Aria Zurnetti - (original) (raw)
Books by Aria Zurnetti
Nova Publishing, 2021
Violence against women is a form of violence that occurs on the basis of gender differences, and ... more Violence against women is a form of violence that occurs on the basis of gender differences, and domestic violence is a form of violence that occurs in the family or household environment. According to the study, most of the victims of domestic violence are women and children. West Sumatra, known as the Minangkabau region, adheres to the adat philosophy of Adat Basandi Syara, syara basandi Kitabullah, which is the second highest level of domestic violence crime in Indonesia. To overcome this situation, effective and efficient crime prevention policies and strategies are necessary. This chapter attempts to answer the following questions: (a) What is the policy for reducing the number of women who are victims of domestic violence in West Sumatra? and (b) How do customary law and local wisdom address and overcome acts of domestic violence against women in West Sumatra? The short-term goal is to review the laws and regulations that have been applied to prevent situations of domestic violence against women. The research method is a sociological juridical approach with descriptive properties using primary data and secondary data. The results demonstrate that domestic violence settlement is carried out through law approaches, adat criminal law, and a local wisdom approach based on the values of society. The restorative justice approach uses deliberation and consensus and is based on the values in Minangkabau customary law anak dipangku kemenakan dibimbing and cabiak-cabiak bulu ayam, that is, ninik mamak is instrumental in resolving disputes within the family and putting the family back together. A sacred marriage is carried out with the consent of the family of both parties (husband and wife); thus, marriage in the Minangkabau community is a matter of niniak mamak, a settlement through the principle of musyawarah or consensus as a principle in customary criminal law carried out first through the lowest level, namely, through deliberation in the family itself. Then, the discussion continues to the level of niniak mamak, known as Kerapatan adat salingka nagari. This process is called bajanjang naiak batanggo turun.
Papers by Aria Zurnetti
UNES Journal of Swara Justisia
Penelitian ini berangkat dari adanya kekosongan hukum mengenai pelaksanaan Pemeriksaan Setempat d... more Penelitian ini berangkat dari adanya kekosongan hukum mengenai pelaksanaan Pemeriksaan Setempat dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP), yang menimbulkan ketimpangan, mengingat hasil Pemeriksaan Setempat tak jarang dijadikan salah satu dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan bebas, termasuk perkara pencabulan. Tesis ini bermaksud untuk mencari tahu bagaimana konsep keadilan dan kepastian hukum diterapkan dalam analisis hakim atas mengenai temuan dan dampak pemeriksaan setempat saat memutus bebas suatu tindak pidana pencabulan. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif dan memanfaatkan data sekunder yang diuraikan dengan pendekatan deskriptif-analitis, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Pemeriksaan Setempat dalam hukum acara pidana pada saat ini dapat dinilai sebagai suatu bentuk sebuah terobosan hukum untuk memperoleh keyakinan hakim, bahkan dapat mengenyampingkan semua alat bukti yang telah dihadirkan oleh Penuntut Umum dalam persidangan. Kendati demikian, pela...
Andalas International Journal of Socio-Humanities
Corruption is one of the most widespread and chronic crimes in Indonesia. Therefore, handling cor... more Corruption is one of the most widespread and chronic crimes in Indonesia. Therefore, handling corruption is a very important priority for law enforcement. Perpetrators of corruption are not only individuals but also corporations. The crime is done for the benefit of the corporation itself. Today corruption committed by corporations have started to be a concern of law enforcement officials even though the implementation is not yet optimal. This paper discusses the assets recovery as a fundamental principal in criminal punishment against a corrupt corporation. This research is using a dogmatic legal method by analyzing legal materials. From the research conducted it can be concluded that law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption carried out by corporations should be prioritized in the asset recovery principal and not only aiming to punish criminal offenders. So it is recommended to law enforcement officials to use asset recovery approach in handling corruption cases committed by ...
Nagari Law Review
Corruption in Indonesia has its own characteristics. Corruption crimes committed at the village l... more Corruption in Indonesia has its own characteristics. Corruption crimes committed at the village level have caused losses to state finances. Countermeasures against corruption in village funds are required to be effective and firm, in order to be able to resolve and to reduce the number of corruption in the future. This paper discusses the pattern of corruption in West Sumatra, especially in the cities of Solok and Pariaman, and discusses the prevention model used against corruption. The methodology used to answer these problems is normative juridical research. The results of the study found that the pattern of corruption tended to vary in each region, such as double budget, mark-up, unilateral withdrawal of nagari funds by nagari administrators. However, there is a pattern that is always found in every case, namely not making a deposit of tax collection results, the tax money is intentionally not deposited and used for personal interests which causes state financial losses. Furtherm...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Nov 29, 2021
For decades, the Prosecutor's Office has experienced a dilemma in the process of law enforcem... more For decades, the Prosecutor's Office has experienced a dilemma in the process of law enforcement and the justice system in Indonesia. Starting from small cases that must be brought to court, cases with small losses and the wishes of the victim who wants to make peace but is shackled by the applicable regulations. The issuance of the Prosecutor's Office Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice (hereinafter referred to as Perja RJ) is seen as one of the answers to the voice of justice in the community for the inefficiency of law enforcement which will only bring misery to the community. With the existence of Perja RJ, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) has the right to stop prosecuting suspects in certain cases. The problem approach method used in this study is a sociological juridical approach, namely research by examining applicable legal norms and in relation to the facts found in the study, namely: (1) How is the Application of the Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor's Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution based on Restorative Justice in the Legal Area of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office against cases Number: R – 655 /L.3/Eoh.2/09/2020 and Number: R – 675 /L.3/Eoh/10/2020; and (2) What are the obstacles faced by the Public Prosecutor in the Application of the Regulation of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution based on Restorative Justice in the Legal Area of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office. Based on the research, it can be concluded that: (1) The application of Perja RJ in the Legal Area of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office in the efforts of restorative justice carried out by the Public Prosecutor as described in the case above is in accordance with the spirit of the establishment of Perja RJ and the purpose of the Law to achieve maximum benefit. in society; (2) Obstacles faced by the Public Prosecutor in the Legal Territory of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office in the Implementation of Perja RJ, namely: differences in perspective on the objective and subjective conditions for the termination of prosecution or restorative justice and the need for closer coordination before making peace efforts by Public Prosecutor
Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk memberi pemahaman sekaligus keterampilan kepada para remaja dalam ha... more Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk memberi pemahaman sekaligus keterampilan kepada para remaja dalam hal ini anak-anak SMA agar mereka dapat terhindari bahaya narkoba. Pentingnya acara ini dilakukan karena penggunaan Narkoba di kalangan masyarakat sudah sangat merata, karena tidak hanya orang dewasa yang mempergunakannya, bahkan anak-anak juga sudah menjadi pecandu narkoba. Penyalahgunaan narkotika sudah memperlihatkan gawat narkotika karena telah menjangkau pada generasi muda. Bila generasi muda menjadi rusak karena penyalahgunaan narkotika, maka membahayakan tongkat estafet bangsa ini. Kondisi ini menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat terutama orang tua yang mempunyai anak-anak remaja maupun anak usia sekolah. Pelatihan ini didasarkan permasalahan, bagaimana pemahaman remaja terhadap narkoba, bagaimana langkah yang perlu dilakukan agar remaja terhindar dari penyalahgunaan narkoba. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara pertama memberikan pengetahuan kepada remaja tentang jenis narkoba sert...
Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2021
Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 2020
Arus globalisasi yang saat ini menjadikan jarak antar negara bukanlah suatu problematika lagi. Or... more Arus globalisasi yang saat ini menjadikan jarak antar negara bukanlah suatu problematika lagi. Orang semakin mudah berhubungan dengan orang lain melalui perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi. Salah satu perkembangan yang signifikan sekarang adalah transaksi jual beli secara online atau E-Commerce. Dalam jual beli online terdapat perjanjian jual beli yang diatur dalam Pasal 1457-1540 KUHPerdata. Dimana adanya suatu hubungan hukum perjanjian akan melahirkan suatu perikatan bagi para pihak, untuk menjadi dasar agar perjanjian tersebut dapat dilaksanakan. Kemudian terjadi banyak persoalan atau wanprestasi dalam transaksi e-commerce dimana gambar dan penjelasan yang penjelasan yang ditampilkan penjual sering tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan ketika pembeli menerima barang. Adanya perkembangan dalam transaksi bisnis tersebut memerlukan suatu perangkat hukum kontrak nasional yang baru. Sejalan dengan itu, Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contract dan Konvensi Jual Beli Int...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Diversion is a diversion of the settlement of criminal cases by children outside the court. Diver... more Diversion is a diversion of the settlement of criminal cases by children outside the court. Diversion is carried out by holding meetings (face-to-face) between the parties regulated in Act Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Criminal Justice System for Children and in the Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) Number 4 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Diversity in SPPA. However, there are differences regarding the requirements for Diversity that are regulated in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning SPPA (SPPA Law) and Article 3 of Perma Number 4 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Diversity in SPPA. The problems examined in this thesis are 1) How is the legal certainty of the application of Article 3 of Perma Number 4 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Diversity in the SPPA against Law Number 11 of 2012 Concerning the Juvenile Justice System for the Determination of the Chairman of the Painan District Court Regarding Diversi Agreeme...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Law, 2019
The eradication of corruption in the private sector on the rule of law depends on two dimensions.... more The eradication of corruption in the private sector on the rule of law depends on two dimensions. The first element is repression, which emphasizes the imposition of criminal sanctions and the second is the preventive effort by fostering anti-corruption values in the organization. The general behavior of a person towards the rule of law is influenced by consideration of the incentives they may gain when they are law-abiding and the sanctions they may receive if they commit a crime or do not do what is required of them. This behavior also applies to corporations in making decisions relating to their obligation not to commit corruption. This paper analyses legal materials regarding the conditions under which corporate anti-corruption culture can provide legal implications in the commission of corruption within the corporation. This deploys normative juridical method that is in finding the data hold on juridical aspect by analyzing the legal materials with micro-comparative study and legislation approaches. This research is expected to provide input to corporations that by forming a corporate anti-corruption culture will bring legal implications that they may be able to obtain general defenses in criminal process of the corruption case if they have applied prudential principles in preventing corruption within the corporate environment reflected in the ethos, culture, and practices of the corporation.
Linguistics and Culture Review, 2021
This paper aimed to discuss the legal politics of regulating narcotics and illegal drugs in Indon... more This paper aimed to discuss the legal politics of regulating narcotics and illegal drugs in Indonesia. Using normative legal research methods, this normative legal research focuses on an inventory of positive law, legal principles and doctrines, legal findings in cases in concreto, legal systematics, comparative law, and legal history. The writing of this scientific paper uses primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Primary legal materials are in the form of laws and regulations related to the issues raised, including Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Secondary legal materials are materials that explain primary legal materials, such as law books. The results of the research are supported by the opinions of legal experts (doctrine), as well as legal journals related to this research, among others, that narcotics legal politics is the main point in forming a legal system in the form of laws and regulations that regulate criminal acts as described above, Articles ...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Crimes embezzlement in the family is a crime that can be processed if there is a complaint from t... more Crimes embezzlement in the family is a crime that can be processed if there is a complaint from the injured victim. In the practice of law enforcement against embezzlement in the family in the Jurisdiction of the West Pasaman District Court, the judge in making a decision to grant the request of the victim to withdraw his complaint even though the time period specified in Article 75 of the Criminal Code has been exceeded. JudgeNumber 137 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN PsbAgainstSettlementof Dark Family Crimes in the Legal Area of the West Pasaman District Court. The purpose of the study was to see how the judge is considered in making the afforementioned determination. The method used is normative effective. This type of research is descriptive using secondary data.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Commission of Corruption Eradication is an institution that is given attributive authority by Law... more Commission of Corruption Eradication is an institution that is given attributive authority by Law Number 30 of 2002 and Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning Commission of Corruption Eradicati on to carry out law enforcement by investigating and prosecuting corruption offence. The authority of this commission in carrying out the law enforcement must be based on statutory regulation which is a form of criminal law policy. However, in the practice of law occur ed , the commission prosecutes several cases of money laundering in which the act is not explicitly regulated by law. So that, some of money laundering offences prosecuted by the commission find pros and cons among legal experts, even a dissenting opinion in the Panel of Judges who decide the case. It has become one of legal problems for the commission which must be a serious concern for the government. So that it becomes interested in studying about whether the legal problems Commission of Corruption Eradication in the prosecution o...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Functional coordination is close to Article 138 Sub-section (2) of the Law of the Republic of Ind... more Functional coordination is close to Article 138 Sub-section (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 1981 regarding Code of Criminal Procedure (KUHAP), then this lack must be delivered in the form of case files to the Public Prosecutor no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the receipt by the Investigator. The problem discussed is how the regulation and the form of functional coordination between the Police Investigator and the Public Prosecutor in the Pre-Prosecution and how the legal certainty of the functional coordination is reviewed from Article 138 Sub-section (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. This study uses a normative juridical method by examining the legal materials, legislation and relevant theories. Functional coordination arrangement at the Attorney General's Office based on the Attorney General's Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PER-036/A /JA/09/2011 regarding Standard Operational Procedure for Handling General Crime in the for...
ABSTRAK Dalam mengambil suatu putusan, hakim tidak saja melihat dan berpedoman kepada ketentuan t... more ABSTRAK Dalam mengambil suatu putusan, hakim tidak saja melihat dan berpedoman kepada ketentuan tertulis dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan, tetapi juga terhadap ketentuan-ketentuan lain yang hidup dan berlaku di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Hal inilah yang terlihat pada Putusan Nomor 247/Pid/B/2012/PN.Pdg yang menjatuhkan hukuman penjara kepada terdakwa anak, meskipun dakwaan penuntut umum tidak terbukti di persidangan. Oleh karena hakim berpendapat telah terjadi pelanggaran hukum pidana adat Minangkabau, maka kemudian menjatuhkan pidana terhadap terdakwa. Timbul pertanyaan, bagaimanakah pertimbangan hakim dalam penerapan sanksi pidana adat pada perkara pidana anak dan bagaimanakah hubungan penerapan pidana adat oleh hakim dengan penemuan hukum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam penggunaan pidana adat dan menjelaskan hubungan penerapan pidana adat dalam putusan hakim dengan penemuan hukum. Dasar pertimbangan hakim menera...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
The Judge's decision is closely related to how the Judge expresses his opinion or considerati... more The Judge's decision is closely related to how the Judge expresses his opinion or consideration based on the facts and evidence in the trial and the Judge's confidence in a case he is trying. Even though the Judge has free or independent power to impose his decision, the prison sentence is still below the specific minimum limit, causing controversy or debate, especially regarding what legal norms are used by the Judge in deciding the case, so that the Judge leaves aside the special minimum threat which is expressly regulated in the Child Protection Act. The verdict in the form of imprisonment imposed under this special minimum threshold can be considered too light and it is feared that it will not cause a deterrent effect for the perpetrators in the future and may damage the legal certainty as mandated in the Child Protection Act. This can be seen in the Padang district court's decision Case number 38 / Pid.Sus / 2019 / PN Pdg, the judge handed down a prison sentence bel...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2019
Legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture have an important role in realizing total law... more Legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture have an important role in realizing total law enforcement in order to create social welfare and justice, certainty, and benefit of law. To establish the total law enforcement, the government has formed various legal policies as a normative basis in tackling crime by imposingeither penalty or non-penalty. However, the legal policies do not suppress the number of sexual abuse because of various causes. Based on the problem above, it is interesting to study especially related to the form of law enforcement for the sexualabuse and regarding the efforts to deal with the sexualabuse.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2019
Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) is one of the institutions stipulated in Presid... more Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) is one of the institutions stipulated in Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 192 of 2014 in charge of organizing government affairs in the field of state/ regional financial supervision and national development. This research raises several problems which include: First, what is the form of regulation of BPKP’s authority in legislation related to audits in calculating state financial losses in the case of corruption crime. Second, how is the legal standing of the BPKP Representative of West Sumatra Province in calculating state financial losses in the decision Number: 31/Pid.Sus/TPK/2017/PN Pdg on behalf of the defendant Vera Aldilla Roza, ST related to corruption crime in Padang District Court. This is a normative juridical research which applied an approach to legislation (statute approach) and to the case (case approach). This research used a technique in the form of a library study that utilized primary, seco...
Nova Publishing, 2021
Violence against women is a form of violence that occurs on the basis of gender differences, and ... more Violence against women is a form of violence that occurs on the basis of gender differences, and domestic violence is a form of violence that occurs in the family or household environment. According to the study, most of the victims of domestic violence are women and children. West Sumatra, known as the Minangkabau region, adheres to the adat philosophy of Adat Basandi Syara, syara basandi Kitabullah, which is the second highest level of domestic violence crime in Indonesia. To overcome this situation, effective and efficient crime prevention policies and strategies are necessary. This chapter attempts to answer the following questions: (a) What is the policy for reducing the number of women who are victims of domestic violence in West Sumatra? and (b) How do customary law and local wisdom address and overcome acts of domestic violence against women in West Sumatra? The short-term goal is to review the laws and regulations that have been applied to prevent situations of domestic violence against women. The research method is a sociological juridical approach with descriptive properties using primary data and secondary data. The results demonstrate that domestic violence settlement is carried out through law approaches, adat criminal law, and a local wisdom approach based on the values of society. The restorative justice approach uses deliberation and consensus and is based on the values in Minangkabau customary law anak dipangku kemenakan dibimbing and cabiak-cabiak bulu ayam, that is, ninik mamak is instrumental in resolving disputes within the family and putting the family back together. A sacred marriage is carried out with the consent of the family of both parties (husband and wife); thus, marriage in the Minangkabau community is a matter of niniak mamak, a settlement through the principle of musyawarah or consensus as a principle in customary criminal law carried out first through the lowest level, namely, through deliberation in the family itself. Then, the discussion continues to the level of niniak mamak, known as Kerapatan adat salingka nagari. This process is called bajanjang naiak batanggo turun.
UNES Journal of Swara Justisia
Penelitian ini berangkat dari adanya kekosongan hukum mengenai pelaksanaan Pemeriksaan Setempat d... more Penelitian ini berangkat dari adanya kekosongan hukum mengenai pelaksanaan Pemeriksaan Setempat dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP), yang menimbulkan ketimpangan, mengingat hasil Pemeriksaan Setempat tak jarang dijadikan salah satu dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan bebas, termasuk perkara pencabulan. Tesis ini bermaksud untuk mencari tahu bagaimana konsep keadilan dan kepastian hukum diterapkan dalam analisis hakim atas mengenai temuan dan dampak pemeriksaan setempat saat memutus bebas suatu tindak pidana pencabulan. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif dan memanfaatkan data sekunder yang diuraikan dengan pendekatan deskriptif-analitis, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Pemeriksaan Setempat dalam hukum acara pidana pada saat ini dapat dinilai sebagai suatu bentuk sebuah terobosan hukum untuk memperoleh keyakinan hakim, bahkan dapat mengenyampingkan semua alat bukti yang telah dihadirkan oleh Penuntut Umum dalam persidangan. Kendati demikian, pela...
Andalas International Journal of Socio-Humanities
Corruption is one of the most widespread and chronic crimes in Indonesia. Therefore, handling cor... more Corruption is one of the most widespread and chronic crimes in Indonesia. Therefore, handling corruption is a very important priority for law enforcement. Perpetrators of corruption are not only individuals but also corporations. The crime is done for the benefit of the corporation itself. Today corruption committed by corporations have started to be a concern of law enforcement officials even though the implementation is not yet optimal. This paper discusses the assets recovery as a fundamental principal in criminal punishment against a corrupt corporation. This research is using a dogmatic legal method by analyzing legal materials. From the research conducted it can be concluded that law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption carried out by corporations should be prioritized in the asset recovery principal and not only aiming to punish criminal offenders. So it is recommended to law enforcement officials to use asset recovery approach in handling corruption cases committed by ...
Nagari Law Review
Corruption in Indonesia has its own characteristics. Corruption crimes committed at the village l... more Corruption in Indonesia has its own characteristics. Corruption crimes committed at the village level have caused losses to state finances. Countermeasures against corruption in village funds are required to be effective and firm, in order to be able to resolve and to reduce the number of corruption in the future. This paper discusses the pattern of corruption in West Sumatra, especially in the cities of Solok and Pariaman, and discusses the prevention model used against corruption. The methodology used to answer these problems is normative juridical research. The results of the study found that the pattern of corruption tended to vary in each region, such as double budget, mark-up, unilateral withdrawal of nagari funds by nagari administrators. However, there is a pattern that is always found in every case, namely not making a deposit of tax collection results, the tax money is intentionally not deposited and used for personal interests which causes state financial losses. Furtherm...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Nov 29, 2021
For decades, the Prosecutor's Office has experienced a dilemma in the process of law enforcem... more For decades, the Prosecutor's Office has experienced a dilemma in the process of law enforcement and the justice system in Indonesia. Starting from small cases that must be brought to court, cases with small losses and the wishes of the victim who wants to make peace but is shackled by the applicable regulations. The issuance of the Prosecutor's Office Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice (hereinafter referred to as Perja RJ) is seen as one of the answers to the voice of justice in the community for the inefficiency of law enforcement which will only bring misery to the community. With the existence of Perja RJ, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) has the right to stop prosecuting suspects in certain cases. The problem approach method used in this study is a sociological juridical approach, namely research by examining applicable legal norms and in relation to the facts found in the study, namely: (1) How is the Application of the Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor's Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution based on Restorative Justice in the Legal Area of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office against cases Number: R – 655 /L.3/Eoh.2/09/2020 and Number: R – 675 /L.3/Eoh/10/2020; and (2) What are the obstacles faced by the Public Prosecutor in the Application of the Regulation of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution based on Restorative Justice in the Legal Area of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office. Based on the research, it can be concluded that: (1) The application of Perja RJ in the Legal Area of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office in the efforts of restorative justice carried out by the Public Prosecutor as described in the case above is in accordance with the spirit of the establishment of Perja RJ and the purpose of the Law to achieve maximum benefit. in society; (2) Obstacles faced by the Public Prosecutor in the Legal Territory of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office in the Implementation of Perja RJ, namely: differences in perspective on the objective and subjective conditions for the termination of prosecution or restorative justice and the need for closer coordination before making peace efforts by Public Prosecutor
Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk memberi pemahaman sekaligus keterampilan kepada para remaja dalam ha... more Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk memberi pemahaman sekaligus keterampilan kepada para remaja dalam hal ini anak-anak SMA agar mereka dapat terhindari bahaya narkoba. Pentingnya acara ini dilakukan karena penggunaan Narkoba di kalangan masyarakat sudah sangat merata, karena tidak hanya orang dewasa yang mempergunakannya, bahkan anak-anak juga sudah menjadi pecandu narkoba. Penyalahgunaan narkotika sudah memperlihatkan gawat narkotika karena telah menjangkau pada generasi muda. Bila generasi muda menjadi rusak karena penyalahgunaan narkotika, maka membahayakan tongkat estafet bangsa ini. Kondisi ini menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat terutama orang tua yang mempunyai anak-anak remaja maupun anak usia sekolah. Pelatihan ini didasarkan permasalahan, bagaimana pemahaman remaja terhadap narkoba, bagaimana langkah yang perlu dilakukan agar remaja terhindar dari penyalahgunaan narkoba. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara pertama memberikan pengetahuan kepada remaja tentang jenis narkoba sert...
Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2021
Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 2020
Arus globalisasi yang saat ini menjadikan jarak antar negara bukanlah suatu problematika lagi. Or... more Arus globalisasi yang saat ini menjadikan jarak antar negara bukanlah suatu problematika lagi. Orang semakin mudah berhubungan dengan orang lain melalui perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi. Salah satu perkembangan yang signifikan sekarang adalah transaksi jual beli secara online atau E-Commerce. Dalam jual beli online terdapat perjanjian jual beli yang diatur dalam Pasal 1457-1540 KUHPerdata. Dimana adanya suatu hubungan hukum perjanjian akan melahirkan suatu perikatan bagi para pihak, untuk menjadi dasar agar perjanjian tersebut dapat dilaksanakan. Kemudian terjadi banyak persoalan atau wanprestasi dalam transaksi e-commerce dimana gambar dan penjelasan yang penjelasan yang ditampilkan penjual sering tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan ketika pembeli menerima barang. Adanya perkembangan dalam transaksi bisnis tersebut memerlukan suatu perangkat hukum kontrak nasional yang baru. Sejalan dengan itu, Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contract dan Konvensi Jual Beli Int...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Diversion is a diversion of the settlement of criminal cases by children outside the court. Diver... more Diversion is a diversion of the settlement of criminal cases by children outside the court. Diversion is carried out by holding meetings (face-to-face) between the parties regulated in Act Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Criminal Justice System for Children and in the Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) Number 4 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Diversity in SPPA. However, there are differences regarding the requirements for Diversity that are regulated in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning SPPA (SPPA Law) and Article 3 of Perma Number 4 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Diversity in SPPA. The problems examined in this thesis are 1) How is the legal certainty of the application of Article 3 of Perma Number 4 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Diversity in the SPPA against Law Number 11 of 2012 Concerning the Juvenile Justice System for the Determination of the Chairman of the Painan District Court Regarding Diversi Agreeme...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Law, 2019
The eradication of corruption in the private sector on the rule of law depends on two dimensions.... more The eradication of corruption in the private sector on the rule of law depends on two dimensions. The first element is repression, which emphasizes the imposition of criminal sanctions and the second is the preventive effort by fostering anti-corruption values in the organization. The general behavior of a person towards the rule of law is influenced by consideration of the incentives they may gain when they are law-abiding and the sanctions they may receive if they commit a crime or do not do what is required of them. This behavior also applies to corporations in making decisions relating to their obligation not to commit corruption. This paper analyses legal materials regarding the conditions under which corporate anti-corruption culture can provide legal implications in the commission of corruption within the corporation. This deploys normative juridical method that is in finding the data hold on juridical aspect by analyzing the legal materials with micro-comparative study and legislation approaches. This research is expected to provide input to corporations that by forming a corporate anti-corruption culture will bring legal implications that they may be able to obtain general defenses in criminal process of the corruption case if they have applied prudential principles in preventing corruption within the corporate environment reflected in the ethos, culture, and practices of the corporation.
Linguistics and Culture Review, 2021
This paper aimed to discuss the legal politics of regulating narcotics and illegal drugs in Indon... more This paper aimed to discuss the legal politics of regulating narcotics and illegal drugs in Indonesia. Using normative legal research methods, this normative legal research focuses on an inventory of positive law, legal principles and doctrines, legal findings in cases in concreto, legal systematics, comparative law, and legal history. The writing of this scientific paper uses primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Primary legal materials are in the form of laws and regulations related to the issues raised, including Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Secondary legal materials are materials that explain primary legal materials, such as law books. The results of the research are supported by the opinions of legal experts (doctrine), as well as legal journals related to this research, among others, that narcotics legal politics is the main point in forming a legal system in the form of laws and regulations that regulate criminal acts as described above, Articles ...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Crimes embezzlement in the family is a crime that can be processed if there is a complaint from t... more Crimes embezzlement in the family is a crime that can be processed if there is a complaint from the injured victim. In the practice of law enforcement against embezzlement in the family in the Jurisdiction of the West Pasaman District Court, the judge in making a decision to grant the request of the victim to withdraw his complaint even though the time period specified in Article 75 of the Criminal Code has been exceeded. JudgeNumber 137 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN PsbAgainstSettlementof Dark Family Crimes in the Legal Area of the West Pasaman District Court. The purpose of the study was to see how the judge is considered in making the afforementioned determination. The method used is normative effective. This type of research is descriptive using secondary data.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Commission of Corruption Eradication is an institution that is given attributive authority by Law... more Commission of Corruption Eradication is an institution that is given attributive authority by Law Number 30 of 2002 and Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning Commission of Corruption Eradicati on to carry out law enforcement by investigating and prosecuting corruption offence. The authority of this commission in carrying out the law enforcement must be based on statutory regulation which is a form of criminal law policy. However, in the practice of law occur ed , the commission prosecutes several cases of money laundering in which the act is not explicitly regulated by law. So that, some of money laundering offences prosecuted by the commission find pros and cons among legal experts, even a dissenting opinion in the Panel of Judges who decide the case. It has become one of legal problems for the commission which must be a serious concern for the government. So that it becomes interested in studying about whether the legal problems Commission of Corruption Eradication in the prosecution o...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Functional coordination is close to Article 138 Sub-section (2) of the Law of the Republic of Ind... more Functional coordination is close to Article 138 Sub-section (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 1981 regarding Code of Criminal Procedure (KUHAP), then this lack must be delivered in the form of case files to the Public Prosecutor no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the receipt by the Investigator. The problem discussed is how the regulation and the form of functional coordination between the Police Investigator and the Public Prosecutor in the Pre-Prosecution and how the legal certainty of the functional coordination is reviewed from Article 138 Sub-section (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. This study uses a normative juridical method by examining the legal materials, legislation and relevant theories. Functional coordination arrangement at the Attorney General's Office based on the Attorney General's Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PER-036/A /JA/09/2011 regarding Standard Operational Procedure for Handling General Crime in the for...
ABSTRAK Dalam mengambil suatu putusan, hakim tidak saja melihat dan berpedoman kepada ketentuan t... more ABSTRAK Dalam mengambil suatu putusan, hakim tidak saja melihat dan berpedoman kepada ketentuan tertulis dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan, tetapi juga terhadap ketentuan-ketentuan lain yang hidup dan berlaku di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Hal inilah yang terlihat pada Putusan Nomor 247/Pid/B/2012/PN.Pdg yang menjatuhkan hukuman penjara kepada terdakwa anak, meskipun dakwaan penuntut umum tidak terbukti di persidangan. Oleh karena hakim berpendapat telah terjadi pelanggaran hukum pidana adat Minangkabau, maka kemudian menjatuhkan pidana terhadap terdakwa. Timbul pertanyaan, bagaimanakah pertimbangan hakim dalam penerapan sanksi pidana adat pada perkara pidana anak dan bagaimanakah hubungan penerapan pidana adat oleh hakim dengan penemuan hukum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam penggunaan pidana adat dan menjelaskan hubungan penerapan pidana adat dalam putusan hakim dengan penemuan hukum. Dasar pertimbangan hakim menera...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
The Judge's decision is closely related to how the Judge expresses his opinion or considerati... more The Judge's decision is closely related to how the Judge expresses his opinion or consideration based on the facts and evidence in the trial and the Judge's confidence in a case he is trying. Even though the Judge has free or independent power to impose his decision, the prison sentence is still below the specific minimum limit, causing controversy or debate, especially regarding what legal norms are used by the Judge in deciding the case, so that the Judge leaves aside the special minimum threat which is expressly regulated in the Child Protection Act. The verdict in the form of imprisonment imposed under this special minimum threshold can be considered too light and it is feared that it will not cause a deterrent effect for the perpetrators in the future and may damage the legal certainty as mandated in the Child Protection Act. This can be seen in the Padang district court's decision Case number 38 / Pid.Sus / 2019 / PN Pdg, the judge handed down a prison sentence bel...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2019
Legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture have an important role in realizing total law... more Legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture have an important role in realizing total law enforcement in order to create social welfare and justice, certainty, and benefit of law. To establish the total law enforcement, the government has formed various legal policies as a normative basis in tackling crime by imposingeither penalty or non-penalty. However, the legal policies do not suppress the number of sexual abuse because of various causes. Based on the problem above, it is interesting to study especially related to the form of law enforcement for the sexualabuse and regarding the efforts to deal with the sexualabuse.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2019
Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) is one of the institutions stipulated in Presid... more Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) is one of the institutions stipulated in Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 192 of 2014 in charge of organizing government affairs in the field of state/ regional financial supervision and national development. This research raises several problems which include: First, what is the form of regulation of BPKP’s authority in legislation related to audits in calculating state financial losses in the case of corruption crime. Second, how is the legal standing of the BPKP Representative of West Sumatra Province in calculating state financial losses in the decision Number: 31/Pid.Sus/TPK/2017/PN Pdg on behalf of the defendant Vera Aldilla Roza, ST related to corruption crime in Padang District Court. This is a normative juridical research which applied an approach to legislation (statute approach) and to the case (case approach). This research used a technique in the form of a library study that utilized primary, seco...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2019
The losses arising from illegal fishing in Indonesian EEZ are IDR 101,040,000,000. Economic losse... more The losses arising from illegal fishing in Indonesian EEZ are IDR 101,040,000,000. Economic losses related to fisheries resources are a form of violation in the economic field so that it can be included in terms of crime in the economic field. The problems raised in this study include what are the legal consequences of the crime of illegal fishing in Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone and how it is viewed from an economic crime perspective. This study applies a normative juridical method by reviewing the relevant legal materials of legislation and theories to the results of the research as the following: 1) fishing in the area of the Exclusive Economic Zone, based on jurisdictional theory, can be regulated by the Indonesian state as a sovereign coastal country where the regulation is strictly in accordance with Article 5 of the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone Law; moreover, if the obligation to have a Fishing Approval Letter (SIPI) and a Fish-Carrier Ship Approval Letter (SIKPI)...