Unai Apaolaza - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Unai Apaolaza

Research paper thumbnail of Designing the process of implementing step three of the theory of constraints in a make-to-order environment: Integrating sales and operation planning

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

Purpose: The theory of constraints (TOC) methodology and its drum-buffer-rope (DBR) production pl... more Purpose: The theory of constraints (TOC) methodology and its drum-buffer-rope (DBR) production planning and control system are well suited to managing production plants in complex environments. The objective of this study was to design an evolution of the systematic process for implementing the third step of the TOC methodology in make-to-order environments.Design/methodology/approach: Since the research concerned a real context and the phenomenon under investigation is contemporary, a case study was chosen as the research methodology.Findings: The study investigated, through a case study, the phases and steps necessary for the systematic process to be successfully implemented in a make-to-order environment.Originality/value: The three main contributions to the systematic implementation process for the third step of the TOC model are identified as the design of the last version of the systematic process, the integration of sales and operations through the TOC methodology and the int...

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Research paper thumbnail of Implantación y Evolución Del Método De La Cadena Crítica: Un Estudio De Caso

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study of Project Management Approaches: Traditional Versus Holistic

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A strategic approach for bottleneck identification in make-to-order environments: A drum-buffer-rope action research based case study

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2020

Purpose: This study is focused on integrating a strategic perspective for bottleneck selection an... more Purpose: This study is focused on integrating a strategic perspective for bottleneck selection and exploitation according to the DBR methodology. The researchers developed a systematic process of four steps for the implementation of the first two steps of TOC-DBR in Make-to-Order production systems. This process was derived from the seminal work from Goldratt, introduced key insights from Resource Based View (RBV) and Practice Based View (PBV) strategic perspectives and included original contributions from the authors in understanding what purpose should be fulfilled, what decisions should be made and how the four steps should be applied.Design/methodology/approach: Given the practical nature of the research project, action research (AR) is an appropriate methodological approach, since AR aims to contribute to academic research while helping solve real-world problems.Findings: The proposed systematic process has been successfully tested in the field on a Make To Order case company. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Proiektuak eta produktu berriak: kasu erreal baten azterketa

Idatzi honetan berogailu galdarak ekoizten dituen enpresa batek proiektuen kudeaketaren ingurunea... more Idatzi honetan berogailu galdarak ekoizten dituen enpresa batek proiektuen kudeaketaren ingurunean zeuzkan zailtasunak, ahuldadeak eta arazoak aurkezten dira, hauen sustrai nagusia antolakuntzan egonik. Era berean egoera horren aurrean hartutako neurrien eta hauen emaitzen azalpena ere ematen da. Gaiaren abiapuntu bezala, merkatuek jasan duten garapenaren ondorioz enpresa askorentzat produktu berriak merkaturatzea funtsezko prozesua bihurtu dela aipatu behar da (Holweg & Pil 2005), euren etorkizuna epe ertain edo luzean prozesu honen emaitzak mugatuko duenez. Gainera, aldiro ematen den aldaketa eta berrikuntza kopuru handiaren ondorioz prozesu mota hau proiektu baten kasu zehatz bat dela azpimarratzea ezinbestekoa da, aipatutako enpresa ere zentzu honetan salbuespena ez izanik, hau hobekuntza proiektu batetan murgiltzeko arrazoi nagusietako bat bilakatuz.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigación en el método de gestión de entornos multiproyecto “Cadena Crítica”

The aim of this thesis is to look deeply into the mechanisms related to Critical Chain Project Ma... more The aim of this thesis is to look deeply into the mechanisms related to Critical Chain Project Management and its implementation in companies that perform in multiproject environments. Even if problems related to this kind of environment are the most common, the analysis of the literature shows that, as it has happened to Critical Chain, it has been paid little attention from academia, focusing mainly on other areas, such as algorithms for planning and scheduling. Given the purpose of the thesis, it was decided to run case studies using action research as the core of a three-phase research project. In the first stage a contrast between the literature review and the perspective of the entrepreneurial world has been carried out by an interview. The second phase has developed an innovative learning method designed to perform in labour contexts. Finally, the third stage comprehends four case studies developed in companies with different characteristics and scenarios. The implementation ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Project-Based Active Learning: its application to Education at University and Continuing Education

The aim of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is to focus the education in the student. So, in 200... more The aim of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is to focus the education in the student. So, in 2002 the Project Based Learning (PBL) was started-up in engineering courses for the first time. This methodology is used in multidisciplinary units that have been designed for each one of the semesters of every degree. Both the design and the tracking of the projects, which are done by the students, are the responsibility of the team of teachers responsible for that semester. The application of this method is based on the identification of those subjects that are complementary to each other, so that is built a structure of subjects that make possible to the student the development of his/her technical capabilities. These capabilities can be directly related to the functions that the students will have to fulfil at work, methodological capabilities which will train them in project management or transversal competences, focused in training the student for living in professional environments. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of La aportación de la «Cadena Crítica» frente a la gestión clásica de proyectos

IX Congreso de …, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of CEE as WBL": la adaptación de la formación basada en proyectos a la realidad laboral de los ingenieros en activo

La evolución de algunas técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje basado en proyecto han abierto las puer... more La evolución de algunas técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje basado en proyecto han abierto las puertas a una nueva manera de enseñar y aprenders. Además, se ha visto la necesidad de proveer conocimiento personalizado los empleados, sin que por ello tengan que ausentarse demasiado del puesto de trabajo para asistir a cursos tradicionales (y así perjudicar la correcta ejecución de sus proyectos dentro de la empresa). Así, se ha identificado un vacío que consiste en la falta de integración del conocimiento directamente (y de forma rápida) en las tareas cotidianas del trabajo. El presente documento recoge los contenidos básicos de una metodología de formación que trata de combinar las potencialidades de dichos métodos y el apoyo de la universidad por medio de la figura del “facilitador” para su aplicación al entorno laboral. El método ha sido desarrollado en el seno del proyecto CEE as WBL, y se ha aplicado en varias empresas. A la espera de los resultados definitivos, ya se perfilan algu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Capacity Buffer Management in Implementing Drum-Buffer-Rope Methodology in Make-To-Order Environments


The research work conducted by Orue et al. [1] aims to analyze the impact of protective capacity ... more The research work conducted by Orue et al. [1] aims to analyze the impact of protective capacity on the application of the third step of the drum-buffer-rope methodology of the theory of constraints (subordinate everything to the bottleneck) in make-to-order environments. To analyze the impact of protective capacity, a discrete event simulation is performed. Experimental results suggest that, at different levels of variability, different levels of protective capacity are needed to keep the system stable. The higher the variability, the higher the level of protection needed. It can be concluded that the definition of the level of protective capacity required is a strategic decision for the organization. For managers to know and control how much protection is necessary and how much is overcapacity or waste, monitoring and managing the use of protective capacity is paramount. This concept of protection monitoring and control is relatively new in the theory of constraints methodology, b...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Protective Capacity in Implementing Drum-Buffer-Rope Methodology in Make-To-Order Environments: An Assessment by Simulation


This study uses simulation to analyse the impact of protective capacity in the implementation of ... more This study uses simulation to analyse the impact of protective capacity in the implementation of the step 3 of the theory of constraints (TOC) methodology in make-to-order (MTO) environments. The results suggest that at different levels of variability, different levels of protective capacity are needed to keep a system stable and meet the bottleneck (BN) schedule. The higher the variability is, the higher the level of protection needed. The definition of the level of protective capacity required is a strategic decision for the organisation, as it must be emphasised that with high levels of variability in a system, the protective capacity must be very high, which contradicts the efficient use of resources. However, for managers to know and control how much protection is needed without needing additional capacity, it is advisable to monitor the use of protective capacity. This concept of protection monitoring and control is relatively new in the TOC–drum-buffer-rope (TOC-DBR) methodol...

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Research paper thumbnail of Theory of constraints case study in the make to order environment

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

Purpose: The theory of constraints (TOC) drum-buffer-rope methodology is appropriate when managin... more Purpose: The theory of constraints (TOC) drum-buffer-rope methodology is appropriate when managing a production plant in complex environments, such as make-to-order (MTO) scenarios. However, some difficulties have been detected in implementing this methodology in such changing environments. This case study analyses a MTO company to identify the key factors that influence the execution of the third step of TOC. It also aims to evaluate in more depth the research started by Lizarralde et al. (2020) and compare the results with the existing literature.Design/methodology/approach: The case study approach is selected as a research methodology because of the need to investigate a current phenomenon in a real environment.Findings: In the case study analysed, the protective capacity of non-bottleneck resources is found to the key factor when subordinating the MTO system to a bottleneck (BN). Furthermore, it coincides with one of the two key factors defined by the literature, namely protecti...

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of the DBR Approach to a Multi-project Manufacturing Context

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Alignment-Based Improvement of Project Management in a Small Firm

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Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Improvement through Integrated Management of Sales and Operations

Sustainability, 2022

Several authors agree on the importance of integrating sales and operations (S & OP) when it come... more Several authors agree on the importance of integrating sales and operations (S & OP) when it comes to improving the management of organisations. Thus, the relationship between S & OP can be critical from a competitive point of view, and therefore strategic. However, most of the literature on this topic focuses on the field of repetitive manufacturing. Consequently, this work aims to enhance the scarce literature related to S & OP in organisations that produce make-to-order (MTO). The present study is an analysis of cases of two industrial companies managed according to the theory of constraints. In both cases, the relationship between sales and operations was initially poor. Their approaches were mainly founded on their experience and intuition, as well as on simple data. The development of a new approach, integrating S & OP, has demonstrated the potential advantages of integrated management. As a result, we have identified some aspects of interest from a managerial perspective. Fur...

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Research paper thumbnail of Agile Project Management Learning by Popbl Methodology: A Two-Year Experience in Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Este documento expone los resultados derivados de la realizacion de proyectos grupales por parte ... more Este documento expone los resultados derivados de la realizacion de proyectos grupales por parte de alumnos del Master Universitario en Innovacion Empresarial y Direccion de Proyectos de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, en el seno de la metodologia POPBL y durante un periodo de dos anos. El estudio se centra principalmente en los aspectos relacionados con el aprendizaje de la utilizacion en la practica de los metodos agiles Scrum y Kanban. Su uso como base para la gestion de los proyectos en un entorno cuasi-real ha permitido identificar aspectos de interes. El primero se refiere a la perspectiva del formador, y el segundo al aprendizaje de personas, muchas de las cuales contaban con escasa o nula experiencia profesional.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimización Del Proceso Pedido-Cobro Mediante La Teoría De Las Limitaciones (Toc): Un Estudio De Caso

El estudio de caso tiene como punto de partida la necesidad de mejorar la gestion del proceso de ... more El estudio de caso tiene como punto de partida la necesidad de mejorar la gestion del proceso de pedido-entrega de una determinada organizacion. En este se describen los aspectos fundamentales de la implantacion de la filosofia TOC y sus implicaciones para la organizacion. En un contexto como es el de la caldereria de precision no tiene sentido gestionar los recursos con la perspectiva tradicional de produccion de series largas. En el contexto actual, donde lo habitual es tener muchos pedidos de pocas unidades (proyectos concretos), el objetivo debe ser alinear el uso de los recursos (capacidad) hacia la velocidad de facturacion (entrega en plazo), dandole prioridad al flujo como clave para el aumento de la productividad global, y no la busqueda de optimos locales como medio para buscar el objetivo final. Por ello el proyecto se ha centrado en el alineamiento del sistema hacia objetivos globales, haciendo hincapie en los siguientes aspectos: • Enfoque basado en la teoria de las limi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modern Project Management Approaches in Uncertainty Environments: A Comparative Study Based on Action Research

Sustainability, 2020

Change and high uncertainty levels are the main characteristics of current project contexts. Year... more Change and high uncertainty levels are the main characteristics of current project contexts. Years ago, the traditional project management faced problems when operating in these environments. Thus, at the end of the 20th century, new project management approaches were conceived to provide a more effective answer to such contexts. These methods propose a different approach, aimed at promoting the project flow by focusing on the short term. However, their adoption involves certain adjustments from a managerial perspective. The influence on the way resources are used is of special interest, as it may cause unexpected behaviors and reactions. The literature vastly analyzes the features and benefits of these methods. Nevertheless, there is a lack of empirical evidence about both the practical implications of the transition process toward them and their superior performance. Thus, this research aims to contribute to filling this gap by providing real-world based evidence related to the ch...

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Research paper thumbnail of Demand Driven MRP - Nuevo método para la gestión de la Cadena de Suministro: un estudio de caso

Dirección y Organización, 2019

La metodología Demand-Driven Material Requirement Planning (DDMRP) fue desarrollado con el objeti... more La metodología Demand-Driven Material Requirement Planning (DDMRP) fue desarrollado con el objetivo de aumentar el flujo de materiales e información de una cadena de suministro y así mejorar la ventaja competitiva de esta. En la revisión de la literatura se han identificado trabajos de investigación que analizan el funcionamiento de esta metodología en entornos simulados. Sin embargo, no se han encontrado estudios que analicen la implementación del DDMRP en una empresa real. El presente trabajo, por lo tanto, analiza la evolución que una empresa que fabrica componentes para electrodomésticos obtuvo al migrar del MRP al DDMRP. Los resultados obtenidos, demuestran que gestionando los materiales con la metodología DDMRP la empresa aumentó la visibilidad en la cadena de suministro reduciendo considerablemente el efecto bullwhip y los pedidos urgentes. Cabe destacar también la evolución del inventario, ya que el stock físico se redujo mientras que el consumo de los materiales aumentó. Du...

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Research paper thumbnail of Enfoque estratégico para la identificación de cuellos de botella en entornos de fabricación contra pedido y plantas tipo V: estudio de caso de DBR

Dirección y Organización, 2019

Uno de los principales elementos de la teoría de las limitaciones es su método de gestión de la p... more Uno de los principales elementos de la teoría de las limitaciones es su método de gestión de la producción Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) que controla el lanzamiento de trabajos al sistema. La secuencia en la que se lanzan los trabajos al sistema está determinada por la programación del Drum. En la literatura se observa que está demostrada la validez del método para gestionar la producción, pero la mayoría se centran en estudios analíticos y no tienen en cuenta casos reales de producciones bajo pedido y plantas v. En este estudio exponemos un proceso sistemático para la implementación de los dos primeros pasos de TOC en sistemas productivos. Lo hacemos desde una perspectiva estratégica, esto es, el recurso que controla el lanzamiento y ritmos de producción debe ser una decisión gerencial.

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing the process of implementing step three of the theory of constraints in a make-to-order environment: Integrating sales and operation planning

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

Purpose: The theory of constraints (TOC) methodology and its drum-buffer-rope (DBR) production pl... more Purpose: The theory of constraints (TOC) methodology and its drum-buffer-rope (DBR) production planning and control system are well suited to managing production plants in complex environments. The objective of this study was to design an evolution of the systematic process for implementing the third step of the TOC methodology in make-to-order environments.Design/methodology/approach: Since the research concerned a real context and the phenomenon under investigation is contemporary, a case study was chosen as the research methodology.Findings: The study investigated, through a case study, the phases and steps necessary for the systematic process to be successfully implemented in a make-to-order environment.Originality/value: The three main contributions to the systematic implementation process for the third step of the TOC model are identified as the design of the last version of the systematic process, the integration of sales and operations through the TOC methodology and the int...

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Research paper thumbnail of Implantación y Evolución Del Método De La Cadena Crítica: Un Estudio De Caso

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study of Project Management Approaches: Traditional Versus Holistic

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A strategic approach for bottleneck identification in make-to-order environments: A drum-buffer-rope action research based case study

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2020

Purpose: This study is focused on integrating a strategic perspective for bottleneck selection an... more Purpose: This study is focused on integrating a strategic perspective for bottleneck selection and exploitation according to the DBR methodology. The researchers developed a systematic process of four steps for the implementation of the first two steps of TOC-DBR in Make-to-Order production systems. This process was derived from the seminal work from Goldratt, introduced key insights from Resource Based View (RBV) and Practice Based View (PBV) strategic perspectives and included original contributions from the authors in understanding what purpose should be fulfilled, what decisions should be made and how the four steps should be applied.Design/methodology/approach: Given the practical nature of the research project, action research (AR) is an appropriate methodological approach, since AR aims to contribute to academic research while helping solve real-world problems.Findings: The proposed systematic process has been successfully tested in the field on a Make To Order case company. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Proiektuak eta produktu berriak: kasu erreal baten azterketa

Idatzi honetan berogailu galdarak ekoizten dituen enpresa batek proiektuen kudeaketaren ingurunea... more Idatzi honetan berogailu galdarak ekoizten dituen enpresa batek proiektuen kudeaketaren ingurunean zeuzkan zailtasunak, ahuldadeak eta arazoak aurkezten dira, hauen sustrai nagusia antolakuntzan egonik. Era berean egoera horren aurrean hartutako neurrien eta hauen emaitzen azalpena ere ematen da. Gaiaren abiapuntu bezala, merkatuek jasan duten garapenaren ondorioz enpresa askorentzat produktu berriak merkaturatzea funtsezko prozesua bihurtu dela aipatu behar da (Holweg & Pil 2005), euren etorkizuna epe ertain edo luzean prozesu honen emaitzak mugatuko duenez. Gainera, aldiro ematen den aldaketa eta berrikuntza kopuru handiaren ondorioz prozesu mota hau proiektu baten kasu zehatz bat dela azpimarratzea ezinbestekoa da, aipatutako enpresa ere zentzu honetan salbuespena ez izanik, hau hobekuntza proiektu batetan murgiltzeko arrazoi nagusietako bat bilakatuz.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigación en el método de gestión de entornos multiproyecto “Cadena Crítica”

The aim of this thesis is to look deeply into the mechanisms related to Critical Chain Project Ma... more The aim of this thesis is to look deeply into the mechanisms related to Critical Chain Project Management and its implementation in companies that perform in multiproject environments. Even if problems related to this kind of environment are the most common, the analysis of the literature shows that, as it has happened to Critical Chain, it has been paid little attention from academia, focusing mainly on other areas, such as algorithms for planning and scheduling. Given the purpose of the thesis, it was decided to run case studies using action research as the core of a three-phase research project. In the first stage a contrast between the literature review and the perspective of the entrepreneurial world has been carried out by an interview. The second phase has developed an innovative learning method designed to perform in labour contexts. Finally, the third stage comprehends four case studies developed in companies with different characteristics and scenarios. The implementation ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Project-Based Active Learning: its application to Education at University and Continuing Education

The aim of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is to focus the education in the student. So, in 200... more The aim of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is to focus the education in the student. So, in 2002 the Project Based Learning (PBL) was started-up in engineering courses for the first time. This methodology is used in multidisciplinary units that have been designed for each one of the semesters of every degree. Both the design and the tracking of the projects, which are done by the students, are the responsibility of the team of teachers responsible for that semester. The application of this method is based on the identification of those subjects that are complementary to each other, so that is built a structure of subjects that make possible to the student the development of his/her technical capabilities. These capabilities can be directly related to the functions that the students will have to fulfil at work, methodological capabilities which will train them in project management or transversal competences, focused in training the student for living in professional environments. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of La aportación de la «Cadena Crítica» frente a la gestión clásica de proyectos

IX Congreso de …, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of CEE as WBL": la adaptación de la formación basada en proyectos a la realidad laboral de los ingenieros en activo

La evolución de algunas técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje basado en proyecto han abierto las puer... more La evolución de algunas técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje basado en proyecto han abierto las puertas a una nueva manera de enseñar y aprenders. Además, se ha visto la necesidad de proveer conocimiento personalizado los empleados, sin que por ello tengan que ausentarse demasiado del puesto de trabajo para asistir a cursos tradicionales (y así perjudicar la correcta ejecución de sus proyectos dentro de la empresa). Así, se ha identificado un vacío que consiste en la falta de integración del conocimiento directamente (y de forma rápida) en las tareas cotidianas del trabajo. El presente documento recoge los contenidos básicos de una metodología de formación que trata de combinar las potencialidades de dichos métodos y el apoyo de la universidad por medio de la figura del “facilitador” para su aplicación al entorno laboral. El método ha sido desarrollado en el seno del proyecto CEE as WBL, y se ha aplicado en varias empresas. A la espera de los resultados definitivos, ya se perfilan algu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Capacity Buffer Management in Implementing Drum-Buffer-Rope Methodology in Make-To-Order Environments


The research work conducted by Orue et al. [1] aims to analyze the impact of protective capacity ... more The research work conducted by Orue et al. [1] aims to analyze the impact of protective capacity on the application of the third step of the drum-buffer-rope methodology of the theory of constraints (subordinate everything to the bottleneck) in make-to-order environments. To analyze the impact of protective capacity, a discrete event simulation is performed. Experimental results suggest that, at different levels of variability, different levels of protective capacity are needed to keep the system stable. The higher the variability, the higher the level of protection needed. It can be concluded that the definition of the level of protective capacity required is a strategic decision for the organization. For managers to know and control how much protection is necessary and how much is overcapacity or waste, monitoring and managing the use of protective capacity is paramount. This concept of protection monitoring and control is relatively new in the theory of constraints methodology, b...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Protective Capacity in Implementing Drum-Buffer-Rope Methodology in Make-To-Order Environments: An Assessment by Simulation


This study uses simulation to analyse the impact of protective capacity in the implementation of ... more This study uses simulation to analyse the impact of protective capacity in the implementation of the step 3 of the theory of constraints (TOC) methodology in make-to-order (MTO) environments. The results suggest that at different levels of variability, different levels of protective capacity are needed to keep a system stable and meet the bottleneck (BN) schedule. The higher the variability is, the higher the level of protection needed. The definition of the level of protective capacity required is a strategic decision for the organisation, as it must be emphasised that with high levels of variability in a system, the protective capacity must be very high, which contradicts the efficient use of resources. However, for managers to know and control how much protection is needed without needing additional capacity, it is advisable to monitor the use of protective capacity. This concept of protection monitoring and control is relatively new in the TOC–drum-buffer-rope (TOC-DBR) methodol...

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Research paper thumbnail of Theory of constraints case study in the make to order environment

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

Purpose: The theory of constraints (TOC) drum-buffer-rope methodology is appropriate when managin... more Purpose: The theory of constraints (TOC) drum-buffer-rope methodology is appropriate when managing a production plant in complex environments, such as make-to-order (MTO) scenarios. However, some difficulties have been detected in implementing this methodology in such changing environments. This case study analyses a MTO company to identify the key factors that influence the execution of the third step of TOC. It also aims to evaluate in more depth the research started by Lizarralde et al. (2020) and compare the results with the existing literature.Design/methodology/approach: The case study approach is selected as a research methodology because of the need to investigate a current phenomenon in a real environment.Findings: In the case study analysed, the protective capacity of non-bottleneck resources is found to the key factor when subordinating the MTO system to a bottleneck (BN). Furthermore, it coincides with one of the two key factors defined by the literature, namely protecti...

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of the DBR Approach to a Multi-project Manufacturing Context

Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Alignment-Based Improvement of Project Management in a Small Firm

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Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Improvement through Integrated Management of Sales and Operations

Sustainability, 2022

Several authors agree on the importance of integrating sales and operations (S & OP) when it come... more Several authors agree on the importance of integrating sales and operations (S & OP) when it comes to improving the management of organisations. Thus, the relationship between S & OP can be critical from a competitive point of view, and therefore strategic. However, most of the literature on this topic focuses on the field of repetitive manufacturing. Consequently, this work aims to enhance the scarce literature related to S & OP in organisations that produce make-to-order (MTO). The present study is an analysis of cases of two industrial companies managed according to the theory of constraints. In both cases, the relationship between sales and operations was initially poor. Their approaches were mainly founded on their experience and intuition, as well as on simple data. The development of a new approach, integrating S & OP, has demonstrated the potential advantages of integrated management. As a result, we have identified some aspects of interest from a managerial perspective. Fur...

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Research paper thumbnail of Agile Project Management Learning by Popbl Methodology: A Two-Year Experience in Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Este documento expone los resultados derivados de la realizacion de proyectos grupales por parte ... more Este documento expone los resultados derivados de la realizacion de proyectos grupales por parte de alumnos del Master Universitario en Innovacion Empresarial y Direccion de Proyectos de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, en el seno de la metodologia POPBL y durante un periodo de dos anos. El estudio se centra principalmente en los aspectos relacionados con el aprendizaje de la utilizacion en la practica de los metodos agiles Scrum y Kanban. Su uso como base para la gestion de los proyectos en un entorno cuasi-real ha permitido identificar aspectos de interes. El primero se refiere a la perspectiva del formador, y el segundo al aprendizaje de personas, muchas de las cuales contaban con escasa o nula experiencia profesional.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimización Del Proceso Pedido-Cobro Mediante La Teoría De Las Limitaciones (Toc): Un Estudio De Caso

El estudio de caso tiene como punto de partida la necesidad de mejorar la gestion del proceso de ... more El estudio de caso tiene como punto de partida la necesidad de mejorar la gestion del proceso de pedido-entrega de una determinada organizacion. En este se describen los aspectos fundamentales de la implantacion de la filosofia TOC y sus implicaciones para la organizacion. En un contexto como es el de la caldereria de precision no tiene sentido gestionar los recursos con la perspectiva tradicional de produccion de series largas. En el contexto actual, donde lo habitual es tener muchos pedidos de pocas unidades (proyectos concretos), el objetivo debe ser alinear el uso de los recursos (capacidad) hacia la velocidad de facturacion (entrega en plazo), dandole prioridad al flujo como clave para el aumento de la productividad global, y no la busqueda de optimos locales como medio para buscar el objetivo final. Por ello el proyecto se ha centrado en el alineamiento del sistema hacia objetivos globales, haciendo hincapie en los siguientes aspectos: • Enfoque basado en la teoria de las limi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modern Project Management Approaches in Uncertainty Environments: A Comparative Study Based on Action Research

Sustainability, 2020

Change and high uncertainty levels are the main characteristics of current project contexts. Year... more Change and high uncertainty levels are the main characteristics of current project contexts. Years ago, the traditional project management faced problems when operating in these environments. Thus, at the end of the 20th century, new project management approaches were conceived to provide a more effective answer to such contexts. These methods propose a different approach, aimed at promoting the project flow by focusing on the short term. However, their adoption involves certain adjustments from a managerial perspective. The influence on the way resources are used is of special interest, as it may cause unexpected behaviors and reactions. The literature vastly analyzes the features and benefits of these methods. Nevertheless, there is a lack of empirical evidence about both the practical implications of the transition process toward them and their superior performance. Thus, this research aims to contribute to filling this gap by providing real-world based evidence related to the ch...

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Research paper thumbnail of Demand Driven MRP - Nuevo método para la gestión de la Cadena de Suministro: un estudio de caso

Dirección y Organización, 2019

La metodología Demand-Driven Material Requirement Planning (DDMRP) fue desarrollado con el objeti... more La metodología Demand-Driven Material Requirement Planning (DDMRP) fue desarrollado con el objetivo de aumentar el flujo de materiales e información de una cadena de suministro y así mejorar la ventaja competitiva de esta. En la revisión de la literatura se han identificado trabajos de investigación que analizan el funcionamiento de esta metodología en entornos simulados. Sin embargo, no se han encontrado estudios que analicen la implementación del DDMRP en una empresa real. El presente trabajo, por lo tanto, analiza la evolución que una empresa que fabrica componentes para electrodomésticos obtuvo al migrar del MRP al DDMRP. Los resultados obtenidos, demuestran que gestionando los materiales con la metodología DDMRP la empresa aumentó la visibilidad en la cadena de suministro reduciendo considerablemente el efecto bullwhip y los pedidos urgentes. Cabe destacar también la evolución del inventario, ya que el stock físico se redujo mientras que el consumo de los materiales aumentó. Du...

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Research paper thumbnail of Enfoque estratégico para la identificación de cuellos de botella en entornos de fabricación contra pedido y plantas tipo V: estudio de caso de DBR

Dirección y Organización, 2019

Uno de los principales elementos de la teoría de las limitaciones es su método de gestión de la p... more Uno de los principales elementos de la teoría de las limitaciones es su método de gestión de la producción Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) que controla el lanzamiento de trabajos al sistema. La secuencia en la que se lanzan los trabajos al sistema está determinada por la programación del Drum. En la literatura se observa que está demostrada la validez del método para gestionar la producción, pero la mayoría se centran en estudios analíticos y no tienen en cuenta casos reales de producciones bajo pedido y plantas v. En este estudio exponemos un proceso sistemático para la implementación de los dos primeros pasos de TOC en sistemas productivos. Lo hacemos desde una perspectiva estratégica, esto es, el recurso que controla el lanzamiento y ritmos de producción debe ser una decisión gerencial.

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