Tatjana Atanasoska - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Tatjana Atanasoska
The process of career counseling is a regular educational practice in many developed countries. T... more The process of career counseling is a regular educational practice in many developed countries. The new tendencies in our educational system are aiming towards the introduction of this kind of process in our education. So far, our experiences about this practice have shown positive tendencies, and the aim is to fill in a gap that will be beneficial for our citizens. Learning and working combined with an analysis of the capabilities and skills of a person is the right choice in one’s career. In this way, each citizen will be able to find the right choice for him/her and at the same time to be useful for the society
Менаџирањето со процесот на учење е сложена и одговорна работа за која е задолжен наставникот, па... more Менаџирањето со процесот на учење е сложена и одговорна работа за која е задолжен наставникот, па поради тоа неопходно е да поседува знаење но и вештини кои ќе му помогнат во ефикасното менаџирање со него. Сложен е поради тоа што наставникот е исправен и пред група и пред индивидуи, пред заеднички и посебни мотиви, предиспозиции, интереси, способности. Тој е исправен пред различни ученици кои произлегуваат од различна социјална средина, различни аспирации, и нивни и сопствени и на нивните родители, а пред се исправен е пред различни стилови на учење. Постојаното балансирање помеѓу општествените цели и аспирации кои му се налагаат однадвор на секое училиште помеѓу целите на родителите, целите на учениците и на крај на краиштата на реалните можности сето тоа да се реализира, нималку не му ја прават комотна и лагодна ситуацијата во која тој се наоѓа. Тој е постојано исправен пред ист избор и селекција на понудени научни знаења кои треба да ги постави пред учениците и да им помогне да д...
Journal of Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, 2021
Nowadays, the issue of identifying, developing and supporting the talented and gifted children is... more Nowadays, the issue of identifying, developing and supporting the talented and gifted children is of paramount importance. Educational institutions and in particular teachers and parents are responsible for identifying the advantages and the capabilities that a child has developed over time and, at the same time, for working further in advancing those talents to a higher level. Identification and development of the talents is important not only for a talented child but for the entire society. The educational policies should be oriented to the development of talents enabling the schools and teachers to organize different events with the sole intention of developing talents. Talented and gifted children are the potential for development for every country. Elementary school teachers should work closely with school professionals, physiologists and parents in regard to the talents in a class. If the talents and the potential are not identified, they cannot be further developed. Therefore, it is the duty of the teacher to follow and monitor every child and identify the characteristics that differ one child from another. Talented and gifted children have identifiable attributes including unusual vigilance, early fast learning, high language abilities, academical advantage, and higher capacity of knowledge. The objective of the study is through empirical research to find how much the teachers are engaged in identifying talented and gifted children. For the completion of the study the quantity approach will be applied, organized through an organized questionnaire with elementary school teachers.
Менаџирањето со процесот на учење е сложена и одговорна работа за која е задолжен наставникот, па... more Менаџирањето со процесот на учење е сложена и одговорна работа за која е задолжен наставникот, па поради тоа неопходно е да поседува знаење но и вештини кои ќе му помогнат во ефикасното менаџирање со него. Сложен е поради тоа што наставникот е исправен и пред група и пред индивидуи, пред заеднички и посебни мотиви, предиспозиции, интереси, способности. Тој е исправен пред различни ученици кои произлегуваат од различна социјална средина, различни аспирации, и нивни и сопствени и на нивните родители, а пред се исправен е пред различни стилови на учење. Постојаното балансирање помеѓу општествените цели и аспирации кои му се налагаат однадвор на секое училиште помеѓу целите на родителите, целите на учениците и на крај на краиштата на реалните можности сето тоа да се реализира, нималку не му ја прават комотна и лагодна ситуацијата во која тој се наоѓа. Тој е постојано исправен пред ист избор и селекција на понудени научни знаења кои треба да ги постави пред учениците и да им помогне да д...
Managing the process of studying is a complicated and responsible job for whichthe teacher is in ... more Managing the process of studying is a complicated and responsible job for whichthe teacher is in charge, and because of that it is necessary to have the knowledge andalso the skills that will help the teacher have an effective management of it. It is verycomplicated also because the teacher is in front of a group and individuals, in frontof jointly and individual methods, susceptibilities, interests, abilities. He is in front ofdifferent students that have different social background, different aspirations whichcan be theirs or of their parents, and above all he is in front of different studyingstyles. Constantly balancing among the aims of the society, the aspirations thatare prescribed to each school, the aims of the parents, aims of the students and atthe end the real possibilities of making all of that happen do not contribute to thecommodiousness of the situation in which the teacher is. He is always faced with thesame choice and selection of the offered scientific knowledge that he has to show tothe students and help them come to that, and most importantly is that he cannot be anordinary transmitter of knowledge, but to offer the most adequate ways of learningthat knowledge and in a way which that knowledge will become permanent and thestudents will be able to use it in their life. Managing the process of studying means anadequate choice of methods, making efficient plan for studying and teaching, to putshort-term, medium-term and long-term aims that are realistically realizable and areaccording to the real potentials of the students, which includes a realistic valuationof the accomplishments of the students, but also an evaluation of the whole process
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, 2020
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a very important organizatio... more The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a very important organization in providing insight into the impact of educational reforms in a country since it offers good co-operation opportunities between member states whose governments can compare experiences of their educational policies to seek out and identify best practices. According to the organization, the success of educational reforms is demonstrated by the international PISA test conducted with 15-year old students. However, despite the success and failure of students in the PISA test, the benefits of educational reforms can still be seen in various aspects. This paper describes the role of the OECD in educational reforms in general and the benefits of educational reforms in Kosovo based on the research “Concepts of Citizenship in Students of Primary Schools in Kosovo”, despite the poor performance of Kosovar students in the PISA international test.
School discipline and school indiscipline is one of the most important issues in pedagogical theo... more School discipline and school indiscipline is one of the most important issues in pedagogical theory and practice. Testimonies of various situations in schools in the Republic of North Macedonia indicate that the educational component in the schools is reduced, the teaching staff are more often faced with problems of how to establish discipline with dignity, how to raise the quality of moral education, and how to solve the problems of indiscipline of individual students. The paper presents result of investigated teachers’ opinions and views in primary education. The aim of this study is to find out what teachers think about school discipline and indiscipline, what kind of model of school discipline do they implement in their work, and how teachers are solving problems with indiscipline? In this research were included 70 teachers from VI to IX grade in primary schools from Bitola, Prilep, and Ohrid municipality in the Republic of North Macedonia. The results of this research are the b...
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 2014
Inclusive education is priority in many educational systems. It seems that educational process co... more Inclusive education is priority in many educational systems. It seems that educational process could not be effective and successful if it is not inclusive one. Educational policy demands creating inclusive practice which means that every one would find his place and could be treated according to different needs that pupils have. It is not easy to develop educational philosophy and to implement it. On that way there are any obstacles, challenges, but the way is the only one. Those decades are dedicated to efforts to make educational process and system inclusive one. Every country has his story. We share our story so that we can collect suggestions and offer experience for all who must follow this way.
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2015
A key element in contemporary qualifications frameworks is the specification of learning outcomes... more A key element in contemporary qualifications frameworks is the specification of learning outcomes. The learning outcomes usually are described by the use of active verbs expressing knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, etc. All this verbs describe a sphere of cognitive intelligence. But, rationality is only a part of the broad human potentials and powers. From there, affective components of learning can provide a valuable tool that helps teachers to enhance their competencies with emotional and ethical capacity. Those who have authority over others, such as the teachers, should be wary against the misuse of the power of their positions. For this reason, when we talk about the teachers’ competency standards, we must take into account the feelings, reflections, interactions and ethical attitudes in education. This paper focuses on the important emotional and ethical aspects of the relationships that teachers have with their students.
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
Poetry writing in the elementary classroom is an issue that is always challenging to both: studen... more Poetry writing in the elementary classroom is an issue that is always challenging to both: students and teachers, because of the creative processes that have to be employed in order to get the final products. It takes time, and cannot be prompted without putting creative efforts of the teachers themselves. The aim of this paper is to answer several questions regarding teaching poetry writing in the classroom and the teaching methodology that need to be practiced in order to do good poetry writing practices with small children. The sample is purposive and is consisted of elementary classroom teachers that practice poetry writing activities with the students. In depth interviews are conducted with the sampled teachers in order to obtain the necessary data for analysis. Discussion about the results of the research is based on descriptive analytics, and on the qualitative descriptions. The results show that the teachers use variety of techniques for the purpose of motivating poetry writing in the classroom, which are presented in the discussion of the results.
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
Inclusive education is priority in many educational systems. It seems that educational process co... more Inclusive education is priority in many educational systems. It seems that educational process could not be effective and successful if it is not inclusive one. Educational policy demands creating inclusive practice which means that every one would find his place and could be treated according to different needs that pupils have. It is not easy to develop educational philosophy and to implement it. On that way there are any obstacles, challenges, but the way is the only one. Those decades are dedicated to efforts to make educational process and system inclusive one. Every country has his story. We share our story so that we can collect suggestions and offer experience for all who must follow this way. Introduction Every country has his history in Inclusive education and different experience. Many countries try to develop Inclusive systems in mutual cooperation. Inclusive practice became part of Educational policy at the international level. The main idea is to offer supporting educa...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2009
Parents need knowledge how to deal with many challenges of new living conditions which are concer... more Parents need knowledge how to deal with many challenges of new living conditions which are concerned of their children. Schools has an obligation to support pupils about their development and learning. Schools and parents has common interest. But we, as a country miss any kind of organizational support for parents. We are aware that there are a lot of good practices in other countries. We have institutions for teacher education, but we are aware that something is missing, not in theoretical area, but in a practical one. We need action plan, we need examples from countries which have practical experience on this matter. .
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The paper promotes and stresses the values of the research paradigm, the ways of using the paradi... more The paper promotes and stresses the values of the research paradigm, the ways of using the paradigm by the pupil action researchers and the quality of teaching and learning processes influenced by the pupil researcher. The first part The strength of the pupil action researcher is a place for discussion of the theoretical perception of that concept, in the second part Adaptation of research paradigm are elaborated paradigm such as positivism, interpretative and critical paradigm used by the pupils action researches. A changed reflexive teaching and learning influenced by pupils action research is the third part.
The aim of the study is to determine the stress level of Turkish and Macedonian teachers living i... more The aim of the study is to determine the stress level of Turkish and Macedonian teachers living in different socio-cultural and economic situations. The scale used in the study has been developed by researches. 416 Turkish teachers and 213 Macedonian teachers have participated in the study. At the end of the study it was seen that Turkish teachers have mild stress levels and Macedonian teachers have moderate stress levels. There is a meaningful difference in the stress level points of Turkish and Macedonian teachers. Policy makers are advised to analyse the teacher training and assessment system with the assumption that personal and social characteristics and working conditions may have an effect on teacher stress. Implications for further research are also discussed.
The process of career counseling is a regular educational practice in many developed countries. T... more The process of career counseling is a regular educational practice in many developed countries. The new tendencies in our educational system are aiming towards the introduction of this kind of process in our education. So far, our experiences about this practice have shown positive tendencies, and the aim is to fill in a gap that will be beneficial for our citizens. Learning and working combined with an analysis of the capabilities and skills of a person is the right choice in one’s career. In this way, each citizen will be able to find the right choice for him/her and at the same time to be useful for the society
Менаџирањето со процесот на учење е сложена и одговорна работа за која е задолжен наставникот, па... more Менаџирањето со процесот на учење е сложена и одговорна работа за која е задолжен наставникот, па поради тоа неопходно е да поседува знаење но и вештини кои ќе му помогнат во ефикасното менаџирање со него. Сложен е поради тоа што наставникот е исправен и пред група и пред индивидуи, пред заеднички и посебни мотиви, предиспозиции, интереси, способности. Тој е исправен пред различни ученици кои произлегуваат од различна социјална средина, различни аспирации, и нивни и сопствени и на нивните родители, а пред се исправен е пред различни стилови на учење. Постојаното балансирање помеѓу општествените цели и аспирации кои му се налагаат однадвор на секое училиште помеѓу целите на родителите, целите на учениците и на крај на краиштата на реалните можности сето тоа да се реализира, нималку не му ја прават комотна и лагодна ситуацијата во која тој се наоѓа. Тој е постојано исправен пред ист избор и селекција на понудени научни знаења кои треба да ги постави пред учениците и да им помогне да д...
Journal of Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, 2021
Nowadays, the issue of identifying, developing and supporting the talented and gifted children is... more Nowadays, the issue of identifying, developing and supporting the talented and gifted children is of paramount importance. Educational institutions and in particular teachers and parents are responsible for identifying the advantages and the capabilities that a child has developed over time and, at the same time, for working further in advancing those talents to a higher level. Identification and development of the talents is important not only for a talented child but for the entire society. The educational policies should be oriented to the development of talents enabling the schools and teachers to organize different events with the sole intention of developing talents. Talented and gifted children are the potential for development for every country. Elementary school teachers should work closely with school professionals, physiologists and parents in regard to the talents in a class. If the talents and the potential are not identified, they cannot be further developed. Therefore, it is the duty of the teacher to follow and monitor every child and identify the characteristics that differ one child from another. Talented and gifted children have identifiable attributes including unusual vigilance, early fast learning, high language abilities, academical advantage, and higher capacity of knowledge. The objective of the study is through empirical research to find how much the teachers are engaged in identifying talented and gifted children. For the completion of the study the quantity approach will be applied, organized through an organized questionnaire with elementary school teachers.
Менаџирањето со процесот на учење е сложена и одговорна работа за која е задолжен наставникот, па... more Менаџирањето со процесот на учење е сложена и одговорна работа за која е задолжен наставникот, па поради тоа неопходно е да поседува знаење но и вештини кои ќе му помогнат во ефикасното менаџирање со него. Сложен е поради тоа што наставникот е исправен и пред група и пред индивидуи, пред заеднички и посебни мотиви, предиспозиции, интереси, способности. Тој е исправен пред различни ученици кои произлегуваат од различна социјална средина, различни аспирации, и нивни и сопствени и на нивните родители, а пред се исправен е пред различни стилови на учење. Постојаното балансирање помеѓу општествените цели и аспирации кои му се налагаат однадвор на секое училиште помеѓу целите на родителите, целите на учениците и на крај на краиштата на реалните можности сето тоа да се реализира, нималку не му ја прават комотна и лагодна ситуацијата во која тој се наоѓа. Тој е постојано исправен пред ист избор и селекција на понудени научни знаења кои треба да ги постави пред учениците и да им помогне да д...
Managing the process of studying is a complicated and responsible job for whichthe teacher is in ... more Managing the process of studying is a complicated and responsible job for whichthe teacher is in charge, and because of that it is necessary to have the knowledge andalso the skills that will help the teacher have an effective management of it. It is verycomplicated also because the teacher is in front of a group and individuals, in frontof jointly and individual methods, susceptibilities, interests, abilities. He is in front ofdifferent students that have different social background, different aspirations whichcan be theirs or of their parents, and above all he is in front of different studyingstyles. Constantly balancing among the aims of the society, the aspirations thatare prescribed to each school, the aims of the parents, aims of the students and atthe end the real possibilities of making all of that happen do not contribute to thecommodiousness of the situation in which the teacher is. He is always faced with thesame choice and selection of the offered scientific knowledge that he has to show tothe students and help them come to that, and most importantly is that he cannot be anordinary transmitter of knowledge, but to offer the most adequate ways of learningthat knowledge and in a way which that knowledge will become permanent and thestudents will be able to use it in their life. Managing the process of studying means anadequate choice of methods, making efficient plan for studying and teaching, to putshort-term, medium-term and long-term aims that are realistically realizable and areaccording to the real potentials of the students, which includes a realistic valuationof the accomplishments of the students, but also an evaluation of the whole process
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings, 2020
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a very important organizatio... more The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a very important organization in providing insight into the impact of educational reforms in a country since it offers good co-operation opportunities between member states whose governments can compare experiences of their educational policies to seek out and identify best practices. According to the organization, the success of educational reforms is demonstrated by the international PISA test conducted with 15-year old students. However, despite the success and failure of students in the PISA test, the benefits of educational reforms can still be seen in various aspects. This paper describes the role of the OECD in educational reforms in general and the benefits of educational reforms in Kosovo based on the research “Concepts of Citizenship in Students of Primary Schools in Kosovo”, despite the poor performance of Kosovar students in the PISA international test.
School discipline and school indiscipline is one of the most important issues in pedagogical theo... more School discipline and school indiscipline is one of the most important issues in pedagogical theory and practice. Testimonies of various situations in schools in the Republic of North Macedonia indicate that the educational component in the schools is reduced, the teaching staff are more often faced with problems of how to establish discipline with dignity, how to raise the quality of moral education, and how to solve the problems of indiscipline of individual students. The paper presents result of investigated teachers’ opinions and views in primary education. The aim of this study is to find out what teachers think about school discipline and indiscipline, what kind of model of school discipline do they implement in their work, and how teachers are solving problems with indiscipline? In this research were included 70 teachers from VI to IX grade in primary schools from Bitola, Prilep, and Ohrid municipality in the Republic of North Macedonia. The results of this research are the b...
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 2014
Inclusive education is priority in many educational systems. It seems that educational process co... more Inclusive education is priority in many educational systems. It seems that educational process could not be effective and successful if it is not inclusive one. Educational policy demands creating inclusive practice which means that every one would find his place and could be treated according to different needs that pupils have. It is not easy to develop educational philosophy and to implement it. On that way there are any obstacles, challenges, but the way is the only one. Those decades are dedicated to efforts to make educational process and system inclusive one. Every country has his story. We share our story so that we can collect suggestions and offer experience for all who must follow this way.
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2015
A key element in contemporary qualifications frameworks is the specification of learning outcomes... more A key element in contemporary qualifications frameworks is the specification of learning outcomes. The learning outcomes usually are described by the use of active verbs expressing knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, etc. All this verbs describe a sphere of cognitive intelligence. But, rationality is only a part of the broad human potentials and powers. From there, affective components of learning can provide a valuable tool that helps teachers to enhance their competencies with emotional and ethical capacity. Those who have authority over others, such as the teachers, should be wary against the misuse of the power of their positions. For this reason, when we talk about the teachers’ competency standards, we must take into account the feelings, reflections, interactions and ethical attitudes in education. This paper focuses on the important emotional and ethical aspects of the relationships that teachers have with their students.
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
Poetry writing in the elementary classroom is an issue that is always challenging to both: studen... more Poetry writing in the elementary classroom is an issue that is always challenging to both: students and teachers, because of the creative processes that have to be employed in order to get the final products. It takes time, and cannot be prompted without putting creative efforts of the teachers themselves. The aim of this paper is to answer several questions regarding teaching poetry writing in the classroom and the teaching methodology that need to be practiced in order to do good poetry writing practices with small children. The sample is purposive and is consisted of elementary classroom teachers that practice poetry writing activities with the students. In depth interviews are conducted with the sampled teachers in order to obtain the necessary data for analysis. Discussion about the results of the research is based on descriptive analytics, and on the qualitative descriptions. The results show that the teachers use variety of techniques for the purpose of motivating poetry writing in the classroom, which are presented in the discussion of the results.
INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
Inclusive education is priority in many educational systems. It seems that educational process co... more Inclusive education is priority in many educational systems. It seems that educational process could not be effective and successful if it is not inclusive one. Educational policy demands creating inclusive practice which means that every one would find his place and could be treated according to different needs that pupils have. It is not easy to develop educational philosophy and to implement it. On that way there are any obstacles, challenges, but the way is the only one. Those decades are dedicated to efforts to make educational process and system inclusive one. Every country has his story. We share our story so that we can collect suggestions and offer experience for all who must follow this way. Introduction Every country has his history in Inclusive education and different experience. Many countries try to develop Inclusive systems in mutual cooperation. Inclusive practice became part of Educational policy at the international level. The main idea is to offer supporting educa...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2009
Parents need knowledge how to deal with many challenges of new living conditions which are concer... more Parents need knowledge how to deal with many challenges of new living conditions which are concerned of their children. Schools has an obligation to support pupils about their development and learning. Schools and parents has common interest. But we, as a country miss any kind of organizational support for parents. We are aware that there are a lot of good practices in other countries. We have institutions for teacher education, but we are aware that something is missing, not in theoretical area, but in a practical one. We need action plan, we need examples from countries which have practical experience on this matter. .
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The paper promotes and stresses the values of the research paradigm, the ways of using the paradi... more The paper promotes and stresses the values of the research paradigm, the ways of using the paradigm by the pupil action researchers and the quality of teaching and learning processes influenced by the pupil researcher. The first part The strength of the pupil action researcher is a place for discussion of the theoretical perception of that concept, in the second part Adaptation of research paradigm are elaborated paradigm such as positivism, interpretative and critical paradigm used by the pupils action researches. A changed reflexive teaching and learning influenced by pupils action research is the third part.
The aim of the study is to determine the stress level of Turkish and Macedonian teachers living i... more The aim of the study is to determine the stress level of Turkish and Macedonian teachers living in different socio-cultural and economic situations. The scale used in the study has been developed by researches. 416 Turkish teachers and 213 Macedonian teachers have participated in the study. At the end of the study it was seen that Turkish teachers have mild stress levels and Macedonian teachers have moderate stress levels. There is a meaningful difference in the stress level points of Turkish and Macedonian teachers. Policy makers are advised to analyse the teacher training and assessment system with the assumption that personal and social characteristics and working conditions may have an effect on teacher stress. Implications for further research are also discussed.