Antonio Sampayo - (original) (raw)

Papers by Antonio Sampayo

Research paper thumbnail of Un análisis del reemplazo de activos físicos, aplicación al consumo de bienes duraderos

En los ultimos anos se han puesto en practica en Espana politicas de subsidio a la renovacion del... more En los ultimos anos se han puesto en practica en Espana politicas de subsidio a la renovacion del parque automotriz. Se han llevado a cabo dos mentos de este tipo. En primer lugar, y ante la aguda crisis que el sector del automovil vivio al principio de los noventa, el Gobierno socialista implemento en los anos 1994 y 1995 dos programas para la renovacion del parque de vehiculos, denominados Planes Renove I y II. En 1997, el Gobierno del Partido Popular puso en marcha un subsidio de caracteristicas similares conocido como Plan Prever. El capitulo 1 pasa revista a los datos de reemplazo de automoviles en Espana en las dos ultimas decadas del siglo XX con el fin de analizar los efectos que, sobre las ventas de vehiculos, puede tener una politica de este tipo. El capitulo 2 pretende formular un modelo de reemplazo de automoviles, basado en los modelos de generaciones de capital usados en la teoria del crecimiento economico, que sea capaz de simlular medidas al Plan Prever, con el objeto de evaluar los posibles efectos de este Plan sobre las matriculaciones de turismos en Espana. Como los principales resultados obtenidos, cabe destacar que construimos un modelo de reemplazo de bienes duraderos, donde los individuos deciden endogenamente la edad de reemplazo de sus coches, modelo que consigue replicar las tasas de fallo agregadas observadas para los automoviles en los ultimos anos. Con este mismo modelo podemos computar el efecto que el Plan Prever ha podido tener para el reemplazo de turismos en Espana. El capitulo 3, en el mismo marco teorico del capitulo 2, examina los efectos dinamicos sobre las compras agregadas de bienes duraderos, de la introduccion de un shock exogeno de politica fiscal consistente en un subsidio al reemplazo de bienes duraderos cuya vida es finita. La principal conclusion es que la politica fiscal analizada genera fluctuaciones endogenas en las compras de bienes duraderos

Research paper thumbnail of Licensing contracts and the number of licenses under screening

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Mar 2, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Una aplicación de los sistemas de puntos en la priorización de pacientes en lista de espera quirúrgica

Documentos de traballo …, 2006

Resumen: Las listas de espera son el mecanismo habitual de racionamiento de la demanda en los sis... more Resumen: Las listas de espera son el mecanismo habitual de racionamiento de la demanda en los sistemas nacionales de salud. Cuando no existe urgencia médica, el criterio habitualmente utilizado para su gestión es el tiempo de espera. Aspectos como la intensidad de los síntomas o las limitaciones sociales que la enfermedad le provoca al paciente no son tenidas en cuenta. En este artículo se propone la gestión de la listas de espera de prostatectomía a través de un sistema de puntos basado en las preferencias sociales. Los resultados muestran que tanto las variables clínicas como las variables sociales son importantes a la hora de priorizar pacientes que esperan esta intervención. Asimismo, se detectan algunas diferencias en las preferencias de los pacientes y la población general. JEL: I18, C25 Palabras clave: Listas de espera; establecimiento de prioridades; sistema de puntos; modelos de elección discreta; rank-ordered logit model

Research paper thumbnail of Licensing of a new technology by an outside and uninformed licensor

Journal of economics, Apr 2, 2024

We examine the licensing decision of a non-producer innovator with a new technology that enables ... more We examine the licensing decision of a non-producer innovator with a new technology that enables the manufacture of a saleable product. The technology is licensed and each user privately knows its innovation-related production cost, whereas the licensor only knows, with a certain probability, that this cost may be low (the user is efficient) or high (the user is inefficient). When a single licence is granted through separating contracts, only the contract intended for the inefficient user involves a per-unit royalty, but when two licences are granted through separating contracts, the contracts intended for the inefficient and efficient users both feature a per-unit royalty. However, screening is less likely as the number of licences increases, to the point that the licensor does not screen users when granting three licences. Additionally, whereas the diffusion of the innovation is socially insufficient under symmetric information, with asymmetric information it may be socially optimal. Finally, when licensing with contracts involving an ad-valorem royalty is also feasible the licensor finds it less attractive than licensing with a per-unit royalty.

Research paper thumbnail of Subsidios al desguace de bienes duraderos, heterogeneidad y ecos de reemplazo

En un contexto con consumidores heterogeneos y reemplazo endogeno de bienes duraderos, analizamos... more En un contexto con consumidores heterogeneos y reemplazo endogeno de bienes duraderos, analizamos la propagacion dinamica de un subsidio al reemplazo. Encontramos que el subsidio genera fluctuaciones endogenas en las compras de bienes duraderos. Pero la heterogeneidad en la edad de reemplazo suaviza las fluctuaciones, que tienden a desaparecer en la transicion al estado estacionario. Sin embargo, la exigencia de una edad minima de reemplazo para poder acceder al subsidio, atenua el papel de la heterogeneidad en la eliminacion de las fluctuaciones de forma que, dependiendo del perfil de la heterogeneidad, puede incluso no existir convergencia al nuevo estado estacionario.

Research paper thumbnail of Obsolescence and Productivity1

The increase in the obsolescence of intangible capital caused by the adoption of new information ... more The increase in the obsolescence of intangible capital caused by the adoption of new information technologies can play an important role in accounting for the productivity slowdown undergone by the US economy since 1974. To explore this hypothesis, we have developed a standard growth model with physical and intangible capital in which technical progress is equipment—specific. We assume that the obsolescence of intangible capital increases when the equipment—specific technical progress accelerates. The model is calibrated for the period 1957—1973 and the response of the economy to an increase in the rate of equipment—specific technical progress – as observed since 1974 – is simulated. We show that this setup can account for a large part of the post—1974 slowdown observed in productivity and in the Solow residual. JEL classification: E23, O30, O47.

Research paper thumbnail of Complementarity, Linkages between Firms, and the Effect of Entry Costs on Productivity

Review of Development Economics, 2017

In a general equilibrium model where firms are heterogeneous in terms of productivity, we introdu... more In a general equilibrium model where firms are heterogeneous in terms of productivity, we introduce differentiated goods in production that are not perfect substitutes, as well as intermediate inputs needed to produce those goods. We show that an increase in either the complementarity of differentiated goods or the share of intermediate inputs in gross output, significantly increases the negative effect of entry costs on total factor productivity (TFP) and output per worker. We also find that the effect of complementarity is quantitatively stronger. If we assume an empirically plausible value for the elasticity of substitution between differentiated goods, then the model considerably improves its ability to reproduce the observed negative relationship between entry costs and TFP or output per worker. *The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from Xunta de Galicia research program GPC2013-045 partly funded the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), as well as from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness research program ECO2013-48884-C3-1-P.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Number of Licenses with Signalling

The Manchester School, 2016

We analyse a two-period licensing game in which a non-producing upstream patent holder licenses a... more We analyse a two-period licensing game in which a non-producing upstream patent holder licenses an innovation that lasts for two periods to either one or two downstream users. Licensing is made through a payment based on a two-part tariff, namely a fixed fee plus a royalty per output unit. Regarding the innovation value when commercialized by each user (high or low), we compare a symmetric information context where such value is publicly known with a situation in which users have private information about the value, but with their period-1 output signalling that value. We find that the patent holder is more likely to prefer to grant two licenses under signalling than under symmetric information, which highlights the benefits of resorting to market competition between users to reduce the amount of informational rents. * Manuscript received 21.10.13; final version received 29.3.16. † We are very grateful to two anonymous referees and the Editor (Chris Orme) whose comments and suggestions greatly contributed to improve the manuscript, particularly referring to Propositions 5 and 6. Of course, all remaining errors are our sole responsibility. We acknowledge financial support from the Xunta de Galicia through Project GPC2013-045 partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The second author also acknowledges aid received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Research Program ECO2013-48884-C3-1-P.

Research paper thumbnail of The DEP-6D, a new preference-based measure to assess health states of dependency

Social Science & Medicine, 2016

In medical literature there are numerous multidimensional scales to measure health states for dep... more In medical literature there are numerous multidimensional scales to measure health states for dependence in activities of daily living. However, these scales are not preference-based and are not able to yield QALYs. On the contrary, the generic preference-based measures are not sensitive enough to measure changes in dependence states. The objective of this paper is to propose a new dependency health state classification system, called DEP-6D, and to estimate its value set in such a way that it can be used in QALY calculations. DEP-6D states are described as a combination of 6 attributes (eat, incontinence, personal care, mobility, housework and cognition problems), with 3e4 levels each. A sample of 312 Spanish citizens was surveyed in 2011 to estimate the DEP-6D preference-scoring algorithm. Each respondent valued six out of the 24 states using time trade-off questions. After excluding those respondents who made two or more inconsistencies (6% out of the sample), each state was valued between 66 and 77 times. The responses present a high internal and external consistency. A random effect model accounting for main effects was the preferred model to estimate the scoring algorithm. The DEP-6D describes, in general, more severe problems than those usually described by means of generic preference-based measures. The minimum score predicted by the DEP-6D algorithm is À0.84, which is considerably lower than the minimum value predicted by the EQ-5D and SF-6D algorithms. The DEP-6D value set is based on community preferences. Therefore it is consistent with the so-called 'societal perspective'. Moreover, DEP-6D preference weights can be used in QALY calculations and cost-utility analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Complementarity, linkages between firms and the impact of entry costs on productivity

We extend the model developed by Barseghyan and DiCecio (2011) to introduce intermediate inputs i... more We extend the model developed by Barseghyan and DiCecio (2011) to introduce intermediate inputs in production which are not perfect substitutes, to show that either an increase of complementarity between intermediate inputs or an increase of intermediate inputs share in gross output, significantly increase the negative impact of entry costs on TFP and outpur per worker. Moreover, assuming an empirically plausible value for the elasticity of substitution between intermediate inputs, allows the model to reproduce accurately the empirical findings about the negative impact of entry costs on TFP and GDP per worker reported in Barseghyan (2008).

Research paper thumbnail of Distribución territorial de la dependencia en España y Europa

Research paper thumbnail of On the number of licenses under symmetric versus asymmetric information with signaling

We analyze a two-period licensing game in which a non-producer upstream patent holder licenses an... more We analyze a two-period licensing game in which a non-producer upstream patent holder licenses an innovation to either one or two downstream licensees for a payment based on the licensee's expected per-period profit. Licensees have private information about the innovation's value, and their period-1 output may signal that value. We find that two licensees are more likely to be preferred under asymmetric information with signaling than under symmetric information.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a new preference-based instrument to measure dependency

This paper reports the estimation of a preference-based scoring algorithm for a new dependency he... more This paper reports the estimation of a preference-based scoring algorithm for a new dependency health state classification system. According to this system health states are described as a combination of 6 attributes (eat, incontinence, personal care, mobility, housework and cognition/mental problems), with 3 or 4 levels each. The tariff of this instrument is based on community preferences, hence it is consistent with the so-called 'societal perspective'. Preference weights can be used in QALY calculations and cost-utility analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of replacement schemes on car replacement: the Spanis case

ABSTRACT This paper studies a model of car replacement designed to evaluate policies addressed to... more ABSTRACT This paper studies a model of car replacement designed to evaluate policies addressed to influence replacement decisions. An aggregate hazard function is computed from optimal replacement rules of heterogeneous consumers, which mimics the hump-shaped hazard function observed for the Spanish car market. The model is calibrated to evaluate quantitatively the Plan Prever, a replacement scheme introduced in Spain in 1997, finding that the positive effect of the subsidy is high in the short run but small in the long run for both sales and the average age of the stock.

Research paper thumbnail of Obsolescence and productivity

Portuguese Economic Journal, 2014

The increase in the obsolescence of intangible capital caused by the adoption of new information ... more The increase in the obsolescence of intangible capital caused by the adoption of new information technologies can play an important role in accounting for the productivity slowdown undergone by the US economy since 1974. To explore this hypothesis, we have developed a standard growth model with physical and intangible capital in which technical progress is equipment-specific. We assume that the obsolescence of intangible capital increases when the equipment-specific technical progress accelerates. The model is calibrated for the period 1957-1973 and the response of the economy to an increase in the rate of equipment-specific technical progressas observed since 1974is simulated. We show that this setup can account for a large part of the post-1974 slowdown observed in productivity and in the Solow residual.

Research paper thumbnail of Los efectos de los Planes Renove y Prever sobre el reemplazo de turismos

Research paper thumbnail of Social preferences measures and the quality of the job match for persons with disabilities

Waiting lists are the main mechanisms for rationing demand in national health systems. The usual ... more Waiting lists are the main mechanisms for rationing demand in national health systems. The usual way to organize patients in a waiting list is on a simple first come first serve basis. Characteristics like the intensity of symptoms or the patient’s limitations in daily activities are not considered explicitly. In this paper, we apply a point system that incorporates social preferences in the management of waiting lists for surgical intervention on the prostate. The results show that both clinical and social variables are important for prioritizing patients waiting for this intervention. Furthermore, we detect some differences between the preferences of patients and general population.

Research paper thumbnail of Preferencias sociales en las decisiones públicas: priorización de pacientes en lista de espera quirúrgica

Research paper thumbnail of Secondhand market and the lifetime of durable goods

que lo solicitan. No obstante están disponibles en texto completo a través de Internet: http://ww...[ more ](;)que lo solicitan. No obstante están disponibles en texto completo a través de Internet: These Working Paper are distributed free of charge to University Department and other Research Centres. They are also available through Internet:

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de los efectos del Plan Prever a partir de un modelo de simulación de reemplazos del parque español de automóviles

Research paper thumbnail of Un análisis del reemplazo de activos físicos, aplicación al consumo de bienes duraderos

En los ultimos anos se han puesto en practica en Espana politicas de subsidio a la renovacion del... more En los ultimos anos se han puesto en practica en Espana politicas de subsidio a la renovacion del parque automotriz. Se han llevado a cabo dos mentos de este tipo. En primer lugar, y ante la aguda crisis que el sector del automovil vivio al principio de los noventa, el Gobierno socialista implemento en los anos 1994 y 1995 dos programas para la renovacion del parque de vehiculos, denominados Planes Renove I y II. En 1997, el Gobierno del Partido Popular puso en marcha un subsidio de caracteristicas similares conocido como Plan Prever. El capitulo 1 pasa revista a los datos de reemplazo de automoviles en Espana en las dos ultimas decadas del siglo XX con el fin de analizar los efectos que, sobre las ventas de vehiculos, puede tener una politica de este tipo. El capitulo 2 pretende formular un modelo de reemplazo de automoviles, basado en los modelos de generaciones de capital usados en la teoria del crecimiento economico, que sea capaz de simlular medidas al Plan Prever, con el objeto de evaluar los posibles efectos de este Plan sobre las matriculaciones de turismos en Espana. Como los principales resultados obtenidos, cabe destacar que construimos un modelo de reemplazo de bienes duraderos, donde los individuos deciden endogenamente la edad de reemplazo de sus coches, modelo que consigue replicar las tasas de fallo agregadas observadas para los automoviles en los ultimos anos. Con este mismo modelo podemos computar el efecto que el Plan Prever ha podido tener para el reemplazo de turismos en Espana. El capitulo 3, en el mismo marco teorico del capitulo 2, examina los efectos dinamicos sobre las compras agregadas de bienes duraderos, de la introduccion de un shock exogeno de politica fiscal consistente en un subsidio al reemplazo de bienes duraderos cuya vida es finita. La principal conclusion es que la politica fiscal analizada genera fluctuaciones endogenas en las compras de bienes duraderos

Research paper thumbnail of Licensing contracts and the number of licenses under screening

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Mar 2, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Una aplicación de los sistemas de puntos en la priorización de pacientes en lista de espera quirúrgica

Documentos de traballo …, 2006

Resumen: Las listas de espera son el mecanismo habitual de racionamiento de la demanda en los sis... more Resumen: Las listas de espera son el mecanismo habitual de racionamiento de la demanda en los sistemas nacionales de salud. Cuando no existe urgencia médica, el criterio habitualmente utilizado para su gestión es el tiempo de espera. Aspectos como la intensidad de los síntomas o las limitaciones sociales que la enfermedad le provoca al paciente no son tenidas en cuenta. En este artículo se propone la gestión de la listas de espera de prostatectomía a través de un sistema de puntos basado en las preferencias sociales. Los resultados muestran que tanto las variables clínicas como las variables sociales son importantes a la hora de priorizar pacientes que esperan esta intervención. Asimismo, se detectan algunas diferencias en las preferencias de los pacientes y la población general. JEL: I18, C25 Palabras clave: Listas de espera; establecimiento de prioridades; sistema de puntos; modelos de elección discreta; rank-ordered logit model

Research paper thumbnail of Licensing of a new technology by an outside and uninformed licensor

Journal of economics, Apr 2, 2024

We examine the licensing decision of a non-producer innovator with a new technology that enables ... more We examine the licensing decision of a non-producer innovator with a new technology that enables the manufacture of a saleable product. The technology is licensed and each user privately knows its innovation-related production cost, whereas the licensor only knows, with a certain probability, that this cost may be low (the user is efficient) or high (the user is inefficient). When a single licence is granted through separating contracts, only the contract intended for the inefficient user involves a per-unit royalty, but when two licences are granted through separating contracts, the contracts intended for the inefficient and efficient users both feature a per-unit royalty. However, screening is less likely as the number of licences increases, to the point that the licensor does not screen users when granting three licences. Additionally, whereas the diffusion of the innovation is socially insufficient under symmetric information, with asymmetric information it may be socially optimal. Finally, when licensing with contracts involving an ad-valorem royalty is also feasible the licensor finds it less attractive than licensing with a per-unit royalty.

Research paper thumbnail of Subsidios al desguace de bienes duraderos, heterogeneidad y ecos de reemplazo

En un contexto con consumidores heterogeneos y reemplazo endogeno de bienes duraderos, analizamos... more En un contexto con consumidores heterogeneos y reemplazo endogeno de bienes duraderos, analizamos la propagacion dinamica de un subsidio al reemplazo. Encontramos que el subsidio genera fluctuaciones endogenas en las compras de bienes duraderos. Pero la heterogeneidad en la edad de reemplazo suaviza las fluctuaciones, que tienden a desaparecer en la transicion al estado estacionario. Sin embargo, la exigencia de una edad minima de reemplazo para poder acceder al subsidio, atenua el papel de la heterogeneidad en la eliminacion de las fluctuaciones de forma que, dependiendo del perfil de la heterogeneidad, puede incluso no existir convergencia al nuevo estado estacionario.

Research paper thumbnail of Obsolescence and Productivity1

The increase in the obsolescence of intangible capital caused by the adoption of new information ... more The increase in the obsolescence of intangible capital caused by the adoption of new information technologies can play an important role in accounting for the productivity slowdown undergone by the US economy since 1974. To explore this hypothesis, we have developed a standard growth model with physical and intangible capital in which technical progress is equipment—specific. We assume that the obsolescence of intangible capital increases when the equipment—specific technical progress accelerates. The model is calibrated for the period 1957—1973 and the response of the economy to an increase in the rate of equipment—specific technical progress – as observed since 1974 – is simulated. We show that this setup can account for a large part of the post—1974 slowdown observed in productivity and in the Solow residual. JEL classification: E23, O30, O47.

Research paper thumbnail of Complementarity, Linkages between Firms, and the Effect of Entry Costs on Productivity

Review of Development Economics, 2017

In a general equilibrium model where firms are heterogeneous in terms of productivity, we introdu... more In a general equilibrium model where firms are heterogeneous in terms of productivity, we introduce differentiated goods in production that are not perfect substitutes, as well as intermediate inputs needed to produce those goods. We show that an increase in either the complementarity of differentiated goods or the share of intermediate inputs in gross output, significantly increases the negative effect of entry costs on total factor productivity (TFP) and output per worker. We also find that the effect of complementarity is quantitatively stronger. If we assume an empirically plausible value for the elasticity of substitution between differentiated goods, then the model considerably improves its ability to reproduce the observed negative relationship between entry costs and TFP or output per worker. *The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from Xunta de Galicia research program GPC2013-045 partly funded the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), as well as from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness research program ECO2013-48884-C3-1-P.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Number of Licenses with Signalling

The Manchester School, 2016

We analyse a two-period licensing game in which a non-producing upstream patent holder licenses a... more We analyse a two-period licensing game in which a non-producing upstream patent holder licenses an innovation that lasts for two periods to either one or two downstream users. Licensing is made through a payment based on a two-part tariff, namely a fixed fee plus a royalty per output unit. Regarding the innovation value when commercialized by each user (high or low), we compare a symmetric information context where such value is publicly known with a situation in which users have private information about the value, but with their period-1 output signalling that value. We find that the patent holder is more likely to prefer to grant two licenses under signalling than under symmetric information, which highlights the benefits of resorting to market competition between users to reduce the amount of informational rents. * Manuscript received 21.10.13; final version received 29.3.16. † We are very grateful to two anonymous referees and the Editor (Chris Orme) whose comments and suggestions greatly contributed to improve the manuscript, particularly referring to Propositions 5 and 6. Of course, all remaining errors are our sole responsibility. We acknowledge financial support from the Xunta de Galicia through Project GPC2013-045 partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The second author also acknowledges aid received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Research Program ECO2013-48884-C3-1-P.

Research paper thumbnail of The DEP-6D, a new preference-based measure to assess health states of dependency

Social Science & Medicine, 2016

In medical literature there are numerous multidimensional scales to measure health states for dep... more In medical literature there are numerous multidimensional scales to measure health states for dependence in activities of daily living. However, these scales are not preference-based and are not able to yield QALYs. On the contrary, the generic preference-based measures are not sensitive enough to measure changes in dependence states. The objective of this paper is to propose a new dependency health state classification system, called DEP-6D, and to estimate its value set in such a way that it can be used in QALY calculations. DEP-6D states are described as a combination of 6 attributes (eat, incontinence, personal care, mobility, housework and cognition problems), with 3e4 levels each. A sample of 312 Spanish citizens was surveyed in 2011 to estimate the DEP-6D preference-scoring algorithm. Each respondent valued six out of the 24 states using time trade-off questions. After excluding those respondents who made two or more inconsistencies (6% out of the sample), each state was valued between 66 and 77 times. The responses present a high internal and external consistency. A random effect model accounting for main effects was the preferred model to estimate the scoring algorithm. The DEP-6D describes, in general, more severe problems than those usually described by means of generic preference-based measures. The minimum score predicted by the DEP-6D algorithm is À0.84, which is considerably lower than the minimum value predicted by the EQ-5D and SF-6D algorithms. The DEP-6D value set is based on community preferences. Therefore it is consistent with the so-called 'societal perspective'. Moreover, DEP-6D preference weights can be used in QALY calculations and cost-utility analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Complementarity, linkages between firms and the impact of entry costs on productivity

We extend the model developed by Barseghyan and DiCecio (2011) to introduce intermediate inputs i... more We extend the model developed by Barseghyan and DiCecio (2011) to introduce intermediate inputs in production which are not perfect substitutes, to show that either an increase of complementarity between intermediate inputs or an increase of intermediate inputs share in gross output, significantly increase the negative impact of entry costs on TFP and outpur per worker. Moreover, assuming an empirically plausible value for the elasticity of substitution between intermediate inputs, allows the model to reproduce accurately the empirical findings about the negative impact of entry costs on TFP and GDP per worker reported in Barseghyan (2008).

Research paper thumbnail of Distribución territorial de la dependencia en España y Europa

Research paper thumbnail of On the number of licenses under symmetric versus asymmetric information with signaling

We analyze a two-period licensing game in which a non-producer upstream patent holder licenses an... more We analyze a two-period licensing game in which a non-producer upstream patent holder licenses an innovation to either one or two downstream licensees for a payment based on the licensee's expected per-period profit. Licensees have private information about the innovation's value, and their period-1 output may signal that value. We find that two licensees are more likely to be preferred under asymmetric information with signaling than under symmetric information.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a new preference-based instrument to measure dependency

This paper reports the estimation of a preference-based scoring algorithm for a new dependency he... more This paper reports the estimation of a preference-based scoring algorithm for a new dependency health state classification system. According to this system health states are described as a combination of 6 attributes (eat, incontinence, personal care, mobility, housework and cognition/mental problems), with 3 or 4 levels each. The tariff of this instrument is based on community preferences, hence it is consistent with the so-called 'societal perspective'. Preference weights can be used in QALY calculations and cost-utility analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of replacement schemes on car replacement: the Spanis case

ABSTRACT This paper studies a model of car replacement designed to evaluate policies addressed to... more ABSTRACT This paper studies a model of car replacement designed to evaluate policies addressed to influence replacement decisions. An aggregate hazard function is computed from optimal replacement rules of heterogeneous consumers, which mimics the hump-shaped hazard function observed for the Spanish car market. The model is calibrated to evaluate quantitatively the Plan Prever, a replacement scheme introduced in Spain in 1997, finding that the positive effect of the subsidy is high in the short run but small in the long run for both sales and the average age of the stock.

Research paper thumbnail of Obsolescence and productivity

Portuguese Economic Journal, 2014

The increase in the obsolescence of intangible capital caused by the adoption of new information ... more The increase in the obsolescence of intangible capital caused by the adoption of new information technologies can play an important role in accounting for the productivity slowdown undergone by the US economy since 1974. To explore this hypothesis, we have developed a standard growth model with physical and intangible capital in which technical progress is equipment-specific. We assume that the obsolescence of intangible capital increases when the equipment-specific technical progress accelerates. The model is calibrated for the period 1957-1973 and the response of the economy to an increase in the rate of equipment-specific technical progressas observed since 1974is simulated. We show that this setup can account for a large part of the post-1974 slowdown observed in productivity and in the Solow residual.

Research paper thumbnail of Los efectos de los Planes Renove y Prever sobre el reemplazo de turismos

Research paper thumbnail of Social preferences measures and the quality of the job match for persons with disabilities

Waiting lists are the main mechanisms for rationing demand in national health systems. The usual ... more Waiting lists are the main mechanisms for rationing demand in national health systems. The usual way to organize patients in a waiting list is on a simple first come first serve basis. Characteristics like the intensity of symptoms or the patient’s limitations in daily activities are not considered explicitly. In this paper, we apply a point system that incorporates social preferences in the management of waiting lists for surgical intervention on the prostate. The results show that both clinical and social variables are important for prioritizing patients waiting for this intervention. Furthermore, we detect some differences between the preferences of patients and general population.

Research paper thumbnail of Preferencias sociales en las decisiones públicas: priorización de pacientes en lista de espera quirúrgica

Research paper thumbnail of Secondhand market and the lifetime of durable goods

que lo solicitan. No obstante están disponibles en texto completo a través de Internet: http://ww...[ more ](;)que lo solicitan. No obstante están disponibles en texto completo a través de Internet: These Working Paper are distributed free of charge to University Department and other Research Centres. They are also available through Internet:

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de los efectos del Plan Prever a partir de un modelo de simulación de reemplazos del parque español de automóviles