Anita Rachman - (original) (raw)
Papers by Anita Rachman
Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo
This study examines the basic aspects of the development of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analy... more This study examines the basic aspects of the development of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method on Instagram caption text as an effort to improve students' critical thinking and creative writing skills. The objectives of this study are: a) describe the mechanism of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method and b) describe the role of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method in improving critical thinking skills and c) describe the role of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method in improving students' creative writing skills. Researchers used a qualitative approach with participatory observation data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the method used by Van Dijk applies three principles of analysis, namely the macrostructure, superstructure and microstructure. This study also makes social cognition the main element in analyzing a text because a text is not made sufficiently based on text anal...
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
In writing process, students cannot measure their writing product. Otherwise, feedback is depende... more In writing process, students cannot measure their writing product. Otherwise, feedback is depended on teacher’s objectives. The development of the Self-Correction E-Assessment Rubric (SCeAR) in the Intermediate Writing class aims to help students measuring the relationship between using SCeAR and their writing ability. This research used quasi-experimental research method. The research subjects consisted of 50 students. The researcher gave pre-test to the students to know their innate capacity. The pre-test score was also used to be analyzed with post-test score comparison. The treatment was using SCeAR. The students do writing process by involving SCeAR. There are four classifications for SCeAR, namely organization, content, text characteristics, and language use. Post-test were taken from their writing product’s score. From the research results, the difference mean score between pre-test and post-test in table 4 is 10.24. In case of tvalue is -19.772, it shows that the mean score ...
Empowerment: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
e purpose of the service activities carried out by Lecturer of the Indonesian Language and Litera... more e purpose of the service activities carried out by Lecturer of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, IKIP Budi Utomo, is to provide positive development for children's Indonesian language attitudes in the realm of social media for parents of students at Syuhada Kindergarten Malang. This service activity is expected to provide understanding to parents to give a positive attitude in the use of the Indonesian language. The method used in this activity is to give permission to the principal as well as discuss the problems experienced by partners. The activities were then carried out for three days. The results of this activity, namely providing an understanding to parents about the positive attitude of speaking Indonesian children in the realm of social media for parents. Provide an understanding that a positive attitude will shape character for children.
JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan)
The purpose of this study is to encourage an increase in business activity and creativity in comm... more The purpose of this study is to encourage an increase in business activity and creativity in community groups in Bima Regency and Bima City, Obtain information related to the economic potential of the region, Obtain information related to various obstacles faced by the community, especially related to the development of productive economic enterprises, Explore information related to local government policies in Bima Regency and Bima City, especially those related to the development of productive economic enterprises. The methodology of this research is a research and development (RD) approach covering ten stages starting from (1) research and information collecting; (2) planning; (3) develop preliminary form of product; (4) preliminary field testing; (5) main product revision; (6) mainfield testing; (7) operational product revision; (8) operational field testing; (9) final product revision; (10) dissemination and implementation. The results of the study show that the Agriculture, Fo...
This study is intended to describe the value of character education in the novel Dikta & Law by D... more This study is intended to describe the value of character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah, (1) What is the value of religious character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah? (2) What is the value of honest character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah? (3) What is the value of hard work character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah? (4) how is the value of social care character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah? (5) What is the value of friendly/communicative character education in Dhia'an Farah's novel Dikta & Law? in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah. (3) Describes the educational value of hard work characters in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah. (4) describes the value of character education for Social care in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah. (5) Describes the value of education Friendly/communicative character in the novel Dikta & Law by ...
Abstract: Novel is one of the literary genres. Novels are in great demand by various groups. One ... more Abstract: Novel is one of the literary genres. Novels are in great demand by various groups. One of them is written by a senior author, the novel by Wira. W. Wira. W one of the Indonesian female novelists. One of Mira's romance novels. W, which was published on November 18, 2019, is a novel entitled Behind the Fog of Amnesia. This novel tells the story of a woman who experiences dissociative amnesia. This disease occurs because of an incident that makes the child disappear. The main character has difficulty distinguishing between his imagination and his religious life. During the experience of dissociative amnesia, his reality life is influenced by his imagination, when in fact it is not what the main character thinks. Therefore, the researcher chose to analyze the Id aspect in the main character. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using the psychoanalytic approach of Sigmund Freud.  
This research aimed at describing nationalism values inculcation through daily activities in Kind... more This research aimed at describing nationalism values inculcation through daily activities in Kindergarten Kemala Bhayangkari 03 Selong. It used qualitative approach by involving the headmaster and teacher as the participants. The data were collected by addressing observation, interview, and documentation techniques. These data were collected, reduced, presented, and concluded. Its validity was measured using sources and techniques triangulation. The findings showed that the inculcation of nationalism values was done through self-habitutation activities, such as; First, practicing marching activities, praying before and after the activities, having breakfast together, and doing gymnastics, religious activities, flag ceremony, and kids-police training. Second, exemplary behavior, such as; dressing, talking, and behaving. Third, spontaneous activities, namely; giving admonishment and direction.
The objectives of this study were (i) to describe the level of character development needs of ear... more The objectives of this study were (i) to describe the level of character development needs of early childhood through parenting model learning in RA Barokatus Saulatiyah. (ii) Knowing the early childhood character development prototype through parenting model learning in RA Barokatus Saulatiyah. (iii) Knowing the analysis of the level of validity and practicality of early childhood character development through parenting model learning in RA Barokatus Saulatiyah. This type of research is a type of research and development (research and development). The research subjects were teachers and parents. The data analysis technique used is to analyze the data in a descriptive and practical way. The results showed that (i) The level of need for Early Childhood Character Development through Parenting Model Learning in RA Barokatus Saulatiyah can be illustrated that there is still a lack of understanding from educators, especially teachers and parents about the importance of shaping early chi...
KEMBARA Journal of Scientific Language Literature and Teaching, 2021
Sastra anak tidak hanya ditulis oleh orang dewasa tetapi juga ditulis oleh anak-anak. Kecil-Kecil... more Sastra anak tidak hanya ditulis oleh orang dewasa tetapi juga ditulis oleh anak-anak. Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya (KKPK) merupakan salah satu sastra anak yang ditulis oleh anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan novel Pink Cupcake Karya Ramya Hayasrestha Sukardi. Novel ini dipilih karena tokoh Lilian merupakan anak yang manja dan sulit bersosialisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mendeskripsikan keadaan psikologis tokoh Lilian yang terdapat dalam novel anak Pink Cupcake Karya Ramya Hayasrestha Sukardi pada aspek struktur kepribadian tokoh yang meliputi id, ego, dan superego. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kajian pustaka dengan pendekatan psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Data penelitian berupa teks yang terdiri atas monolog, dialog, dan narasi yang mengambarkan sifat, tingkah laku, perbuatan, dan perkataan dalam bentuk paparan bahasa yang mendeskripsikan kepribadian tokoh Lilian dalam novel anak Pink Cupcake Karya Ramya Hayasrestha Sukardi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membaca, men...
Hasta Wiyata, 2021
Moral values contained in society are also contained in the novel. The problem of moral values ap... more Moral values contained in society are also contained in the novel. The problem of moral values appears in the novel because moral values are the foundation of people's attitudes and behavior in daily life that are also experienced by the characters in the novel. This study aims to analyze the moral value of human relations with oneself, human relations with other humans, human relations with the natural environment, and human relations with God in the Novel Paradigm by Syahid Muhammad. This research is a qualitative research with a sociological approach to literature. Data in the form of narrative quotations, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The main instrument, namely the research itself. Data analysis is done by organizing data, describing it in units, arranging into patterns, and making conclusions. The results of the study, namely 1) The moral values of human relations with yourself include self-introspection, wise attitudes, intelligent thinking, and working hard. 2) The mo...
Teaching basic skills (teaching skills) are abilities or skills that are specific (most specific ... more Teaching basic skills (teaching skills) are abilities or skills that are specific (most specific instructional behaviors) that must be possessed by teachers in order to carry out teaching assignments effectively, efficiently and professionally. Basic teaching skills relate to some basic skills and must be mastered by the teacher in carrying out their duties. This dedication activity was conducted by Lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program IKIP Budi Utomo Malang in collaboration with Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School in Malang. This activity provides solutions to problems experienced by partners. The solution includes training in opening skills, closing skills, explaining skills, asking questions, strengthening skills, holding variety skills, guiding group discussions, small group teaching and individual teaching skills, and classroom management skills. The results obtained from this activity, namely the teacher is able to master nine basic teach...
Jurnal Intelektualita: Keislaman, Sosial dan Sains, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran make a match terhadap keakt... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran make a match terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa di SMPN 1 Kotabaru Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei kelembagaan sekolah. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 200 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive kelas VII H. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data nominal, data interval, dan data rasio. Sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner, wawancara, test dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data nya menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, uji normalitas, uji autokorelasi, uji korelasi, uji determinasi, dan uji regresi linearitas sederhana. Hasil yang dianalisis sebagai berikut: 1). Penggunaan model pembelajaran make a match, 2). Keaktifan belajar siswa kelas VII, 3). Adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran make a match terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa yang signifikan kelas VII di SMPN 1 Kotabaru Karawang.
<strong><em>The implementation of the learning arrangement environment was a process ... more <strong><em>The implementation of the learning arrangement environment was a process of integrating various components of the environment that could change the influence of behavior children or students so that it is properly facilitated. This implementation was intended to existing environment that was able to stimulate children to optimal learning activities. One of the principles of kindergarten education is the environment must be created in such a way that interesting and fun by paying attention to the safety and comfort that can support learning activities through children's play. At Ash-Shamadi Kindergarten to optimize learning during the new normal era for their students, the teacher conducted a home visit or better known as a study visit to a child's home and it was considered effective during this pandemic, the reason of why just only limited numbers of children allowed gather because the school didn't officially opened yet. Kindergarten teacher Ash-Shamadi gathers a maximum of 6 children in one visit which is taken from the closest children's house distance to each other. It also emphasizes learning by adjusting the learning environment so the children felt comfortable and doesn't feel like they have lost their sense of learning at school. Study visits was also considered effective in reducing the spending of quotas for parents, because the schedule has already been determined by the teacher and the children also feel happy because they can gather with their friends even though in a limited number. </em></strong>
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation effect of science technology societ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation effect of science technology society model in science learning on scientific attitude of fifth grade elementary school students’. This study was held from January to March 2019. The method which was used is experimental method with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Samples was taken with Cluster Random Sampling technique by selecting one or several groups randomly through images, so that the samples chosen in this study are Menteng Atas 14 public elementary school, South Jakarta with the number of respondents 56 students’. Questionnaire Likert scale was used for data collection technique. Data analysis technique used t-test. Based on calculation of uji-t, calculated with result of tcount of 4.12 > ttable 1.67 so H0 rejected and H1 passed, in brief implementation of science technology society model in science learning has positive response for scientific attitude of fifth grade elementary school students’. Therefor...
This study aims to describe the use of short story media in writing play scripts for 8th grade j... more This study aims to describe the use of short story media in writing play scripts for 8th grade junior high school students. This research included the process of planning, writing, and editing. The type of this research was classroom action research (CAR) with a two-cycle design. The data in this research were process data and result data. Data collection was done by using observation, field notes, and students' work. The subjects in this study were 39 students. The research results showed that the number of students who achieved the criteria of success in the first cycle was 74.3% and the second cycle increased to 89.7%. The conclusion of this study is that the planning step of the use of short story media in writing play scripts can stimulate the students to be able to develop ideas and imagination to construct a framework. In the process of writing play scripts based on the script planning, the students have been able to develop themes, characters and characterizations, plot...
Block printing is a process of printing textile, where molds or blocks that are covered with dyes... more Block printing is a process of printing textile, where molds or blocks that are covered with dyes are repeatedly pressed along the fabric. Fabrics that are commonly used as synthetic fabrics are also potential to be used as print media in block printing techniques. One type of synthetic fabric is velvet fabric. The characteristic of the velvet fabric is that it has a smooth surface and looks luxurious. One of the advocates for velvet cloth in Indonesia can be found in the Minangkabau traditional clothes. In this dress, velvet fabric is used for menswear and the tops of women's clothing and there are motifs that mostly use floral motifs applied with embroidery and sequin techniques. So the velvet fabric has the opportunity to be a mediated print of block printing techniques using motifs inspired by the motives carving the walls of the rumah gadang. Combination on the application of motives with the use of block printing techniques produces an explanation to determine the coloring...
Guru merupakan seorang pendidik yang memiliki wawasan luas dalam bidang pendidikan dan pembelajar... more Guru merupakan seorang pendidik yang memiliki wawasan luas dalam bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran. Hal tersebut perlu didukung dengan kegiatan-kegiatan ilmiah yang mampu memberikan ruang dan kesempatan bagi guru untuk mengembangkan diri. Guru MI pun juga memerlukan wadah yang tepat untuk mengembangakn setiap kemampuan dan potensi yang dimilikinya. Kegiatan yang mampu mendukung dan mewadai hal ini salah satunya pelatihan dan pendampingan penulisan artikel. Artikel merupakan salah satu bentuk karya ilmiah yang dapat digunakan dalam mengembangkan kreatifitas guru. Artikel yang ditulis berasal dari hasil penelitian maupun dari konsep pemikiran. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan oleh Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Idan Sastra Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) MI Se-K3 MI Kecamatan Kedungkandang 1 Kota Malang. kegiatan ini dilakukan selama dua hari. Penulisan artikel ini meliputi pemilihan tema yang sesuai dengan program studi, menyusun kerangka, menyusun p...
Jurnal Golden Age, 2020
Nowadays, Education in family becomes an attention in COVID-19 pandemic. Parent’s role is being t... more Nowadays, Education in family becomes an attention in COVID-19 pandemic. Parent’s role is being tested in covid-19 pandemic that surge this country, still giving the early age right for education. Strengthening parent’s role is needed to give understanding to early age about pandemic that being epidemics today, importance to stay at home in order to be save and not to be contracted and contract the virus. Besides need in education, there is another thing that parent must be pay attention that is health factor, need for child’s food and drink, psychological serenity, child’s comfortable when study and play at home. Through descriptive study approach with ten parent who have child age 4-6 years old as respondents through questionnaire and interview by applying protocol in new normal, got the results: 1. there were two of ten parent who can adapt with the role as educator for their children an able to make comfort when giving lesson to child at home. 2. two of ten parent are able to ma...
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tentang peribahasa Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tentang peribahasa Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan metafora tumbuhan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menemukan beberapa hal, yaitu 1) penggunaan nama-nama tumbuhan dalam peribahasa Indonesia, 2) menemukan intepretasi metafora tumbuhan dalam peribahasa Indonesia. Data berupa data tertulis yang diambil dari kamus peribahasa Indonesia karya JS. Badudu dan buku kumpulan peribahasa karya Mohammad Kusnadi Wasri. Keseluruhan peribahasa dalam buku kumpulan peribahasa tersebut disimak, dikumpulkan, dan diseleksi sesuai topik permasalahan, yaitu peribahasa yang menggunakan nama-nama tumbuhan. Selanjutnya data diklasifikasikan berdasarkan jenis-jenis tumbuhan dan hal-hal yang diacu. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak diikuti dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC). Analisis data menggunakan metode intepretatif dan wawancara kepada ahli bahasa dengan pisau bedah teori semantik kognitif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat nama-nama tumbuhan yang digunakan dalam peribahasa, yaitu 1) bagian-bagian tumbuhan meliputi biji, akar, batang, dahan, daun, dan bunga; 2) klasifikasi tumbuhan berdasarkan bijinya, yaitu tumbuhan dikotil dan tumbuhan monokotil. Tumbuhan dikotil meliputi delima, kacang, kopi, nangka, ubi, cabai, cempedak, durian, limau, dan lada; sedangkan tumbuhan monokotil yaitu bambu, mentimun, padi, rumput, tebu, mawar, pisang, jagung, kelapa, kunyit, dan sirih. Intepretasi makna metaforis peribahasa menggunakan nama tumbuhan yaitu, peribahasa yang menggambarkan tumbuhan sebagai kekuatan dan kelemahan, menggambarkan tumbuhan sebagai tanda sifat terpuji, tumbuhan sebagai tanda rejeki, tumbuhan sebagai tanda hidup sederhana, dan tumbuhan sebagai tanda keburukan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo
This study examines the basic aspects of the development of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analy... more This study examines the basic aspects of the development of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method on Instagram caption text as an effort to improve students' critical thinking and creative writing skills. The objectives of this study are: a) describe the mechanism of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method and b) describe the role of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method in improving critical thinking skills and c) describe the role of Teun Van Dijk's discourse analysis method in improving students' creative writing skills. Researchers used a qualitative approach with participatory observation data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the method used by Van Dijk applies three principles of analysis, namely the macrostructure, superstructure and microstructure. This study also makes social cognition the main element in analyzing a text because a text is not made sufficiently based on text anal...
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
In writing process, students cannot measure their writing product. Otherwise, feedback is depende... more In writing process, students cannot measure their writing product. Otherwise, feedback is depended on teacher’s objectives. The development of the Self-Correction E-Assessment Rubric (SCeAR) in the Intermediate Writing class aims to help students measuring the relationship between using SCeAR and their writing ability. This research used quasi-experimental research method. The research subjects consisted of 50 students. The researcher gave pre-test to the students to know their innate capacity. The pre-test score was also used to be analyzed with post-test score comparison. The treatment was using SCeAR. The students do writing process by involving SCeAR. There are four classifications for SCeAR, namely organization, content, text characteristics, and language use. Post-test were taken from their writing product’s score. From the research results, the difference mean score between pre-test and post-test in table 4 is 10.24. In case of tvalue is -19.772, it shows that the mean score ...
Empowerment: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
e purpose of the service activities carried out by Lecturer of the Indonesian Language and Litera... more e purpose of the service activities carried out by Lecturer of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, IKIP Budi Utomo, is to provide positive development for children's Indonesian language attitudes in the realm of social media for parents of students at Syuhada Kindergarten Malang. This service activity is expected to provide understanding to parents to give a positive attitude in the use of the Indonesian language. The method used in this activity is to give permission to the principal as well as discuss the problems experienced by partners. The activities were then carried out for three days. The results of this activity, namely providing an understanding to parents about the positive attitude of speaking Indonesian children in the realm of social media for parents. Provide an understanding that a positive attitude will shape character for children.
JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan)
The purpose of this study is to encourage an increase in business activity and creativity in comm... more The purpose of this study is to encourage an increase in business activity and creativity in community groups in Bima Regency and Bima City, Obtain information related to the economic potential of the region, Obtain information related to various obstacles faced by the community, especially related to the development of productive economic enterprises, Explore information related to local government policies in Bima Regency and Bima City, especially those related to the development of productive economic enterprises. The methodology of this research is a research and development (RD) approach covering ten stages starting from (1) research and information collecting; (2) planning; (3) develop preliminary form of product; (4) preliminary field testing; (5) main product revision; (6) mainfield testing; (7) operational product revision; (8) operational field testing; (9) final product revision; (10) dissemination and implementation. The results of the study show that the Agriculture, Fo...
This study is intended to describe the value of character education in the novel Dikta & Law by D... more This study is intended to describe the value of character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah, (1) What is the value of religious character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah? (2) What is the value of honest character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah? (3) What is the value of hard work character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah? (4) how is the value of social care character education in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah? (5) What is the value of friendly/communicative character education in Dhia'an Farah's novel Dikta & Law? in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah. (3) Describes the educational value of hard work characters in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah. (4) describes the value of character education for Social care in the novel Dikta & Law by Dhia'an Farah. (5) Describes the value of education Friendly/communicative character in the novel Dikta & Law by ...
Abstract: Novel is one of the literary genres. Novels are in great demand by various groups. One ... more Abstract: Novel is one of the literary genres. Novels are in great demand by various groups. One of them is written by a senior author, the novel by Wira. W. Wira. W one of the Indonesian female novelists. One of Mira's romance novels. W, which was published on November 18, 2019, is a novel entitled Behind the Fog of Amnesia. This novel tells the story of a woman who experiences dissociative amnesia. This disease occurs because of an incident that makes the child disappear. The main character has difficulty distinguishing between his imagination and his religious life. During the experience of dissociative amnesia, his reality life is influenced by his imagination, when in fact it is not what the main character thinks. Therefore, the researcher chose to analyze the Id aspect in the main character. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using the psychoanalytic approach of Sigmund Freud.  
This research aimed at describing nationalism values inculcation through daily activities in Kind... more This research aimed at describing nationalism values inculcation through daily activities in Kindergarten Kemala Bhayangkari 03 Selong. It used qualitative approach by involving the headmaster and teacher as the participants. The data were collected by addressing observation, interview, and documentation techniques. These data were collected, reduced, presented, and concluded. Its validity was measured using sources and techniques triangulation. The findings showed that the inculcation of nationalism values was done through self-habitutation activities, such as; First, practicing marching activities, praying before and after the activities, having breakfast together, and doing gymnastics, religious activities, flag ceremony, and kids-police training. Second, exemplary behavior, such as; dressing, talking, and behaving. Third, spontaneous activities, namely; giving admonishment and direction.
The objectives of this study were (i) to describe the level of character development needs of ear... more The objectives of this study were (i) to describe the level of character development needs of early childhood through parenting model learning in RA Barokatus Saulatiyah. (ii) Knowing the early childhood character development prototype through parenting model learning in RA Barokatus Saulatiyah. (iii) Knowing the analysis of the level of validity and practicality of early childhood character development through parenting model learning in RA Barokatus Saulatiyah. This type of research is a type of research and development (research and development). The research subjects were teachers and parents. The data analysis technique used is to analyze the data in a descriptive and practical way. The results showed that (i) The level of need for Early Childhood Character Development through Parenting Model Learning in RA Barokatus Saulatiyah can be illustrated that there is still a lack of understanding from educators, especially teachers and parents about the importance of shaping early chi...
KEMBARA Journal of Scientific Language Literature and Teaching, 2021
Sastra anak tidak hanya ditulis oleh orang dewasa tetapi juga ditulis oleh anak-anak. Kecil-Kecil... more Sastra anak tidak hanya ditulis oleh orang dewasa tetapi juga ditulis oleh anak-anak. Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya (KKPK) merupakan salah satu sastra anak yang ditulis oleh anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan novel Pink Cupcake Karya Ramya Hayasrestha Sukardi. Novel ini dipilih karena tokoh Lilian merupakan anak yang manja dan sulit bersosialisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mendeskripsikan keadaan psikologis tokoh Lilian yang terdapat dalam novel anak Pink Cupcake Karya Ramya Hayasrestha Sukardi pada aspek struktur kepribadian tokoh yang meliputi id, ego, dan superego. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kajian pustaka dengan pendekatan psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Data penelitian berupa teks yang terdiri atas monolog, dialog, dan narasi yang mengambarkan sifat, tingkah laku, perbuatan, dan perkataan dalam bentuk paparan bahasa yang mendeskripsikan kepribadian tokoh Lilian dalam novel anak Pink Cupcake Karya Ramya Hayasrestha Sukardi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membaca, men...
Hasta Wiyata, 2021
Moral values contained in society are also contained in the novel. The problem of moral values ap... more Moral values contained in society are also contained in the novel. The problem of moral values appears in the novel because moral values are the foundation of people's attitudes and behavior in daily life that are also experienced by the characters in the novel. This study aims to analyze the moral value of human relations with oneself, human relations with other humans, human relations with the natural environment, and human relations with God in the Novel Paradigm by Syahid Muhammad. This research is a qualitative research with a sociological approach to literature. Data in the form of narrative quotations, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The main instrument, namely the research itself. Data analysis is done by organizing data, describing it in units, arranging into patterns, and making conclusions. The results of the study, namely 1) The moral values of human relations with yourself include self-introspection, wise attitudes, intelligent thinking, and working hard. 2) The mo...
Teaching basic skills (teaching skills) are abilities or skills that are specific (most specific ... more Teaching basic skills (teaching skills) are abilities or skills that are specific (most specific instructional behaviors) that must be possessed by teachers in order to carry out teaching assignments effectively, efficiently and professionally. Basic teaching skills relate to some basic skills and must be mastered by the teacher in carrying out their duties. This dedication activity was conducted by Lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program IKIP Budi Utomo Malang in collaboration with Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School in Malang. This activity provides solutions to problems experienced by partners. The solution includes training in opening skills, closing skills, explaining skills, asking questions, strengthening skills, holding variety skills, guiding group discussions, small group teaching and individual teaching skills, and classroom management skills. The results obtained from this activity, namely the teacher is able to master nine basic teach...
Jurnal Intelektualita: Keislaman, Sosial dan Sains, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran make a match terhadap keakt... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran make a match terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa di SMPN 1 Kotabaru Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei kelembagaan sekolah. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 200 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive kelas VII H. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data nominal, data interval, dan data rasio. Sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner, wawancara, test dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data nya menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, uji normalitas, uji autokorelasi, uji korelasi, uji determinasi, dan uji regresi linearitas sederhana. Hasil yang dianalisis sebagai berikut: 1). Penggunaan model pembelajaran make a match, 2). Keaktifan belajar siswa kelas VII, 3). Adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran make a match terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa yang signifikan kelas VII di SMPN 1 Kotabaru Karawang.
<strong><em>The implementation of the learning arrangement environment was a process ... more <strong><em>The implementation of the learning arrangement environment was a process of integrating various components of the environment that could change the influence of behavior children or students so that it is properly facilitated. This implementation was intended to existing environment that was able to stimulate children to optimal learning activities. One of the principles of kindergarten education is the environment must be created in such a way that interesting and fun by paying attention to the safety and comfort that can support learning activities through children's play. At Ash-Shamadi Kindergarten to optimize learning during the new normal era for their students, the teacher conducted a home visit or better known as a study visit to a child's home and it was considered effective during this pandemic, the reason of why just only limited numbers of children allowed gather because the school didn't officially opened yet. Kindergarten teacher Ash-Shamadi gathers a maximum of 6 children in one visit which is taken from the closest children's house distance to each other. It also emphasizes learning by adjusting the learning environment so the children felt comfortable and doesn't feel like they have lost their sense of learning at school. Study visits was also considered effective in reducing the spending of quotas for parents, because the schedule has already been determined by the teacher and the children also feel happy because they can gather with their friends even though in a limited number. </em></strong>
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation effect of science technology societ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation effect of science technology society model in science learning on scientific attitude of fifth grade elementary school students’. This study was held from January to March 2019. The method which was used is experimental method with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Samples was taken with Cluster Random Sampling technique by selecting one or several groups randomly through images, so that the samples chosen in this study are Menteng Atas 14 public elementary school, South Jakarta with the number of respondents 56 students’. Questionnaire Likert scale was used for data collection technique. Data analysis technique used t-test. Based on calculation of uji-t, calculated with result of tcount of 4.12 > ttable 1.67 so H0 rejected and H1 passed, in brief implementation of science technology society model in science learning has positive response for scientific attitude of fifth grade elementary school students’. Therefor...
This study aims to describe the use of short story media in writing play scripts for 8th grade j... more This study aims to describe the use of short story media in writing play scripts for 8th grade junior high school students. This research included the process of planning, writing, and editing. The type of this research was classroom action research (CAR) with a two-cycle design. The data in this research were process data and result data. Data collection was done by using observation, field notes, and students' work. The subjects in this study were 39 students. The research results showed that the number of students who achieved the criteria of success in the first cycle was 74.3% and the second cycle increased to 89.7%. The conclusion of this study is that the planning step of the use of short story media in writing play scripts can stimulate the students to be able to develop ideas and imagination to construct a framework. In the process of writing play scripts based on the script planning, the students have been able to develop themes, characters and characterizations, plot...
Block printing is a process of printing textile, where molds or blocks that are covered with dyes... more Block printing is a process of printing textile, where molds or blocks that are covered with dyes are repeatedly pressed along the fabric. Fabrics that are commonly used as synthetic fabrics are also potential to be used as print media in block printing techniques. One type of synthetic fabric is velvet fabric. The characteristic of the velvet fabric is that it has a smooth surface and looks luxurious. One of the advocates for velvet cloth in Indonesia can be found in the Minangkabau traditional clothes. In this dress, velvet fabric is used for menswear and the tops of women's clothing and there are motifs that mostly use floral motifs applied with embroidery and sequin techniques. So the velvet fabric has the opportunity to be a mediated print of block printing techniques using motifs inspired by the motives carving the walls of the rumah gadang. Combination on the application of motives with the use of block printing techniques produces an explanation to determine the coloring...
Guru merupakan seorang pendidik yang memiliki wawasan luas dalam bidang pendidikan dan pembelajar... more Guru merupakan seorang pendidik yang memiliki wawasan luas dalam bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran. Hal tersebut perlu didukung dengan kegiatan-kegiatan ilmiah yang mampu memberikan ruang dan kesempatan bagi guru untuk mengembangkan diri. Guru MI pun juga memerlukan wadah yang tepat untuk mengembangakn setiap kemampuan dan potensi yang dimilikinya. Kegiatan yang mampu mendukung dan mewadai hal ini salah satunya pelatihan dan pendampingan penulisan artikel. Artikel merupakan salah satu bentuk karya ilmiah yang dapat digunakan dalam mengembangkan kreatifitas guru. Artikel yang ditulis berasal dari hasil penelitian maupun dari konsep pemikiran. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan oleh Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Idan Sastra Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) MI Se-K3 MI Kecamatan Kedungkandang 1 Kota Malang. kegiatan ini dilakukan selama dua hari. Penulisan artikel ini meliputi pemilihan tema yang sesuai dengan program studi, menyusun kerangka, menyusun p...
Jurnal Golden Age, 2020
Nowadays, Education in family becomes an attention in COVID-19 pandemic. Parent’s role is being t... more Nowadays, Education in family becomes an attention in COVID-19 pandemic. Parent’s role is being tested in covid-19 pandemic that surge this country, still giving the early age right for education. Strengthening parent’s role is needed to give understanding to early age about pandemic that being epidemics today, importance to stay at home in order to be save and not to be contracted and contract the virus. Besides need in education, there is another thing that parent must be pay attention that is health factor, need for child’s food and drink, psychological serenity, child’s comfortable when study and play at home. Through descriptive study approach with ten parent who have child age 4-6 years old as respondents through questionnaire and interview by applying protocol in new normal, got the results: 1. there were two of ten parent who can adapt with the role as educator for their children an able to make comfort when giving lesson to child at home. 2. two of ten parent are able to ma...
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tentang peribahasa Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tentang peribahasa Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan metafora tumbuhan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menemukan beberapa hal, yaitu 1) penggunaan nama-nama tumbuhan dalam peribahasa Indonesia, 2) menemukan intepretasi metafora tumbuhan dalam peribahasa Indonesia. Data berupa data tertulis yang diambil dari kamus peribahasa Indonesia karya JS. Badudu dan buku kumpulan peribahasa karya Mohammad Kusnadi Wasri. Keseluruhan peribahasa dalam buku kumpulan peribahasa tersebut disimak, dikumpulkan, dan diseleksi sesuai topik permasalahan, yaitu peribahasa yang menggunakan nama-nama tumbuhan. Selanjutnya data diklasifikasikan berdasarkan jenis-jenis tumbuhan dan hal-hal yang diacu. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak diikuti dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC). Analisis data menggunakan metode intepretatif dan wawancara kepada ahli bahasa dengan pisau bedah teori semantik kognitif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat nama-nama tumbuhan yang digunakan dalam peribahasa, yaitu 1) bagian-bagian tumbuhan meliputi biji, akar, batang, dahan, daun, dan bunga; 2) klasifikasi tumbuhan berdasarkan bijinya, yaitu tumbuhan dikotil dan tumbuhan monokotil. Tumbuhan dikotil meliputi delima, kacang, kopi, nangka, ubi, cabai, cempedak, durian, limau, dan lada; sedangkan tumbuhan monokotil yaitu bambu, mentimun, padi, rumput, tebu, mawar, pisang, jagung, kelapa, kunyit, dan sirih. Intepretasi makna metaforis peribahasa menggunakan nama tumbuhan yaitu, peribahasa yang menggambarkan tumbuhan sebagai kekuatan dan kelemahan, menggambarkan tumbuhan sebagai tanda sifat terpuji, tumbuhan sebagai tanda rejeki, tumbuhan sebagai tanda hidup sederhana, dan tumbuhan sebagai tanda keburukan.