Axel Schoelmerich - (original) (raw)
Papers by Axel Schoelmerich
Swiss Journal of Psychology - SWISS J PSYCHOLOGY, 1999
Everybody wants to contribute to child and adolescent well-being. Politicians, parents, educators... more Everybody wants to contribute to child and adolescent well-being. Politicians, parents, educators, health care specialists, lawyers, judges, clinical psychologists, all claim to have this goal in mind, and some even seem to think they are the only one. But what exactly is child well-being? It is easier to say what child well-being is not: risky adolescent behaviour, unhealthy lifestyle, drug addiction, disrupted parent–child relationships, and so forth. Can we then conclude that the absence of negative things constitutes well-being? Certainly not. In this chapter, we will discuss the current use and meaning of well-being in the context of child and adolescent development with a focus on methodological requirements for indicators informing policymakers and community leaders. It is important to acknowledge the difference between results of political decisions (e.g., the establishment of a health care system, providing institutions for day care, or passing laws allowing parental leave), which we label output variables, and the effects such decisions have on child well-being. We argue in favour of using child-oriented data indicating developmental progress as the essential basis for the evaluation of such investments.
SAGE Open, Apr 1, 2023
Prematurity is a particular challenge for parents that severely affects the interaction and relat... more Prematurity is a particular challenge for parents that severely affects the interaction and relationship dynamics between children and their caregivers. Previous studies mostly focused on the infancy of preterms but did not examine the development process. This study highlights whether preterm children and their main caregivers still differ in their emotional availability (EA) at preschool age. Caregiver-child interactions during the transition period of school entry were measured with the Emotional Availability Scales (EAS). N = 25 preterm (25–33 weeks of gestation) and n = 23 term children at an age of 5 years and their main caregivers were observed while playing a construction game that was eliciting either a low or moderate stress level. Caregivers of preterm children showed higher intrusiveness scores compared to caregivers of term dyads. Thus, it seems that parents of preterm children behave intrusively independently of their children's cognitive performance.
Epigenetics, Sep 16, 2021
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can interfere with development, and has been ... more Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can interfere with development, and has been associated with social-cognitive functioning and adverse health outcomes later in life. Exposure-associated changes of DNA methylation (DNAm) patterns have been suggested as a possible mediator of this relationship. This study investigated whether prenatal low-dose exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) is associated with altered DNAm patterns across the genome in a Western urban-industrial population. In 142 mother-infant pairs from the Duisburg Birth Cohort Study, PCBs and PCDD/Fs levels were quantified from maternal blood during late pregnancy and associated with DNAm levels in cord blood using the Illumina EPIC beadchip. The epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) identified 32 significantly differentially methylated positions (DMPs) and eight differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with six congeners of PCB and PCDD in females or males (FDRs < 0.05). DMPs and DMRs mapped to genes involved in neurodevelopment, gene regulation, and immune functioning. Weighted gene correlation network analysis (WGCNA) showed 31 co-methylated modules (FDRs < 0.05) associated with one congener of PCDF levels in females. Results of both analytical strategies indicate that prenatal exposure to PCBs and PCDD/Fs is associated with altered DNAm of genes involved in neurodevelopment, gene expression and immune functioning. DNAm and gene expression levels of several of these genes were previously associated with EDC exposure in rodent models. Follow-up studies will clarify whether these epigenetic changes might contribute to the origin for adverse mental and health outcomes.
Springer eBooks, Sep 7, 2006
The MIT Press eBooks, Nov 18, 2005
... This could be a mechanism underlying intergenerational transmission of maladaptive behavior. ... more ... This could be a mechanism underlying intergenerational transmission of maladaptive behavior. ... In addition, unfortunate treatment for an individual may be adaptive for the group as a whole ... Theseeffects surface even when the protest response is blocked by the presence of an ...
Kindheit Und Entwicklung, Oct 1, 2019
Zusammenfassung. Schlafprobleme und eine unzureichende Schlafdauer können die psychische Gesundhe... more Zusammenfassung. Schlafprobleme und eine unzureichende Schlafdauer können die psychische Gesundheit im Kindes- und Jugendalter nachhaltig beeinträchtigen. Daten von 6.670 Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 11 – 13 und 14 – 17 Jahren, aus dem Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurvey (KIGGS), wurden getrennt nach Geschlechtern analysiert, um zu untersuchen, ob Schlafprobleme und eine unzureichende Schlafdauer mit einer höheren Risikowahrscheinlichkeit für psychische Auffälligkeiten einhergehen. Während Schlafprobleme unabhängig von Geschlecht und Alter mit einem höheren Risiko für alle Symptombereiche (OR = 1.52 – 3.49) verbunden sind, findet sich hinsichtlich einer geringen Schlafdauer nur bei Mädchen eine höheres Risikowahrscheinlichkeit für Auffälligkeiten im externalisierenden und internalisierenden Bereich. Damit scheint sich der Zusammenhang zwischen unzureichender Schlafdauer und psychischen Auffälligkeiten bei Jungen und Mädchen zu unterscheiden. Mögliche Ursachen und Implikationen für die pädiatrische und psychiatrische Praxis werden diskutiert.
Die Ubersicht uber die verfugbare entwicklungspsychologische Literatur zur Leihmutterschaft ergib... more Die Ubersicht uber die verfugbare entwicklungspsychologische Literatur zur Leihmutterschaft ergibt keine bedeutsamen Hinweise auf schadigende Einflusse auf die Entwicklung der Kinder, der Leihmutter oder der auftraggebenden Eltern, die uber die mit einer herkommlichen Schwangerschaft, Geburt oder Beziehungsentwicklung verbundenen Risiken hinausgehen. Die Bedenken gegen die Leihmutterschaft beziehen sich auf ihrerseits existenzstrittige psychologische Konzepte wie pranatale Bindungstheorie, oder auf durch Ausbeutung okonomischer Ungleichheit beruhende Formen der Leihmutterschaft entstehende Besonderheiten.
Frühförderung interdisziplinär, 2019
Eine zu fruhe Geburt kann ein bedeutsames Risiko fur die kindliche Entwicklung und eine Herausfor... more Eine zu fruhe Geburt kann ein bedeutsames Risiko fur die kindliche Entwicklung und eine Herausforderung fur die fruhe Eltern-Kind-Interaktion darstellen. Untersucht wurde, ob sich 30 fruhgeborene (24.–34. Gestationswoche) und 25 reifgeborene Kinder (38.–41. Gestationswoche) im Alter von funf bis sechs Jahren zum Zeitpunkt des Schuleingangs in ihrer Bindungsqualitat unterschieden. Die Bindungsqualitat wurde auf der Ebene mentaler Reprasentationen durch das Geschichtenerganzungsverfahren zur Bindung 5–8 jahriger Kinder (GEV-B 5–8; Gloger-Tippelt und Konig 2009/2016) erfasst. Fruhgeborene wiesen mit 36.7% vs. 16.0% tendenziell haufiger desorganisierte Bindungsreprasentationen auf als Reifgeborene. Anhand der Befunde kann ein erhohtes Risiko fur desorganisierte Bindungen in der mittleren Kindheit nach einer Fruhgeburt angenommen werden.
Acculturation and Parent-Child Relationships, 2006
14 Similarities and Differences Between First-and Second-Generation Turkish Migrant Mothers in Ge... more 14 Similarities and Differences Between First-and Second-Generation Turkish Migrant Mothers in Germany: The Acculturation Gap Birgit Leyendecker Axel Schölmerich Banu Citlak Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany INTRODUCTION The homo migrans exists as long as the ...
Differences between boys and girls in anatomic structural features and dynamic movement patterns ... more Differences between boys and girls in anatomic structural features and dynamic movement patterns increase during childhood. We studied anatomic structural properties and dynamic characteristics in a cross-sectional sample of 27 girls and 27 boys ranging from 4 to 16 years of age. The subjects walked and were filmed to create digitized 3-D-point-light models. Linear discriminant functions based on dynamic information classified gender and age of individual walkers above chance level, the accuracy increasing with age. In addition, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 1999
Numerous chemicals released into the environment by man are able to disrupt the functioning of th... more Numerous chemicals released into the environment by man are able to disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system by binding to hormonal receptors. Exposure to estrogenic endocrine disruptors during critical periods in fetal life can alter the development of reproductive organs, the neuroendocrine system and subsequent behavior. We present a series of studies on the effects of exposure during fetal
Promoting Psychological Wellbeing in Children and Families
Swiss Journal of Psychology, 1999
Swiss Journal of Psychology - SWISS J PSYCHOLOGY, 1999
Everybody wants to contribute to child and adolescent well-being. Politicians, parents, educators... more Everybody wants to contribute to child and adolescent well-being. Politicians, parents, educators, health care specialists, lawyers, judges, clinical psychologists, all claim to have this goal in mind, and some even seem to think they are the only one. But what exactly is child well-being? It is easier to say what child well-being is not: risky adolescent behaviour, unhealthy lifestyle, drug addiction, disrupted parent–child relationships, and so forth. Can we then conclude that the absence of negative things constitutes well-being? Certainly not. In this chapter, we will discuss the current use and meaning of well-being in the context of child and adolescent development with a focus on methodological requirements for indicators informing policymakers and community leaders. It is important to acknowledge the difference between results of political decisions (e.g., the establishment of a health care system, providing institutions for day care, or passing laws allowing parental leave), which we label output variables, and the effects such decisions have on child well-being. We argue in favour of using child-oriented data indicating developmental progress as the essential basis for the evaluation of such investments.
SAGE Open, Apr 1, 2023
Prematurity is a particular challenge for parents that severely affects the interaction and relat... more Prematurity is a particular challenge for parents that severely affects the interaction and relationship dynamics between children and their caregivers. Previous studies mostly focused on the infancy of preterms but did not examine the development process. This study highlights whether preterm children and their main caregivers still differ in their emotional availability (EA) at preschool age. Caregiver-child interactions during the transition period of school entry were measured with the Emotional Availability Scales (EAS). N = 25 preterm (25–33 weeks of gestation) and n = 23 term children at an age of 5 years and their main caregivers were observed while playing a construction game that was eliciting either a low or moderate stress level. Caregivers of preterm children showed higher intrusiveness scores compared to caregivers of term dyads. Thus, it seems that parents of preterm children behave intrusively independently of their children's cognitive performance.
Epigenetics, Sep 16, 2021
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can interfere with development, and has been ... more Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can interfere with development, and has been associated with social-cognitive functioning and adverse health outcomes later in life. Exposure-associated changes of DNA methylation (DNAm) patterns have been suggested as a possible mediator of this relationship. This study investigated whether prenatal low-dose exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) is associated with altered DNAm patterns across the genome in a Western urban-industrial population. In 142 mother-infant pairs from the Duisburg Birth Cohort Study, PCBs and PCDD/Fs levels were quantified from maternal blood during late pregnancy and associated with DNAm levels in cord blood using the Illumina EPIC beadchip. The epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) identified 32 significantly differentially methylated positions (DMPs) and eight differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with six congeners of PCB and PCDD in females or males (FDRs < 0.05). DMPs and DMRs mapped to genes involved in neurodevelopment, gene regulation, and immune functioning. Weighted gene correlation network analysis (WGCNA) showed 31 co-methylated modules (FDRs < 0.05) associated with one congener of PCDF levels in females. Results of both analytical strategies indicate that prenatal exposure to PCBs and PCDD/Fs is associated with altered DNAm of genes involved in neurodevelopment, gene expression and immune functioning. DNAm and gene expression levels of several of these genes were previously associated with EDC exposure in rodent models. Follow-up studies will clarify whether these epigenetic changes might contribute to the origin for adverse mental and health outcomes.
Springer eBooks, Sep 7, 2006
The MIT Press eBooks, Nov 18, 2005
... This could be a mechanism underlying intergenerational transmission of maladaptive behavior. ... more ... This could be a mechanism underlying intergenerational transmission of maladaptive behavior. ... In addition, unfortunate treatment for an individual may be adaptive for the group as a whole ... Theseeffects surface even when the protest response is blocked by the presence of an ...
Kindheit Und Entwicklung, Oct 1, 2019
Zusammenfassung. Schlafprobleme und eine unzureichende Schlafdauer können die psychische Gesundhe... more Zusammenfassung. Schlafprobleme und eine unzureichende Schlafdauer können die psychische Gesundheit im Kindes- und Jugendalter nachhaltig beeinträchtigen. Daten von 6.670 Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 11 – 13 und 14 – 17 Jahren, aus dem Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurvey (KIGGS), wurden getrennt nach Geschlechtern analysiert, um zu untersuchen, ob Schlafprobleme und eine unzureichende Schlafdauer mit einer höheren Risikowahrscheinlichkeit für psychische Auffälligkeiten einhergehen. Während Schlafprobleme unabhängig von Geschlecht und Alter mit einem höheren Risiko für alle Symptombereiche (OR = 1.52 – 3.49) verbunden sind, findet sich hinsichtlich einer geringen Schlafdauer nur bei Mädchen eine höheres Risikowahrscheinlichkeit für Auffälligkeiten im externalisierenden und internalisierenden Bereich. Damit scheint sich der Zusammenhang zwischen unzureichender Schlafdauer und psychischen Auffälligkeiten bei Jungen und Mädchen zu unterscheiden. Mögliche Ursachen und Implikationen für die pädiatrische und psychiatrische Praxis werden diskutiert.
Die Ubersicht uber die verfugbare entwicklungspsychologische Literatur zur Leihmutterschaft ergib... more Die Ubersicht uber die verfugbare entwicklungspsychologische Literatur zur Leihmutterschaft ergibt keine bedeutsamen Hinweise auf schadigende Einflusse auf die Entwicklung der Kinder, der Leihmutter oder der auftraggebenden Eltern, die uber die mit einer herkommlichen Schwangerschaft, Geburt oder Beziehungsentwicklung verbundenen Risiken hinausgehen. Die Bedenken gegen die Leihmutterschaft beziehen sich auf ihrerseits existenzstrittige psychologische Konzepte wie pranatale Bindungstheorie, oder auf durch Ausbeutung okonomischer Ungleichheit beruhende Formen der Leihmutterschaft entstehende Besonderheiten.
Frühförderung interdisziplinär, 2019
Eine zu fruhe Geburt kann ein bedeutsames Risiko fur die kindliche Entwicklung und eine Herausfor... more Eine zu fruhe Geburt kann ein bedeutsames Risiko fur die kindliche Entwicklung und eine Herausforderung fur die fruhe Eltern-Kind-Interaktion darstellen. Untersucht wurde, ob sich 30 fruhgeborene (24.–34. Gestationswoche) und 25 reifgeborene Kinder (38.–41. Gestationswoche) im Alter von funf bis sechs Jahren zum Zeitpunkt des Schuleingangs in ihrer Bindungsqualitat unterschieden. Die Bindungsqualitat wurde auf der Ebene mentaler Reprasentationen durch das Geschichtenerganzungsverfahren zur Bindung 5–8 jahriger Kinder (GEV-B 5–8; Gloger-Tippelt und Konig 2009/2016) erfasst. Fruhgeborene wiesen mit 36.7% vs. 16.0% tendenziell haufiger desorganisierte Bindungsreprasentationen auf als Reifgeborene. Anhand der Befunde kann ein erhohtes Risiko fur desorganisierte Bindungen in der mittleren Kindheit nach einer Fruhgeburt angenommen werden.
Acculturation and Parent-Child Relationships, 2006
14 Similarities and Differences Between First-and Second-Generation Turkish Migrant Mothers in Ge... more 14 Similarities and Differences Between First-and Second-Generation Turkish Migrant Mothers in Germany: The Acculturation Gap Birgit Leyendecker Axel Schölmerich Banu Citlak Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany INTRODUCTION The homo migrans exists as long as the ...
Differences between boys and girls in anatomic structural features and dynamic movement patterns ... more Differences between boys and girls in anatomic structural features and dynamic movement patterns increase during childhood. We studied anatomic structural properties and dynamic characteristics in a cross-sectional sample of 27 girls and 27 boys ranging from 4 to 16 years of age. The subjects walked and were filmed to create digitized 3-D-point-light models. Linear discriminant functions based on dynamic information classified gender and age of individual walkers above chance level, the accuracy increasing with age. In addition, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 1999
Numerous chemicals released into the environment by man are able to disrupt the functioning of th... more Numerous chemicals released into the environment by man are able to disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system by binding to hormonal receptors. Exposure to estrogenic endocrine disruptors during critical periods in fetal life can alter the development of reproductive organs, the neuroendocrine system and subsequent behavior. We present a series of studies on the effects of exposure during fetal
Promoting Psychological Wellbeing in Children and Families
Swiss Journal of Psychology, 1999