Anthony Biglan - (original) (raw)

Papers by Anthony Biglan

Research paper thumbnail of Relationships among negative and positive behaviours in adolescence

Journal of Adolescence, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Schools and Homes in Partnership (SHIP): Long-Term Effects of a Preventive Intervention Focused on Social Behavior and Reading Skill in Early Elementary School

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of distressed and aggressive behavior

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1989

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence-based Kernels: Fundamental Units of Behavioral Influence

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Problem-solving interactions of depressed women and their husbands**

Behavior Therapy, 1985

The problem-solving interactions of normal marital dyads were compared with those of two groups o... more The problem-solving interactions of normal marital dyads were compared with those of two groups of couples in which the wife was clinically depressed. One group was experiencing marital distress; in the second group marital distress was minimal. Fifty-two couples were ...

Research paper thumbnail of Improving the well-being of adolescents in Oregon

Research paper thumbnail of Overview/Discussion of the fact sheets, Tony gave h andout for Alcohol tax (Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Price on Alcohol)

Research paper thumbnail of Home observations of family interactions of depressed women

Journal of Consulting …, 1987

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1987, Vol. 55, No. 3, 341-346 Copyright 198... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1987, Vol. 55, No. 3, 341-346 Copyright 1987 by the Air can Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-006X/87/S00.75 Home Observations of Family Interactions of Depressed Women ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fostering the Development of Reading Skill Through Supplemental Instruction

Research paper thumbnail of Maternal Depression, Marital Discord, and Children's Behavior: A Developmental Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Home Observations of Family Interactions of Depressed Women

Research paper thumbnail of Home observations of family interactions of depressed women

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1987

Research paper thumbnail of Translating what we know about the context of antisocial behavior into a lower prevalence of such behavior

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1995

Although we have identified many variables that affect antisocial behavior, there is no evidence ... more Although we have identified many variables that affect antisocial behavior, there is no evidence that we have learned how to reduce the incidence of such behavior or the proportion of young people who repeatedly engage in antisocial behavior. It is appropriate, therefore, for behavioral scientists to turn some of their energies to research on reducing the incidence and prevalence of antisocial behavior. Small communities may be a particularly useful social unit in which to conduct experimental research. The interventions to be tested include advocacy and community organizing to influence communities to make validated school and clinical interventions widely available and to assist them in increasing other forms of supervision of young people and social and material support of families. Key components of advocacy and community organizing are suggested, and possibilities for research are described.

Research paper thumbnail of Longitudinal changes in adolescent cigarette smoking behavior: Onset and cessation

Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1988

Employing a 1-year longitudinal design, this study examined factors related to change in adolesce... more Employing a 1-year longitudinal design, this study examined factors related to change in adolescent smoking. Predictors of smoking onset differed from predictors of continued smoking, underscoring the importance of studying factors related to adolescent smoking onset separately from mechanisms associated with changes in smoking among current smokers. Peer smoking predicted continuation of smoking after smoking initiation. Smokers received over 26 times more offers to smoke than did nonsmokers, suggesting that smokers attempting to quit need effective refusal skills to be successful. Habitual smoking was found to develop slowly, providing a substantial time window for refusal skill training and other prevention efforts. Predictors of smoking onset differed by developmental level. Peer smoking and marijuana use were stronger predictors of smoking onset for high-school students, and number of cigarette offers predicted better among middle-school students. Parent variables were not significant predictors of later smoking. Intention to smoke was unrelated to onset and was redundant with pretest smoking behavior in predicting cessation.

Research paper thumbnail of Behavioral Family Interventions for Improving Child-rearing: A Review of the Literature for Clinicians and Policy Makers

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Adolescent Problem Behavior

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 1999

The developmental model of adolescent antisocial behavior advanced by Patterson and colleagues (e... more The developmental model of adolescent antisocial behavior advanced by Patterson and colleagues (e.g., Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992) appears to generalize the development of a diverse set of problem behaviors. Structural equation modeling methods were applied to 18-month longitudinal data from 523 adolescents. The problem behavior construct included substance use, antisocial behavior, academic failure, and risky sexual behavior. Families with high levels of conflict were less likely to have high levels of parent–child involvement. Such family conditions resulted in less adequate parental monitoring of adolescent behavior, making associations with deviant peers more likely. Poor parental monitoring and associations with deviant peers were strong predictors of engagement in problem behavior. These constructs accounted for 46% of the variance in problem behavior. Although association with deviant peers was the most proximal social influence on problem behavior, parental monitoring and family factors (conflict and involvement) were key parenting practices that influenced this developmental process.

Research paper thumbnail of Contributions of the social context to the development of adolescent substance use: a multivariate latent growth modeling approach

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1998

This article demonstrates a latent growth curve methodology for analyzing longitudinal data of ad... more This article demonstrates a latent growth curve methodology for analyzing longitudinal data of adolescent substance use. Hypotheses concerning the form of growth in alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use, and covariates influencing the form of growth, were tested. Participants were male and female adolescents (n=664) assessed at three time points. A common trajectory existed across the developmental period with significant increases in all three substances. Second-order multivariate extensions of the basic latent growth modeling framework suggested that associations among the individual differences parameters, representing growth or change in the various substance use behaviors, could be adequately modeled by a higher-order substance use construct. Inept parental monitoring, parent-child conflict, peer deviance, academic failure, gender, and age, were significant predictors of initial levels and the trajectory of substance use.

Research paper thumbnail of The social context for risky sexual behavior among adolescents

Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1994

This study supports a model of adolescents' risky sexual behavior in which this behavior is seen ... more This study supports a model of adolescents' risky sexual behavior in which this behavior is seen as a product of the same peer and family factors which influence a wide range of problem behaviors. The Pattersonet al. (1992) model of peer and parental factors associated with adolescents' sexual risk-taking behavior was tested on three independent samples of adolescents, ages 14 through 18. Adolescents whose peers were reported to engage in diverse problem behaviors were more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. Poor parental monitoring and parent-child coercive interactions were associated having deviant peers, and poor parental monitoring also had a direct relationship to risky sexual behavior. Family involvement was associated with fewer parent-child coercive interactions. Less availability of parental figures in the family was directly associated with risky sexual behavior and was also associated with poorer parental monitoring.

Research paper thumbnail of The Validation of a Construct of High-Risk Sexual Behavior in Heterosexual Adolescents

Journal of Adolescent Research, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of A randomised controlled trial of a community intervention to prevent adolescent tobacco use

Research paper thumbnail of Relationships among negative and positive behaviours in adolescence

Journal of Adolescence, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Schools and Homes in Partnership (SHIP): Long-Term Effects of a Preventive Intervention Focused on Social Behavior and Reading Skill in Early Elementary School

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of distressed and aggressive behavior

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1989

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence-based Kernels: Fundamental Units of Behavioral Influence

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Problem-solving interactions of depressed women and their husbands**

Behavior Therapy, 1985

The problem-solving interactions of normal marital dyads were compared with those of two groups o... more The problem-solving interactions of normal marital dyads were compared with those of two groups of couples in which the wife was clinically depressed. One group was experiencing marital distress; in the second group marital distress was minimal. Fifty-two couples were ...

Research paper thumbnail of Improving the well-being of adolescents in Oregon

Research paper thumbnail of Overview/Discussion of the fact sheets, Tony gave h andout for Alcohol tax (Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Price on Alcohol)

Research paper thumbnail of Home observations of family interactions of depressed women

Journal of Consulting …, 1987

Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1987, Vol. 55, No. 3, 341-346 Copyright 198... more Page 1. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1987, Vol. 55, No. 3, 341-346 Copyright 1987 by the Air can Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-006X/87/S00.75 Home Observations of Family Interactions of Depressed Women ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fostering the Development of Reading Skill Through Supplemental Instruction

Research paper thumbnail of Maternal Depression, Marital Discord, and Children's Behavior: A Developmental Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Home Observations of Family Interactions of Depressed Women

Research paper thumbnail of Home observations of family interactions of depressed women

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1987

Research paper thumbnail of Translating what we know about the context of antisocial behavior into a lower prevalence of such behavior

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1995

Although we have identified many variables that affect antisocial behavior, there is no evidence ... more Although we have identified many variables that affect antisocial behavior, there is no evidence that we have learned how to reduce the incidence of such behavior or the proportion of young people who repeatedly engage in antisocial behavior. It is appropriate, therefore, for behavioral scientists to turn some of their energies to research on reducing the incidence and prevalence of antisocial behavior. Small communities may be a particularly useful social unit in which to conduct experimental research. The interventions to be tested include advocacy and community organizing to influence communities to make validated school and clinical interventions widely available and to assist them in increasing other forms of supervision of young people and social and material support of families. Key components of advocacy and community organizing are suggested, and possibilities for research are described.

Research paper thumbnail of Longitudinal changes in adolescent cigarette smoking behavior: Onset and cessation

Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1988

Employing a 1-year longitudinal design, this study examined factors related to change in adolesce... more Employing a 1-year longitudinal design, this study examined factors related to change in adolescent smoking. Predictors of smoking onset differed from predictors of continued smoking, underscoring the importance of studying factors related to adolescent smoking onset separately from mechanisms associated with changes in smoking among current smokers. Peer smoking predicted continuation of smoking after smoking initiation. Smokers received over 26 times more offers to smoke than did nonsmokers, suggesting that smokers attempting to quit need effective refusal skills to be successful. Habitual smoking was found to develop slowly, providing a substantial time window for refusal skill training and other prevention efforts. Predictors of smoking onset differed by developmental level. Peer smoking and marijuana use were stronger predictors of smoking onset for high-school students, and number of cigarette offers predicted better among middle-school students. Parent variables were not significant predictors of later smoking. Intention to smoke was unrelated to onset and was redundant with pretest smoking behavior in predicting cessation.

Research paper thumbnail of Behavioral Family Interventions for Improving Child-rearing: A Review of the Literature for Clinicians and Policy Makers

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Adolescent Problem Behavior

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 1999

The developmental model of adolescent antisocial behavior advanced by Patterson and colleagues (e... more The developmental model of adolescent antisocial behavior advanced by Patterson and colleagues (e.g., Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992) appears to generalize the development of a diverse set of problem behaviors. Structural equation modeling methods were applied to 18-month longitudinal data from 523 adolescents. The problem behavior construct included substance use, antisocial behavior, academic failure, and risky sexual behavior. Families with high levels of conflict were less likely to have high levels of parent–child involvement. Such family conditions resulted in less adequate parental monitoring of adolescent behavior, making associations with deviant peers more likely. Poor parental monitoring and associations with deviant peers were strong predictors of engagement in problem behavior. These constructs accounted for 46% of the variance in problem behavior. Although association with deviant peers was the most proximal social influence on problem behavior, parental monitoring and family factors (conflict and involvement) were key parenting practices that influenced this developmental process.

Research paper thumbnail of Contributions of the social context to the development of adolescent substance use: a multivariate latent growth modeling approach

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1998

This article demonstrates a latent growth curve methodology for analyzing longitudinal data of ad... more This article demonstrates a latent growth curve methodology for analyzing longitudinal data of adolescent substance use. Hypotheses concerning the form of growth in alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use, and covariates influencing the form of growth, were tested. Participants were male and female adolescents (n=664) assessed at three time points. A common trajectory existed across the developmental period with significant increases in all three substances. Second-order multivariate extensions of the basic latent growth modeling framework suggested that associations among the individual differences parameters, representing growth or change in the various substance use behaviors, could be adequately modeled by a higher-order substance use construct. Inept parental monitoring, parent-child conflict, peer deviance, academic failure, gender, and age, were significant predictors of initial levels and the trajectory of substance use.

Research paper thumbnail of The social context for risky sexual behavior among adolescents

Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1994

This study supports a model of adolescents' risky sexual behavior in which this behavior is seen ... more This study supports a model of adolescents' risky sexual behavior in which this behavior is seen as a product of the same peer and family factors which influence a wide range of problem behaviors. The Pattersonet al. (1992) model of peer and parental factors associated with adolescents' sexual risk-taking behavior was tested on three independent samples of adolescents, ages 14 through 18. Adolescents whose peers were reported to engage in diverse problem behaviors were more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. Poor parental monitoring and parent-child coercive interactions were associated having deviant peers, and poor parental monitoring also had a direct relationship to risky sexual behavior. Family involvement was associated with fewer parent-child coercive interactions. Less availability of parental figures in the family was directly associated with risky sexual behavior and was also associated with poorer parental monitoring.

Research paper thumbnail of The Validation of a Construct of High-Risk Sexual Behavior in Heterosexual Adolescents

Journal of Adolescent Research, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of A randomised controlled trial of a community intervention to prevent adolescent tobacco use