Dutch datasets: LINKS-Zeeland and the HSN. The first dataset is based on a province’s full population vital event registration data; the other is based on a national sample of birth certificates, after which individuals were followed in population registers. We compare indicators of fertility, marriage, mortality, and measurements of occupational status of individuals found in both databases and conclude that reconstructions in both the HSN and LINKS reflect each other well. LINKS provides more complete family information on siblings and parents, whereas the HSN provides more complete life course infor...

Research paper thumbnail of De rol van vrouwen in de eerste demografische transitie in Nederland. Een vergelijking van twee textielsteden

Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/ The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Historical demography and longevity genetics: back to the future

Ageing research reviews, Jan 5, 2017

Research into the genetic component of human longevity can provide important insights in mechanis... more Research into the genetic component of human longevity can provide important insights in mechanisms that may protect against age-related diseases and multi-morbidity. Thus far only a limited number of robust longevity loci have been detected in either candidate or genome wide association studies. One of the issues in these genetic studies is the definition of the trait being either lifespan, including any age at death or longevity, i.e. survival above a diverse series of thresholds. Likewise heritability and segregation research have conflated lifespan with longevity. The heritability of lifespan estimated across most studies has been rather low. Environmental factors have not been sufficiently investigated and the total amount of genetic variance contributing to longevity has not been estimated in sufficiently well-defined and powered studies. Up to now, genetic longevity studies lack the required insights into the nature and size of the genetic component and the optimal strategies...

Research paper thumbnail of Education and female work cultures in the Dutch fertility decline, 1880-1960

Speech Communication, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Gendering the first fertility decline, 1830-1960

South Afr Linguist Appl Lang, 2009

Item does not contain fulltextDix-huitièmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques CartierLyon

Research paper thumbnail of Voor een dubbeltje geboren ...' : Sociale mobiliteit en sociale fluïditeit tijdens het proces van industrialisatie, Tilburg, 1849-1920

Item does not contain fulltext23 p

Research paper thumbnail of Trasformazione economica, lavoro delle donne e vita familiare

Item does not contain fulltex

Research paper thumbnail of Gender in/en historische demografie

Gender is een belangrijke kwestie in hedendaags en historisch gezins- en bevolkingsonderzoek. Gen... more Gender is een belangrijke kwestie in hedendaags en historisch gezins- en bevolkingsonderzoek. Genderkwesties komen aan bod in studies over de sociale en culturele kenmerken van seksualiteit, partnerkeuze, voortplanting, gezinsvorming en -ontbinding, migratie, sociale mobiliteit en sterfte. De inleiding van deze bundel geeft een overzicht van de ontwikkelingen van gendergeschiedenis. Ook de meerwaarde van een genderbenadering voor de historische demografie komt aan bod. De specificiteit van de gender-aanpak wordt vervolgens thematisch geïllustreerd aan de hand van concrete studies over partnerkeuze, huwelijk, gezinssamenstelling en sterfte. De bijdragen zijn heterogeen qua methodologische aanpak en qua theoretische oriëntatie. De teksten in deze bundel werden in december 2012 gepresenteerd op de Vijfde Dag van de Historische Demografie, een initiatief van de Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap Historische Demografie (FWO Vlaanderen). Het boek wordt mee gefinancierd door het NW Po...

Research paper thumbnail of Labouring Lives. Women, work and the demographic transition in the Netherlands, 1880-1960

Synopsis: Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life ... more Synopsis: Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life courses of ordinary women over the past one hundred and fifty years, namely the changes in marriage and fertility patterns. Using dynamic data from Dutch population registers and analytical techniques from the life course approach, the book offers new evidence on women’s changing position in the labour market, their role in pre-nuptial sexuality, and their contribution to marriage and fertility change in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1960. The author reconstructs the socio-economic and demographic worlds of different groups of working and non-working women, and by doing so she is able to locate the various groups driving the changes. Advanced statistical tools enable the author to analyse differences in fertility strategies, stopping versus spacing, employed by various social and cultural groups in the Netherlands. This book leads to conclusions which challenge a number of orthodoxies...

Research paper thumbnail of Family structure and geographical mobility

Research paper thumbnail of Over de kwaliteit van het moederschap. Fabrieksmeisjes en de overlevingskansen van hun kinderen in twee textielsteden in Nederland, 1880-1940

Item does not contain fulltex

Research paper thumbnail of Foute genen of foute ouders? De invloed van gezin en sekse op de overlevingskansen van kinderen in Nederland, 1860-1900

Item does not contain fulltex

Research paper thumbnail of The Limits and Possibilities of Cause of Death Categorisation for Understanding Late Nineteenth Century Mortality

Social History of Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Lovely little angels in heaven? The influence of religiously determined cultural life scripts on infant survival in the Netherlands, 1880-1920

Historical Social Research, 2014

The way small infants are cared for, in the past as much as today, is partly determined by cultur... more The way small infants are cared for, in the past as much as today, is partly determined by cultural scripts which may vary between places and times. In the past some of the cultural scripts involved in infant care were shaped by religious rules and traditions. These scripts could sometimes be life-saving, as was the case with the orthodox Jewish care of infants, or they could be lethal, given the circumstances. In Dutch historiography, the Catholic community has been held responsible for the rather high level of infant mortality during the later parts of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth century. From this perspective Catholics are either seen as having been averse to the introduction of modern medicine and hygiene, or as followers of a strict clerical campaign of prudishness enforcing the binding of female breasts and prohibiting the bearing of breasts in public. As a result Catholic mothers did not or could not suckle their infants, thereby creating lif...

Research paper thumbnail of Social class, work and religion in the female life course. The case of a Dutch textile town: Enschede, 1880-1940

Historical Social Research, 1998

In recent years it has become an accepted wisdom to assume a close correlation between the produc... more In recent years it has become an accepted wisdom to assume a close correlation between the productive and reproductive activities of women. This paper therefore examines the extent to which the labour force participation of women in the Netherlands and patterns of demographic behaviour of women are interrelated in the period between 1880 and 1940. The Netherlands hold a special position in that respect since it combines a rather late demographic transition with low levels of female labour force participation that continue well into the 1960s. This paper presents some preliminary results concerning the industrial textile town of Enschede. In the middle of the Dutch fertility decline socio-economic influences did not appear to have been much impact on either marriage or fertility behaviour. Rather, the evidence suggests that the famous triangle of 'women, work and family' , at least for early twentieth-century Enschede, should be replaced by the triangle 'women, family and...

Research paper thumbnail of Sekse, gender en de dood

Research paper thumbnail of A Natural Female Disadvantage? Maternal Mortality and the Role of Nutrition Related Causes of Death in the Netherlands, 1875-1899

TSEG/ Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/ The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Longevity defined as top 10% survivors is transmitted as a quantitative genetic trait: results from large three-generation datasets

Survival to extreme ages clusters within families. However, identifying genetic loci conferring l... more Survival to extreme ages clusters within families. However, identifying genetic loci conferring longevity and low morbidity in such longevous families is challenging. There is debate concerning the survival percentile that best isolates the genetic component in longevity. Here, we use three-generational mortality data from two large datasets, UPDB (US) and LINKS (Netherlands). We studied 21,046 unselected families containing index persons, their parents, siblings, spouses, and children, comprising 321,687 individuals. Our analyses provide strong evidence that longevity is transmitted as a quantitative genetic trait among survivors up to the top 10% of their birth cohort. We subsequently showed a survival advantage, mounting to 31%, for individuals with top 10% surviving first and second-degree relatives in both databases and across generations, even in the presence of non-longevous parents. To guide future genetic studies, we suggest to base case selection on top 10% survivors of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Geographic clustering of longevity in a Dutch province, 1812-1962: How stable, behavior-associated environmental characteristics explain the local clustering of longevity

There are places that bring forth unexpectedly large numbers of long-lived individuals. In this s... more There are places that bring forth unexpectedly large numbers of long-lived individuals. In this study, we explore which factors affect geographic clustering of longevity and indicate whether survival advantages occur early in life, later in life, or over the entire lifespan. 150 years of mortality data are used to reconstruct the lifespans of the 1812-1862 Zeeland cohort, resulting in a sample of 176,577 individuals from 101 municipalities. We found evidence of longevity clustering for women. Geographic patterns in longevity were similar for men, but not statistically significant. For both sexes, the environment affects individuals over the entire life course and not in early or later life only. Clustering of longevity was associated with agricultural practices, demographic pressure, and poverty, whereas the religious denomination or population density of a municipality had no effect on individual chances to become long-lived. Our findings underline the importance of the living envi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Long Harm of Childhood: Childhood Exposure to Mortality and Subsequent Risk of Adult Mortality in Utah and The Netherlands

European Journal of Population, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Families in Comparison: An individual-level comparison of life course and family reconstructions between population and vital event registers

In demographic research large-scale individual-level data have become increasingly available. At ... more In demographic research large-scale individual-level data have become increasingly available. At the same time, it remains unknown how varying sources affect the reconstruction of individual life courses and families in databases. In this paper, we conduct individual-level comparisons of family and life course reconstructions of 495 individuals simultaneously present in two well-known Dutch datasets: LINKS-Zeeland and the HSN. The first dataset is based on a province’s full population vital event registration data; the other is based on a national sample of birth certificates, after which individuals were followed in population registers. We compare indicators of fertility, marriage, mortality, and measurements of occupational status of individuals found in both databases and conclude that reconstructions in both the HSN and LINKS reflect each other well. LINKS provides more complete family information on siblings and parents, whereas the HSN provides more complete life course infor...

Research paper thumbnail of De rol van vrouwen in de eerste demografische transitie in Nederland. Een vergelijking van twee textielsteden

Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/ The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Historical demography and longevity genetics: back to the future

Ageing research reviews, Jan 5, 2017

Research into the genetic component of human longevity can provide important insights in mechanis... more Research into the genetic component of human longevity can provide important insights in mechanisms that may protect against age-related diseases and multi-morbidity. Thus far only a limited number of robust longevity loci have been detected in either candidate or genome wide association studies. One of the issues in these genetic studies is the definition of the trait being either lifespan, including any age at death or longevity, i.e. survival above a diverse series of thresholds. Likewise heritability and segregation research have conflated lifespan with longevity. The heritability of lifespan estimated across most studies has been rather low. Environmental factors have not been sufficiently investigated and the total amount of genetic variance contributing to longevity has not been estimated in sufficiently well-defined and powered studies. Up to now, genetic longevity studies lack the required insights into the nature and size of the genetic component and the optimal strategies...

Research paper thumbnail of Education and female work cultures in the Dutch fertility decline, 1880-1960

Speech Communication, 2007

Item does not contain fulltex

Research paper thumbnail of Gendering the first fertility decline, 1830-1960

South Afr Linguist Appl Lang, 2009

Item does not contain fulltextDix-huitièmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques CartierLyon

Research paper thumbnail of Voor een dubbeltje geboren ...' : Sociale mobiliteit en sociale fluïditeit tijdens het proces van industrialisatie, Tilburg, 1849-1920

Item does not contain fulltext23 p

Research paper thumbnail of Trasformazione economica, lavoro delle donne e vita familiare

Item does not contain fulltex

Research paper thumbnail of Gender in/en historische demografie

Gender is een belangrijke kwestie in hedendaags en historisch gezins- en bevolkingsonderzoek. Gen... more Gender is een belangrijke kwestie in hedendaags en historisch gezins- en bevolkingsonderzoek. Genderkwesties komen aan bod in studies over de sociale en culturele kenmerken van seksualiteit, partnerkeuze, voortplanting, gezinsvorming en -ontbinding, migratie, sociale mobiliteit en sterfte. De inleiding van deze bundel geeft een overzicht van de ontwikkelingen van gendergeschiedenis. Ook de meerwaarde van een genderbenadering voor de historische demografie komt aan bod. De specificiteit van de gender-aanpak wordt vervolgens thematisch geïllustreerd aan de hand van concrete studies over partnerkeuze, huwelijk, gezinssamenstelling en sterfte. De bijdragen zijn heterogeen qua methodologische aanpak en qua theoretische oriëntatie. De teksten in deze bundel werden in december 2012 gepresenteerd op de Vijfde Dag van de Historische Demografie, een initiatief van de Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap Historische Demografie (FWO Vlaanderen). Het boek wordt mee gefinancierd door het NW Po...

Research paper thumbnail of Labouring Lives. Women, work and the demographic transition in the Netherlands, 1880-1960

Synopsis: Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life ... more Synopsis: Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life courses of ordinary women over the past one hundred and fifty years, namely the changes in marriage and fertility patterns. Using dynamic data from Dutch population registers and analytical techniques from the life course approach, the book offers new evidence on women’s changing position in the labour market, their role in pre-nuptial sexuality, and their contribution to marriage and fertility change in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1960. The author reconstructs the socio-economic and demographic worlds of different groups of working and non-working women, and by doing so she is able to locate the various groups driving the changes. Advanced statistical tools enable the author to analyse differences in fertility strategies, stopping versus spacing, employed by various social and cultural groups in the Netherlands. This book leads to conclusions which challenge a number of orthodoxies...

Research paper thumbnail of Family structure and geographical mobility

Research paper thumbnail of Over de kwaliteit van het moederschap. Fabrieksmeisjes en de overlevingskansen van hun kinderen in twee textielsteden in Nederland, 1880-1940

Item does not contain fulltex

Research paper thumbnail of Foute genen of foute ouders? De invloed van gezin en sekse op de overlevingskansen van kinderen in Nederland, 1860-1900

Item does not contain fulltex