Aye Sudarto - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Aye Sudarto

Research paper thumbnail of Kekerasan Semiotik dan Peran Komunikasi Keluarga Dalam Menangani Kekerasan Virtual Pada Anak

https://journal.uinjkt.ac.id/index.php/psga/issue/view/1926, 2024

A child's world can be turned into a world of play that is full of joy and pleasure. Children are... more A child's world can be turned into a world of play that is full of joy and pleasure. Children are not the same as adults, everything related to their world is seen as far as possible from the child's perception. Unique individuals with different potentials are children's perceptions. Children's development is not only physical but also psychological, parental guidance is important in encouraging these qualities which become the foundation of life as the child grows. This research is qualitative. The research stages are carried out by selecting materials, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and organizing so that conclusions can be drawn from the materials. Violence against children occurs virtually in the digital world. Relationships in the digital environment need to be managed wisely and carefully, and must be careful of incorrect assumptions. Increased awareness regarding internet use and violence in partner relationships highlights how important it is for parents to communicate better with their family members.

Research paper thumbnail of Maqashid Syariah Dalam Management Penyelenggaraan Ibadah Haji

Multazam : Jurnal Manajemen Haji dan Umrah

Hajj management aims to provide the best possible guidance, service and protection through a good... more Hajj management aims to provide the best possible guidance, service and protection through a good management system and management so that the pilgrimage can run safely, orderly, smoothly and comfortably in accordance with Islamic teachings. Pilgrims to be able to carry out their worship independently until they get a mabrur hajj. The system for organizing the pilgrimage is continuously undergoing changes and improvements. The increasing number of citizens to perform the pilgrimage needs to improve the quality of organizing the pilgrimage that is comfortable, orderly and in accordance with sharia provisions, so that sharia goals can be achieved. The paradigm in this paper is critical spiritualist with the perspective of maqashid sharia. Paradigma is the basic assumption regarding the subject matter, purpose and nature of the study material being studied. The applied research paradigm is a literature study with a qualitative approach. At the managerial level, the implementation of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Exploitation of Children: Returning Child Labor to the World of Education Through Interpersonal Communication Towards Equal Education

HUMANISMA : Journal of Gender Studies

Low family incomes force children to support households and become Child Labourers (PA) in the ag... more Low family incomes force children to support households and become Child Labourers (PA) in the agricultural and household sectors. The agricultural sector is still the main source of income for most Indonesians; at least 70% of the archipelago's population is dependent on the agricultural sector. However, rural poverty remains relatively high. At least 16% of rural areas are poor compared to 9.9% of urban areas. Farm labourers have not been able to benefit significantly from economic growth, as it is undeniable that several problems have caused the agricultural sector to lag behind other sectors. This qualitative study will describe the processes that influence and shift the mindset of children and parents of child laborers to change their mindset and desire to continue their education. Economic exploitation in children is actually carried out by families, for example, by placing, allowing, and telling children to work as a form of economic exploitation. Good economic exploitat...

Research paper thumbnail of Dana Talangan Haji Dalam Etika Islam

Multazam : Jurnal Manajemen Haji dan Umrah

It is inappropriate for people to be trapped in products containing elements of usury which resul... more It is inappropriate for people to be trapped in products containing elements of usury which result in imperfection of the pilgrimage because they depart in a way that contains elements of gharar. The practice opens the door to danger, and brings harm. The Ministry of Religion which has the authority to evaluate the existence of hajj bailout funds with the Regulation of the Minister of Religion (PMA) RI No. 24 of 2016. The Hajj bailout fund is intended to meet the customer's lack of funds in meeting the minimum requirements to get the Hajj portion. This program is enough to ease the people in preparing for the departure of the pilgrimage. For LKS, this program is also a benefit where LKS gets Ujrah from every customer who participates in the Hajj bailout program. On the other hand, the bailout program creates and contains disadvantages that are not in accordance with Islamic ethics. Hajj bailouts incur debts that can cause damage to the purity of the pilgrimage. The Hajj bailout ...

Research paper thumbnail of Humant Development Indeks and Maqosid Syariah

Aye sudarto, Ani Nurul Imtihanah, Rina Elmaza., 2023

Dalam pembangunan ekonomi Islam, Pertumbuhan ekonomi bukanlah tujuan ahir. Pertumbuhan ekonomi me... more Dalam pembangunan ekonomi Islam, Pertumbuhan ekonomi bukanlah tujuan ahir. Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan tujuan antara dalam mencapai tujuan ahir. Pun demikian tidak secara otomatis pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan kamajuan pembangunan manusia. Walaupun demikian antara keduanya akan saling terkaiat dan saling mendung dalam perkembangan pembangunan ekonomi dan IPM. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Dengan penelitian kualitatif, peneliti dapat mengidentifikasi objek, merasakan apa yang dialami seseorang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tahapan penelitian dilakukan dengan pemilihan bahan, pemfokusan, penyederhanaan, pengabstraksian dan pengorganisasian sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan dari bahan tersebut. Konsep pembangunan manusia UNDP setidaknya mencakup tiga indikator pembangunan manusia: kesehatan, pendidikan dan pendapatan. Ketiga indikator ini dianggap sebagai elemen yang membentuk kehidupan yang sukses. Ketiga indikator tersebut merupakan ukuran yang digunakan oleh UNDP dalam menghitung IPM negaranegara di seluruh dunia, dan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut digunakan sebagai ukuran untuk mengklasifikasikan negara maju atau terbelakang. Kelima unsur I-HDI tersebut didasarkan pada Maqashid Syariah, sehingga Maqashid Syariah tepat digunakan sebagai target HDI bahkan menjadi konsep HDI yang lebih luas.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Women in Maintaining Family Income in Islamic Economy and Mubādalah Review

Jurnal Kajian Agama, Sosial dan Budaya, 2023

One of the motivations for women to work in the public sector is to increase family income. Usual... more One of the motivations for women to work in the public sector is to increase family income. Usually, the husband's income is insufficient to meet family needs, so some women work in this sector. This study aimed to describe the Islamic views and conditions of working women in the Kita Muslim Fashion Convection, Way Serdang District, Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province, in helping to increase family income. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data sources consist of primary data from interviews and secondary data from researchsupporting documents. At the same time, the data analysis model uses interaction analysis. The results of this study are that Islam positions women as equal to men, where they also have rights and responsibilities within the family. Husband and wife can complement each other's tasks in the family. Women can replace or share the burden of meeting family needs with their partners. This phenomenon is similar to the women workers at the Kita Muslim Fashion Convection, Way Serdang District, Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province, who contribute to helping the family economy so that household needs can be fulfilled.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Deskriptif Kepuasan Perkawinan Pada Perempuan Yang Menikah Dini

Calyptra Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya, Mar 1, 2014

Dewasa ini, banyak perempuan yang memutuskan untuk menikah pada usia dini. Perkawinan dini menimb... more Dewasa ini, banyak perempuan yang memutuskan untuk menikah pada usia dini. Perkawinan dini menimbulkan banyak masalah bagi perempuan yang menjalaninya seperti dalam hal pendidikan, ekonomi, dan kesehatan reproduksi. Hal ini memengaruhi cara pandang perempuan dalam melihat perkawinannya yang disebut sebagai kepuasan perkawinan. Kepuasan perkawinan adalah kesan subjektif individu dalam melihat hubungan perkawinannya. Adanya keterkaitan antara kepuasan perkawinan pada perempuan yang menikah dini mendasari peneliti untuk meneliti lebih lanjut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menggambarkan kepuasan perkawinan pada perempuan yang menikah pada usia dini. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas perempuan berusia 16 hingga 24 tahun yang menikah pada usia 16 hingga 19 tahun. Data diperoleh menggunakan teknik snowball sampling dan pengambilan data menggunakan angket adaptasi Fowers & Olson yaitu Enrich Marital Scale (EMS). Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kepuasan perkawinan perempuan yang menikah dini terbagi menjadi empat kelompok (rendah (N=3), (N=8), tinggi (N=24), dan sangat tinggi (N=40). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tiap kelompok kepuasan perkawinan terdapat lima persamaan antar kelompok dan delapan perbedaan yang menjadi karakteristik tiap kelompok. Kelima persamaannya dalam hal agama, dampak perkawinan dalam hal ekonomi, kesehatan, emosional, dan sosial. Kedelapan perbedaan antar kelompok kepuasan perkawinan ini yaitu dalam hal jumlah anak, tempat tinggal, usia kawin, pendapatan suami subjek per bulan, alasan perkawinan, usia perkawinan, dan dampak perkawinan dalam hal fisik dan pendidikan. Kata kunci: kepuasan perkawinan, perkawinan dini Abstract. Today, many women decide to get married at an early age. Early marriage raises many problems for women like in terms of education, economic, and reproductive health. This affects women's perspective in looking at their marriage that called as marital satisfaction. Marital satisfaction is a subjective impression of the individual in look his/her marriage relationship. The relationship between marital satisfaction and women who marry early underlying researchers to investigate further. The purpose of the study was to describe the marital satisfaction of women who married at an early age. Subjects in this research were women aged 16 to 24 years old who were married at age 16 to 19 years old. Researcher used snowball sampling method and using questionnaire adaptation from Enrich Marital Scale (EMS) by Fowers & Olson (1993). This study found that marital satisfaction of women who marry early in this research are divided into four groups low (N = 3) , medium (N = 8) , high (N = 24) , and very high (N = 40). Results showed that each group of marital satisfaction have five

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Semiotika Film “Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini”

Jurnal Acta Diurna, Sep 2, 2015

Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) mengangkat potret nyata yang ada dalam kehidupan bangsa Indone... more Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) mengangkat potret nyata yang ada dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Film ini juga dipenuhi bintang film Indonesia, tercatat ada sembilan nama peraih piala citra yang berkolaborasi secara sempurna untuk menyajikan tontonan yang berkualitas. Slamet Rahardjo, Deddy Mizwar, Tio Pakusadewo, dan Rina Hasyim. Keseluruhan film dipenuhi satir-satir politik yang cerdas. Jauh dari itu film ini membuka mata kita semua. Tentang pendidikan, tentang pengangguran, tentang kerasnya hidup di jalanan, serta kritik pada penguasa negeri ini. Tanpa pemahaman, film ini hanya akan sekedar menjadi komedi belaka. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, maka peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai makna simbolis mengenai pesan moral yang ingin disampaikan pada film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini). Maka itu, sangat penting untuk mengetahui Semiotika Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) agar masyarakat bisa mengetahui film-film yang mendidik dan lewat film ini, bisa memberikan inspirasi bagi generasi penerus bangsa tentang pentingnya pendidikan untuk membangun suatu bangsa negara yang lebih baik kedepannya. Dengan Mengetahui Semiotika dari Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) maka Masyarakat maupun penonton bisa tahu yang film yang komedi biasa atau komedi tak berisi (absurb) dengan film komedi satir (sindiran) yang sarat akan pesan positif bagi pemerintah, para pembuat film dapat belajar dari Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) dengan memberikan pada masyarakat film yang berisi harapan dan cita-cita kedepan untuk pendidikan dan karakter bangsa dan negara kita Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Ketersediaan Lokasi Pemukiman Berbasis Mitigasi Longsor

Jurnal Pengembangan Kota, 2021

Pertumbuhan penduduk serta keterbatasan lahan untuk permukiman mengakibatkan sebagian masyarakat ... more Pertumbuhan penduduk serta keterbatasan lahan untuk permukiman mengakibatkan sebagian masyarakat membangun permukiman pada lokasi rawan bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan potensi lokasi permukiman berdasarkan peruntukan ruang serta aman dari ancaman longsor. Metode penelitian dilaksanakan melalui analisis spasial dengan melakukan overlay peta serta pemberian skoring dan pembobotan. Variabel fisik yang digunakan meliputi kemiringan tanah, drainase, erosi, penggunaan lahan, aksesibilitas jalan, aksesibilitas tempat penting dan kerawanan bencana longsor. Prioritas lokasi permukiman ditentukan berdasarkan kesesuaian secara fisik dan ketersediaan lokasi menurut rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW). Hasil analisis kesesuaian lokasi secara fisik untuk permukiman di Kecamatan Ngargoyoso menunjukkan terdapat 28,99% area sesuai untuk pemukiman, 38,83% sesuai bersyarat dan 32,18% tidak sesuai. Sementara berdasarkan ketersediaan lokasi untuk permukiman dan kesesuaian dengan RTRW, lokasi ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran 7P Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen (Studi Kasus Pt. Pos Indonesia KPC Surabaya Selatan)

Industrial Engineering Online Journal, 2015

PT. Pos Indonesia merupakan salah satu badan usaha milik negara yang diberi tugas oleh pemerintah... more PT. Pos Indonesia merupakan salah satu badan usaha milik negara yang diberi tugas oleh pemerintah Indonesia menyelenggarakan usaha perposan atau persuratan. Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman menyebabkan timbulnya pesaing sejenis, maka PT. Pos Indonesia mengeluarkan jasa baru dibidang keuangan yaitu POSPAY. POSPAY (Post Payment). POSPAY adalah layanan online payment point untuk melakukan transaksi pembayaran tagihan, setoran dan penarikan tabungan mitra kerja PT. Pos Indonesia. Pada tahun 2013 terjadi penurunan pendapatan, dimana pendapatan ini baru terpenuhi sebesar 30% dari target pendapatan. Penurunan pendapatan juga diiringi oleh penurunan penjualan yang disebabkan oleh konsumen yang tidak tetap, sehingga perusahaan harus aktif dibidang pemasaran. Untuk pemasaran jasa terdiri dari 7 bauran yaitu bauran pemasaran product, price, promotion, place, people, process dan physical evidence. Pemasaran jasa ini nantinya akan mengarah terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen POSPAY. Analisis ...

Research paper thumbnail of Aqad Syirkah: Dalam Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Dan Mazhab Maliki


Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning Religious Courts (PA) provides significant changes regarding the pos... more Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning Religious Courts (PA) provides significant changes regarding the position and existence of PA in Indonesia. The PA's authority is 1) family law cases, 2) sharia economic cases. Follow up on the authority in the field of Islamic economics. KHES was ratified through Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) No. 2 of 2008 concerning the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law. One of the themes in KHES and which is quite widely used by the community is the Syirkah Agreement. The provisions on Syirkah in KHES are contained in Book II Chapter VI concerning Syirkah and Ownership Syirkah. KHES allows all forms of syirkah contracts which include syirkah inan, syirkah abdan, syirkah mufawadhah, syirkah wujuh and syirkah mudharabah. The Maliki School allows shirkah inan, shirkah abdan, and shirkah mufawadhah but does not allow syirkah wujuh. Syirkah is valid because it is only related to the value of property and work. Meanwhile, there are no two main elements in syirkah wu...

Research paper thumbnail of Activity Based Costing System Terhadap Penentuan Biaya Produksi Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

Mu'amalatuna: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah



Cost control will be more efficient if costs are classified and allocated properly. In the tradit... more Cost control will be more efficient if costs are classified and allocated properly. In the traditional accounting system, production costs are assigned to exclusive and non-exclusive costs. Traditionally, the assignment of costs for nonexclusive costs was carried out on a comprehensive or per departmental basis. This will lead to many cases because the product obtained cannot reflect the actual costs absorbed to make the product. As a result, there will be under-costing and over-costing products. This research is a field research or known as field research. In Islam, production is not just an activity to add value to an object or form new objects to meet needs, but is an output of uniting humans using nature. Humans can seek as much wealth as possible without leaving their obligations to God and others. Justice is the most synchronous value in Islamic Economics. Upholding justice and eradicating injustice is the primary goal of the teachings of His Apostles. Thus, using the Activity Based Costing system, the calculation of production costs is evaluated as better than using the traditional and synchronous system using Islamic economic principles, namely being ready to take risks, not hoarding, not monopolizing, prohibiting interest in usury and social solidarity.


Aye Sudarto, 2022

Low family incomes force children to support households and become Child Labourers (PA) in the ag... more Low family incomes force children to support households and become Child Labourers (PA) in the agricultural and household sectors. The agricultural sector is still the main source of income for most Indonesians; at least 70% of the archipelago's population is dependent on the agricultural sector. However, rural poverty remains relatively high. At least 16% of rural areas are poor compared to 9.9% of urban areas. Farm labourers have not been able to benefit significantly from economic growth, as it is undeniable that several problems have caused the agricultural sector to lag behind other sectors. This qualitative study will describe the processes that influence and shift the mindset of children and parents of child laborers to change their mindset and desire to continue their education. Economic exploitation in children is actually carried out by families, for example, by placing, allowing, and telling children to work as a form of economic exploitation. Good economic exploitation will result in good child development, but bad exploitation will have a bad impact on children, including lying, insensitivity, low self-esteem, developmental disorders, oppressing the weak, difficulty forming and interacting with the environment, anxiety, low self-esteem, and personality disorders. Equality education is another way for children to re-enter school. It is necessary to optimise all stakeholders to eliminate child labour and return child labourers to school. It is necessary to strengthen equivalency schools in various places so that they can be reached by children with economic difficulties or difficulties integrating into public schools. Preventive efforts must be made to ensure that children do not drop out of school and are prepared to enter the global workforce, including introducing and raising awareness of the importance of education, as well as providing affordable education to all.

Research paper thumbnail of Jual Beli Minyak Goreng Oplosan Dalam Tinjauan Bisnis Islam

Aye Sudarto, 2020

Business should be free from the elements of usury, ghoror (uncertainty), tadlis (fraud) and inj... more Business should be free from the elements of usury, ghoror (uncertainty), tadlis
(fraud) and injustice. Business behavior that is in accordance with divine values by
meeting the following criteria: can be beneficial for the benefit of the people, bring
blessings and fortunes to all parties. Islam outlines that buying and selling can be
considered valid if the conditions and harmony are fulfilled both in relation to the
person making the contract, as well as regarding the object being traded. On the
other hand, buying and selling does not fulfill the conditions of the contract, so the
contract becomes a fasid. Bermuamalah must comply with Islamic business ethics.
What the cooking oil traders did at the Simpang Agung market were they made
buying and selling transactions of mixed cooking oil. This is not in accordance with
the rules taught in Islamic Business Ethics. The impact on merchants besides getting
sin. Because it has done some kind of fraud against customers. From the trader side,
it results in the loss of trust (trust) again in the merchant, in other words a decrease
in the number of customers and their business will suffer losses.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Usaha Mikro Dalam Menopang Perekonomian Keluarga Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19


The role of ultra-mikro and small businesses in Metro City, especially in the campus cake market,... more The role of ultra-mikro and small businesses in Metro City, especially in the campus cake market, which is located in the eastern part of the Mulyo Metro, is significant. So far, he has been able to survive and support the surrounding community. Producers and vendors meet at the cake market. Can develop and support the family during normal times as well as in times of crisis as it is today. The number of market snack producers in the campus cake market is 35 people and 22 traders are distributors of market snacks. The development of the campus cake market can be seen from the turnover, types of cakes and employment. The development of ultra mikro and mikro businesses is quite good. However, during the Covid 19 pandemic, there was a significant decrease in business.

Research paper thumbnail of Tenaga Kerja Outsourcing Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam Dan Uu No 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan

In the implementation of national development, labor has a very important role and position as an... more In the implementation of national development, labor has a very important role and position as an actor and development goal. The workforce itself is the driving force of the company, work partners, company assets which are investments for a company in order to increase productivity. Labor is also the most important asset in an effort to increase the volume of development. In accordance with the role and position of the workforce, development in the field of labor is needed to improve the quality of the workforce and its participation in development and to increase the protection of workers in accordance with the dignity and dignity of humans. In this paper what will become folus is comparing the outsourcing workforce in dealing with Islamic law and UU 13 2003 concerning employment. So that it can see and present relevance to the lives of people today. There are similarities and differences between Islamic Law and UU No. 13 2003 concerning Manpower. both have the same goal, namely...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Usaha Kerupuk Kremes Menuju Ukm Yang Berdaya Saing

Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di sekolah PKBM Cendikia diikuti sebanyak 20 pengusaha kerupuk... more Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di sekolah PKBM Cendikia diikuti sebanyak 20 pengusaha kerupuk dan pemilik UKM kerupuk di desa Mojopahit. Kegiatan dapat dilaksanakan dan berjalan dengan baik. Peserta cukup antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan dapat dilihat dari jumlah kehadiran, dan mengikuti kegiatan dari awal hingga ahir. Peserta cukup antusias terlihat dalam seluruh kegiatan dan proses pelatihan, seperti kerja kelompok bermaian peran, diskuri dan tanya jawab. Dari kegiatan pengabdian peserta memiliki tambahan pengetahuan terkaiat dengan menegement usaha dan pengembangan usaha, peluang pasar dan pesaiang usaha. Peserta mampu meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan usaha membuat dan melaksanakan management usaha yang baik melalui tatakelola usaha dengam pendekatan menegemnt modern.

Research paper thumbnail of Membangun Keluarga Utama (MKU) dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Marginal

Ekonomica Sharia: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah, 2019

The program description empowers the economy of marginal communities. This requires moral support... more The program description empowers the economy of marginal communities. This requires moral support, meteriel from all parties by providing input to be able to support and improve for the benefit, benefit and welfare of the community. To be able to create prosperity, a society that can support community empowerment requires protection and professional management of the organization. The nature of the economic empowerment program is learning for the community, so that it can be agreed that the main element of empowerment is the development of the economic capacity of the community itself. The series of capacity building in economic empowerment conducted by BMT as Safiiyah consisting of socialization activities, implementation of empowerment, and provision of business capital have been carried out well, by using socio-economics related to social relations and daily life of the community.

Research paper thumbnail of Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Ekonomi Makro Syariah DI Indonesia

At Taajir : Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Keuangan Syariah

Macroeconomics that play an important role can often have a serious impact on a country's gro... more Macroeconomics that play an important role can often have a serious impact on a country's growth. We can mention one by one what is part of the macro economy that affects the national economy are low economic growth, poverty and unemployment, inflation, low rupiah exchange rate, energy crisis, state budget deficit, and imbalance of trade balance and payments become adult national economic problems this. In view of the growth, development, opportunities and challenges of sharia macroeconomics in Indonesia, it is important that we first understand the economic system adopted by Indonesia today. As we know that what determines the shape of an economic system except the basis of a state philosophy that is upheld, the criteria are institutions, especially economic institutions that become the manifestation or realization of the philosophy. Sharia Macroeconomics in Indonesia is not yet signi fi cant in influencing macroeconomic conditions in Indonesia, due to its small assets compared ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kekerasan Semiotik dan Peran Komunikasi Keluarga Dalam Menangani Kekerasan Virtual Pada Anak

https://journal.uinjkt.ac.id/index.php/psga/issue/view/1926, 2024

A child's world can be turned into a world of play that is full of joy and pleasure. Children are... more A child's world can be turned into a world of play that is full of joy and pleasure. Children are not the same as adults, everything related to their world is seen as far as possible from the child's perception. Unique individuals with different potentials are children's perceptions. Children's development is not only physical but also psychological, parental guidance is important in encouraging these qualities which become the foundation of life as the child grows. This research is qualitative. The research stages are carried out by selecting materials, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and organizing so that conclusions can be drawn from the materials. Violence against children occurs virtually in the digital world. Relationships in the digital environment need to be managed wisely and carefully, and must be careful of incorrect assumptions. Increased awareness regarding internet use and violence in partner relationships highlights how important it is for parents to communicate better with their family members.

Research paper thumbnail of Maqashid Syariah Dalam Management Penyelenggaraan Ibadah Haji

Multazam : Jurnal Manajemen Haji dan Umrah

Hajj management aims to provide the best possible guidance, service and protection through a good... more Hajj management aims to provide the best possible guidance, service and protection through a good management system and management so that the pilgrimage can run safely, orderly, smoothly and comfortably in accordance with Islamic teachings. Pilgrims to be able to carry out their worship independently until they get a mabrur hajj. The system for organizing the pilgrimage is continuously undergoing changes and improvements. The increasing number of citizens to perform the pilgrimage needs to improve the quality of organizing the pilgrimage that is comfortable, orderly and in accordance with sharia provisions, so that sharia goals can be achieved. The paradigm in this paper is critical spiritualist with the perspective of maqashid sharia. Paradigma is the basic assumption regarding the subject matter, purpose and nature of the study material being studied. The applied research paradigm is a literature study with a qualitative approach. At the managerial level, the implementation of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Exploitation of Children: Returning Child Labor to the World of Education Through Interpersonal Communication Towards Equal Education

HUMANISMA : Journal of Gender Studies

Low family incomes force children to support households and become Child Labourers (PA) in the ag... more Low family incomes force children to support households and become Child Labourers (PA) in the agricultural and household sectors. The agricultural sector is still the main source of income for most Indonesians; at least 70% of the archipelago's population is dependent on the agricultural sector. However, rural poverty remains relatively high. At least 16% of rural areas are poor compared to 9.9% of urban areas. Farm labourers have not been able to benefit significantly from economic growth, as it is undeniable that several problems have caused the agricultural sector to lag behind other sectors. This qualitative study will describe the processes that influence and shift the mindset of children and parents of child laborers to change their mindset and desire to continue their education. Economic exploitation in children is actually carried out by families, for example, by placing, allowing, and telling children to work as a form of economic exploitation. Good economic exploitat...

Research paper thumbnail of Dana Talangan Haji Dalam Etika Islam

Multazam : Jurnal Manajemen Haji dan Umrah

It is inappropriate for people to be trapped in products containing elements of usury which resul... more It is inappropriate for people to be trapped in products containing elements of usury which result in imperfection of the pilgrimage because they depart in a way that contains elements of gharar. The practice opens the door to danger, and brings harm. The Ministry of Religion which has the authority to evaluate the existence of hajj bailout funds with the Regulation of the Minister of Religion (PMA) RI No. 24 of 2016. The Hajj bailout fund is intended to meet the customer's lack of funds in meeting the minimum requirements to get the Hajj portion. This program is enough to ease the people in preparing for the departure of the pilgrimage. For LKS, this program is also a benefit where LKS gets Ujrah from every customer who participates in the Hajj bailout program. On the other hand, the bailout program creates and contains disadvantages that are not in accordance with Islamic ethics. Hajj bailouts incur debts that can cause damage to the purity of the pilgrimage. The Hajj bailout ...

Research paper thumbnail of Humant Development Indeks and Maqosid Syariah

Aye sudarto, Ani Nurul Imtihanah, Rina Elmaza., 2023

Dalam pembangunan ekonomi Islam, Pertumbuhan ekonomi bukanlah tujuan ahir. Pertumbuhan ekonomi me... more Dalam pembangunan ekonomi Islam, Pertumbuhan ekonomi bukanlah tujuan ahir. Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan tujuan antara dalam mencapai tujuan ahir. Pun demikian tidak secara otomatis pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan kamajuan pembangunan manusia. Walaupun demikian antara keduanya akan saling terkaiat dan saling mendung dalam perkembangan pembangunan ekonomi dan IPM. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Dengan penelitian kualitatif, peneliti dapat mengidentifikasi objek, merasakan apa yang dialami seseorang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tahapan penelitian dilakukan dengan pemilihan bahan, pemfokusan, penyederhanaan, pengabstraksian dan pengorganisasian sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan dari bahan tersebut. Konsep pembangunan manusia UNDP setidaknya mencakup tiga indikator pembangunan manusia: kesehatan, pendidikan dan pendapatan. Ketiga indikator ini dianggap sebagai elemen yang membentuk kehidupan yang sukses. Ketiga indikator tersebut merupakan ukuran yang digunakan oleh UNDP dalam menghitung IPM negaranegara di seluruh dunia, dan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut digunakan sebagai ukuran untuk mengklasifikasikan negara maju atau terbelakang. Kelima unsur I-HDI tersebut didasarkan pada Maqashid Syariah, sehingga Maqashid Syariah tepat digunakan sebagai target HDI bahkan menjadi konsep HDI yang lebih luas.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Women in Maintaining Family Income in Islamic Economy and Mubādalah Review

Jurnal Kajian Agama, Sosial dan Budaya, 2023

One of the motivations for women to work in the public sector is to increase family income. Usual... more One of the motivations for women to work in the public sector is to increase family income. Usually, the husband's income is insufficient to meet family needs, so some women work in this sector. This study aimed to describe the Islamic views and conditions of working women in the Kita Muslim Fashion Convection, Way Serdang District, Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province, in helping to increase family income. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data sources consist of primary data from interviews and secondary data from researchsupporting documents. At the same time, the data analysis model uses interaction analysis. The results of this study are that Islam positions women as equal to men, where they also have rights and responsibilities within the family. Husband and wife can complement each other's tasks in the family. Women can replace or share the burden of meeting family needs with their partners. This phenomenon is similar to the women workers at the Kita Muslim Fashion Convection, Way Serdang District, Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province, who contribute to helping the family economy so that household needs can be fulfilled.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Deskriptif Kepuasan Perkawinan Pada Perempuan Yang Menikah Dini

Calyptra Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya, Mar 1, 2014

Dewasa ini, banyak perempuan yang memutuskan untuk menikah pada usia dini. Perkawinan dini menimb... more Dewasa ini, banyak perempuan yang memutuskan untuk menikah pada usia dini. Perkawinan dini menimbulkan banyak masalah bagi perempuan yang menjalaninya seperti dalam hal pendidikan, ekonomi, dan kesehatan reproduksi. Hal ini memengaruhi cara pandang perempuan dalam melihat perkawinannya yang disebut sebagai kepuasan perkawinan. Kepuasan perkawinan adalah kesan subjektif individu dalam melihat hubungan perkawinannya. Adanya keterkaitan antara kepuasan perkawinan pada perempuan yang menikah dini mendasari peneliti untuk meneliti lebih lanjut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menggambarkan kepuasan perkawinan pada perempuan yang menikah pada usia dini. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas perempuan berusia 16 hingga 24 tahun yang menikah pada usia 16 hingga 19 tahun. Data diperoleh menggunakan teknik snowball sampling dan pengambilan data menggunakan angket adaptasi Fowers & Olson yaitu Enrich Marital Scale (EMS). Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kepuasan perkawinan perempuan yang menikah dini terbagi menjadi empat kelompok (rendah (N=3), (N=8), tinggi (N=24), dan sangat tinggi (N=40). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tiap kelompok kepuasan perkawinan terdapat lima persamaan antar kelompok dan delapan perbedaan yang menjadi karakteristik tiap kelompok. Kelima persamaannya dalam hal agama, dampak perkawinan dalam hal ekonomi, kesehatan, emosional, dan sosial. Kedelapan perbedaan antar kelompok kepuasan perkawinan ini yaitu dalam hal jumlah anak, tempat tinggal, usia kawin, pendapatan suami subjek per bulan, alasan perkawinan, usia perkawinan, dan dampak perkawinan dalam hal fisik dan pendidikan. Kata kunci: kepuasan perkawinan, perkawinan dini Abstract. Today, many women decide to get married at an early age. Early marriage raises many problems for women like in terms of education, economic, and reproductive health. This affects women's perspective in looking at their marriage that called as marital satisfaction. Marital satisfaction is a subjective impression of the individual in look his/her marriage relationship. The relationship between marital satisfaction and women who marry early underlying researchers to investigate further. The purpose of the study was to describe the marital satisfaction of women who married at an early age. Subjects in this research were women aged 16 to 24 years old who were married at age 16 to 19 years old. Researcher used snowball sampling method and using questionnaire adaptation from Enrich Marital Scale (EMS) by Fowers & Olson (1993). This study found that marital satisfaction of women who marry early in this research are divided into four groups low (N = 3) , medium (N = 8) , high (N = 24) , and very high (N = 40). Results showed that each group of marital satisfaction have five

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Semiotika Film “Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini”

Jurnal Acta Diurna, Sep 2, 2015

Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) mengangkat potret nyata yang ada dalam kehidupan bangsa Indone... more Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) mengangkat potret nyata yang ada dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Film ini juga dipenuhi bintang film Indonesia, tercatat ada sembilan nama peraih piala citra yang berkolaborasi secara sempurna untuk menyajikan tontonan yang berkualitas. Slamet Rahardjo, Deddy Mizwar, Tio Pakusadewo, dan Rina Hasyim. Keseluruhan film dipenuhi satir-satir politik yang cerdas. Jauh dari itu film ini membuka mata kita semua. Tentang pendidikan, tentang pengangguran, tentang kerasnya hidup di jalanan, serta kritik pada penguasa negeri ini. Tanpa pemahaman, film ini hanya akan sekedar menjadi komedi belaka. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, maka peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai makna simbolis mengenai pesan moral yang ingin disampaikan pada film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini). Maka itu, sangat penting untuk mengetahui Semiotika Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) agar masyarakat bisa mengetahui film-film yang mendidik dan lewat film ini, bisa memberikan inspirasi bagi generasi penerus bangsa tentang pentingnya pendidikan untuk membangun suatu bangsa negara yang lebih baik kedepannya. Dengan Mengetahui Semiotika dari Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) maka Masyarakat maupun penonton bisa tahu yang film yang komedi biasa atau komedi tak berisi (absurb) dengan film komedi satir (sindiran) yang sarat akan pesan positif bagi pemerintah, para pembuat film dapat belajar dari Film Alangkah Lucunya (Negeri Ini) dengan memberikan pada masyarakat film yang berisi harapan dan cita-cita kedepan untuk pendidikan dan karakter bangsa dan negara kita Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Ketersediaan Lokasi Pemukiman Berbasis Mitigasi Longsor

Jurnal Pengembangan Kota, 2021

Pertumbuhan penduduk serta keterbatasan lahan untuk permukiman mengakibatkan sebagian masyarakat ... more Pertumbuhan penduduk serta keterbatasan lahan untuk permukiman mengakibatkan sebagian masyarakat membangun permukiman pada lokasi rawan bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan potensi lokasi permukiman berdasarkan peruntukan ruang serta aman dari ancaman longsor. Metode penelitian dilaksanakan melalui analisis spasial dengan melakukan overlay peta serta pemberian skoring dan pembobotan. Variabel fisik yang digunakan meliputi kemiringan tanah, drainase, erosi, penggunaan lahan, aksesibilitas jalan, aksesibilitas tempat penting dan kerawanan bencana longsor. Prioritas lokasi permukiman ditentukan berdasarkan kesesuaian secara fisik dan ketersediaan lokasi menurut rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW). Hasil analisis kesesuaian lokasi secara fisik untuk permukiman di Kecamatan Ngargoyoso menunjukkan terdapat 28,99% area sesuai untuk pemukiman, 38,83% sesuai bersyarat dan 32,18% tidak sesuai. Sementara berdasarkan ketersediaan lokasi untuk permukiman dan kesesuaian dengan RTRW, lokasi ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran 7P Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen (Studi Kasus Pt. Pos Indonesia KPC Surabaya Selatan)

Industrial Engineering Online Journal, 2015

PT. Pos Indonesia merupakan salah satu badan usaha milik negara yang diberi tugas oleh pemerintah... more PT. Pos Indonesia merupakan salah satu badan usaha milik negara yang diberi tugas oleh pemerintah Indonesia menyelenggarakan usaha perposan atau persuratan. Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman menyebabkan timbulnya pesaing sejenis, maka PT. Pos Indonesia mengeluarkan jasa baru dibidang keuangan yaitu POSPAY. POSPAY (Post Payment). POSPAY adalah layanan online payment point untuk melakukan transaksi pembayaran tagihan, setoran dan penarikan tabungan mitra kerja PT. Pos Indonesia. Pada tahun 2013 terjadi penurunan pendapatan, dimana pendapatan ini baru terpenuhi sebesar 30% dari target pendapatan. Penurunan pendapatan juga diiringi oleh penurunan penjualan yang disebabkan oleh konsumen yang tidak tetap, sehingga perusahaan harus aktif dibidang pemasaran. Untuk pemasaran jasa terdiri dari 7 bauran yaitu bauran pemasaran product, price, promotion, place, people, process dan physical evidence. Pemasaran jasa ini nantinya akan mengarah terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen POSPAY. Analisis ...

Research paper thumbnail of Aqad Syirkah: Dalam Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Dan Mazhab Maliki


Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning Religious Courts (PA) provides significant changes regarding the pos... more Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning Religious Courts (PA) provides significant changes regarding the position and existence of PA in Indonesia. The PA's authority is 1) family law cases, 2) sharia economic cases. Follow up on the authority in the field of Islamic economics. KHES was ratified through Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) No. 2 of 2008 concerning the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law. One of the themes in KHES and which is quite widely used by the community is the Syirkah Agreement. The provisions on Syirkah in KHES are contained in Book II Chapter VI concerning Syirkah and Ownership Syirkah. KHES allows all forms of syirkah contracts which include syirkah inan, syirkah abdan, syirkah mufawadhah, syirkah wujuh and syirkah mudharabah. The Maliki School allows shirkah inan, shirkah abdan, and shirkah mufawadhah but does not allow syirkah wujuh. Syirkah is valid because it is only related to the value of property and work. Meanwhile, there are no two main elements in syirkah wu...

Research paper thumbnail of Activity Based Costing System Terhadap Penentuan Biaya Produksi Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

Mu'amalatuna: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah



Cost control will be more efficient if costs are classified and allocated properly. In the tradit... more Cost control will be more efficient if costs are classified and allocated properly. In the traditional accounting system, production costs are assigned to exclusive and non-exclusive costs. Traditionally, the assignment of costs for nonexclusive costs was carried out on a comprehensive or per departmental basis. This will lead to many cases because the product obtained cannot reflect the actual costs absorbed to make the product. As a result, there will be under-costing and over-costing products. This research is a field research or known as field research. In Islam, production is not just an activity to add value to an object or form new objects to meet needs, but is an output of uniting humans using nature. Humans can seek as much wealth as possible without leaving their obligations to God and others. Justice is the most synchronous value in Islamic Economics. Upholding justice and eradicating injustice is the primary goal of the teachings of His Apostles. Thus, using the Activity Based Costing system, the calculation of production costs is evaluated as better than using the traditional and synchronous system using Islamic economic principles, namely being ready to take risks, not hoarding, not monopolizing, prohibiting interest in usury and social solidarity.


Aye Sudarto, 2022

Low family incomes force children to support households and become Child Labourers (PA) in the ag... more Low family incomes force children to support households and become Child Labourers (PA) in the agricultural and household sectors. The agricultural sector is still the main source of income for most Indonesians; at least 70% of the archipelago's population is dependent on the agricultural sector. However, rural poverty remains relatively high. At least 16% of rural areas are poor compared to 9.9% of urban areas. Farm labourers have not been able to benefit significantly from economic growth, as it is undeniable that several problems have caused the agricultural sector to lag behind other sectors. This qualitative study will describe the processes that influence and shift the mindset of children and parents of child laborers to change their mindset and desire to continue their education. Economic exploitation in children is actually carried out by families, for example, by placing, allowing, and telling children to work as a form of economic exploitation. Good economic exploitation will result in good child development, but bad exploitation will have a bad impact on children, including lying, insensitivity, low self-esteem, developmental disorders, oppressing the weak, difficulty forming and interacting with the environment, anxiety, low self-esteem, and personality disorders. Equality education is another way for children to re-enter school. It is necessary to optimise all stakeholders to eliminate child labour and return child labourers to school. It is necessary to strengthen equivalency schools in various places so that they can be reached by children with economic difficulties or difficulties integrating into public schools. Preventive efforts must be made to ensure that children do not drop out of school and are prepared to enter the global workforce, including introducing and raising awareness of the importance of education, as well as providing affordable education to all.

Research paper thumbnail of Jual Beli Minyak Goreng Oplosan Dalam Tinjauan Bisnis Islam

Aye Sudarto, 2020

Business should be free from the elements of usury, ghoror (uncertainty), tadlis (fraud) and inj... more Business should be free from the elements of usury, ghoror (uncertainty), tadlis
(fraud) and injustice. Business behavior that is in accordance with divine values by
meeting the following criteria: can be beneficial for the benefit of the people, bring
blessings and fortunes to all parties. Islam outlines that buying and selling can be
considered valid if the conditions and harmony are fulfilled both in relation to the
person making the contract, as well as regarding the object being traded. On the
other hand, buying and selling does not fulfill the conditions of the contract, so the
contract becomes a fasid. Bermuamalah must comply with Islamic business ethics.
What the cooking oil traders did at the Simpang Agung market were they made
buying and selling transactions of mixed cooking oil. This is not in accordance with
the rules taught in Islamic Business Ethics. The impact on merchants besides getting
sin. Because it has done some kind of fraud against customers. From the trader side,
it results in the loss of trust (trust) again in the merchant, in other words a decrease
in the number of customers and their business will suffer losses.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Usaha Mikro Dalam Menopang Perekonomian Keluarga Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19


The role of ultra-mikro and small businesses in Metro City, especially in the campus cake market,... more The role of ultra-mikro and small businesses in Metro City, especially in the campus cake market, which is located in the eastern part of the Mulyo Metro, is significant. So far, he has been able to survive and support the surrounding community. Producers and vendors meet at the cake market. Can develop and support the family during normal times as well as in times of crisis as it is today. The number of market snack producers in the campus cake market is 35 people and 22 traders are distributors of market snacks. The development of the campus cake market can be seen from the turnover, types of cakes and employment. The development of ultra mikro and mikro businesses is quite good. However, during the Covid 19 pandemic, there was a significant decrease in business.

Research paper thumbnail of Tenaga Kerja Outsourcing Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam Dan Uu No 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan

In the implementation of national development, labor has a very important role and position as an... more In the implementation of national development, labor has a very important role and position as an actor and development goal. The workforce itself is the driving force of the company, work partners, company assets which are investments for a company in order to increase productivity. Labor is also the most important asset in an effort to increase the volume of development. In accordance with the role and position of the workforce, development in the field of labor is needed to improve the quality of the workforce and its participation in development and to increase the protection of workers in accordance with the dignity and dignity of humans. In this paper what will become folus is comparing the outsourcing workforce in dealing with Islamic law and UU 13 2003 concerning employment. So that it can see and present relevance to the lives of people today. There are similarities and differences between Islamic Law and UU No. 13 2003 concerning Manpower. both have the same goal, namely...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Usaha Kerupuk Kremes Menuju Ukm Yang Berdaya Saing

Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di sekolah PKBM Cendikia diikuti sebanyak 20 pengusaha kerupuk... more Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di sekolah PKBM Cendikia diikuti sebanyak 20 pengusaha kerupuk dan pemilik UKM kerupuk di desa Mojopahit. Kegiatan dapat dilaksanakan dan berjalan dengan baik. Peserta cukup antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan dapat dilihat dari jumlah kehadiran, dan mengikuti kegiatan dari awal hingga ahir. Peserta cukup antusias terlihat dalam seluruh kegiatan dan proses pelatihan, seperti kerja kelompok bermaian peran, diskuri dan tanya jawab. Dari kegiatan pengabdian peserta memiliki tambahan pengetahuan terkaiat dengan menegement usaha dan pengembangan usaha, peluang pasar dan pesaiang usaha. Peserta mampu meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan usaha membuat dan melaksanakan management usaha yang baik melalui tatakelola usaha dengam pendekatan menegemnt modern.

Research paper thumbnail of Membangun Keluarga Utama (MKU) dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Marginal

Ekonomica Sharia: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah, 2019

The program description empowers the economy of marginal communities. This requires moral support... more The program description empowers the economy of marginal communities. This requires moral support, meteriel from all parties by providing input to be able to support and improve for the benefit, benefit and welfare of the community. To be able to create prosperity, a society that can support community empowerment requires protection and professional management of the organization. The nature of the economic empowerment program is learning for the community, so that it can be agreed that the main element of empowerment is the development of the economic capacity of the community itself. The series of capacity building in economic empowerment conducted by BMT as Safiiyah consisting of socialization activities, implementation of empowerment, and provision of business capital have been carried out well, by using socio-economics related to social relations and daily life of the community.

Research paper thumbnail of Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Ekonomi Makro Syariah DI Indonesia

At Taajir : Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Keuangan Syariah

Macroeconomics that play an important role can often have a serious impact on a country's gro... more Macroeconomics that play an important role can often have a serious impact on a country's growth. We can mention one by one what is part of the macro economy that affects the national economy are low economic growth, poverty and unemployment, inflation, low rupiah exchange rate, energy crisis, state budget deficit, and imbalance of trade balance and payments become adult national economic problems this. In view of the growth, development, opportunities and challenges of sharia macroeconomics in Indonesia, it is important that we first understand the economic system adopted by Indonesia today. As we know that what determines the shape of an economic system except the basis of a state philosophy that is upheld, the criteria are institutions, especially economic institutions that become the manifestation or realization of the philosophy. Sharia Macroeconomics in Indonesia is not yet signi fi cant in influencing macroeconomic conditions in Indonesia, due to its small assets compared ...


Aye Sudarto, 2024

Buku ajar ini disusun dengan tujuan untuk memberikan panduan komprehensif kepada mahasiswa Strata... more Buku ajar ini disusun dengan tujuan untuk memberikan panduan komprehensif kepada mahasiswa Strata-1 (S1) di bidang Ekonomi Islam, khususnya dalam memahami dan menerapkan metodologi penelitian yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Mengingat pentingnya penelitian dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, terutama di bidang ekonomi yang berbasis syariah, buku ini hadir untuk mengisi kekosongan literatur yang secara khusus membahas metodologi penelitian dari perspektif Islam.
Dalam buku ini, saya berusaha menyajikan materi dengan sistematis, mulai dari konsep dasar metodologi penelitian, etika penelitian dalam Islam, hingga aplikasi statistik dan penyusunan laporan penelitian. Setiap bab dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam dan praktis, sehingga mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan penelitian yang tidak hanya relevan dengan kebutuhan akademik tetapi juga dengan tuntutan moral dan spiritual dalam Islam.

Research paper thumbnail of FILSAFAT EKONOMI ISLAM

Aye Sudarto, 2023

Agama Islam menjadi bagian yang terpenting dalam perkembangan peradaban dunia saat ini. Dalam per... more Agama Islam menjadi bagian yang terpenting dalam perkembangan peradaban dunia saat ini. Dalam perkembangan ekonomi Islam terkait dengan lembaga keuangan dan industri keuangan berbasis Islam dikembangkan sebagai salah satu bentuk dalam implementasi ajaran Islam. Begitu juga dengan usaha-usaha yang dijalankan oleh umat diarahkan sesuai dengan basis syariat Islam. (Latif et al. n.d.) hal ini juga diikuti dalam perkembangan dunia pendidikan kita. Pada perguruan tinggi baik perguruan tinggi berbasis Islam maupun pada perguruan tinggi umum saat ini telah membuka jurusan dan Prodi yang terkait dengan pengembangan ekonomi Islam.
Trend perkembangan ekonomi Islam ini juga sampai pada pemahaman dan muatan penting dan urgensi ekonomi Islam itu. Agar urgensi ekonomi Islam dapat dipahami dan diamalkan oleh masyarakat maka diperlukan pemahaman yang lebih substantif dan mendalam tentang apa sebenarnya ekonomi Islam itu. langkah pemahaman ini dapat dimulai pada lingkup perguruan tinggi dengan mahasiswa sebagai target sasaran. penentuan tentang urgensi dan apa sebenarnya ekonomi Islam dapat dipahami lebih mendalam dan mendasar lewat pengenalan tentang nilai-nilai filosofis yang terkandung di dalam ekonomi Islam. berbicara tentang nilai-nilai filosofi ekonomi Islam maka tidak terlepas dari filsafat sebagai alat dan pisau analisa untuk memahami objek secara mendasar mendalam radikal dan sistematis serta konversi dalam hal objek kajian ekonomi Islam.

Research paper thumbnail of PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA


Tujuan pembangunan bukan hanya menginginkan adanya perubahan dalam arti peningkatan PDB tapi juga... more Tujuan pembangunan bukan hanya menginginkan adanya perubahan dalam arti peningkatan PDB tapi juga adanya perubahan struktura. Perubahann struktur ekonomi berkisar pada segi akumulasi (pengembangan sdp secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif), segi alokasi (pola penggunaan sdp), segi institusional (kelembagaan ekonomi dalam kehidupan masyarakat), segi distribusi (pola pembagian pendapatan nasional)

Research paper thumbnail of LEMBAGA KEUANGAN SYARIAH


Konsep lembaga keuangan tidak dijelaskan secara rinci di dalam al Quran. Namun unsur unsur terka... more Konsep lembaga keuangan tidak dijelaskan secara rinci di dalam al Quran. Namun unsur unsur terkait lembaga kauangan cukup komplet di jelaskan dalam al Quran. Misalnya management, struktur, fungsi hak dan kewajiban. Konsep yang merujuk kepada perekonomian seperti zakat, shadakoh, fai, ghanimah, bai, dain, mal dan sebagainya yang memiliki konotasi fungsi yang dilaksanakan dalam sebuah perekonomian.
Dalam urusan ekonomi al Quran memberikan aturan-aturan dasar, agar transaksi ekonomi tidak melanggar norma dan etika. itu, transaksi ekonomi dan keuangan lebih berorientasi pada keadilan dan kemakmuran umat.Istilah suq (pasar) misalnya menunjukkan tentang betapa aspek pasar (market) harus menjadi fokus bisnis yang penting.Organisasi keuangan dikenal dengan istilah Amil.Badan ini tidak saja berfungsi untuk urusan zakat semata, tetapi memiliki peran yang lebih luas dalam pembangunan ekonomi.Pembagian ghonimah, misalnya menunjukkan adanya mekanisme distribusi yang merata dan adil.