Aviad Stollman - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Aviad Stollman

Aviad A. Stollman is the Global Director of the Azrieli Fellows Program and formerly the Head of Collections at the National Library of Israel. Stollman holds a PhD in Talmud from Bar-Ilan University in Israel and carried out postdoctoral research at the Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies, University of Texas, Austin, where he was a Visiting Scholar and Lecturer. Stollman's publications are in the areas of Talmud, and the Philosophy and History of Halakhah. Dr. Stollman has a particular interest in the works of Maimonides.
Supervisors: Shamma Friedman
Address: Israel



Papers by Aviad Stollman

Research paper thumbnail of Writing the History of Halakhah: Positivists and Contextualists

The central object of the essay is to describe two ways to writing the history of Halakhah. I por... more The central object of the essay is to describe two ways to writing the history of Halakhah. I portray two archetypical dichotomous approaches to the historical research of Halakhah defined as positivist and contextual. The halakhic positivist approach is the outcome of traditional yeshiva studies, while the contextual approach is the product of scholarship practiced in universities and other academically oriented institutes of Jewish studies. These approaches adapted from the frameworks shaped by philosophers and historians seeking to describe and discuss the history of science. The terminology which derives from the philosophy of Natural Science facilitates the secondary object of the article, i.e. comparing the work of historians of Halakhah to the work of historians of Science.

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Research paper thumbnail of סגירות ופתיחות בתפישת ההלכה  ההיסטוריה האינטלקטואלית של ההלכה ושל מדעי הטבע

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Research paper thumbnail of תפיסות עולם בדיאלקטים של שפת ההלכה

משתמשי השפה ההלכתית אינם מודעים, בדרך כלל, למטען האידיאולוגי שנושאת שפתם. בהרצאתי אבקש לברר באלו ... more משתמשי השפה ההלכתית אינם מודעים, בדרך כלל, למטען האידיאולוגי שנושאת שפתם. בהרצאתי אבקש לברר באלו תנאים, אם בכלל, עלולים משתמשי השפה לגלות מודעות למטענים אידיאולוגיים שמשמשים בשפתם.

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Research paper thumbnail of Halakhic Development as a Fusion of Heremeneutical Horizons: The Case of the Waiting Period Between Meat and Dairy (in Hebrew)

Ajs Review-the Journal of The Association for Jewish Studies, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of A Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life Review Essay of Dr. D. Zimmerman's book

A Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life by Deena R. Zimmerman is an excellent book... more A Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life by Deena R. Zimmerman is an excellent book for English readers wishing to study the laws of niddah in a serious manner. It enables one to learn the halakhot from the original sources placing them in a comprehensible framework. The companion is well structured and written in a clear and empathetic style. It discusses practical medical issues typically not discussed in popular manuals. While the book is a great contribution to the field of family purity laws (hilkhot niddah)—specifically to the genre of theoretical books teaching the basic issues involved with keeping these laws—it suffers from the tendency, seen in many other such manuals, to direct the reader to a rabbi rather than resolving issues directly.

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Research paper thumbnail of טהרת המשפחה הדתית-לאומית

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Research paper thumbnail of (מהדורה ופירוש על דרך המחקר לפרק המוצא תפילין מתוך התלמוד הבבלי (עירובין, פרק עשירי

Babylonian Talmud, Eruvin X: Critical Edition with Comprehensive Commentary

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Research paper thumbnail of עבודת הלב; קווים אחדים להבנת משנת התפילה של הרמב"ם

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Research paper thumbnail of Short Notes: APQ

I would like to propose that meaning of the root ̉pq is close to the meanings: outward, depart.

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Research paper thumbnail of כתתיות ביהדות: גלגל חוזר?

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Research paper thumbnail of Writing the History of Halakhah: Positivists and Contextualists

The central object of the essay is to describe two ways to writing the history of Halakhah. I por... more The central object of the essay is to describe two ways to writing the history of Halakhah. I portray two archetypical dichotomous approaches to the historical research of Halakhah defined as positivist and contextual. The halakhic positivist approach is the outcome of traditional yeshiva studies, while the contextual approach is the product of scholarship practiced in universities and other academically oriented institutes of Jewish studies. These approaches adapted from the frameworks shaped by philosophers and historians seeking to describe and discuss the history of science. The terminology which derives from the philosophy of Natural Science facilitates the secondary object of the article, i.e. comparing the work of historians of Halakhah to the work of historians of Science.

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Research paper thumbnail of סגירות ופתיחות בתפישת ההלכה  ההיסטוריה האינטלקטואלית של ההלכה ושל מדעי הטבע

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Research paper thumbnail of תפיסות עולם בדיאלקטים של שפת ההלכה

משתמשי השפה ההלכתית אינם מודעים, בדרך כלל, למטען האידיאולוגי שנושאת שפתם. בהרצאתי אבקש לברר באלו ... more משתמשי השפה ההלכתית אינם מודעים, בדרך כלל, למטען האידיאולוגי שנושאת שפתם. בהרצאתי אבקש לברר באלו תנאים, אם בכלל, עלולים משתמשי השפה לגלות מודעות למטענים אידיאולוגיים שמשמשים בשפתם.

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Research paper thumbnail of Halakhic Development as a Fusion of Heremeneutical Horizons: The Case of the Waiting Period Between Meat and Dairy (in Hebrew)

Ajs Review-the Journal of The Association for Jewish Studies, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of A Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life Review Essay of Dr. D. Zimmerman's book

A Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life by Deena R. Zimmerman is an excellent book... more A Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life by Deena R. Zimmerman is an excellent book for English readers wishing to study the laws of niddah in a serious manner. It enables one to learn the halakhot from the original sources placing them in a comprehensible framework. The companion is well structured and written in a clear and empathetic style. It discusses practical medical issues typically not discussed in popular manuals. While the book is a great contribution to the field of family purity laws (hilkhot niddah)—specifically to the genre of theoretical books teaching the basic issues involved with keeping these laws—it suffers from the tendency, seen in many other such manuals, to direct the reader to a rabbi rather than resolving issues directly.

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Research paper thumbnail of טהרת המשפחה הדתית-לאומית

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Research paper thumbnail of (מהדורה ופירוש על דרך המחקר לפרק המוצא תפילין מתוך התלמוד הבבלי (עירובין, פרק עשירי

Babylonian Talmud, Eruvin X: Critical Edition with Comprehensive Commentary

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Research paper thumbnail of עבודת הלב; קווים אחדים להבנת משנת התפילה של הרמב"ם

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Research paper thumbnail of Short Notes: APQ

I would like to propose that meaning of the root ̉pq is close to the meanings: outward, depart.

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Research paper thumbnail of כתתיות ביהדות: גלגל חוזר?

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