Anna Burdukiewicz - (original) (raw)
Papers by Anna Burdukiewicz
Streszczenie Wstęp. Postawa ciała uwarunkowana jest napięciem odpowiednich grup mięśni, które dec... more Streszczenie Wstęp. Postawa ciała uwarunkowana jest napięciem odpowiednich grup mięśni, które decydują o określonym ułożeniu poszczególnych segmentów ciała człowieka. Coraz częściej wśród dzieci i młodzieży pojawiają się różnego rodzaju wady postawy ciała, które mogą być spowodowane czynnikami funkcjonalnymi. Jedną z przyczyn ich powstawania może być asymetria obciążeń, jaka często występuje w treningu specjalistycznym. Materiał i metody. Materiał badawczy stanowią wyniki pomiarów 24 piłkarzy nożnych w wieku 15 lat. Badania obejmowały ocenę postawy ciała, cechy antropometryczne oraz pomiary momentów sił prostowników i zginaczy stawu kolanowego. Pomiar statycznego momentu siły mięśniowej przeprowadzono na specjalnym stanowisku pomiarowym firmy OPIW. Do oceny postawy ciała wykorzystano sprzężony z komputerem posturometr S. Wyniki i wnioski. Kryterium oceny pomiaru kręgosłupa w płaszczyźnie czołowej była wartość kąta Cobba. Na tej podstawie stwierdzono występowanie skoliozy lub śladowej skoliozy lewostronnej u 29,3% badanych piłkarzy. W grupie ogółu badanych stwierdzono nieznaczną dominację prostowników i zginaczy prawej kończyny dolnej nad lewą. Ta sama tendencja występuje u osób bez skoliozy. U zawodników z bocznym skrzywieniem kręgosłupa dominują mięśnie prostujące i zginające staw kolanowy kończyny lewej. Ważnym kryterium oceny dozowanych obciążeń treningowych piłkarzy nożnych w obrębie prawej i lewej strony ciała może być badanie postawy ciała i momentów sił obydwu kończyn dolnych. Pozwoli to na ewentualne zniwelowanie nieprawidłowości w stosowanych metodach treningowych, które mogą być przyczyną problemów zdrowotnych sportowców.
Scientific Reports
Anthropometric parameters are crucial prerequisite to achieve success in professional running spo... more Anthropometric parameters are crucial prerequisite to achieve success in professional running sports. However, it is not clear how these parameters are relevant for athletes performing on a less demanding sport level as academic competitions. To help coaches and selectors working on this level, we have explored anthropometric variables and body composition in 68 academic athletes: 26 sprinters, 22 middle distance runners, and 20 long distance runners. Sprinters have a more massive body shape, shorter lower legs in relation to the length of the thigh, broader shoulders and narrower hips, greater musculature and cellular mass. A slender figure, a longer shin, and the greatest subcutaneous fat and extracellular mass characterize long-distance runners. Middle-distance runners are the slimmest, and have a narrow trunk and little subcutaneous fat. Sprinters and long-distance runners are mesomorphic, while middle-distance runners present more mixed mesomorph-ectomorph type. The principal c...
Archives of Budo, 2019
Background and Study Aim: Theorists of combat sports categorize them into sports involving workin... more Background and Study Aim: Theorists of combat sports categorize them into sports involving workings of weapons, strokes, and throws and grips of immobilization of the opponent’s body. Combat sports, as part of martial arts constitute, therefore, an activity with a high risk of injury, which increases along with the brutalization of contemporary sports rivalry. The aim of this study is to broaden the knowledge about the morphological properties of the feet of advanced judo and karate athletes. Material and Methods: Seventy judo athletes (aged 17 ±0.7 years, training experience 8.4 ±2.4 years) taking part in Polish National Championships, and 30 Kyokushin karate athletes (aged 19.9 ±3.7 years, training experience 9.4 ±1.9 years) who were members of the Polish national team took part in the study. Judo athletes are characterized by a high variability of body weight, therefore two subgroups were distinguished: subgroup A (BMI <25), and subgroup B (BMI >25), which ensured their gre...
Sukces sportowy jest uwarunkowany wieloma czynnikami. Wiedza dotycząca budowy morfologicznej, spe... more Sukces sportowy jest uwarunkowany wieloma czynnikami. Wiedza dotycząca budowy morfologicznej, specyficznej dla różnych dyscyplin sportowych ułatwia proces selekcji. Predyspozycje somatyczne są związane z różnymi możliwościami funkcjonalnymi sportowców. Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie budowy ciała siatkarzy w zależności od ich poziomu sportowego. Materiał badawczy stanowiły pomiary siatkarzy grających w I i II lidze w Polsce (n=30). Grupę porównawczą stanowiło 15 mężczyzn reprezentujących klub AZS przy Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego. Do analizy wykorzystano następujące pomiary antropometryczne: 543 wysokość ciała (B-v), długość kończyn dolnych (B-sy), wysokość siedzeniową (B-vS), rozpiętość ramion (da3-da3), szerokość barków (a-a), szerokość bioder (ic-ic), masę ciała, obwody i fałdy skórno-tłuszczowe tułowia i kończyn. Wartości cech wysokościowych i długościowych były podobne w obu grupach. Obwody tułowia i ramienia były znacząco niższe u siatkarzy AZS. Natomiast fałdy skórno-tłuszczowe pod łopatką i nad tricepsem były istotnie wyższe w tej grupie. Przedstawione wyniki wskazują, że budowa ciała jest powiązana z efektywnością sportową siatkarzy.
Background and aim. Body composition is one of key components of health in both general and athle... more Background and aim. Body composition is one of key components of health in both general and athletic populations. In martial arts great significance is attached to the development of mesomorphy and strength, which are crucial for performing offensive and defensive actions during fights. The study proposes to introduce progressive strength training programmearranged primarily for beginnersin order to improve body composition of non-elite male martial arts competitors. The present study aims to evaluate the changes in body massiveness, body composition and strength in 31 martial arts practitioners from academic sports clubs after a combined martial arts and strength training programme. Material and methods. The 16-week intervention was based on a targeted progressive resistance training protocol developed by Stefaniak [1995]. The anthropometric, physical and motoric measurements were performed twice at four months interval. This programme includes training three times weekly with increased number of repetitions (19-24), number of sets (1-3) and increased loads (5%). Results. After the completion of the training program, significant increase for about 1.8 kg in body mass was observed. Body massiveness (BMI) increased from 23.2 ± 1.8 kg/m 2 to 23.9 ± 1.8 kg/m 2. The analysis using Sheldon's somatotypes revealed an increase of mesomorphy (from 5.5 to 5.7) and decrease of ectomorphy (from 2.5 to 2.4). The level of endomorphy became stable (2.1). The maximal circumferences of flexed arm, forearm, calf and thigh increased significantly of about 0.6-1.2 cm. The amount of fat mass remained unchanged, but the amount of fat free mass and muscle mass increased about 1.5 kg (MM from 43.7 ± 4.8 kg to 45.3 ± 5.5 kg). Back muscle strength increased of 10.0 kg. In left hand there was visible increase of grip strength, whereas right hand grip strength became stable.
Zmiany sekularne w budowie i proporcjach ciała piłkarzy ręcznych = Secular changes in the body bu... more Zmiany sekularne w budowie i proporcjach ciała piłkarzy ręcznych = Secular changes in the body build and body proportions of the handball players.
Somatic characteristics manifested in different body morphology have great importance for the sel... more Somatic characteristics manifested in different body morphology have great importance for the selection of athletes in most sports. The aim of our study is to evaluate the differences in anthropometric variables and isometric strength of handball players presenting different levels of sports competence, and to study the discriminative power of selected morphological characteristics that do not change in the training process. The study included the results of anthropometric measurements routinely used to monitor athletes, and body proportion indices were calculated. Fat percentage was assessed using the BIA, whereas body build was assessed using the Heath-Carter method. Measurements of right and left hand grip strength and back strength were taken. The results of measurements and calculations were analyzed using statistical methods. It was shown that players presenting the highest level dominate by the overall size and massiveness of the body, characteristics ensuring an advantage in...
ksiązka dostepna na: Problematyce rozwoju morfologicznego i motorycznego dzieci i... more ksiązka dostepna na: Problematyce rozwoju morfologicznego i motorycznego dzieci i mlodziezy poświeca sie wiele publikacji. Jedną z nich jest prezentowana ksiązka, przygotowana przez pracownikow wroclawskiej Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego. Przedstawiono w niej wyniki badan przeprowadzonych w 2000 i 2001 r. wśrod 3155 chlopcow i dziewcząt w wieku 7–18 lat z losowo wybranych wroclawskich szkol podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych. Zanalizowano wowczas podstawowe cechy morfologiczne, wskaźniki antropologiczne i komponenty budowy ciala. Zawarte w niniejszym opracowaniu dane mogą byc przydatne w auksologii, wychowaniu fizycznym, sporcie wyczynowym, a takze jako pomoc dla rodzicow, ktorzy śledzą rozwoj swoich dzieci.
Aim. The puberty is distinguished by significant changes in the morphological and functional char... more Aim. The puberty is distinguished by significant changes in the morphological and functional characteristics of the organism’ systems. It is also a critical phase during forming of body posture. The aim of the paper is to examine the variability of development of postural characteristics and body composition of girls aged 13-15 years. Material and Method. There were used the longitudinal measurements of 91 girls attending a public high school in Wroclaw, namely body weight and height, which were then used to calculate BMI. The body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis (apparatus BIA 101S produced by Akern, software Bodygram 1.31). In the analysis, the following features were considered: body cell mass, extracellular mass, fat mass, lean body mass. On the basis of the absolute values two ratios were calculated: body cell mass / extracellular mass and lean body/fat. The posture assessment was carried out using a computer coupled with Posturometr S. The calculat...
Archives of Budo, 2014
Background Athletes who belong to the same weight category do not have to possess the identical b... more Background Athletes who belong to the same weight category do not have to possess the identical body build and body composition, since body mass consists of a number of different components. The aim of the study was to find out weather female judokas in different weight categories varied regard to the contributions of particular body components, relative size characterizing musculature and skeletal massiveness and also strength abilities. Material & Methods: The study material consisted of results of anthropological and body composition measurements of 50 female judo competitors, aged 16-20 years, included in the three weight divisions adopted in judo (lightweight, middleweight, heavyweight). The different anthropometric indices were calculated and the somatotypes according to Sheldon’s typology as modified by Heath and Carter were determined. The body composition was also examined with the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis. The athletes’ handgrip strength was also measured. R...
South African Journal for Research in Sport Physical Education and Recreation, 2019
The objective of the study was to investigate serum vitamin D concentration in a sample of elite ... more The objective of the study was to investigate serum vitamin D concentration in a sample of elite soccer players and to analyse the relationship between body composition and anthropometric variables and 25(OH)D 3 status. Research data was collected by measuring 29 Polish Football Premier League players, native to Poland. Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected in December. Mean body height is similar to that of world elite soccer players. Trunk, lower, and upper extremity girths measured indicate a well-developed musculature. Body composition analysis identified a mean fat percentage of 18±3.0%. A high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was observed in the sample. Mean serum 25(OH)D 3 concentration for the group was 18.3±4.4ng/mL. Significant positive correlations between 25(OH)D 3 and anthropometric variables characterising body musculature and skeletal size may show the indirect impact of vitamin D on the development and function of these respective systems. Keywords: So...
Introduction. The examinations of the body components is known since 19th century. Such analysis ... more Introduction. The examinations of the body components is known since 19th century. Such analysis is important e.g. for the treatment of anorexia and obesity. One of the most popular methods is the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) – non-invasive and effective way to determine the human body composition. Material and method. In this paper, the results of longitudinal measurements of girls (N = 91) and boys (N = 89), aged 13 to 15, were analyzed. The body height, mass and tissue composition were measured by means of BIA 101S Apparatus (% fat, % body cell mass, % extracellular mass). Body Mass Index (BMI) and the ratio of the lean body mass to fat mass, as well as the body cell mass to extracellular mass, were calculated. The statistical analysis was performed by means Statistica 9.0. Results. Within the analysed age range, the higher pace of the body mass development, in relation to the body height, causes more massive posture of examined youths. The increase of body massiveness ...
Streszczenie Wstęp. Postawa ciała uwarunkowana jest napięciem odpowiednich grup mięśni, które dec... more Streszczenie Wstęp. Postawa ciała uwarunkowana jest napięciem odpowiednich grup mięśni, które decydują o określonym ułożeniu poszczególnych segmentów ciała człowieka. Coraz częściej wśród dzieci i młodzieży pojawiają się różnego rodzaju wady postawy ciała, które mogą być spowodowane czynnikami funkcjonalnymi. Jedną z przyczyn ich powstawania może być asymetria obciążeń, jaka często występuje w treningu specjalistycznym. Materiał i metody. Materiał badawczy stanowią wyniki pomiarów 24 piłkarzy nożnych w wieku 15 lat. Badania obejmowały ocenę postawy ciała, cechy antropometryczne oraz pomiary momentów sił prostowników i zginaczy stawu kolanowego. Pomiar statycznego momentu siły mięśniowej przeprowadzono na specjalnym stanowisku pomiarowym firmy OPIW. Do oceny postawy ciała wykorzystano sprzężony z komputerem posturometr S. Wyniki i wnioski. Kryterium oceny pomiaru kręgosłupa w płaszczyźnie czołowej była wartość kąta Cobba. Na tej podstawie stwierdzono występowanie skoliozy lub śladowej skoliozy lewostronnej u 29,3% badanych piłkarzy. W grupie ogółu badanych stwierdzono nieznaczną dominację prostowników i zginaczy prawej kończyny dolnej nad lewą. Ta sama tendencja występuje u osób bez skoliozy. U zawodników z bocznym skrzywieniem kręgosłupa dominują mięśnie prostujące i zginające staw kolanowy kończyny lewej. Ważnym kryterium oceny dozowanych obciążeń treningowych piłkarzy nożnych w obrębie prawej i lewej strony ciała może być badanie postawy ciała i momentów sił obydwu kończyn dolnych. Pozwoli to na ewentualne zniwelowanie nieprawidłowości w stosowanych metodach treningowych, które mogą być przyczyną problemów zdrowotnych sportowców.
Scientific Reports
Anthropometric parameters are crucial prerequisite to achieve success in professional running spo... more Anthropometric parameters are crucial prerequisite to achieve success in professional running sports. However, it is not clear how these parameters are relevant for athletes performing on a less demanding sport level as academic competitions. To help coaches and selectors working on this level, we have explored anthropometric variables and body composition in 68 academic athletes: 26 sprinters, 22 middle distance runners, and 20 long distance runners. Sprinters have a more massive body shape, shorter lower legs in relation to the length of the thigh, broader shoulders and narrower hips, greater musculature and cellular mass. A slender figure, a longer shin, and the greatest subcutaneous fat and extracellular mass characterize long-distance runners. Middle-distance runners are the slimmest, and have a narrow trunk and little subcutaneous fat. Sprinters and long-distance runners are mesomorphic, while middle-distance runners present more mixed mesomorph-ectomorph type. The principal c...
Archives of Budo, 2019
Background and Study Aim: Theorists of combat sports categorize them into sports involving workin... more Background and Study Aim: Theorists of combat sports categorize them into sports involving workings of weapons, strokes, and throws and grips of immobilization of the opponent’s body. Combat sports, as part of martial arts constitute, therefore, an activity with a high risk of injury, which increases along with the brutalization of contemporary sports rivalry. The aim of this study is to broaden the knowledge about the morphological properties of the feet of advanced judo and karate athletes. Material and Methods: Seventy judo athletes (aged 17 ±0.7 years, training experience 8.4 ±2.4 years) taking part in Polish National Championships, and 30 Kyokushin karate athletes (aged 19.9 ±3.7 years, training experience 9.4 ±1.9 years) who were members of the Polish national team took part in the study. Judo athletes are characterized by a high variability of body weight, therefore two subgroups were distinguished: subgroup A (BMI <25), and subgroup B (BMI >25), which ensured their gre...
Sukces sportowy jest uwarunkowany wieloma czynnikami. Wiedza dotycząca budowy morfologicznej, spe... more Sukces sportowy jest uwarunkowany wieloma czynnikami. Wiedza dotycząca budowy morfologicznej, specyficznej dla różnych dyscyplin sportowych ułatwia proces selekcji. Predyspozycje somatyczne są związane z różnymi możliwościami funkcjonalnymi sportowców. Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie budowy ciała siatkarzy w zależności od ich poziomu sportowego. Materiał badawczy stanowiły pomiary siatkarzy grających w I i II lidze w Polsce (n=30). Grupę porównawczą stanowiło 15 mężczyzn reprezentujących klub AZS przy Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego. Do analizy wykorzystano następujące pomiary antropometryczne: 543 wysokość ciała (B-v), długość kończyn dolnych (B-sy), wysokość siedzeniową (B-vS), rozpiętość ramion (da3-da3), szerokość barków (a-a), szerokość bioder (ic-ic), masę ciała, obwody i fałdy skórno-tłuszczowe tułowia i kończyn. Wartości cech wysokościowych i długościowych były podobne w obu grupach. Obwody tułowia i ramienia były znacząco niższe u siatkarzy AZS. Natomiast fałdy skórno-tłuszczowe pod łopatką i nad tricepsem były istotnie wyższe w tej grupie. Przedstawione wyniki wskazują, że budowa ciała jest powiązana z efektywnością sportową siatkarzy.
Background and aim. Body composition is one of key components of health in both general and athle... more Background and aim. Body composition is one of key components of health in both general and athletic populations. In martial arts great significance is attached to the development of mesomorphy and strength, which are crucial for performing offensive and defensive actions during fights. The study proposes to introduce progressive strength training programmearranged primarily for beginnersin order to improve body composition of non-elite male martial arts competitors. The present study aims to evaluate the changes in body massiveness, body composition and strength in 31 martial arts practitioners from academic sports clubs after a combined martial arts and strength training programme. Material and methods. The 16-week intervention was based on a targeted progressive resistance training protocol developed by Stefaniak [1995]. The anthropometric, physical and motoric measurements were performed twice at four months interval. This programme includes training three times weekly with increased number of repetitions (19-24), number of sets (1-3) and increased loads (5%). Results. After the completion of the training program, significant increase for about 1.8 kg in body mass was observed. Body massiveness (BMI) increased from 23.2 ± 1.8 kg/m 2 to 23.9 ± 1.8 kg/m 2. The analysis using Sheldon's somatotypes revealed an increase of mesomorphy (from 5.5 to 5.7) and decrease of ectomorphy (from 2.5 to 2.4). The level of endomorphy became stable (2.1). The maximal circumferences of flexed arm, forearm, calf and thigh increased significantly of about 0.6-1.2 cm. The amount of fat mass remained unchanged, but the amount of fat free mass and muscle mass increased about 1.5 kg (MM from 43.7 ± 4.8 kg to 45.3 ± 5.5 kg). Back muscle strength increased of 10.0 kg. In left hand there was visible increase of grip strength, whereas right hand grip strength became stable.
Zmiany sekularne w budowie i proporcjach ciała piłkarzy ręcznych = Secular changes in the body bu... more Zmiany sekularne w budowie i proporcjach ciała piłkarzy ręcznych = Secular changes in the body build and body proportions of the handball players.
Somatic characteristics manifested in different body morphology have great importance for the sel... more Somatic characteristics manifested in different body morphology have great importance for the selection of athletes in most sports. The aim of our study is to evaluate the differences in anthropometric variables and isometric strength of handball players presenting different levels of sports competence, and to study the discriminative power of selected morphological characteristics that do not change in the training process. The study included the results of anthropometric measurements routinely used to monitor athletes, and body proportion indices were calculated. Fat percentage was assessed using the BIA, whereas body build was assessed using the Heath-Carter method. Measurements of right and left hand grip strength and back strength were taken. The results of measurements and calculations were analyzed using statistical methods. It was shown that players presenting the highest level dominate by the overall size and massiveness of the body, characteristics ensuring an advantage in...
ksiązka dostepna na: Problematyce rozwoju morfologicznego i motorycznego dzieci i... more ksiązka dostepna na: Problematyce rozwoju morfologicznego i motorycznego dzieci i mlodziezy poświeca sie wiele publikacji. Jedną z nich jest prezentowana ksiązka, przygotowana przez pracownikow wroclawskiej Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego. Przedstawiono w niej wyniki badan przeprowadzonych w 2000 i 2001 r. wśrod 3155 chlopcow i dziewcząt w wieku 7–18 lat z losowo wybranych wroclawskich szkol podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych. Zanalizowano wowczas podstawowe cechy morfologiczne, wskaźniki antropologiczne i komponenty budowy ciala. Zawarte w niniejszym opracowaniu dane mogą byc przydatne w auksologii, wychowaniu fizycznym, sporcie wyczynowym, a takze jako pomoc dla rodzicow, ktorzy śledzą rozwoj swoich dzieci.
Aim. The puberty is distinguished by significant changes in the morphological and functional char... more Aim. The puberty is distinguished by significant changes in the morphological and functional characteristics of the organism’ systems. It is also a critical phase during forming of body posture. The aim of the paper is to examine the variability of development of postural characteristics and body composition of girls aged 13-15 years. Material and Method. There were used the longitudinal measurements of 91 girls attending a public high school in Wroclaw, namely body weight and height, which were then used to calculate BMI. The body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis (apparatus BIA 101S produced by Akern, software Bodygram 1.31). In the analysis, the following features were considered: body cell mass, extracellular mass, fat mass, lean body mass. On the basis of the absolute values two ratios were calculated: body cell mass / extracellular mass and lean body/fat. The posture assessment was carried out using a computer coupled with Posturometr S. The calculat...
Archives of Budo, 2014
Background Athletes who belong to the same weight category do not have to possess the identical b... more Background Athletes who belong to the same weight category do not have to possess the identical body build and body composition, since body mass consists of a number of different components. The aim of the study was to find out weather female judokas in different weight categories varied regard to the contributions of particular body components, relative size characterizing musculature and skeletal massiveness and also strength abilities. Material & Methods: The study material consisted of results of anthropological and body composition measurements of 50 female judo competitors, aged 16-20 years, included in the three weight divisions adopted in judo (lightweight, middleweight, heavyweight). The different anthropometric indices were calculated and the somatotypes according to Sheldon’s typology as modified by Heath and Carter were determined. The body composition was also examined with the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis. The athletes’ handgrip strength was also measured. R...
South African Journal for Research in Sport Physical Education and Recreation, 2019
The objective of the study was to investigate serum vitamin D concentration in a sample of elite ... more The objective of the study was to investigate serum vitamin D concentration in a sample of elite soccer players and to analyse the relationship between body composition and anthropometric variables and 25(OH)D 3 status. Research data was collected by measuring 29 Polish Football Premier League players, native to Poland. Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected in December. Mean body height is similar to that of world elite soccer players. Trunk, lower, and upper extremity girths measured indicate a well-developed musculature. Body composition analysis identified a mean fat percentage of 18±3.0%. A high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was observed in the sample. Mean serum 25(OH)D 3 concentration for the group was 18.3±4.4ng/mL. Significant positive correlations between 25(OH)D 3 and anthropometric variables characterising body musculature and skeletal size may show the indirect impact of vitamin D on the development and function of these respective systems. Keywords: So...
Introduction. The examinations of the body components is known since 19th century. Such analysis ... more Introduction. The examinations of the body components is known since 19th century. Such analysis is important e.g. for the treatment of anorexia and obesity. One of the most popular methods is the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) – non-invasive and effective way to determine the human body composition. Material and method. In this paper, the results of longitudinal measurements of girls (N = 91) and boys (N = 89), aged 13 to 15, were analyzed. The body height, mass and tissue composition were measured by means of BIA 101S Apparatus (% fat, % body cell mass, % extracellular mass). Body Mass Index (BMI) and the ratio of the lean body mass to fat mass, as well as the body cell mass to extracellular mass, were calculated. The statistical analysis was performed by means Statistica 9.0. Results. Within the analysed age range, the higher pace of the body mass development, in relation to the body height, causes more massive posture of examined youths. The increase of body massiveness ...