Anton Hendrik Samudra - (original) (raw)
Papers by Anton Hendrik Samudra
Twitter is a social media platform that many Indonesians use to express their thoughts on a varie... more Twitter is a social media platform that many Indonesians use to express their thoughts on a variety of topics. In Indonesia, the use of social media is governed by a law known as Information and Electronic Transactions Law. However, until now, the implementation of this law has been subpar. This is because there are still violations occurring, and no legal action has been taken against these violations. Hate speech is a common violation on Twitter. The goal of this research is to create a system that can detect potential violations of content on Twitter, particularly content containing hate speech. The k-nearest neighbor (KNN) method was used in this research, along with the feature extraction method TF-IDF. The system built will detect whether the tweet you want to post violates a specific article in the Information and Electronic Transactions Law. Based on model validation, model classifier built has accuracy value is 67.86%, with K value in the KNN method is 10. Meanwhile, based on user validation, the system created has an accuracy of 77%.
Genta Publishing, 2019
Rezim konvergensi teknologi inlormasi komunikasi telah mengubah budaya dan perilaku masyarakat. l... more Rezim konvergensi teknologi inlormasi komunikasi telah mengubah budaya dan perilaku masyarakat. lstilah konvergensi telematika digunakan oleh Makarim, 2 sedangkan Budhijanto menggunakan istilah teknofogi informasi komunikasi. Keduanya sama-sama menggambarkan penggabungan fungsi jaringan telekomunikasi, media (audio-visual, baik sendiri-sendiri maupun gabungannya), dan perangkat (lunak a tau keras, maupun gabungannya). Dunia maya yang sekarang diketahui dan dikenal adalah hasil konvergensi teknologi informasi komunikasi atau telematika dan bagaikan realitas paralel kehidupan manusia. Setiap kemudahan didapat karenanya, dan dampaknya revolusionerterhadap kehidupan man usia, mulai dari perilaku interaksi individu, kelompok maupun industri. Sekarang ini hidup manusia sedang berada di tengah-tengah transformasi yang signifikan dalam dunia industri. Saking kuatnya wama transformasi terse but, nama lndustri 4.0 diberikan untuk merujuk fenomena ini. Tingkatan konvergensi pada korporasi, dalam hal ini perusahaan, memunculkan adanya penggabungan perusahaan terkait industri komputer, tefekomunikasi dan media. Misafnya: Microsoft Corporation yang juga berinvestasi dalam bidang penyiaran, televisi kabel, satelit, penerbitan dan industri internet. Contoh lainnya adalah Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) memiliki RCTI, Global TV, TPI, MobileS Telecom,lnfokom Elektrindo, Koran Sindo, dan Elektrindo Nusantara.' Fenornena lndustri 4.0 juga dikaitkan dengan Industria/Internet of Things, yang merupakan hal yang paling dibicarakan dalam konsep bisnis industrial di tahun-tahun terakhir. General Electric (GE) menggunakan istilah "Industrial Internet" untuk merujuk Industrial Internet of Things, Cisco menggunakan istifah "internet of everything~ sedangkan yang fainnya menyebutnya sebagai Internet 4.0 dan lain sebagainya.' Perkembangan industri berbasis internet bukannya tanpa preseden, di 15 tahun terakhir dapat dilihat dalam sektor B2C (business-to-consumer) di bidang retail, media dan jasa keuangan.
Kertha Patrika, 2021
This paper identifies hoax as a cyberspace social problem which can have a negative impact toward... more This paper identifies hoax as a cyberspace social problem which can have a negative impact toward public order, both in cyberspace and real life. It also elaborates how a hoax is different from fake news for its characteristic. A hoax could cause horizontal conflict, especially in Indonesia when it is about the most recent common political commodities, which are race, ethnicity, religion, intergroup (SARA). Every government has interest on maintaining public order to keep the sustainability of society. Criminal law is designed to be the ultimate tool of social engineering through deterrence effect. The problem is how far the law enforcement is going to go to eradicate the hoax spreading, because the issues of freedom of speech/information.The research is conducted by using a conceptual approach in a normative legal study. Secondary data also provided in this paper to grasp the factual problems as the threat that needed to be encountered. The first part of the paper elaborates the fr...
The present development of technology, mainly with the presence of internet has presented new way... more The present development of technology, mainly with the presence of internet has presented new ways and opportunities in business, namely by electronic commerce (e-commerce). Despite having positive impact, e-commerce also has the potential to cause a negative impact, that is by cyber crime. This research is intended to analyse the possibility of a new cyber crime mode which utilizes cashback promotion in e-marketplace (mainly known as marketplace). The mode used by the perpetrators is to make fictitious transaction in order for the system of marketplace to provide many cashback promos for each transaction made. The perpetrators are allowed to do this mode because they take advantage of the flaw in the system of the marketplace due to the availability of the cashback promo for all of the consumer. The emergence of the possibility of a new cyber crime mode shows the importance of this case to be assessed based on The Law of Republic Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 Concerning Amandment to ...
Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 2019
Open codification system obligates the law enforcement aware of the special rule outside Criminal... more Open codification system obligates the law enforcement aware of the special rule outside Criminal Code. Sometimes failure to do so happens. This paper reviews a court decision of a skimming case in Indonesia. The method is reviewing the court decision, provide special law and the reasoning that applicable to the case. The court used Article 363 Indonesia Criminal Code in card skimming case. In Indonesia criminal law proceeding, the court verdict based on the articles used in the indictment, which is based on investigation process, and judge are restrained by them. The review aims to determine the application of the law for similar case in the future and provide legal reasoning as reference for the law enforcement. The review uses statute and conceptual approach of normative legal study. The finding is the investigator since the beginning did not had adequate awareness of the skimming-related deterring norm in Law 11/2008, therefore binds the judge in law application. The law enforcement should use Law 11/2008 instead, to eradicate crime in securing information communication technology convergence regime.
Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2019
Online fraud experienced by the society in general perspective, and the East Java community in pa... more Online fraud experienced by the society in general perspective, and the East Java community in particular. The victimVictims hope is hoping that the perpetrator can be arrested, and the victim's loss got returned. Beside the technical constraints faced by law enforcement regarding privacy and data security regimes that also protect perpetrators, there is also problem in the rule of law. The norm specifically regulated in Article 28 paragraph (1) Law 11 of 2008 on Electronic Transaction Information (UU ITE) has a special restriction because of its consumer protection dimension. This article is a result of a research conducted regarding the profile of the modus operandi of online fraud in East Java and outlining the emerging legal problems. The research method used is juridical empiric and juridical normative, empiric juridical used to gather data, whereas juridical normative by literature study. The research findings are: it is necessity to reformulate the norms related to online...
Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 2019
This article gives idea on how to redress online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice sys... more This article gives idea on how to redress online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice system. The method applied is by looking scholars’ studies, statutes, observation of victimization process and interviewing law enforcement and victim. In several occasions, investigators turned to blame the victim when they report the crime. For several unsolved cases, the victim asked to revoke their report. This caused by investigator’s view that victim recklessness and failure to think what is deservedly suppose is the main cause of the crime. Treatment and interest fulfillment of online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice system should be redressed, such as the accommodation of material loss recovery, and regarding the victim’s interest during criminal justice process.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembuktian tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektroni... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembuktian tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektronik palsu menggunakan screenshot facebook sebagai alat bukti berdasarkan Undang – Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dan perubahannya, serta peraturan terkait dengan melihat pada kasus yang ada dalam putusan No. 43/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Mjl. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif yaitu suatu metode penelitian yang dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah screenshot facebook tidak cukup untuk dapat digunakan sebagai alat bukti tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektronik palsu karena masih diragukan keabsahannya secara materiil sebagai alat bukti dan penerapannya sebagai alat bukti masih kurang memenuhi dan membuktikan tiap unsur tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektronik palsu, sehingga perlu digunakan alat bukti lain dalam mekanisme pembuktian tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektronik palsu dan perlunya diadakan pengaturan penyitaan...
SSRN Electronic Journal
Perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah tatanan kehidupan manusia di dunia. Dalam melakukan berbaga... more Perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah tatanan kehidupan manusia di dunia. Dalam melakukan berbagai aktifitas, manusia saat ini telah bergantung pada pemanfaatan teknologi. Sebelum ada e-mail, surat menyurat membutuhkan DAFTAR BACAAN
Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan
The amendment of the ITE Law is conducted to provide better legal certainty. This is an effort to... more The amendment of the ITE Law is conducted to provide better legal certainty. This is an effort to respond to society development and aims to provide better legal protection and justice. The implementation of freedom of expression in the media of Information Communication Technology (ICT) affecting the number of defamation. With the amendment of ITE law, it is necessary to examine the nature of defamation offense and libel through ICT media.
Kertha Patrika, 2021
This paper identifies hoax as a cyberspace social problem which can have a negative impact toward... more This paper identifies hoax as a cyberspace social problem which can have a negative impact toward public order, both in cyberspace and real life. It also elaborates how a hoax is different from fake news for its characteristic. A hoax could cause horizontal conflict, especially in Indonesia when it is about the most recent common political commodities, which are race, ethnicity, religion, intergroup (SARA). Every government has interest on maintaining public order to keep the sustainability of society. Criminal law is designed to be the ultimate tool of social engineering through deterrence effect. The problem is how far the law enforcement is going to go to eradicate the hoax spreading, because the issues of freedom of speech/information.The research is conducted by using a conceptual approach in a normative legal study. Secondary data also provided in this paper to grasp the factual problems as the threat that needed to be encountered. The first part of the paper elaborates the freedom of speech/information, cyberspace, and social media. The second part is explanation of profile of hoax in Indonesia. The third part is elaboration of criminal statutes of hoax distribution using information communication technology. The last part is on how far the government and law enforcement synergize and how far they going to go in handling hoaxes and the sources to prevent and contain further damage. The findings are the blocking and taking down is not just about depraving internet user’s rights, but balancing between the freedom and public order. In order to be justifiable and balanced, the government needs to consider objectively whether the content was a threat that disrupting public order (moreover, national security), while the law enforcement could confiscate the electronic system involved and it should have been through appropriate criminal procedure.
Social and Humaniora Research Symposium , 2018
Open codification system obligates the law enforcement aware of the special rule outside Criminal... more Open codification system obligates the law enforcement aware of the special rule outside Criminal Code. Sometimes failure to do so happens. This paper reviews a court decision of a skimming case in Indonesia. The method is reviewing the court decision, provide special law and the reasoning that applicable to the case. The court used Article 363 Indonesia Criminal Code in card skimming case. In Indonesia criminal law proceeding, the court verdict based on the articles used in the indictment, which is based on investigation process, and judge are restrained by them. The review aims to determine the application of the law for similar case in the future and provide legal reasoning as reference for the law enforcement. The review uses statute and conceptual approach of normative legal study. The finding is the investigator since the beginning did not had adequate awareness of the skimming-related deterring norm in Law 11/2008, therefore binds the judge in law application. The law enforcement should use Law 11/2008 instead, to eradicate crime in securing information communication technology convergence regime.
Mimbar Hukum, 2019
Online fraud experienced by the society in general perspective, and the East Java community in pa... more Online fraud experienced by the society in general perspective, and the East Java community in particular. Victims hope that the perpetrator can be arrested, and the victim's loss got returned. Beside the technical constraints faced by law enforcement regarding privacy and data security regimes that also protect perpetrators, there is also problem in the rule of law. The norm specifically regulated in Article 28 paragraph (1) Law 11 of 2008 on Electronic Transaction Information (UU ITE) has a special restriction because of its consumer protection dimension. This article is a result of a research conducted regarding the profile of the modus operandi of online fraud in East Java and outlining the emerging legal problems. The research method used is juridical empiric and juridical normative, empiric juridical used to gather data, whereas juridical normative by literature study. The research findings are: it is necessity to reformulate the norms related to online fraud in the ITE Law because in its modus, there are cases of online fraud which not covered by Article 28 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law.
Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 2019
This article gives idea on how to redress online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice sys... more This article gives idea on how to redress online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice system. The method applied is by looking scholars' studies, statutes, observation of victimization process and interviewing law enforcement and victim. In several occasions, investigators turned to blame the victim when they report the crime. For several unsolved cases, the victim asked to revoke their report. This caused by investigator's view that victim recklessness and failure to think what is deservedly suppose is the main cause of the crime. Treatment and interest fulfillment of online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice system should be redressed, such as the accommodation of material loss recovery, and regarding the victim's interest during criminal justice process. Abstrak Artikel ini memberikan ide tentang bagaimana memperbaiki korban penipuan transaksi online dalam sistem peradilan pidana. Metode yang diterapkan adalah dengan mencari studi ulama, undang-undang, observasi proses viktimisasi dan mewawancarai penegak hukum dan korban. Dalam beberapa kesempatan, penyidik berbalik untuk menyalahkan korban ketika mereka melaporkan kejahatan tersebut. Untuk beberapa kasus yang belum terselesaikan, korban diminta untuk mencabut laporan mereka. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pandangan penyidik bahwa kecerobohan korban dan kegagalan untuk berpikir apa yang seharusnya dianggap sebagai penyebab utama kejahatan. Perlakuan dan pemenuhan kepentingan korban penipuan transaksi online dalam sistem peradilan pidana harus ditanggulangi, seperti akomodasi pemulihan kerugian materi, dan mengenai kepentingan korban selama proses peradilan pidana. Kata Kunci: peradilan pidana, penipuan, bunga, transaksi online, perawatan, korban.
Books by Anton Hendrik Samudra
Perspektif Hukum Bisnis di Indonesia: Kumpulan Catatan Kritis, 2019
Twitter is a social media platform that many Indonesians use to express their thoughts on a varie... more Twitter is a social media platform that many Indonesians use to express their thoughts on a variety of topics. In Indonesia, the use of social media is governed by a law known as Information and Electronic Transactions Law. However, until now, the implementation of this law has been subpar. This is because there are still violations occurring, and no legal action has been taken against these violations. Hate speech is a common violation on Twitter. The goal of this research is to create a system that can detect potential violations of content on Twitter, particularly content containing hate speech. The k-nearest neighbor (KNN) method was used in this research, along with the feature extraction method TF-IDF. The system built will detect whether the tweet you want to post violates a specific article in the Information and Electronic Transactions Law. Based on model validation, model classifier built has accuracy value is 67.86%, with K value in the KNN method is 10. Meanwhile, based on user validation, the system created has an accuracy of 77%.
Genta Publishing, 2019
Rezim konvergensi teknologi inlormasi komunikasi telah mengubah budaya dan perilaku masyarakat. l... more Rezim konvergensi teknologi inlormasi komunikasi telah mengubah budaya dan perilaku masyarakat. lstilah konvergensi telematika digunakan oleh Makarim, 2 sedangkan Budhijanto menggunakan istilah teknofogi informasi komunikasi. Keduanya sama-sama menggambarkan penggabungan fungsi jaringan telekomunikasi, media (audio-visual, baik sendiri-sendiri maupun gabungannya), dan perangkat (lunak a tau keras, maupun gabungannya). Dunia maya yang sekarang diketahui dan dikenal adalah hasil konvergensi teknologi informasi komunikasi atau telematika dan bagaikan realitas paralel kehidupan manusia. Setiap kemudahan didapat karenanya, dan dampaknya revolusionerterhadap kehidupan man usia, mulai dari perilaku interaksi individu, kelompok maupun industri. Sekarang ini hidup manusia sedang berada di tengah-tengah transformasi yang signifikan dalam dunia industri. Saking kuatnya wama transformasi terse but, nama lndustri 4.0 diberikan untuk merujuk fenomena ini. Tingkatan konvergensi pada korporasi, dalam hal ini perusahaan, memunculkan adanya penggabungan perusahaan terkait industri komputer, tefekomunikasi dan media. Misafnya: Microsoft Corporation yang juga berinvestasi dalam bidang penyiaran, televisi kabel, satelit, penerbitan dan industri internet. Contoh lainnya adalah Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) memiliki RCTI, Global TV, TPI, MobileS Telecom,lnfokom Elektrindo, Koran Sindo, dan Elektrindo Nusantara.' Fenornena lndustri 4.0 juga dikaitkan dengan Industria/Internet of Things, yang merupakan hal yang paling dibicarakan dalam konsep bisnis industrial di tahun-tahun terakhir. General Electric (GE) menggunakan istilah "Industrial Internet" untuk merujuk Industrial Internet of Things, Cisco menggunakan istifah "internet of everything~ sedangkan yang fainnya menyebutnya sebagai Internet 4.0 dan lain sebagainya.' Perkembangan industri berbasis internet bukannya tanpa preseden, di 15 tahun terakhir dapat dilihat dalam sektor B2C (business-to-consumer) di bidang retail, media dan jasa keuangan.
Kertha Patrika, 2021
This paper identifies hoax as a cyberspace social problem which can have a negative impact toward... more This paper identifies hoax as a cyberspace social problem which can have a negative impact toward public order, both in cyberspace and real life. It also elaborates how a hoax is different from fake news for its characteristic. A hoax could cause horizontal conflict, especially in Indonesia when it is about the most recent common political commodities, which are race, ethnicity, religion, intergroup (SARA). Every government has interest on maintaining public order to keep the sustainability of society. Criminal law is designed to be the ultimate tool of social engineering through deterrence effect. The problem is how far the law enforcement is going to go to eradicate the hoax spreading, because the issues of freedom of speech/information.The research is conducted by using a conceptual approach in a normative legal study. Secondary data also provided in this paper to grasp the factual problems as the threat that needed to be encountered. The first part of the paper elaborates the fr...
The present development of technology, mainly with the presence of internet has presented new way... more The present development of technology, mainly with the presence of internet has presented new ways and opportunities in business, namely by electronic commerce (e-commerce). Despite having positive impact, e-commerce also has the potential to cause a negative impact, that is by cyber crime. This research is intended to analyse the possibility of a new cyber crime mode which utilizes cashback promotion in e-marketplace (mainly known as marketplace). The mode used by the perpetrators is to make fictitious transaction in order for the system of marketplace to provide many cashback promos for each transaction made. The perpetrators are allowed to do this mode because they take advantage of the flaw in the system of the marketplace due to the availability of the cashback promo for all of the consumer. The emergence of the possibility of a new cyber crime mode shows the importance of this case to be assessed based on The Law of Republic Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 Concerning Amandment to ...
Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 2019
Open codification system obligates the law enforcement aware of the special rule outside Criminal... more Open codification system obligates the law enforcement aware of the special rule outside Criminal Code. Sometimes failure to do so happens. This paper reviews a court decision of a skimming case in Indonesia. The method is reviewing the court decision, provide special law and the reasoning that applicable to the case. The court used Article 363 Indonesia Criminal Code in card skimming case. In Indonesia criminal law proceeding, the court verdict based on the articles used in the indictment, which is based on investigation process, and judge are restrained by them. The review aims to determine the application of the law for similar case in the future and provide legal reasoning as reference for the law enforcement. The review uses statute and conceptual approach of normative legal study. The finding is the investigator since the beginning did not had adequate awareness of the skimming-related deterring norm in Law 11/2008, therefore binds the judge in law application. The law enforcement should use Law 11/2008 instead, to eradicate crime in securing information communication technology convergence regime.
Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2019
Online fraud experienced by the society in general perspective, and the East Java community in pa... more Online fraud experienced by the society in general perspective, and the East Java community in particular. The victimVictims hope is hoping that the perpetrator can be arrested, and the victim's loss got returned. Beside the technical constraints faced by law enforcement regarding privacy and data security regimes that also protect perpetrators, there is also problem in the rule of law. The norm specifically regulated in Article 28 paragraph (1) Law 11 of 2008 on Electronic Transaction Information (UU ITE) has a special restriction because of its consumer protection dimension. This article is a result of a research conducted regarding the profile of the modus operandi of online fraud in East Java and outlining the emerging legal problems. The research method used is juridical empiric and juridical normative, empiric juridical used to gather data, whereas juridical normative by literature study. The research findings are: it is necessity to reformulate the norms related to online...
Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 2019
This article gives idea on how to redress online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice sys... more This article gives idea on how to redress online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice system. The method applied is by looking scholars’ studies, statutes, observation of victimization process and interviewing law enforcement and victim. In several occasions, investigators turned to blame the victim when they report the crime. For several unsolved cases, the victim asked to revoke their report. This caused by investigator’s view that victim recklessness and failure to think what is deservedly suppose is the main cause of the crime. Treatment and interest fulfillment of online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice system should be redressed, such as the accommodation of material loss recovery, and regarding the victim’s interest during criminal justice process.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembuktian tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektroni... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembuktian tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektronik palsu menggunakan screenshot facebook sebagai alat bukti berdasarkan Undang – Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dan perubahannya, serta peraturan terkait dengan melihat pada kasus yang ada dalam putusan No. 43/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Mjl. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif yaitu suatu metode penelitian yang dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah screenshot facebook tidak cukup untuk dapat digunakan sebagai alat bukti tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektronik palsu karena masih diragukan keabsahannya secara materiil sebagai alat bukti dan penerapannya sebagai alat bukti masih kurang memenuhi dan membuktikan tiap unsur tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektronik palsu, sehingga perlu digunakan alat bukti lain dalam mekanisme pembuktian tindak pidana penciptaan informasi elektronik palsu dan perlunya diadakan pengaturan penyitaan...
SSRN Electronic Journal
Perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah tatanan kehidupan manusia di dunia. Dalam melakukan berbaga... more Perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah tatanan kehidupan manusia di dunia. Dalam melakukan berbagai aktifitas, manusia saat ini telah bergantung pada pemanfaatan teknologi. Sebelum ada e-mail, surat menyurat membutuhkan DAFTAR BACAAN
Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan
The amendment of the ITE Law is conducted to provide better legal certainty. This is an effort to... more The amendment of the ITE Law is conducted to provide better legal certainty. This is an effort to respond to society development and aims to provide better legal protection and justice. The implementation of freedom of expression in the media of Information Communication Technology (ICT) affecting the number of defamation. With the amendment of ITE law, it is necessary to examine the nature of defamation offense and libel through ICT media.
Kertha Patrika, 2021
This paper identifies hoax as a cyberspace social problem which can have a negative impact toward... more This paper identifies hoax as a cyberspace social problem which can have a negative impact toward public order, both in cyberspace and real life. It also elaborates how a hoax is different from fake news for its characteristic. A hoax could cause horizontal conflict, especially in Indonesia when it is about the most recent common political commodities, which are race, ethnicity, religion, intergroup (SARA). Every government has interest on maintaining public order to keep the sustainability of society. Criminal law is designed to be the ultimate tool of social engineering through deterrence effect. The problem is how far the law enforcement is going to go to eradicate the hoax spreading, because the issues of freedom of speech/information.The research is conducted by using a conceptual approach in a normative legal study. Secondary data also provided in this paper to grasp the factual problems as the threat that needed to be encountered. The first part of the paper elaborates the freedom of speech/information, cyberspace, and social media. The second part is explanation of profile of hoax in Indonesia. The third part is elaboration of criminal statutes of hoax distribution using information communication technology. The last part is on how far the government and law enforcement synergize and how far they going to go in handling hoaxes and the sources to prevent and contain further damage. The findings are the blocking and taking down is not just about depraving internet user’s rights, but balancing between the freedom and public order. In order to be justifiable and balanced, the government needs to consider objectively whether the content was a threat that disrupting public order (moreover, national security), while the law enforcement could confiscate the electronic system involved and it should have been through appropriate criminal procedure.
Social and Humaniora Research Symposium , 2018
Open codification system obligates the law enforcement aware of the special rule outside Criminal... more Open codification system obligates the law enforcement aware of the special rule outside Criminal Code. Sometimes failure to do so happens. This paper reviews a court decision of a skimming case in Indonesia. The method is reviewing the court decision, provide special law and the reasoning that applicable to the case. The court used Article 363 Indonesia Criminal Code in card skimming case. In Indonesia criminal law proceeding, the court verdict based on the articles used in the indictment, which is based on investigation process, and judge are restrained by them. The review aims to determine the application of the law for similar case in the future and provide legal reasoning as reference for the law enforcement. The review uses statute and conceptual approach of normative legal study. The finding is the investigator since the beginning did not had adequate awareness of the skimming-related deterring norm in Law 11/2008, therefore binds the judge in law application. The law enforcement should use Law 11/2008 instead, to eradicate crime in securing information communication technology convergence regime.
Mimbar Hukum, 2019
Online fraud experienced by the society in general perspective, and the East Java community in pa... more Online fraud experienced by the society in general perspective, and the East Java community in particular. Victims hope that the perpetrator can be arrested, and the victim's loss got returned. Beside the technical constraints faced by law enforcement regarding privacy and data security regimes that also protect perpetrators, there is also problem in the rule of law. The norm specifically regulated in Article 28 paragraph (1) Law 11 of 2008 on Electronic Transaction Information (UU ITE) has a special restriction because of its consumer protection dimension. This article is a result of a research conducted regarding the profile of the modus operandi of online fraud in East Java and outlining the emerging legal problems. The research method used is juridical empiric and juridical normative, empiric juridical used to gather data, whereas juridical normative by literature study. The research findings are: it is necessity to reformulate the norms related to online fraud in the ITE Law because in its modus, there are cases of online fraud which not covered by Article 28 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law.
Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 2019
This article gives idea on how to redress online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice sys... more This article gives idea on how to redress online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice system. The method applied is by looking scholars' studies, statutes, observation of victimization process and interviewing law enforcement and victim. In several occasions, investigators turned to blame the victim when they report the crime. For several unsolved cases, the victim asked to revoke their report. This caused by investigator's view that victim recklessness and failure to think what is deservedly suppose is the main cause of the crime. Treatment and interest fulfillment of online transaction fraud victim in criminal justice system should be redressed, such as the accommodation of material loss recovery, and regarding the victim's interest during criminal justice process. Abstrak Artikel ini memberikan ide tentang bagaimana memperbaiki korban penipuan transaksi online dalam sistem peradilan pidana. Metode yang diterapkan adalah dengan mencari studi ulama, undang-undang, observasi proses viktimisasi dan mewawancarai penegak hukum dan korban. Dalam beberapa kesempatan, penyidik berbalik untuk menyalahkan korban ketika mereka melaporkan kejahatan tersebut. Untuk beberapa kasus yang belum terselesaikan, korban diminta untuk mencabut laporan mereka. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pandangan penyidik bahwa kecerobohan korban dan kegagalan untuk berpikir apa yang seharusnya dianggap sebagai penyebab utama kejahatan. Perlakuan dan pemenuhan kepentingan korban penipuan transaksi online dalam sistem peradilan pidana harus ditanggulangi, seperti akomodasi pemulihan kerugian materi, dan mengenai kepentingan korban selama proses peradilan pidana. Kata Kunci: peradilan pidana, penipuan, bunga, transaksi online, perawatan, korban.