I G A A Wulandari (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by I G A A Wulandari
The purpose of this article is to determine factors influences MSMEs entrepreneurs take part in B... more The purpose of this article is to determine factors influences MSMEs entrepreneurs take part in Bali Arts Festival`s Craft Exhibition. MSMEs Entrepreneurs based on local culture should have the same opportunity to promote their products, but the fact is not so because there are uneven opportunities for them to take part in the craft exhibition. Those who pass the selection and qualify are those who are considered to be established, so that most of the participant in the craft exhibition was the old participant who take part more than 3 times in it. Whereas by knowing the factors that influence entrepreneurs MSMEs based on local culture in participating in craft exhibitions, it can be concluded that the main motives are apparently followed by other motives that are equally important for entrepreneurs MSMEs based on local culture. In order to generate proper data, field research were conducted through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. The results shows that there are 2 factors that influence, economic factors and social factors. Economic factors include to get customers and get high profits. Social factors include competitiveness, existence, other participant success story, and recognition. Research on the Bali Arts Festival so far has focused on the perception of archipelago tourists and evaluating promotional strategies to attract foreign tourists visiting the Bali Arts Festival. There has never been any research that focuses on craft exhibitions. Therefore, this research focuses on the factors that influence MSMEs entrepreneurs based on local culture in participating craft exhibitions at the Bali Arts Festival so that the main motive of the participant to participate in craft exhibitions is known so that opportunities for the promotion of MSMEs products based on local culture that are more equitable can be realized. Whereas by knowing the factors that influence entrepreneurs MSMEs based on local culture in participating in craft exhibitions, it can be concluded that the main motives are apparently followed by other motives that are equally important for entrepreneurs MSMEs based on local culture. Furthermore, efforts can be made to develop craft exhibitions at the Bali Arts Festival which provide more equitable opportunities for MSMEs based on local culture in Bali to promote local Balinese-based cultural products in the context of promoting Balinese culture.
Presenting in International Conference of Climate Change 6th, 2020
this paper is about the role of bali arts festival in environmental preservation
Papers by I G A A Wulandari
Journal of Sustainable Development, Nov 24, 2020
Globalization with the presence of information technology and development is a challenge for the ... more Globalization with the presence of information technology and development is a challenge for the sustainability of local communities that identic with tradition and culture. The value of local wisdom is an identity that is a strength because there is no in other places. This study wants to prove that local wisdom can provide added value and could even be used as a fundamental factor for sustainable development. The subject of study is the cultural industries. It is said, cultural industries that have cultural values are an important component and it contains the strength of narration of the output. The investigation is carried out by exploring local wisdom-based economic activities, access to labor, and social sustainability to show that the value of local wisdom as an identity can realize a sustainable economy in a rural area. In-depth interviews and observations with an ethnography approach to the case study method conducted in Tigawasa Village, Buleleng. This village is Bali Aga Village, home of Bali Mula or Bali's original people, the earliest inhabitants of the island, which have local wisdom of bamboo.
Village Credit Institutions are financial institutions operating in villages that have a role in ... more Village Credit Institutions are financial institutions operating in villages that have a role in the development of trade in Pakraman village in Bali Province. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the efficiency of lending carried out by LPDs in South Denpasar District. Determination of samples in this study using saturated sample techniques or census Data collection using questionnaires and research respondents as many as 33 respondents. Data analysis used is validity and reliability test, classic assumption test, and multiple linear regression method. Based on data analysis, it was concluded that the control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, control and monitoring activities had a positive and significant effect on the efficiency of lending to LPDs in South Denpasar District.
Globalization with the presence of technology, information and modernization is a threat of local... more Globalization with the presence of technology, information and modernization is a threat of local communities which is closely related to tradition and culture. The threat is marked began to forget of cultural and local wisdom because they are considered to be inevitable with modernity. The value of local wisdom is an identity that is a strength because there is no other place. Local wisdom is strongly influenced by geographical and also the diversity of cultures which is very widespread in the territory of Indonesia. In Indonesia, local wisdom is an important capital that is a driving force in the process of economic development. This fact, reflect on SMEs in a rural area in Indonesia. This sector taking into account higher growth and creation of jobs that are higher than average and also a strategy for community empowerment and also can be a strategy to preserve local wisdom values. The subject study is creative SMEs. An investigation is carried out by exploring the factors that a...
Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi UMKM b... more Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi UMKM berbasis budaya lokal berpartisipasi dalam pameran kerajinan di Pesta Kesenian Bali. UMKM berbasis budaya lokal seharusnya memiliki peluang yang sama untuk mempromosikan produknya pada pameran tersebut, namun faktanya tidaklah demikian karena ada perlakuan "pilih kasih" yang membuat adanya ketidakmerataan peluang berpromosi. Hanya UMKM yang lulus seleksi dan memiliki kualifikasi skala produksi mapan yang bisa berpartisipasi. Oleh karenanya, mayoritas peserta pameran kerajinan adalah peserta lama yang telah berulang kali bahkan lebih dari 3 kali mengikuti pameran. Dengan mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhinya, akan dapat disimpulkan benar atau tidaknya motif utama berpromosi diikuti oleh motif lain yang sama pentingnya. Untuk menghasilkan data yang tepat, penelitian lapangan dilakukan melalui observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis faktor eksplorasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 2 faktor yang mempengaruhi, faktor ekonomi dan faktor sosial. Faktor ekonomi termasuk mendapatkan pelanggan dan mendapatkan keuntungan tinggi. Faktor sosial termasuk daya saing, keberadaan/eksistensi, cerita sukses peserta lain, dan pengakuan. Abstract The purpose of this article is to determine factors influences MSMEs entrepreneurs take part in Bali Arts Festival`s Craft Exhibition. MSMEs Entrepreneurs based on local culture should have the same opportunity to promote their products, but the fact is not so because there are uneven opportunities for them to take part in the craft exhibition. Those who pass the selection and qualify are those who are established, so that most of the participant in the craft exhibition was the old participant who take part more than 3 times in it. By knowing the factors that influence MSMEs entrepreneurs based on local culture in participating in craft exhibitions, it can be concluded whether the main motive seems to be followed by other motives that are just as important for MSMEs entrepreneurs based on local culture. In order to generate proper data, field research was conducted through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. The results show that there are 2 factors that influence, economic factors and social factors. Economic factors include to get customers and get high profits. Social factors include competitiveness, existence, other participant success story, and recognition.
Thesis Chapters by I G A A Wulandari
ABSTRAK Bali merupakan daerah yang terkenal dengan industri perhiasan logam mulianya. Industri pe... more ABSTRAK Bali merupakan daerah yang terkenal dengan industri perhiasan logam mulianya. Industri perhiasan logam mulia di Bali tersebar di seluruh Kabupaten/Kota termasuk Kota Denpasar. Berdasarkan data kurun waktu diketahui bahwa pertumbuhan produksi industri perhiasan logam mulia di Kota Denpasar cenderung menurun. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksinya. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui wawancara terstruktur. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan moderated regression analysis (MRA). Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa koefisien determinasi dengan variabel-variabel yang digunakan mampu menjelaskan sebesar 99,99 persen, sisanya sebesar 0,01 persen dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel diluar model yakni teknologi (casting), pemasaran, serta kebijakan pemerintah terkait industri kerajinan. Bahan baku dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi sedangkan modal tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produksi. Jumlah pesanan pelanggan memoderasi pengaruh bahan baku dan tenaga kerja terhadap produksi. Jumlah pesanan pelanggan tidak memoderasi pengaruh modal terhadap produksi. Kata kunci: industri, perhiasan logam mulia, bahan baku, modal, tenaga kerja, pelanggan ABSTRACT Bali is a region which is known by it`s own gold and silver jewellery industries. It is scattered in all regency included Denpasar city. Based on times series data, the production growth are decrease.The main purpose of this study is to analyse the affecting factors of production of it. The data has been used in this study is primary data. The technique analysis are descriptive analysis and MRA. The result shows that coefficient determination is 99,99 percent which means the variables can explaned about 99,99 percent, while remaining is 0,01 percent explaned by the variables outside the model, such as technology (casting), marketing, and government regulation about industry of handycraft. Material and labor have a positive and significant effect on production, but not for capital. Customers order as a moderating variabel for raw material and labor effect on production. It is not a moderating variabel for capital effect on production.
The purpose of this article is to determine factors influences MSMEs entrepreneurs take part in B... more The purpose of this article is to determine factors influences MSMEs entrepreneurs take part in Bali Arts Festival`s Craft Exhibition. MSMEs Entrepreneurs based on local culture should have the same opportunity to promote their products, but the fact is not so because there are uneven opportunities for them to take part in the craft exhibition. Those who pass the selection and qualify are those who are considered to be established, so that most of the participant in the craft exhibition was the old participant who take part more than 3 times in it. Whereas by knowing the factors that influence entrepreneurs MSMEs based on local culture in participating in craft exhibitions, it can be concluded that the main motives are apparently followed by other motives that are equally important for entrepreneurs MSMEs based on local culture. In order to generate proper data, field research were conducted through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. The results shows that there are 2 factors that influence, economic factors and social factors. Economic factors include to get customers and get high profits. Social factors include competitiveness, existence, other participant success story, and recognition. Research on the Bali Arts Festival so far has focused on the perception of archipelago tourists and evaluating promotional strategies to attract foreign tourists visiting the Bali Arts Festival. There has never been any research that focuses on craft exhibitions. Therefore, this research focuses on the factors that influence MSMEs entrepreneurs based on local culture in participating craft exhibitions at the Bali Arts Festival so that the main motive of the participant to participate in craft exhibitions is known so that opportunities for the promotion of MSMEs products based on local culture that are more equitable can be realized. Whereas by knowing the factors that influence entrepreneurs MSMEs based on local culture in participating in craft exhibitions, it can be concluded that the main motives are apparently followed by other motives that are equally important for entrepreneurs MSMEs based on local culture. Furthermore, efforts can be made to develop craft exhibitions at the Bali Arts Festival which provide more equitable opportunities for MSMEs based on local culture in Bali to promote local Balinese-based cultural products in the context of promoting Balinese culture.
Presenting in International Conference of Climate Change 6th, 2020
this paper is about the role of bali arts festival in environmental preservation
Journal of Sustainable Development, Nov 24, 2020
Globalization with the presence of information technology and development is a challenge for the ... more Globalization with the presence of information technology and development is a challenge for the sustainability of local communities that identic with tradition and culture. The value of local wisdom is an identity that is a strength because there is no in other places. This study wants to prove that local wisdom can provide added value and could even be used as a fundamental factor for sustainable development. The subject of study is the cultural industries. It is said, cultural industries that have cultural values are an important component and it contains the strength of narration of the output. The investigation is carried out by exploring local wisdom-based economic activities, access to labor, and social sustainability to show that the value of local wisdom as an identity can realize a sustainable economy in a rural area. In-depth interviews and observations with an ethnography approach to the case study method conducted in Tigawasa Village, Buleleng. This village is Bali Aga Village, home of Bali Mula or Bali's original people, the earliest inhabitants of the island, which have local wisdom of bamboo.
Village Credit Institutions are financial institutions operating in villages that have a role in ... more Village Credit Institutions are financial institutions operating in villages that have a role in the development of trade in Pakraman village in Bali Province. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the efficiency of lending carried out by LPDs in South Denpasar District. Determination of samples in this study using saturated sample techniques or census Data collection using questionnaires and research respondents as many as 33 respondents. Data analysis used is validity and reliability test, classic assumption test, and multiple linear regression method. Based on data analysis, it was concluded that the control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, control and monitoring activities had a positive and significant effect on the efficiency of lending to LPDs in South Denpasar District.
Globalization with the presence of technology, information and modernization is a threat of local... more Globalization with the presence of technology, information and modernization is a threat of local communities which is closely related to tradition and culture. The threat is marked began to forget of cultural and local wisdom because they are considered to be inevitable with modernity. The value of local wisdom is an identity that is a strength because there is no other place. Local wisdom is strongly influenced by geographical and also the diversity of cultures which is very widespread in the territory of Indonesia. In Indonesia, local wisdom is an important capital that is a driving force in the process of economic development. This fact, reflect on SMEs in a rural area in Indonesia. This sector taking into account higher growth and creation of jobs that are higher than average and also a strategy for community empowerment and also can be a strategy to preserve local wisdom values. The subject study is creative SMEs. An investigation is carried out by exploring the factors that a...
Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi UMKM b... more Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi UMKM berbasis budaya lokal berpartisipasi dalam pameran kerajinan di Pesta Kesenian Bali. UMKM berbasis budaya lokal seharusnya memiliki peluang yang sama untuk mempromosikan produknya pada pameran tersebut, namun faktanya tidaklah demikian karena ada perlakuan "pilih kasih" yang membuat adanya ketidakmerataan peluang berpromosi. Hanya UMKM yang lulus seleksi dan memiliki kualifikasi skala produksi mapan yang bisa berpartisipasi. Oleh karenanya, mayoritas peserta pameran kerajinan adalah peserta lama yang telah berulang kali bahkan lebih dari 3 kali mengikuti pameran. Dengan mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhinya, akan dapat disimpulkan benar atau tidaknya motif utama berpromosi diikuti oleh motif lain yang sama pentingnya. Untuk menghasilkan data yang tepat, penelitian lapangan dilakukan melalui observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis faktor eksplorasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 2 faktor yang mempengaruhi, faktor ekonomi dan faktor sosial. Faktor ekonomi termasuk mendapatkan pelanggan dan mendapatkan keuntungan tinggi. Faktor sosial termasuk daya saing, keberadaan/eksistensi, cerita sukses peserta lain, dan pengakuan. Abstract The purpose of this article is to determine factors influences MSMEs entrepreneurs take part in Bali Arts Festival`s Craft Exhibition. MSMEs Entrepreneurs based on local culture should have the same opportunity to promote their products, but the fact is not so because there are uneven opportunities for them to take part in the craft exhibition. Those who pass the selection and qualify are those who are established, so that most of the participant in the craft exhibition was the old participant who take part more than 3 times in it. By knowing the factors that influence MSMEs entrepreneurs based on local culture in participating in craft exhibitions, it can be concluded whether the main motive seems to be followed by other motives that are just as important for MSMEs entrepreneurs based on local culture. In order to generate proper data, field research was conducted through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. The results show that there are 2 factors that influence, economic factors and social factors. Economic factors include to get customers and get high profits. Social factors include competitiveness, existence, other participant success story, and recognition.
ABSTRAK Bali merupakan daerah yang terkenal dengan industri perhiasan logam mulianya. Industri pe... more ABSTRAK Bali merupakan daerah yang terkenal dengan industri perhiasan logam mulianya. Industri perhiasan logam mulia di Bali tersebar di seluruh Kabupaten/Kota termasuk Kota Denpasar. Berdasarkan data kurun waktu diketahui bahwa pertumbuhan produksi industri perhiasan logam mulia di Kota Denpasar cenderung menurun. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksinya. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui wawancara terstruktur. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan moderated regression analysis (MRA). Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa koefisien determinasi dengan variabel-variabel yang digunakan mampu menjelaskan sebesar 99,99 persen, sisanya sebesar 0,01 persen dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel diluar model yakni teknologi (casting), pemasaran, serta kebijakan pemerintah terkait industri kerajinan. Bahan baku dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi sedangkan modal tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produksi. Jumlah pesanan pelanggan memoderasi pengaruh bahan baku dan tenaga kerja terhadap produksi. Jumlah pesanan pelanggan tidak memoderasi pengaruh modal terhadap produksi. Kata kunci: industri, perhiasan logam mulia, bahan baku, modal, tenaga kerja, pelanggan ABSTRACT Bali is a region which is known by it`s own gold and silver jewellery industries. It is scattered in all regency included Denpasar city. Based on times series data, the production growth are decrease.The main purpose of this study is to analyse the affecting factors of production of it. The data has been used in this study is primary data. The technique analysis are descriptive analysis and MRA. The result shows that coefficient determination is 99,99 percent which means the variables can explaned about 99,99 percent, while remaining is 0,01 percent explaned by the variables outside the model, such as technology (casting), marketing, and government regulation about industry of handycraft. Material and labor have a positive and significant effect on production, but not for capital. Customers order as a moderating variabel for raw material and labor effect on production. It is not a moderating variabel for capital effect on production.