Antonios Maniatis Maniatis - (original) (raw)

Papers by Antonios Maniatis Maniatis

Research paper thumbnail of Artemis Accords Space Hospitality


Abstract: In the framework of NASA’s Artemis program, a private sector spacecraft of the U.S., Od... more Abstract: In the framework of NASA’s Artemis program, a private sector spacecraft of the U.S., Odysseus, the first ever to launch on Moon’s surface, let alone in a spot so far in the south, touched down on 22 February 2024 whilst this State races to return astronauts to the Moon, in late 2026, before China lands its own crewed spacecraft there. Linked to this program, the Artemis Accords have been a set of not legally binding, multilateral principles on peaceful exploration and use of the Moon, Mars and wider outer Space. This text is endowed with novelties, such as ‘’outer space heritage’’ to preserve and ‘’safety zones’’ for the deconfliction of the use of the outer space. Its originality ties in well with its gradual acceptance by a significant number of countries, including two of the spacefaring superpowers having succeeded in soft-landing a spacecraft on the Moon, India and Japan. Outer Space Law has been significantly enriched by those Accords, which should incorporate the principle of hospitality of the outer space and in it. The outer space, and especially the Moon, is available for humans and retains evidence of their presence whilst the principle of preservation of outer space cultural heritage essentially implicates recognition of space hospitality. The Earth’s natural satellite symbolizes hospitality in contradiction to Earth’s twin, Venus, which is a victim of climate change and therefore by association recalls Earth’s current climate crisis, with which the new human right to Containing Climate Change (CCC) is connected.

Resumen: En el marco del programa Artemisa de la NASA, el 22 de febrero de 2024 aterrizó Odysseus, una nave espacial estadounidense del sector privado, la primera de la historia que se lanza sobre la superficie lunar, y menos aún en un lugar tan al sur, mientras este Estado se apresura a devolver astronautas a la Luna, a finales de 2026, antes de que China aterrice allí su propia nave espacial tripulada. Vinculados a este programa, los Acuerdos de Artemisa han sido un conjunto de principios multilaterales, no vinculantes jurídicamente, sobre la exploración y el uso pacíficos de la Luna, Marte y el espacio ultraterrestre en general. Este texto está dotado de novedades, como el ''patrimonio del espacio exterior'' a preservar y las ''zonas de seguridad'' para la desconflicción del uso del espacio exterior. Su originalidad concuerda bien con su aceptación progresiva por un número importante de países, entre ellos dos de las superpotencias espaciales que han logrado el aterrizaje suave de una nave espacial en la Luna, India y Japón. El Derecho del Espacio Exterior se ha visto notablemente enriquecido por esos Acuerdos, que deben incorporar el principio de hospitalidad del espacio exterior y en él. El espacio ultraterrestre, y especialmente la Luna, está a disposición de los humanos y conserva pruebas de su presencia, mientras que el principio de preservación del patrimonio cultural del espacio ultraterrestre implica esencialmente el reconocimiento de la hospitalidad espacial. El satélite natural de la Tierra simboliza la hospitalidad en contradicción con el gemelo de la Tierra, Venus, que es víctima del cambio climático y, por tanto, por asociación recuerda la actual crisis climática de la Tierra, con la que está relacionado el nuevo derecho humano a la contención del cambio climático (CCC).
Key words: Artemis Accords, outer space heritage, Moon, space hospitality, Venus

Palabras clave: Acuerdos de Artemisa, patrimonio del espacio exterior, Luna, hospitalidad espacial, Venus


International conference on cooperatives of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, 16.12.2024, 2024

Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights consecrates the right to f... more Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights consecrates the right to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and join trade unions, consequently cooperatives, but the Greek Constitution dissociates cooperatives from this right and tolerates forced cooperatives, illustrated by forestry and wine cooperatives. Social constitutionalism led to constitutionalization of cooperatives, initially in Mexico in 1917. The universal right to establish cooperatives has been explicitly consecrated in the 1976 Constitution of Portugal and in 2011 in that of India, which consecrated almost all of the seven principles of the Statement of the Cooperative Identity, adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in 1995. Besides, the 1988 Constitution of Brazil is the first to acknowledge cooperativism, in general and with a special reference to agricultural policy, and it is almost the unique to refer to irrigation explicitly. Last but not least, the fifth ICA cooperative principle ‘’Education, Training and Information’’ has been indirectly reinforced recently, for instance as the Constitution of Brazil in 2012 became the first to preview transversality of cultural policies. This novel principle is in correspondence to the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

Keywords: agricultural cooperatives, constitutionalization of cooperativism, freedom of association; cultural policies transversality, right to cooperatives

Research paper thumbnail of The hydration of seaplanes and rights

Revista de Derecho del Transporte, 2024

The year 1910 in France proved to be a crucial on international scale for the aviation, as the Fr... more The year 1910 in France proved to be a crucial on international scale for the aviation, as the French Henri Fabre successfully flew the first autonomous seaplane, namely the Fabre Hydration, as well as for Outer Space Law. Nowadays, rules on seaplanes have emerged, towards the future creation of seaplane law. Besides, according to the theory on hydration of rights, hydration, in the sense of influence of water-based rights, such as the rights to water and to thermalism, not only has a positive impact on the sector to which it specifically addresses, but also indirectly on others, within the constellation of human rights. This theory is applicable in the matter of seaplanes as the right to water influences the right to transport and through it many others, including the right to development.

Resumen. El año 1910 en Francia resultó crucial a escala internacional para la aviación, ya que el francés Henri Fabre pilotó con éxito el primer hidroavión autónomo, el Fabre Hydration, así como para el Derecho del Espacio Exterior. En la actualidad, han surgido normas sobre hidroaviones, con vistas a la futura creación de un derecho de los hidroaviones. Además, según la teoría de la hidratación de los derechos, la hidratación, en el sentido de influencia de los derechos basados en el agua, como los derechos al agua y al termalismo, no sólo tiene un impacto positivo en el sector al que se dirige específicamente, sino también indirectamente en otros, dentro de la constelación de los derechos humanos. Esta teoría es aplicable en el asunto de los hidroaviones, ya que el derecho al agua influye en el derecho al transporte y, a través de él, en muchos otros, incluido el derecho al desarrollo.

Keywords: Fabre hydration/Fabre hydravion; hydration of rights; seaplane law

Palabras clave: Fabre hydration/Fabre hydravion; hidratación de los derechos; derecho de hidroaviones

Research paper thumbnail of Space law and tourism


The prehistory of Outer Space Law, also called Cosmic Law, is based on the notion of cosmos, mean... more The prehistory of Outer Space Law, also called Cosmic Law, is based on the notion of cosmos, meaning the order of the universe, the astronomy with emphasis on constellations, and the right to theory (observation and theoretical approach). The right to theory keeps being a constant, in the history of this field, for both professional experts, such as those of ad hoc public services like the National Observatory of Athens, and amateurs. This branch is considered to have emerged in 1910, as Space Law was referred to, in a journal article in Paris. Its current period started in 1957, when the first artificial satellite was launched, and its emblematic source is the Outer Space Treaty. Nowadays, it is marked by various domestic laws, space agencies of States, commercialization and privatization. Besides, a new tendency consists in space tourism, being generally deprived of specific rules. It results an osmosis between Cosmic Law and Tourism Law whilst those fields have in common the right to theory, given that theory was the name of tourism in ancient Greek. Last but not least, space economy is an important multifaceted phenomenon, facilitating everyday life in a lot of domains.



The prehistory of Outer Space Law, also called Cosmic Law, is based on the notion of cosmos, mean... more The prehistory of Outer Space Law, also called Cosmic Law, is based on the notion of cosmos, meaning the order of the universe, the astronomy with emphasis on constellations, and the right to theory (observation and theoretical approach). The right to theory keeps being a constant, in the history of this field, for both professional experts, such as those of ad hoc public services like the National Observatory of Athens, and amateurs. This branch is considered to have emerged in 1910, as Space Law was referred to, in a journal article in Paris. Its current period started in 1957, when the first artificial satellite was launched, and its emblematic source is the Outer Space Treaty. Nowadays, it is marked by various domestic laws, space agencies of States, commercialization and privatization. Besides, a new tendency consists in space tourism, being generally deprived of specific rules. It results an osmosis between Cosmic Law and Tourism Law whilst those fields have in common the right to theory, given that theory was the name of tourism in ancient Greek. Last but not least, space economy is an important multifaceted phenomenon, facilitating everyday life in a lot of domains.



Research paper thumbnail of LUNAR LAW AND EXPLORATION



Research paper thumbnail of Dealing with the need of Greek ports expansion a Public - Private Partnership opportunity

Research paper thumbnail of THE ENTELECHY OF THE PORT

The port includes a terrestrial zone and an aquatic one, corresponding to the seashore and intern... more The port includes a terrestrial zone and an aquatic one, corresponding to the seashore and internal waters, respectively, in the service of navigation. From the fifteenth century and on, the dominion of ports by European monarchs and the emergence of the territorial sea and of the cabotage gradually contributed to the expansion of the power of coastal states to the sea. Nowadays, there is a worldwide convergence in the controls on foreign-registered ships through port state control and in adaptation of port management regimes to a liberalized context. The port entelechy consists in hospitality for persons and ships, which is also offered by nature, illustrated by the hypolimnion region of lakes and seas as a shelter for biodiversity. The port in its Greek version (''limén'') and the hypolimnion share both etymological origin and operation. Besides, ports are combined with the right to the city and may be affected by deconstruction.

Research paper thumbnail of Perspective du littoral

Étant volontairement ouvertes aux navires étrangers, les eaux intérieures symbolisent l'hospitali... more Étant volontairement ouvertes aux navires étrangers, les eaux intérieures symbolisent l'hospitalité. Elles représentent en combinaison avec les eaux territoriales la côte au sens ample. Le navire mériterait une approche innovatrice, inverse à son anthropomorphisme, du point de vue de similitude de l'Homme à ceci, illustrée par le mot grec « anermatisto » («ανερμάτιστο »), lequel signifie « dépourvu de ballast », ayant un sens métaphorique pour l'individu. D'une manière comparable, le nouveau droit sur la gestion des eaux de ballast promeut la reconnaissance du droit à l'eau. Le littoral, récemment régi par les règles sur la gestion intégrée des zones côtières, est soumis à une approche durable d'hospitalité, constitue le point de référence pour la gestion précitée du ballast et symbolise le caractère intégré et intégral du droit à l'eau. Qui plus est, il pourrait être orienté à la désignation systématique des navires, y compris les épaves historiques.


Research paper thumbnail of Aspects du Droit Européen de la Migration et de l'Asile avec Emphase à l'Incertitude

Research paper thumbnail of Approche juridique de la piraterie

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016

INTRODUCTION: La piraterie maritime Le pirate est à la mode… Celui qui se hisse aujourd'hui à la ... more INTRODUCTION: La piraterie maritime Le pirate est à la mode… Celui qui se hisse aujourd'hui à la tête du hit-parade est sans doute le cyberpirate: le flibustier du virtuel obsède quelque peu notre époque en pleine phase de digitalisation accélérée 1. Néanmoins, un autre pirate est récemment revenu à l'actualité 2. La piraterie maritime, crime international «oublié» au regard de l'opinion publique, constitue une menace importante surtout au large de la Somalie mais aussi dans d'autres régions, telles que le Golfe de la Guinée. Le terme «piraterie» provient du grec ancien, dont le verbe «πειρώμαι» signifie tester, donc savourer les biens d'autrui. Les pirates sont civils qui agissent en tant que bandits, ou du moins voleurs, des mers contre les navires. Certes, depuis quelques décennies il existe aussi le droit de la piraterie aérienne, qui est audelà du champ de la présente analyse. Il serait intéressant de procéder à une analyse du droit de piraterie maritime, avec emphase au rôle de l'Europe, notamment de l'Union européenne. A. Introduction à la notion du droit pirate Le droit de la propriété intellectuelle évolue avec le développement d'Internet. Devant les avancées technologiques, la protection des valeurs immatérielles se trouve confrontée à d'importants défis, tant d'ordre technique (identification des auteurs ou des contrefacteurs) que d'ordre juridique (adaptation du droit à l'univers numérique) 3. Le piratage désigne le vol informatique, basé sur le schéma logique

Research paper thumbnail of La Grèce et la zone économique exclusive

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Risques littoraux

Digesta Online, 2024

Για να διαβάσετε το άρθρο σε μορφή pdf πατήστε εδώ Résumé Le XVIIe siècle a été marqué par étatis... more Για να διαβάσετε το άρθρο σε μορφή pdf πατήστε εδώ Résumé Le XVIIe siècle a été marqué par étatisme en droits maritimes, illustré par la genèse des eaux territoriales (littoralisation) et le privilège du cabotage maritime. Depuis le XIXe siècle, la littoralisation au sens classique, parfois appelée « attractivité littorale », constitue une tendance sociale, laquelle implique la transformation de l'environnement naturel (anthropisation) du littoral. Le droit de l'environnement a progressé vers l'assouplissement, comme cela est le cas de la loi Barnier, de 1995, qui a introduit la précaution, laquelle a assoupli la notion de faute au moins en droit de la santé, et le repli stratégique quant à l'aménagement du littoral, lequel constitue une option souple face à la technique lourde de construction de digues contre les submersions marines. Qui plus est, cette branche a été récemment enrichie par des conventions internationales originales en matière de la marine marchande, dont les relatives au risque littoral des Espèces Exotiques Envahissantes.The seventeenth century was marked by statism in maritime law, illustrated by the creation of territorial waters (littoralization) and the privilege of maritime cabotage. Since the 19th century, littoralization in the classical sense, sometimes referred to as ‘coastal attractiveness’, has been a social trend, involving the transformation of the natural environment (anthropization) of the littoral. Environmental law has moved towards softening, as in the case of the 1995 Barnier law, having introduced precaution, which softened the concept of fault at least in health law, and the strategic retreat as for littoral planning, which constitutes a soft option against the heavy-handed technique of building dykes to protect against marine submersions. What’s more, this branch has recently been enriched by original international conventions on merchant navy, including those related to the littoral risk of invasive alien species.

Research paper thumbnail of L'intelligenza artificiale e i diritti umani

Digesta Online, 2023

Il manichino inizialmente non era persona ma una costruzione da legno. Molto dopo, è stato trasfo... more Il manichino inizialmente non era persona ma una costruzione da legno. Molto dopo, è stato trasformato in una professione femminile, sottovalutata in termini sociali, la quale anche oggi è priva dei diritti connessi. In modo comparabile, i robot intelligenti sono quasi persone ed eventualmente saranno dotati dello status di persone elettroniche nell'ordinamento giuridico dell'UE. La questione principale nel campo del diritto artificialmente intelligente consiste nella sostituzione dei giudici con l'intelligenza artificiale, mentre il corpo di questi professionisti è stato gradualmente aggiornato attraverso cambiamenti istituzionali di natura biologica, come il diritto delle donne a diventare giudici ed il tentativo di aumentare il limite di età per la pensione obbligatoria, particolarmente nel diritto comparato europeo.


Research paper thumbnail of Artemis Accords Space Hospitality


Abstract: In the framework of NASA’s Artemis program, a private sector spacecraft of the U.S., Od... more Abstract: In the framework of NASA’s Artemis program, a private sector spacecraft of the U.S., Odysseus, the first ever to launch on Moon’s surface, let alone in a spot so far in the south, touched down on 22 February 2024 whilst this State races to return astronauts to the Moon, in late 2026, before China lands its own crewed spacecraft there. Linked to this program, the Artemis Accords have been a set of not legally binding, multilateral principles on peaceful exploration and use of the Moon, Mars and wider outer Space. This text is endowed with novelties, such as ‘’outer space heritage’’ to preserve and ‘’safety zones’’ for the deconfliction of the use of the outer space. Its originality ties in well with its gradual acceptance by a significant number of countries, including two of the spacefaring superpowers having succeeded in soft-landing a spacecraft on the Moon, India and Japan. Outer Space Law has been significantly enriched by those Accords, which should incorporate the principle of hospitality of the outer space and in it. The outer space, and especially the Moon, is available for humans and retains evidence of their presence whilst the principle of preservation of outer space cultural heritage essentially implicates recognition of space hospitality. The Earth’s natural satellite symbolizes hospitality in contradiction to Earth’s twin, Venus, which is a victim of climate change and therefore by association recalls Earth’s current climate crisis, with which the new human right to Containing Climate Change (CCC) is connected.

Resumen: En el marco del programa Artemisa de la NASA, el 22 de febrero de 2024 aterrizó Odysseus, una nave espacial estadounidense del sector privado, la primera de la historia que se lanza sobre la superficie lunar, y menos aún en un lugar tan al sur, mientras este Estado se apresura a devolver astronautas a la Luna, a finales de 2026, antes de que China aterrice allí su propia nave espacial tripulada. Vinculados a este programa, los Acuerdos de Artemisa han sido un conjunto de principios multilaterales, no vinculantes jurídicamente, sobre la exploración y el uso pacíficos de la Luna, Marte y el espacio ultraterrestre en general. Este texto está dotado de novedades, como el ''patrimonio del espacio exterior'' a preservar y las ''zonas de seguridad'' para la desconflicción del uso del espacio exterior. Su originalidad concuerda bien con su aceptación progresiva por un número importante de países, entre ellos dos de las superpotencias espaciales que han logrado el aterrizaje suave de una nave espacial en la Luna, India y Japón. El Derecho del Espacio Exterior se ha visto notablemente enriquecido por esos Acuerdos, que deben incorporar el principio de hospitalidad del espacio exterior y en él. El espacio ultraterrestre, y especialmente la Luna, está a disposición de los humanos y conserva pruebas de su presencia, mientras que el principio de preservación del patrimonio cultural del espacio ultraterrestre implica esencialmente el reconocimiento de la hospitalidad espacial. El satélite natural de la Tierra simboliza la hospitalidad en contradicción con el gemelo de la Tierra, Venus, que es víctima del cambio climático y, por tanto, por asociación recuerda la actual crisis climática de la Tierra, con la que está relacionado el nuevo derecho humano a la contención del cambio climático (CCC).
Key words: Artemis Accords, outer space heritage, Moon, space hospitality, Venus

Palabras clave: Acuerdos de Artemisa, patrimonio del espacio exterior, Luna, hospitalidad espacial, Venus


International conference on cooperatives of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, 16.12.2024, 2024

Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights consecrates the right to f... more Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights consecrates the right to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and join trade unions, consequently cooperatives, but the Greek Constitution dissociates cooperatives from this right and tolerates forced cooperatives, illustrated by forestry and wine cooperatives. Social constitutionalism led to constitutionalization of cooperatives, initially in Mexico in 1917. The universal right to establish cooperatives has been explicitly consecrated in the 1976 Constitution of Portugal and in 2011 in that of India, which consecrated almost all of the seven principles of the Statement of the Cooperative Identity, adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in 1995. Besides, the 1988 Constitution of Brazil is the first to acknowledge cooperativism, in general and with a special reference to agricultural policy, and it is almost the unique to refer to irrigation explicitly. Last but not least, the fifth ICA cooperative principle ‘’Education, Training and Information’’ has been indirectly reinforced recently, for instance as the Constitution of Brazil in 2012 became the first to preview transversality of cultural policies. This novel principle is in correspondence to the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

Keywords: agricultural cooperatives, constitutionalization of cooperativism, freedom of association; cultural policies transversality, right to cooperatives

Research paper thumbnail of The hydration of seaplanes and rights

Revista de Derecho del Transporte, 2024

The year 1910 in France proved to be a crucial on international scale for the aviation, as the Fr... more The year 1910 in France proved to be a crucial on international scale for the aviation, as the French Henri Fabre successfully flew the first autonomous seaplane, namely the Fabre Hydration, as well as for Outer Space Law. Nowadays, rules on seaplanes have emerged, towards the future creation of seaplane law. Besides, according to the theory on hydration of rights, hydration, in the sense of influence of water-based rights, such as the rights to water and to thermalism, not only has a positive impact on the sector to which it specifically addresses, but also indirectly on others, within the constellation of human rights. This theory is applicable in the matter of seaplanes as the right to water influences the right to transport and through it many others, including the right to development.

Resumen. El año 1910 en Francia resultó crucial a escala internacional para la aviación, ya que el francés Henri Fabre pilotó con éxito el primer hidroavión autónomo, el Fabre Hydration, así como para el Derecho del Espacio Exterior. En la actualidad, han surgido normas sobre hidroaviones, con vistas a la futura creación de un derecho de los hidroaviones. Además, según la teoría de la hidratación de los derechos, la hidratación, en el sentido de influencia de los derechos basados en el agua, como los derechos al agua y al termalismo, no sólo tiene un impacto positivo en el sector al que se dirige específicamente, sino también indirectamente en otros, dentro de la constelación de los derechos humanos. Esta teoría es aplicable en el asunto de los hidroaviones, ya que el derecho al agua influye en el derecho al transporte y, a través de él, en muchos otros, incluido el derecho al desarrollo.

Keywords: Fabre hydration/Fabre hydravion; hydration of rights; seaplane law

Palabras clave: Fabre hydration/Fabre hydravion; hidratación de los derechos; derecho de hidroaviones

Research paper thumbnail of Space law and tourism


The prehistory of Outer Space Law, also called Cosmic Law, is based on the notion of cosmos, mean... more The prehistory of Outer Space Law, also called Cosmic Law, is based on the notion of cosmos, meaning the order of the universe, the astronomy with emphasis on constellations, and the right to theory (observation and theoretical approach). The right to theory keeps being a constant, in the history of this field, for both professional experts, such as those of ad hoc public services like the National Observatory of Athens, and amateurs. This branch is considered to have emerged in 1910, as Space Law was referred to, in a journal article in Paris. Its current period started in 1957, when the first artificial satellite was launched, and its emblematic source is the Outer Space Treaty. Nowadays, it is marked by various domestic laws, space agencies of States, commercialization and privatization. Besides, a new tendency consists in space tourism, being generally deprived of specific rules. It results an osmosis between Cosmic Law and Tourism Law whilst those fields have in common the right to theory, given that theory was the name of tourism in ancient Greek. Last but not least, space economy is an important multifaceted phenomenon, facilitating everyday life in a lot of domains.



The prehistory of Outer Space Law, also called Cosmic Law, is based on the notion of cosmos, mean... more The prehistory of Outer Space Law, also called Cosmic Law, is based on the notion of cosmos, meaning the order of the universe, the astronomy with emphasis on constellations, and the right to theory (observation and theoretical approach). The right to theory keeps being a constant, in the history of this field, for both professional experts, such as those of ad hoc public services like the National Observatory of Athens, and amateurs. This branch is considered to have emerged in 1910, as Space Law was referred to, in a journal article in Paris. Its current period started in 1957, when the first artificial satellite was launched, and its emblematic source is the Outer Space Treaty. Nowadays, it is marked by various domestic laws, space agencies of States, commercialization and privatization. Besides, a new tendency consists in space tourism, being generally deprived of specific rules. It results an osmosis between Cosmic Law and Tourism Law whilst those fields have in common the right to theory, given that theory was the name of tourism in ancient Greek. Last but not least, space economy is an important multifaceted phenomenon, facilitating everyday life in a lot of domains.



Research paper thumbnail of LUNAR LAW AND EXPLORATION



Research paper thumbnail of Dealing with the need of Greek ports expansion a Public - Private Partnership opportunity

Research paper thumbnail of THE ENTELECHY OF THE PORT

The port includes a terrestrial zone and an aquatic one, corresponding to the seashore and intern... more The port includes a terrestrial zone and an aquatic one, corresponding to the seashore and internal waters, respectively, in the service of navigation. From the fifteenth century and on, the dominion of ports by European monarchs and the emergence of the territorial sea and of the cabotage gradually contributed to the expansion of the power of coastal states to the sea. Nowadays, there is a worldwide convergence in the controls on foreign-registered ships through port state control and in adaptation of port management regimes to a liberalized context. The port entelechy consists in hospitality for persons and ships, which is also offered by nature, illustrated by the hypolimnion region of lakes and seas as a shelter for biodiversity. The port in its Greek version (''limén'') and the hypolimnion share both etymological origin and operation. Besides, ports are combined with the right to the city and may be affected by deconstruction.

Research paper thumbnail of Perspective du littoral

Étant volontairement ouvertes aux navires étrangers, les eaux intérieures symbolisent l'hospitali... more Étant volontairement ouvertes aux navires étrangers, les eaux intérieures symbolisent l'hospitalité. Elles représentent en combinaison avec les eaux territoriales la côte au sens ample. Le navire mériterait une approche innovatrice, inverse à son anthropomorphisme, du point de vue de similitude de l'Homme à ceci, illustrée par le mot grec « anermatisto » («ανερμάτιστο »), lequel signifie « dépourvu de ballast », ayant un sens métaphorique pour l'individu. D'une manière comparable, le nouveau droit sur la gestion des eaux de ballast promeut la reconnaissance du droit à l'eau. Le littoral, récemment régi par les règles sur la gestion intégrée des zones côtières, est soumis à une approche durable d'hospitalité, constitue le point de référence pour la gestion précitée du ballast et symbolise le caractère intégré et intégral du droit à l'eau. Qui plus est, il pourrait être orienté à la désignation systématique des navires, y compris les épaves historiques.


Research paper thumbnail of Aspects du Droit Européen de la Migration et de l'Asile avec Emphase à l'Incertitude

Research paper thumbnail of Approche juridique de la piraterie

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016

INTRODUCTION: La piraterie maritime Le pirate est à la mode… Celui qui se hisse aujourd'hui à la ... more INTRODUCTION: La piraterie maritime Le pirate est à la mode… Celui qui se hisse aujourd'hui à la tête du hit-parade est sans doute le cyberpirate: le flibustier du virtuel obsède quelque peu notre époque en pleine phase de digitalisation accélérée 1. Néanmoins, un autre pirate est récemment revenu à l'actualité 2. La piraterie maritime, crime international «oublié» au regard de l'opinion publique, constitue une menace importante surtout au large de la Somalie mais aussi dans d'autres régions, telles que le Golfe de la Guinée. Le terme «piraterie» provient du grec ancien, dont le verbe «πειρώμαι» signifie tester, donc savourer les biens d'autrui. Les pirates sont civils qui agissent en tant que bandits, ou du moins voleurs, des mers contre les navires. Certes, depuis quelques décennies il existe aussi le droit de la piraterie aérienne, qui est audelà du champ de la présente analyse. Il serait intéressant de procéder à une analyse du droit de piraterie maritime, avec emphase au rôle de l'Europe, notamment de l'Union européenne. A. Introduction à la notion du droit pirate Le droit de la propriété intellectuelle évolue avec le développement d'Internet. Devant les avancées technologiques, la protection des valeurs immatérielles se trouve confrontée à d'importants défis, tant d'ordre technique (identification des auteurs ou des contrefacteurs) que d'ordre juridique (adaptation du droit à l'univers numérique) 3. Le piratage désigne le vol informatique, basé sur le schéma logique

Research paper thumbnail of La Grèce et la zone économique exclusive

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Risques littoraux

Digesta Online, 2024

Για να διαβάσετε το άρθρο σε μορφή pdf πατήστε εδώ Résumé Le XVIIe siècle a été marqué par étatis... more Για να διαβάσετε το άρθρο σε μορφή pdf πατήστε εδώ Résumé Le XVIIe siècle a été marqué par étatisme en droits maritimes, illustré par la genèse des eaux territoriales (littoralisation) et le privilège du cabotage maritime. Depuis le XIXe siècle, la littoralisation au sens classique, parfois appelée « attractivité littorale », constitue une tendance sociale, laquelle implique la transformation de l'environnement naturel (anthropisation) du littoral. Le droit de l'environnement a progressé vers l'assouplissement, comme cela est le cas de la loi Barnier, de 1995, qui a introduit la précaution, laquelle a assoupli la notion de faute au moins en droit de la santé, et le repli stratégique quant à l'aménagement du littoral, lequel constitue une option souple face à la technique lourde de construction de digues contre les submersions marines. Qui plus est, cette branche a été récemment enrichie par des conventions internationales originales en matière de la marine marchande, dont les relatives au risque littoral des Espèces Exotiques Envahissantes.The seventeenth century was marked by statism in maritime law, illustrated by the creation of territorial waters (littoralization) and the privilege of maritime cabotage. Since the 19th century, littoralization in the classical sense, sometimes referred to as ‘coastal attractiveness’, has been a social trend, involving the transformation of the natural environment (anthropization) of the littoral. Environmental law has moved towards softening, as in the case of the 1995 Barnier law, having introduced precaution, which softened the concept of fault at least in health law, and the strategic retreat as for littoral planning, which constitutes a soft option against the heavy-handed technique of building dykes to protect against marine submersions. What’s more, this branch has recently been enriched by original international conventions on merchant navy, including those related to the littoral risk of invasive alien species.

Research paper thumbnail of L'intelligenza artificiale e i diritti umani

Digesta Online, 2023

Il manichino inizialmente non era persona ma una costruzione da legno. Molto dopo, è stato trasfo... more Il manichino inizialmente non era persona ma una costruzione da legno. Molto dopo, è stato trasformato in una professione femminile, sottovalutata in termini sociali, la quale anche oggi è priva dei diritti connessi. In modo comparabile, i robot intelligenti sono quasi persone ed eventualmente saranno dotati dello status di persone elettroniche nell'ordinamento giuridico dell'UE. La questione principale nel campo del diritto artificialmente intelligente consiste nella sostituzione dei giudici con l'intelligenza artificiale, mentre il corpo di questi professionisti è stato gradualmente aggiornato attraverso cambiamenti istituzionali di natura biologica, come il diritto delle donne a diventare giudici ed il tentativo di aumentare il limite di età per la pensione obbligatoria, particolarmente nel diritto comparato europeo.


Research paper thumbnail of LES PRODUITS DISSOCIÉS


Le règlement (UE) 2023/1115 impose que le commerce des sept produits de base (les bovins, le caca... more Le règlement (UE) 2023/1115 impose que le commerce des sept produits de base (les bovins, le cacao, le café, le palmier à huile, le caoutchouc, le soja et le bois) et des produits dérivés, dont le bœuf, les meubles en bois et le chocolat, soit dissocié de la déforestation et que ceux-ci soient produits conformément à la législation pertinente du pays de production, protectrice de l’environnement et des droits de l’homme. Une des sanctions prévues consiste en exclusion, pendant une période maximale de douze mois, des procédures de passation des marchés publics et de l’accès au financement public. Cette nouveauté va de pair avec celle d’une liste noire des opérateurs exclus, publiée sur le site internet de la Commission européenne. Enfin, le concept de purification, laquelle est illustrée par l’influence des forêts sur les eaux et les sols, constitue une valeur naturelle et morale qui mériterait une approche à part.

Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 requires that trade in seven commodities (cattle, cocoa, coffee, oil palm, rubber, soya and wood) and derived products, including beef, wooden furniture and chocolate, be decoupled from deforestation, and that they be produced in accordance with the relevant legislation of the country of production, which protects the environment and human rights. One of the sanctions provided for is the exclusion, for a maximum period of twelve months, from public procurement procedures and access to public funding. This new feature is combined with the novelty of a blacklist of excluded operators, published on the European Commission’s website. Finally, the concept of purification, illustrated by the influence of forests on water and soil, is a natural and moral value that deserves a separate approach.

Mots-clés: déforestation, droits de l’homme, marchés publics, purification, règlement (UE) 2023/1115
Keywords: deforestation, human rights, public procurement, purification, regulation (EU) 2023/1115

Research paper thumbnail of MARTIAN LAW AND EXPLORATION

Research paper thumbnail of LUNAR LAW AND EXPLORATION


7th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, 2014

With the rise of temperatures, the Arctic ice gradually melts away triggering a series of environ... more With the rise of temperatures, the Arctic ice gradually melts away triggering a series of environmentl, political and of course economic developments. Besides the vivid environmental concerns and the debate on the consequences, global economy is also expected to experience major changes. Each risk may constitute an opportunity, remark exemplified by the current case. Given that the Arctic will be accessible for the first time, unprecedented development opportunities emerge, as well. At the same time, navigation will be possible not only in the summer but also during winter months, provided that no action is taken for the reversal of the temperature rise tendency. Climate change is a reality and its effects are going to become more evident as time goes by and the North will become a region of great and broad interest. Norway, not only an Arctic country but also an important one at the global energy map, is expected to hold its place for the coming decades, whereas Public-Private Partnership contracts and concessions may be convenient alternatives for the increased need of infrastructures, generated by the accessibility of the Arctic region.