Jumriani Ansar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Jumriani Ansar
Proceedings of the International Conference on Healthcare Service Management 2018
The aim of this study is to describe epidemiology of neonatal mortality in Gowa district 2015. Th... more The aim of this study is to describe epidemiology of neonatal mortality in Gowa district 2015. The study type was an observational descriptive study. The population for this study was all neonatal deaths had recorded in Gowa district health office in 2015. Meanwhile, the sample sizes were 77 neonatal death cases. The point coordinates were determined by using geographic positioning system (GPS) and exported into geographic information system (GIS). The result showed neonatal death cases occurred by maternal characteristics with received antenatal care visit (ANC) ≥ 4visits (71.2%), 2 times of tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccination (81.9%) and birth attendance by midwife (85.7%). Based on infant characteristics occurred based on parity 1 (51.9%), gestational age < 37 weeks (64.9%), birth weight < 2500 gram (54.2%). The main cause of neonatal mortality was asphyxia neonatorum (45.5%). The neonatal mortality was occurred at health centres (46.8%) and hospital (57. 1%).The average distance from respondent house to the hospital respectively 19. 41 km and 19.94 km. Most of neonatal mortality occurred in September with total of 12.52/1000 live births. The number of midwives should be increasing to reduce neonatal mortality.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Healthcare Service Management 2018, 2018
The aim of this study to determine correlation factors toward stroke prevention efforts among sen... more The aim of this study to determine correlation factors toward stroke prevention efforts among senior high school students in Makassar city. The study type was an observational study with cross sectional study design approach. The population for this study were all senior high school students. The sample sizes were 318 students by using simple random sampling method. The data was collected by using questionnaires. The data was analyzed by using SPSS program version 16. The bivariate analysis was performed to determine relationship of dependent and independent variables in form of cross tabulation with chi square statistic test. The result showed 224 respondents (70.4%) has been done on stroke prevention efforts and only 94 students (29.6%) are not doing any stroke prevention efforts. The statistical data found a correlation between the parent education level (p=0.000), knowledge (p=0.000), hereditary (p=0.025), perceived benefit (p=0.024), perceived barriers (p=0.001), parental support (p=0.006), peer support (p=0.000), and media support (p=0.000) with stroke prevention efforts among senior high school students in Makassar city
Al-Sihah: The Public Health Science Journal, 2021
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the degenerative diseases whose mortality and morbidity rates ... more Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the degenerative diseases whose mortality and morbidity rates continue to increase, both in urban and rural areas. Bulukumba Regency is one of the areas with the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to determine the differences in the determinants of the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in urban and rural areas of the Bulukumba Regency in 2021. The type of research used is quantitative with an observational analytic approach and a cross-sectional study design. The population in this study were all people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in urban and rural areas of the Bulukumba Regency. The sample of this study amounted to 210 respondents consisting of 140 respondents in urban areas and 70 respondents in rural areas who were taken using purposive sampling technique with inclusion criteria, namely patients who do not have comorbidities or complications such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure as well a...
Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health, 2020
Gastritis is experienced by many Indonesians ranging from adolescence to old age. In Bone Distric... more Gastritis is experienced by many Indonesians ranging from adolescence to old age. In Bone District in 2018 there were 20,792 cases and 60 deaths. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of gastritis at Puskesmas Biru in Bone Regency in 2019. This type of research is observational analytic using cross-sectional study design. The Population in this research were visitors to the general clinic of Puskesmas Biru during January – August 2019 with total of minimum sample is 235 people by using the sampling technique was accidental sampling. Research was held in Puskesmas Biru from October to November 2019. Data were analyzed univariate and bivariate using chi square test. The results of the study showed that the number of respondents suffering from gastritis was 79 people (33.6%). Chi square test results showed that the type of food (p=0.001), stress (p=0,000), and NSAIDs consumption (p=0,000) were factors associated with gastritis. While the frequency of...
Globally, 23% of neonatal deaths attributed to birth asphyxia. Several studies suggest that the r... more Globally, 23% of neonatal deaths attributed to birth asphyxia. Several studies suggest that the risk factors associated with the incidence of neonatal asphyxia among labor (premature rupture of membranes, prolonged labor, and type of delivery). To determine the risk factors with the incidence of birth asphyxia neonatorum in hospital Sawerigading Palopo City in 2012. The study used an observational with Case Control Study design. The sample is the mother who gave birth to babies with neonatal asphyxia and maternal infant with neonatal asphyxia. Method of sampling by taking all the mothers who gave birth to infants with asphyxia neonatorum cases and systematic random sampling for the control group, with a large sample of 182. Comparison of cases with controls 1:1. Data analysis was performed with univariate and bivariate test of odds ratio (OR). The results showed that the premature rupture of membranes (OR = 2.471, 95% CI 1.333 to 4.581), prolonged labor (OR = 3.417, 95% CI 1.541 to ...
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2019
Pulmonary tuberculosis relapse is a common complications in tuberculosis patients and causing pro... more Pulmonary tuberculosis relapse is a common complications in tuberculosis patients and causing problems around the world, especially in Indonesia. In 2016, Makassar City overall was reported to have high incidence of tuberculosis relapse case detection rate about 4, 9% of 1.850 total smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in working population. This present study aimed to investigate risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis relapse in working age population in public health centers of Panakkukang Subdistrict and Tallo Subdistrict of Makassar City. This present observational-analytical study using case-control study design. This study using exhaustive sampling method for case group and simple random sampling for control group. Data analysis performed with Risk Estimate test (odds ratio)e. This present study shows BCG immunization history (OR=0, 619; 95% CI=0, 197-1, 941), disease comorbidity (OR=2, 143; 95%CI=0, 663-6, 924), smoking (OR=1, 272; 95%CI=0, 317-5, 111), regular medication intake history (OR=6, 111; 95%CI=2, 010-18, 584), air ventilation (OR=0, 706; 95%CI=0, 191-2, 603) and flooring type (OR=1, 909; 95%CI=0, 599-6, 081). This present study concluded that regular medication intake was significant risk factor in pulmonary tuberculosis relapse in working population.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2019
Leprosy disease is a controllable if early diagnosis and treatments are undertaken by the patient... more Leprosy disease is a controllable if early diagnosis and treatments are undertaken by the patients. Nonetheless, a significant number of patients become irregular and default the treatments due to a number of personal, psychosocial, economic, medical and health service factors. Up to date, there has no one time cure for this disease without undergoing a continuous treatment. Hence, this study aimed to determine factors associated with medical treatment compliance among leprosy patients in Gowa district 2015–2016. The study type was observational analytic with cross sectional design. The population in this study is all leprosy patients who still undergoing treatment. The sample sizes are 100 respondents which selected by exhaustive sampling method. The result found variables associated toward medical treatment compliance among leprosy patients were accessibility to health centres (p=0.000), knowledge (p=0.037) and family support (p=0.017). However, the drug side effect is not factor associate with medical treatment compliance (p= 0.200).
ABSTRAK Angka kejadian kanker serviks di Makassar masih cukup tinggi dan menempati urutan kedua s... more ABSTRAK Angka kejadian kanker serviks di Makassar masih cukup tinggi dan menempati urutan kedua setelah Kabupaten Enrekang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pencarian pengobatan pada penderita kanker serviks di rumah sakit Labuang Baji dan Ibnu Sina Makassar Tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan mixed methodology yang menggabungkan dua metode penelitian, yaitu kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Jumlah responden sebanyak 7 orang dan seluruhnya adalah informan, sedangkan informan kunci sebanyak 3 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk desain kuantitatif yaitu analisis univariat dan kualitatif menggunakan model Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian responden mempunyai pengetahuan dan sikap yang positif dalam pencarian pengobatan yaitu masing-masing sebanyak 71.4%, mendapat dukungan keluarga sebanyak 71.4%, dan responden baru mencari pengobatan ketika tingkat keparahannnya telah memasuki stadium lanjut sebanyak 71.4%. Hasil wawancara dengan informan dan informan kunci diperoleh sebagian besar responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan yang baik, sikap yang positif, mendapat dukungan dari keluarga, dan media massa berperan dalam pencarian pegobatan penderita kanker serviks, meskipun sebagian responden baru memeriksakan diri ke rumah sakit ketika telah memasuki stadium lanjut. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini sebagian besar responden tidak hanya menggunakan pengobatan medis tetapi juga pengobatan non medis (tradisional). Kata Kunci: Pengobatan, kanker serviks, mixed methodology
Proceedings of the International Conference on Healthcare Service Management 2018
The aim of this study is to describe epidemiology of neonatal mortality in Gowa district 2015. Th... more The aim of this study is to describe epidemiology of neonatal mortality in Gowa district 2015. The study type was an observational descriptive study. The population for this study was all neonatal deaths had recorded in Gowa district health office in 2015. Meanwhile, the sample sizes were 77 neonatal death cases. The point coordinates were determined by using geographic positioning system (GPS) and exported into geographic information system (GIS). The result showed neonatal death cases occurred by maternal characteristics with received antenatal care visit (ANC) ≥ 4visits (71.2%), 2 times of tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccination (81.9%) and birth attendance by midwife (85.7%). Based on infant characteristics occurred based on parity 1 (51.9%), gestational age < 37 weeks (64.9%), birth weight < 2500 gram (54.2%). The main cause of neonatal mortality was asphyxia neonatorum (45.5%). The neonatal mortality was occurred at health centres (46.8%) and hospital (57. 1%).The average distance from respondent house to the hospital respectively 19. 41 km and 19.94 km. Most of neonatal mortality occurred in September with total of 12.52/1000 live births. The number of midwives should be increasing to reduce neonatal mortality.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Healthcare Service Management 2018, 2018
The aim of this study to determine correlation factors toward stroke prevention efforts among sen... more The aim of this study to determine correlation factors toward stroke prevention efforts among senior high school students in Makassar city. The study type was an observational study with cross sectional study design approach. The population for this study were all senior high school students. The sample sizes were 318 students by using simple random sampling method. The data was collected by using questionnaires. The data was analyzed by using SPSS program version 16. The bivariate analysis was performed to determine relationship of dependent and independent variables in form of cross tabulation with chi square statistic test. The result showed 224 respondents (70.4%) has been done on stroke prevention efforts and only 94 students (29.6%) are not doing any stroke prevention efforts. The statistical data found a correlation between the parent education level (p=0.000), knowledge (p=0.000), hereditary (p=0.025), perceived benefit (p=0.024), perceived barriers (p=0.001), parental support (p=0.006), peer support (p=0.000), and media support (p=0.000) with stroke prevention efforts among senior high school students in Makassar city
Al-Sihah: The Public Health Science Journal, 2021
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the degenerative diseases whose mortality and morbidity rates ... more Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the degenerative diseases whose mortality and morbidity rates continue to increase, both in urban and rural areas. Bulukumba Regency is one of the areas with the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to determine the differences in the determinants of the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in urban and rural areas of the Bulukumba Regency in 2021. The type of research used is quantitative with an observational analytic approach and a cross-sectional study design. The population in this study were all people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in urban and rural areas of the Bulukumba Regency. The sample of this study amounted to 210 respondents consisting of 140 respondents in urban areas and 70 respondents in rural areas who were taken using purposive sampling technique with inclusion criteria, namely patients who do not have comorbidities or complications such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure as well a...
Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health, 2020
Gastritis is experienced by many Indonesians ranging from adolescence to old age. In Bone Distric... more Gastritis is experienced by many Indonesians ranging from adolescence to old age. In Bone District in 2018 there were 20,792 cases and 60 deaths. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of gastritis at Puskesmas Biru in Bone Regency in 2019. This type of research is observational analytic using cross-sectional study design. The Population in this research were visitors to the general clinic of Puskesmas Biru during January – August 2019 with total of minimum sample is 235 people by using the sampling technique was accidental sampling. Research was held in Puskesmas Biru from October to November 2019. Data were analyzed univariate and bivariate using chi square test. The results of the study showed that the number of respondents suffering from gastritis was 79 people (33.6%). Chi square test results showed that the type of food (p=0.001), stress (p=0,000), and NSAIDs consumption (p=0,000) were factors associated with gastritis. While the frequency of...
Globally, 23% of neonatal deaths attributed to birth asphyxia. Several studies suggest that the r... more Globally, 23% of neonatal deaths attributed to birth asphyxia. Several studies suggest that the risk factors associated with the incidence of neonatal asphyxia among labor (premature rupture of membranes, prolonged labor, and type of delivery). To determine the risk factors with the incidence of birth asphyxia neonatorum in hospital Sawerigading Palopo City in 2012. The study used an observational with Case Control Study design. The sample is the mother who gave birth to babies with neonatal asphyxia and maternal infant with neonatal asphyxia. Method of sampling by taking all the mothers who gave birth to infants with asphyxia neonatorum cases and systematic random sampling for the control group, with a large sample of 182. Comparison of cases with controls 1:1. Data analysis was performed with univariate and bivariate test of odds ratio (OR). The results showed that the premature rupture of membranes (OR = 2.471, 95% CI 1.333 to 4.581), prolonged labor (OR = 3.417, 95% CI 1.541 to ...
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2019
Pulmonary tuberculosis relapse is a common complications in tuberculosis patients and causing pro... more Pulmonary tuberculosis relapse is a common complications in tuberculosis patients and causing problems around the world, especially in Indonesia. In 2016, Makassar City overall was reported to have high incidence of tuberculosis relapse case detection rate about 4, 9% of 1.850 total smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in working population. This present study aimed to investigate risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis relapse in working age population in public health centers of Panakkukang Subdistrict and Tallo Subdistrict of Makassar City. This present observational-analytical study using case-control study design. This study using exhaustive sampling method for case group and simple random sampling for control group. Data analysis performed with Risk Estimate test (odds ratio)e. This present study shows BCG immunization history (OR=0, 619; 95% CI=0, 197-1, 941), disease comorbidity (OR=2, 143; 95%CI=0, 663-6, 924), smoking (OR=1, 272; 95%CI=0, 317-5, 111), regular medication intake history (OR=6, 111; 95%CI=2, 010-18, 584), air ventilation (OR=0, 706; 95%CI=0, 191-2, 603) and flooring type (OR=1, 909; 95%CI=0, 599-6, 081). This present study concluded that regular medication intake was significant risk factor in pulmonary tuberculosis relapse in working population.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2019
Leprosy disease is a controllable if early diagnosis and treatments are undertaken by the patient... more Leprosy disease is a controllable if early diagnosis and treatments are undertaken by the patients. Nonetheless, a significant number of patients become irregular and default the treatments due to a number of personal, psychosocial, economic, medical and health service factors. Up to date, there has no one time cure for this disease without undergoing a continuous treatment. Hence, this study aimed to determine factors associated with medical treatment compliance among leprosy patients in Gowa district 2015–2016. The study type was observational analytic with cross sectional design. The population in this study is all leprosy patients who still undergoing treatment. The sample sizes are 100 respondents which selected by exhaustive sampling method. The result found variables associated toward medical treatment compliance among leprosy patients were accessibility to health centres (p=0.000), knowledge (p=0.037) and family support (p=0.017). However, the drug side effect is not factor associate with medical treatment compliance (p= 0.200).
ABSTRAK Angka kejadian kanker serviks di Makassar masih cukup tinggi dan menempati urutan kedua s... more ABSTRAK Angka kejadian kanker serviks di Makassar masih cukup tinggi dan menempati urutan kedua setelah Kabupaten Enrekang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pencarian pengobatan pada penderita kanker serviks di rumah sakit Labuang Baji dan Ibnu Sina Makassar Tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan mixed methodology yang menggabungkan dua metode penelitian, yaitu kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Jumlah responden sebanyak 7 orang dan seluruhnya adalah informan, sedangkan informan kunci sebanyak 3 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk desain kuantitatif yaitu analisis univariat dan kualitatif menggunakan model Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian responden mempunyai pengetahuan dan sikap yang positif dalam pencarian pengobatan yaitu masing-masing sebanyak 71.4%, mendapat dukungan keluarga sebanyak 71.4%, dan responden baru mencari pengobatan ketika tingkat keparahannnya telah memasuki stadium lanjut sebanyak 71.4%. Hasil wawancara dengan informan dan informan kunci diperoleh sebagian besar responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan yang baik, sikap yang positif, mendapat dukungan dari keluarga, dan media massa berperan dalam pencarian pegobatan penderita kanker serviks, meskipun sebagian responden baru memeriksakan diri ke rumah sakit ketika telah memasuki stadium lanjut. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini sebagian besar responden tidak hanya menggunakan pengobatan medis tetapi juga pengobatan non medis (tradisional). Kata Kunci: Pengobatan, kanker serviks, mixed methodology