Asep Kamaluddin Nashir - (original) (raw)

Papers by Asep Kamaluddin Nashir

Research paper thumbnail of Consent Study In Europe : A Study Case to Understand Development of Digital Consent In UK

Global Komunika, Nov 29, 2023

The securitization of cyberspace has been specter to the political studies in various countries. ... more The securitization of cyberspace has been specter to the political studies in various countries. This article focusses on the dynamic of speech act on implementation consent and its relation to the theory of lateral pressure formulated by Nazli in studying cyberpolitcs. Since 2018 European Commission has implemented GDPR as a basic law related to data transfer, collect and process (TCP). This policy has brought the fundamental problem to the activity conducting by the state and private sector. Moreover, it was also criticized that this policy has brought to the discrimination of algorithm that came to bias to the minority group. In speak of Methodology, we used qualitative research of 418 article with keyword 'consent' focusing in Social and Humanities Science on Journal Sage, after manually analysis found 146 articles related to the consent study and social science. The final project is to find out the significant tendency on how Europe has securitized GDPR through speech act by corelating it to the Lateral Pressure Index. The potential implications of the finding could give theoretical preference in formulating data protection base policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Bimbingan Konseling Terhadap Korban Kekerasan Dan Pelecehan Seksual DI Kabupaten Tanggerang Tahun 2022

Deleted Journal, Jan 25, 2023

This service activity has the theme of Sexual Harassment and Violence that has occurred in the co... more This service activity has the theme of Sexual Harassment and Violence that has occurred in the community recently. The implications of the impact of negative are particularly for the victim. The younger generation, especially women, has experienced this incident a lot and is often covered as a disgrace in society. We partnered with Karang Taruna Benteng in Cisauk Tangerang Banten with the community of women concerned about sexual harassment and violence hoping to contribute to this problem. Thus, there are no more sexual immoral predators that are contrary to universal moral and ethical values. The results found that Most of the occurrences of sexual harassment and violence occur because the sexual needs of the pliers are not properly accommodated. Then there is the tightness, high level of stress, and economic problems that are being experienced. Most sexual abuse is perpetrated by men both on mothers, girls, and even young children. With this activity, it is hoped that it can be useful for the community to find out the causes and implications of sexual harassment.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan Aset Tidak Berwujud dalam Keberlanjutan Ekowisata Masyarakat Pesisir: Studi Ekowisata Kabupaten Bekasi

Jati, Mar 14, 2024

This study aims to analyze the management of intangible assets community investment for the susta... more This study aims to analyze the management of intangible assets community investment for the sustainability of coastal ecotourism in Bekasi Regency, West Java. The study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to Sunge Jingkem ecotourism. Data collection was carried out through unstructured interviews with 7 key actors, in-depth field observations at the ecotourism site, and a Focus Group Discussion with 12 ecotourism enthusiasts. The study found that community investment, dominated by a group of young tourism enthusiasts, is the main intangible asset in the sustainability of Sunge Jingkem Ecotourism. The implementation of the CIDBER (Community Investment for The Development of Bekasi Regency) concept in the management of coastal community-based ecotourism in Bekasi Regency has been able to enhance ecotourism development and sustain its sustainability through the harmonization of human behavior (involving three parties: the government, the community, and tourists). This study contributes to the field of behavioral accounting by utilizing information on the harmonization of the three parties to realize the concept of sustainable ecotourism accounting in economic, social, and environmental.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Kelompok Pembudidaya Lele di Desa Curug, Gunung Sindur, Bogor

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Kerjasama Uni Eropa-Indonesia: Implementasi European Council Regulation 1005/2008 dalam Aktivitas Perikanan Pelabuhan Nizam Zachman

Jurnal Hubungan Internasional, Nov 24, 2023

Komoditas ikan tangkap di Indonesia dinilai mampu mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui perdagang... more Komoditas ikan tangkap di Indonesia dinilai mampu mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui perdagangan perikanan, namun dari segi pengelolaannya, perikanan tangkap masih terkendala oleh hambatan-hambatan internal dan eksternal, sehingga membuat sertifikasi hasil tangkap ikan rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dampak ratifikasi Europeaan Council regulation (ECR) 1005/2008 sebagai satu upaya meningkatkan sertifikasi hasil tangkap ikan dan mendukung ekspansi pasar ekspor ikan Indonesia. Penelitian ini masuk kedalam fokus studi Bisnis Internasional, oleh karena itu penulis menggunakan konsep kerjasama internasional untuk menganalisis dampak ratifikasi hukum internasional ECR 1005/2008 di Indonesia dan menggunakan teori perdagangan internasional keunggulan kompetitif untuk menganalisis indikator perdagangan sempurna komoditas perikanan tangkap di lokus penelitian. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus tunggal di lokus penelitian Pelabuhan Nizam Zachman. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan wawancara tidak terstruktur terhadap 3 informan dan observasi mendalam. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan ratifikasi ECR 1005/2008 di Pelabuhan Nizam Zachman mampu meningkatkan sertifikasi hasil tangkap ikan yang diperoleh dengan mengedepankan sinergi antara

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pelatihan Pengolahan Sampah Plastik DI Pangkalan Jati, Kota Depok

Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M), Jan 6, 2020

Beverage products use disposable plastic as packaging and the rapid growth of the beverage indust... more Beverage products use disposable plastic as packaging and the rapid growth of the beverage industry will result in a growing number of plastic waste. Community service activities (PKM) aims to provide direction and training in processing plastic waste into products that have economic value. The stages of the program implementation are carried out in several stages, namely (1) Regional Potential Survey, (2) Activities Program Dialogue through FGD, (3) Socialization / Counseling, (4) Training and Product Making, and (5) Monitoring and Evaluation. Output targets are plastic chopping and increasing community understanding of the technical waste plastic processing.

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesia’s Public Diplomacy in Increasing the Number of Visits of Singapore Tourists

Soshum: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora

Singapore is the most significant contributor to tourist visits to Indonesia, but in 2015-2016, t... more Singapore is the most significant contributor to tourist visits to Indonesia, but in 2015-2016, the number of tourist visits from Singapore decreased from around 1,59 million people to 1,51 million people. This study aims to determine the efforts of Indonesia's public diplomacy in increasing the number of tourist visits from Singapore through Wonderful Indonesia as nation branding. This research is focused on 2016 to 2019. This research used a descriptive qualitative method by using data collection techniques in the form of interviews, and document collection, such as official documents from private sources and internet sources in the form of articles in relevant journals and publications, and can be ascertained their validity. The author also uses three stages of data analysis according to Miles and Huberman (1994), including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or data verification by data triangulation to explain the data obtained from the field in detai...

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan Historis Mengenai Pelibatan Sektor Keamanan Dalam Krisis Kesehatan

Jurnal keamanan nasional, Aug 11, 2022

Security sector engagement, in particular TNI, Polri and BIN are seen as dominant during Covid-19... more Security sector engagement, in particular TNI, Polri and BIN are seen as dominant during Covid-19 pandemic. It trigger concern across the public, as the civil argue that their security approach is ineffective. On the other hand, their involvement is guaranteed by the laws and regulations. Best practices across the world show that the involvement of the security sector in dealing with pandemics is a necessity, especially for countries that have poor national health systems. This study uses qualitative methods, with secondary data.

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Crowdsourcing & Crowdfunding to Realize the Need for Breakwater at Pabean Udik Village

One of the findings of the Community Empowerment Team of UPN Veteran Jakarta in Pabean Udik Villa... more One of the findings of the Community Empowerment Team of UPN Veteran Jakarta in Pabean Udik Village, Indramayu Regency is the impact of climate change in the form of abrasion which has disrupted the sustainability of community group businesses. For long, the community has tried to build a breakwater from used tires as raw materials. But the result looks less effective because the construction is damaged. Practically, the attention is needed in the form of a breakwater which is better in terms of raw materials and structures to resist the rate of abrasion. In recent years, the community has submitted proposals for breakwater funding to the regional government of Indramayu, local government of Pabean Udik and private sectors, but there has been no serious response. Therefore, we propose alternative funding to support breakwater construction through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding methods on popular platforms such as,, dan Hopefully, in the middle of 2023, breakwater construction can be built on the coast of Pabean Udik. Abstrak Salah satu temuan masalah Tim Pemberdayaan Masyarakat UPN Veteran Jakarta di Desa Pabean Udik, Kabupaten Indramayu adalah dampak perubahan iklim berupa abrasi yang telah mengganggu keberlangsungan usaha kelompok masyarakat. Sejauh ini, masyarakat telah berupaya membangun pemecah ombak dari bahan baku ban bekas. Namun hasilnya terlihat kurang efektif karena konstruksi tersebut rusak. Praktis, dibutuhkan perhatian berupa pemecah ombak yang secara bahan baku dan struktur lebih baik untuk menahan laju abrasi. Dalam dua tahun kebelakang, masyarakat telah mengajukan proposal pendanaan pemecah ombak kepada pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Indramayu, pemerintah Desa Pabean Udik dan para pengusaha, namun tidak ada respon yang serius. Tim Pemberdayaan Masyarakat UPN Veteran Jakarta mengusulkan pendanaan alternatif untuk mendukung pembangunan pemecah ombak berupa penggalangan bahan baku ban bekas melalui metode crowdsourcing dan penggalangan dana melalui metode crowdfunding di platform-platform penggalangan dana populer seperti,, dan Harapannya, di pertengahan tahun 2023, satu unit pemecah ombak bisa dibangun di pesisir pantai Desa Pabean Udik.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimalisasi Kelompok Sadar Wisata dalam Mewujudkan Desa Wisata di Sawah Pulo, Desa Curug, Kecamatan Gunung Sindur, Kabupaten Bogor

Indonesian Journal of Society Engagement

Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency intends to make Sawah Pulo a rice fields tou... more Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency intends to make Sawah Pulo a rice fields tourism destination. The tourism awareness group is the spearhead for realizing these ideals. The Curug Village Government formed a Tourism Awareness Group, Designating Kampung Sawah Pulo as a rice field tourism location in the south of Jakarta. According to the results of the discussion, residents in RT 03 RW 03, Curug Village have agreed to make their area a tourist location. Realizing a Tourism Village is intended to achieve economic independence in the future. The Community Service/PkM carried out by the UPN Veteran Jakarta Lecturer Team is in the form of assistance to the Tourism Awareness Group so that these ideals can be realized. The Applied PkM/Community Partnership Team intends to provide solutions to problems in realizing a tourist village in Curug Village from the fields of Group Communication, Finance, Diplomacy, and Politics Community Engagement. The Next goal is to realize th...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Kelompok Masyarakat Desa Curug, Kecamatan Gunung Sindur, Bogor dalam Mewujudkan Desa Edutainment

Indonesian Journal of Society Engagement

Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor is geographically in the middle of an industrial env... more Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor is geographically in the middle of an industrial environment. The diverse profiles of the people in Curug Village have encouraged the Curug Village Head to optimize his environmental resources. The Curug Village Government wants to empower the environment and its people so that their Regional Original Income can increase. Departing from the aspirations of the people and government officials of Curug Village to have a tourist area that has an impact on increasing people's income and regional original income. PPDM in Curug Village as a form of implementation of research results related to. Optimization of groups in the community that are in accordance with the urgency of the needs of the Curug Village community. The PPDM team provides solutions to the problems of the Curug Village community who want to increase community income with a holistic approach based on research in the fields of Communication, Negotiation and Diplomacy, and Fina...

Research paper thumbnail of The Hot Peace in Indo-Pacific: Contesting Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Against Chinese Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean Region

Malaysian Journal of International Relations, Dec 30, 2021

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is a strategy to contain China which has now reached the Indi... more The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is a strategy to contain China which has now reached the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) as part of the Chinese geostrategy in the Indo-Pacific to counterbalance US and western hegemony. The dynamics brought by the minilateral realm and bilateral conflicts within the Indo-Pacific have contributed to the shaping of the region's security architecture. This article discusses the contentions between India-China competition; ASEAN, Quad, and the implications to IOR; and how the Quad Plus notion is affecting further geopolitical deliberation in the Indo-Pacific. The article concludes that the Quad is an important platform for years ahead and the rising notion of the Quad Plus will remain as the future challenge for both sides. This may redefine the Indo-Pacific concept itself, however, it is assured that ASEAN will play as a collaborative agent to China and the Quad, while also prioritise their interests over the region.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi paket undang-undang politik beserta perubahaannya (UU Pemilu, UU Parpol, UU MD3) tahun 2013 di Kelurahan Serua, Kecamatan Bojongsari, Depok, Jawa Barat

The election process in Indonesia is divided into two steps; legislative election and presidentia... more The election process in Indonesia is divided into two steps; legislative election and presidential election which is conducted on March and July 2014. All the election process needs preparations and atentions many stakeholders, including universities, at least in socialisation process. The attending many kinds of role in elections (political packages law; UU Politik, UU Pemilu, UU MD3) become a fundamental challenges to socialized in basic voters. In the socialisation process, the Abdimas team conducting the program in Desa Serua, Kec. Bojongsari, Depok. All the program finished in three steps, which is conducted on June, July and August 2013. The target of the program is Karang Taruna and Remaja Masjid and also the the beginner voters. The resulf the the program are expected improving the political conscusness and political awareness of the voters.

Research paper thumbnail of The Indo-Pacific: A New Geography of Conflict

KnE Social Sciences

This article analyzes the Indo-Pacific as a new area of conflict between actors in maintaining st... more This article analyzes the Indo-Pacific as a new area of conflict between actors in maintaining strategic access – both marine resources and sea route access – for commercial and military transportation purposes. The results of this study explain that conflicts of interest describe differences in attitudes, especially between the United States (US), its allies, and several countries that also have security problems with China. On the other hand, various Chinese military steps are considered to be worrying for global interests in the Indo-Pacific, namely freedom of navigation that ensures the security of maritime transportation routes, as well as the ownership of marine resources. Keywords: Indo-Pacific, conflict, geostrategy

Research paper thumbnail of Potensi ekonomi kreatif pemerintah daerah sebagai andalan kerjasama internasional

This article seeks to demonstrate the potential that can be processed by the local government in ... more This article seeks to demonstrate the potential that can be processed by the local government in the conduct of international cooperation, the creative economy. There are several things that need to be considered by the local government to make the creative economy as a crutch local revenue, because patterns that arise in the future and will be stronger in the international world is a form of economic activity that is based on creativity. This paper will be divided into three parts. The first part is a review of the legal basis for local governments to implement international cooperation. The goal is to provide a baseline for international cooperation undertaken by the local government, so it will look a vision of international cooperation by local governments in the corridors of regional autonomy .

Research paper thumbnail of Peran United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) Dalam Menanggulangi Masalah Pernikahan Anak

Perspektif, 2022

Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang Peranan United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) dalam... more Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang Peranan United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) dalam Penanggulangan Masalah Perkawinan Anak di Indonesia Periode 2014-2017. Salah satu masalah besar yang dihadapi Indonesia adalah isu pernikahan anak masih marak di Indonesia. UNICEF adalah salah satu organisasi internasional yang bergerak dalam melindungi anak-anak dan perempuan di seluruh dunia. Peran UNICEF dalam menangani masalah pernikahan anak di Indonesia telah diangkat sebagai bahan penelitian. Konsep Organisasi Internasional, Teori Peran, dan Perkawinan Anak digunakan dalam edisi ini. Untuk mengatasi masalah pernikahan anak di Indonesia, UNICEF melakukan program kerja sama dengan Pemerintah Indonesia yang diharapkan dapat mengurangi pernikahan anak sehingga anak-anak di Indonesia mendapatkan hak-haknya dengan baik. Dalam menjalankan perannya di Indonesia, UNICEF merupakan organisasi internasional yang berfungsi sebagai instrumen. UNICEF memberikan dukungan dan motivasi kepada Peme...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Environment, Strategist, and Strategy

Jurnal Global & Strategis, 2021

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan irisan dan keterkaitan erat antara lingkungan strategis, ... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan irisan dan keterkaitan erat antara lingkungan strategis, strategist, dan strategi dalam perkembangan isu-isu keamanan internasional. Selain itu, faktor national will setiap negara memberikan pemahaman berbeda tentang perspektif strategis dan perumusan strategi yang dihasilkan. Hasil dari tulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa lingkungan strategis menjadi preferensi strategist atau para pengambil kebijakan dalam merumuskan kebijakan atau strategi, dengan mempertimbangkan national will untuk menghadapi perkembangan lingkungan strategis. Dengan kata lain, identifikasi lingkungan strategis bagi aktor negara menjadi sebuah keharusan untuk menjamin tercapainya kepentingan nasional. Identifikasi tersebut berkonsekuensi pada pemahaman strategist dalam menyusun strategi untuk mencapai kepentingan nasional sebuah negara.Kata-kata kunci: Lingkungan strategis, National Will, Natuna, Indo-Pasifik This paper aims to explain the links between the strategic, strategic...

Research paper thumbnail of Program Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat; Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Serua Kecamatan Bojongsari Dalam Pengembangan Bank Sampah

S a mpah menj a di s a lah s a tu mas a lah y a n g identik d e n g a n b e rbag a i kota di I nd... more S a mpah menj a di s a lah s a tu mas a lah y a n g identik d e n g a n b e rbag a i kota di I ndo n e sia. B e b e r a p a tahun b e la k a ng a n in i , b a n y a k s e k a li p e mbuat a n B a n k S a mpah untuk men a n g g ula n g i mas a lah s a mpah, s e p e rti di K e lu r a h a n S e ru a , K eca m a tan B ojo n g s a ri,D e pok. P e n g e m b a n g a n B a nk Sa mpah mem e rluk a n k e rj a s a ma d a ri b e rba g a i pih a k. M e lalui prog ra m B a nk S a mpah, ma s y a ra k a t K e lur a h a n S e r u a ,K e ca m a tan B ojo n g s a ri d a p a t ikut te r l i b a t, s e k a l i g us d a lam u p a y a p e ng e mba n g a n ma s y a ra k a t. K e mud i a n, Per g ur u a n Ti n g g i s e p e rti dos e n d a n mah a si s wa j u g a d a p a t b e rp a rtis i p a si d a lam me n g e mba n g k a n b a nk s a mpah mel a lui k e g i a tan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat. UPN “ V e te r a n” J a k a rta s e b a g a i P TN y a n g m e m i l i ki k a r a kt e r k a mpus b e la Neg...


Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang erat kaitannya dengan masyarakat urban Indonesia. Pengem... more Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang erat kaitannya dengan masyarakat urban Indonesia. Pengembangan Bank Sampah memerlukan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak, mulai dari Pemerintah Daerah, masyarakat setempat, hingga akademisi. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan program PKM ini adalah untuk mengembangkan kapasitas masyarakat Yayasan Al-Kamilah Serua dalam kegiatan pengembangan bank sampah dan bagi akademisi yaitu untuk menumbuhkembangkan kesadaran dalam kontribusinya terhadap pengelolaan sampah dilingkungan masyarakat sekitar. Program PKM ini dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu pra pelaksanaan (observasi dan sosialisasi), pelaksanaan program, dan pasca pelaksanaan (evaluasi dan pembuatan laporan). Sementara, metode yang digunakan adalah metode program pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan, penyuluhan, dan pendampingan dalam bentuk pertemuan secara berkala antara narasumber dan masyarakat. Hasil Program PKM ini terjadi perubahan yang sangat signifikan tentang pemahaman masyarakat ...

Research paper thumbnail of DIPLOMASI PERDAGANGAN INDONESIA DAN PAKISTAN PERIODE 2017-2019. Studi Kasus: Respon Indonesia Terhadap Rencana Kebijakan Pelarangan Vanaspati Ghee

Indonesia and Pakistan have a trade history that can be said to be potentially and beneficial for... more Indonesia and Pakistan have a trade history that can be said to be potentially and beneficial for both parties. One of the potential sectors and mainstay of Indonesia in Pakistan is the palm oil sector. However, a plan to ban palm oil products in Pakistan could threaten the sustainability of cooperation and disrupt Indonesia’s trade balance. Various attempts were made by the Indonesian government through a number of ways so that the planned ban was stopped and cooperation between the two parties can run smoothly again and is expected to develop in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Consent Study In Europe : A Study Case to Understand Development of Digital Consent In UK

Global Komunika, Nov 29, 2023

The securitization of cyberspace has been specter to the political studies in various countries. ... more The securitization of cyberspace has been specter to the political studies in various countries. This article focusses on the dynamic of speech act on implementation consent and its relation to the theory of lateral pressure formulated by Nazli in studying cyberpolitcs. Since 2018 European Commission has implemented GDPR as a basic law related to data transfer, collect and process (TCP). This policy has brought the fundamental problem to the activity conducting by the state and private sector. Moreover, it was also criticized that this policy has brought to the discrimination of algorithm that came to bias to the minority group. In speak of Methodology, we used qualitative research of 418 article with keyword 'consent' focusing in Social and Humanities Science on Journal Sage, after manually analysis found 146 articles related to the consent study and social science. The final project is to find out the significant tendency on how Europe has securitized GDPR through speech act by corelating it to the Lateral Pressure Index. The potential implications of the finding could give theoretical preference in formulating data protection base policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Bimbingan Konseling Terhadap Korban Kekerasan Dan Pelecehan Seksual DI Kabupaten Tanggerang Tahun 2022

Deleted Journal, Jan 25, 2023

This service activity has the theme of Sexual Harassment and Violence that has occurred in the co... more This service activity has the theme of Sexual Harassment and Violence that has occurred in the community recently. The implications of the impact of negative are particularly for the victim. The younger generation, especially women, has experienced this incident a lot and is often covered as a disgrace in society. We partnered with Karang Taruna Benteng in Cisauk Tangerang Banten with the community of women concerned about sexual harassment and violence hoping to contribute to this problem. Thus, there are no more sexual immoral predators that are contrary to universal moral and ethical values. The results found that Most of the occurrences of sexual harassment and violence occur because the sexual needs of the pliers are not properly accommodated. Then there is the tightness, high level of stress, and economic problems that are being experienced. Most sexual abuse is perpetrated by men both on mothers, girls, and even young children. With this activity, it is hoped that it can be useful for the community to find out the causes and implications of sexual harassment.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan Aset Tidak Berwujud dalam Keberlanjutan Ekowisata Masyarakat Pesisir: Studi Ekowisata Kabupaten Bekasi

Jati, Mar 14, 2024

This study aims to analyze the management of intangible assets community investment for the susta... more This study aims to analyze the management of intangible assets community investment for the sustainability of coastal ecotourism in Bekasi Regency, West Java. The study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to Sunge Jingkem ecotourism. Data collection was carried out through unstructured interviews with 7 key actors, in-depth field observations at the ecotourism site, and a Focus Group Discussion with 12 ecotourism enthusiasts. The study found that community investment, dominated by a group of young tourism enthusiasts, is the main intangible asset in the sustainability of Sunge Jingkem Ecotourism. The implementation of the CIDBER (Community Investment for The Development of Bekasi Regency) concept in the management of coastal community-based ecotourism in Bekasi Regency has been able to enhance ecotourism development and sustain its sustainability through the harmonization of human behavior (involving three parties: the government, the community, and tourists). This study contributes to the field of behavioral accounting by utilizing information on the harmonization of the three parties to realize the concept of sustainable ecotourism accounting in economic, social, and environmental.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Kelompok Pembudidaya Lele di Desa Curug, Gunung Sindur, Bogor

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Kerjasama Uni Eropa-Indonesia: Implementasi European Council Regulation 1005/2008 dalam Aktivitas Perikanan Pelabuhan Nizam Zachman

Jurnal Hubungan Internasional, Nov 24, 2023

Komoditas ikan tangkap di Indonesia dinilai mampu mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui perdagang... more Komoditas ikan tangkap di Indonesia dinilai mampu mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui perdagangan perikanan, namun dari segi pengelolaannya, perikanan tangkap masih terkendala oleh hambatan-hambatan internal dan eksternal, sehingga membuat sertifikasi hasil tangkap ikan rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dampak ratifikasi Europeaan Council regulation (ECR) 1005/2008 sebagai satu upaya meningkatkan sertifikasi hasil tangkap ikan dan mendukung ekspansi pasar ekspor ikan Indonesia. Penelitian ini masuk kedalam fokus studi Bisnis Internasional, oleh karena itu penulis menggunakan konsep kerjasama internasional untuk menganalisis dampak ratifikasi hukum internasional ECR 1005/2008 di Indonesia dan menggunakan teori perdagangan internasional keunggulan kompetitif untuk menganalisis indikator perdagangan sempurna komoditas perikanan tangkap di lokus penelitian. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus tunggal di lokus penelitian Pelabuhan Nizam Zachman. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan wawancara tidak terstruktur terhadap 3 informan dan observasi mendalam. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan ratifikasi ECR 1005/2008 di Pelabuhan Nizam Zachman mampu meningkatkan sertifikasi hasil tangkap ikan yang diperoleh dengan mengedepankan sinergi antara

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pelatihan Pengolahan Sampah Plastik DI Pangkalan Jati, Kota Depok

Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M), Jan 6, 2020

Beverage products use disposable plastic as packaging and the rapid growth of the beverage indust... more Beverage products use disposable plastic as packaging and the rapid growth of the beverage industry will result in a growing number of plastic waste. Community service activities (PKM) aims to provide direction and training in processing plastic waste into products that have economic value. The stages of the program implementation are carried out in several stages, namely (1) Regional Potential Survey, (2) Activities Program Dialogue through FGD, (3) Socialization / Counseling, (4) Training and Product Making, and (5) Monitoring and Evaluation. Output targets are plastic chopping and increasing community understanding of the technical waste plastic processing.

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesia’s Public Diplomacy in Increasing the Number of Visits of Singapore Tourists

Soshum: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora

Singapore is the most significant contributor to tourist visits to Indonesia, but in 2015-2016, t... more Singapore is the most significant contributor to tourist visits to Indonesia, but in 2015-2016, the number of tourist visits from Singapore decreased from around 1,59 million people to 1,51 million people. This study aims to determine the efforts of Indonesia's public diplomacy in increasing the number of tourist visits from Singapore through Wonderful Indonesia as nation branding. This research is focused on 2016 to 2019. This research used a descriptive qualitative method by using data collection techniques in the form of interviews, and document collection, such as official documents from private sources and internet sources in the form of articles in relevant journals and publications, and can be ascertained their validity. The author also uses three stages of data analysis according to Miles and Huberman (1994), including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or data verification by data triangulation to explain the data obtained from the field in detai...

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan Historis Mengenai Pelibatan Sektor Keamanan Dalam Krisis Kesehatan

Jurnal keamanan nasional, Aug 11, 2022

Security sector engagement, in particular TNI, Polri and BIN are seen as dominant during Covid-19... more Security sector engagement, in particular TNI, Polri and BIN are seen as dominant during Covid-19 pandemic. It trigger concern across the public, as the civil argue that their security approach is ineffective. On the other hand, their involvement is guaranteed by the laws and regulations. Best practices across the world show that the involvement of the security sector in dealing with pandemics is a necessity, especially for countries that have poor national health systems. This study uses qualitative methods, with secondary data.

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Crowdsourcing & Crowdfunding to Realize the Need for Breakwater at Pabean Udik Village

One of the findings of the Community Empowerment Team of UPN Veteran Jakarta in Pabean Udik Villa... more One of the findings of the Community Empowerment Team of UPN Veteran Jakarta in Pabean Udik Village, Indramayu Regency is the impact of climate change in the form of abrasion which has disrupted the sustainability of community group businesses. For long, the community has tried to build a breakwater from used tires as raw materials. But the result looks less effective because the construction is damaged. Practically, the attention is needed in the form of a breakwater which is better in terms of raw materials and structures to resist the rate of abrasion. In recent years, the community has submitted proposals for breakwater funding to the regional government of Indramayu, local government of Pabean Udik and private sectors, but there has been no serious response. Therefore, we propose alternative funding to support breakwater construction through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding methods on popular platforms such as,, dan Hopefully, in the middle of 2023, breakwater construction can be built on the coast of Pabean Udik. Abstrak Salah satu temuan masalah Tim Pemberdayaan Masyarakat UPN Veteran Jakarta di Desa Pabean Udik, Kabupaten Indramayu adalah dampak perubahan iklim berupa abrasi yang telah mengganggu keberlangsungan usaha kelompok masyarakat. Sejauh ini, masyarakat telah berupaya membangun pemecah ombak dari bahan baku ban bekas. Namun hasilnya terlihat kurang efektif karena konstruksi tersebut rusak. Praktis, dibutuhkan perhatian berupa pemecah ombak yang secara bahan baku dan struktur lebih baik untuk menahan laju abrasi. Dalam dua tahun kebelakang, masyarakat telah mengajukan proposal pendanaan pemecah ombak kepada pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Indramayu, pemerintah Desa Pabean Udik dan para pengusaha, namun tidak ada respon yang serius. Tim Pemberdayaan Masyarakat UPN Veteran Jakarta mengusulkan pendanaan alternatif untuk mendukung pembangunan pemecah ombak berupa penggalangan bahan baku ban bekas melalui metode crowdsourcing dan penggalangan dana melalui metode crowdfunding di platform-platform penggalangan dana populer seperti,, dan Harapannya, di pertengahan tahun 2023, satu unit pemecah ombak bisa dibangun di pesisir pantai Desa Pabean Udik.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimalisasi Kelompok Sadar Wisata dalam Mewujudkan Desa Wisata di Sawah Pulo, Desa Curug, Kecamatan Gunung Sindur, Kabupaten Bogor

Indonesian Journal of Society Engagement

Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency intends to make Sawah Pulo a rice fields tou... more Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency intends to make Sawah Pulo a rice fields tourism destination. The tourism awareness group is the spearhead for realizing these ideals. The Curug Village Government formed a Tourism Awareness Group, Designating Kampung Sawah Pulo as a rice field tourism location in the south of Jakarta. According to the results of the discussion, residents in RT 03 RW 03, Curug Village have agreed to make their area a tourist location. Realizing a Tourism Village is intended to achieve economic independence in the future. The Community Service/PkM carried out by the UPN Veteran Jakarta Lecturer Team is in the form of assistance to the Tourism Awareness Group so that these ideals can be realized. The Applied PkM/Community Partnership Team intends to provide solutions to problems in realizing a tourist village in Curug Village from the fields of Group Communication, Finance, Diplomacy, and Politics Community Engagement. The Next goal is to realize th...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Kelompok Masyarakat Desa Curug, Kecamatan Gunung Sindur, Bogor dalam Mewujudkan Desa Edutainment

Indonesian Journal of Society Engagement

Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor is geographically in the middle of an industrial env... more Curug Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor is geographically in the middle of an industrial environment. The diverse profiles of the people in Curug Village have encouraged the Curug Village Head to optimize his environmental resources. The Curug Village Government wants to empower the environment and its people so that their Regional Original Income can increase. Departing from the aspirations of the people and government officials of Curug Village to have a tourist area that has an impact on increasing people's income and regional original income. PPDM in Curug Village as a form of implementation of research results related to. Optimization of groups in the community that are in accordance with the urgency of the needs of the Curug Village community. The PPDM team provides solutions to the problems of the Curug Village community who want to increase community income with a holistic approach based on research in the fields of Communication, Negotiation and Diplomacy, and Fina...

Research paper thumbnail of The Hot Peace in Indo-Pacific: Contesting Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Against Chinese Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean Region

Malaysian Journal of International Relations, Dec 30, 2021

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is a strategy to contain China which has now reached the Indi... more The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is a strategy to contain China which has now reached the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) as part of the Chinese geostrategy in the Indo-Pacific to counterbalance US and western hegemony. The dynamics brought by the minilateral realm and bilateral conflicts within the Indo-Pacific have contributed to the shaping of the region's security architecture. This article discusses the contentions between India-China competition; ASEAN, Quad, and the implications to IOR; and how the Quad Plus notion is affecting further geopolitical deliberation in the Indo-Pacific. The article concludes that the Quad is an important platform for years ahead and the rising notion of the Quad Plus will remain as the future challenge for both sides. This may redefine the Indo-Pacific concept itself, however, it is assured that ASEAN will play as a collaborative agent to China and the Quad, while also prioritise their interests over the region.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi paket undang-undang politik beserta perubahaannya (UU Pemilu, UU Parpol, UU MD3) tahun 2013 di Kelurahan Serua, Kecamatan Bojongsari, Depok, Jawa Barat

The election process in Indonesia is divided into two steps; legislative election and presidentia... more The election process in Indonesia is divided into two steps; legislative election and presidential election which is conducted on March and July 2014. All the election process needs preparations and atentions many stakeholders, including universities, at least in socialisation process. The attending many kinds of role in elections (political packages law; UU Politik, UU Pemilu, UU MD3) become a fundamental challenges to socialized in basic voters. In the socialisation process, the Abdimas team conducting the program in Desa Serua, Kec. Bojongsari, Depok. All the program finished in three steps, which is conducted on June, July and August 2013. The target of the program is Karang Taruna and Remaja Masjid and also the the beginner voters. The resulf the the program are expected improving the political conscusness and political awareness of the voters.

Research paper thumbnail of The Indo-Pacific: A New Geography of Conflict

KnE Social Sciences

This article analyzes the Indo-Pacific as a new area of conflict between actors in maintaining st... more This article analyzes the Indo-Pacific as a new area of conflict between actors in maintaining strategic access – both marine resources and sea route access – for commercial and military transportation purposes. The results of this study explain that conflicts of interest describe differences in attitudes, especially between the United States (US), its allies, and several countries that also have security problems with China. On the other hand, various Chinese military steps are considered to be worrying for global interests in the Indo-Pacific, namely freedom of navigation that ensures the security of maritime transportation routes, as well as the ownership of marine resources. Keywords: Indo-Pacific, conflict, geostrategy

Research paper thumbnail of Potensi ekonomi kreatif pemerintah daerah sebagai andalan kerjasama internasional

This article seeks to demonstrate the potential that can be processed by the local government in ... more This article seeks to demonstrate the potential that can be processed by the local government in the conduct of international cooperation, the creative economy. There are several things that need to be considered by the local government to make the creative economy as a crutch local revenue, because patterns that arise in the future and will be stronger in the international world is a form of economic activity that is based on creativity. This paper will be divided into three parts. The first part is a review of the legal basis for local governments to implement international cooperation. The goal is to provide a baseline for international cooperation undertaken by the local government, so it will look a vision of international cooperation by local governments in the corridors of regional autonomy .

Research paper thumbnail of Peran United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) Dalam Menanggulangi Masalah Pernikahan Anak

Perspektif, 2022

Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang Peranan United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) dalam... more Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang Peranan United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) dalam Penanggulangan Masalah Perkawinan Anak di Indonesia Periode 2014-2017. Salah satu masalah besar yang dihadapi Indonesia adalah isu pernikahan anak masih marak di Indonesia. UNICEF adalah salah satu organisasi internasional yang bergerak dalam melindungi anak-anak dan perempuan di seluruh dunia. Peran UNICEF dalam menangani masalah pernikahan anak di Indonesia telah diangkat sebagai bahan penelitian. Konsep Organisasi Internasional, Teori Peran, dan Perkawinan Anak digunakan dalam edisi ini. Untuk mengatasi masalah pernikahan anak di Indonesia, UNICEF melakukan program kerja sama dengan Pemerintah Indonesia yang diharapkan dapat mengurangi pernikahan anak sehingga anak-anak di Indonesia mendapatkan hak-haknya dengan baik. Dalam menjalankan perannya di Indonesia, UNICEF merupakan organisasi internasional yang berfungsi sebagai instrumen. UNICEF memberikan dukungan dan motivasi kepada Peme...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Environment, Strategist, and Strategy

Jurnal Global & Strategis, 2021

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan irisan dan keterkaitan erat antara lingkungan strategis, ... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan irisan dan keterkaitan erat antara lingkungan strategis, strategist, dan strategi dalam perkembangan isu-isu keamanan internasional. Selain itu, faktor national will setiap negara memberikan pemahaman berbeda tentang perspektif strategis dan perumusan strategi yang dihasilkan. Hasil dari tulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa lingkungan strategis menjadi preferensi strategist atau para pengambil kebijakan dalam merumuskan kebijakan atau strategi, dengan mempertimbangkan national will untuk menghadapi perkembangan lingkungan strategis. Dengan kata lain, identifikasi lingkungan strategis bagi aktor negara menjadi sebuah keharusan untuk menjamin tercapainya kepentingan nasional. Identifikasi tersebut berkonsekuensi pada pemahaman strategist dalam menyusun strategi untuk mencapai kepentingan nasional sebuah negara.Kata-kata kunci: Lingkungan strategis, National Will, Natuna, Indo-Pasifik This paper aims to explain the links between the strategic, strategic...

Research paper thumbnail of Program Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat; Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Serua Kecamatan Bojongsari Dalam Pengembangan Bank Sampah

S a mpah menj a di s a lah s a tu mas a lah y a n g identik d e n g a n b e rbag a i kota di I nd... more S a mpah menj a di s a lah s a tu mas a lah y a n g identik d e n g a n b e rbag a i kota di I ndo n e sia. B e b e r a p a tahun b e la k a ng a n in i , b a n y a k s e k a li p e mbuat a n B a n k S a mpah untuk men a n g g ula n g i mas a lah s a mpah, s e p e rti di K e lu r a h a n S e ru a , K eca m a tan B ojo n g s a ri,D e pok. P e n g e m b a n g a n B a nk Sa mpah mem e rluk a n k e rj a s a ma d a ri b e rba g a i pih a k. M e lalui prog ra m B a nk S a mpah, ma s y a ra k a t K e lur a h a n S e r u a ,K e ca m a tan B ojo n g s a ri d a p a t ikut te r l i b a t, s e k a l i g us d a lam u p a y a p e ng e mba n g a n ma s y a ra k a t. K e mud i a n, Per g ur u a n Ti n g g i s e p e rti dos e n d a n mah a si s wa j u g a d a p a t b e rp a rtis i p a si d a lam me n g e mba n g k a n b a nk s a mpah mel a lui k e g i a tan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat. UPN “ V e te r a n” J a k a rta s e b a g a i P TN y a n g m e m i l i ki k a r a kt e r k a mpus b e la Neg...


Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang erat kaitannya dengan masyarakat urban Indonesia. Pengem... more Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang erat kaitannya dengan masyarakat urban Indonesia. Pengembangan Bank Sampah memerlukan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak, mulai dari Pemerintah Daerah, masyarakat setempat, hingga akademisi. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan program PKM ini adalah untuk mengembangkan kapasitas masyarakat Yayasan Al-Kamilah Serua dalam kegiatan pengembangan bank sampah dan bagi akademisi yaitu untuk menumbuhkembangkan kesadaran dalam kontribusinya terhadap pengelolaan sampah dilingkungan masyarakat sekitar. Program PKM ini dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu pra pelaksanaan (observasi dan sosialisasi), pelaksanaan program, dan pasca pelaksanaan (evaluasi dan pembuatan laporan). Sementara, metode yang digunakan adalah metode program pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan, penyuluhan, dan pendampingan dalam bentuk pertemuan secara berkala antara narasumber dan masyarakat. Hasil Program PKM ini terjadi perubahan yang sangat signifikan tentang pemahaman masyarakat ...

Research paper thumbnail of DIPLOMASI PERDAGANGAN INDONESIA DAN PAKISTAN PERIODE 2017-2019. Studi Kasus: Respon Indonesia Terhadap Rencana Kebijakan Pelarangan Vanaspati Ghee

Indonesia and Pakistan have a trade history that can be said to be potentially and beneficial for... more Indonesia and Pakistan have a trade history that can be said to be potentially and beneficial for both parties. One of the potential sectors and mainstay of Indonesia in Pakistan is the palm oil sector. However, a plan to ban palm oil products in Pakistan could threaten the sustainability of cooperation and disrupt Indonesia’s trade balance. Various attempts were made by the Indonesian government through a number of ways so that the planned ban was stopped and cooperation between the two parties can run smoothly again and is expected to develop in the future.